cO nnect Infants B2
Welcome Connect is a three-year (Special) Religious Education curriculum designed for use in Australian and New Zealand schools. It is Bible-based and offers 20 lessons each semester at Infants, Lower Primary and Upper Primary levels. The curriculum has as its foundation the belief that it is important to allow the Bible’s own theological framework to determine what is taught and how it is taught. It is therefore content-structured, teaching the major events, concepts and doctrines of the Bible. The intention of Connect is to introduce students to God and his saving purposes for the world through Jesus Christ, his Son. This curriculum is also student-related. It is designed to engage students’ minds and emotions as well as develop the skills needed for students to explore the nature and content of the Christian faith.
Educational approach Like all other CEP children’s ministry resources, Connect draws on recent research on the way students think and learn. Importance is placed on: ■ teaching concepts in a way that is appropriate for the age and developmental stage of the students; ■ recognising that intuitive or tacit knowing means that students generally have more of a grasp of a concept than they can express in words; ■ acknowledging that knowing requires more than intellectual experience because it involves the emotions as well; ■ relating all that is taught to their experience; and ■ providing discussion and activities that encourage students to reprocess information and make it their own.
Connect uses a range of teaching and learning strategies to engage the intellectual strengths and preferred learning styles of all students. Teachers are encouraged to try a variety of these in order to discern which approaches best suit the needs of their classes. The overriding aim of this curriculum is to present the heart of God’s message of salvation in a clear and appropriate manner. You may want to think of ways beyond the immediate lesson of linking students who express an interest to church-run children’s and youth activities, so they can experience Christian community and learn more about the Christian faith.
Curriculum structure Connect is a three-year curriculum presented at three separate levels—Infants (for students aged 5 to 7), Lower Primary (ages 7 to 9) and Upper Primary (ages 10 to 12).
Accordingly students will only meet the particular Bible passage, upon which a lesson is built, three times during these years. The lesson content and learning outcomes are different at each level, achieving both reinforcement and learning at greater depth as the student progresses through school. Additional CEP curricula are available: Beginning with God is for the first year of school and Big Questions is for students in the last year of primary school and making the transition into high school. A series of CEP high school resources is also available. See the current CEP catalogue for details or contact CEP.
Content Connect B1 focused on linking Jesus’ life, death and resurrection with God’s promises in the Bible in the Old Testament. This gave students a big-picture view of God’s plan to redeem a fallen world. The first ten lessons examined Jesus’ life (including his words and actions) to reveal that Jesus is God’s powerful Son who saves us from our sins and fulfils God’s promises. The second unit in Connect B1 introduced students to Abraham and encouraged them to investigate people from the Old Testament who received promises from God. We ended this first semester with Joseph. And so Connect B2 continues Connect B1 by concentrating on Old Testament events beginning with God’s people in slavery in Egypt. Students learn about Moses and how God used him to rescue his people from the King of Egypt. An examination of Exodus, Numbers and Deuteronomy familiarises students with events controlled and directed by God, all of which point to Jesus. The second ten lessons extend the focus to include the entire gospel. The book of Romans demonstrates how the promises God made to Abraham are ultimately fulfilled in Jesus (2 Corinthians 1:20). God’s promises are for the inclusion of the whole world, and therefore each student. There is also a special lesson on the environment and another introducing students to a contemporary Australian Christian.
Special lessons As well as the Christmas and Easter lessons in the curriculum, a special assembly idea for these major Christian celebrations is provided for those who may be asked to conduct a whole school or large group activity. Each semester also contains a lesson dealing with a major issue children may face. This semester features a lesson on the environment, and provides a biblical basis for how we should interact with God’s world.
Contents For the teacher What you will find in each lesson Music, drama, PowerPoints and PDFs Curriculum stance Training and support Five circles of learning Connect icons
4 4 6 7 7 8 9
Introduction—God keeps his promises Lesson 1 Wanted: rescuer Exodus 1:1—2:10 Lesson 2 Saviour to the rescue! Exodus 3:1—4:17 Lesson 3 Rescue resisted Exodus 7:1—10:29 Lesson 4 Rescue complete Exodus 11–14 Lesson 5 God teaches his people Exodus 19–20 Lesson 6 God lives with his people Exodus 25–40 Lesson 7 God’s people rebel Numbers 13–14 Lesson 8 Remember the rescue Deuteronomy 4–11; 28–29; 30:11–20 Lesson 9 Into the Promised Land! Joshua 1–6 Lesson 10 Jesus the rescuer Various
10 12 24 34 46 58 68 78 86 98 106
Introduction—God’s promise for the world Lesson 11 The gospel: then and now Genesis 12:1–9; Romans 1:1–17 Lesson 12 The good news about the gospel! Romans 1:18—3:31; Matthew 18:12–14 Lesson 13 The response to the gospel Romans 4:1–15; Luke 8:4–15 Lesson 14 Gospel obedience Romans 6–7; Matthew 7:24–27 Lesson 15 The Spirit of the gospel Romans 8:1–17; Acts 1:1–5; 2:1–21 Lesson 16 The hope of the gospel Romans 8:18–39; Matthew 24:36, 44 Lesson 17 Gifts of the gospel Romans 10:1, 9–15; 12:1–8; 1 Corinthians 12:12–27 Lesson 18 The gospel is our strength Romans 16:25a; Ephesians 6:10–17 Lesson 19 Christmas: God’s promise fulfilled in Jesus Matthew 1; Luke 1; 2 Corinthians 1:20 Lesson 20 The Lovell family in Spain Joshua 1:9; Mark 16:15; Psalm 119:105
114 116 126 134 144 152 160 168
Christmas assembly
Matthew 1; Luke 1:68–79
Special lesson
Genesis 1–2; 2 Peter 3:13
The environment
178 190 198
Teaching ideas 217 Help with classroom management 217 Helpful teaching techniques 219 Teaching Memory verses 222 Is your class different? 225 Teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students 226 Understanding the student: the learning theory undergirding Connect 227 Using appropriate language in the (S)RE/RI class 229 What the Bible says about living as God’s friends 230
What you will find in each lesson Each lesson has three parts: Way in, Bible focus and Connections. These will require approximately 25–30 minutes. Since no two classes are ever the same, teachers are encouraged to adapt the lesson to the learning needs of their students. However care should be taken not to distort the main points of the Bible’s teaching. It is recommended that teachers allocate at least 30 minutes for preparation before each lesson. Preferably this should be well in advance to allow the Holy Spirit to make the Bible text relevant first in the life of the teacher. Some lessons may require more preparation time. For those who follow the lesson exactly, the words the teacher will use are printed in bold, while the instructions to the teacher are in normal type. Suggested student answers where applicable are placed in brackets. Icons indicate when teachers should read the Bible, display the Visual aids and use the student Activity books, as well as many of the learning activities. For an explanation of the icons, see page 9.
Introduction An Introduction for each set of ten lessons (half a semester) has been included to give the teacher an overview of each set of lessons, their major theme and the Big idea that we want the students to engage with. There are also some ideas of ways the students can be encouraged to apply what they are learning to their everyday lives. The Introduction includes a general Bible background that encompasses the whole set of lessons and a Timeline that is designed to inform the teacher of the unit’s place within the broader framework of God’s activity in world history, or in the life and ministry of Jesus. An explanation of the teaching techniques employed in the lessons is also given, as well as suggestions for adjusting the number of lessons presented if time is not available to cover them all.
Lesson aim This presents the focus concept to be taught in each lesson.
Lesson outcomes These are the knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes that the lesson seeks to teach. An outcome is an observable accomplishment. Most of these can be assessed through direct questioning or observing the students’ unaided completion of the Activity books. Value and attitude changes often have to be discerned or inferred over time. Some of the outcomes are repeated in subsequent lessons, because not all students will achieve all outcomes at the same time or in the same way. Many of the outcomes will be assessed in the Connections stage of the lesson, so it is important to allow time for students to respond to any openended questions. Additional time may also need to be factored in for slow workers to complete activities.
Memory verse The Memory verse is included in each lesson. The same verse usually covers three to five lessons. There are two to three Memory verses for each set of ten lessons. We encourage students to learn these verses as the Bible has power to bring about change as it is applied by the Holy Spirit. (For additional ideas for teaching the Memory verse, see page 222.)
Bible background These notes give more detailed information to help the teacher to understand the main elements of the lesson, their place in the Bible and their historical background. Further information can be obtained from standard Bible dictionaries (see references, page 7).
You will need This section lists all the items needed for each lesson. It is designed to be a handy checklist. Teachers will find that the Activity book and the content found on cepconnect.com.au/myconnect (including music, dramas, PowerPoints and PDFs) form an integral part of the lessons. An optional Coloured Visual aid pack is also available.
Before you start This section gives help with preparation and presentation. It advises about some of the pitfalls to avoid and presents creative ideas and information about successful teaching techniques.
Teacher’s prayer This helps the teacher focus on the God about whom they teach, the students and their needs, and the teaching task.
This is the body of each lesson in which the main ideas, biblical content and learning concepts are explored. Lessons seek to involve the students actively in their own learning. In many cases the Activity books are integrated into the learning during Bible focus.
Connections Drawing everything together, this section seeks to connect students with Christ and his Church. Many of the questions and activities are designed to evaluate the students’ understanding and allow them to process, internalise and give expression to what has been learned. Teachers may wish to incorporate some of the ideas suggested in Taking it further at this point in the lesson. Infants lessons are enhanced with an end play where Joshua and Naomi comment on the themes explored (see End play audio tracks on cepconnect.com.au/ myconnect, see page 6 for more details).
Concluding prayer This is an important part of any lesson that reminds the students that God wants to hear from them and he will listen to them when they pray. This section of the lesson allows you to model prayer and encourages students to join you when they choose. Teachers may want to open the lesson in prayer sometimes or incorporate prayer during the lesson rather than always at the end.
Taking it further These suggestions are designed for incorporation into, or as extensions of, the lesson. They cover a range of learning styles that are indicated by icons. (For further details of the underlying learning theory of Connect, see pages 227–228. The icons are listed on page 9.) In most Infants lessons there are further Bible exploration activities that can be used with older students, capable workers or as suggestions
This section encourages the teacher to think back over the lesson and note the aspects of the lesson which worked well and what could have been changed or done differently. Teachers can also note down anything they need to follow up, such as a response to a student’s question or any added information they would like to share with the class. Prayer points about the class or individual students can also be recorded.
Visual aids Where required, black line Visual aids for use in the presentation of the lesson are included immediately following the lesson. Purchase of the Teacher’s manual carries with it the right to photocopy one enlargement of each Visual aid for use with the classes that teacher takes. A further pack of A2-size full-colour maps, timelines, scenes and characters is also available for use with lessons (see the current CEP catalogue or go online to cepstore.com.au). This pack includes the Coloured Visual aids and access to downloadable files containing these illustrations.
Student Activity book This is an integral part of every lesson. The Activity book has engaging activities that are appropriate for the stage of development of the students. The Upper Primary Activity book has been expanded to include the Bible passages within the lesson and more activities. The words of songs and prayers, maps, charts, diagrams and timelines are included to help the students to see the relationship between different parts of their learning and life.
Music, drama, PowerPoints and PDFs Music and drama audio tracks, as well as the PowerPoints and PDFs, are available for free download at cepconnect.com.au. See page 6 for more information.
Bible focus
Teacher reflections
This is an essential part of the lesson that helps to revise concepts, link lessons to prior learning, set the scene and gain the students’ interest. Frequently a key question is raised that links to the students’ life experiences and is dealt with as the lesson progresses. Alternatives are offered in some lessons. Teachers may wish to devise their own alternative that suits their past experience or the needs and interests of their students.
for students to follow up between one lesson and the next. If they are to be used in the lesson, the teacher will need to provide the appropriate Bible text. When a greater degree of difficulty is involved, indication is given that the exploration is for more advanced students.
Way in
LESSON AIM ■ To help students to understand that the promises God made to Abraham are also for people today.
LESSON OUTCOMES Students will learn about: ■ Paul, who wrote about God’s message of the good news of Jesus ■ Abraham, and the promises God made to him. Students will learn to: ■ recite the Memory verse with assistance ■ state the three promises made to Abraham.
MEMORY VERSE God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die. John 3:16 (CEV)
» Bible background God promised Abraham: 1) land; 2) a great nation; and 3) blessings to the nations (Genesis 12:1–3). The third promise specified that through Abraham the whole world would be blessed. These promises play a foundational role in God’s plan to save the world through Jesus. Jesus wasn’t plan B because Israel disobeyed God; Jesus was plan A from before Creation. Through Jesus, God’s family would include people from every nation, tribe, language and tongue (Revelation 7:9).
The gospel: then and now Genesis 12:1–9; Romans 1:1–17 Romans is a letter written by Paul, slave of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle (one ‘sent’ by Jesus), and set apart to proclaim the gospel (‘good news’) of God, to Jews and Gentiles everywhere in the known world—including the Christian church in Rome (1:1, 7). While Paul founded many Gentile churches he was not the founder of the church in Rome. Nevertheless, Paul longed to visit the brethren there in order to encourage them and in return be encouraged by them (1:8–13) because he had heard reports of their faith spreading all over the known world. The book of Romans is all about the gospel, defined as the good news about Jesus. In the opening 17 verses the word ‘gospel’ is used six times. Paul describes the gospel as God’s gospel and reminds the Romans that it is not something new. It was God’s plan from the beginning of the world to save a people for himself through his one and only Son, who died, rose again and reigns in and from heaven right now. The gospel is, and always has been, about Jesus—David’s, and therefore Abraham’s, descendant. Although the promises began with Israel, they weren’t just for Israel. God had always planned to include the Gentiles as well, so that in all who put their trust in Jesus, the gospel would produce an obedience that comes through faith. And God did all this to glorify and honour his Son (1:1–6). Paul concludes this introduction by exclaiming his confidence in the gospel he preached. Paul was not ashamed to bear the name of Jesus or to preach the gospel, for it is the power of God to save those who believe: first the Jew, then the Gentile.
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Two photographs (see Before you start) A clock with batteries removed (optional) A CEV Bible marked at Genesis 12:1–5 He died upon the cross (track 33) on Colin Buchanan’s Practise Being Godly album (see Introduction to Lessons 11–20) Visual aids from pages 122–125 of Good news for you, Lesson 11 headline, and Three promises (see Before you start) Glue stick Activity books Abraham and Paul from the Coloured Visual aid pack Old Testament timeline from the Connect A1 Coloured Visual aid pack (optional) New Testament timeline from the Connect A2 Coloured Visual aid pack (optional) Materials for Taking it further (optional)
OTHER RESOURCES If your lessons are longer than the standard, you may find the following resources useful. ■ The Lord don’t change at all (track 21) on Colin Buchanan’s 10, 9, 8 … God is Great album. ■ This is the gospel (track 22) on Colin Buchanan’s Remember the Lord album.
» You will need
■ You will need two photographs that show change over time. The photographs could be of yourself, your child or someone you know. Alternatively, you could show a photograph of a house or building, or a garden that has changed over time. ■ This lesson revises the story of Abraham and also introduces students to Paul. In preparation for the lesson, you may like to consult Connect A2 Lessons 13 and 14. ■ There is a ‘true/false’ revision game in which students are asked to decide on the truth of each statement. Discourage competition in this game, as the purpose is introducing the story of Paul. Students should be encouraged to keep playing even when incorrect. ■ The Memory verse introduced this week is lengthy. You may like to teach the first section only and build it up over the coming weeks. An idea is provided for you in the Connections section, using a clappy rhythm. Each star is intended to be an action, such as clicking fingers, clapping hands, patting hands on thighs or shaking hands. Change the action each week.
» Teacher’s prayer Pray that this unit of work on the gospel will encourage your students to think carefully about what Christians believe. Commit yourself to praying individually for each student prior to each week’s lesson.
BEFORE YOU START ■ If you intend to use an interactive whiteboard, review the PowerPoint slides for this lesson (see page 6 for details on how to download these).
■ The Visual aid on page 122 of the Good news for you should be photocopied onto A3 paper (see Introduction to Lessons 11–20). Photocopy the Visual aid on page 124 and stick the Lesson 11 headline onto the box labelled ‘11’.
» Way in Show the students your old photograph. Briefly explain the person or place that is featured in the photograph. Then show the more recent photograph. Hold them side by side or attach them to the board. These photos are very different. ■ What are some of the differences we can see? (Briefly accept students’ observations.) Although these two photos look very different, they are both pictures of the same person (or place). A lot of time has passed, but the person (or place) is still the same person (or place). Over the coming weeks, we’ll be learning how something that happened a long time ago is still the same for us today.
Bible icon Read Genesis 12:1–5 up to ‘… while in Bible icon Activity Books icon Haran’ from a CEV Bible. Display the Visualicon aid on page 125 of the Activity Books Visual Aid icon Three promises and invite a child to come out and tick each one as you cover it.
Visual Aid icon CD icon
■ Did God keep his promise to Abraham about giving him a new land? CD icon Music icon (Yes. We learned about that at the end of last term. Briefly remind students of the land the Music icon Word icon Hebrews entered.) Student ticks box. Wordthe icon
Maths & Logic icon
■ Did God keep his promise to Abraham aboutBody giving a large Maths &him Logic icon family? icon (Yes. Many of the people in the Bible are descendants Abraham. Briefly remind Body icon Space &ofVision icon students of how Abraham and his wife had a son when they were icon very old.) Space & Vision
Interpersonal icon
Student ticks the box.
Interpersonal icon
Selfthird iconpromise. Indicate the
» Bible focus For today’s lesson, we’re going to be doing a lot of remembering. First of all we’ll need to go back a long way in time (if you have a clock, wind the hands backwards). We’re going back more than a few hours, more than a few days, more than a few years ... we’re going right back into Old Testament times, a long time before Jesus was born. Back, back, Bible iconback, stop! I’m remembering with my little mind, someone Activity Books icon beginning with ‘A’. Display the Coloured Visual aid of Abraham Bible icon Visual Aid icon if you have it.
Activity Allow students toBooks make icon guesses. CD icon
Display the Old Testament timeline from Visual Aid icon the Connect Music icon A1 Coloured Visual aid pack, if you have it, and indicate Abraham.
CD icon
Word icon Abraham? Do you remember ■ What Music can we remember about Abraham? icon Logic icon (AllowMaths a few & students to share their recollections of the story of Abraham. They Word icon Body icon may confuse Abraham with Moses, so guide them to recall the details about Abraham.)
Maths & Vision Logic icon Space & icon
God made three promises to Abraham. Let’s refresh our memories about those promises. Body icon
When you bless people, it means you do Self iconicon Nature something good for them. God told Abraham that many nations, many people, would be Nature icon Bible Exploration iconwas going to do a blessed because of him. God good thing for his people through Abraham.
Bible Exploration icon
This term we’ll be having a close look at this third promise to check whether God is going to keep it. So, we won’t tick this one yet, but at the end of the term, we’ll look at this promise again and check. Great remembering, everyone! Now we’re going to learn about someone else. To do this, we’re coming forward in time again, but still a long time ago. Forward, forward, forward, stop! If you have a clock, Bible icon wind it forward. I’m thinking with my little mind, of someone Activity Books icon beginning with ‘P’. Display the Coloured Visual aid of Paul if Bible icon Visual Aid icon you have it.
Activity Allow students toBooks make icon guesses. CD icon
Display the New Testament timeline from Visual Aid icon the Connect Music icon A2 Coloured Visual aid pack, if you have it, and indicate the section CD icon showing Paul’s ministry.
Word icon
Interpersonal icon
Music icon Maths & Logic icon
Space & Vision icon Self icon
Word icon Body icon
118 • CONNECT – TEACHER’S MANUAL Interpersonal icon
Nature icon
Maths & Vision Logic icon Space & icon
Bible icon Activity Books icon
• Paul was always a follower of Jesus. (False) • Paul was an important religious leader. (True) • Paul would spy on people and if they loved Jesus, he would have them put into jail. (True) • God spoke to Paul in a very exciting way. (True) • Paul was too bad for God to love and forgive. (False) • Paul became a close friend of Jesus. (True) • God chose Paul for the special job of telling many people the good news about Jesus. (True) • Paul wrote a letter to the people in Rome giving them messages from God. (True) • Those messages from God are for us too. (True) Commend students for their participation and ask them to sit down. Hold up your Bible. Paul’s letter the Roman people is in the Bibletoicon Bible, in the New Testament.
Activity icon It’s all about the Books good news! Display the Visual aid on page 122 of Good Visual Aid icon news you. Biblefor icon Each lesson, our ‘Good news for you’ will have CD icon Books icon Activity an important message from God! Indicate the Visual aid on page 124 of the Music Visual icon Aid icon Lesson 11 Headline.
Word icon from God for this lesson. Here’s the message CD icon Why don't you repeat it after me. Maths & Logic icon God says, ‘I made Music iconpromises to Abraham and these are for you too!’ Body icon
Word icon So the promises that God made all that long time ago are for us too. Space & Vision icon
Mathsforwards. & Logic icon Turn the clock
Interpersonal icon in time again, Now we’re coming forward Body icon forward, forward, forward, stop! We’re back in our own Self timeicon now.
It’s a man named Paul. To help us to learn a bit about who Paul was, I’m going to say a few sentences about him and you will guess whether you think what I’m saying about Paul is true or false. If you think it is true, put your hands on your heads. If you think it is false, put your hands behind your backs. It doesn’t matter if you get one wrong, as we’re just thinking about the kind of person Paul was.
Indicate the Visual aid on page 125 of the Visual Aid icon Three promises again. Hmmm ... that’s very strange. I wonder what it CD icon is that God is telling us. A new land ... a large family ... blessings to all nations.
Music icon
I can’t wait for the next few weeks to discover what all this means for us!
Word icon
If you think it could be good news, put your hand up.Maths & Logic icon Acknowledge hands.
Body icon
I agree with you. This definitely sounds like good news!
Space & Vision icon Interpersonal icon Bible icon
» Connections Activity Self iconBooks icon
Indicate the Visual aid on page 125 of the NatureAid icon Visual icon Three promises again. God made these promisesicon a long time ago to Bible Exploration CD icon another group of people, but they are for people today too!
Music icon
Hide the promises.
■ What Word were icon the three promises? (Accept responses.)
Maths & Logic icon the promises Encourage students to state from memory. Body icon
Refer to the photos used in Way in. Remember these photos? Although a lot of time has Space & Vision icon passed, they are the same person (or place). And although a lot of time Interpersonal icon has passed, God’s promises are the same. Teach theSelf Memory icon verse using a clappy rhythm (see Before you start) or use a Memory verse idea from pages 222–224. Nature icon You may need to explain that ‘eternal life’ refers to living forever with God. Also, tell the students that ‘nevericon really die’ doesn’t Bible Exploration refer to physical death but expands on the concept of eternal life. God loved the people ★ ★ ★ of this world so much ★ ★ ★ that he gave his only Son ★ ★ ★ so that everyone who has ★ ★ ★ faith in him ★ ★ ★ will have eternal life ★ ★ ★ and never really die. ★ ★ ★ John 3:16 ★ ★ ★
Space & Vision icon
Nature icon icon Interpersonal Bible Exploration icon Self icon
Interpersonal icon
Activity Books icon Visual Aid icon Bible icon
Self icon
Distribute the Activity books and
ActivityCD Books icon directicon students to page 26 so they can sing along to He died upon the
Visual iconicon Music cross (track 33) Aid on Colin Buchanan’s Practise
Being Godly album. Explain that this song describesCD what aWord Christian icon iconmight say about what Jesus has done for them.
Nature icon
Give students of icon things that change over Bible examples Exploration time. Ask them to list and/or draw the changes these objects would go through over given time Bible icon frames. For example:
Music icon & Logic Direct students toMaths Lesson 11 soicon they can complete the activities.
What would an apple look like after being kept on Books1icon the benchActivity for 1 week? month? 1 year?
Note that there is no end play for this lesson.
How would my Aid hair icon look if I didn’t get it cut for 1 Visual month? 6 months? 1 year? 5 years?
Body icon Word icon
I’m goingMaths to pray now.&icon IfVision you would icon like to pray &Space Logic too, please join me. If you would rather not, that’s OK. PleaseInterpersonal just sit quietly iconso we don’t Body icon get distracted.
» Concluding prayer
How would CDthe iconshrub outside the classroom change over 1 year? 3 years? 25 years?
Music icon
Space &Self Vision iconicon Interpersonal Natureicon icon Bible icon
Biblewe icon Dear God, thank you for the way the Bible shows that you keep youricon promises Bible Self icon Activity BooksExploration icon and that you can be trusted. Amen. Activity Books icon NatureAid icon Visual icon Visual Aid icon
Word icon
Activity Books Lead a discussion basedicon around the following Maths & Logic icon questions: Who do we write letters to today? For VisualHow Aid icon what reasons? did people write letters over Body icon the ages? What is the main form of letter writing today? If Jesus was on earth today, how might he CD icon Spacehis & good Visionnews? icon communicate
Bible Exploration icon CD icon CD icon
» Taking it further
Music icon icon Interpersonal
NEWS REPORTS Word icon Self icon
Music icon Music icon Word icon Word icon
I’M GROWING AND Maths & Logic icon CHANGING Bible icon Maths & Logic icon Students consider how they have changed and Body icon grown physically. Use a baby Body icon Activity Books icon record card that shows the length and head circumference of a Space & Vision icon newborn Visual and compare Aid iconthese Space & Vision icon measurements with now. Compare hand and foot prints as well.
Interpersonal icon Interpersonal icon CD icon
TIME Self iconTRAVEL Self icon Music icon
Nature icon Ask the students, ‘If you could go back in time Nature icon Word icon through the Bible and change something that Bible Exploration happened, what would it beicon and why?’ Bible icon MathsExploration & Logic icon
Students write a news report of something that Maths & Logic icon Nature has happened at icon their school. They should cover the 5 Ws—Who? What? When? Where? Why?
Body icon Bible Exploration icon Space & Vision icon
Interpersonal icon
Teacher reflections Self icon
■ How well did the students recall facts from past lessons? Nature icon ■ Were there any parts they recalled better than others? WhyExploration do you think these parts were Bible icon more memorable? ■ Are you communicating that the good news is exciting and urgent?
This activity could be written or verbal.
Body icon
MEMORY VERSE WHEELS Space & Vision icon
Make up Interpersonal a Memory verse iconwheel (see page 121) on A4 cardboard for each student. They could then colour these, cut them out and make them into a Self icon copy for themselves.
Nature icon 120 • CONNECT – TEACHER’S MANUAL
Bible Exploration icon
» For next lesson ■ There are Visual aids to prepare. ■ You will need to place the Lesson 12 headline in an envelope so you can open it in front of the class.
Connect B2 Infants | Lesson 11
Memory verse wheel Gear • Two cardboard circles • Scissors • Felt pens • Split pin ide the Cut out two cardboard circles. Div out a first circle into four equal parts. Cut mory piece of the top circle to show a me verse verse section. The reference for the can be written on the top circle. the first Fasten the second circle on top of . Print through the centres with a split pin t circle. the memory verse around the firs turn the Have the group say the verse as you ing com circle. They can ‘guess’ the section verse. up as they become familiar with the they if see Place the wheel face down and rence. can say the whole verse and refe
God loved the people of this world so much
that he gave his only Son,
and never really die.
so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life
John 3:16
God loved the people of the world so much
that he gave his only son,
and never really die.
so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life
© 2012 The purchaser of this manual is entitled to photocopy this page for classroom purposes.
Connect B2 Infants | Lesson 11
Good news for you 11
© 2012 The purchaser of this manual is entitled to photocopy this page for classroom purposes.
Connect B2 Infants | Lesson 11
Good news for you God says, ‘I made promises to Abraham and these are for you too’.
God says, ‘Good news! Everyone has sinned, but I have a way to make things right!'
God says, ‘Choose me!’
God says, ‘My way is the best way to live’.
God says, ‘It’s not easy to live my way so I have given you the Holy Spirit as a helper’.
God says, ‘I promise that one day Jesus will come back. Those people who are part of my family will live with me forever’.
God says, ‘In my family, everyone has a part to play’.
God says, ‘Keep trusting in Jesus, even when it gets hard’.
God says, ‘I always keep my promises!’
© 2012 The purchaser of this manual is entitled to photocopy this page for classroom purposes.
Connect B2 Infants | Lesson 11
God says, ‘I made promises to Abraham and these are for you too’.
© 2012 The purchaser of this manual is entitled to photocopy this page for classroom purposes.
Connect B2 Infants | Lesson 11
Does God keep his promises? [ ] a new land [ ] a large family [ ] a blessing to all people
© 2012 The purchaser of this manual is entitled to photocopy this page for classroom purposes.