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Putting our partners in the spotlight
New Zealand Certified Builders (NZCB) is proud to partner with a wide range of companies with multiple branches nationwide. These companies have aligned with the Association to provide significant support to our members and have the option to engage with them across a wide range of opportunities. Known to the Association as “National Partners” we are delighted to tell you a little bit more about two of them. Introducing Kopine
Kopine Particleboard Flooring marks 30 years of production. Kopine has been making high density particleboard flooring for more than 30 years from its Kopu base near Thames. It built its reputation on its unique Ultralock™ flooring and just over five years ago, added Tongue & Groove flooring to its offer and now supplies both products to building merchants throughout the North and South Islands. Kopine Ultralock™ uses fully glue bonded edges to form a continuous flooring membrane eliminating the need for nogs or dwangs under joints and reducing edge peaking and the risk of a squeaky floor. The Tongue & Groove flooring also uses glue to produce the same benefits. Sufficient Gorilla Grip for the joins is supplied at no extra cost when Kopine flooring is bought from your local merchant. The New-Zealand made particleboard flooring is designed specifically for Kiwi conditions. Codemark compliance was granted after exposure testing for 12 weeks that coincided with three cyclones that deluged the installation site during the test period.
All Kopine flooring has Environmental Choice NZ accreditation. Installation guides and videos along with comprehensive technical data sheets can be found on the Kopine website at www.kopine.co.nz.
Introducing pro clima New Zealand Ltd
pro clima NZ Ltd provides reliable weathertightness and airtightness building systems. We deliver on time, give on-site and technical support and supply a vast range of membranes, tapes and accessories that are certified in New Zealand and beyond.
pro clima Systems work to enable healthy living conditions by protecting building structures from external and internal moisture damage. Talk to a local rep about special NZCB member rates for custom printed NZCB wall wrap. Your next project will wear it with pride! Designers specify pro clima Products for several reasons but builders keep coming back because they just love working with our high quality materials. But don’t just take our word for it, come and try for yourself.
We have installer trainings in our custom facility in Auckland or catch the pro clima CUBE around the country. You can also book a hands-on training session on numerous pro clima display models for you and your team.
Contact us today and let us protect your next project. Your work deserves to be protected. And by protecting your work, you’ll also protect the investment and the health of your clients. For more information visit www.proclima.co.nz.