12 minute read

Letter from Editor


I don’t know about you but when I read and listen to all the opinions of so-called facts, expressed by business and economic leaders, financial advisors, journalists, and self-proclaimed experts on Africa then I can only but wonder how we as the people of Africa, that live here, discern as to what is facts and what is fiction. Doom and gloom for our so called “Darkest Africa” are what we hear and experience from this multitude of “experts”. Fact is very few of them have ever set foot here, travelled the countries, or have met with us, the real people of Africa. A few days in a big city or game reserve does not qualify to become an expert. It is broadly known that Africa can be and will be the breadbasket of the world. However, I believe we the citizens of Africa should decide and work together to ensure that we not only become the breadbasket of the world but that we keep control of what and who with whom we do it. We have lived in impoverished conditions, not because we do not have the expertise, but because we believe the “middleman and the marketers” from countries afar are leaders and experts when it comes to what Africa needs or what we can give the world. Why do we rely so heavily on what we are told to be facts when with a simple survey between our people and experts we can do so much better? We need to cut out the “Worldly middleman” who is only interested in taking what we have at the lowest possible cost and selling it for a profit that is far above the norm. Through our scientists, farmers, and businesspeople in our CEO Global Client base we have seen the excellence and expertise throughout Africa that is from Africa that can lift our Continent to become the greatest and richest Continent on the Globe. Yes, we do need to become, more assertive and business orientated and tackle the problems we face head-on. Cost-effective transport, trade barriers, political red tape, and corruption needs to be seriously addressed to become successful.


If we do not do this now and stand tall, we will find our fields barren and our children dying while the rest of the world is in “good health” with what they have been able to get for next to nothing from our beloved Continent. I don’t ever want to see Africa as “The Empty Breadbasket”! Do you?

Annelize Wepener Editor




Weathering he change storm

03 Letter from Editor

12 What you can do to improve your employees’ income in retirement



World of work is fast shifting to hybrid models

Open SA’s economy to all or kiss our democracy goodbye 46

Weathering the change storm 06



Cybereason Achieves 100% Prevention, Visibility and Real-Time Protection

20 Virtual apps ensure massive savings

24 Transforming paper-based systems to the cloud

26 Using tech to influence customer behaviour 28 The art of selling online

30 World of work is fast changing to hybrid models

10 Best airports in Africa

34 Airlines will need to recruit

35 Moody’s rating of African countries

36 Angola Kwanza is now world’s best-performing currency

38 End of an era

40 Stop losing customers



BMW X3 XDRIVE 20D and Queen Victoria hotel

62 A cut above the rest- Toyota Corolla Cross


Stop losing customers 68

Mercedes Benz Maybach

South Africa & Mozambique commit to continued bilateral cooperation


42 South Africa & Mozambique commit to continued bilateral cooperation

44 China send tech hardware to help Putin

46 Open SA’s economy to all or kiss our democracy goodbey



Seeds of change in Kenya Publisher

CEO Global (Pty) Ltd Tel:+27 82 883 4901 info@ceoglobalgroup.com www.ceoglobalgroup.com

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IIf you ask any CEO or other senior manager how business is going, their response is likely to be the same: Things are tough out there. Businesses are facing some of the most difficult times ever. Runaway inflation, supply chain challenges, changing capital allocation priorities, the need to adopt new technologies to stay ahead of (or at least on par with) the pack, the Great Resignation on the one hand and on the other, remaining employees posing new expectations of employers. Top concerns include the quality of frontline and mid-level leadership, decentralised decision-making, creating sustained outcomes for multiple stakeholders whose interests are not always aligned, cyber-risks as a threat to growth, and health risks.

No wonder business leaders have much to contemplate, and some are having sleepless nights! Regardless, research shows that CEOs remain optimistic, and optimistic CEOs understand and respond to the imperative to take decisive action.

The solution to weathering the stormy waters is surprisingly simple: clearly define where you want to be, put a good plan in place to get there, and implement the plan.

Through their ChangeMakerSM programme, Dr Michélle Booysen and Pétanque NXT will support you to weather these stormy times through a proven programme. Making the change that addresses business challenges ‘stick’ is what they do, and their results are impressive.


Three things that tells Pétanque NXT’s story are:

Thing #1: As a majority women-owned enterprise, they celebrate their 20th year in business this year.

Thing #2: They recently established an office focusing on Web 3.0 technology in The Netherlands as an expansion to their South African business.

Thing #3: They are on a mission to support businesses to succeed with continuous change by reducing complexity, saving time and achieving outcomes. The name Pétanque NXT is derived from the French game of pétanque, or boules, and the NXT plays on the word ‘NEXT’, which depicts their drive and support to clients to be ready for the future of processes, people and technology.

“know where you want to be, and put a good plan in place to get there


“Although the uncertainty that comes with change is uncomfortable, our experience is that successful businesses are those that embrace change and transformation as part of doing business,” explains Michélle, CEO and co-founder of Pétanque NXT. “But embracing change is about more than a mindset. It is about knowing where you are, where you want to be, and how you will get there.”

Goals – where businesses want to be – include objectives like boosting sales or market share, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty, and increasing employee productivity.

“Businesses want to realise their purpose and achieve their goals through strategies that include increased efficiency, and attaining sales, profit and business targets to deliver shareholder value.” “Clarity, focus and communication are key elements in delivering the results. Business leaders need a clear understanding of the gaps between the current and ideal state, and what they need to do to close these gaps. And this is what ChangeMakerSM provides in a Destination Map, built on the foundation of ‘what is’,” Michélle explains.

To help businesses map their current and ideal state, Pétanque NXT conducts a quick but effective business analysis in the Business Destination Map®. “First we assess the business’s readiness for change. Then, we revisit the business purpose, its vision and the goals. We reflect on business maturity and the business model, assess resilience, and define and/or adjust the strategies needed to attain the business goals.

“The benefit of this Design stage is a clear view of what could be, can be, and is being planned. Quite often, innovation not previously considered is an outcome, which could fast-track the realisation of change initiatives,” says Michélle.


“Next we Plan how to bridge the gap between the ‘as is’ and the ‘to be’ state. The plan entails the change activities in processes, people and technology that will render results. These changes include process improvement, compliance activities, people and role changes with training or re-assignment for new and changing skills required, and technology change. The latter could include the optimised use of current tech or adding smart tech, management software, data analytics, identifying where standard and repeat tasks can be automated, and deploying blockchain technology for verification and certification.

“To fast-track discovery of the processes that will deliver the change, the Positioning Map pinpoints the key processes to change, and the real work begins!”

The Pétanque NXT team analyses processes through a unique online interactive mapping methodology, VizPro®, identifying gaps and opportunities for improvement. “We ask some tough questions. Are your processes sound? Is there a more efficient way to get this task done? Do

you have the expertise you need? Are the roles clearly defined? Why are people doing standard and repeat tasks? How are compliances adhered to? Are you using data optimally? Do you need to verify information? Are the KPIs achieved? What are the costly risks and how could the process mitigate these? Where are the blockages and why are they blockages? The process is one of honesty, critical evaluation and making difficult choices, but this is what is required for true business transformation, process by process.

“We are always amazed at the insights participants bring to the workshops: they know what is not working, and present amazing ideas, but there is seldom time, or a forum to share ideas for improvement in a clear manner. Out of each work session, we end up with an action list that contains great changes that are needed and feasible. With instant buy-in from the team.”

VizPro® has won two international awards for innovation in process and change management, and uses principles from six sigma, organisational design, data visualisation, analytics, systems implementation, change and project management.


“With the scope of work defined, programme, project and change management drive implementation. This is often the most challenging part of making change happen and making it stick.” says Michélle. “Multiple projects might be sharing multiple resources, business challenges might delay planned roll-out, cost overruns could occur, and benefit realisation might fall short of planning.” At this juncture, clarity, focus and communication combine to achieve results.

“Oftentimes we are asked by clients to assist with this part of transformation, when project and change management do not gain traction and/or fail to deliver the planned outcomes. In these instances we revisit the work done in our Design phase, understand the implementation challenges, and re-direct and replan as needed. Most often, implementation regains momentum in a fairly short period of time.”

Ultimately the proof of the pudding is in the eating. And Pétanque NXT’s process, people and technology approach has clients seeing returns on investment of 30%, often in as little as 90 days. The ROI renders in improved productivity, employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction, compliance, reduced risk, agility and technology integration.

“We are extremely proud of how we have managed to support our clients. Over the past 20 years, we have proudly delivered project and change ROI to over 100 small, medium, blue-chip and global businesses. Examples of ROI include a 48% increase in sales, reducing the delivery time of a set of key business processes from eight to two months, increasing database growth by 150% per month, improving productivity (resulting in staff and customer retention), delivering strategic projects on time and in budget, implementing new operating systems, and standardising processes following merger and acquisition engagements.


Pétanque NXT also specialises in matching appropriate technology in the process, people and system equation of making change stick.

“Businesses use technology every day, but the solutions offered by technology are changing rapidly and constantly. Some clients have adopted specific technologies, but they are not always using this technology optimally to streamline the business. Other clients are venturing into new technologies, such as opportunities offered by Web 3.0, including building metaverse communities, deploying NFTs, and applying blockchain tech to manage verification and transacting.”

Pétanque NXT, by applying its design, plan and implementation approach, and by focusing on process, people and systems as enablers, have found a niche in building the bridge between existing ways of doing business, and planning for new tech in a Web 3.0 environment.

If this all sounds very tech-based to you, you are not wrong. Michélle and her team have a passion for technology. “The tech can sound overwhelming, but fundamentally we simplify the change needed to integrate technology into the future of businesses.”

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