BE AN MS ACTIVIST FOR THE 2013 GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION! JANUARY 27-28 You can be an MS Activist! The four Virginia Chapters of the National MS Society are hosting our annual State Action Day on January 28, 2013. MS activists from all over the Commonwealth will travel to Rich- Activists from the 2012 State Action Day mond to meet with their state legislators and advocate for people living with MS and their famyour office or home! Join the movement and be ilies. State Action Day is an excellent way for you an MS Activist from wherever you are on January to voice your concerns, share your story and im28th by participating in the event online. As a virpact legislation that could potentially change the tual participant, you will receive real-time uplives of many people living in Virginia. If you are dates from those in Richmond from our Facebook interested in participating in Action Day and our group and our Twitter feed. You will be invited to advocacy training on January 27th, please email spread the word about MS issues by updating Kathryn Zapach at Kathryn.zapach@nmss.org. your own Facebook status, Tweeting, or writing a blog entry. We’ll even provide some sample staIf you are unable to travel to the General Assemtus updates and blogs to get you started. You can bly Building in Richmond, we invite you to particalso share your own experience with MS by eipate in our Virginia Virtual Action Day from mailing your legislators directly. If you are STORY CONTINUED ON PAGE 5
MSCONNECTION Central Virginia Chapter 4200 Innslake Dr., Suite 301 Glen Allen, VA 23060 804.353.5008 Www.moveVA.org BOARD OF TRUSTEES Chairman: Frank N. Cowan Chairman Elect: Matthew Austin Treasurer: James E. Sok Sharon Barcalow Gregory Bishop Jennifer L.D. Bittmann Susan Bodin David Carminucci Charlie Colpo Mark Householder Ashley Johnson Glenn Nunziata John O’Bannon, MD John O’Connor
Unsong Oh, MD Jeffrey Ruskan David Saunders Richard Schoepke Daniel B. Shoop Alan Shulman, MD Alexander H. Slaughter Robert A. Vallejo James VanNess Philip J. Wallin Kyle Yocom
STAFF Sherri Ellis Chapter President - (804) 591-3030 Robert McKoy VP of Operations - (443) 641-1206 Kathryn Zapach Director of Programs & Services - (804) 591-3039 Rick Holzbach Director of Development- (804) 591-3031 Tiffany Epley Development Manager - (804) 591-3036 Jessica Ramirez Community Outreach Coordinator - (804) 591-3038 Matt Gregory Systems Administrator - (804) 591-3041 Diana Oakley Manager of Finance - (804) 591-3042 Deborah Richards Finance Assistant - (804) 591-3034 Ashley Chapman VA Statewide Advocacy Manager - (804) 591-3048
* Please Note: these are direct phone numbers for staff. The Main Office phone number is still (804) 353 -5008 or 1-800-FIGHT MS.
If you or Someone You Know Has MS… Studies show that early and ongoing treatment with an FDA approved therapy can reduce future disease activity and improve quality of life for many people with Multiple Sclerosis. Talk to your Health care professional or contact the National MS Society at www.MoveVA.org or try our office phone at (804) 353-5008 to learn about ways to help manage Multiple Sclerosis and about current research that may one day reveal a cure.
Dear Friends, Helping others through charitable giving is always in season. The holidays help us reflect on how bright each of us has made the world around us. At the National MS Society, the holiday spirit of goodwill and helping others thrives year-round. It is embodied in our work every day to ensure the gifts we receive – through donations, fundraisers and other contributions – are wisely and efficiently put to good use. In Central Virginia, we help more than 2,500 individuals living with MS. Persons with MS as well as their families, friends and healthcare professionals trust and count on us every day, not just once a season. We do not stop in our movement to provide direct services and to fund MS research. Likewise, we must work non-stop to raise funds to move us closer to an MS cure. We generate funds in a variety of ways. Our five walks, our Bike MS, and Dinner of Champions annually raise 86 percent of our funding. Strategic Philanthropy including grants, individual giving and workplace giving – contributes another 10 percent. The remaining 4 percent comes from third-party and leadership events – such as our Fredericksburg Leadership Class and Women on the Move Luncheons. Every dollar makes a difference.
Chapter President’s letter continued on page 8
2012 was a successful year for Walk MS! We had a total of 2,369 walk participants that raised $292,026 in Richmond, Fredericksburg, Tappahannock and Petersburg. Thank you to our Fall Walk sponsors Care Advantage, Mobility Super Center, the Tappahannock Rotary Club, WRAR 105.5 and River Country 107.5.
Walk MS: Tappahannock
Walk MS: Petersburg
158 walkers raised $17,164.92
110 walkers raised $3,298
2013 WALK SEASON Let’s spring into a new Walk Season! Lace up your tennis shoes, get your team together, and register for our 2013 Walk MS!
March 23, 2013 Innsbrook
WALK MS: FREDERICKSBURG April 20, 2013 James Monroe High School
WALK MS: KILMARNOCK NEW THIS YEAR!* April 20, 2013 Grace Episcopal Church
Be sure to register and start fundraising today at:
www.iwalkforMS.org Questions or need more details? Contact Tiffany Epley at 804.591.3036 or tiffany.epley@nmss.org BE BOLD! WE NEED YOUR HELP! Volunteer at the walks or at other chapter events. To learn about the opportunities available, contact Deborah Richards at 804.591.3034 or Deborah.richards@nmss.org 3
This is a 2-day, 150 mile event $300 minimum fundraising requirement Saturday ride to Williamsburg Sunday ride back to Richmond There is a 100 mile Century option on Saturday for those who want the challenge Not up to 150 miles? Ride a 25 or 50 mile loop in the Richmond area on Sunday with a $100 minimum fundraising requirement Ride as an individual or with a Team
REGISTER TODAY AT: WWW.irideforMS.ORG OR CALL 804.591.3036 4
MEET OUR NEW DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT, RICK with the opportunity to join the Central Virginia Chapter and contribute to the National MS Society. As we work towards the vision of a world free of MS, we must rePERSONAL: Rick and his wife, Donna, have main diligent in our work to provide resources been married for 32 years and have 3 grown for research and services. The individuals and children and 1 grandson. Rick is a native of the families living everyday with MS are counting on our continued success. In turn we are Richmond community and has lived in counting on the support of the community Hanover County for the past thirty-eight with their gifts, time and talents. I am excited years. to be a part of the team and looking forward to the journey.” GIVING BACK: Rick is an active volunteer where he serves as the Treasurer of Eastern Hanover Volunteer Fire Department and Su- To contact Rick, call 804.591.3031 or email rick.holzbach@nmss.org. perintendent of Sunday School at Shady Grove UMC. EXPERIENCE: After a twenty-three year career in the consumer package goods and grocery industry, Rick made the decision in October 2004 to bring his experience to the nonprofit sector. He spent the past 7 ½ years with FeedMore where he last served as the Director of Procurement and Distribution.
MOVING FORWARD: “I have been blessed
Welcome Rick! We are glad that you have Joined the Movement ®
MS ACTIVIST (CONTINUED) interested in participating in our Virtual Action Day, please e-mail Maggie Voth at maggie.voth@nmss.org. We also encourage everyone interested in MS Advocacy to participate in our free teleconference on January 23, 2013 from 6:00-7:00 p.m. On this call, you will learn about the National MS Society’s 2013 policy platform. During this hour, we will assess the current political climate in Virginia and discuss how we will present issues to legislators during the upcoming General Assembly Session. Special guests include staff from the Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis. Register for the call on our Chapter website or by e-mailing advocacyVA@nmss.org. Join us for Virginia State Action Day on January 28, 2013 from wherever you are. Together, we can help shape policies to benefit people with MS and their families. RSVP today! 5
2013 EMPLOYMENT TELECONFERENCE SERIES: CAREER DECISIONS AND MS, JANUARY 16-MARCH 27 Multiple sclerosis can have a significant impact on every aspect of life, including the world of work. Therefore, we are pleased to present a series of teleconferences on a variety of topics regarding employment and MS. The series is made up of six teleconferences held on Wednesdays from January through March, 2013. Each teleconference is accessible via a toll-free number. Participate in several calls or just the one that interests you. You will need to register individually for each call you wish to attend. February 27 January 16 Should I Work from Home or Start My Own Should I Work? Work from Home Options for Business? People on Social Security Disability Trying to decide if working from home or starting Are you on Social Security and want to work? Do your own business is for you? Experts in both of you need to or prefer to work from home? Learn these areas will talk about what it takes to be a how working might impact your disability benefits successful home-based employee or entrepreneur. and hear about work from home opportunities for people on Social Security. January 30 March 13 Is it Time? Deciding to Change Careers or Stop Working The Impact of Health Insurance on Career Working with MS is possible, but can be challeng- Decisions ing at times. Is working or working in your field no Health insurance considerations can impact your decision to change jobs or leave the workforce. longer an option? How do you know when it's Learn about legal protections and questions to ask time to stop or make a change? Learn from a to ensure you have the coverage you need. counseling professional what to consider when having to make this important decision. February 13
March 27
Deciding How to Plan Your Job Search. Employers Share How They Find Employees
How to Talk About MS to Your Employer
Once you decide to disclose there are still many Hear from a panel of employers on what they real- unanswered questions. Hear from employers and disability advocates on how to talk with your ly look for in a job candidate, where they find employer about your MS. candidates and how they fill openings.
Register today for one of these informative teleconferences by calling 1-800-344-4867 or online at www.moveVA.org! Please register at least a week in advance to ensure you receive call-in information as well as any additional information that accompanies this call.
What is a Teleconference? A teleconference is an opportunity to learn new information from the comfort of home by calling into a designated number to hear an interactive presentation. 7
(CONTINUED) Although the holidays can bring joy and laughter, for families living with MS, the holidays can also bring added levels of stress and frustration. Not all families can physically go shopping for gifts nor afford to spend money outside of their monthly budget on these gifts. In order to help relieve some of the hardships the holidays bring, the Central Virginia Chapter reached out to community partners and asked them to sponsor families in need for the holidays. This year the Chapter sponsored 8 families and delivered over $4,300 worth of donated gifts to families in our territory! The families were surprised and extremely grateful for the sponsors’ tremendous generosity. In the words of a gift recipient, “Without this program, I would not be able to get gifts for my children this Christmas. I am so thankful for this program!”
This season and year-round, you can join us in helping everyone with MS through one-time or recurring monthly donations; tributes and memorial gifts in honor of a loved one; pledges to a Bike MS or Walk MS event participant; workplace giving; and planned giving gifts through bequests, charitable gift annuities, trusts or other estate plans. When you give to the Central Virginia Chapter, you’ll know your contribution is helping fund research, drive change through advocacy, facilitate professional education, and provide programs and services to help persons with MS and their families move their lives forward. With your contributions, you’re a partner in the journey toward a world free of MS. We couldn’t do what we do without you. I encourage you to give today and make a difference. Please visit www.moveva.org or call me directly at 804 591-3030. I sincerely thank you for your continued involvement in the MS movement. Have a wonderful and joyful holiday season.
A big thank you to those who donated: HealthSouth; Door2Door Solutions; YMCA; the staff at the Central Virginia Chapter; Jones, Lang, LaSalle; Home Solutions; Miles of Scarves; and private individual donors. 8
The Best is Yet to Come,
CENTRAL VIRGINIA CHAPTER’S ANNUAL MEETING The Chapter’s Annual Meeting allowed guests to hear about the accomplishments our chapter has made over the last year to help clients overcome the challenges of living with MS. Speakers included Kenjeria Gadson, a 2012 Scholarship Recipient, who shared her story about growing up in a family affected by MS and how the scholarship helped her during her first year of college.
Dr. Unsong Oh explaining the Multiple Sclerosis Treatment and Research Center at Virginia Commonwealth University.
Frank N. Cowan, Chairman of the Board, thanking everyone for coming to hear about the Chapter’s accomplishments over the past year.
Dr. Unsong Oh, neurologist and Director of the MS Treatment and Research Center at VCU, spoke about the comprehensive clinic available for people living with MS. Also, our new Board Chair, Frank Cowan, spoke to the importance of funding MS research to find more promising treatments as well as a cure for this disease. For our Annual Report, visit our website at www.MoveVA.org.
NMSS SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM IS STILL ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS The National MS Society awards scholarships to highly qualified applicants who have been diagnosed with MS or have a parent/guardian living with the disease. Awards range from $1,000–$3,000 and are awarded to college-bound students who demonstrate financial need, a strong academic record, leadership, community involvement, and how MS has impacted their lives. Applications are accepted between October 1, 2012 and January 15, 2013.
Apply online at www.nationalMSsociety.org/scholarship. Only completed online applications will be accepted. The National MS Society Scholarship program is supported by funders like you! Did you know you or your company can sponsor a 2013 scholarship and help make a difference in a student’s life? Contact Kathryn.Zapach@nmss.org to learn how. 9
NORTHERN NECK RESIDENTS GET AN UPDATE ON MS TREATMENT OPTIONS AND RESEARCH On November 27, the Central Virginia Chapter hosted an educational program in Kilmarnock, Virginia that allowed participants to learn Dr. George DeVries explaining more about multiple sclerosis, treatment options and the newest in ongoing research in multiple sclerosis MS research. Dr. George DeVries, a Career Research Health Scientist at McGuire VA Medical Center and an Affiliate Professor in the VCU School of Medicine Department of Anatomy and Neurology, discussed his current research in developing drugs for the treatment of demyelinating disease. Dr. DeVries used his 40 years of experience in the discipline of demyelinating disease to answer questions from the audience about the future of research in the field. Mary Graham-Neddo, RN, the Patient Care Coordinator Nurse for Virginia Commonwealth University’s MS Treatment & Research Center, also spoke to the audience about what to expect when visiting the VCU Clinic. Graham-Neddo works closely with Dr. Unsong Oh, VCU’s MS Specialist, to ensure patients receive the comprehensive care they need. Please visit our chapter’s website at www.moveVA.org and click on the Calendar of Events to stay updated on future educational programs.
Attendees listening to the presenters
The Central Virginia Chapter’s newest support group for people living with MS in their 20’s and 30’s!! As a My Solutions member you will:
Stay connected with other members everyday on our Facebook page, Share thoughts and participate in weekly discussion topics, Learn about MS related events happening in our area; and Develop new relationships, and make friends who, just like you, understand the daily challenges of being young with a Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis.
(PLEASE NOTE: This is a special group designed for younger adults under forty years of age. All participants will be screened by Chapter staff prior to full registration to ensure they comply with the age requirements.)
For more information or to sign up, visit: http://bit.ly/MySolutions or contact Jessica Ramirez at 804.591.3038 or Jessica.ramirez@nmss.org. 10
NATIONAL MS SOCIETY HELPED A CLIENT ACQUIRE VEHICULAR HAND-CONTROLS After a minor accident running her vehicle into her garage, Nanette realized that she could no longer safely operate her car’s gas and brake pedals with her legs. Like many people living with multiple sclerosis, Nanette experiences numbness and tingling in her legs and this is what prevented her from safely applying her brake. The accident really scared Nanette and she knew that she would need to have handcontrols installed in order to safely operate her vehicle. Hand controls are used when a person
“I’M EXTREMELY GRATEFUL THAT I CAN MAINTAIN MY INDEPENDENCE AND DRIVE AGAIN!” can no longer drive a vehicle conventionally because of limited mobility in their legs. The controls mount underneath a vehicle’s steering column and metal rods extend from the hand controls and connect to the brake and gas pedals. This setup allows the driver the ability to accelerate, slow down and stop a car without using their feet.
Nanette and her husband, Mark
While Nanette did all of the research, reached out to the appropriate driving instructor and acquired installation quotes, she realized that she could not cover the entire cost of this project. She contacted the National MS Society
and filled out an application for Financial Assistance. Nanette met with the chapter’s programs and services staff to explain her situation. Fortunately, the Central Virginia Chapter was able to work with the National StepNanette posing with her new vehicular hand ping Stones -controls that were installed with financial Program to se- support from the National MS Society. cure enough funding to cover the remaining balance. Nanette was able to successfully schedule, take and pass her driver’s education class which taught her how to safely use the hand-controls. After completion of her class, the hand-controls were installed in her car. She stopped by the chapter office to thank the staff for their help and show off her new controls. Nanette urges anyone who thinks that they might benefit from the controls to just go for it. “It’s doable and is really worth it for those who can afford it— which I could, thanks to the MS Society! I’m extremely grateful that I can maintain independence and drive again!” To learn more about the Chapter’s financial assistance program, visit www.moveVA.org and click on Financial Assistance under Programs & Services or contact Jessica Ramirez at jessica.ramirez@nmss.org. 11
To benefit the Central Virginia Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Kilmarnock, September 18 | Richmond, September 19 | Fredericksburg, September 20 Get ready for Women on the Move 2013 and guest speaker, David Osmond. Ladies, be ready to swoon as David sings and shares his personal story of challenge, triumph and love. David has music running through his veins, literally. He's the 4th son of Alan Osmond, oldest of the performing Osmond Brothers, and began performing as the lead singer with his own brothers when he was only four years old, a group that evolved into the admired The Osmonds 2nd Generation. He was forced to put music on hold for several years, however, shortly after receiving a diagnosis of MS in 2006. Then, taking his father Alan as his model, who also lives with MS, David set his sights back on making music acknowledging that he may have MS, but MS does not have him. Now whether recording a song that stirs your soul while getting your toes tapping or rousing participants at a Women on the Move luncheon or speaking out with passion on a broad spectrum of platforms such as The Today Show to raise awareness and resources for the MS community, David inspires people whether or not they personally have MS themselves. In recognition of his support of the MS movement and work of the Society, he received the Society's Spirit of Life Award. The honor was made even more special because he had presented his father with the inaugural Spirit award in 2000.
Please come see David at one of our three Women on the Move events! For table sales and ticket information, contact: Tiffany Epley at tiffany.epley@nmss.org 14
THE NATIONAL MS SOCIETY LAUNCHES RURAL HEALTH INITIATIVE An important part of the Society’s rural The National Multiple healthcare initiative is reaching out to clinicians Sclerosis Society is comwho are providing much of the MS care in rural mitted to promoting acareas but with whom we have had limited concess to quality care for people with multiple scle- nection in the past…primary care and family practice physicians, physician assistants and rosis (MS) and addressing barriers that impact access to that care. We recognize the challenges nurse practitioners. Our hope is to be a resource of providing and receiving care in rural areas and to these healthcare providers and their patients – have renewed our dedication to reducing the dis- providing them with support and the most up-todate information regarding the detection, diagparities. In October of 2011 the Society embarked on a major organization-wide initiative to nosis, and management of this very unique and challenging disease. partner with rural “Rural residents were more likely to healthcare organizations such as the National Rural report that MS interfered with their The National MS Society is Health Association and its quality of life and were less likely to seeking collaborations with the National Rural Health Asstate affiliates to enhance be taking one of the MS disease- sociation, the Virginia Rural access to quality care for modifying therapies.” Health Association, local people with MS who live AHECs and other rural healthcare organizations in rural and medically underserved areas. in this outreach effort. Through our Professional In 2006 a national survey was conducted of more Resource Center, the Society offers a range of MS educational opportunities for rural healthcare than 1500 people living with MS in both urban providers including webinars, workshop presenand rural areas of the United States. The study tations, conference exhibits, discipline-specific revealed a number of important demographic and disease characteristics. We learned that those consultations, classroom curriculum developliving in rural areas tended to be diagnosed a year ment, grand rounds, as well as online and printed informational resources. Furthermore, we are to a year and a half later than those living in urexploring several replicable models for enhancing ban areas. Furthermore, rural residents were MS care in rural areas such as telehealth. Remore likely to report that MS interfered with their quality of life and were less likely to be tak- search has indicated that telehealth can be successful in the assessment and management of MS ing one of the MS disease-modifying therapies. People with MS in rural areas reported lower lev- through linking MS specialty clinics with local providers, supporting patient education and els of satisfaction with access to MS-focused monitoring patient health status. care. Transportation was a particularly obvious hindrance –the study reported that rural resiIf you would be interested in learning more about MS and dents traveled an average of 103 miles to access the National MS Society’s rural health initiative in VirginMS-focused medical care compared to the 26 ia – please contact Ashley Chapman, our Virginia State miles driven by their more urban counterparts Advocacy Manager at (804) 591-3048 or ashley.chapman@nmss.org (Buchanan, et al, 2006). 15
MS CROSSWORD PUZZLE MS can be quite a “puzzling” concept to wrestle with. Here’s a crossword puzzle to help put all of that “MS” knowledge to the test! ANSWER KEY ON PAGE 19
’ ’
Across 7. The National MS Society’s_____ __ ___ ____ Luncheon honors women “moving” their communities forward in both business and community service. 9. The inability to maintain balance in a standing position with feet and legs drawn together and eyes closed. (2 words) 10. More than ______ as many women as men have MS. 11. A lessening in the severity of symptoms or their temporary disappearance. 12. The National MS Society _______ _______ Center (IRC) is a free service that offers the latest information about MS and provides referrals to local MS care centers, physicians and service providers. They can be contacted at 1.800.FIGHT MS 13. A temporary aggravation of disease symptoms, resulting from an elevation in body temperature or other stressor (e.g., an infection, severe fatigue, constipation), that disappears once the stressor is removed 14. ____ is an online community that allows you to find & share posts, videos, articles & other content about MS and the topics you care about most.
15. Most people are diagnosed with MS between the ages of ______ & fifty. 16. The intermittent or ongoing use of multidisciplinary strategies (e.g., physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy) to promote functional independence & enhance overall quality of life. Down 1. The repair of damaged myelin. Myelin repair occurs spontaneously in MS but very slowly. Research is currently underway to find a way to speed the healing process. 2. ___ ___ is a chronic, unpredictable disease of the central nervous system (the brain, optic nerves, & spinal cord). 3. The newest oral disease-modifying therapy approved for relapsing MS. 5. A ___ ___ or lumbar puncture is a medical test used to help diagnose MS. 6. The number of FDA approved disease-modifying therapies. 8. A type of cell in the central nervous system that is responsible for making and supporting myelin.
For more information about any of these topics, please visit: www.nationalMSsociety.org.
Hanover Group 4th Thursday - 7-8:30pm Church of the Redeemer 8275 Meadowbridge Rd. Mechanicsville, VA 23116 Leader: Dana (804)550-2280 Petersburg Day Group 2nd Thursday - 10-11:30am River View - 201 Epps St. Hopewell Leader: Melanie (804)526-9129 Petersburg Evening Group 3rd Thursday - 6-8:00pm Southside Regional Hospital 3rd Floor Classroom Leader: Quennette (434) 246-6007 (804) 731-9069 Chesterfield Day Group 3rd Wednesday - 12-1pm Johnston-Willis Hospital Board Room Leaders: Sheila (804)739-8488 Sharon (804)794-7589
South Hill Empowerment Group 3rd Wednesday - 5:30-7:30pm Community Memorial Health Ctr (125 Buena Vista Circle) Leader: Starr (434) 378-2031 Richmond Day Group 2nd Monday - 10:15-11:30am Tuckahoe YMCA (9211 Patterson Ave.) Leader: Barbara (804)747-0298 Richmond Evening Group 2nd Thursday - 7:15-8:30pm HealthSouth - Classroom 5700 Fitzhugh Ave. Leader: Lorenzo (804)921-9712
Tappahannock Neuromuscular Support 2nd Monday - 10:30am Call for location Leaders:Margaret(804)472-4781 Pat (804)443-9657 The Invincibles 3rd Tuesday - 7-8:30pm HealthSouth-Fredericksburg (300 Park Hill Drive) Leader: Belinda (540)373-4377
My Solutions—Online, Facebook Support Group for Young Adults in their 20s & 30s To sign up, visit: http;//bit.ly/ MySolutions or Contact Jessica at (804) 591-3038
Richmond (VA Home) For people with advanced stages of MS Every Monday - 11am 1101 Hampton St. Leader: Judy (804)359-4093
Group times and locations may vary, so be sure to check with group leaders prior to attending! 17
We Honor & Remember... As another year draws to a close, we want to honor and remember our friends and family who have lived and are currently living with the challenges of MS. Amanda Kreynus Crystine Baynard Fanita Bracey Michael Cavagnino Patricia B. Carter Barbara Ramirez Nanci Summers Barbara Squiteria Bernice Gregory Robert Gregory Michael A. Scott Callee Young
Martha Hagy Dick Abernathy Janey Herring Reginia Humphrey Melanie Hoff Barbara Reisinger Arnie Snukles Linda Wilkinson Emily Martin Ilona Manger Gail Gilmore Joy Bolin
Ed Wolfgang Fred Gross Dee Schickler Anneliesa Gaunt Jeannie Peters Dave Peters Lorrie Hicks Lolly Hetherington Lisa B. Kelly Michael S. Dixon Cara Olivo Carol Anne Hogan
“I don't know how she does it, but she is one of the strongest and most determined women I know.” “He shows more strength and resolve than anyone I know, he’s an inspiration.”
4200 Innslake Dr., Suite 301 Glen Allen, VA 23060
Find us on Facebook MSCentralVA Follow us on Twitter @MSCentralVA
UPCOMING PROGRAMS & EVENTS JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2013 Employment Teleconference Series SUNDAY & MONDAY, JANUARY 27-28 Legislative Action Day MARCH 4-6 Public Policy Conference, Washington DC MARCH 11-15 MS Awareness Week SATURDAY, MARCH 23 2013 Walk MS: Richmond SATURDAY, APRIL 20 2013 Walk MS: Fredericksburg SATURDAY, APRIL 20 2013 Walk MS: Kilmarnock APRIL & MAY 2013 LINKS Teleconference Series
To register for or to get more information about these or other events, visit www.moveVA.org and click on the calendar.