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MiTek screw innovation
One of the largest advances which has affected both off-site and on-site construction in recent years is the improvement in battery technology. This has allowed battery drills to become serious work tools which [with fully charged back-up battery packs in the UTE!] will last for a full day.
This has allowed battery drills/cordless screw guns to become increasingly popular and they are now starting to rival nail guns as the most convenient way to fix timber together. There is a significant health and safety advantage with screw guns over nail guns too, you are much less likely to shoot yourself accidentally!
Recognising this, MiTek® continued screw innovation to specifically develop the engineered StudLok™ Screw. MiTek’s Initial testing facilitated the developed of StudLok™ SL125 [yellow] screw as a fixing developed for top-plate to stud hold down fixing, which is convenient to install in a pre-nail frame production facility. MiTek also provided Manufacturers with a StudLok™ stamp and accompanying paperwork for each individual project, to inform building inspectors of installation while saving builders money and on-site time.
This fixing option was further developed into the StudLok™ SL170 [blue] screw. As a longer version of the StudLok™ SL125 [yellow] screw, it allows the same top plate to stud fixing to be made on site, but after the very top plate was installed. Allowing installation to be completed by builders, with the blue head being visible for inspection by building officials. Without modern battery technology, MiTek® don’t think there would be many 170mm long screws being used on site at 600c/c around the top plates.
The latest element of the MiTek® StudLok™ screw range is the lintel uplift fixings range. The StudLok™ screw is the SL125 [yellow], but in this application the screw is installed through the trim stud into the end of the lintel.
All of these fixings sit within the thickness of the panel hence they don’t get in the way of the GIB, they can all be installed off-site, which allows for improved quality control and they reduce the number of opportunities for nail gun related injuries.
Its fair to say that through MiTek innovation and understanding modern building trends the StudLok™ screws are now a common place either at the Frame & Truss Fabricator or on Site in a builder’s apron. For more information visit www.mitek.co.nz
This Tech Tip was supplied by MiTek New Zealand. MiTek are NZCB National Partners and is a proud and committed New Zealand manufacturer specialising in the building components industry. They are continually streamlining building component design for improvements in timber truss and wall-frame design solutions and associated fixings with engineers, designers and construction companies.