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PMCA licensed copy. You may not 15 Apr 2021, by Alexia Johnston Rotorua Weekender, Rotorua Bay of Plenty Taupo & Turangi Weekender, Taupo Central
NZCB Apprentice Challenge Sponsored by ITM –Regional Competitions in the News PMCA licensed copy. You may not further copy, reproduce, record, retransmit, sell, publish, distribute, share or store this information without the prior written consent of the Print Media Copyright Agency. Phone +64-4-4984487 or email info@pmca.co.nz for further information. 15 Apr 2021 General News, page 11 - 265.00 cm² Community - circulation 17,328 (---T---) ID 1427671577 BRIEF CERTBUILDE INDEX 1 PMCA licensed copy. You may not further copy, reproduce, record, retransmit, sell, publish, distribute, share or store this information without the prior written consent of the Print Media Copyright Agency. Phone +64-4-4984487 or email info@pmca.co.nz for further information. 16 Apr 2021 General News, page 12 - 141.00 cm² Community - circulation 20,438 (----F--) ID 1428502766 BRIEF CERTBUILDE INDEX 1 PAGE 1 of 1 PMCA licensed copy. You may not further copy, reproduce, record, retransmit, sell, publish, distribute, share or store this information without the prior written consent of the Print Media Copyright Agency. Phone +64-4-4984487 or email info@pmca.co.nz for further information. Rotorua Weekender, Rotorua Bay of Plenty 16 Apr 2021 General News, page 12 - 141.00 cm² Community - circulation 20,438 (----F--) ID 1428502766 BRIEF CERTBUILDE INDEX 1 PAGE 1 of 1 PMCA licensed copy. You may not further copy, reproduce, record, retransmit, sell, publish, distribute, share or store this information without the prior written consent of the Print Media Copyright Agency. Phone +64-4-4984487 or email info@pmca.co.nz for further information. Lakes District & Central Otago News, Otago 15 Apr 2021, by Alexia Johnston General News, page 21 - 733.00 cm² Community - circulation 17,053 (---T---) ID 1427962748 BRIEF CERTBUILDE INDEX 1 PAGE 1 of 2PMCA licensed copy. You may not Lakes District & Central Otago News, Otago 15 Apr 2021, by Alexia Johnston Lakes District & Central Otago News, Otago 15 Apr 2021, by Alexia Johnston General News, page 21 - 733.00 cm² Community - circulation 17,053 (---T---) ID 1427962748 BRIEF CERTBUILDE INDEX 1 PAGE 1 of 2 further copy, reproduce, record, retransmit, sell, publish, distribute, share or store this information without the prior written consent of the Print Media Copyright Agency. Phone +64-4-4984487 or email info@pmca.co.nz for further information. General News, page 21 - 733.00 cm² Community - circulation 17,053 (---T---) ID 1427962748 BRIEF CERTBUILDE INDEX 1 PAGE 1 of 2 PAGE 1 of 1 further copy, reproduce, record, retransmit, sell, publish, distribute, share or store this information without the prior written consent of the Print Media Copyright Agency. Phone +64-4-4984487 or email info@pmca.co.nz for further information. Jared’sacut above the challengers Jared’sacut above the General News, page 21 - 733.00 cm² Community - circulation 17,053 (---T---) ID 1427962748 BRIEF CERTBUILDE INDEX 1 Liamnailsthetitlein apprenticechallengePAGE 1 of 2 PMCA licensed copy. You may not further copy, reproduce, record, retransmit, sell, publish, distribute, share or store this information without the prior written consent of the Print Media Copyright Agency. Phone +64-4-4984487 or email info@pmca.co.nz for further information. CertifiedBuildersApprenticeChallengechampionwinner N ailedit!Apprenticebuilder Liam Maniapoto, 24, has claimedthetitleofregional championintheNewZealand Certified Builders Apprentice Challengechampionfor2021. Liamiscurrentlyundertakinghis building apprenticeship at Taupo ¯ basedbuildingcompanyWadeConstructionLtd. Hecompetedagainstfiveother apprenticesonApril10whowere givenjusteighthourstobuildapicnic tablethatfollowedspecificdesign plansandmetminimumsafetystandards.Thepicnictableswereassessed byapanelofjudgeswholookedat technicalaspectssuchasqualityof workmanship, measuring, cutting andassembly.Workingagainstthe clock,theapprenticeshadtofollow adetailedplananddemonstratesafe workingtechnique. Comingsecondinthecompetition in2019,Liamsaidhehadlearntalot intheinterveningperiodasheisnow athirdyearapprentice.Hesaiditwas atoughcompetition,particularlygoingupagainsthismateDillenDowns, alsofromTaupo¯,whowonsecond place. MemorialTrophyand$50,000worth ofprizes.Thenationalfinalwillbe held at the NZ Certified Builders annualconferenceinWellingtonin June. Liamsaidheisexcitedtobecompetingatthenationals,andalsonervous.“Thereisaspeechinvolved.Iam notsureaboutspeakinginfrontof 500people.” Apprentice Challenge manager NickMatthewssaidtheshowofcarpipelineoftrade-qualifiedandwellroundedcarpentryprofessionals. “Weencouragememberbuilders to support this by taking on apprentices.Indoingso,theyprovide apathwayintotheindustryandhelp toensuretherearehighlyskilled builderscomingthroughtomeetthe increasingdemandforthesector,” saidNick. “These apprentices have developedtheskillsandpassiontobe ApprenticebuilderscompetingintheNZCertifiedBuildersapprentice challengefortheCentralPlateau.WinnerLiamManiapotoisthirdfromleft. Photo/NZCB Manawatu Standard, Palmerston North Manawatu ApprenticeJaredCottlehasclaimed thetitleoftheRotoruaNewZealand CertifiedBuilders(NZCB)Apprentice Challengechampionfor2021,after competing against two other apprenticeson10April. Theapprenticesweregivenjust eighthourstobuildapicnictablethat followedspecificdesignplansand metminimumsafetystandards. Thepicnictableswereassessedby apanelofexpertjudgeswholooked attechnicalaspectssuchasthequalityofworkmanship,measuring,cuttingandassembly,aswellasother essentialskillswhileworkingagainst theclock,includingtheirabilityto followadetailedplanandsafeworking technique, with Jared receiving the top scoreoverall. The 20-yearoldisundertakinghisbuilding apprenticeship atPopeHomes Ltd.Aswellas winningthetitle J d l ofregionalchampion,Jaredalsowon ingdemandforthesector,”saysNick. “These apprentices have developedtheskillsandpassiontobe successfulinthetradewiththesupportoftheiremployersandthetrainingschemeITABprovides. “Theseeventsareagreatopportunitytogivethecommunityan insidelookatbuildingapprenticeship trainingthattheymightnototherwise see, and to celebrate those apprentices that have excelled in theirfield,”saysNick. NZCBsupportstheITABapprenticeshipscheme,whichisdelivered by11polytechnicsacrossthecountry. JaredCottle challengers ApprenticeJaredCottlehasclaimed thetitleoftheRotoruaNewZealand CertifiedBuilders(NZCB)Apprentice Challengechampionfor2021,after competing against two other apprenticeson10April. Theapprenticesweregivenjust eighthourstobuildapicnictablethat followedspecificdesignplansand metminimumsafetystandards. Thepicnictableswereassessedby apanelofexpertjudgeswholooked attechnicalaspectssuchasthequalityofworkmanship,measuring,cuttingandassembly,aswellasother essentialskillswhileworkingagainst theclock,includingtheirabilityto followadetailedplanandsafeworking technique, with Jared receiving the top scoreoverall. The 20-yearoldisundertakinghisbuilding apprenticeship atPopeHomes Ltd.Aswellas ingdemandforthesector,”saysNick. “These apprentices have developedtheskillsandpassiontobe successfulinthetradewiththesupportoftheiremployersandthetrainingschemeITABprovides. “Theseeventsareagreatopportunitytogivethecommunityan insidelookatbuildingapprenticeship trainingthattheymightnototherwise see, and to celebrate those apprentices that have excelled in theirfield,”saysNick. NZCBsupportstheITABapprenticeshipscheme,whichisdelivered by11polytechnicsacrossthecountry. JaredCottle PMCA licensed copy. You may not further copy, reproduce, record, retransmit, sell, publish, distribute, share or store this information without the prior written consent of the Print Media Copyright Agency. Phone +64-4-4984487 or email info@pmca.co.nz for further information. Lakes District & Central Otago News, Otago 15 Apr 2021, by Alexia Johnston General News, page 21 - 733.00 cm² Community - circulation 17,053 (---T---) ID 1427962748 BRIEF CERTBUILDE INDEX 1 PAGE 2 of 2 Lakes District & Central Otago News, Otago 15 Apr 2021, by Alexia Johnston General News, page 21 - 733.00 cm² Community - circulation 17,053 (---T---) ID 1427962748 BRIEF CERTBUILDE INDEX 1 PAGE 2 of 2 PMCA licensed copy. You may not further copy, reproduce, record, retransmit, sell, publish, distribute, share or store this information without the prior written consent of the Print Media Copyright Agency. Phone +64-4-4984487 or email info@pmca.co.nz for further information. Lakes District & Central Otago News, Otago 15 Apr 2021, by Alexia Johnston General News, page 21 - 733.00 cm² Community - circulation 17,053 (---T---) ID 1427962748 BRIEF CERTBUILDE INDEX 1 PAGE 2 of 2 PMCA licensed copy. You may not further copy, reproduce, record, retransmit, sell, publish, distribute, share or store this information without the prior written consent of the Print Media Copyright Agency. Phone +64-4-4984487 or email info@pmca.co.nz for further information. Lakes District & Central Otago News, Otago 15 Apr 2021, by Alexia Johnston General News, page 21 - 733.00 cm² Community - circulation 17,053 (---T---) ID 1427962748 BRIEF CERTBUILDE INDEX 1 PAGE 2 of 2 BRING ON THE BUBBLE PAGE 3 NO GIRLS ALLOWED PAGE 9 STATUES HAIL SPACE- AGE HERO PAGE 16 Pencil firmly clamped between his teeth, Finn Johnson brings down the circular saw on one of the pieces of timber which made up his winning picnic table in the New Zealand Certified Builders Apprentice Challenge on Saturday. STORY ON PAGE 4 Picture by Liam Clayton CAME, SAWED, CONQUERED by Wynsley Wrigley FRUSTRATED property and business owners affected by the new one-way Eden Lane next to the Countdown supermarket building site want a meeting with Gisborne District Council. They say the one-way road is threatening their businesses. Claims by Gisborne District Council staff at a council meeting on March 18 that discussions had been held with the businesses have been adamantly rejected by Gisborne Honda owner Dave McMillan and Tony Leach — the property owner of the sites occupied by NZ Safety and the Salvation Army. “I haven’t heard a dickie bird,” Mr Leach said. Both men spoke of each making “six or so” phone calls to the council. Mr Leach said he called between February 11 lack of consultation. At the March 18 council meeting, the Mayor said: “I know we don’t have to (but) it would be best practice to talk to them directly.” Mr McMillan said Eden Lane had been a two-way road in his 30 years of business at the site. His customers, in cars and trailers or utes, would come from the Disraeli Stret end, back into his property, unload and leave. They could no longer do so. One customer had to drive around the block four times in an attempt to enter Gisborne Honda. On her fourth attempt, the road was blocked by a different truck unloading at the supermarket. “She left in tears.” Mr McMillan said he was now unloading vehicles from Gladstone Road. for safety reasons but it was pushed aside at times to allow construction workers and vehicles to pass through on to the new supermarket site. That would allow his business to operate “semi-normal,” although delivery trucks would continue to block Eden Lane. Mr McMillan said he had been asking for six months to have the fence moved back. The Disraeli Street end of Eden Lane is closed due to drainage work for the new supermarket. Mr McMillan said the work was now overdue and his livelihood was being threatened. “We are being railroaded. All we want is a meeting.” His business has seven mechanics, five other staff members and about 2000 customers. Claims by the council that ONE-WAY SHAMBLES FED UP: Property owner Tony Leach (left) and Gisborne Honda owner Dave McMillan want to meet with Gisborne District Council to discuss the changing of Eden Lane to a one-way street. They deny they have been contacted by GDC staff and say it is threatening their businesses. Picture by Liam Clayton Consultation denied: ‘I haven’t heard a dickie bird’ TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 2021TE NUPEPA O TE TAIRAWHITI HOME-DELIVERED $1.90, RETAIL $2.20 FROM PAGE 1 FINN Johnson has claimed the title of Gisborne regional champion in the New Zealand Certified Builders Apprentice Challenge for 2021. Finn and five other apprentices were put through their paces on Saturday at Versatile in Gladstone Road. They were given eight hours to build a picnic table, following specific design plans and making sure the finished product met minimum safety standards. The tables were assessed by a panel of expert judges, who looked at technical aspects such as the quality of workmanship, measuring, cutting and assembly, as well as other essential skills while working against the clock, including ability to follow a detailed plan and safe working technique. Finn, an apprentice at Character Building received the top score overall, with Micah Wilson, of Dave Wallace Building, second and Te Kanawa Tapara, also of Character Building, third. Finn won an ITM prize pack of trade tools and earned a place in the national final. He will compete against 18 other regional winners for the Ken Read Memorial Trophy and $50,000 in prizes. Finn’s picnic table the winner EASY DOES IT: Micah Wilson cuts a mortise into one of the pieces of wood used to make a picnic table at Saturday’s regional Apprentice Challenge. Micah, who works for Dave Wallace Building, placed second in the competition. Picture by Liam Clayton McCULLOCH, John William. — Died peacefully,inTauranga Hospital, 12th April 2021,aged88.Loved husbandofBet,and lovedfatherofLynn, Rod, Wendy, Kirsty andJenny,andhis10 grandchildren. Loved brotherandgoodmate ofJean(dec),andRod and Chris. Inaccordancewith John’swishes,aprivate familyservicehasbeen held. WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Brotherof thelateConnieand Mana (Boohead) Hawea. Cherished UncleofMitchand Sally,Sonya(Clarry) and Nicholas Nepe, GregandPaku.Loved Uncletohisniecesand nephews.‘Toughasold Boots.’ WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Cherished UncleofSonyaand NicholasNepe.Adored UncleofNicoleand Des,Kane,Mikeand Shony,Michelleand TerryandMaia.Loved KoroMotoMaria, Jessica, Faye-Liana, DanielandNicholas. ‘Onthebackofyour horse in paradise.’ FAMILY NOTICES Deaths Deaths In Memoriam MOORE (née Olsen) Sonja Viena 19.2.1939 - 13.4.2020 In our hearts you hold a special place, no one else will ever fill. Love Wally and families Condolences for the Duke at GDC office The Gisborne Herald • Tuesday, April 13, 20214 NEWS FROM PAGE 1 FINN Johnson has claimed the title of Gisborne regional champion in the New Zealand Certified Builders Apprentice Challenge for 2021. Finn and five other apprentices were put through their paces on Saturday at Versatile in Gladstone Road. They were given eight hours to build a picnic table, following specific design plans and making sure the finished product met minimum safety standards. The tables were assessed by a panel of expert judges, who looked at technical aspects such as the quality of workmanship, measuring, cutting and assembly, as well as other essential skills while working against the clock, including ability to follow a detailed plan and safe working technique. Finn, an apprentice at Character Building received the top score overall, with Micah Wilson, of Dave Wallace Building, second and Te Kanawa Tapara, also of Character Building, third. Finn won an ITM prize pack of trade tools and earned a place in the national final. He will compete against 18 other regional winners for the Ken Read Memorial Trophy and $50,000 in prizes. Finn’s picnic table the winner EASY DOES IT: Micah Wilson cuts a mortise into one of the pieces of wood used to make a picnic table at Saturday’s regional Apprentice Challenge. Micah, who works for Dave Wallace Building, placed second in the competition. Picture by Liam Clayton McCULLOCH, John William. — Died peacefully,inTauranga Hospital, 12th April 2021,aged88.Loved husbandofBet,and lovedfatherofLynn, Rod, Wendy, Kirsty andJenny,andhis10 grandchildren. Loved brotherandgoodmate ofJean(dec),andRod and Chris. Inaccordancewith John’swishes,aprivate familyservicehasbeen held. WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Brotherof thelateConnieand Mana (Boohead) Hawea. Cherished UncleofMitchand Sally,Sonya(Clarry) and Nicholas Nepe, GregandPaku.Loved Uncletohisniecesand nephews.‘Toughasold Boots.’ WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Cherished UncleofSonyaand NicholasNepe.Adored UncleofNicoleand Des,Kane,Mikeand Shony,Michelleand TerryandMaia.Loved KoroMotoMaria, Jessica, Faye-Liana, DanielandNicholas. ‘Onthebackofyour horse in paradise.’ FAMILY NOTICES Deaths Deaths In Memoriam MOORE (née Olsen) Sonja Viena 19.2.1939 - 13.4.2020 In our hearts you hold a special place, no one else will ever fill. Love Wally and families Condolences for the The Gisborne Herald • Tuesday, April 13, 20214 NEWS FROM PAGE 1 FINN Johnson has claimed the title of Gisborne regional champion in the New Zealand Certified Builders Apprentice Challenge for 2021. Finn and five other apprentices were put through their paces on Saturday at Versatile in Gladstone Road. They were given eight hours to build a picnic table, following specific design plans and making sure the finished product met minimum safety standards. The tables were assessed by a panel of expert judges, who looked at technical aspects such as the quality of workmanship, measuring, cutting and assembly, as well as other essential skills while working against the clock, including ability to follow a detailed plan and safe working technique. Finn, an apprentice at Character Building received the top score overall, with Micah Wilson, of Dave Wallace Building, second and Te Kanawa Tapara, also of Character Building, third. Finn won an ITM prize pack of trade tools and earned a place in the national final. He will compete against 18 other regional winners for the Ken Read Memorial Trophy and $50,000 in prizes. The national final will be held at the New Zealand Certified Builders (NZCB) annual conference in Wellington on June 11-12. NZCB Apprentice Challenge manager Nick Matthews said the show of carpentry talent on Saturday was a testament to the high-calibre of apprentices in industry training, with all competitors either employed by NZCB member builders or enrolled with ITAB (the Industry Training Association Building). “The future of New Zealand’s building industry is dependent on a robust pipeline of trade-qualified and well-rounded carpentry professionals. “We encourage NZCB member builders Finn’s picnic table the winner EASY DOES IT: Micah Wilson cuts a mortise into one of the pieces of wood used to make a picnic table at Saturday’s regional Apprentice Challenge. Micah, who works for Dave Wallace Building, placed second in the competition. Picture by Liam Clayton McCULLOCH, John William. — Died peacefully,inTauranga Hospital, 12th April 2021,aged88.Loved husbandofBet,and lovedfatherofLynn, Rod, Wendy, Kirsty andJenny,andhis10 grandchildren. Loved brotherandgoodmate ofJean(dec),andRod and Chris. Inaccordancewith John’swishes,aprivate familyservicehasbeen held. WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Brotherof thelateConnieand Mana (Boohead) Hawea. Cherished UncleofMitchand Sally,Sonya(Clarry) and Nicholas Nepe, GregandPaku.Loved Uncletohisniecesand nephews.‘Toughasold Boots.’ WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Cherished UncleofSonyaand NicholasNepe.Adored UncleofNicoleand Des,Kane,Mikeand Shony,Michelleand TerryandMaia.Loved KoroMotoMaria, Jessica, Faye-Liana, DanielandNicholas. horse in paradise.’ FAMILY NOTICES Deaths Deaths In Memoriam MOORE (née Olsen) Sonja Viena 19.2.1939 - 13.4.2020 In our hearts you hold a special place, no one else will ever fill. Love Wally and families GISBORNE residents can sign a Book of Condolences following the death of the Duke of Edinburgh. “Our condolences go out to the royal family following the passing of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh,” a Gisborne District Council statement said last night. “Our flag will be flying at half mast tomorrow on behalf of the House of Representatives and then again on Saturday for the national funeral Condolences for the Duke at GDC office The Gisborne Herald • Tuesday, April 13, 20214 NEWS PMCA licensed copy. You may not further copy, reproduce, record, retransmit, sell, publish, distribute, share or store this information without the prior written consent of the Print Media Copyright Agency. Phone +64-4-4984488 or email info@pmca.co.nz for further information. Gisborne Herald, Gisborne 13 Apr 2021 General News, page 1 - 806.00 cm² Provincial - circulation 5,186 (MTWTFS-) ID 1426991294 BRIEF CERTBUILDE INDEX 1 PAGE 1 of 3 BRING ON THE BUBBLE PAGE 3 NO GIRLS ALLOWED PAGE 9 STATUES HAIL SPACE- AGE HERO PAGE 16 Pencil firmly clamped between his teeth, Finn Johnson brings down the circular saw on one of the pieces of timber which made up his winning picnic table in the New Zealand Certified Builders Apprentice Challenge on Saturday. STORY ON PAGE 4 Picture by Liam Clayton CAME, SAWED, CONQUERED by Wynsley Wrigley FRUSTRATED property and business owners affected by the new one-way Eden Lane next to the Countdown supermarket building site want a meeting with Gisborne District Council. They say the one-way road is threatening their businesses. Claims by Gisborne District Council staff at a council meeting on March 18 that discussions had lack of consultation. At the March 18 council meeting, the Mayor said: “I know we don’t have to (but) it would be best practice to talk to them directly.” Mr McMillan said Eden Lane had been a two-way road in his 30 years of business at the site. His customers, in cars and trailers or utes, would come from the Disraeli Stret end, back into his property, unload and leave. for safety reasons but it was pushed aside at times to allow construction workers and vehicles to pass through on to the new supermarket site. That would allow his business to operate “semi-normal,” although delivery trucks would continue to block Eden Lane. Mr McMillan said he had been asking for six months to have the fence moved back. The Disraeli Street end of ONE-WAY SHAMBLES Consultation denied: ‘I haven’t heard a dickie bird’ TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 2021TE NUPEPA O TE TAIRAWHITI HOME-DELIVERED $1.90, RETAIL $2.20 FROM PAGE 1 FINN Johnson has claimed the title of Gisborne regional champion in the New Zealand Certified Builders Apprentice Challenge for 2021. Finn and five other apprentices were put through their paces on Saturday at Versatile in Gladstone Road. They were given eight hours to build a picnic table, following specific design plans and making sure the finished product met minimum safety standards. The tables were assessed by a panel of expert judges, who looked at technical aspects such as the quality of workmanship, measuring, cutting and assembly, as well as other essential skills while working against the clock, including Finn’s picnic table the winner McCULLOCH, John William. — Died peacefully,inTauranga Hospital, 12th April 2021,aged88.Loved husbandofBet,and lovedfatherofLynn, Rod, Wendy, Kirsty andJenny,andhis10 grandchildren. Loved brotherandgoodmate ofJean(dec),andRod and Chris. Inaccordancewith John’swishes,aprivate familyservicehasbeen held. WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Brotherof thelateConnieand Mana (Boohead) WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Cherished UncleofSonyaand NicholasNepe.Adored UncleofNicoleand Des,Kane,Mikeand Shony,Michelleand TerryandMaia.Loved KoroMotoMaria, Jessica, Faye-Liana, DanielandNicholas. ‘Onthebackofyour horse in paradise.’ FAMILY NOTICES Deaths Deaths In Memoriam MOORE (née Olsen) Sonja Viena 19.2.1939 - 13.4.2020 In our hearts you hold a special place, no one else will ever fill. Love Wally and The Gisborne Herald • Tuesday, April 13, 20214 NEWS FROM PAGE 1 FINN Johnson has claimed the title of Gisborne regional champion in the New Zealand Certified Builders Apprentice Challenge for 2021. Finn and five other apprentices were put through their paces on Saturday at Versatile in Gladstone Road. They were given eight hours to build a picnic table, following specific design plans and making sure the finished product met minimum safety standards. The tables were assessed by a panel of expert judges, who looked at technical aspects such as the quality of workmanship, measuring, cutting and assembly, as well as other essential skills while working against the clock, including Finn’s picnic table the winner McCULLOCH, John William. — Died peacefully,inTauranga Hospital, 12th April 2021,aged88.Loved husbandofBet,and lovedfatherofLynn, Rod, Wendy, Kirsty andJenny,andhis10 grandchildren. Loved brotherandgoodmate ofJean(dec),andRod and Chris. Inaccordancewith John’swishes,aprivate familyservicehasbeen held. WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Brotherof thelateConnieand Mana (Boohead) WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Cherished UncleofSonyaand NicholasNepe.Adored UncleofNicoleand Des,Kane,Mikeand Shony,Michelleand TerryandMaia.Loved KoroMotoMaria, Jessica, Faye-Liana, DanielandNicholas. ‘Onthebackofyour horse in paradise.’ FAMILY NOTICES Deaths Deaths In Memoriam MOORE (née Olsen) Sonja Viena 19.2.1939 - 13.4.2020 In our hearts you hold a special place, no one else will ever fill. Love Wally and The Gisborne Herald • Tuesday, April 13, 20214 NEWS FROM PAGE 1 FINN Johnson has claimed the title of Gisborne regional champion in the New Zealand Certified Builders Apprentice Challenge for 2021. Finn and five other apprentices were put through their paces on Saturday at Versatile in Gladstone Road. They were given eight hours to build a picnic table, following specific design plans and making sure the finished product met minimum safety standards. The tables were assessed by a panel of expert judges, who looked at technical aspects such as the quality of workmanship, measuring, cutting and assembly, as well as other essential skills while working against the clock, including ability to follow a detailed plan and safe working technique. Finn, an apprentice at Character Building received the top score overall, with Micah Wilson, of Dave Wallace Building, second and Te Kanawa Tapara, also of Character Building, third. Finn won an ITM prize pack of trade tools and earned a place in the national final. He will compete against 18 other regional winners for the Ken Read Memorial Trophy and $50,000 in prizes. Finn’s picnic table the winner EASY DOES IT: Micah Wilson cuts a mortise into one of the pieces of wood used to make a picnic table at Saturday’s regional Apprentice Challenge. Micah, who works for Dave Wallace Building, placed second in the competition. Picture by Liam Clayton McCULLOCH, John William. — Died peacefully,inTauranga Hospital, 12th April 2021,aged88.Loved husbandofBet,and lovedfatherofLynn, Rod, Wendy, Kirsty andJenny,andhis10 grandchildren. Loved brotherandgoodmate ofJean(dec),andRod and Chris. Inaccordancewith John’swishes,aprivate familyservicehasbeen held. WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Brotherof thelateConnieand Mana (Boohead) Hawea. Cherished UncleofMitchand Sally,Sonya(Clarry) and Nicholas Nepe, GregandPaku.Loved Uncletohisniecesand nephews.‘Toughasold Boots.’ WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Cherished UncleofSonyaand NicholasNepe.Adored UncleofNicoleand Des,Kane,Mikeand Shony,Michelleand TerryandMaia.Loved KoroMotoMaria, Jessica, Faye-Liana, DanielandNicholas. horse in paradise.’ FAMILY NOTICES Deaths Deaths In Memoriam MOORE (née Olsen) Sonja Viena 19.2.1939 - 13.4.2020 In our hearts you hold a special place, no one else will ever fill. Love Wally and families Condolences for the The Gisborne Herald • Tuesday, April 13, 20214 NEWS PMCA licensed copy. You may not further copy, reproduce, record, retransmit, sell, publish, distribute, share or store this information without the prior written consent of the Print Media Copyright Agency. Phone +64-4-4984488 or email info@pmca.co.nz for further information. Gisborne Herald, Gisborne 13 Apr 2021 General News, page 1 - 806.00 cm² Provincial - circulation 5,186 (MTWTFS-) ID 1426991294 BRIEF CERTBUILDE INDEX 1 PAGE 1 of 3 Local News ...... 1-4 Births & Deaths ...4 National ..6-9,17-18 Business ............10 Opinion ..............11 World.......12,14-16 Picture page .....20 Television ...........21 Classifieds 22 Racing ................23 Sport ............24-28 Weather .............27 BRING ON THE BUBBLE PAGE 3 NO GIRLS ALLOWED PAGE 9 STATUES HAIL SPACE- AGE HERO PAGE 16 Pencil firmly clamped between his teeth, Finn Johnson brings down the circular saw on one of the pieces of timber which made up his winning picnic table in the New Zealand Certified Builders Apprentice Challenge on Saturday. STORY ON PAGE 4 Picture by Liam Clayton CAME, SAWED, CONQUERED by Wynsley Wrigley FRUSTRATED property and business owners affected by the new one-way Eden Lane next to the Countdown supermarket building site want a meeting with Gisborne District Council. They say the one-way road is threatening their businesses. Claims by Gisborne District Council staff at a council meeting on March 18 that discussions had been held with the businesses have been adamantly rejected by Gisborne Honda owner Dave McMillan and Tony Leach — the property owner of the sites occupied by NZ Safety and the Salvation Army. “I haven’t heard a dickie bird,” Mr Leach said. Both men spoke of each making “six or so” phone calls to the council. Mr Leach said he called between February 11 and March 4, and the person on the other end of the phone said someone would contact him. But no one rang back. “They say they have consulted us,” Mr Leach said.“There’s been absolutely nothing.” Their concerns about the oneway Eden Lane road (towards Disraeli Street) are shared by other nearby property owners, they say. Mr McMillan said Mayor Rehette Stoltz visited the site and expressed surprise at the lack of consultation. At the March 18 council meeting, the Mayor said: “I know we don’t have to (but) it would be best practice to talk to them directly.” Mr McMillan said Eden Lane had been a two-way road in his 30 years of business at the site. His customers, in cars and trailers or utes, would come from the Disraeli Stret end, back into his property, unload and leave. They could no longer do so. One customer had to drive around the block four times in an attempt to enter Gisborne Honda. On her fourth attempt, the road was blocked by a different truck unloading at the supermarket. “She left in tears.” Mr McMillan said he was now unloading vehicles from Gladstone Road. He said he needed a temporary safety fence moved back two metres to allow vehicles to come in and out of his property. The fence had been put up for safety reasons but it was pushed aside at times to allow construction workers and vehicles to pass through on to the new supermarket site. That would allow his business to operate “semi-normal,” although delivery trucks would continue to block Eden Lane. Mr McMillan said he had been asking for six months to have the fence moved back. The Disraeli Street end of Eden Lane is closed due to drainage work for the new supermarket. Mr McMillan said the work was now overdue and his livelihood was being threatened. “We are being railroaded. All we want is a meeting.” His business has seven mechanics, five other staff members and about 2000 customers. Claims by the council that Eden Lane was not well used were not true, he said. Some of his customers were now going elsewhere.“I hope some of them come back.” ONE-WAY SHAMBLES FED UP: Property owner Tony Leach (left) and Gisborne Honda owner Dave McMillan want to meet with Gisborne District Council to discuss the changing of Eden Lane to a one-way street. They deny they have been contacted by GDC staff and say it is threatening their businesses. Picture by Liam Clayton Consultation denied: ‘I haven’t heard a dickie bird’ TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 2021TE NUPEPA O TE TAIRAWHITI HOME-DELIVERED $1.90, RETAIL $2.20 9 771170 043005 >TOMORROW GISBORNE RUATORIA WAIROA FROM PAGE 1 FINN Johnson has claimed the title of Gisborne regional champion in the New Zealand Certified Builders Apprentice Challenge for 2021. Finn and five other apprentices were put through their paces on Saturday at Versatile in Gladstone Road. They were given eight hours to build a picnic table, following specific design plans and making sure the finished product met minimum safety standards. The tables were assessed by a panel of expert judges, who looked at technical aspects such as the quality of workmanship, measuring, cutting and assembly, as well as other essential skills while working against the clock, including ability to follow a detailed plan and safe working technique. Finn, an apprentice at Character Building received the top score overall, with Micah Wilson, of Dave Wallace Building, second and Te Kanawa Tapara, also of Character Building, third. Finn won an ITM prize pack of trade tools and earned a place in the national final. He will compete against 18 other regional winners for the Ken Read Memorial Trophy and $50,000 in prizes. The national final will be held at the New Zealand Certified Builders (NZCB) annual conference in Wellington on June 11-12. NZCB Apprentice Challenge manager Nick Matthews said the show of carpentry talent on Saturday was a testament to the high-calibre of apprentices in industry training, with all competitors either employed by NZCB member builders or enrolled with ITAB (the Industry Training Association Building). “The future of New Zealand’s building industry is dependent on a robust pipeline Finn’s picnic table the winner EASY DOES IT: Micah Wilson cuts a mortise into one of the pieces of wood used to make a picnic table at Saturday’s regional Apprentice Challenge. Micah, who works for Dave Wallace Building, placed second in the competition. Picture by Liam Clayton McCULLOCH, John William. — Died peacefully,inTauranga Hospital, 12th April 2021,aged88.Loved husbandofBet,and lovedfatherofLynn, Rod, Wendy, Kirsty andJenny,andhis10 grandchildren. Loved brotherandgoodmate ofJean(dec),andRod and Chris. Inaccordancewith John’swishes,aprivate familyservicehasbeen held. WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Brotherof thelateConnieand Mana (Boohead) Hawea. Cherished UncleofMitchand Sally,Sonya(Clarry) and Nicholas Nepe, GregandPaku.Loved Uncletohisniecesand nephews.‘Toughasold Boots.’ WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Cherished UncleofSonyaand NicholasNepe.Adored UncleofNicoleand Des,Kane,Mikeand Shony,Michelleand TerryandMaia.Loved KoroMotoMaria, Jessica, Faye-Liana, DanielandNicholas. ‘Onthebackofyour horse in paradise.’ FAMILY NOTICES Deaths Deaths In Memoriam MOORE (née Olsen) Sonja Viena 19.2.1939 - 13.4.2020 In our hearts you hold a special place, no one else will ever fill. Love Wally and families GISBORNE residents can sign a Book of Condolences following the death of the Duke of Edinburgh. “Our condolences go out to the royal family following the passing of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh,” a Gisborne District Council statement said last night. Condolences for the Duke at GDC office The Gisborne Herald • Tuesday, April 13, 20214 NEWS FROM PAGE 1 FINN Johnson has claimed the title of Gisborne regional champion in the New Zealand Certified Builders Apprentice Challenge for 2021. Finn and five other apprentices were put through their paces on Saturday at Versatile in Gladstone Road. They were given eight hours to build a picnic table, following specific design plans and making sure the finished product met minimum safety standards. The tables were assessed by a panel of expert judges, who looked at technical aspects such as the quality of workmanship, measuring, cutting and assembly, as well as other essential skills while working against the clock, including ability to follow a detailed plan and safe working technique. Finn, an apprentice at Character Building received the top score overall, with Micah Wilson, of Dave Wallace Building, second and Te Kanawa Tapara, also of Character Building, third. Finn won an ITM prize pack of trade tools and earned a place in the national final. He will compete against 18 other regional winners for the Ken Read Memorial Trophy and $50,000 in prizes. The national final will be held at the New Zealand Certified Builders (NZCB) annual conference in Wellington on June 11-12. NZCB Apprentice Challenge manager Nick Matthews said the show of carpentry talent on Saturday was a testament to the high-calibre of apprentices in industry training, with all competitors either employed by NZCB member builders or enrolled with ITAB (the Industry Training Association Building). “The future of New Zealand’s building industry is dependent on a robust pipeline Finn’s picnic table the winner EASY DOES IT: Micah Wilson cuts a mortise into one of the pieces of wood used to make a picnic table at Saturday’s regional Apprentice Challenge. Micah, who works for Dave Wallace Building, placed second in the competition. Picture by Liam Clayton McCULLOCH, John William. — Died peacefully,inTauranga Hospital, 12th April 2021,aged88.Loved husbandofBet,and lovedfatherofLynn, Rod, Wendy, Kirsty andJenny,andhis10 grandchildren. Loved brotherandgoodmate ofJean(dec),andRod and Chris. Inaccordancewith John’swishes,aprivate familyservicehasbeen held. WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Brotherof thelateConnieand Mana (Boohead) Hawea. Cherished UncleofMitchand Sally,Sonya(Clarry) and Nicholas Nepe, GregandPaku.Loved Uncletohisniecesand nephews.‘Toughasold Boots.’ WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Cherished UncleofSonyaand NicholasNepe.Adored UncleofNicoleand Des,Kane,Mikeand Shony,Michelleand TerryandMaia.Loved KoroMotoMaria, Jessica, Faye-Liana, DanielandNicholas. ‘Onthebackofyour horse in paradise.’ FAMILY NOTICES Deaths Deaths In Memoriam MOORE (née Olsen) Sonja Viena 19.2.1939 - 13.4.2020 In our hearts you hold a special place, no one else will ever fill. Love Wally and families GISBORNE residents can sign a Book of Condolences following the death of the Duke of Edinburgh. “Our condolences go out to the royal family following the passing of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh,” a Gisborne District Council statement said last night. Condolences for the Duke at GDC office The Gisborne Herald • Tuesday, April 13, 20214 NEWS FROM PAGE 1 FINN Johnson has claimed the title of Gisborne regional champion in the New Zealand Certified Builders Apprentice Challenge for 2021. Finn and five other apprentices were put through their paces on Saturday at Versatile in Gladstone Road. They were given eight hours to build a picnic table, following specific design plans and making sure the finished product met minimum safety standards. The tables were assessed by a panel of expert judges, who looked at technical aspects such as the quality of workmanship, measuring, cutting and assembly, as well as other essential skills while working against the clock, including ability to follow a detailed plan and safe working technique. Finn, an apprentice at Character Building received the top score overall, with Micah Wilson, of Dave Wallace Building, second and Te Kanawa Tapara, also of Character Building, third. Finn won an ITM prize pack of trade tools and earned a place in the national final. He will compete against 18 other regional winners for the Ken Read Memorial Trophy and $50,000 in prizes. The national final will be held at the New Zealand Certified Builders (NZCB) annual conference in Wellington on June 11-12. NZCB Apprentice Challenge manager Nick Matthews said the show of carpentry talent on Saturday was a testament to the high-calibre of apprentices in industry training, with all competitors either employed by NZCB member builders or enrolled with ITAB (the Industry Training Association Building). “The future of New Zealand’s building industry is dependent on a robust pipeline of trade-qualified and well-rounded carpentry professionals. “We encourage NZCB member builders to support this by taking on apprentices. “In doing so, they provide a pathway into the industry and help to ensure there are highly-skilled builders coming through to meet the increasing demand for the sector. “These apprentices have developed the skills and passion to be successful in the trade with the support of their employers and the training scheme ITAB provides. Finn’s picnic table the winner EASY DOES IT: Micah Wilson cuts a mortise into one of the pieces of wood used to make a picnic table at Saturday’s regional Apprentice Challenge. Micah, who works for Dave Wallace Building, placed second in the competition. Picture by Liam Clayton McCULLOCH, John William. — Died peacefully,inTauranga Hospital, 12th April 2021,aged88.Loved husbandofBet,and lovedfatherofLynn, Rod, Wendy, Kirsty andJenny,andhis10 grandchildren. Loved brotherandgoodmate ofJean(dec),andRod and Chris. Inaccordancewith John’swishes,aprivate familyservicehasbeen held. WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Brotherof thelateConnieand Mana (Boohead) Hawea. Cherished UncleofMitchand Sally,Sonya(Clarry) and Nicholas Nepe, GregandPaku.Loved Uncletohisniecesand nephews.‘Toughasold Boots.’ WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Cherished UncleofSonyaand NicholasNepe.Adored UncleofNicoleand Des,Kane,Mikeand Shony,Michelleand TerryandMaia.Loved KoroMotoMaria, Jessica, Faye-Liana, DanielandNicholas. horse in paradise.’ FAMILY NOTICES Deaths Deaths In Memoriam MOORE (née Olsen) Sonja Viena 19.2.1939 - 13.4.2020 In our hearts you hold a special place, no one else will ever fill. Love Wally and families CORRECTION A STORY in yesterday’s Gisborne Herald about GISBORNE residents can sign a Book of Condolences following the death of the Duke of Edinburgh. “Our condolences go out to the royal family following the passing of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh,” a Gisborne District Council statement said last night. “Our flag will be flying at half mast tomorrow on behalf of the House of Representatives and then again on Saturday for the national funeral service. If you wish to pass on formal messages via the office of the Governor General we have a condolences book that you can sign at the counter of our office on Fitzherbert Street.” Condolences for the Duke at GDC office The Gisborne Herald • Tuesday, April 13, 20214 NEWS PMCA licensed copy. You may not further copy, reproduce, record, retransmit, sell, publish, distribute, share or store this information without the prior written consent of the Print Media Copyright Agency. Phone +64-4-4984488 or email info@pmca.co.nz for further information. Gisborne Herald, Gisborne 13 Apr 2021 General News, page 1 - 806.00 cm² Provincial - circulation 5,186 (MTWTFS-) ID 1426991294 BRIEF CERTBUILDE INDEX 1 PAGE 1 of 3 FROM PAGE 1 FINN Johnson has claimed the title of Gisborne regional champion in the New Zealand Certified Builders Apprentice Challenge for 2021. Finn and five other apprentices were put through their paces on Saturday at Versatile in Gladstone Road. They were given eight hours to build a picnic table, following specific design plans and making sure the finished product met minimum safety standards. The tables were assessed by a panel of expert judges, who looked at technical aspects such as the quality of workmanship, measuring, cutting and assembly, as well as other essential skills while working against the clock, including ability to follow a detailed plan and safe working technique. Finn, an apprentice at Character Building received the top score overall, with Micah Wilson, of Dave Wallace Building, second and Te Kanawa Tapara, also of Character Building, third. Finn won an ITM prize pack of trade tools and earned a place in the national final. He will compete against 18 other regional winners for the Ken Read Memorial Trophy and $50,000 in prizes. The national final will be held at the New Zealand Certified Builders (NZCB) annual conference in Wellington on June 11-12. NZCB Apprentice Challenge manager Nick Matthews said the show of carpentry talent on Saturday was a testament to the high-calibre of apprentices in industry training, with all competitors either employed by NZCB member builders or enrolled with ITAB (the Industry Training Association Building). “The future of New Zealand’s building industry is dependent on a robust pipeline of trade-qualified and well-rounded carpentry professionals. “We encourage NZCB member builders to support this by taking on apprentices. “In doing so, they provide a pathway into the industry and help to ensure there are highly-skilled builders coming through to meet the increasing demand for the sector. “These apprentices have developed the skills and passion to be successful in the trade with the support of their employers and the training scheme ITAB provides. Finn’s picnic table the winner EASY DOES IT: Micah Wilson cuts a mortise into one of the pieces of wood used to make a picnic table at Saturday’s regional Apprentice Challenge. Micah, who works for Dave Wallace Building, placed second in the competition. Picture by Liam Clayton McCULLOCH, John William. — Died peacefully,inTauranga Hospital, 12th April 2021,aged88.Loved husbandofBet,and lovedfatherofLynn, Rod, Wendy, Kirsty andJenny,andhis10 grandchildren. Loved brotherandgoodmate ofJean(dec),andRod and Chris. Inaccordancewith John’swishes,aprivate familyservicehasbeen held. WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Brotherof thelateConnieand Mana (Boohead) Hawea. Cherished UncleofMitchand Sally,Sonya(Clarry) and Nicholas Nepe, GregandPaku.Loved Uncletohisniecesand nephews.‘Toughasold Boots.’ WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Cherished UncleofSonyaand NicholasNepe.Adored UncleofNicoleand Des,Kane,Mikeand Shony,Michelleand TerryandMaia.Loved KoroMotoMaria, Jessica, Faye-Liana, DanielandNicholas. ‘Onthebackofyour horse in paradise.’ FAMILY NOTICES Deaths Deaths In Memoriam MOORE (née Olsen) Sonja Viena 19.2.1939 - 13.4.2020 In our hearts you hold a special place, no one else will ever fill. Love Wally and families CORRECTION A STORY in yesterday’s Gisborne Herald about GISBORNE residents can sign a Book of Condolences following the death of the Duke of Edinburgh. “Our condolences go out to the royal family following the passing of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh,” a Gisborne District Council statement said last night. “Our flag will be flying at half mast tomorrow on behalf of the House of Representatives and then again on Saturday for the national funeral service. If you wish to pass on formal messages via the office of the Governor General we have a condolences book that you can sign at the counter of our office on Fitzherbert Street.” Condolences for the Duke at GDC office The Gisborne Herald • Tuesday, April 13, 20214 NEWS FROM PAGE 1 FINN Johnson has claimed the title of Gisborne regional champion in the New Zealand Certified Builders Apprentice Challenge for 2021. Finn and five other apprentices were put through their paces on Saturday at Versatile in Gladstone Road. They were given eight hours to build a picnic table, following specific design plans and making sure the finished product met minimum safety standards. The tables were assessed by a panel of expert judges, who looked at technical aspects such as the quality of workmanship, measuring, cutting and assembly, as well as other essential skills while working against the clock, including ability to follow a detailed plan and safe working technique. Finn, an apprentice at Character Building received the top score overall, with Micah Wilson, of Dave Wallace Building, second and Te Kanawa Tapara, also of Character Building, third. Finn won an ITM prize pack of trade tools and earned a place in the national final. He will compete against 18 other regional winners for the Ken Read Memorial Trophy and $50,000 in prizes. The national final will be held at the New Zealand Certified Builders (NZCB) annual conference in Wellington on June 11-12. NZCB Apprentice Challenge manager Nick Matthews said the show of carpentry talent on Saturday was a testament to the high-calibre of apprentices in industry training, with all competitors either employed by NZCB member builders or enrolled with ITAB (the Industry Training Association Building). “The future of New Zealand’s building industry is dependent on a robust pipeline of trade-qualified and well-rounded carpentry professionals. “We encourage NZCB member builders to support this by taking on apprentices. “In doing so, they provide a pathway into the industry and help to ensure there are highly-skilled builders coming through to meet the increasing demand for the sector. “These apprentices have developed the Finn’s picnic table the winner EASY DOES IT: Micah Wilson cuts a mortise into one of the pieces of wood used to make a picnic table at Saturday’s regional Apprentice Challenge. Micah, who works for Dave Wallace Building, placed second in the competition. Picture by Liam Clayton McCULLOCH, John William. — Died peacefully,inTauranga Hospital, 12th April 2021,aged88.Loved husbandofBet,and lovedfatherofLynn, Rod, Wendy, Kirsty andJenny,andhis10 grandchildren. Loved brotherandgoodmate ofJean(dec),andRod and Chris. Inaccordancewith John’swishes,aprivate familyservicehasbeen held. WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Brotherof thelateConnieand Mana (Boohead) Hawea. Cherished UncleofMitchand Sally,Sonya(Clarry) and Nicholas Nepe, GregandPaku.Loved Uncletohisniecesand nephews.‘Toughasold Boots.’ WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Cherished UncleofSonyaand NicholasNepe.Adored UncleofNicoleand Des,Kane,Mikeand Shony,Michelleand TerryandMaia.Loved KoroMotoMaria, Jessica, Faye-Liana, DanielandNicholas. ‘Onthebackofyour horse in paradise.’ FAMILY NOTICES Deaths Deaths In Memoriam MOORE (née Olsen) Sonja Viena 19.2.1939 - 13.4.2020 In our hearts you hold a special place, no one else will ever fill. Love Wally and families GISBORNE residents can sign a Book of Condolences following the death of the Duke of Edinburgh. “Our condolences go out to the royal family following the passing of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh,” a Gisborne District Council statement said last night. “Our flag will be flying at half mast tomorrow on behalf of the House of Representatives and then again on Saturday for the national funeral service. If you wish to pass on formal messages via the office of the Governor General we have a condolences book that you can sign at the counter of our office on Fitzherbert Street.” Condolences for the Duke at GDC office The Gisborne Herald • Tuesday, April 13, 20214 NEWS FROM PAGE 1 FINN Johnson has claimed the title of Gisborne regional champion in the New Zealand Certified Builders Apprentice Challenge for 2021. Finn and five other apprentices were put through their paces on Saturday at Versatile in Gladstone Road. They were given eight hours to build a picnic table, following specific design plans and making sure the finished product met minimum safety standards. The tables were assessed by a panel of expert judges, who looked at technical aspects such as the quality of workmanship, measuring, cutting and assembly, as well as other essential skills while working against the clock, including ability to follow a detailed plan and safe working technique. Finn, an apprentice at Character Building received the top score overall, with Micah Wilson, of Dave Wallace Building, second and Te Kanawa Tapara, also of Character Building, third. Finn won an ITM prize pack of trade tools and earned a place in the national final. He will compete against 18 other regional winners for the Ken Read Memorial Trophy and $50,000 in prizes. The national final will be held at the New Zealand Certified Builders (NZCB) annual conference in Wellington on June 11-12. NZCB Apprentice Challenge manager Nick Matthews said the show of carpentry talent on Saturday was a testament to the high-calibre of apprentices in industry training, with all competitors either employed by NZCB member builders or enrolled with ITAB (the Industry Training Association Building). “The future of New Zealand’s building industry is dependent on a robust pipeline of trade-qualified and well-rounded carpentry professionals. “We encourage NZCB member builders to support this by taking on apprentices. “In doing so, they provide a pathway into the industry and help to ensure there are Finn’s picnic table the winner EASY DOES IT: Micah Wilson cuts a mortise into one of the pieces of wood used to make a picnic table at Saturday’s regional Apprentice Challenge. Micah, who works for Dave Wallace Building, placed second in the competition. Picture by Liam Clayton McCULLOCH, John William. — Died peacefully,inTauranga Hospital, 12th April 2021,aged88.Loved husbandofBet,and lovedfatherofLynn, Rod, Wendy, Kirsty andJenny,andhis10 grandchildren. Loved brotherandgoodmate ofJean(dec),andRod and Chris. Inaccordancewith John’swishes,aprivate familyservicehasbeen held. WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Brotherof thelateConnieand Mana (Boohead) Hawea. Cherished UncleofMitchand Sally,Sonya(Clarry) and Nicholas Nepe, GregandPaku.Loved Uncletohisniecesand nephews.‘Toughasold Boots.’ WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Cherished UncleofSonyaand NicholasNepe.Adored UncleofNicoleand Des,Kane,Mikeand Shony,Michelleand TerryandMaia.Loved KoroMotoMaria, Jessica, Faye-Liana, DanielandNicholas. ‘Onthebackofyour horse in paradise.’ FAMILY NOTICES Deaths Deaths In Memoriam MOORE (née Olsen) Sonja Viena 19.2.1939 - 13.4.2020 In our hearts you hold a special place, no one else will ever fill. Love Wally and families GISBORNE residents can sign a Book of Condolences following the death of the Duke of Edinburgh. “Our condolences go out to the royal family following the passing of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh,” a Gisborne District Council statement said last night. “Our flag will be flying at half mast tomorrow on behalf of the House of Representatives and then again on Saturday for the national funeral service. If you wish to pass on formal messages via the office of the Governor General we have a condolences book that you can sign at the Condolences for the Duke at GDC office The Gisborne Herald • Tuesday, April 13, 20214 NEWS FROM PAGE 1 FINN Johnson has claimed the title of Gisborne regional champion in the New Zealand Certified Builders Apprentice Challenge for 2021. Finn and five other apprentices were put through their paces on Saturday at Versatile in Gladstone Road. They were given eight hours to build a picnic table, following specific design plans and making sure the finished product met minimum safety standards. The tables were assessed by a panel of expert judges, who looked at technical aspects such as the quality of workmanship, measuring, cutting and assembly, as well as other essential skills while working against the clock, including ability to follow a detailed plan and safe working technique. Finn’s picnic table the winner McCULLOCH, John William. — Died peacefully,inTauranga Hospital, 12th April 2021,aged88.Loved husbandofBet,and lovedfatherofLynn, Rod, Wendy, Kirsty andJenny,andhis10 grandchildren. Loved brotherandgoodmate ofJean(dec),andRod and Chris. Inaccordancewith John’swishes,aprivate familyservicehasbeen held. WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Brotherof thelateConnieand Mana (Boohead) Hawea. Cherished UncleofMitchand WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Cherished UncleofSonyaand NicholasNepe.Adored UncleofNicoleand Des,Kane,Mikeand Shony,Michelleand TerryandMaia.Loved KoroMotoMaria, Jessica, Faye-Liana, DanielandNicholas. ‘Onthebackofyour horse in paradise.’ FAMILY NOTICES Deaths Deaths In Memoriam MOORE (née Olsen) Sonja Viena 19.2.1939 - 13.4.2020 In our hearts you hold a special place, no one else will ever fill. Love Wally and families The Gisborne Herald • Tuesday, April 13, 20214 NEWS FROM PAGE 1 FINN Johnson has claimed the title of Gisborne regional champion in the New Zealand Certified Builders Apprentice Challenge for 2021. Finn and five other apprentices were put through their paces on Saturday at Versatile in Gladstone Road. They were given eight hours to build a picnic table, following specific design plans and making sure the finished product met minimum safety standards. The tables were assessed by a panel of expert judges, who looked at technical aspects such as the quality of workmanship, measuring, cutting and assembly, as well as other essential skills while working against the clock, including ability to follow a detailed plan and safe working technique. Finn’s picnic table the winner McCULLOCH, John William. — Died peacefully,inTauranga Hospital, 12th April 2021,aged88.Loved husbandofBet,and lovedfatherofLynn, Rod, Wendy, Kirsty andJenny,andhis10 grandchildren. Loved brotherandgoodmate ofJean(dec),andRod and Chris. Inaccordancewith John’swishes,aprivate familyservicehasbeen held. WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Brotherof thelateConnieand Mana (Boohead) Hawea. Cherished UncleofMitchand WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Cherished UncleofSonyaand NicholasNepe.Adored UncleofNicoleand Des,Kane,Mikeand Shony,Michelleand TerryandMaia.Loved KoroMotoMaria, Jessica, Faye-Liana, DanielandNicholas. ‘Onthebackofyour horse in paradise.’ FAMILY NOTICES Deaths Deaths In Memoriam MOORE (née Olsen) Sonja Viena 19.2.1939 - 13.4.2020 In our hearts you hold a special place, no one else will ever fill. Love Wally and families The Gisborne Herald • Tuesday, April 13, 20214 NEWS PMCA licensed copy. You may not further copy, reproduce, record, retransmit, sell, publish, distribute, share or store this information without the prior written consent of the Print Media Copyright Agency. Phone +64-4-4984488 or email info@pmca.co.nz for further information. Gisborne Herald, Gisborne 13 Apr 2021 General News, page 1 - 806.00 cm² Provincial - circulation 5,186 (MTWTFS-) ID 1426991294 BRIEF CERTBUILDE INDEX 1 PAGE 2 of 3 FROM PAGE 1 FINN Johnson has claimed the title of Gisborne regional champion in the New Zealand Certified Builders Apprentice Challenge for 2021. Finn and five other apprentices were put through their paces on Saturday at Versatile in Gladstone Road. They were given eight hours to build a picnic table, following specific design plans and making sure the finished product met minimum safety standards. The tables were assessed by a panel of expert judges, who looked at technical aspects such as the quality of workmanship, measuring, cutting and assembly, as well as other essential skills while working against the clock, including ability to follow a detailed plan and safe working technique. Finn, an apprentice at Character Building received the top score overall, with Micah Wilson, of Dave Wallace Building, second and Te Kanawa Tapara, also of Character Building, third. Finn won an ITM prize pack of trade tools and earned a place in the national final. He will compete against 18 other regional winners for the Ken Read Memorial Trophy and $50,000 in prizes. The national final will be held at the New Zealand Certified Builders (NZCB) annual conference in Wellington on June 11-12. NZCB Apprentice Challenge manager Finn’s picnic table the winner TURNING THE SCREW: Apprentice Challenge third-place-getter was Te Kanawa Tapara, who works for Character Building. Picture by Liam Clayton EASY DOES IT: Micah Wilson cuts a mortise into one of the pieces of wood used to make a picnic table at Saturday’s regional Apprentice Challenge. Micah, who works for Dave Wallace Building, placed second in the competition. A MAN accused by his two young daughters of sexually offending against them, has gone on trial by jury in Gisborne District Court. He is charged with raping and sexually violating the older of the girls (both are primary school aged), and with indecently assaulting and sexually abusing both while a protection order to her during a discussion about how unhealthy it was to keep secrets. That discussion was prompted by the girl’s admission she had falsely accused an adult at school of having pushed her. The girl prefaced the disclosure by saying she had “other secrets” to reveal. Defence counsel Vicky Thorpe was critical of the way the caregiver sleeping arrangements at his house, and there were no previous indications from the girls of any offending against them. The younger of the girls sometimes complained about having to visit their father because it was boring and they were made to help tidy his house, the caregiver said. The disclosure was made about four Case hinges on believability, jury told McCULLOCH, John William. — Died peacefully,inTauranga Hospital, 12th April 2021,aged88.Loved husbandofBet,and lovedfatherofLynn, Rod, Wendy, Kirsty andJenny,andhis10 grandchildren. Loved brotherandgoodmate ofJean(dec),andRod and Chris. Inaccordancewith John’swishes,aprivate familyservicehasbeen held. WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Brotherof thelateConnieand Mana (Boohead) Hawea. Cherished UncleofMitchand Sally,Sonya(Clarry) and Nicholas Nepe, GregandPaku.Loved Uncletohisniecesand nephews.‘Toughasold Boots.’ WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Cherished UncleofSonyaand NicholasNepe.Adored UncleofNicoleand Des,Kane,Mikeand Shony,Michelleand TerryandMaia.Loved KoroMotoMaria, Jessica, Faye-Liana, DanielandNicholas. ‘Onthebackofyour horse in paradise.’ FAMILY NOTICES Deaths Deaths In Memoriam MOORE (née Olsen) Sonja Viena 19.2.1939 - 13.4.2020 In our hearts you hold a special place, no one else will ever fill. Love Wally and families CORRECTION A STORY in yesterday’s Gisborne Herald about Jogging for Logging said organiser Wade Brunt was a counsellor at Tauawhi Men’s Centre. In fact Wade received counselling at Tauawhi Men’s Centre, which he says was a crucial part of his journey. “Weight loss has helped me hugely but counselling was the key part of my transformation.” GISBORNE residents can sign a Book of Condolences following the death of the Duke of Edinburgh. “Our condolences go out to the royal family following the passing of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh,” a Gisborne District Council statement said last night. “Our flag will be flying at half mast tomorrow on behalf of the House of Representatives and then again on Saturday for the national funeral service. If you wish to pass on formal messages via the office of the Governor General we have a condolences book that you can sign at the counter of our office on Fitzherbert Street.” Condolences for the Duke at GDC office The Gisborne Herald 4 NEWS FROM PAGE 1 FINN Johnson has claimed the title of Gisborne regional champion in the New Zealand Certified Builders Apprentice Challenge for 2021. Finn and five other apprentices were put through their paces on Saturday at Versatile in Gladstone Road. They were given eight hours to build a picnic table, following specific design plans and making sure the finished product met minimum safety standards. The tables were assessed by a panel of expert judges, who looked at technical aspects such as the quality of workmanship, measuring, cutting and assembly, as well as other essential skills while working against the clock, including ability to follow a detailed plan and safe working technique. Finn, an apprentice at Character Building received the top score overall, with Micah Wilson, of Dave Wallace Building, second and Te Kanawa Tapara, also of Character Building, third. Finn won an ITM prize pack of trade tools and earned a place in the national final. He will compete against 18 other regional winners for the Ken Read Memorial Trophy and $50,000 in prizes. The national final will be held at the New Zealand Certified Builders (NZCB) annual conference in Wellington on June 11-12. NZCB Apprentice Challenge manager Nick Matthews said the show of carpentry talent on Saturday was a testament to the high-calibre of apprentices in industry training, with all competitors either employed by NZCB member builders or enrolled with ITAB (the Industry Training Association Building). “The future of New Zealand’s building industry is dependent on a robust pipeline of trade-qualified and well-rounded carpentry professionals. “We encourage NZCB member builders to support this by taking on apprentices. “In doing so, they provide a pathway into the industry and help to ensure there are highly-skilled builders coming through to meet the increasing demand for the sector. “These apprentices have developed the skills and passion to be successful in the trade with the support of their employers and the training scheme ITAB provides. “These events are a great opportunity to give the community an inside look at building apprenticeship training that they might not otherwise see, and to celebrate those apprentices who have excelled in their field.” Finn’s picnic table the winner TURNING THE SCREW: Apprentice Challenge third-place-getter was Te Kanawa Tapara, who works for Character Building. Picture by Liam Clayton EASY DOES IT: Micah Wilson cuts a mortise into one of the pieces of wood used to make a picnic table at Saturday’s regional Apprentice Challenge. Micah, who works for Dave Wallace Building, placed second in the competition. Picture by Liam Clayton A MAN accused by his two young daughters of sexually offending against them, has gone on trial by jury in Gisborne District Court. He is charged with raping and sexually to her during a discussion about how unhealthy it was to keep secrets. That discussion was prompted by the girl’s admission she had falsely accused an adult at school of having pushed sleeping arrangements at his house, and there were no previous indications from the girls of any offending against them. The younger of the girls sometimes complained about having to visit their note of “some fairly fanciful” statements by at least one of the girls and inconsistencies, Ms Thorpe said. The jury would also watch in evidence a DVD interview with her client, in Case hinges on believability, jury told McCULLOCH, John William. — Died peacefully,inTauranga Hospital, 12th April 2021,aged88.Loved husbandofBet,and lovedfatherofLynn, Rod, Wendy, Kirsty andJenny,andhis10 grandchildren. Loved brotherandgoodmate ofJean(dec),andRod and Chris. Inaccordancewith John’swishes,aprivate familyservicehasbeen held. WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Brotherof thelateConnieand Mana (Boohead) Hawea. Cherished UncleofMitchand Sally,Sonya(Clarry) and Nicholas Nepe, GregandPaku.Loved Uncletohisniecesand nephews.‘Toughasold Boots.’ WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Cherished UncleofSonyaand NicholasNepe.Adored UncleofNicoleand Des,Kane,Mikeand Shony,Michelleand TerryandMaia.Loved KoroMotoMaria, Jessica, Faye-Liana, DanielandNicholas. ‘Onthebackofyour horse in paradise.’ FAMILY NOTICES Deaths Deaths In Memoriam s MOORE (née Olsen) Sonja Viena 19.2.1939 - 13.4.2020 In our hearts you hold a special place, no one else will ever fill. Love Wally and families CORRECTION A STORY in yesterday’s Gisborne Herald about Jogging for Logging said organiser Wade Brunt was a counsellor at Tauawhi Men’s Centre. In fact Wade received counselling at Tauawhi Men’s Centre, which he says was a crucial part of his journey. “Weight loss has helped me hugely but counselling was the key part of my transformation.” GISBORNE residents can sign a Book of Condolences following the death of the Duke of Edinburgh. “Our condolences go out to the royal family following the passing of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh,” a Gisborne District Council statement said last night. “Our flag will be flying at half mast tomorrow on behalf of the House of Representatives and then again on Saturday for the national funeral service. If you wish to pass on formal messages via the office of the Governor General we have a condolences book that you can sign at the counter of our office on Fitzherbert Street.” Condolences for the Duke at GDC office The Gisborne Herald • Tuesday, April 13, 20214 NEWS FROM PAGE 1 FINN Johnson has claimed the title of Gisborne regional champion in the New Zealand Certified Builders Apprentice Challenge for 2021. Finn and five other apprentices were put through their paces on Saturday at Versatile in Gladstone Road. They were given eight hours to build a picnic table, following specific design plans and making sure the finished product met minimum safety standards. The tables were assessed by a panel of expert judges, who looked at technical aspects such as the quality of workmanship, measuring, cutting and assembly, as well as other essential skills while working against the clock, including ability to follow a detailed plan and safe working technique. Finn, an apprentice at Character Building received the top score overall, with Micah Wilson, of Dave Wallace Building, second and Te Kanawa Tapara, also of Character Building, third. Finn won an ITM prize pack of trade tools and earned a place in the national final. He will compete against 18 other regional winners for the Ken Read Memorial Trophy and $50,000 in prizes. The national final will be held at the New Zealand Certified Builders (NZCB) annual conference in Wellington on June 11-12. NZCB Apprentice Challenge manager Nick Matthews said the show of carpentry talent on Saturday was a testament to the high-calibre of apprentices in industry training, with all competitors either employed by NZCB member builders or enrolled with ITAB (the Industry Training Association Building). “The future of New Zealand’s building industry is dependent on a robust pipeline of trade-qualified and well-rounded carpentry professionals. “We encourage NZCB member builders to support this by taking on apprentices. “In doing so, they provide a pathway into the industry and help to ensure there are highly-skilled builders coming through to meet the increasing demand for the sector. “These apprentices have developed the skills and passion to be successful in the trade with the support of their employers and the training scheme ITAB provides. “These events are a great opportunity to give the community an inside look at building apprenticeship training that they might not otherwise see, and to celebrate those apprentices who have excelled in their field.” Finn’s picnic table the winner TURNING THE SCREW: Apprentice Challenge third-place-getter was Te Kanawa Tapara, who works for Character Building. Picture by Liam Clayton EASY DOES IT: Micah Wilson cuts a mortise into one of the pieces of wood used to make a picnic table at Saturday’s regional Apprentice Challenge. Micah, who works for Dave Wallace Building, placed second in the competition. Picture by Liam Clayton A MAN accused by his two young daughters of sexually offending against to her during a discussion about how unhealthy it was to keep secrets. sleeping arrangements at his house, and there were no previous indications from note of “some fairly fanciful” statements by at least one of the girls and Case hinges on believability, jury told McCULLOCH, John William. — Died peacefully,inTauranga Hospital, 12th April 2021,aged88.Loved husbandofBet,and lovedfatherofLynn, Rod, Wendy, Kirsty andJenny,andhis10 grandchildren. Loved brotherandgoodmate ofJean(dec),andRod and Chris. Inaccordancewith John’swishes,aprivate familyservicehasbeen held. WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Brotherof thelateConnieand Mana (Boohead) Hawea. Cherished UncleofMitchand Sally,Sonya(Clarry) and Nicholas Nepe, GregandPaku.Loved Uncletohisniecesand nephews.‘Toughasold Boots.’ WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Cherished UncleofSonyaand NicholasNepe.Adored UncleofNicoleand Des,Kane,Mikeand Shony,Michelleand TerryandMaia.Loved KoroMotoMaria, Jessica, Faye-Liana, DanielandNicholas. ‘Onthebackofyour horse in paradise.’ FAMILY NOTICES Deaths Deaths In Memoriam MOORE (née Olsen) Sonja Viena 19.2.1939 - 13.4.2020 In our hearts you hold a special place, no one else will ever fill. Love Wally and families CORRECTION A STORY in yesterday’s Gisborne Herald about Jogging for Logging said organiser Wade Brunt was a counsellor at Tauawhi Men’s Centre. In fact Wade received counselling at Tauawhi Men’s Centre, which he says was a crucial part of his journey. “Weight loss has helped me hugely but counselling was the key part of my transformation.” GISBORNE residents can sign a Book of Condolences following the death of the Duke of Edinburgh. “Our condolences go out to the royal family following the passing of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh,” a Gisborne District Council statement said last night. “Our flag will be flying at half mast tomorrow on behalf of the House of Representatives and then again on Saturday for the national funeral service. If you wish to pass on formal messages via the office of the Governor General we have a condolences book that you can sign at the counter of our office on Fitzherbert Street.” Condolences for the Duke at GDC office The Gisborne Herald • Tuesday, April 13, 20214 NEWS FROM PAGE 1 FINN Johnson has claimed the title of Gisborne regional champion in the New Zealand Certified Builders Apprentice Challenge for 2021. Finn and five other apprentices were put through their paces on Saturday at Versatile in Gladstone Road. They were given eight hours to build a picnic table, following specific design plans and making sure the finished product met minimum safety standards. The tables were assessed by a panel of expert judges, who looked at technical aspects such as the quality of workmanship, measuring, cutting and assembly, as well as other essential skills while working against the clock, including ability to follow a detailed plan and safe working technique. Finn, an apprentice at Character Building received the top score overall, with Micah Wilson, of Dave Wallace Building, second and Te Kanawa Tapara, also of Character Building, third. Finn won an ITM prize pack of trade tools and earned a place in the national final. He will compete against 18 other regional winners for the Ken Read Memorial Trophy and $50,000 in prizes. The national final will be held at the New Zealand Certified Builders (NZCB) annual conference in Wellington on June 11-12. NZCB Apprentice Challenge manager Nick Matthews said the show of carpentry talent on Saturday was a testament to the high-calibre of apprentices in industry training, with all competitors either employed by NZCB member builders or enrolled with ITAB (the Industry Training Association Building). “The future of New Zealand’s building industry is dependent on a robust pipeline of trade-qualified and well-rounded carpentry professionals. “We encourage NZCB member builders to support this by taking on apprentices. Finn’s picnic table the winner EASY DOES IT: Micah Wilson cuts a mortise into one of the pieces of wood used to make a picnic table at Saturday’s regional Apprentice Challenge. Micah, who works for Dave Wallace Building, placed second in the competition. McCULLOCH, John William. — Died peacefully,inTauranga Hospital, 12th April 2021,aged88.Loved husbandofBet,and lovedfatherofLynn, Rod, Wendy, Kirsty andJenny,andhis10 grandchildren. Loved brotherandgoodmate ofJean(dec),andRod and Chris. Inaccordancewith John’swishes,aprivate familyservicehasbeen held. WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Brotherof thelateConnieand Mana (Boohead) Hawea. Cherished UncleofMitchand Sally,Sonya(Clarry) and Nicholas Nepe, GregandPaku.Loved Uncletohisniecesand nephews.‘Toughasold Boots.’ WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Cherished UncleofSonyaand NicholasNepe.Adored UncleofNicoleand Des,Kane,Mikeand Shony,Michelleand TerryandMaia.Loved KoroMotoMaria, Jessica, Faye-Liana, DanielandNicholas. ‘Onthebackofyour horse in paradise.’ FAMILY NOTICES Deaths Deaths In Memoriam MOORE (née Olsen) Sonja Viena 19.2.1939 - 13.4.2020 In our hearts you hold a special place, no one else will ever fill. Love Wally and families GISBORNE residents can sign a Book of Condolences following the death of the Duke of Edinburgh. “Our condolences go out to the royal family following the passing of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh,” a Gisborne District Council statement said last night. “Our flag will be flying at half mast tomorrow on behalf of the House of Representatives and then again on Saturday for the national funeral service. If you wish to pass on formal messages Condolences for the Duke at GDC office The Gisborne Herald 4 NEWS FROM PAGE 1 FINN Johnson has claimed the title of Gisborne regional champion in the New Zealand Certified Builders Apprentice Challenge for 2021. Finn and five other apprentices were put through their paces on Saturday at Versatile in Gladstone Road. They were given eight hours to build a picnic table, following specific design plans and making sure the finished product met minimum safety standards. The tables were assessed by a panel of expert judges, who looked at technical aspects such as the quality of workmanship, measuring, cutting and assembly, as well as other essential skills while working against the clock, including ability to follow a detailed plan and safe working technique. Finn, an apprentice at Character Building received the top score overall, with Micah Wilson, of Dave Wallace Building, second and Te Kanawa Tapara, also of Character Building, third. Finn won an ITM prize pack of trade tools and earned a place in the national final. He will compete against 18 other regional winners for the Ken Read Memorial Trophy and $50,000 in prizes. The national final will be held at the New Zealand Certified Builders (NZCB) annual conference in Wellington on June 11-12. NZCB Apprentice Challenge manager Nick Matthews said the show of carpentry talent on Saturday was a testament to the high-calibre of apprentices in industry training, with all competitors either employed by NZCB member builders or enrolled with ITAB (the Industry Training Association Building). “The future of New Zealand’s building industry is dependent on a robust pipeline of trade-qualified and well-rounded carpentry professionals. “We encourage NZCB member builders to support this by taking on apprentices. Finn’s picnic table the winner EASY DOES IT: Micah Wilson cuts a mortise into one of the pieces of wood used to make a picnic table at Saturday’s regional Apprentice Challenge. Micah, who works for Dave Wallace Building, placed second in the competition. McCULLOCH, John William. — Died peacefully,inTauranga Hospital, 12th April 2021,aged88.Loved husbandofBet,and lovedfatherofLynn, Rod, Wendy, Kirsty andJenny,andhis10 grandchildren. Loved brotherandgoodmate ofJean(dec),andRod and Chris. Inaccordancewith John’swishes,aprivate familyservicehasbeen held. WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Brotherof thelateConnieand Mana (Boohead) Hawea. Cherished UncleofMitchand Sally,Sonya(Clarry) and Nicholas Nepe, GregandPaku.Loved Uncletohisniecesand nephews.‘Toughasold Boots.’ WINIATA,Mokaraka (Kelly).— Cherished UncleofSonyaand NicholasNepe.Adored UncleofNicoleand Des,Kane,Mikeand Shony,Michelleand TerryandMaia.Loved KoroMotoMaria, Jessica, Faye-Liana, DanielandNicholas. ‘Onthebackofyour horse in paradise.’ FAMILY NOTICES Deaths Deaths In Memoriam MOORE (née Olsen) Sonja Viena 19.2.1939 - 13.4.2020 In our hearts you hold a special place, no one else will ever fill. Love Wally and families GISBORNE residents can sign a Book of Condolences following the death of the Duke of Edinburgh. “Our condolences go out to the royal family following the passing of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh,” a Gisborne District Council statement said last night. “Our flag will be flying at half mast tomorrow on behalf of the House of Representatives and then again on Saturday for the national funeral service. If you wish to pass on formal messages Condolences for the Duke at GDC office The Gisborne Herald 4 NEWS PMCA licensed copy. You may not further copy, reproduce, record, retransmit, sell, publish, distribute, share or store this information without the prior written consent of the Print Media Copyright Agency. Phone +64-4-4984488 or email info@pmca.co.nz for further information. Gisborne Herald, Gisborne 13 Apr 2021 General News, page 1 - 806.00 cm² Provincial - circulation 5,186 (MTWTFS-) ID 1426991294 BRIEF CERTBUILDE INDEX 1 “Ibeathimby11points.Isaidto him,itwillbehisturnnextyear.” Aswellaswinningthetitleof regionalchampion,healsowonan ITMprizepackoftradetoolsand earnedaplaceinthenationalfinal representingCentralPlateau. Therehewillcompeteagainst18 otherregionalwinnersfromacross New Zealand for the Ken Read pentrytalentinTaupo¯wasatestament to the high calibre of apprentices currently in industry training,withallcompetitorseither employedbyNZcertifiedbuilders membersorenrolledwithwiththe IndustryTrainingAssociationBuilding. “ThefutureofNewZealand’sbuildingindustryisdependentonarobust successfulinthetradewiththesupportoftheiremployersortheindustrytrainingscheme. “Theseeventsareagreatopportunitytogivethecommunityan insidelookatbuildingapprenticeship trainingthattheymightnototherwise see, and to celebrate those apprentices that have excelled in theirfield,”saidNick. ApprenticetopinManawatu ¯ MaxineJacobs Marton AMartonmanhasrisenvictoriousas the best building apprentice in Manawatu¯. Fourmencompetedforthetitleof bestManawatu¯buildingapprenticeat UCOLonSaturday,butonlyonecould benamedthevictor. TakingontheNewZealandCertified BuildersApprenticeChallenge,themen were tasked with completing a technicallychallengingpicnictable overeighthours,puttingtheirskillsto thetestinahigh-pressureenvironment. The design plans, which were revealedoneweekaheadofthecompetition,requiredproficiencyinaraftof carpentryskills,withafocusonattentiontodetail,timemanagement,and healthandsafety. UsingmaterialsprovidedbyITM, eachpicnictablehadtomeetminimum safetystandardstocompletetheproject. Craig Whitton, NZCB regional associationpresidentforManawatu¯, saidthechallengetestedhowwellthe newgenerationofbuilderswereabsorbingtheirtraininginafun,pressured environment. ‘‘Itisafunchallenge.It’sabouthow theyusetheirgear,howtheythink abouthealthandsafety,aretheythinkingaboutthedesign,howtheendis goingtolook,themeasurements,not onlyonpaperbutonthejobaswell. ‘‘It’sputtingtheskillstogetherthat they’velearnedandgettingtheiraccuracyandtheabilitytocompete,rather justonsite.’’ HarrisonGillard,fromCraig’sBuildinginMarton,thoughthewasoutofthe runningwhenherealisedhistablewas 20millimetresshortofthebrief,butina shockingwinforhim,hecameouton top. The18-year-oldwatchedasthehours tickedover,andastheendofthecompetitiondrewcloserheknewhe’dstarted tomakemistakes.‘‘Itwasstressful.It’s hardout.Wheneveryonecomesin,and itstarts,youlookaroundandthink,‘oh he’saheadofme’. ‘‘Ihadeverythingprepared,butit wasstillreallyhardtogeteverything right,I’veneverbuiltanythinglikethis before.Ithoughtitwasoverthen,I’m justreallysurprised.’’ UCOL construction programme leaderDavidFreebairnsaidthecompetitionwassoclosethejudgesdidn’t haveaninklingofwhohadwonuntil thepointswereaddedup.Gillardwill goontorepresentManawatu¯inthe finalsofthenationalNZCBApprentice ChallengeinWellingtoninJune,butfor nowhe’sjusthappyhewon. HarrisonGillard getstowork buildinghis technically challenging picnic table. WARWICKSMITH/ STUFF PMCA licensed copy. You may not further copy, reproduce, record, retransmit, sell, publish, distribute, share or store this information without the prior written consent of the Print Media Copyright Agency. Phone +64-4-4984487 or email info@pmca.co.nz for further information. 13 Apr 2021, by Maxine Jacobs General News, page 2 - 250.00 cm² Provincial - circulation 5,983 (MTWTFS-) ID 1426526815 BRIEF CERTBUILDE INDEX 1 PAGE 1 of 1 Traineesnail buildingtest inchallenge Builder’sapprenticesclaimtoptwospotsatregionalchallenge AlyssaSmith W hen it comes to apprentices,theonesat Adan Larsen Builders aretopofthetable. WhenSamCurran,19,andJackson Braddock-Pajo,27,tookonthechallengetobuildapicnictableeachat theTaranakiregionalNewZealand Certified Builders Challenge, they bothwalkedawaywithawin. SamplacedfirstandJacksonwas secondinthechallenge,whichis opentoapprenticesemployedby NZCBbuilders. AtthecompetitionSam,Jackson andtheothercontenderseachhad eighthourstocreateapicnictable fromdetailedconstructionplans. Thepicnictableswereassessedby apanelofexpertjudgesonworkmanship, measuring, cutting and assembly, with Sam’s receiving the highestoverallscore. Sam,whoistwoyearsintohis apprenticeship,sayshefeltwellpreparedforthechallenge. “Wereceivedtheplansforthe picnic bench a week before the competition,soImadesureIhadmy planoftheplanallset.” Jackson,whohasbeenwithAdan LarsenBuildersforjustoverayear, saysthepairtookonfourotherrivals intheregionalcompetition. “Itwasourfirsttimeenteringthe challenge.Thecompetitionhada reallyfriendlyandrelaxingatmosphere.I’mraptthatIplacedsecond.” SamwillrepresentTaranakiatthe NZCBApprenticeChallengefinal,to beheldattheNZCBannualconferenceinWellingtoninJune.Hewill befacing21otherregionalwinners fromthroughoutthecountryforthe KenReidMemorialTrophyanda prizepoolof$50,000. “I’mstokedwiththewinandI’m excitedforthenationals.Iexpect they’llbequitetough,butIknowI’m wellsupportedbymyworkmates andAdan.” Sam attended Stratford High Schoolandstartedhisapprenticeship with Adan Larsen through the school’sGatewayprogramme. “I’vebeenwithhimsincehigh school.WhenIwasyoungerbuilders renovatedmyparents’houseand sincethenIalwaysthoughtitwould beagreatjobtodo.” AdanLarsensaysheisproudof SamandJackson. “They’vedonereallywell.Itjust showsthatourstaffareteaching themrightandthatwehaveagreat learningenvironment.” Thisisn’tthefirsttimeoneof Adan’sapprenticeshasmadeittothe nationals.“Samisourthirdapprentice togetthrough.”Hesaysitisimportant companiessupporttheirapprentices. “Without our apprentices we wouldn’thaveanindustry.NZCBis all about getting our apprentices through and ensuring they have received the right information throughqualitylearning.”’ AdansaystheNZCBBuildingChallenge is a great opportunity for apprentices. “Inthisjobwearealwaysworking underpressureandstilldeliveringa top-quality product. It gives apprenticestheexperienceofhowto dealwiththatpressure.Thechallenge is a great experience, and the nationalsareagreatconnectorasthe apprenticesmeetotherapprentices fromalloverthecountry.” PMCA licensed copy. You may not further copy, reproduce, record, retransmit, sell, publish, distribute, share or store this information without the prior written consent of the Print Media Copyright Agency. Phone +64-4-4984487 or email info@pmca.co.nz for further information. Stratford Press, Taranaki 21 Apr 2021, by Alyssa Smith General News, page 1 - 435.00 cm² Community - circulation 9,716 (--W----) ID 1430744763 BRIEF CERTBUILDE INDEX 1 PAGE 1 of 2 Traineesnail buildingtest inchallenge Builder’sapprenticesclaimtoptwospotsatregionalchallenge AlyssaSmith W hen it comes to apprentices,theonesat Adan Larsen Builders aretopofthetable. WhenSamCurran,19,andJackson Braddock-Pajo,27,tookonthechallengetobuildapicnictableeachat theTaranakiregionalNewZealand Certified Builders Challenge, they bothwalkedawaywithawin. SamplacedfirstandJacksonwas secondinthechallenge,whichis opentoapprenticesemployedby NZCBbuilders. AtthecompetitionSam,Jackson andtheothercontenderseachhad eighthourstocreateapicnictable fromdetailedconstructionplans. Thepicnictableswereassessedby apanelofexpertjudgesonworkmanship, measuring, cutting and assembly, with Sam’s receiving the highestoverallscore. Sam,whoistwoyearsintohis apprenticeship,sayshefeltwellpreparedforthechallenge. “Wereceivedtheplansforthe picnic bench a week before the competition,soImadesureIhadmy planoftheplanallset.” Jackson,whohasbeenwithAdan LarsenBuildersforjustoverayear, saysthepairtookonfourotherrivals intheregionalcompetition. “Itwasourfirsttimeenteringthe challenge.Thecompetitionhada reallyfriendlyandrelaxingatmosphere.I’mraptthatIplacedsecond.” SamwillrepresentTaranakiatthe NZCBApprenticeChallengefinal,to beheldattheNZCBannualconferenceinWellingtoninJune.Hewill befacing21otherregionalwinners fromthroughoutthecountryforthe KenReidMemorialTrophyanda prizepoolof$50,000. “I’mstokedwiththewinandI’m excitedforthenationals.Iexpect they’llbequitetough,butIknowI’m wellsupportedbymyworkmates andAdan.” Sam attended Stratford High Schoolandstartedhisapprenticeship with Adan Larsen through the school’sGatewayprogramme. “I’vebeenwithhimsincehigh school.WhenIwasyoungerbuilders renovatedmyparents’houseand sincethenIalwaysthoughtitwould beagreatjobtodo.” AdanLarsensaysheisproudof SamandJackson. “They’vedonereallywell.Itjust showsthatourstaffareteaching themrightandthatwehaveagreat learningenvironment.” Thisisn’tthefirsttimeoneof Adan’sapprenticeshasmadeittothe nationals.“Samisourthirdapprentice togetthrough.”Hesaysitisimportant companiessupporttheirapprentices. “Without our apprentices we wouldn’thaveanindustry.NZCBis all about getting our apprentices through and ensuring they have received the right information throughqualitylearning.”’ AdansaystheNZCBBuildingChallenge is a great opportunity for apprentices. “Inthisjobwearealwaysworking underpressureandstilldeliveringa top-quality product. It gives apprenticestheexperienceofhowto dealwiththatpressure.Thechallenge is a great experience, and the nationalsareagreatconnectorasthe apprenticesmeetotherapprentices fromalloverthecountry.” PMCA licensed copy. You may not further copy, reproduce, record, retransmit, sell, publish, distribute, share or store this information without the prior written consent of the Print Media Copyright Agency. Phone +64-4-4984487 or email info@pmca.co.nz for further information. Stratford Press, Taranaki 21 Apr 2021, by Alyssa Smith General News, page 1 - 435.00 cm² Community - circulation 9,716 (--W----) ID 1430744763 BRIEF CERTBUILDE INDEX 1 PAGE 1 of 2 Traineesnail buildingtest inchallenge Builder’sapprenticesclaimtoptwospotsatregionalchallenge AlyssaSmith W hen it comes to apprentices,theonesat Adan Larsen Builders aretopofthetable. WhenSamCurran,19,andJackson Braddock-Pajo,27,tookonthechallengetobuildapicnictableeachat theTaranakiregionalNewZealand Certified Builders Challenge, they othwalkedawaywithawin. SamplacedfirstandJacksonwas secondinthechallenge,whichis opentoapprenticesemployedby NZCBbuilders. AtthecompetitionSam,Jackson enceinWellingtoninJune.Hewill befacing21otherregionalwinners fromthroughoutthecountryforthe KenReidMemorialTrophyanda prizepoolof$50,000. “I’mstokedwiththewinandI’m excitedforthenationals.Iexpect they’llbequitetough,butIknowI’m wellsupportedbymyworkmates andAdan.” Sam attended Stratford High Schoolandstartedhisapprenticeship with Adan Larsen through the school’sGatewayprogramme. top-quality product. It gives apprenticestheexperienceofhowto dealwiththatpressure.Thechallenge is a great experience, and the nationalsareagreatconnectorasthe apprenticesmeetotherapprentices fromalloverthecountry.” Stratford Press, Taranaki 21 Apr 2021, by Alyssa Smith General News, page 1 - 435.00 cm² Community - circulation 9,716 (--W----) ID 1430744763 BRIEF CERTBUILDE INDEX 1 PAGE 1 of 2 Traineesnail buildingtest inchallenge Builder’sapprenticesclaimtoptwospotsatregionalchallenge AlyssaSmith W hen it comes to apprentices,theonesat Adan Larsen Builders aretopofthetable. WhenSamCurran,19,andJackson Braddock-Pajo,27,tookonthechallengetobuildapicnictableeachat theTaranakiregionalNewZealand Certified Builders Challenge, they bothwalkedawaywithawin. SamplacedfirstandJacksonwas secondinthechallenge,whichis opentoapprenticesemployedby NZCBbuilders. AtthecompetitionSam,Jackson andtheothercontenderseachhad eighthourstocreateapicnictable fromdetailedconstructionplans. Thepicnictableswereassessedby apanelofexpertjudgesonworkmanship, measuring, cutting and assembly, with Sam’s receiving the highestoverallscore. Sam,whoistwoyearsintohis apprenticeship,sayshefeltwellpreparedforthechallenge. “Wereceivedtheplansforthe picnic bench a week before the competition,soImadesureIhadmy planoftheplanallset.” Jackson,whohasbeenwithAdan LarsenBuildersforjustoverayear, saysthepairtookonfourotherrivals intheregionalcompetition. “Itwasourfirsttimeenteringthe challenge.Thecompetitionhada reallyfriendlyandrelaxingatmosphere.I’mraptthatIplacedsecond.” SamwillrepresentTaranakiatthe NZCBApprenticeChallengefinal,to beheldattheNZCBannualconferenceinWellingtoninJune.Hewill befacing21otherregionalwinners fromthroughoutthecountryforthe KenReidMemorialTrophyanda prizepoolof$50,000. “I’mstokedwiththewinandI’m excitedforthenationals.Iexpect they’llbequitetough,butIknowI’m wellsupportedbymyworkmates andAdan.” Sam attended Stratford High Schoolandstartedhisapprenticeship with Adan Larsen through the school’sGatewayprogramme. “I’vebeenwithhimsincehigh school.WhenIwasyoungerbuilders renovatedmyparents’houseand sincethenIalwaysthoughtitwould beagreatjobtodo.” AdanLarsensaysheisproudof SamandJackson. “They’vedonereallywell.Itjust showsthatourstaffareteaching themrightandthatwehaveagreat learningenvironment.” Thisisn’tthefirsttimeoneof Adan’sapprenticeshasmadeittothe nationals.“Samisourthirdapprentice togetthrough.”Hesaysitisimportant companiessupporttheirapprentices. “Without our apprentices we wouldn’thaveanindustry.NZCBis all about getting our apprentices through and ensuring they have received the right information throughqualitylearning.”’ AdansaystheNZCBBuildingChallenge is a great opportunity for apprentices. “Inthisjobwearealwaysworking underpressureandstilldeliveringa top-quality product. It gives apprenticestheexperienceofhowto dealwiththatpressure.Thechallenge is a great experience, and the nationalsareagreatconnectorasthe apprenticesmeetotherapprentices fromalloverthecountry.” PMCA licensed copy. You may not further copy, reproduce, record, retransmit, sell, publish, distribute, share or store this information without the prior written consent of the Print Media Copyright Agency. Phone +64-4-4984487 or email info@pmca.co.nz for further information. Stratford Press, Taranaki 21 Apr 2021, by Alyssa Smith General News, page 1 - 435.00 cm² Community - circulation 9,716 (--W----) ID 1430744763 BRIEF CERTBUILDE INDEX 1 PAGE 1 of 2 Traineesnail buildingtest inchallenge Builder’sapprenticesclaimtoptwospotsatregionalchallenge AlyssaSmith W hen it comes to apprentices,theonesat Adan Larsen Builders aretopofthetable. WhenSamCurran,19,andJackson Braddock-Pajo,27,tookonthechallengetobuildapicnictableeachat theTaranakiregionalNewZealand Certified Builders Challenge, they othwalkedawaywithawin. SamplacedfirstandJacksonwas secondinthechallenge,whichis opentoapprenticesemployedby NZCBbuilders. AtthecompetitionSam,Jackson andtheothercontenderseachhad eighthourstocreateapicnictable fromdetailedconstructionplans. Thepicnictableswereassessedby apanelofexpertjudgesonworkmanenceinWellingtoninJune.Hewill befacing21otherregionalwinners fromthroughoutthecountryforthe KenReidMemorialTrophyanda prizepoolof$50,000. “I’mstokedwiththewinandI’m excitedforthenationals.Iexpect they’llbequitetough,butIknowI’m wellsupportedbymyworkmates andAdan.” Sam attended Stratford High Schoolandstartedhisapprenticeship with Adan Larsen through the school’sGatewayprogramme. “I’vebeenwithhimsincehigh school.WhenIwasyoungerbuilders renovatedmyparents’houseand sincethenIalwaysthoughtitwould beagreatjobtodo.” top-quality product. It gives apprenticestheexperienceofhowto dealwiththatpressure.Thechallenge is a great experience, and the nationalsareagreatconnectorasthe apprenticesmeetotherapprentices fromalloverthecountry.” Stratford Press, Taranaki 21 Apr 2021, by Alyssa Smith General News, page 1 - 435.00 cm² Community - circulation 9,716 (--W----) ID 1430744763 BRIEF CERTBUILDE INDEX 1 PAGE 1 of 2 anITMprizepackoftradetoolsand earnedaplaceinthenationalfinal representingRotorua. Therehewillcompeteagainst18 otherregionalwinnersfortheKen ReadMemorialTrophyand$50,000 worthofprizes.Thenationalfinalwill beheldattheNZCBAnnualConferenceinWellingtononJune11-12. NZCBApprenticeChallengemanagerNickMatthewssaidtheshowof carpentrytalentonSaturdaywasa testament to the high-calibre of apprentices currently in industry training,withallcompetitorseither employedbyNZCBmemberbuilders orenrolledwithITAB(IndustryTrainingAssociationBuilding). “ThefutureofNewZealand’sbuildingindustryisdependentonarobust pipelineoftrade-qualifiedandwellroundedcarpentryprofessionals.We encourageNZCBmemberbuildersto supportthisbytakingonapprentices, asindoingsotheyprovideapathway intotheindustryandhelptoensure there are highly-skilled builders comingthroughtomeettheincreasJared’sacut above the challengers ApprenticeJaredCottlehasclaimed thetitleoftheRotoruaNewZealand CertifiedBuilders(NZCB)Apprentice Challengechampionfor2021,after competing against two other apprenticeson10April. Theapprenticesweregivenjust eighthourstobuildapicnictablethat followedspecificdesignplansand metminimumsafetystandards. Thepicnictableswereassessedby apanelofexpertjudgeswholooked attechnicalaspectssuchasthequalityofworkmanship,measuring,cuttingandassembly,aswellasother essentialskillswhileworkingagainst theclock,includingtheirabilityto followadetailedplanandsafeworking technique, with Jared receiving the top scoreoverall. The 20-yearoldisundertakinghisbuilding apprenticeship atPopeHomes Ltd.Aswellas winningthetitle J d l ofregionalchampion,Jaredalsowon anITMprizepackoftradetoolsand earnedaplaceinthenationalfinal representingRotorua. Therehewillcompeteagainst18 otherregionalwinnersfortheKen ReadMemorialTrophyand$50,000 worthofprizes.Thenationalfinalwill beheldattheNZCBAnnualConferenceinWellingtononJune11-12. NZCBApprenticeChallengemanagerNickMatthewssaidtheshowof carpentrytalentonSaturdaywasa testament to the high-calibre of apprentices currently in industry training,withallcompetitorseither employedbyNZCBmemberbuilders orenrolledwithITAB(IndustryTrainingAssociationBuilding). “ThefutureofNewZealand’sbuildingindustryisdependentonarobust pipelineoftrade-qualifiedandwellroundedcarpentryprofessionals.We encourageNZCBmemberbuildersto supportthisbytakingonapprentices, asindoingsotheyprovideapathway intotheindustryandhelptoensure there are highly-skilled builders comingthroughtomeettheincreasingdemandforthesector,”saysNick. “These apprentices have developedtheskillsandpassiontobe successfulinthetradewiththesupportoftheiremployersandthetrainingschemeITABprovides. “Theseeventsareagreatopportunitytogivethecommunityan insidelookatbuildingapprenticeship trainingthattheymightnototherwise see, and to celebrate those apprentices that have excelled in theirfield,”saysNick. NZCBsupportstheITABapprenticeshipscheme,whichisdelivered by11polytechnicsacrossthecountry. JaredCottle PMCA licensed copy. You may not further copy, reproduce, record, retransmit, sell, publish, distribute, share or store this information without the prior written consent of the Print Media Copyright Agency. Phone +64-4-4984487 or email info@pmca.co.nz for further information. Rotorua Weekender, Rotorua Bay of Plenty 16 Apr 2021 General News, page 12 - 141.00 cm² Community - circulation 20,438 (----F--) ID 1428502766 BRIEF CERTBUILDE INDEX 1 PAGE 1 of 1 winningthetitle J d l ofregionalchampion,Jaredalsowon anITMprizepackoftradetoolsand earnedaplaceinthenationalfinal representingRotorua. Therehewillcompeteagainst18 otherregionalwinnersfortheKen ReadMemorialTrophyand$50,000 worthofprizes.Thenationalfinalwill beheldattheNZCBAnnualConferenceinWellingtononJune11-12. NZCBApprenticeChallengemanagerNickMatthewssaidtheshowof carpentrytalentonSaturdaywasa testament to the high-calibre of apprentices currently in industry training,withallcompetitorseither employedbyNZCBmemberbuilders orenrolledwithITAB(IndustryTrainingAssociationBuilding). “ThefutureofNewZealand’sbuildingindustryisdependentonarobust pipelineoftrade-qualifiedandwellroundedcarpentryprofessionals.We encourageNZCBmemberbuildersto supportthisbytakingonapprentices, asindoingsotheyprovideapathway intotheindustryandhelptoensure there are highly-skilled builders comingthroughtomeettheincreasGillardcrownedtopapprentice Harrison Gillard is the Manawatu¯ New Zealand Certified Builders Apprentice Challenge championfor2021. Gillard, 19, is undertaking his building apprenticeship at Craig’s BuildinginMarton. He competed againstthreeother apprentices in Palmerston North lastSaturday. The apprentices weregivenjusteight hourstobuildapicnic table that followed specificdesignplansand metminimumsafetystandards. The picnic tables were assessedbyapanelofexpertjudges. They looked at technical aspects suchasthequality of workmanship, measuring, cutting and assembly,aswell asotheressentialskillswhile workingagainst the clock, including their abilitytofollowa detailedplanand safeworkingtechnique. Gillard also won tradetoolsandaplace in the national final representingManawatu¯in June. is the Zealand Apnge t nic wed s and y standles were assessed b pertjud Th tech su o m d s niq G trade in the representi June. PMCA licensed copy. You may not further copy, reproduce, record, retransmit, sell, publish, distribute, share or store this information without the prior written consent of the Print Media Copyright Agency. Phone +64-4-4984487 or email info@pmca.co.nz for further information. Manawatu Guardian, Manawatu 15 Apr 2021 General News, page 2 - 144.00 cm² Community - circulation 32,489 (---T---) ID 1427687323 BRIEF CERTBUILDE INDEX 1 PAGE 1 of 1 ApprenticeofftoNZfinal ApprenticeAidanWilliamshas claimedthetitleofthe NorthlandNewZealand CertifiedBuildersApprentice Challengechampionfor2021 aftercompetingagainstsix otherapprenticeslastweekend. Theapprenticeswereput throughtheirpaces,beinggiven justeighthourstobuildapicnic tablethatfollowedspecific designplansandmetminimum safetystandards.Williams,22, fromWhanga¯rei,isdoinghis buildingapprenticeshipat KiwibuiltConstruction.Aswell aswinningthetitleofregional champion,hewonanITMprize packoftradetoolsandearneda placeinthenationalfinal representingNorthlandinJune. PMCA licensed copy. You may not further copy, reproduce, record, retransmit, sell, publish, distribute, share or store this information without the prior written consent of the Print Media Copyright Agency. Phone +64-4-4984487 or email info@pmca.co.nz for further information. Northern Advocate, Whangarei Northland 17 Apr 2021 General News, page 3 - 10.00 cm² Provincial - circulation 9,676 (MTWTFS-) ID 1428846130 BRIEF CERTBUILDE INDEX 1 54
PMCA licensed copy. You may not further copy, reproduce, record, retransmit, sell, publish, distribute, share or store this information without the prior written consent of the Print Media Copyright Agency. Phone +64-4-4984487 or email info@pmca.co.nz for further information.
Taranaki Daily News, New Plymouth Taranaki
15 Apr 2021, by Christina Persico
General News, page 4 - 121.00 cm² Provincial - circulation 10,426 (MTWTFS-)
Builder’sapprenticeSamuelCurran,inaction attheweekend’sevent,willrepresentTaranaki atanationalcompetition.
Apprentice headingto nationals
PAGE 1 of 1
PMCA licensed copy. You may not further copy, reproduce, record, retransmit, sell, publish, distribute, share or store this information without the prior written consent of the Print Media Copyright Agency. Phone +64-4-4984487 or email info@pmca.co.nz for further information. SamuelCurranhaswontheTaranakiNew ZealandCertifiedBuilders(NZCB)Apprentice Challengefor2021.
Curran,21,competedagainstfiveother apprenticesonSaturday,andtheywere giveneighthourstobuildapicnictable accordingtodesignplansandwhichmet minimumsafetystandards.
Thepicnictableswereassessedon technicalaspectssuchasthequalityof workmanship,measuring,cuttingand assembly,andcompetitorswerealso assessedonsotheressentialskillswhile Wairarapa Midweek, Wairarapa 14 Apr 2021, by John Lazo-Ron PMCA licensed copy. You may not further copy, reproduce, record, retransmit, sell, publish, distribute, share or store this information workingagainsttheclock,includingtheir abilitytofollowadetailedplanandsafe workingtechnique.Curranwillcompete without the prior written consent ofagainst18otherregionalwinnersfortheKen General News, page 1 - 1,042.00 cm² Suburban - circulation 21,793 (--W----) the Print Media Copyright Agency. Phone +64-4-4984487 or email info@pmca.co.nz for further information. ReadMemorialTrophyand$50,000in prizes,inWellingtoninJune.
Timaru's The Courier, Timaru
PMCA licensed copy. You may not further copy, reproduce, record, retransmit, sell, publish, distribute, share or store this information Kuranui cries out for volunteers PMCA licensed copy. You may not further copy, reproduce, record, retransmit, sell, publish, distribute, share or store this information without the prior written consent of the Print Media Copyright Agency. Taupo Times, Taupo King Country 16 Apr 2021, by Chris Marshall General News, page 4 - 506.00 cm² Community - circulation 34,178 (----F--) PMCA licensed copy. You may not further copy, reproduce, record, retransmit, sell, publish, distribute, share or store this information without the prior written consent of the Print Media Copyright Agency. Phone +64-4-4984487 or email info@pmca.co.nz for further information. without the prior written consent of the Print Media Copyright Agency. Phone +64-4-4984487 or email info@pmca.co.nz for further information. Phone +64-4-4984487 or email info@pmca.co.nz for further ID information.1428445541 BRIEF CERTBUILDE INDEX 1
15 Apr 2021, by Staff
Taupo Times, Taupo King CountryGeneral News, page 8 - 397.00 cm² 16 Apr 2021, by Chris MarshallCommunity - circulation 25,862 (---T---)
Taupo Times, Taupo King Country General News, page 4 - 506.00 cm² 16 Apr 2021, by Chris Marshall Community - circulation 34,178 (----F--) ID 1427943348 BRIEF CERTBUILDE INDEX 1
General News, page 4 - 506.00 cm² ID 1428445541 BRIEF CERTBUILDE INDEX 1 Community - circulation 34,178 (----F--)
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ID 1428445541 BRIEF CERTBUILDEPAGE 1 of 2 INDEX 1 PAGE 1 of 2
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Picnictableeffortsecuresspotin finals
Masterton building apprentice Logan Allen has earned himself a spot in the New Zealand Apprentice Challenge out the 2021 Wairarapa regional title on Saturday.
Allen, 21, was one of three Wairarapa apprentices who were
Drilling for success Fast-paced building ain’t no picnic, but a Masterton building apprentice has just shown precisely what he can do with a bag of tools and limited time, writes JOHN LAZO-RON. put through their paces, as they were given just eight hours to build a picnic table. The picnic tables were assessed by a panel of at many technical aspects such as the quality of their ability to follow a detailed plan and safe All three were able to hour window, but Allen at DMac Construction by surprise. “I was actually pretty surprised that I won,” Allen said. “They said it was quite close between myself was a bit surprised, but obviously, I was happy Eight hours may seem a long time, but Allen said the day and challenge went by Continued on page 3 NZCB Wairarapa Regional President Paul Bashford congratulating Logan Allen after winning the NZCB Wairarapa Apprentice Challenge on Saturday. PHOTO/SUPPLIED Masterton apprentice wins building challenge Continued from page 1 was quite slow when we started,” he said. “Then straight after lunch, it just went in a blink of an eye, so had to really concentrate. the whole day, I didn’t really look up, just had my head down. On a weekly basis normally, I would have the radio going, but no radio on Saturday.” Allen told Midweek that he credits a lot of the win to his boss Daniel Macarthur, who prepped and mentored him for the challenge – which he said was a big helping point in getting him through it all, let alone winning the challenge – and then hung around the entire day in support. “I was a bit nervous to have a go at it from the start to be honest. But the more [Macarthur] talked me through it, the more I was up for it, so it wasn’t so bad. “I wasn’t initially to win, but I got more had helped me out and talked me through a lot of it.” Although his boss got to see him in action on the day, Allen’s mother and partner didn’t. “My boss was there the whole day which was great,” he said. “My mum and my partner wanted to come down too, but I told them they weren’t allowed to,” quipped Allen, who believed their presence would have brought on the nerves. The win now sends Allen to the national where he’ll go up against 18 other regional winners from across New Zealand for the Ken Read Memorial Trophy and $50,000 worth of prizes. Allen said he was looking towards “The first two hours was quite slow when we started,” he said. “Then straight after lunch, it just went in a blink of an eye, so had to really concentrate. “I kept my earmuffs on the whole day, I didn’t really look up, just had my head down. On a weekly basis normally, I would have the radio going, but no radio on Saturday.” Allen told Midweek that he “I wasn’t initially confident that I was going to win, but I got more confident once my boss had helped me out and talked me through a lot of it.” Although his boss got to see him in action on the day, Allen’s mother and partner didn’t. “My boss was there the whole day which was great,” he said. “My mum and my partner wanted to come down too, but I building on the day. “I’m a little bit nervous, because the guy that won the Wairarapa challenge two years ago told me that nobody knows what you’re building until the day you get there,” he said. “They take you into a room tell you what you’re building, and then you build it, and it leads into achallenge. “It is a little nerveracking I guess, just trying to think about Picnictableeffortsecuresspotin CHRISMARSHALL LiamManiapotohasnailedthe Taupo¯heatoftheNewZealand Certified Builders (NZCB) ApprenticeChallenge. Competingagainstfiveother apprenticebuildersfromthedistrictonSaturday,includingthree ofhisworkmatesatWadeConstruction,the24year-old’slocal titlemeansaspotinthenational final,aswellasanITMprizepack oftradetoolsontheday. The apprentices had their skillstestedwithapicnictable, thedesignplansforwhichwere revealedoneweekaheadofthe competition. The day-long challenge is designedtotestproficiencyina raftofcarpentryskills,witha focusonattentiontodetailand timemanagement. Taupo¯competitorsthisyear wereallfinishedinadvanceof the4.30pmdeadline,notedPaul Riedel,CertifiedBuilder’spresidentforthearea. ‘‘It’s been harder in some years, with competitors not finishingintime.’’ Althoughthefirsttofinish mightnotnecessarilybethewinner,fellowCertifiedBuilderIan Chamberlainsaid. Infact,Maniapotowasthelast todowntools,abouthalfanhour afterthelatestoftheothercompetitors. However, he must have impressedthejudgingpanelof buildingpractitionersandindustryeducatorswhoassessedeach apprentice’stechnicalskillsand technique, workmanship, precisionofmeasuringandcutting, assemblyandabilitytoworktoa detailedplan. Maniapotofinishedfirstahead ofDillenDownes,24,afellow apprenticeatWadeConstruction, andDiandrePotgieter,24,from StraightUpConstruction. Fellow competitor Jakob Jensensaidhefelttheexperience hadbeenworthitforhisown development as an apprentice tradesman. ‘‘IcanseewhereIhavedone somethingswell,butalsowhereI needtoimproveinothers.’’ Aswellashavingtocomplete anotherprojectatthenational finalsinWellington,Maniapoto andtheother18regionalcompetitorswouldhavetodemonstrate variousotherskillssuchaspublic speaking and presenting, Chamberlainsaid. Thenationalfinalstaskwas oftenonethatcompetitorsthen hadtooperate,suchasawooden go-kartortrebuchet,hesaid. TheTaupo¯eventwasoneof19 NZCB Apprentice Challenges aroundthecountryonSaturday, sponsoredbyITMandheldin conjunctionwiththeIndustry TrainingAssociationBuilding (ITAB)andApprenticeshipScholarshipTrust. Thewinnerofeachrepresents theirregioninthenationalNZCB ApprenticeChallengeSponsored byITMFinal,tobeheldatthe NZCBAnnualConferenceand ExpoinWellington,onJune11 and12. Apprenticeswillcompetefor theKenReadMemorialTrophy and$50,000worthofprizes. NZCBApprenticeChallenge ManagerNickMatthewssaidthe showofcarpentrytalentonApril 10wasatestamenttothehighcalibreofapprenticescurrentlyin industrytraining,withallcompetitors either employed by NZCB member builders or enrolled with ITAB (Industry TrainingAssociationBuilding). The ITAB apprenticeship scheme, delivered by 11 polytechnicsacrossthecountry, providesformorethanfouryears ofpracticalexperienceandtheoreticaltraining. Picnictableeffortsecuresspotin finals CHRISMARSHALL LiamManiapotohasnailedthe Taupo¯heatoftheNewZealand Certified Builders (NZCB) ApprenticeChallenge. Competingagainstfiveother apprenticebuildersfromthedistrictonSaturday,includingthree ofhisworkmatesatWadeConstruction,the24year-old’slocal titlemeansaspotinthenational final,aswellasanITMprizepack oftradetoolsontheday. The apprentices had their skillstestedwithapicnictable, thedesignplansforwhichwere revealedoneweekaheadofthe competition. The day-long challenge is designedtotestproficiencyina raftofcarpentryskills,witha focusonattentiontodetailand timemanagement. Taupo¯competitorsthisyear wereallfinishedinadvanceof the4.30pmdeadline,notedPaul Riedel,CertifiedBuilder’spresidentforthearea. ‘‘It’s been harder in some years, with competitors not finishingintime.’’ Althoughthefirsttofinish mightnotnecessarilybethewinner,fellowCertifiedBuilderIan Chamberlainsaid. Infact,Maniapotowasthelast todowntools,abouthalfanhour afterthelatestoftheothercompetitors. However, he must have impressedthejudgingpanelof buildingpractitionersandindustryeducatorswhoassessedeach apprentice’stechnicalskillsand technique, workmanship, precisionofmeasuringandcutting, assemblyandabilitytoworktoa detailedplan. Maniapotofinishedfirstahead ofDillenDownes,24,afellow apprenticeatWadeConstruction, andDiandrePotgieter,24,from StraightUpConstruction. Fellow competitor Jakob Jensensaidhefelttheexperience hadbeenworthitforhisown development as an apprentice tradesman. ‘‘IcanseewhereIhavedone somethingswell,butalsowhereI needtoimproveinothers.’’ Aswellashavingtocomplete anotherprojectatthenational finalsinWellington,Maniapoto andtheother18regionalcompetitorswouldhavetodemonstrate variousotherskillssuchaspublic speaking and presenting, Chamberlainsaid. Thenationalfinalstaskwas oftenonethatcompetitorsthen hadtooperate,suchasawooden go-kartortrebuchet,hesaid. TheTaupo¯eventwasoneof19 NZCB Apprentice Challenges aroundthecountryonSaturday, sponsoredbyITMandheldin conjunctionwiththeIndustry TrainingAssociationBuilding (ITAB)andApprenticeshipScholarshipTrust. Thewinnerofeachrepresents theirregioninthenationalNZCB ApprenticeChallengeSponsored byITMFinal,tobeheldatthe NZCBAnnualConferenceand ExpoinWellington,onJune11 and12. Apprenticeswillcompetefor theKenReadMemorialTrophy and$50,000worthofprizes. NZCBApprenticeChallenge ManagerNickMatthewssaidthe showofcarpentrytalentonApril 10wasatestamenttothehighcalibreofapprenticescurrentlyin industrytraining,withallcompetitors either employed by NZCB member builders or enrolled with ITAB (Industry TrainingAssociationBuilding). The ITAB apprenticeship scheme, delivered by 11 polytechnicsacrossthecountry, providesformorethanfouryears ofpracticalexperienceandtheoreticaltraining. CHRISMARSHALL LiamManiapotohasnailedthe Taupo¯heatoftheNewZealand Certified Builders (NZCB) ApprenticeChallenge. Competingagainstfiveother apprenticebuildersfromthedistrictonSaturday,includingthree ofhisworkmatesatWadeConstruction,the24year-old’slocal titlemeansaspotinthenational final,aswellasanITMprizepack oftradetoolsontheday. The apprentices had their skillstestedwithapicnictable, thedesignplansforwhichwere revealedoneweekaheadofthe competition. The day-long challenge is designedtotestproficiencyina raftofcarpentryskills,witha focusonattentiontodetailand timemanagement. Taupo¯competitorsthisyear wereallfinishedinadvanceof the4.30pmdeadline,notedPaul Riedel,CertifiedBuilder’spresidentforthearea. ‘‘It’s been harder in some years, with competitors not finishingintime.’’ Althoughthefirsttofinish mightnotnecessarilybethewinner,fellowCertifiedBuilderIan Chamberlainsaid. Infact,Maniapotowasthelast todowntools,abouthalfanhour afterthelatestoftheothercompetitors. However, he must have impressedthejudgingpanelof buildingpractitionersandindustryeducatorswhoassessedeach apprentice’stechnicalskillsand technique, workmanship, precisionofmeasuringandcutting, assemblyandabilitytoworktoa detailedplan. Maniapotofinishedfirstahead ofDillenDownes,24,afellow apprenticeatWadeConstruction, andDiandrePotgieter,24,from StraightUpConstruction. Fellow competitor Jakob Jensensaidhefelttheexperience hadbeenworthitforhisown development as an apprentice tradesman. ‘‘IcanseewhereIhavedone somethingswell,butalsowhereI needtoimproveinothers.’’ Aswellashavingtocomplete anotherprojectatthenational finalsinWellington,Maniapoto andtheother18regionalcompetitorswouldhavetodemonstrate variousotherskillssuchaspublic speaking and presenting, Chamberlainsaid. Thenationalfinalstaskwas oftenonethatcompetitorsthen hadtooperate,suchasawooden go-kartortrebuchet,hesaid. TheTaupo¯eventwasoneof19 NZCB Apprentice Challenges aroundthecountryonSaturday, sponsoredbyITMandheldin conjunctionwiththeIndustry TrainingAssociationBuilding (ITAB)andApprenticeshipScholarshipTrust. Thewinnerofeachrepresents theirregioninthenationalNZCB ApprenticeChallengeSponsored byITMFinal,tobeheldatthe NZCBAnnualConferenceand ExpoinWellington,onJune11 and12. Apprenticeswillcompetefor theKenReadMemorialTrophy and$50,000worthofprizes. NZCBApprenticeChallenge ManagerNickMatthewssaidthe showofcarpentrytalentonApril 10wasatestamenttothehighcalibreofapprenticescurrentlyin industrytraining,withallcompetitors either employed by NZCB member builders or enrolled with ITAB (Industry TrainingAssociationBuilding). The ITAB apprenticeship scheme, delivered by 11 polytechnicsacrossthecountry, providesformorethanfouryears ofpracticalexperienceandtheoreticaltraining. PMCA licensed copy. You may not further copy, reproduce, record, retransmit, sell, publish, distribute, share or store this information without the prior written consent of the Print Media Copyright Agency. Phone +64-4-4984487 or email info@pmca.co.nz for further information. Southland Times, Southland 12 Apr 2021, by Louisa Steyl General News, page 2 - 136.00 cm² Provincial - circulation 11,897 (MTWTFS-) ID 1426213313 BRIEF CERTBUILDE INDEX 1 finals PAGE 1 of 1 credits a lot of the win to his boss Daniel Macarthur, who told them they weren’t allowed to,” quipped Allen, who what tools I’m going to need to take, but Apprenticefollowsindad’sfootsteps prepped and mentored him believed their presence would I’m still reasonably confident.” for the challenge – which he have brought on the nerves. “My boss has taught me quite LouisaSteyl training,withaneyeonbeinga seriouscompetitornextyear. t technicalskillandtechnique, thequalityofworkmanship, said was a big helping point in The win now sends Allen to a lot so I’ll head into it going on Riverton building apprentice Blake ‘‘IjustthoughtI’dgiveit precision,andtheapprengetting him through it all, let the national final in Wellington that believing I can do it. Mennell has made his dad ‘‘pretty proud’’bytakingoverhisNewZealand ago,’’hesaid. New Zealand Certified tice’sabilitytoworktoa detailedplan.alone winning the challenge – where he’ll go up against 18 “I do like a bit of a challenge, Certified Builders Apprentice Chal- BuildersSouthlandregional Theyreceivedtheplans and then hung around the entire othe regional winners from I’m a little bit competitive. You lengetitle. association president Paul aweekbeforethechallenge day in support. across New Zealand for the don’t always win but good to Mennell(junior)wontheSouthland legofthechallengeandwillgoonto l Youngsaidtheusuallyannual competitionwasachancefor and Mennell reckoned the secrettohissuccesswaslooka
“I was a bit nervous to Ken Read Memorial Trophy see where I stand.” representtheregioninthenational apprenticestogetatasteof BlakeMennell ingovertheplanswithhis have a go at it from the start and $50,000 worth of prizes. All the picnic tables made challengeinJune,justashisfather CoreyMennelldidatthelastcomperunningaprojectontheir own,early intheircareers. work’’. bossand‘‘acoupleofboysat to be honest. But the more Allen said he was looking from all 19 region participants titionin2019. Thisyear,competitorswereaskedto Healsobuiltapracticetableathome [Macarthur] talked me through it, the more I was up for it, so it towards the final but it would be a different story regarding will now be auctioned off, with the money to be donated to the The18-year-oldwasstillslightly shockedbyhiswinwhenhespoketo Stuff yesterdaymorning,sayinghis buildapicnictablethatmetminimum safetystandards,withinaspecified timeframe.Thenapanelofjudges beforethebigday. It was the fourth win for his employer,KennedyBuilding,Mennell wasn’t so bad. knowing what they were Cancer Society. intentionwastousethecompetitionfor assessedthefinishedproductsbasedon said.