C21 Market Pulse | June 2022 | New Zealand

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GOVT NEEDS TO BETTER PROMOTE ITS FIRST-HOME BUYER SUPPORT "The Government estimates recent changes to First Home Grants and First Home Loans will help thousands more first-home buyers every year. However, most Kiwis don’t even know these opportunities exist. There must be more promotion,” says Tim Kearins, Owner of Century 21 New Zealand. His comments follow the

deposit to get finance due to the

Auckland (from $700,000 to

Government’s Budget 2022

Reserve Bank’s Loan-To-Value

$875,000), Hamilton ($600,00 to

announcement on 19 May aimed at

Ratio restrictions (LVRs). Further,

$725,000), Tauranga ($600,000 to

assisting more first-home buyers.

banks have been conducting

$875,000), Wellington ($650,000 to

It increased the house price caps for

ultra-conservative assessments

$925,000), Christchurch ($550,000

the First Home Grant and entirely

on borrowers, largely because

to $750,000) and Queenstown

removed house price caps from the

of Credit Contract & Consumer

($650,000 to $925,000).

First Home Loan.

Finance Act (CCCFA) requirements.

“Coming up with a sufficient

“Raising the price caps for the loan

but so too are opportunities for

deposit is often the big problem so

scheme opens the door to first-

first-home buyers this winter.

that’s what these two schemes help

home buyers with a five percent

Thousands more now have access

to address. They’re not the silver

deposit who can now purchase

to two key Government schemes

bullet to home ownership but they’ll

at any price if they can afford to

designed to get them on the

certainly help many young Kiwis get

service the lending. The old price

property ladder. That’s a positive,

over the line,” says Mr Kearins.

caps, like $400,000 for Taupo, saw

but they should be better promoted

virtually no properties qualify. It’s

otherwise that extra support in

great that many more people and

Budget 2022 will simply be

properties now qualify,” he says.

not taken up.

caps having been now raised to

The Government has estimated that

“Hopefully securing a mortgage

better reflect market prices. First

these changes mean funding is now

will soon not be as difficult with

Home Loans allow eligible buyers to

available for approximately 7,000

imminent changes to the CCCFA.

purchase a home with a five percent

extra First Home Grants and 2,500

House prices are also softening

deposit with no price caps.

extra First Home Loans every year.

which will gives entry-level buyers

Mr Kearins says since late last year

Since 1 June, house price caps

there have been fewer opportunities

on First Home Grants increased

The Century 21 leader says in

for buyers with less than a 20%

in most major cities, including

recent years first-home buyers have

First Home Grants give eligible first-home buyers up to $20,000 for a deposit with property price




“Yes, interest rates are increasing,

more chances and choices,” he says.

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