CPC // The Compass // Fall 2016

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The Compass

ignited, active, and growing disciples of Jesus Christ

Fall 2016

UPCOMING EVENTS 9/4 9/11 9/18 9/25 10/1 10/2 11/6 11/6 11/12 11/13 11/27 11/27 12/4 12/8 12/24 12/25

Communion Sunday 10:00 AM Starting two services 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM Fall Fest after Second Service Launch of Fall LifeGroups Semester Next Steps Class 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Communion Sunday 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM End of Daylight Savings Time (Fall Back) Communion Sunday 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM LifeGroups Vision Cast and New Leaders Training 10:00 AM End of the Fall LifeGroups Semester Advent starts Deck the Hall ADVENTure Lunch after Second Service Communion Sunday 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM LifeGroups Vision Casting and New Leaders Training 7:00 PM Christmas Eve Services 5:00 PM includes Family Worship and Live Nativity, 7:00 PM and 9:00 PM Christmas Service 11:00 AM

Looking ahead to 2017 1/1/17 New Year’s Day Service 11:00 AM 2/5/17 Launch of Spring LifeGroups Semester Check out our full calendar of events http://centrevillepres.com/church-events/



Becoming ignited, active, growing disciples of Jesus Christ.

You don’t have to understand everything to believe in something.

September 11th, 18th, and 25th

October 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th

TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 6-7 8 9-11

Introduction How & Why: LifeGroups Great Mobile Apps Disciplrship Map: Mapping Your Journey

12 12 13 13 14 14 14

Bible Study/Discussion Service/Outreach Women Men Couples/Family/Parenting Interests Foundations

15 16 17 18

Worship Ministry Missions Children’s Ministry Student Ministry


CPC Staff 3

“Discipleship is all about living life


rather than just one structured meeting per week.” Francis Chan Multiply: Disciples Making Disciples

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

INTRODUCTION Thank you for checking out The Compass, CPC’s Discipleship Directory for LifeGroups and Ministries. The Compass is your guide to help give you direction in your spiritual journey. Throughout the pages you will see very practical ways you can grow as a disciple of Jesus. We don’t just grow as disciples by obtaining information but we also grow by serving and getting involved in the life and mission of the local body. In the pages to follow you will see information on our LifeGroups along with our ministry teams. These are practical and tangible ways to get plugged in at CPC. To quote my friend and former pastor, Mark Batterson, “Most Christians are educated way beyond the level of their obedience already! We don’t need to know more, we need to do more with what we know.” As we think about discipleship, two things come to mind. First, discipleship is not linear or one-size fits all. I know for people who want to get from point A to point Z that this could be tough and even confusing. But I believe we all have different learning styles, we all have different ways we grow in our faith and we are all at different stages of our faith and spiritual journey. Second, discipleship is not about information as much as it is about application and experience. Let us look at the original 12 disciples, most of their training was hands on. They experienced and watched what their Rabbi and teacher, Jesus, did. My hope is that at CPC as we lead people in this adventure of the Christian faith we are tour guides and not travel agents. There is a huge difference between being a travel agent and a tour guide. Travel agents sit in the climate-controlled comfort of an office, sit behind a desk, and give you brochures telling you where to go, how to get there, what to do once you’re there, and what you might see along the way. They may or may not have even been there before.

Tour guides are different. They lace up their hiking boots, strap on the pack, and go on the journey with you. Tour guides have trekked the path before and can interpret the path for you along the way. They don’t just warn you of possible dangers; they help you walk through them. Good disciple-makers are tour guides who see the hand of God at work in a person’s life and point it out. In 2 Timothy 1:5, Paul acknowledges the influence of Timothy’s mother and grandmother in the development of his faith. Paul saw the hand of God and helped Timothy understand his spiritual history. Paul also used examples from everyday life—athletes, soldiers, and farmers—to describe the work that Timothy was called to do. People who leave legacies are able to make the simple things profound and the complex things simple. They see the hand of God in a person’s life and point it out to them and help them understand how God is at work in their lives. And they see the simple things in life and use them to paint pictures of our complex calling in God. What does this mean practically? We can’t just talk about prayer in our LifeGroups; we’ve got to pray with people. We can’t just complete a workbook on serving our community; we’ve got to get out there and serve. We can’t just explain to someone the best way to lead a group; we’ve got to lead alongside them. So my hope is that you would use The Compass to guide you around the discipleship map and that you would become a life-long seeker of God, learner of His truth and ways, investor in His kingdom, and influencer of culture. Enjoy the adventure as you chart the course for your spiritual journey. Many Blessings,

Chris Jarrell

Director of Discipleship

For additional Information about discipleship at CPC, email chris@centrevillepres.com. 5

HOW & WHY: Jesus never meant for church to become synonymous with a building, or an event, or an organization. It is a group of people joined together in a common experience, a relationship with Christ, and a common mission—to share that relationship with the world. In other words, the church is a community on a mission. The best way to become a part of the community and mission here at CPC is to join a LifeGroup and join a Ministry Team. The Compass will help you find the direction you want to go.

RHYTHM All of our LifeGroups operate on a semester system. You don’t have to commit to one group for eternity. The Compass lists the groups that are open to new folks this semester. At the end of the semester, you can choose to remain with that group or try a different one.

RELATIONSHIPS We believe that community and spiritual growth happen best around shared interests and passions. In The Compass, you will find a wide variety of groups – from Bible studies and core discipleship groups to service groups and interest groups. Regardless of the focus, each group’s ultimate purpose is to create a place where participants can connect with God and connect with each other.

GROWTH LifeGroups help us grow as seekers of God’s heart, learners of His truth, influencers of culture, and investors in His kingdom. We believe that continuing to grow in these four areas - seeking, learning, influencing and investing - is what it means to be Jesus’ disciple. I encourage you to look at the Discipleship Map and consider where you most need to grow. Allow God, through the Holy Spirit, to chart your course on this discipleship journey. God didn’t create us to do life alone. He created us for community. We pray that The Compass would not just be a list of meeting times and topics but an invitation into the story and adventure of God in a deeper way. As you look through the listings, pray that the Holy Spirit would direct your path to the right place where you can grow in your faith with others.




A place to connect.

It is easy to feel alone in a crowd. LifeGroups are an open door into the life of our church family. When you are in a LifeGroup, you experience the love and strength of biblical community. Without relational connection, the church isn’t the church. The church isn’t a building to be occupied by people once a week. You don’t believe that, and neither do I. The church is us, the people. We are the ones for whom Christ died. Not our buildings. Not our hymnals. Not our comfy chairs. It’s the people who are the church. And without relational connection, you don’t have a church. As LifeGroups we share life together. Sharing life together means you belong to a group of people you know you can count on and who can count on you, no matter what struggles you face. These kinds of relationships won’t happen during a worship service. “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:24-25 ESV



A place to protect.

Imagine someone you can call when you’re discouraged, someone to pray with when you are doubting, and someone who can teach you more about what God is like. Imagine a loving community of people who notice when you are away; gently sharpen you when you need it, and who help you share your faith with others. LifeGroups are a place where you are protected and supported. “By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers.” 1 John 3:16 ESV


A place to grow.

LifeGroups are a place you can be equipped to become more like Jesus and to live a faith-filled life. We believe that every person is created with God-given potential to make a difference in the world. LifeGroups are a place where there are like-minded people who believe in you. This is how leaders are developed. We want to see you grow, flourish, and become all that God has called you to be! “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17 ESV

We believe LifeGroups are essential to our vision and where we are headed as a church. Why are Life Groups so important here at CPC?

1 2 3 4 5

Bible Study – We need people to strengthen and balance the Word of God in our life. Connection – We need people who really know us. Prayer – We need people to pray for us personally. Support – We need people to protect us. Outreach – We need people with whom we can share our story.

Because LifeGroups are so important to us, it is our desire to see everyone at CPC get plugged into a LifeGroup. 7

GREAT MOBILE APPS Stay Connected to CPC with Our New Mobile Phone App! Ever wish that from your phone you could… View calendar events in the CPC calendar, register for CPC events, update your CPC member profile data/photos, look up phone numbers, addresses and email addresses for CPC members. You can do all this and more with the Church Life App! Just create an account on the “MY CPC “ tab at the top of the CPC website or under the links drop down. Go to your App store on your Apple or Android device and download the Church Life App. Contact cpcofficemgr@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Your Discipleship Journey Begins at Home Two amazing mobile apps. A free Bible on your phone, tablet, and computer. YouVersion is a simple, ad-free Bible that brings God’s Word into your daily life. Check it out at www.youversion.com About the Bible App The Bible App has been installed on more than 195 million unique devices, all over the world. Developed by YouVersion, the Bible App offers more than 1,200 Bible versions, in more than 900 languages. And it’s always completely free. The Bible App has 100s of devotionals (personal, marriage, family, topical, whole and partial Bible reading plans, and youth). About the Bible App for Kids As more and more people discover the Bible App, we wondered: What if kids had their own Bible App? Together with our friends at OneHope, we envisioned a fun app that could introduce kids to the big stories of the Bible. The Bible App for Kids was born, featuring touch-activated animations and engaging content. Today the Bible App for Kids offers all 40 of those original stories we planned, plus a bonus story! Already available in 19 languages — with more still to come — the Bible App for Kids is being enjoyed by children all over the world. Installed on over 12 million devices, the Bible App for Kids is always completely free.

RightNow Media (www.rightnow.org ) is a video on-demand site much like Netflix for the church. RightNow Media has a huge library with thousands of video sessions that people can access anytime, anywhere. RightNow Media is a great resource for discipleship and has great ideas for amazing LifeGroup studies. Their video resources are produced by over 100 other major Christian publishers and ministries.


To sign up for RightNow Media, email Kim Gilbert at Kim@centrevillepres.com to request access.


MAPPING YOUR JOURNEY Our desire at CPC is to have LifeGroups that meet in workplaces, homes, coffeehouses and other marketplace venues throughout the Centreville area. We also want to offer core discipleship experiences that help people chart a course for intentional spiritual growth in specific areas. Woven through the fabric of our LifeGroups structure are core discipleship experiences. These are the groups we encourage everyone at CPC to participate in at some point during their journey with us. We want to develop a system for helping people grow in their faith that is more strategic than simply “pick a life group, any life group.” The Discipleship Map was developed out of a desire to provide a systematic, logical, yet flexible framework to help people take the next steps in their faith journey. American poet, William Stafford, wrote of people who want a “wilderness with a map.” That describes our generation. We want to experience the wild and untamed adventure of life, but at the same time, we desire a roadmap of some sort. The Discipleship Map includes the groups and experiences that we believe everyone at CPC should participate in during their time at CPC. It is built around the Seeker, Learner, Influencer, Investor framework for discipleship. The map is different from most discipleship strategies in the following ways: It is not linear. Rather, it is rooted in the belief that discipleship is a journey. Instead of giving a linear set of points to reach or boxes to check off, it gives road markers to help people navigate their spiritual growth. It is not one-size-fits-all. It does not assume that everyone needs to learn in the same pattern. There is flexibility to jump in and out as needed.

It does not have an endpoint. The journey never ends. Individuals are encouraged to explore Alpha, and the 4 port cities. From there, each island will be populated with other discipleship experiences, and our LifeGroups help people continue their journey. We never “arrive” at home plate or at the top of a ladder. It is a life-long process of discovery and growth. The journey begins with Starting Point, a practical and foundational introduction to the Christian faith. This will be on our launch from the “mainland.” Seeker Island is the spiritual dimension of discipleship. We want to produce disciples who practice spiritual disciplines, discover and implement their spiritual gifts, develop the fruit of the Spirit, understand and participate in the work of the Holy Spirit, and engage in spiritual warfare. Learner Island is the intellectual dimension of discipleship. We want to produce disciples who endeavor to have the “mind of Christ” and long to know more about Him. We want to produce people who are actively reading, memorizing, meditating upon, and studying the Word of God. We want to produce people who understand the core doctrines of their faith. Influencer Island is the relational dimension of discipleship. We want to produce disciples who share their faith with those inside the church through discipleship and share their faith with those outside the church through evangelism. We want to influence neighborhoods and nations for the Kingdom of God. $ Investor Island is the stewardship dimension of discipleship. We want to produce disciples who are investing their finances, talents, time, energy, and resources into Kingdom work. We want to produce disciples whose calendars and checkbooks reflect Kingdom priorities.

As you turn the page to our Discipleship Map, begin to Chart Your Course for the spiritual journey ahead.

BIBLE STUDY/DISCUSSION Sunday Morning Study LifeGroup Mitch Kirsch, mitch@kirsches.org


Sundays, 10:30 AM CPC Room 102

We will be studying the book of Job. When suffering comes to us, we often ask why. The book of Job examines the suffering of one man who suffered precisely because he was blameless. His friends supposed that Job was guilty of some unknown sin. They tried to persuade him to repent, but Job did not accept their pat explanations. Finally, God appeared, but He did not give Job the answers he sought. Instead, God confronted him, changed his perspective, and blessed him.

Those Other Books in the Back LEARNER A Survey of the Letters of John, Peter and Jude

Sundays, 9:00 AM CPC Room 102

Steve Bender, bender_sc@hotmail.com This Sunday Morning LifeGroup will meet during our first service. We will examine the books of Second Peter, Second and Third John, and Jude, looking at not only what the writers had to say, but how it impacts our spiritual walk today.

Luffy’s Young Adult Group


Wednesdays, 7:00 PM

Tim and Elizabeth Luffy, timothy.luffy@gmail.com Luffy Home, Centreville 20120 LifeGroup for young adults with childcare provided. Francis Chan unpacks the dense truth contained in the book of James. True faith produces fruit. A faith without action and without life change is ultimately a dead faith. The book of James speaks to the realities of a living faith in Jesus—the kind of roll-up-your-sleeves and get-your-hands-dirty discipleship that is borne out of an authentic relationship with the risen Lord. James writes to believers who know suffering, who’ve faced trials, and who ultimately desire a deep relationship with God.



Mondays or Thursdays, 7:00-9:00 PM

Sharon Hoover, Sharon@centrevillepres.com

Mountain View High School

The Jobs For Life (JFL) LifeGroup is a new outreach to walk with people to help them break out of the cycle of poverty. Giving food, donating clothing, and assisting with housing is important but what if they move toward employment and financial health? CPC will host the class at Mountain View High School. JFL LifeGroup members commit to being partners with our adult students.

London Towne Elementary School Outreach Sharon Hoover, Sharon@centrevillepres.com


7:45 AM-8:45 AM Tuesdays (Math Mentoring) Wednesdays (Weekend Food Assembly) Thursdays (Delivery)

The London Towne Elementary School (LTES) LifeGroup is a multifaceted service group. It offers several ways to help with our school London Towne Elementary School partner. The Weekend Food Program needs shoppers, assemblers, and deliverers. The Tuesday Morning Breakfast Club needs people to tutor 2nd graders in math skills. LTES LifeGroup members commit for the school year (October-June). Days vary with the roles our group fulfills. Tuesday mornings (7:45 AM-8:45 AM) for math mentoring; Wednesdays for Weekend Food assembly; Thursday for delivery; and any time for shopping.

God’s Garden


Sebastian Wilbern, swilbern@brickwaterabbey.com

Sundays (after service) 12:00 PM CPC Garden Outside

Harvesting God’s natural bounty. As we plant and harvest the garden we want to provide the bounty to local missions to provide fresh, healthy and natural foods to those within our community that may not have healthy diets. Along with providing fresh food from the garden, we also want to provide simple, easy-tomake recipes to give families an opportunity to enjoy the nutritional value from the bounty of the garden.

TO REGISTER ONLINE for any of our LifeGroups, go to http://centrevillepres.com/gather/life-groups/

WOMEN “I Want it All” CPC Online Bible Study Kim Gilbert, kim@centrevillepres.com


Mondays, 9:00 AM Online Facebook; Book Cost $10.50

I Want It All: Exchanging Your Average Life for Deeper Faith, Greater Power, and More Impact by Gwen Smith We often think we can’t make a big difference for God because we are just an ordinary woman with an ordinary life. Yet God created us to join Him in doing amazing work in the world. He created us to live with abundant joy, courage, and influence. But not the joy, courage, and influence of the world. He offers His grace for each failure, His love that shatters hate, His peace that soothes the turmoil, His comfort, guidance, wisdom rest, power, and significance. Every blessing He has for us is ours for the taking. Consider this seven week study as we discuss online a few areas of interest from the chapter weekly. This will be a closed Facebook group. Why not try something new?

Women’s Evening Bible Study


Wednesdays, 7:00 PM

Mary Huff, sumswan@yahoo.com

CPC Library Room 101; Book Cost $20

True Spirituality by Chip Ingram Becoming a Romans 12 Christian. Christians today live in a world that is activity-heavy and relationship-light. The result is spiritual emptiness. We struggle to know what God wants FROM us and FOR us .... and we’re unsure what a real relationship with God really looks like. This was never God’s idea! HIS idea of faith isn’t about rules or religion - it’s about relationship. In Romans 12, God gives us a clear picture of what Christians should look like at the root level. If you’re ready to move beyond the motions of religion and experience a real relationship with God, your journey begins here.

Women’s Wednesday Morning Bible Study Julie Burke, julie.burke@burkes.info


Wednesdays, 9:30 AM

CPC Library Room 101, 102, and Worship Center; Book Cost TBD From stay-at-home moms to globe-trotting executives, from singles to seniors, every modern woman has wondered, “How do I juggle it all?” In her new video-based Bible study, The Life Ready Woman: Thriving in a Do-It-All World, Shaunti Feldhahn shows women we can have balance, peace, and joy by discovering God’s blueprint for our lives. In eight sessions, she identifies what that means by exploring our hearts, our relationships, our challenges, and the unique gifts and personalities God gave us. Then, she leads women to develop a “Life Ready map,” a personal plan for fulfilling God’s design. Stop trying to do it all and focus on what really matters. This group will be officially starting on Wednesday, September 21.

Mom2Mom Playgroup


Ginny Barron, vburkart@gmail.com

Sundays and Mondays CPC Room 104

A relaxed playgroup for moms and dads to connect while kids enjoy some playtime. The group will meet twice a month in October and November. Sunday, Nov 6 from 4:30 PM-5:30 PM Sunday, Oct 2 from 4:30 PM-5:30 PM Monday, Nov 21 from 9:30 AM-11:00 AM Monday, Oct 17 from 9:30 AM-11:00 AM

Women’s Book Club


Deb Payton, dpayton@activehealth.net

First Fridays of the Month, 7:00 PM CPC Room 101

A group of women who meet monthly to read and discuss books of different genres to share perspectives. We generally meet the first Friday of the month at CPC at 7:00 PM. We do meet offsite on occasions and these are announced ahead of time. We try to read books accessible in the public libraries but some people prefer to buy their own copy or use their electronic devices.

MEN Men’s Wednesday Bible Study


Stephen W. Hiemstra, T2Pneuma@gmail.com

Wednesdays, 7:00 PM

CPC Room 102; Book Cost $10

Life in Tension: Reflections on the Beatitudes. For the men’s group, we will focus on a study of the Beatitudes using the forthcoming book, Life in Tension, as a text. We will focus our time on discussion and participation. TO REGISTER ONLINE for any of our LifeGroups, go to http://centrevillepres.com/gather/life-groups/


McIntosh Intergeneration Group

Sundays, 3:00 PM

Willie and Rochelle McIntosh, williemack@cox.net Chantilly We are a group for the entire family from preteens to seniors. Our study will be the Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. The things that say “I love you” seem to either not get said or not get through. This is a study about saying it—and hearing it—clearly. No gimmicks. Just learning to express love in your spouse’s or children’s language.

Dinner with Friends INFLUENCER Potluck with groups of 8

Saturdays Meet at different host homes each month

Brad Pool, brad.pool04@gmail.com Opportunity for those that attend CPC to get to know each other in a casual environment. We hope to offer an easy way to get to know others in church whose faces you have seen but you have never had the opportunity to meet. We will meet at a different host’s house each month.

Spiritual Parenting


Sundays, 4:30 PM

Nancy Anthony, aarnja@gmail.com CPC Room 101; Book Cost $12 It’s hard enough to train kids to behave, but good behavior isn’t what Jesus calls for in the Bible. He wants hearts and souls that are shaped in vibrant faith and love toward God and others. How can parents cultivate this in their children? In this LifeGroup, we will explore practical examples and biblical insight on the spiritual role of parenting.

Young Adults: #Married4Life


Mondays, 7:00 PM

Trey and Nicole Bressler, bressler.tn@gmail.com Bressler’s Home, Aldie 20105; Book Cost $12 Oscar and Kate Hernandez, khernandez7216@gmail.com We are a group of engaged, newlyweds, and young married couples who are seeking community with others in this similar stage of life. Join us as we learn how to have a Grace Filled Marriage, a study by Tim Kimmel. Grace can make good marriages into great marriages. Grace can bring intimacy and restoration to broken marriages. Grace means giving your spouse something they desperately need, but don’t necessarily deserve…things like kindness, forgiveness and the benefit of the doubt.

INTEREST Kingdom Chess (for Kids only)


Sundays, 4:30 PM

Hilary Kinitz, cpcchildren@gmail.com CPC Room 206 Kids learn the basics of chess in this fun, outreach-based LifeGroup. Learn a game that brings together all generations and cultures! There will be a Spiritual Parenting LifeGroup available for parents at the same time.


Starting Point


Thursdays, 7:00 PM

Chris Jarrell, chris@centrevillepres.com CPC Room 103 Everything has a starting point—your life, your relationships, your education, your career. Sometimes we forget that faith has a starting point as well. For some of us, our faith journey began in childhood as a set of beliefs handed to us by a parent, teacher, or pastor. Maybe you developed a framework of faith based on personal experience. Or maybe you had no faith at all. Too often, a faith formed in childhood isn’t strong enough to withstand the pressures of adult life. But what if you could find a new starting point for faith? Starting Point is conversation about faith. Whether you’re new to faith, curious about God, or coming back to church after some time away, it’s a place where your opinions and beliefs are valued and no question is off limits.

Financial Peace University



Wednesdays, 7:00 PM

Rob and Nancy Bromhead, rob@centrevillepres.com CPC, Room 201; Cost $93; includes all materials Financial Peace University is a Biblically based curriculum that teaches people how to handle money God’s way. Each family needs a Financial Peace University Membership from https://www.daveramsey.com/fpu/classes/1021620/atid/l_ln. TO REGISTER ONLINE for any of our LifeGroups, go to http://centrevillepres.com/gather/life-groups/

MINISTRY Oh give thanks to the LORD; call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples! Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; tell of all His wondrous works! Glory in His holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice! Seek the LORD and His strength; seek His presence continually! 1 Chronicles 16:8-11

Worship must be Christ centered, Holy Spirit led,

a Response to the Father, about Intimacy and Service

and always lead to

Worship is first and foremost for His benefit, not ours, though it is marvelous to discover that in giving Him pleasure, we ourselves enter into what can become our r i c h e s t a n d m o s t


wholesome experience in life.

Tim Hughes

Lamar Boschman


Our goal every week is to help CPC develop ignited, active, and growing disciples of Jesus Christ. Our desire as worship leaders is to help take everyone’s mind off of the craziness and busyness of life and onto the peace and joy that comes from hearing and experiencing God. We do this by creating irresistible environments where the setting is appealing, the presentations are engaging and the content is helpful. When this happens we believe people will come back, invite friends and take next steps in their faith and relationship with the Lord. Bryan Olden Director of Worship Bryan has been leading worship for 22 years. He has a passion for the church and encouraging people to worship. He believes music should be encouraging, inspirational and bring hope. Brittany DiCesare Worship Coordinator Brittany has been leading worship for 11 years. She graduated from Liberty University with a degree in Worship and Leadership. She has a passion to see people grow in their relationship and faith journey with the Lord. John Maddox AVL (Audio Visual Lighting) Coordinator John is an encourager and networker and he has never met a stranger. He loves coaching people along in their relationship with the Lord and helping people discover their purpose in life. Here are a few worship websites we enjoy that have great videos, articles, blogs and music. We want to equip others at CPC to engage more fully in worship. www.leadworship.com www.worshiptogether.com

www.christomlin.com www.mattredman.com

www.aaronkeyes.com www.oceansedgeschool.com

Additional Information contact Bryan Olden, Director of Worship | bryan@centrevillepres.com


MISSIONS Jesus sent him away, saying, “Return to your home, and declare how much God has done for you.” And he went away, proclaiming throughout the whole city how much Jesus had done for him. Luke 8:38-39

CPC’s Mission Ministry follows the model of

Jesus Christ to lead and partner with missionaries and mission organizations to change the world. Our love for God becomes visible and vocal as we walk alongside neighbors near and far.

We want to help you connect your passions and abilities with the needs in our world. Our mission priorities focus on four specific areas: Families & Children; Poverty & Hunger; Church Planting & Evangelism; and Disaster Relief. Visit the “Serve” tab on the CPC website for descriptions of all our ministry partners.

Do you have an hour to give? • Pray and/or write an encouraging note for one of our missionaries. • Donate items for October’s Paper Product Drive for the Lamb Center (toilet paper, disposable cups, etc.). • Make a breakfast casserole (1st Saturdays), or pot roast (3rd Tuesdays) for the Lamb Center. • Purchase canned goods for the Thanksgiving baskets for elderly neighbors. • Shop/deliver food to London Towne Elementary School (monthly). • Buy a gift for Our Neighbor’s Child (December).

Do you have several hours available? • Serve breakfast at the Lamb Center (1st Saturdays). • Tutor 2nd graders at London Towne Elementary School (Tuesday mornings). • Assemble Weekend food bags for local school children (Wednesday mornings). • Organize Christmas gift bags for local homeless & vulnerable neighbors. • Water and weed CPC’s vegetable garden (food given weekly to neighbors in need). • Make “Gifts of the Heart” kits for victims of Louisiana flooding (any time).

Do you have a week to give? • Serve on the intergenerational mission team to West Virginia (April 2017). Registration opens October. • Serve on the Guatemala mission team to work with Redeemer’s House (July 2017).

Do you have finances to share? • Sponsor a child through Every Orphan’s Hope and establish a life-changing relationship. • Donate funds to purchase gloves and socks for homeless neighbors. • Donate funds toward the Weekend Food for local school children.

Focus of the 2016 Advent Giving: World Vision Appalachia This year we will raise funds to assist World Vision’s outreach in West Virginia. People living below the poverty line face a greater risk of fire with associated loss of property and life than the rest of us. World Vision has a dream to give fire safety resources (smoke detectors, CO detector, and fire extinguishers) to every family whose home they work on. In April, our CPC mission team will help assemble and distribute the kits.

Our Director of Missions, Sharon Hoover, is eager to help you connect with our mission partners. Contact her (sharon@centrevillepres.com) to match your gifts with the local, national, and global needs. 16 Additional Information contact Sharon Hoover, Director of Missions & Evangelism | sharon@centrevillepres.com

“But you can shape a kid’s faith by connecting them to caring adults who will be present in their life.” – Reggie Joiner



We value each child and family that comes to CPC! Our hope is to ignite each child with an insatiable desire to LOVE, GROW and GO in Christ. We recognize that no one has more influence over a child than his or her parent. We want to partner with parents by equipping them with the tools they need to support their kids spiritually at home. On Sunday mornings, we come together as a “family of families,” recognizing that we are all created to have a relationship with God and created with unique talents and abilities to help each other LOVE, GROW and GO in Christ.

Sunday Mornings, 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM cpckids

CPCKids Sprouts Room 105

Nursery Care for babies and toddlers (birth-3 years old). We have two paid professional care staff, along with nursery volunteers that provide a loving and safe environment for infants and toddlers as they sing, read and play together each Sunday morning. cpckids JR

CPCKids Jr. Room 104

This is the place for high energy explorers ages 3-5 (potty trained-Kindergarten). Our team of volunteers brings Bible stories to life through active play, storytelling, videos and crafts. We recognize and respect the worship needs of parents at this “stage of life.” While we encourage and celebrate children in our worship community, we understand that sometimes you just need to spiritually recharge! Parents can choose to drop off prior to service or walk their children back after the children are dismissed during the first 15 minutes of worship. We believe that this helps children grow spiritually when they see their parents and community practicing the worship of God! cpckids


Room 206

Children in grades 1-5 are dismissed after the first 15 minutes of worship to their own age-appropriate zone where leaders help them learn to LOVE, GROW and GO in Christ through engaging worship, Bible storytelling and response through prayer, crafts, and small group discussion.

CPCKids LifeGroups

Our goal is to provide a variety of small group opportunities throughout the year for kids and parents to connect, have fun and grow deeper in faith! Here are some LifeGroups we will offer throughout the year.

Fun 1st Fridays For our 4th and 5th graders. Join us at CPC from 7:00 PM-8:30 PM the first Friday of each month, beginning Oct 7th! Crazy games, small groups and GROG… what more could you want from a LifeGroup? Oct 7th, Nov 4th, Dec 2nd K ngdom Chess The game of chess is great way to connect across ALL ages. Learn basic chess skills while having fun with friends! Open to kids in grades 1-5! Mom2Mom LifeGroup This preschool playgroup meets twice a month during the LifeGroups semester in Room 104. First Sunday evening (4:30 PM-5:30 PM) of the month, and third Monday morning (9:00 AM11:00 AM) of the month. Spiritual Parenting It’s not about perfect behavior. It’s about passionate hearts. How do we depend upon God for our children’s spiritual and moral development? This video series and discussion group is a great place to chart your family’s spiritual journey. Bible Explorers Who wrote the Bible? What’s in the Bible? How do I use the Bible? This CPCKids Lifegroup is targeted for our 3rd graders but open to any solid reader that is ready to explore God’s Word. After completing this group, students are recognized before the church and given their own copy of the Bible to launch their spiritual journey! (Offered Spring 2017) Communion Connec ions Is your child ready to take Communion? This group will explore the beautiful story behind Communion from it’s origins in Exodus to the Last Supper! We invite parents to join with Pastor Rob and the kids on the last meeting to review the elements of Communion and discuss their readiness and understanding. (Offered Spring 2017)

Additional Information contact Hilary Kinitz, Director of Children | hilary@centrevillepres.com

MINISTRY ‘Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.’ Romans 12:9-13

Sunday Mornings & Evening


Reset from the week. Reset with God. Reset together with family. Reset will serve as time for the students to reconnect with other students and serve as a place for new students to connect. Middle School and High School, EVERY SUNDAY 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM, ON THE BRIDGE. Donuts, OJ, Fellowship, and the scoop on the Student Ministry.

Student LifeGroups

Building Christ-centered relationships through intentional talks about God, faith, and life.

Middle School 6th – 8th Grade Sunday, 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM Boys LifeGroup Girls LifeGroup

High School 9th – 12th Grade Sunday, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM PRAY LifeGroup LOVE LifeGroup SERVE LifeGroup

Saturday Morning Prayer

6th – 12th Grade Every 2nd Saturday of every month, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM.

Sept. 10

Saturday Morning Prayer

Sept. 25

LifeGroup Kickoff

Oct. 2


Oct. 8

Saturday Morning Prayer

Oct. 9


Oct. 16


Oct. 23

MS Hangout HS Hangout

Nov. 6

Final LifeGroup of the Fall Semester

Nov. 11-13 HS Fall Retreat Nov. 20

MS & HS Potluck Thanksgiving Dinner

Dec. 2

MS Fall Retreat

Dec. 11

MS & HS Joint Ice Skating and Hot Chocolate

Dec. 18

MS & HS Joint Christmas Party

MIDDLE SCHOOL FALL RETREAT 6th – 8th Grade December 2-4 Rhodes Grove Retreat Center Chambersburg, PA HIGH SCHOOL FALL RETREAT 9th – 12th Grade November 11-13 Shenandoah Spring Retreat Center Madison, VA

18 Additional Information contact Sam Lee, Director of Students | sam@centrevllepres.com

CPC STAFF J. Robin Bromhead, Pastor J. Robin (Rob) Bromhead earned his B.A. in Biblical Studies at Wheaton College and his M.Div. at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, MA. During his 30 years of ministry Rob has served at three churches. He is serving as a coach to other New Church Development Pastors in the denomination. During spring 2002, Rob taught at the International Leadership Academy in Moscow, Russia. Rob lives in Clifton with his wife Nancy. Their three sons are now adults.


Hilary Kinitz Kim Gilbert Director of Director of Children’s Ministry Resources

Sharon R. Hoover Director of Missions and Evangelism

Sam Lee Director of Student Ministry

Bryan Olden Director of Worship

Chris Jarrell Director of Discipleship

Sheila Hunt Administrative Assistant

Elizabeth Luffy Cindy Roberts Children’s Ministry Business Manager Assistant


Brad Braaten Evening Custodian

Richard Daile CPC Handyman

Brittany Dicesare Worship

Heidi Tucker Business Manager

Kristie Vice Facility Manager

Jonathon Maddox AV/Sound Technology



for any of our LifeGroups, go to http://centrevillepres.com/gather/life-groups/

ignited, active and growing disciples 15450 Lee Hwy, Centreville, VA 20120 (703) 830-0098 | www.centrevillepres.com

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