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COVID smart information
Upon entry to Stromlo Forest Park participants and event staff are asked to maintain a distance of at least 1.5 m where practical. Within the event hub masks are welcome.
Please frequently use the supplied hand sanitiser stations throughout the venue and on course.
Seek assistance immediately if you become unwell during the event - please locate event staff, or call the emergency first aid number 1300 663 600.
General information
Event briefings will be delivered online via a YouTube link.
Start line
Marshalling at the start line will begin 5 minutes prior to each start wave. We will ask faster runners to line up first to also assist with distancing on course. All participants will receive an individual time when they cross the start line. There will be no congregating at the start line for any extended period and no need to rush to start.
Aid stations
Please sanitise on entry and exit of aid stations and maintain social distancing at all times. Please dispose of your rubbish at the aid station bin or carry it with you.
Spectators are welcome!
We are thrilled to welcome spectators to SRF. Consider social distancing, sun protection, food, drink, and shade while waiting for your loved one. Masks are welcome.
Finish line
Runners are encouraged to move through the finish area quickly and to maintain physical distancing, hand and respiratory hygiene.