since 1958
Welcome to The Wellness Experience
A worldwide Italian success story Cerri Beauty Equipment is a worldwide “made in Italy” success story that has developed over the past 50 years by a constant commitment to offer products of exceptionally high quality. Established in 1958, the company has developed specific expertise in the design and manufacture of professional equipment for beauty centres, spas and health farms. Having established itself on the national market, the company has started a gradual expansion at the international level and has built up a network of partners and distributors in several markets around the world. Today, Cerri Beauty Equipment products are found in over 30 countries, and are used daily by thousands of professional beauticians all over the world.
Mission: to strive constantly towards excellence in the wellness sector Cerri Beauty Equipment’s mission is to develop exclusive systems, methods and machinery that are made to meet the requirements of the professional wellness market. This mission is connected with the concept of the ‘Wellness Experience’, which is based on the company’s vast experience in creating highly effective treatment methods. The guiding principle is to look for the best results privileging, at the same time, the soft and the pleasant aspects of the treatment... slowing down time and renewing thoughts, to help in finding global wellness and that the final customer can enjoy an extremely agreeable mind-body experience.
The “treatment method” as operational philosophy Cerri Beauty Equipment’s corporate culture reflects a dedication to design and production without compromise. This allows the full interpretation of the technical and aesthetic needs of the customer. The machinery and systems designed by Cerri are considered as “treatment methods” in themselves, and the Company makes every effort to seek maximum satisfaction for both the professional beautician and the end customer. Before reaching the market, all of these “treatment methods” are carefully tested by researchers and consultants to ensure that treatment results can be achieved positively within the time anticipated by the treatment protocol.
Product quality certification. 100% Made in Italy All the equipment and techniques designed and devised by Cerri Beauty Equipment are produced in Italy in conformity to EU standards and carry the CE mark. Quality is assured thanks to the effective organization of Cerri’s design and production teams, which also guarantees that all solutions deliver the highest possible levels of reliability. The Company gives special attention to postsales technical support service in order to guarantee to the customers a trouble-free use over time.
The Beauty Side of Science. Research, design and ergonomics The quality of the new Avantgarde and Active Lines is evident at first sight. Their state-of-the-art design has a pleasant, professional look that transmits wellness and beauty. Their innovative technology combines with out-of-the-ordinary contents and great attention to detail that establish new qualititative and aesthetic standards in the wellness sector. These new projects were presented in the international industrial-design publication Omnibook “Top Italian Creativity” as examples of an innovative ergonomic and design approach to beauty treatments.
Famous anniversaries Interview to Doct. Franco Cerri CEO of Cerri Beauty & Wellness Equipment Published on the magazine Les Nouvelles Esthétiques on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of firm’s foundation.
An Italian success in the world from over 50 years.
Alberto Cerri, Chairman with the son Doct. Franco Cerri
Cerri Beauty Equipment’s is a successful story of the “made in Italy” in the world, ripened in over 50 years of continuous enterprise engagement to realize high standard quality ideas and products. Born in 1958, the Firm developed special skills in the design and manufacture of professional equipment for Aesthetical Centres, Spa and Beauty Farms. From start growing on domestic market, unceasing followed expanding at international level too, creating a net of partners and distributors on the various world markets. Nowadays the brand is in over 30 foreign countries and his technology products are employed all days, successfully, by thousands of qualified professional operators.
Doctor Cerri, we would like to start talking about the Firm and your family’s story. We know you have been entrepreneur from three generations: before the paternal grandmother, then your father Alberto, and finally the new generation, represented by you. Do you want to tell the enterprise’s story that brought to the foundation of Cerri Beauty Equipment? Indeed, as you suggest, ours one is the very Enterprise’s Story …of a family fond of Beauty sector, of its work and of its creations … In Italy and abroad there are still many people remembering with love and esteem my paternal grand mother, Maria Cerri, who, in the immediate post war
lidate. Today we see ourselves as a Group developing exclusive SYSTEMS METHODS and TREATMENTS… where the concept of equipment strongly evolved into SCIENTIFIC METHODS to reach the best aesthetical result.
You have been among the first ones in professional sector to understand that to satisfy in the best way the needs of Beauticians it was not enough to propose equipment, but it was essential to direct the manufacture to special work methods too. Do you want to explain in which consists this intuition that allowed
Training Center and Show Room
period started our story from “CHEMISTRY”…in fact Cerri Bauty Equipment moved its first steps in the sector of professional cosmetics. In 1958, from an intuition of my father Alberto, started the “TECHNOLOGIC” division with the manufacture and planning of what at those times were called “equipment for aesthetics”. We are talking about the dawning of what would become the sector of Professional Aesthetics, of Beauty, of Wellness, of Cosmetics …a successful reality that surely our family contributed to create, expand and conso-
you to distinguish from competition? The enterprise culture of Cerri Beauty Equipment is reflected in a planning and manufacturing undertaking without compromises, allowing interpreting fully technical and aesthetical needs of customer. Our machines are considered as “treatment methods” and all strains are set to search the greatest satisfaction both of professional operator and of final user. We are used to communicate that we plan METHODS and not MACHINES …and this is not but a world joke, it is a
very special approach actualising into a Firm philosophy, unique in its sort, and in advanced products scarcely comparable with the ones of the competition producing simple machines. To realize a treatment method means to direct search on practical and scientific knowledge of biological effects that the different energies can produce at tissue level …and so on aesthetical results that can be reached. The experience taught us that to realise a good project it is necessary to go beyond plain engineering: it is required to enter into application methods
results. Our PULSING LIGHT METHOD allows treating, in full safety and with the best pleasure, all kind of hair, independently from the colour of the stem. We guarantee therefore very good results on subjects with fair, white and red hair too. Think what a great competition advantage is this work opportunity …for us, for our distributors and for all the beauticians depositaries of our technology.
and usage protocols, valuating all treatment features such as safety, skin feeling, effectiveness and general welfare. Only so it is possible to reach the aimed result: a safe, effective, customized, pleasant treatment …where aesthetical improvements are visible, reached progressively and in reasonable times. Let’s talk for instance of pulsing light depilation: the equipment available on the market allow essentially to work on subjects with dark hair, while in the case of fair, white and red hair it becomes very difficult to reach
• INNOVATION, EXCELLENCE SEARCH AND RELIABILITY. Let’s try to ask this question: Why should I buy this product?...Of course logical answers could be many and several …and they would be strictly tied with what for us is really important in relation to this product (for instance the quality, the price, or the payment mode, or the design ..and so on). Generally, everyone selects and chooses the different products to be bought accordingly his reference schema …and it is practically impossible to think that all users perform the same choices.
Which are the main values that supported, in these years, the firm’s mission and philosophy, and that lead you to acquire a position of significant relief on domestic and international market?
Here, our Firm from always has clearly found out the typology of professional customers with whom it wishes interacting: DEMANDING PROFESSIONALS …The ones valuating with care the different offers of the market before making a choice, because they know that the introduction of a new treatment method is a strategically important moment for their activity; the ones looking only for the best…for the innovation and competitive advantages; the ones wishing to know biological effects and action mechanisms; the ones interested in the training, before and after sale services; the ones valuating the investment and also possible economical returns in a realistic and reasonable view …and so on. We think that our Firm’s mission is the one to satisfy in the best way this kind of customers, and therefore we always were engaged to favour the values important for our customers … that are Method and Treatment Innovation, Product and Service Excellence, Reliability and Trust.
We know that all your equipment and methods are manufactured in Italy, they distinguish
themselves for their reliability, are built according to European Directions and have got the mark CE. Inside your Firm have you a laboratory of Search & Development, dedicated to planning? When our researchers develop a new technology they have got a great support: Experience. A patrimony ripened in more than 50 years of continuous engagement to realize high quality ideas and products. Behind each of our systems there is always a strong “IDEA”. Nothing is left to hazard and planning path starts with the creation of a Project Work Group composed by our internal searchers (the Experience) and the best specialists available at aesthetics technical and scientific-university level (the Knowledge). From the union of more competences and points of view …a unique project approach was born, able to release information and realization synergies of very high level … then giving body to vanguard products and methods …able to grant great competition “advantages” to us and all the net of distributors and users. Our scientific treatment methods work well simply because
the knowledge applied to research allows us to deeply understand all possible action mechanisms at tissue level … and to be able developing consequently application protocols making sure the reach of required results.
The new Headquarters in Assago (Milan)
Over fifty years helping you to look beyond.
Especially for you, who a target is only another starting point and the horizon the beginning of another travel. Especially for you, who besides seeing the things as they are want also to understand why they are so. Especially for you, who treat today’s beauty with tomorrow solutions.
Especially for you, from more than 50 years we look for scientific solutions rather than products, biological methods rather than machines, wellness experiences rather than treatments.
CELLUWELL SONIC Transdermic Lipo-Sonication Decisive and Safe against adiposity and cellulite. The evolution of cavitation. Application protocol realized at university level Celluwell Sonic marks the start of a new course in the treatment of fat and cellulite and enhances the standard of results in the programs of localized slimming. Its innovative method, called Transdermic Lipo-Sonication, acts without compromises on fat and cellulite localized deposits and allows reaching, progressively, a significant and definite remoulding of silhouette. Thanks to the special LSCP Handstylet, Lipo-Sonication Controlled Program, ultrasound action remains selective and harmless for the structures different from fat tissue. The methodology Celluwell Sonic was fully developed on the base of an exhaustive scientific research carried on at University level in order to grant the maximum safety and efficacy of the treatment for both the operator and the treated subject.
Art. 2456 Celluwell Sonic
All the best of Technology In a sole system Transdermic LipoSonication, Radiofrequency and Subdermic Massage Vacutonic
Art. 2451/3 X-BODY Advance
A holistic system, a multi-active action able to operate on nonaesthetic features of Body, Breast, Gluteus and Face. X-Body Advance matches the most advanced technologies to make more complete and performing single treatments. The power of Transdermic Lipo-Sonication, operating with decision on fat and cellulite, melts with the energy of Radiofrequency for the tissue stiffening and for the general improvement of skin quality, and is completed by the system Vacutonic for a draining, moulding and rejuvenating action. X-Body Advance represents the perfect union of most innovative methods and marks a new reference point in the search of result excellence.
The energy of “free hands” automatic Radiofrequency Radiofrequency & Microcurrents to remodel, slim, tone up, rejuvenate Exclusive Remodelling & Antiage system which acts in sinergy with Radiofrequency and Microcurrents for Body and Face treatments. Treatment Courses: Slimming RFsystem Sequential Draining-Massage RFsystem Electrolipolysis RFsystem for fat and cellulitis Muscle Toning RFsystem Face manual Radiofrequency for Rejuvenation & Antiage An intense and agreable bioactive thermic action.
Art. 2454
In the “Body Treatment Courses” the transmission of the two energy forms (Radiofrequency and Microcurrents) is performed automatically by the application of special plates and adhesive electrodes. In the face treatments the Radiofrequency foresees the manual application of massage by using the fitted Energetic Handle, while the Microcurrent course is fully computer-based.
The double energy giving more value to results Transdermic Lipo-Sonication & Radiofrequency The firm action of Transdermic Lipo-Sonication to treat fat and cellulite joined to the energy of Radiofrequency for the tissue toning up and the improvement of skin quality. This is the winning formula of Cellulipo Sonic, the combined treatment able to act with decision and evidence on nonaesthetic features of body and face. An efficacious and safe system able to improve results and reduce operation times. Available also in the model with only Transdermic Lipo-Sonication (art.2457/N1).
Art. 2457/N Cellulipo Sonic
Pulsed Light Hair Removal System With double cooling system Air + Water The innovation is deduced already by the name: WaterAir, that is air and water together. A winning combination that maximizes the advantages of both cooling systems by strengthening treatment performances.
Air + Water In a unique system all the advantages of a matched cooling. X-Wave WaterAir synthetizes the best of both systems, by offering quick recharge times, a quite continuous work modality, a high reliability and a unique maintenance easiness. X-Wave is photo-rejuvenation too. The innovative pulsed light efficient and delicate on skin.
Also effective on grey, blond and ginger hair. Art. 2241/2 X-Wave WaterAir
Effective skin stimulation with 90% pure oxygen Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment, Electroporation and Radiofrequency The Oxylab Vantage method combines the most advanced technologies to offer a unique tissue-rejuvenating treatment with outstanding effectiveness. The exclusive application of Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment, with 90% pure oxygen for beneficial hyperoxygenation of skin tissue, is combined with an Electroporation action delivering high concentrations of active ingredients to the desired depth, and with the firming energy of Radiofrequency for general enhancement of skin quality. This synergic stimulation renders the Oxygenation treatment more complete and more effective.
Art. 2079 Oxylab Vantage
It rejuvenates face, attenuates wrinkles, develops an aesthetical lifting effect Innovative energies to contrast time marks The skin aging is a phenomenon showing gradually. That imperceptible tiredness veil on face lets the place to visible and well-defined marks. Superficial tissues lose tone, reduce moisturizing and elasticity of skin and wrinkles appear. From this to total face shape burdening the step is short. To fight this process it is necessary to exploit in synergy energy sources able to give again tone and shape to muscles and tissues, and therefore to harmonize the whole face physiognomy:
•Specific Anti-age Treatments •The Method Dermo-Exfoliant Art. 2084/N Dermage RFsystem
Pressomassage Face and Body The absolute pleasure of a global “rather manual” treatment. 16 Sectors
Pressowell Face & Body is the first draino-massage system really holistic. Its action is total, because directed to any part of the body, face included, its benefits also, because it treats effectually aesthetic blemishes, granting to customer all pleasure of a “rather manual” massage. 16 sectors for 360° performances. Pressowell Face&Body works in synergy and in contemporaneity on face and body (face, nape, upper limbs, waist, lower limbs), performing a treatment unique and really complete. Noiseless, programmed and programmable, more than 80 programs plus the Memory Card. Art. 3461
Energy is free to act
The first cosmetic line “In synergy with energy” Advanced cosmetic system for treatments on Body, Anti-aging and Hair-removal From Cerri Beauty Equipment’s research, an innovative cosmetic line, able to optimise the transmission of the energy generated by electro-aesthetical equipment and to increase, at tissue level, the activity of treatment. Each preparation keeps inside itself the technology “Energy-Optimizing” developed with active principles that, besides helping a correct transmission of electro-aesthetical energies, are able to reinvigorate the treatment action.
Exclusive system for aesthetic multi-sensory treatments System for aesthetic multi-sensory treatments. A vapour cloud wrapping up the body, settling on the skin and generating a very agreeable comfort and relax feeling at global level. A new concept for aesthetic multi-sensory treatments acting deeply on the body slight blemishes and helping the cheering up, the distension, the meditation and the psycho-physical readjustment. The agreeable vapour bath Renergy Zone can be enriched by sounds, fragrances, colours and active cosmetic principles for the best aesthetic synergy and for the search of new sensory experiences. Art. 2268
Floating area for multi-sensory massages FlotationExperience: To float in the wellness Since our birth water is the natural element to which we are more tied. To drop to its moves, to let yourself be supported by its natural push means to find again your balance and to experience an incomparable bliss state. The pleasure of a quiet flotation cheers up the soul, regenerates micro-tensions and helps a deep relax. Rejoice Zone, thanks to its special waterbed, reproduces the phenomenon of a sweet flotation and grants a sole psychophysical experience, fulfilling the mind and gratifying the body. With CromoExperience and ThermoExperience to grant an unforgettable experience involving body and mind. Art. 2266
Based on marine active principles and sea extracts Spa Experience Thalasso Ocean is a professional cosmetic system formulated with seaweeds and sea extracts coming from waters within the purest of the world. To guarantee the best quality we use only sea elements taken in the region of Brittany (France) from a “Reserve of the Biosphere Unesco�.
Welcome to The Wellness Experience
since 1958
Registered Office: Via Panizza, 9 - 20144 Milano - (Italy) - Tel./fax: (+39) 02.58100058