Cepesca, Spanish Fishing Confederationla, was stablished in june of 2007 CEPESCA arises from the union of the three main national entrepreneurial fishing organizations: the Spanish Federation of Fishing Organizations (FEOPE), the Spanish Federation of Fishing Shipowners (FEABP) and the National Association Fishing Associations (ONAPE). •
The creation of this Confederation marks the foundation of the most important entreprenurial fishing organization in the whole of Europe and one of the most representative in the world, as CEPESCA draw together; 46 shipowner associations 1,550 shipowner companies 1 897 fishing vessels 1,897 essels 20,475 crewmembers 600,000 tonnes of catched fish 1,200 million euros in economic value In other words, CEPESCA draws together 95% of the high seas fleet, a high percentage of the inshore medium sized fleet and 75% of the total volume in terms of gross tonnage (GT )of the Spanish fleet.
Cepesca join forces in order to make a better stand for the economic and professional interests of the Spanish fishing sector searching for solutions in order to improve company sector, competitiveness fostering the vocation of fishing and endeavouring to improve the image of fishing. The Confederation sets out to be a leading interlocutor with the various administrations, promoting dialogue and collaboration with the same, encouraging the developing of sustainable, responsible fishing, contacting and working as a team with the scientific bodies,, fighting g g against g illegal g fishing.
Among other segments in the fleet, fleet CEPESCA represents:
- 100% of the purse seining freezer tuna fleet in Spain.
- 100% off the th tunny t fisheries fi h i (almadrabas). ( l d b )
- 100% of the purse seining tuna vessels in the Mediterranean.
- 100% of the freezer trawlers targeting seafood.
- 90% of the bottom longliner fleet.
- Around 100% of the surface longliner fleet and the trawler fleet in NAFO .
- 95% of the Grand Sole fleet.
A high percentage of the cod fleet census, including the units with the most possibilities for fishing in this segment.
National Grounds: a high percentage of the Mediterranean fleet, in the Gulf of Cadiz, in the Northwest h off the h Bay off Biscay and d in Zone IX in Portuguese waters.
Fishing methods:
Purseseining, trawling, surface longlining, bottom longlining, gillnetting, smaller fishing g methods and tunny y fishing. g
Species caught:
Tropical tunas (yellowfin tuna, skipjack tuna and bigeye tuna), swordfish, porbeagle, tope shark, bluefin tuna, short-finned tunny, pompano, seabream, cod, hake, black hake, megrim, grouper, ray, flounder, ling, pollack, red bream, blue whiting, horse mackerel, mackerel, sardine, anchovy, shrimp, caramote prawn, Norway lobster, skipjack tuna, crab, prawn, Greenland halibut, squid, octopus, cuttlefish and a long etcetera.
Fishing areas:
Cepesca vessels operate worldwide, both in Spanish and community waters, in the waters of numerous third countries where fisheries partnership agreements have been signed with the European Union, such as Morocco, Mauritania, Cabo Verde, Guinea Guinea Bisseau, Guinea, Bisseau Ivory Coast, Coast Gabon, Gabon Santo Tomé y Príncipe, Príncipe Comores, Comores Madagascar, Seychelles, Mozambique, Mauritius Isles, Kiribati, Solomon Islands, in the Indian, Pacific and Mediterranean, Micronesia, Greenland, etc., as well as in the high seas of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific and the Mediterranean Sea.
46 shipowner p associations 19 associations with main offices in Andalucía, 13 in Galicia, 4 in Catalonia, 3 in the Valencian Region, 3 in the Basque Country, 1 in Balearic Islands, 1 in Cantabria and 2 in Madrid.
Roquetas SCA Shipowners Association of Fishing Entrepreneurs of Barbate (ABEMPE) . Trawler Shipowner Association of Tarragona. Fishing Vessel Shipowner Association of Barcelona and Gerona. Fishing Vessel Shipowner Shipo ne Association of Ma Marín. ín Shipowner Association of Producing Companies of Punta Umbría. Shipowner Association of Isla Cristina. T Tuna Fi Fishing hi Shi Shipowner A Association i ti with ith P Purseseining i i (L’A (L’Ametlla tll de d Mar). Shipowner Association of Punta del Moral. Shipowner Association of Puerto de Santa María. María Producers’ Shipowner Association of Algeciras. Shipowner and Producers Association for the Catching Area in Mediterranean Andalusia (ARPROAMED). (ARPROAMED)
•Association of Joint Fisheries Ventures (ASEMP). •Association of Fish Producers of Carboneras (Almería). •Association of High Seas Fish Producers of Adra. •Entrepreneurial Association of A Guarda Swordfish Shipowners (E&G). •Local Association of Entrepreneurs in Coastal or Inshore Fishing of Castellón de la Plana. •National Association of Seafood Freezer Vessels (ANAMAR). •National Association of Hake Freezer Fishing Vessels (ANAMER). •National Association of Various Fisheries Freezer Vessels (ANAVAR). •National Association of Cod Fishing Vessels (AGARBA). •National Association of Grand Sole Fishing Shipowners (ANASOL). (ANASOL) •National Association of High Seas Longliner Shipowners (ANAPA). •Pontevedra Province Association of Purseseining Vessels (CERCO).
•Pontevedra Province Association of Longliner and other Fishing Methods ( (ARPOAN). ) •Pontevedra Province and South Portugal Association of Spanish Coastal Shipowners (ARPOSUR). •Almería Province Association of Fishing Companies (ASOPESCA). •South h Atlantic l Association off Purseseiner Shipowners h (ASURABUCER). ( ) •Andalusian Federation of Fishing Associations (FAAPE). •Organization of A Guarda Longliners (ORPAGU). •Organization of Large Freezer Tuner Associate Producers (OPAGAC). (OPAGAC) •Producers’ Organization High Seas Fishing of Cantabria (OPECA). •Producers’ Organization High Seas Fishing of Ondárroa (OPPAO). •Producers’ Organization of Longline Fishing (ORPAL) •Producers (ORPAL). •Producers’ Organization of Frozen Tuna Species (OPTUC).
•Tunny Fisheries Producers’ Organization (Almadrabas) •Fisheries Producers’ Organization of Marina Alta (Denia, Calpe and Jávea). •Fisheries Producers’ Organization of Peix Blau, Tarragona Province. •Fishermen fo Carboneras, S.C.A. •Port of Celeiro S.A. •Professional P f i l Union U i off Shipowners Shi and d Fish Fi h Producers P d off Almería Al í (UPROAL). •Fisheries Producers Producers’ Organization of Mallorca Mallorca. •Shipowners Cooperative of Lepe. •ASODRAGA of Isla Cristina.
Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino Secretaría General del Mar Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Ministerio de Trabajo j e Inmigración ó Ministerio de Fomento Ministerio de Sanidad y C Consumo Ministerio de Industria, turismo y comercio
Comité Consultivo del sector pesquero Comité de Seguimiento del FEP Instituto Social de la Marina: Consejo General, Comisión Ejecutiva N i Nacional l y provinciales i i l Plataforma tecnológica española de pesca y acuicultura Foro Científico de la Pesca en el Mediterráneo Consejo j Rector del Instituto Español de Oceanografía
Observatorio Ob t i d de P Precios i d de los Alimentos Comisión de Denominaciones Comerciales de Especies Pesqueras en España Sociedad de Salvamento y Seguridad Marítima Comisión Paritaria de Pesca y Acuicultura de la Fundación tripartita para la formación en el empleo (Forcem) Secretaría General de Comercio Exterior
Comisión C i ió de d C Coordinación di ió de las Instituciones Comunitarias Patronato de la Fundación Instituto Tecnológico para el desarrollo de las Industrias Marítimas Consejo Económico y Social Confederación Española de Organizaciones Empresariales Consejo General de Organizaciones Interprofesionales g Agroalimentarias
Comité C ité Consultivo C lti de d Pesca y Acuicultura de la UE (CCPA) C Comité iéd de diálogo diál social i l sectorial de Pesca Marítima Asociación ó de Organizaciones Nacionales de Empresas P Pesqueras d de la l UE (EUROPÊCHE) Consejo de la UE Consejos Consultivos regionales
Comisión C i ió E Europea: DG DGMARE, SANCO, Comercio, Investigación,…. C Comisiones i i d de pesca, medio ambiente o comercio del Parlamento E Europeo Comité Económico Social Europeo Comité Franco-Español de pesca Comité Anglo-Español g p de Pesca Banco Europeo de Inversiones
Internationall Coalition of Fisheries A Association i ti (ICFA). (ICFA) Que preside Javier Garat
Asociación Interprofesional de Países Ribereños del Mediterráneo (MEDISAMAK) N i Naciones U Unidas id (UNICPOLOS, FAO; UNIDO ) FAO;,UNIDO,….)
OCDE IUCN Organizaciones Regionales de Pesca Organización Internacional del Trabajo Banco Mundial
President Amador Suárez Villa Vice-president 1º ViceJuan Manuel Liria Franch Vice--president 2 Vice 2º Joaquín Cadilla Castro Secretary General Javier Garat Pérez Secretary y General Adjunta j María José González Martínez Secretary General Adjunta Rocío Béjar Ochoa
Vocales ONAPE: Pedro Maza (Presidente de la Federación Andaluza de Asociaciones Pesqueras), José Ángel Angulo (Director Gerente de Anabac) Andrés Guiance (Presidente de la Asociación de Armadores Anabac), de Marín), José Suero (Director Gerente de Anamar) , José Ramón Blanco (Presidente de Orpal) y Diego Crespo (Presidente de OPP Almadraba). FEOPE: Julio Morón (Director Gerente de Opagac), José Ramón Fuertes (Director Gerente de Arvi), Concepción Ortega (Gerente de Espaderos Gurdeses), Jesús Lourido (Jefe de Flota de Puerto de Celeiro), Esteve Ortiz (Presidente de la Asociación Armadores de Tarragona) y Francisco Portela (Presidente de Anapa). (Presidente de OPPAO), ), María del Carmen FEABP: Francisco Arauco ( Aldarondo (Presidenta Grupo Pesquerías Caladero Nacional), Francisco J. Rodríguez (Presidente Grupo Pesquerías NAFO),Alberto Rentería (Vicepresidente OPECA),Víctor Badiola (Gerente OPPAO),Luís Francisco Marín (Asesor Jurídico/Laboral OPPAO).
President Amador Suárez Villa
Vice-president Juan Manuel Liria Franch
Vice-president Joaquín Cadilla Castro
Secretary Generall Javier Garat Pérez
Secretary General Adjunta
Secretary General Adjunta
Mª José González Martínez
Rocío Béjar Ochoa
Comunication María Santos
Technical staff Almudena Gómez Beatriz Gatóo Miguel Ángel Alguacil
Administrative staff Beatriz Melgar Amaro Sandra Rodríguez López Pilar Puertas Sierra