Artigo revista Inside sobre Centro Ciência Viva de Lagos - Dezembro-Março 2011

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he Living Scie nce Ce ntre in Lagos reope ned its doors in August after a complete ma keover. T ow n Ha ll mayor julio Ba rroso a nd presid e nt of th e Li vin g Scie nce e ntity Rosalia Va rgas were so me of the public fi gures who atte nded th e ina uguration on August 1 and got to witness first-ha nd the ce ntre's ma ny improve me nts a nd new addi tions. " It was more of a cosme tic re novati on , bu t we have new modules a nd we 've also restru ctured so me the mes," said th e educational coordina tor ofth e Lagos Li vin g Scie nce Ce ntre Beatriz Oli veira. "We've built a new modul e for youn ger childre n, called 'The Submarin e ', which we've integra ted in a n ex istin g one , na med 'Ma no uevring the Ship'," she ex plain ed . But the face lift is also visible on th e outside, with a more appealing geometrical paint j ob in shades o f black, pink and red , eye-catchin g ni ghtlights a nd a bra nd new 'unfini shed li gh th ouse'. Loca ted o utd oors, thi s mod ul e resembl es a pu zzle tha t childre n ca n solve by simpl y fittin g in th e pieces accordin g to th eir im agina ti on. Set in a beautiful 18th-ce ntury buildin g near the Lagos ma rke t, th e Li vin g Scie nce Ce ntre in Lagos first ope ned in 2009 a nd aim s to promote scie nce a mo ngst th e ge neral public. • Open Tuesday to Sunday from 10am until 6pm.

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