SchoolsCatalogueSRE/RI 192 2 2022 2023
10 Big Questions (Final year of Primary)
15 Bible Events playing cards
24 Think Faith—Stage 6 (For years 11–12)
16 Christmas resources
Ordering information/forms on the centre pages
High school
22 Think Faith—Stage 5 (For years 9–10)
Extra resources for Primary school
4 Beginning with God (First year of Primary)
15 Digital visual resources
6 Connect (Infants, Lower Primary and Upper Primary)
12 Youthworks SRE Conference 2023
8 (Extra Primary resources website)
14 Visual aid posters
18 Easter resources
2 Hello God! (Preschool)
192 2 2022 CART-PLUS +61 2 8268 3344 CEP Sales PO Box A287 Sydney South NSW 1235 Note: Materials featured on pages 4–7, 10–11 and 20–25 are the only CEP curricula authorised for use in SRE classes in the Sydney Anglican Diocese, NSW and RI lessons in Queensland.
Primary school
Contents Preschool
20 Think Faith—Stage 4 (For years 7–8)
We pray that you are encouraged by the love and goodness of God and by the potential for you to be used in ways you could never imagine. May it be so in your classroom, in your school, in your community.
“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another— and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”
Remember you are salt and light as you serve day-by-day in the school—your school—where God has placed you. Make the most of every opportunity. Be ready with a willing and loving answer for the hope you have.
What a privilege it is to know that as we drive by our local schools we can pray that the SRE and RI teachers there would teach clearly, that the students’ understanding and faith may deepen and that the school community may be blessed.
God bless, The team at CEP
For over 100 years, faithful Aussie Christians have been taking the good news of Jesus into our schools to millions of children.
Over that time, while our nation has grown enormously in population and cultural diversity, the word of God has continued to be taught.
Our sincere prayer is that God will continue to bless our nation through your service for the next 100 years and beyond. Have a great 2023!
What a joy it is to know our loving heavenly Father is faithful and his word will not return to him empty.
Hello God! introduces children aged 3–5 to the Christian faith. a balance of Old and New Testament passages, program covers the themes of God’s character, his world and promises, and trusting in and isGodthatfacttheaboutchildyourtoTalkowers.flandleavesgrass, saycouldYoucreation.hisafterlooksheandworldtheofKingthe madehasheallforGodtotogetherthanksofprayer for.caresand VERSEMEMORY caretakeyouandeveryone,togoodareYou creation.yourallof (CEV)145:9Psalm
Hello God!
1 1 22
Eachliving for him.semester’s Teacher’s pack contains lesson aims and outcomes, detailed preparation notes, free play activities that support each lesson, prayer and memory verse ideas, 20 colour posters, activitiescontainingAand movement music.songsfull-colourchild’scomponentweek-by-weekisavailableforeach unit. Teacher’s pack (inc. manual, CD and Visual aids) $49.95 each Semester 1 Code 3100 Semester 2 Code 3103 Child’s Semestercomponent1Unit1(physical) $2.95 each Code 3101 Semester 1 Unit 2 (one-time digital file) $19.95 each Code e3102 Semester 2 (one-time digital file) $19.95 each Unit 1 Code e3104 Unit 2 Code e3105 ற View samples online 6posters.indd2-A3Unit7/12/111:47PM© 2012 The purchaser of this manual is entitled to photocopy this page for classroom purposes. Chit-chat whatisthisdads,andmumsHey God.abouttodaylearnedwe Chit-chat whatisthisdads,andmumsHey God.abouttodaylearnedwe …QUESTIONBIGTHE God?isWho …ANSWERBIGTHE King.isGod …THATTODAYLEARNEDWE everything.madeworld—hetheofKingisGod …ATBIBLETHEINITFOUNDWE 1.Genesisand93:1Psalm TOGETHER!THINGSMORESOMELEARNLET’S outside.weekthiswalkaforchildyourtakeallows,weathertheIf GodthingstheallatthemaroundanduplooktothemEncourage trees,ground,theFeelbirds.theofsoundthetoListenmade.has
…QUESTIONBIGTHE God?isWho …ANSWERBIGTHE King.isGod …THATTODAYLEARNEDWE everything.madeworld—hetheofKingisGod …ATBIBLETHEINITFOUNDWE 1.Genesisand93:1Psalm
TOGETHER!THINGSMORESOMELEARNLET’S outside.weekthiswalkaforchildyourtakeallows,weathertheIf GodthingstheallatthemaroundanduplooktothemEncourage trees,ground,theFeelbirds.theofsoundthetoListenmade.has GodthatfacttheaboutchildyourtoTalkowers.flandleavesgrass, saycouldYoucreation.hisafterlooksheandworldtheofKingthe madehasheallforGodtotogetherthanksofprayer for.caresand VERSEMEMORY caretakeyouandeveryone,togoodareYou creation.yourallof (CEV)145:9Psalm
3 © CEP 2012 Hello God! 16
Beginning with God introduces students with little prior knowledge of the Bible to the God of all creation, the people in his unfolding plan and his TheSon Jesus.Teacher’s manual provides 40 lessons, outlining full aims and preparation notes, learning outcomes and activities. Songs, dramas and sound effects are Thealso included.accompanying Visual aid pack features 18 captivating A2-sized posters of biblical events, characters and stories
First year of Primary withBeginningGod
Digitised copies of all images are also included in this pack. The Digital visual aid licence gives you all the digital images as downloads for use in your multimedia presentations.
© CEP 20034 Poster 1 Poster 2 Poster 3 Poster 4 Poster 5 Poster 6 Poster 7 Poster 8 Poster 9 Characters Timeline posters 1 and 2 Timeline posters 3 and 4 Timeline posters 5 and 6 Timeline posters 7 and 8 Timeline posters 9 and 10 Timeline posters 11 and 12 Timeline posters 13 and 14 Timeline posters 15 and 16
The Student activity book contains a double-sided worksheet for each lesson. Each sheet is perforated, enabling students to take home their work after each lesson.
Visual aid pack
Over 500,000SOLD ற View samples online Ǫ Scope and sequence and additional online support Teacher’s manual $51.95 each Code 17011 Visual aid pack (inc. digitised images) $39.95 Code 17000 Digital Visual aid licence $17.95 per teacher Code e17000 Student activity book $5.60 each Code 17012 God looked at what he had done. All of it was very good! Genesis 1:31a (CEV) Draw one of your thingsfavouritethatGodmade.Makeitasbeautifulaspossible! Lesson 2
Connect A is all about knowing and trusting God.
A2 Term 3—Having faith in God: Jesus' famous parables from the Termgospels.4—Trusting and following Jesus: examples of faithful Christians from Acts onwards. View samples online Scope and sequence and additional online support
Connect follows a clear thematic and narrative path. Each cycle is divided into two semesters offering four cohesive units of The10 lessons.Teacher’s
Connect is a Bible-based curriculum designed to engage students’ minds and emotions, as well as develop the skills needed to explore the nature and context of the Christian faith. Three learning levels are available in a three-year cycle (A, B and C), allowing for flexibility and variety in content as students progress through their primary school years.
A1 Term 1—Knowing God our Creator: from Genesis Termto Luke.2—Trusting God: examples of faith from both the Old and New Testaments.
Infants, Lower Primary and Upper Primary Connect
manual comes with full lesson plans and teaching notes, as well as songs and dramas. PowerPoint slides and Visual aids for each lesson are available for free download at
God’s good creation MemorywordColoureachintheverseinadifferentcolour. God specialthismadedayasadayto____.Day1Day4 Day 2 Day 5 Day 3 Day 6 Day 7 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1 (CEV) nightmoonlandfishdaybirdsanimals sunstarsskyrestplantspeopleocean Cut out the pictures from page 31 and paste them in the correct box to tell the story of creation. From the list below, write the words into the correct day of creation box above. My favourite creatures: Write or draw theansweryourinspace.parrotlizardchimpanzeehorse catbutterflyclownfishdog other: 2 Lesson 2Genesis 1:1–31 God looked at what he had All of it was very good. Genesis God’s plan for creation Draw in some of the things Adam and Eve saw in the garden. Write the first letter of each these sentences. God made us friends with for the _ _ The Bible says that God has made each person precious. Draw or How does God care for people today? I can care for others this week by 3 Genesis 1:26—2:25
Upper Primary A1 Code 18132 | A2 Code 18232-2017
The Digital visual aid licence gives you all the digital images as downloads for use in multimedia presentations.your
7 © CEP Christian Education Publications 2010 had good.done. Genesis 1:31a (CEV) creation each image to complete us to bewith him, withand to _ _ _ _ . or write about how you are unique.ColoureachwordintheMemoryverseinadifferentcolour.Lesson3
A2 Code 18211-2017
Upper Primary A1 Code 18131 | A2 Code 18231-2017
Connect Visual aids
A2 Code e18200
These visual aids can be used across all three age learning levels. The pack includes more than 25 A2-sized colour posters, plus digitised images of the posters and PowerPoint slides as downloads.
Teacher’s manual $41.95 each
A1 Code e18100
Digital visual aid licence $17.95 per teacher
A1 Code 18111 |
Lower Primary A1 Code 18121 | A2 Code 18221-2017
A1 Code 18112 | A2 Code 18212-2017
Lower Primary A1 Code 18122 | A2 Code 18222-2017
Visual aid pack $41.95 each A1 Code 18100 | A2 Code 18200
Student activity book $3.65 each
FREE Extra resourcesPrimarywebsite Whether you use Beginning with God, Connect or Big Questions, is for you! It's got PowerPoints for each lesson, songs, videos, teaching tips, FAQs, the full Scope and Sequence for each program and more. Signup8
Jesus said to them Taken from Acts 1:8 (CEV)
Colour the puzzle. • = one colour How did the Holy Spirit empower Peter?
Jesus sent the Holy Spirit and Peter was filled with __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (donbessl) and powerfully preached about Jesus to thousands of people. Many believed him and also became followers of Jesus.
manualTeacher’s $41.95 each Semester 1 Code 3201 Semester 2 Code 3202 magazineStudent $5.15 each Semester 1 Code 3211 Semester 2 Code 3212 Can people really changE? LESSON 8 Acts 2:1–41; Luke 22:54–62 Investigating Peter Unjumble the words to complete this summary of Peter’s life. When Peter first met Jesus he was __ __ __ __ __ __ (zaedam) and (hedmubl). After years of following Jesus and watching him Peter realised he was truly the Son of God and he __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (phideprows) him. Peter was __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (seru fo smliehf) and __ __ __ __ (lobd), promising that he would face any danger for Jesus. But when Jesus was arrested and Peter was in danger he became __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (lufefar dan yowdlarc) even denying that he had ever met Jesus. He was filled with __ __ __ __ __ (hasme) and was so __ __ __ __ __ __ (radaif) that he hid away in a locked
Big Questions is a one-year program offered as an alternative to Connect in the final year of primary. It is designed to engage with the big questions students are asking such as ‘What is God really like?’, ‘What’s gone wrong with the world?’, ‘Does God really care about me?’, ‘What’s the purpose of my life?’, ‘Can people really change?’ and ‘What was Jesus really like?’.
When the women brought news of Jesus’ resurrection Peter and the other men (d’tind eelvieb) the news. Jesus appeared to them in person and Peter was __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (deerfirit). When he finally realised Jesus had truly risen from the dead he was __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (vrejoodey)
The Teacher’s manual provides clear aims and outcomes, easyto-follow lesson plans and extension ideas. Additional material—such as PowerPoints for each lesson, songs and ideas for introductory activities—is available to download from room with Jesus’ other disciples.
Final year of Primary Big Questions
Over 290,000SOLD ற View samples online Ǫ Scope and sequence and additional online support 11 Acts 2:1–41; Luke 22:54–62 LESSON 8 15
Paul grew up as a rich kid living in a rich suburb. He started taking illegal drugs. Things went from bad to worse for him in the next 20 years. Then someone from a Christian organisation got Paul into a drug rehabilitation program.
When Tracy was 13, her dad died. Some time later, on her way to school, she was passing the church and noticed the door was open. She went inside and was sitting and crying about her dad. Some ladies who went to that church asked if she was alright. The minister talked with Tracy and made her feel a little better.
� KEY VERSE The Lord’s Spirit makes us
A tale of Tracy Tracy didn’t go to church or Sunday school, yet somehow she was aware of God. She knew the local minister a bit because she’d seen him around her high school.
Now he has become a Christian and doesn’t ever take illegal drugs. He runs a drug rehabilitation program for that same organisation in another city.
Paul can say to his clients, ‘I’ve been there. I know what it’s like. And Jesus can help you get out’.
Think about how these two people’s lives were changed when they became followers of Jesus. What changes would you see in the life of someone who decided to follow Jesus? List them below. more and more like our glorious Lord.
When she was 18, Tracy had a job in a chemist’s shop. The chemist was a Christian who often talked to Tracy about Jesus. He gave her a New Testament. After reading some of it, Tracy contacted the minister she had met five years before to say she had become a Christian and wanted to be baptised. She joined that church and worked as a Sunday school teacher. Now Tracy says, ‘When I look back, I can see God’s hand in it all, working through all those people’.
More than one kind of riches
2 Corinthians 3:18b (CEV)
Dates: February 7 & 11, 2023 Locations: 8 locations across Sydney & Wollongong Find out 12
If you are an approved SRE or RI provider who would like to access the livestream to host your own training event, please email to find out more.
Australian addresses Orderedviaweb
Finalise order by clicking the shopping-cart icon at top right of screen.
Steps to order online:
A 5% discount is available for online orders for Connect Semester 1 and Beginning with God student handbooks until January 6, 2023. Quote discount SAB2023.#
If you wish to email, post or fax your order, please use the order forms on the next three pages.
Order value $400 and over $20.00 $35.00
# Dear friends, we have always offered an early-bird discount to our valued customers. Covid-19 restrictions on SRE/RI classes over the past two years continue to bring a significant drop in our sales. We would therefore be very grateful if you would consider not taking up your early-bird discount offer and instead see this as a donation to CEP. It would greatly ease the financial pressure on us as we continue to invest in quality SRE/RI resources. Thank you. +61 2 8268 3344 CEP Sales PO Box A287 Sydney South NSW 1235
•The conference will be livestreamed from St Barnabas’ Broadway on both days. All the other sessions will run face to face at each of the 8 venues.
Enter your details under ‘Create Account’. (If buying on behalf of an organisation, you will need to enter their ABN and CEP account number.)
•Each venue will host a primary SRE training seminar. Some venues will also provide an alternative elective of either SRE Accreditation Module 1 or a high school SRE training seminar. Please check the list of venues online carefully for which locations will be providing these alternative elective options before you purchase your ticket.
CEP's webstore allows us to invoice you directly from web orders. Or, if you wish, you can pay by credit card at the time of ordering.
Enter the Quantity and ‘Add to cart’.
Repeat steps 4 and 5 as needed.
Order value $90 to $399.99 $15.00 $25.50
Ordered via phone, fax, email or post
Go to the top right of screen and click the user-circle icon.
Order value to $29.99 $5.99 $17.00
Order value $30 to $89.99 $10.00
Free livestream access!
Search the resource you wish to order.
Our friendly staff are always available to answer your questions and provide advice on our resources. To contact them, please refer to the details below.
Come and join over 1,000 primary and high school SRE teachers and helpers to be encouraged from God’s word and equipped for the year ahead. Whether you’re new to SRE or have been teaching for many years, the 2023 SRE Conference is a great way to start the year!
192 2 2022
With ongoing concern over COVID-19, there will be measures to ensure that you will be kept safe while still having the opportunity to meet together!
Postage & handling
Account number * (if known)
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Billing details (All orders will be invoiced to this account)
Attention to Address Postcode details (Tick one) CEP
Account name
Email Address State Postcode
enclosed Mastercard Visa Expiry ____ / ____ Card NameNo.on card *Signature
Please invoice our account^ Cheque payable to
If you don't wish to order your resources online at, you can fill out this order form and send it back to us.
Refer to a previous CEP or statement.
^ Invoicing only available for churches, businesses and schools with an ABN. Individuals must pay at time of order.
Contact number
Digital visual aid license (per teacher) $17.95
Semester 2
Student activity book $3.65
Teacher’s manual $41.95
Digital visual aid licence (One per teacher) $17.95
request must be made in writing within 14 days from the time of delivery of products. Once your request is received, it will be assessed by our sales team and an authorised returns form may be granted. Any unauthorised returns will not be accepted. All eligible returns will be processed as account credit. To view our Returns Policy, go to
Teacher’s manual $41.95 Student activity book $3.65
Subtotal Postage & handlingTotal
Semester 1
First year of Primary Beginning with God Price Qty Total
Student activity book $3.65
Student activity book $5.60
Student magazine $5.15
To change an existing order for Semester 2 resources, you must contact CEP at least 14 days before your preferred delivery date
Teacher’s manual $41.95 Student magazine $5.15
Lower Primary (Years 3 to 4)
Visual aid pack $41.95
Note carefully
Semester 1
Teacher’s manual $41.95
Teacher’s manual $41.95
Upper Primary (Years 5 to 6)
Additional instructions to CEP sales staff°
Returns are accepted under special circumstances and conditions. A returns
Final year of Primary Big Questions Price Qty Total
Teacher’s manual $51.95 Visual aid pack $39.95
While every effort will be made to accommodate additional instructions, this cannot be guaranteed.
Infants, Lower Primary and Upper Primary Connect Price Qty Total (YearsInfants1 to 2)
If you order multiple Connect cycles at the same time, please complete a separate order form for each cycle.
4 Code Title Price Qty Total PostageSubtotal&handlingTotalCART-PLUS +61 2 8268 3344 CEP Sales PO Box A287 Sydney South NSW 1235 192 2 2022
Come and join over 1,000 primary and high school SRE teachers and helpers to be encouraged from God’s word and equipped for the year ahead. Whether you’re new to SRE or have been teaching for many years, the 2023 SRE Conference is a great way to start the year!
If you are an approved SRE or RI provider who would like to access the livestream to host your own training event, please email to find out more.
With ongoing concern over COVID-19, there will be measures to ensure that you will be kept safe while still having the opportunity to meet together!
•Each venue will host a primary SRE training seminar. Some venues will also provide an alternative elective of either SRE Accreditation Module 1 or a high school SRE training seminar. Please check the list of venues online carefully for which locations will be providing these alternative elective options before you purchase your ticket.
Free livestream access!
•The conference will be livestreamed from St Barnabas’ Broadway on both days. All the other sessions will run face to face at each of the 8 venues.
$29.95 Code 1481
Thirty-two A5 posters of significant Bible events and people covering the creation of the world to Jesus’ second coming. Perfect to display as a timeline.
Nine A2 posters depicting God’s big salvation plan from creation to the present day. The major events in the Bible are shown on the one long timeline.
Bible Maps Poster pack
Twelve A2 maps for both Old and New Testament times, showing David and Solomon’s kingdoms, the twelve tribes of Israel, the places Jesus travelled, Paul’s missionary journeys and more.
Additional visual Resources
$29.95 Code 1431
$34.95 Code 1471
Bible Events Poster pack
Bible Timeline Poster pack
Bible Timeline, Events & Maps Visual aids (Digital) $49.95 Code e6223 New Testament Visual aids (Digital) $49.95 Code e6202 Old Testament Visual Aids (Digital) $49.95 Code e6200 15 DigitalDigitalDigital
Digital visual resources
$5.95 per pack Code 2994
Bible Events playing cards
If you’re looking for digital images to illustrate a lesson, each of these downloads contains over a hundred high resolution images in full colour ready to use in PowerPoint presentations or on interactive whiteboard. Perfect posters too.
for printing
These 32 Bible Events playing cards are ideal for teaching the significant events and characters from the Bible’s timeline, spanning God’s creation of the world to Jesus’ second coming.
Share the wondrous story of the first Christmas with this uniquely illustrated book. This Jumbo edition measures no less than 42 cm x 42 cm, making it ideal for teacher-to-class reading.
God‛s Gift … the
Christmas Christmas
Full of colouring pages, mazes and puzzles to teach kids about God's greatest gift. $4.95 Code 633
Jesus—A King Is Born! The Christmas Story Shan Joseph
All about Jesus Christmas Colouring and Activity Book
Packed with ideas to make Christmas a memorable and Christ-centred experience. This teaching resource contains tips, crafts, drama ideas, photocopiable activity sheets, music and making
Christmas Resources
Christmas—God’s gift … the Saviour comic
Ideal for Christmas outreach, these engaging pocket-sized comics encourage readers to see that they can trust and follow Jesus as their King and Saviour. $1.25 each Code 6204
$24.95 Code 638 (physical) $24.95 Code e638 (digital)
Jumbo edition
$29.95 Code 9754
Christmas for Kids
Penny Morrison and Lisa Flanagan
Christmas colouring-in gift cards
$16.95 Code 959
These digital resources each contain a collection of videos, scripts and handy hints to take away the stress of generating ideas for a fresh and engaging Christmas talk. Presented by children's talk expert, Pete Tong.
This beautifully illustrated book helps children to understand who the special baby born at Christmas was, how he grew up, what he has done for us, and why he is the mighty mighty King.
The Mighty Mighty King Christmas Book
Volume 2 $34.95 Code 9521 View samples online
Volume 1 $34.95 Code 952
A set of 30 double-sided cards providing the perfect classroom activity or gift.
Digital Digital
Christmas Christmas
the Saviour
$11.95 Code 2996
Creative Christmas Kids Talks
This teaching resource focuses on Jesus and his death and resurrection. It includes dramas, Bible reading suggestions, art and craft, music, games, group and individual projects, and ideas for quiet reflection and prayer. $24.95 Code 639 (physical) $24.95 Code e639 (digital)
Easter colouring-in gift cards
With loads of colouring pages, mazes and fun puzzles, this delightful Easter activity book teaches kids aged 2–7 all about Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. $4.95 Code 632
A set of 30 double-sided cards providing the perfect classroom activity or gift for Easter. $11.95 Code 2995 View samples online
Jumbo edition $29.95 Code 9752
Easter Resources
A touching retelling of the Easter message and the true hope all people can have in Jesus is captured in this wonderful book. The Jumbo edition measures 42 cm x 42 cm in size, making it ideal for teacher-to-class reading.
Easter for Kids
All about Easter Colouring and Activity Book
Jesus—The Saviour Lives! The Easter Story Shan Joseph
Unit 4: Genesis 1—12:3
Unit 3: Paul in Acts
Years 7–8 Think Faith Stage 4
8 lessons each, offering 1 year's worth of work.
Unit 3: Peter in Acts
Stage 4A
Unit 1: An introduction to the Bible Students explore why the Bible is the word of God and the foundation for Christian living.
The story of this conflicted prophet challenges us to rethink our preconceptions of God and his concern and will for humanity.
The life of the promised King. What is it like to walk with Jesus? Do we give up when we find him too challenging? Or will we follow him to death for eternity?
Unit 4: Jonah
The transformation of a murderer into Jesus’ proclaimer and the explosion of Christianity across the ancient world.
Stage 4B
Peter’s wonderful transformation as he steps out in generosity and love to tell the world of the risen Jesus.
Duration 8 lessons each, offering 1 year's worth of work.
Unit 2: Mark Mark’s Gospel examines the unexpected life of Jesus and stresses the importance of not misunderstanding him.
Four fundamental world view questions are examined against the opening backdrop of Genesis: origin, meaning, morality and destiny.
Think Faith is a flexible, fully digitised curriculum containing teaching plans, lesson tips, PowerPoints, video links and printable student worksheets. There are 4 units per year level, each containing 8 lessons.
Unit 1: The Bible tells one big story
An overview of the epic biblical story with a focus on the climax as told through the gospel narratives.
Think Faith is issued for one calendar year and priced on the number of students being taught. A licence gives you access to the full catalogue of Think Faith lessons for Stage 4.
Unit 2: Matthew
Stage 4 (Years 7–8) $6.00 per student, per year Code E476S
God’s people believed that God would judge the whole world and bring restoration to his people. MEANING: God’s people believed that they had been made God’s people and found meaning in praising and serving him. MORALITY: God’s people believed that they should pay close attention to what God had said and obey it. THE WORLD VIEW OF POLYTHEISTS These include the sailors in the story and the people of Nineveh: ORIGIN: interactions between a number of gods led to the creation of the world and humanity. DESTINY: MEANING: MORALITY: 1:2 T H I N K FA I T H UNIT 4 STAGE 4B Years 7–8 JONAH The authentic life Digital
ற View samples online 21
The Israelites believed in only one God, and they believed that he spoke to his people through prophets— ordinary people who declared the words of God. Polytheists—like the Ninevites and sailors that we will meet in the book of Jonah—believed in many gods. They did not recognise the Israelite God’s claim to be the right ruler over the whole world. THE WORLD VIEW OF GOD’S PEOPLE ORIGIN: God’s people believed that one true God created the whole world.
Unit 1: Exodus
Unit 2: Luke (Part 1)
Stage 5A
The meaning, hope and joy of existence as offered only by Jesus.
Years 9–10
Think Faith Stage 5
Stage 5 (Years 9–10) $6.00 per student, per year
Think Faith is a flexible, fully digitised curriculum containing teaching plans, lesson tips, PowerPoints, video links and printable student worksheets. There are 4 units per year level, each containing 8 lessons.
8 lessons each, offering 1 year's worth of work.
Unit 4: A full life
Jesus teaches his disciples how to follow him into the kingdom of God.
Luke examines the life of Jesus asking, is this the saviour Israel has been waiting for for 1000 years?
Moses the shadow. Jesus the fulfilment. How the incredible events of the Exodus are but a shadow to a much greater event where death itself is defeated.
Think Faith is issued for one calendar year and priced on the number of students being taught. A licence gives you access to the full Think Faith catalogue of lessons for Stage 5.
Unit 3: Luke (Part 2)
Code e479S
Stage 5B
L:3 © CEP 2016—ISSUED UNDER LICENCE FOR 2022 SCHOOL YEAR ONLY SIMEON AND ANNA’S RESPONSE PEOPLE MIGHT HAVE THOUGHT THAT … BUT IN REALITY … WE SEE THIS IN VERSE … the bad situation meant that God wasn’t in control God was not going to keep the promises that he made to Abraham, David and others God’s saviour would only be for the Israelites, and not anyone else (non-Israelites were known as Gentiles) God was not going to send a king God was not going to free his people LUKE 2:28–38 LUKE (1) An unexpected Saviour T H I N K FA I T H UNIT 2 STAGE 5A Years 9–10 Digital
An examination of the how and why of storytelling through the Bible and how all genres point to Jesus.
Paul describes how life-changing it is to trust Jesus as Lord and Saviour.
Unit 1: Many genres, one story
Unit 4: Daniel
The pressure to conform to culture is not new. As for Daniel, we need wisdom, courage and obedience to trust God over the dominant social voices.
Unit 2: John Jesus is the unexpected life-giver. John’s Gospel is determined to show the multitude of ways that Jesus brings life to those he meets.
8 lessons each, offering 1 year's worth of work.
Unit 3: Ephesians
ற View samples online
Think Faith is issued for one calendar year and is priced on the number of students being taught. A licence gives you access to the full Think Faith catalogue of lessons for Stage 6.
Following on from our successful Think Faith for Stages 4 and 5, we’re pleased to launch all–new seminars for Stage 6. If you’re leading large groups of students or need material for a special event, our Stage 6 seminars could be just the ticket.
This entirely digital curriculum features exercises that can be done in discussion groups, activities led from the front, plus material to support times of personal reflection.
The seminars are designed to get students thinking, help them explore the Bible, and offer creative video resources to help bring the topics alive.
New 2023FORYears 11–12
Think Faith Seminars Stage 6
There are 8 seminars, each covering a hot topic question in one session.
ற View samples online
Term 1A – What is the meaning of life?
Religious nut? Or something else entirely?
Term 3B – Church: Social good or source of social injustice? Is church a building? A social club? Is it a group of goody-goody killjoys? Maybe it’s something else entirely?
Term 2A – Jesus: fact or fiction? The stories of Jesus’ life, miracles, death and resurrection are not only written about in the Bible, but have historical evidence to back them up.
Please contact us for pricing. Code e482S
Term 1B – What’s the problem with Christians?
If God is good, why do bad things happen? How does the Bible explain why a good and powerful God can allow his people to suffer?
Stage 6A
Term 3A – Jesus: dead or alive? What are the reasons Christians believe in, and historically have died for, the most unbelievable part of the Christian story?
Stage 6 (Years 11–12)
Why looking at creation leads Christians to believe there is a creator. What the Bible says about the unique role humans have in creation.
Why it is that Jesus’ followers are so often not like him? And how can they fail to obey his commands?
25 For the director of music. A psalm of David. 1 The heavens tell about the glory of God. The skies show that his hands created them. Day after day they speak about it. Night after night they make it known. But they don’t speak or use words. No sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into the whole earth. Their words go out from one end of the world to the other. God has set up a tent in the heavens for the sun. 5 The sun is like a groom leaving the room of his wedding night. The sun is like a great runner who takes delight in running a race. 6 It rises at one end of the heavens. Then it moves across to the other end. Everything enjoys its warmth. 7 The law of the Lord is perfect. It gives us new strength. The laws of the Lord can be trusted. They make childish people wise. The rules of the Lord are right. They give joy to our hearts. The commands of the Lord shine brightly. They give light to our minds. 9 The law that brings respect for the Lord is pure. It lasts forever. The commands the Lord gives are true. All of them are completely right. They are more priceless than gold. They have greater value than huge amounts of pure gold. They are sweeter than honey that is taken from the honeycomb. Your servant is warned by them. When people obey them, they are greatly rewarded. 12 But who can know their own mistakes? Forgive my hidden faults. 13 Also keep me from the sins I want to commit. May they not be my master. Then I will be without blame. I will not be guilty of any great sin against your law. 14 Lord, may these words of my mouth please you. And may these thoughts of my heart please you also. You are my Rock and my Redeemer. PSALM 19 What parts of creation does the writer focus on? What does he conclude about God? The Law refers to God’s instruction, the way he wants his people to live. Why does the writer shift from looking at God’s creation to looking at God’s instruction? What does the writer conclude about God’s instruction? Verse 12: Can the writer follow God’s instruction perfectly? Verse 14: What does the writer conclude about his relationship with God? © CEP 2022—ISSUED UNDER LICENCE FOR 2022 SCHOOL YEAR ONLY HO 2 T H I N K FA I T SEMINARH TERM 1A Years 11–12 WHAT IS MEANINGTHE OF LIFE? ?? ? ? Digital
Term 4B – What does Jesus have to do with me? This seminar wraps up all that students have learned in senior high and junior high, as well as primary school and asks: What does Jesus have to do with me?
Stage 6B
Term 2B – God: Good King or Sky-Bully?
Term 4A – Jesus: myth, martyr or made-up? What would it have been like to hang out with Jesus? Top bloke?
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