Stage pointe

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omus gres porcellanato cerdomus gres porcellanato cerdomus gres porcellanato cerdomus gres porcellanato cerdom

gres porcellanato colorato tutta massa color body porcelain


15x60_4,8x60 battiscopa / 6”x24”_1.9”x24” skirting


25x100_12,5x100_15x60_7,4x60_15x30 mosaico mix cream_4,8x100 battiscopa / 10”x40”_5”x40”_6”x24”_2.9”x24”_6"x12" mosaico mix cream_1.9”x40”skirting


15x60_7,4x60 / 6”x24”_ 2.9”x24”


12,5x100_4,8x100 battiscopa / 5”x40”_1.9”x40” skirting


25x100_12,5x100_4,8x100 battiscopa / 10”x40”_5”x40”_1.9”x40” skirting


7,4x60_29,5x37 fascia spina_4,8x60 battiscopa / 2.9”x24”_11.6”x14.6” fascia spina_1.9”x24” skirting


15x60_7,4x60_15x30 fascia mix ice_4,8x60 battiscopa / 6”x24”_2.9”x24”_6”x12” fascia mix ice_1.9”x24” skirting


58365 white 7,4x60_2.9"x24" 58472 white 25x100_10"x40" 58477 white 12,5x100_5"x40"

58364 white 15x60_6"x24"

58466 grey 7,4x60_2.9"x24" 58470 grey 25x100_10"x40" 58475 grey 12,5x100_5"x40"

58462 grey 15x60_6"x24"

58464 black 7,4x60_2.9"x24" 58468 black 25x100_10"x40" 58473 black 12,5x100_5"x40"

58460 black 15x60_6"x24"

58465 chocolate 7,4x60_2.9"x24" 58469 chocolate 25x100_10"x40" 58474 chocolate 12,5x100_5"x40"

58461 chocolate 15x60_6"x24"

58467 walnut 7,4x60_2.9"x24" 58471 walnut 25x100_10"x40" 58476 walnut 12,5x100_5"x40"

58463 walnut 15x60_6"x24"



pezzi speciali 58497 battiscopa 4,8x60_1.9"x24" white

58604 listello glitter 7,4x60_2.9"x24" white

58601 listello glitter 7,4x60_2.9"x24" chocolate

58495 battiscopa 4,8x60_1.9"x24" grey 58603 listello glitter 7,4x60_2.9"x24" walnut

58602 listello glitter 7,4x60_2.9"x24" grey

58493 battiscopa 4,8x60_1.9"x24" black

58600 listello glitter 7,4x60_2.9"x24" black

58494 battiscopa 4,8x60_1.9"x24" chocolate

58496 battiscopa 4,8x60_1.9"x24" walnut

58488 mosaico mix ice 15x30_6”x12” white+grey+black

58489 mosaico mix cream 15x30_6”x12”58490 mosaico mix coffee 15x30_6”x12” white+grey+walnut white+walnut+chocolate

58502 battiscopa 4,8x100_1.9"x40" white

58500 battiscopa 4,8x100_1.9"x40" grey

58498 battiscopa 4,8x100_1.9"x40" black 58485 fascia mix ice 15x30_6”x12” white+grey+black

58486 fascia mix cream 15x30_6”x12” white+grey+walnut

58487 fascia mix coffee 15x30_6”x12” white+walnut+chocolate 58499 battiscopa 4,8x100_1.9"x40" chocolate

58501 battiscopa 4,8x100_1.9"x40" walnut

58483 29,5x37_11.6”x14.6” fascia spina white

58481 29,5x37_11.6”x14.6” fascia spina grey

58480 29,5x37_11.6”x14.6” fascia spina chocolate

58479 29,5x37_11.6”x14.6” fascia spina black

58482 29,5x37_11.6”x14.6” fascia spina walnut

57367 0,8x59,4_0.3”x23.4” bacchetta metallo colore argento

57370 1,5x59,4_0.6”x23.4” bacchetta metallo colore argento

57368 0,8x59,4_0.3”x23.4” bacchetta metallo colore fumè

57365 1,5x59,4_0.6”x23.4” bacchetta metallo colore fumè

57369 0,8x59,4_0.3”x23.4” bacchetta metallo colore titanio

57366 1,5x59,4_0.6”x23.4” bacchetta metallo colore titanio

58507 gradino costa retta 33x100_13"x40" white 58505 gradino costa retta 33x100_13"x40" grey 58503 gradino costa retta 33x100_13"x40" black 58504 gradino costa retta 33x100_13"x40" chocolate 58506 gradino costa retta 33x100_13"x40" walnut


schemi di posa


laying schemes

SUGGERIMENTO DI POSA RIVESTIMENTO: 15x30 mosaico mix / 6”x12”mosaico mix

MIXER DIAGONALE WALNUT: 25x100_12,5x100_15x60_ QUADRI DIAGONALE WALNUT: 7,4x60 / 10”x40”_5”x40”_6”x24”_2.9”x24” 7,4x60 / 2.9”x24”

FASCIA + TOLDA DI NAVE DIAGONALE GREY: 15x60_7, 4x60 / 6”x24”_ 2.9”x24”

MIXER WHITE: 25x100_12,5x100 / 10”x40”_5”x40”

SPINA DI PESCE GREY: 12,5x100 / 5”x40”

SPINA DI PESCE DIAGONALE CON INSERTO FASCIA WHITE: CASSERO MIXER BLACK: 7,4x60_ 29,5x37 fascia spina / 2.9”x24”_11.6"x14.6" fascia 15x60_7,4x60 / 6”x24”_2.9”x24”

SUGGERIMENTO DI POSA RIVESTIMENTO BLACK: 15x60_7,4x60_15x30 fascia mix / 6”x24”_2.9”x24”_6”x12” fascia mix

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