ICCAT Seabird Assessment and Management

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Paul de Bruyn, ICCAT Secretariat Vigo, Spain

Structure  Background  Seabird assessment  Current management  Future initiatives

Background 2002 – ICCAT addressed FAO IPOA for Reducing Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries – passed Resolution [0214] (note: no longer active)  Urged member nations to implement national plans of action for seabirds  Encouraged them to collect and provide information on interactions with seabirds  Requested an assessment of the impact of incidental catch of seabirds resulting from the activities of all the vessels fishing for tunas and tuna-like species, in the Convention Area.

Sea bird assessment Due to request formulated under Res [02-14] seabird assessment was initiated in 2007.  ICCAT SCECO tasked with assessment  Not an easy process –> 2007 – 2010  Methodology agreed – Ecological risk assessment  ERA framework allows rapid identification of high-risk species and impacting fishing activities Challenges… catch data limited, species misidentification, previous low observer coverage levels, additional workload for observers. Conducted with strong input/collaboration with Birdlife Int.

Sea bird assessment Primary objectives  Identification of the seabird populations most likely to be at risk from ICCAT longlining  Collate available data on at-sea distribution of these species  Analyze the spatial and temporal overlap between species distribution and ICCAT longline fishing effort  Review existing by-catch rate estimates for ICCAT longline fisheries  Estimate total annual seabird by-catch (number of birds) in the ICCAT Convention area  Assess the likely impact of this by-catch on seabird populations

Sea bird assessment: Results (Tuck et al. 2011) Values (ordered by average score) for overlap score (ii), the product of the percentage seabird distribution and the average monthly ICCAT pelagic-longline hooks set per 5 Ă— 5 grid square between 2000 and 2005, for the months of January and July, and the average over all calendar months.

Sea bird assessment ď‚— Based on combination of factors populations most at risk identified as

wandering and black-browed albatrosses of South Georgia and the Atlantic yellow-nosed

Tristan albatrosses of Gough Island

Sea bird assessment In addittion identification of;    

Key data gaps (both fishery and seabird) Season of high catch Areas with high catch Potential fisheries with high catch

However…  Process tends to highlight fisheries that provide data as being high

risk whereas lack of data can be overlooked (although this can be addressed)

Initial ICCAT management ICCAT SCECO also investigated methods for bycatch mitigation Result… in 2007 the commission passed Rec [07-07]


Rec [07-07]  Mechanisms to record seabird interactions

 Provision of data on interactions by CPCs  Reduction of bycatch  Vessels fishing South of 20oS – carry and use tori-poles

(LL for SWO exempt if fishing at night and achieve optimum sink rate of hooks)  Subject to review and modification (2008 meeting of commission)

Current ICCAT management ICCAT SCECO made further recommendations based on seabird assessment Update to Rec [07-07] made in 2011 based on new recommendations. Rec [11-09]


Rec [11-09]  Record seabird incidental bycatch by species – through

observer programmes – report annually. (See Rec [10-10]  Reduce by-catch via mitigation measures  All LL vessels fishing South of 25oS – use at least 2 mitigation measures.   

Night setting with minimum deck lighting Bird-scaring lines (Tori lines) Line weighting

Rec [11-09]  Med – mitigation as in previous point is voluntary

 Minimum technical standards defined for mitigation 

  

measures. Specified standards for tori lines Status of their NPOAs for Reducing Incidental Catches of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries. ICCAT Rec. 07-07 will continue to apply in the area between 20oS to 25oS 2015 – revisit, re-evaluate measures

Future of ICCAT seabird management As stated in Rec [11-09] – revisit/re-evaluate measures in 2015. Possible additional measures based on scientific advice. SC ECO in 2015 - Review the efficacy of seabird by-catch mitigation measures [Rec. 11-09]. a) Review the extent that ICCAT mitigation measures reflect best practices. b) Propose candidate indicators to evaluate the efficacy of mitigation measures. c) Identify data insufficiencies.

Muchas Gracias

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