NZCB InHouse magazine June/July 2021

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Jared s a cut above the cha engers

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Apprentice top in Manawatū

General News, page 1 - 806.00 cm² G Provincial - circulation 5,186 (MTWTFS-)


Ma on M ID 1426991294 BRIEF CERTBUILDE Gisborne Herald, Gisborne M m 13 Apr 2021


PAGE 1 of 3


N mw A w







m TE NUPEPA Gisborne Herald, O Gisborne TE TAIRAWHITI w 13 Apr 2021 M m m page A 1 - 806.00 M wcm² G m General News, Provincial - circulation 5,186 (MTWTFS-) Dmm h


m page m 1 - 806.00TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 2021 General News, cm² M Provincial - circulation 5,186 (MTWTFS-)



ID 1426991294

4 NEWS m






PAGE 1 of 3

TUESDAY, APRIL 13, h 2021 No n Ad o






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A w



m Deaths


m W NoHOME-DELIVERED h nd m $1.90, RETAIL $2.20


The G


m WINIATA, m m Mokaraka



Bu der s appren ces c a m op wo spo s a reg ona cha enge




CAME, SAWED, CONQUERED G ard crowned top apprent ce BRING

Bu der s appren ces c a m op wo spo s a reg ona cha enge






G H A PAGE 3 G N w m (Kelly). — Cherished m m M G H A Uncle of SonyaM and P MTWTFS m M Nicholas mm m m Nepe. m mAdored m McCULLOCH, m John w W m NGA A MN w m of Nicole and m MFROM PAGE 1 m — Died Uncle D h K CCERTBUILDE — D h ID 1426991294 BRIEF INDEX 1 PAGE @ m William. 1 ofand 3 mm Mm m m m Des, Kane, Mike W peacefully, in Tauranga w U m Shony, M Michelle and m m Hospital, 12th April has claimed theCER title ofBU DE D FINN Johnson NDEX N A W@N A wA M McCULLOCH, John N N Terry and Maia. Loved m m BR E 2021, aged 88. Loved Gisborne regional champion in the New K — D h William. N — Died U M FROM 1 Koro Mo to Maria, A NM husband of PAGE Bet, and D K TUESDAY, Zealand Certified $1.90, Builders Apprentice U TAIRAWHITI w m O TE m peacefully, in Tauranga Faye-Liana, APRIL 2021 HOME-DELIVERED RETAIL $2.20 TE NUPEPA m w loved 13, father of Lynn, Jessica, M Challenge for 2021. A Hospital, 12th April m W m N w N Daniel and the Nicholas. M CU OCH FINN m Johnson claimed title of Rod, Wendy, Kirsty has M U N Finn and five other apprentices were 2021, aged 88. Loved ‘On the back of your D W m — w w OM AG Gisborne and Jenny, and regional his 10 champion in the New A m M M D K M husband of Bet, and K put through their paces on Saturday at horse in paradise.’ grandchildren. Loved Builders Zealand Certified Apprentice M loved fatherNNof Lynn, in Gladstone Road. H PAGEVersatile 3 brother and goodformate wW A H ww m m N Challenge 2021. M Rod, Wendy, Kirsty D en eight ce o obuild NZa na TheyApp were given hours to (dec),and andfive Rod Memoriam G and his 10 O m otherIn apprentices were w eM w N w of Jean Finn Bu de pp en e m op wo po e on K h M en and Jenny, picnic table, following specific design plans and Chris. CLoved put through their paces on Saturday at m w A w grandchildren. App n the d nW mG h PAGE 9 and making sure finished product met In Versatile accordance with MOORE GA H S o dP T n C in Gladstone Road. (née Olsen) K W MKm D N brother and good mate A m John’s wishes, a private minimum safety standards. m d h o h w Sonja Viena They were given eight hours to build a O of Jean (dec), and Rod n M mo m family service has been mA A W Sm TheNo tableshwere specific- 13.4.2020 design plans ndassessed N w Z by and 19.2.1939 The Gisborne Herald • Tuesday, April 13, 202 m W w w H wm and Chris. mw m held. picnic table, following panel of expert judges, who looked at M w G and making sure the In accordance with MOOR PAGE 16 m C aspects d Bu nof Ow m In finished our heartsproduct you holdmet w G das the NApp w m technical such quality John’s wishes, awprivate WINIATA, Mokaraka minimum safety standards. G N w n M mow m V a special place, no one Ch ng h mp on o m family service N w m m w has bee w A workmanship, measuring, cutting and202 M W Deaths Brotherwere of assessed (Kelly). The — tables by a fill. FAMILY NOTICES S o d P T n else will ever C mm W m m assembly,Herald as well other K M m omp ng essential gApril n skills The Gisborne •asTuesday, 13, 2021 the late Connie and m w panel of expert judges, who looked at w w m w mO H m MOOR w andm Love Wally while working A Ww Sm w mA w w (Boohead) o h against pp nthe clock, including w nd WINIATA, MokarakaManatechnical aspects @ such asfamilies the quality of V W N Am A mMm m m A A w w ability Th to follow plan safe Cherished m w m w m Deaths w (Kelly). — CherishedHawea. workmanship, measuring, cutting and ppa detailed n w andpu — DeathsH m K m FAMILYwNOTICES of Mitchas and as• Tuesday, working technique. w of Sonya andUncle Theassembly, Gisborne Herald April 13, 2021 Unclew w m well other essential hanough h atpCharacter b ng g PAGEn 9 m skillsw G N w m Sally, Sonya (Clarry) D R C R U D ND G Finn, apprentice Nicholas Nepe. Adored m WINIATA, Mokaraka w w m MMcCULLOCH, Nmw while working against the clock, including MJohn Uncle W Ww N A AA M Nicholas Nepe, u received gh the hou o bu d p n of Building top score overall, m Nicole andand ability William. C mm W m FROM PAGE N to follow a1 detailed plan and safew w w m — K —M m Died (Kelly).w — CherishedH peacefully, Deaths The Gisborne Herald • Tuesday, April 13, 202 Greg and Paku. Loved FAMILY NOTICESm w w mDeaths with Micah b Wilson, h of o Dave ow Wallace d p w w m mm w m w Des, Kane, Mike and Min Tauranga working technique. A w w w PAGE 16 Uncle of Sonya andU Hospital, m his nieces and Building, second and Te nd Kanawa Tapara, 12th April Shony, Michelle andUncle toFinn, W w m d gn p n m m n mum w w A FINN Johnson has claimed the title of an apprentice at Character M Nicholas Nepe. Adored m w nephews. ‘Tough as old WINIATA, MokarakaMcCULLOCH, John Terry and Maia. Loved Finn Johnson brings down the circular saw on onealso 2021, agedfirmly 88. NLoved of Character third.made Pencil clamped between his teeth, of the pieces of Building, timber which m Nicole GG N w Gisborne regional champion in the New W w Building received the top score overall, H w Deaths m m H w m Uncle of and nd d W m 22 Boots.’ Certified Builders Apprentice Challenge on Saturday. (Kelly). w— CherishedWilliam. FAMILY NOTICES Deaths — Died Koro to New Maria, FROM PAGE 1picnic husband Bet, and up hisofwinning tableMo in the Zealand STORY ON PAGE 4of trade Finn won an ITM prize pack The Gisborne Herald • Tuesday, April 13, 2021 G D R C R U D ND G U M w Zealand Certified Builders Apprentice w with Micah Wilson, of Dave Wallace The Gisborne Herald • Tuesday, April 13, 2021 Des, Kane, Mike and m w Uncle m om Wh Picture ng h EASY DOES IT: Micah Wilson cuts a mortis m of Sonya andpeacefully, in Tauranga loved father of Lynn, Jessica,C Faye-Liana, Clayton tools and earned ang placebyin Liam thedo national andU Rod, Wendy, Kirsty WINIATA, Challenge for 2021. Building, second and Te D Kanawa Tapara, M mApril w Shony, Michelle w Daniel andMokaraka Nicholas. w A12th to make a picnic table at Saturday’s regiona McCULLOCH, John wNicholas Nepe. AdoredHospital, FINN Johnson has claimed the title of D N M bu d ng pp n h p final. w M N w Deaths and and five other apprentices alsoFinn of Character Building, third.w were and2021, N aged 88.PAGE Loved w w ‘On the — back of New your William. —m Died Unclemwof Nicole Deaths w 1 Terry Deaths mmMaia. Loved and Jenny, and regional his 10 (Kelly). Gisborne champion inCherished the m FAMILY NOTICES A He will against u 18 other K wcompete bu Con on A w works for Dave Wallace Building, placed se Mo to Maria, grandchildren. FAMILYAFROM NOTICES Uncle w M W D inofparadise.’ WSonya and Des, Kane, Mike andG put paces on Saturday Finnthrough won antheir ITMW prize pack of tradeat husband of Bet, w andNKoro horse peacefully, M Loved W M mA Zealand Certified m in Tauranga regional winners for the Ken Read DOES IT: Micah mortise into one of the pieces of wood used U Jessica, Faye-Liana, McCULLOCH, wBuilders Nicholas Apprentice Nepe. w Adored father w nn ng h Wilson ocutsga on Versatile in Gladstone tools a place in— the national w EASY John K D Hospital, 12th April Shony, Michelle andlovedm and good K Road. — WLynn, D and earned WINIATA, Mokaraka FINN has claimed the title of brother Challenge formate 2021. W ofJohnson w WINIATA, Trophy table and $50,000 in prizes. m aged w88. Loved m Terry and Maia. LovedRod, wWendy, toMemorial make a picnic at Saturday’s regional Apprentice Challenge. Micah, who Daniel andMokaraka Nicholas. Uncle of Nicole and Kirsty C They were given eight hours to build a Died William. — final. 2021, FROM PAGE 1 of Jean (dec), and Rod h mp on h won n TM p second In Memoriam Cherished (Kelly). — Deaths N A m Gisborne regional champion in of theyour New m m Finn and Cherished Deaths ‘On thew— back conference Wellington on June 11-12. Thefor national final will be held at the New works Dave Wallace Building, placed in theincompetition. m five other Des,apprentices Kane, Mikewere and M picnic m of Bet, and Koro Mo to Maria,and Jenny, and m his 10 (Kelly). inm wTauranga M husband table, following specific design plans will compete against 18 other H and Chris. MEAHe O O H Uncle of Sonya and peacefully, PAGEZealand 9 N Certified M w wand Zealand Builders Apprentice p Certified o Builders d oo ndannualn d NZCB ApprenticePicture Sonya put through their paces Saturdayand at W horse inof paradise.’ w DOE M W m w M w met w Uncle w Shony, onMichelle (NZCB) Challenge manager by Liam Clayton Faye-Liana,grandchildren. Loved w of Lynn, w wJessica, Hospital, 12th April m — loved m father and making sure the finished product In accordance with regional winners for the Ken Read OM G W m — Nicholas Nepe. Nepe. Adored Adored FINN Johnson has claimedM the title of OM p G Gisborne Herald, Gisborne Nicholas John w MOORE (née Olsen) Challenge for 2021. Versatile inLoved Gladstone Road. McCULLOCH, John w Terry and Maia. Loved Finn m C M w n h n on n and mNicholas.McCULLOCH, GISBORNE residents can sign a Book of w brotherm and good mate M 2021, aged 88. Pencil firmly clamped between his teeth, Johnson brings down the circular saw on one of the pieces of timber which made Rod, Wendy, Kirsty Daniel ww John’s wishes, a private minimumTrophy safetyand standards. Memorial $50,000 prizes. Uncleapprentices of Nicole Nicole were and Gisborne regional champion ininthe New Uncle of and Died — Sonja Viena FROM PAGE 1 Finn and fivemother m— Died M William. They were given eight hours to build a Koro Mo to Maria, 13 Apr 2021 ‘On the back of yourWilliam. FROM PAGE 1 w D W B m M of Jean (dec), and Rod Condolences following the death of the Duke of In Memoriam husband of Bet, and up his winning picnic table in the New Zealand Certified Builders Apprentice Challenge on Saturday. STORY ON PAGE 4 and Jenny, and his 10 A p n• Tuesday, ngmm No hApril nd n 2021 un Nick Matthews said the show of carpentry family service been The Gisborne Herald 13, H w has m Des, Kane, Mike and and Thenational tables were assessed by The finalBuilders will be held at athe The New conference in Wellington onApril June 11-12. m PMCA licensed copy. You may not Zealand Certified Apprentice Des, Kane, Mike Gisborne Herald • Tuesday, 13, 2021 peacefully, Tauranga M in Tauranga put through their paces on Saturday at Jessica, Faye-Liana, picnic table, following specific design plans M horse in paradise.’ 19.2.1939 13.4.2020 and Chris. m C Edinburgh. loved father of Lynn, Picture by Liam Clayton PAGE 16 grandchildren. further copy, reproduce, record, G w m 12th April Shony, mMichelle Michelle and and held. w panel ofCertified expert judges, who looked G NZCB Apprentice m m w BuildersM (NZCB) annual Challenge manager talent on Saturday was a testament to Hospital, mW w Loved m Challenge for 2021. M M M at Daniel and Nicholas. FINN Johnson has claimed the title Versatile in Gladstone Road. and making sure the finished product met“OurZealand In with Shony, wApril m FINN Johnson has the title ofof retransmit, publish, distribute, Wendy, Kirsty condolences go outsuch to theas royal family brother and good mate Inclaimed oursell, hearts you hold Terry and Maia. Loved Rod, M MOORE (née Olsen) A accordance m m Mokaraka whours Terry and Maia. Loved General News, page technical the quality of 1 - 806.00 cm² the high-calibre of apprentices in industry 2021, Loved Finn andaspects five other apprentices were 88.awere Loved share or store this information WINIATA, Gisborne regional champion inthe theNew New John’s aged wishes, private given eight build aand minimum safety standards. Jenny, andregional his 10 Gisborne champion in mThey N Koro mDeaths m Deaths of Jean (dec), and Rodw In Memoriam FAMILY the passing of His Royal Highness aw special place, one Koro Mo Viena to to Maria, Sonja NOTICES Mo to Maria, Nfollowing w Wmeasuring, N (MTWTFS-) M w w husband and workmanship, and training, with all competitors either without theinprior writtenno consent of of Bet, and put their paces on cutting Saturday at 5,186 W mw m horse paradise.’ Provincial circulation Brother of (Kelly). — tables Wthrough m w family w service hasmw been Zealand Certified Builders Apprentice picnic table, following design plans grandchildren. Loved The were assessed by a fill. and m Chris. Zealand Certified Builders Apprentice A specific Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh,” a -Gisborne else will ever w Jessica, Faye-Liana, the Print Media Copyright Agency. Jessica, Faye-Liana, w loved Lynn, C N C N C C m w m assembly, as well as other essential skills father of Lynn, employed by NZCB member builders or 19.2.1939 13.4.2020 m w Versatile in Gladstone Road. the late Connie and held. andAmaking sureWINIATA, brother and of good w (née Olsen) Rod, Challenge formate 2021. the finished product In accordance with MOORE panel expert judges, whoWally looked at District Council statement said last night. Challenge for 2021. Phone +64-4-4984488 or email Mokaraka Daniel and Nicholas.met Daniel and Nicholas. WINIATA, Mokaraka Kirsty Love and H m Wendy, Kirsty while working against the clock, including m enrolled with ITAB (the Industry Training Mana (Boohead) They were given eight hours to build a m(Kelly). further Inwour hearts you hold of Jean (dec), and Rod John’s wishes, a private In Memoriam Finn and five other apprentices wereof “Our flag minimum safety standards. Finn and five other apprentices were technical aspects such asfamilies theforquality Cherished (Kelly). — Deaths G ‘On the back of your ‘On the back of your N will be flying at half mast tomorrow Cherished — G Sonja Viena m and Jenny, 10 WINIATA, Mokaraka and his 10 m w m information. m The tables were ability table, to follow a detailed plandesign and safe Association Building). Hawea. Cherished picnic following specific plans w A a assessed special place, one and Chris. m family has been put through their paceson onSaturday Saturday by no a and Uncle of Sonya and put through their paces atat on behalf workmanship, measuring, cutting and horse inof paradise.’ w horse in paradise.’ Wservice w Uncle Sonya w of the House of Representatives and by Wynsley Wrigley lack of consultation. for safety but it was grandchildren. Loved ID 1426991294 BRIEF CERTBUILDE INDEX 1 PAGE M m m Loved 2 of ofreasons 3 Brother of (Kelly). — M m product m met m Nw C m m 19.2.1939 - 13.4.2020 of Mitch and working technique. “The future New Zealand’s building W w at Uncle else will ever fill. and making sure the finished In Versatile accordance with held. Nicholas Nepe. Adored m who Versatile Gladstone Road.essential panel ofJohn expert judges, looked ininGladstone Road. assembly, as well as other skills Nepe. Adored John MOORE (née Olsen) w McCULLOCH, At the March 18 council pushed aside at times to allow w brother mate then again on Saturday for the national funeral andConnie good mate theA late and Nicholas w Sally, wishes, Sonya a (Clarry) m w Finn, ansafety apprentice at Character m industry is dependent on a robust pipeline private w technical N quality minimum standards. our hearts you holdWilliam. Uncle of Nicole andofJohn’s and m of Nicole and They were given eight hours totobuild They were eight hours builda service. a such asWally the m Sonja while working against the clock, including FRUSTRATED property andViena m m “I know construction workers and Died meeting, the Mayor m said: (dec),— andaspects Rod FROM PAGE 1given of Jean Rod Uncle Mana (Boohead) In Memoriam If you wish to passthe on formal messages InLove Memoriam m m aInspecial PAGE 1been W MOO O WINIATA, Mokaraka and FROM Nicholas Nepe, MOO O Building received top score overall, m m of trade-qualified and well-rounded family service has place,mno onepeacefully, The tables were assessed by a Des, Kane, Mike and families Des, Kane, Mike and m m m picnic table, following specific design plans m picnic table, following specific design plans workmanship, measuring, cutting and business owners affected by the we don’t have to (but) it would in Tauranga m m m vehicles to pass through on to the and Chris. to follow a detailed plan and safevia the office of the Governor General we have Hawea. Cherished (Kelly). — Brother of 19.2.1939 - 13.4.2020 Greg ability and Paku. Loved N Shony, m m Michelle held. N w with Micah Wilson, of Dave Wallace carpentry professionals. else will ever fill. m panel of expert judges, who looked at Shony, Michelle and and w m Hospital, 12th April new one-way Eden Lane nextthe and making sure the finished product met HwellMOORE new supermarket site. with w be best practice to talk to them and making sure the finished product met assembly, as as otherm essential skillsUncle In accordance with Uncle of MitchApril and working technique. w Connie and m the late a condolences book that you can sign at theTapara, FINN Johnson has claimed the title of FINN Johnson has claimed title of to his nieces and (née Olsen) MOORE (née Olsen) In our hearts you hold m Building, second and Te Kanawa “We encourage NZCB member builders Terry and Maia. Loved Terry and Maia. Loved technical aspects such as the quality of w 2021, aged 88. Loved to the Countdown supermarket wishes, a (Clarry) private directly.” That would allow his business w Loved Pencil firmly clamped between his teeth, Finn Johnson brings down the circular saw one ofofthe pieces of Fitzherbert timber which made minimum safety standards. private m Sally, Sonya while working against the clock, including minimum safety standards. m Finn, an apprentice at Character WINIATA, Mokaraka Mana (Boohead) m Love nephews. ‘Tough as old counter ourof office on Street.” Gisborne regional champion inthe theno Newon w w Wally A and John’s Sonja Viena Gisborne regional champion in New Sonja Viena w Zealand ameeting special place, m w also Character Building, third. m Koro Mo tomNew Maria, to support this by takingApril on apprentices. Mo to Maria, and workmanship, measuring, cutting and service hasfollow been building site want a Mr McMillan saidThe Eden Lane husband ofwinning to operate “semi-normal,” families Bet, and his picnic table inplan the Certified Builders Apprentice Challenge on Saturday. STORY ON PAGE 4 13, Gisborne Herald •• Tuesday, 13, family been andup Nicholas Nepe, The were assessed by a a one The Gisborne Herald • Tuesday, April 13, 2021 ability to aKoro detailed and Brother ofBuilders The tables were assessed by (Kelly). — tables The Gisborne Herald Tuesday, April 13,2021 2021 Building received the topm score W M Hawea. Cherished W w safe Boots.’ W M Zealand Certified Builders Apprentice m Zealand Certified Apprentice Gisborne Herald • Tuesday, April 2021 else will everoverall, fill.The 19.2.1939 -Faye-Liana, Jessica, 19.2.1939Faye-Liana, -13.4.2020 13.4.2020 Finn won ITM pack of trade doing so,delivery they provide a pathway Lynn, with District had been a two-way road in his “In although asan well asprize other essential skills ww m of technique. Lynn, trucks would into loved Picture by Liam Clayton m DOESm mIT: held. Greg and Paku. LovedNJessica, panel ofofexpert judges, who K — the Challenge late Connie and Uncle of mMitch and working panel expert judges, wholooked lookedatat K assembly, — withGisborne Micah Wilson, of Council. Dave Wallace A w father for 2021. EASY Micah a mortise into oneand of the of there woodare used Challenge for 2021. Daniel andNNicholas. Nicholas. and W N C ofWilson mbusiness m cuts tools working and earned a place in the national Kirsty toEden ensure m w Love Wally and They say the one-way road is Kirsty at the site.the industry In you continue to help blockpieces Lane. Rod, m w 30 years while against the clock, including Uncle Wendy, to his nieces and Daniel In our ourathearts hearts youhold hold Manatechnical (Boohead) aspects such as the quality of Sally, Sonya (Clarry) Finn, an apprentice Character technical aspects such as the quality of Building, second and Te Kanawa Tapara, Finn and five other apprentices were WINIATA, Mokaraka to make a picnic table at Saturday’s regional Apprentice Challenge. who Finn and five other apprentices were ‘On the back of your Deaths Mokaraka ‘On the m back your mw W Deaths 10 m ofno m m Deaths w families W and safe and his threatening their businesses. FAMILY NOTICES aathe special place, one His customers, in cars and highly-skilled final. to follow a detailed plan Mr McMillan he Micah, had been and Jenny, builders said coming through to w w w M nephews. ‘Tough as 10 old special place, no one Hawea. FAMILY NOTICES M ability Cherished FAMILY NOTICES workmanship, measuring, cutting and and NOTICES Nicholas Nepe,m Deaths Building received top score overall, workmanship, measuring, cutting and also of Character Building, third. FAMILY Brother of (Kelly). — put through their paces on Saturday at put through their paces on Saturday at works for Dave Wallace Building, second the competition. in Brother of horse horse in paradise.’ paradise.’ by Wynsley Wrigley of consultation. safety but ittofor was m18 other Loved Loved else will fill. w Claims by Gisborne District trailers or utes, would come from asking forreasons six months have grandchildren. wplaced w Paku. Loved m He willtechnique. compete againstm w lack meetfor thein increasing demand thethe sector. Boots.’ else willever ever fill. Uncle of Mitch and working Greg and assembly, as well as other essential skills with Micah Wilson, of Dave Wallace assembly, as well as other essential skills the late Connie and Finn won an ITM prize pack of trade Versatile ininGladstone Road. the lateandConnie by Liam Clayton Versatile Gladstone Road. WINIATA, Mokaraka N toAhis nieces and AtDisraeli the March council pushed aside back. at Picture times allow mate wand w Wally wm and good mate staff at a council meeting M WINIATA, Mokaraka w Stret end, back into “These fenceapprentices moved A STORY inDOES yesterday’s Gisborne Herald abouta mortise Man w into one ofthe WINIATA, Mokaraka brother regional winners for the Ken Read have to developed the m Sally,Council Sonya (Clarry) Love EASY IT: Micah cuts the pieces of 18 wood used Uncle Finn, apprentice at Wilson Character while working against the clock, including WINIATA, Mokaraka Wally and Mana Building, Te Kanawa Tapara, while working against the clock, including tools and earned aeight place in the national Cherished Mana (Boohead) (Kelly). — They were given eight hours toto build Deaths FRUSTRATED property and They were given hours builda aJogging the “I know workers and andsecond Rod Cherished (Kelly). — Rod and Deaths March 18 that discussions had his property, unloadsaid: and leave. In Memoriam The Disraeli end of in the of Jean (dec),(Boohead) for Logging said table organiser Wadein Brunt InLove Memoriam Cherished (Kelly). — — Cherished Deaths m Mayor and on Nicholas Nepe, Memorial Trophy andtop $50,000 prizes. families skills construction and passion to Street be successful nephews. ‘Tough asNold toBuilding make areceived picnic atscore Saturday’s regional Apprenticemeeting, Challenge. Micah, who m the overall, (Kelly). ability to follow aaaffected detailed plan and Deaths families Hawea. Uncle of Sonya and also ofCherished Character Building, third. ability toowners follow plan andsafe safe final. Hawea. Cherished picnic table, following specific design plans by the Uncle of Sonya andwas a counsellor we don’tcould have to (but) it do would vehicles tosupport pass through on tocarpentry the picnic table, following specific design plans been held with thedetailed businesses They longer so. trade Eden Lane is closed due to Chris. Uncle of of Sonya Sonya and and atWilson, Tauawhi Centre. Gregbusiness and Paku. Loved mconference m Boots.’ W H wand The national finalofMen’s will be held at the New second Wellington onno June 11-12. Nick Matthews said the show of with the of their employers Aof Uncle works for Dave Wallace Building, placed in theincompetition. with Micah Dave Wallace Uncle Mitch and working technique. m Nicholas Nepe. Adored Uncle ofFinn Mitch and won anNITM prize pack of trade Uncle working technique. Nicholas Nepe. Adored He will compete against other McCULLOCH, John new one-way Eden Lane next18 and making sure the finished product met be One best customer practice tohad talk to them new supermarket site. with with have been adamantly rejected to drive drainage work for the new and making sure the finished product met McCULLOCH, John In accordance w M W W w M W W Nicholas Nepe. Adored to his nieces and In fact Wade received counselling at Tauawhi MOORE (née Olsen) MOORE (née Olsen) Nicholas Nepe. Adored Zealand Certified Builders (NZCB) annual NZCB Apprentice Challenge manager talent on Saturday was his a testament to McCULLOCH, John theThat training scheme provides. EASY DOES IT: Micah Wilson cuts a mortise into one of the pieces of wood used w Sally, tools Sonya Picture by Liam Claytoninand Building, second and Te Kanawa Tapara, Finn, an apprentice atatCharacter Uncle of Nicole and McCULLOCH, m w John Uncle of Read Nicole and Sally, Sonyaand (Clarry) Died William. — earned a place in the w nationalnephews. Finn, an apprentice Character to the Countdown supermarket a (Clarry) private directly.” would allow ITAB business regional winners for the Ken minimum safety standards. private Died William. — by Gisborne Honda owner Dave around the block supermarket. wishes, w FROMPAGE PAGE1he 1 Challenge. minimum safety standards. w four times Uncle of of Nicole Nicole and and John’s ‘Tough as old Sonja Men’s FROM Centre, says was a crucial partwho Died Uncle William. — Died Sonja Viena Viena andFROM Nicholas Nepe, GISBORNE residents can sign ascore Book ofprizes. high-calibre of apprentices in industry “These events“semi-normal,” are asaid great opportunity Des, Kane, Mike and to make a picnic table at Saturday’s Micah, FROM PAGE 1 William. — TURNING THE SCREW: Challenge third-place-getter was Te Kanawa Building received the top score overall, alsoApprentice of which Character Building, third. m w PAGE Des, Kane, Mike andregional W peacefully, in Tauranga 1been and Nicholas Nepe, has been building site want a meeting McMillan said Eden Lane the to operate peacefully, inreceived Tauranga final. Building the top The tables were assessed by McMillan and Tony Leach — Memorial Trophy and $50,000 anMr attempt toApprentice enter Gisborne Mr McMillan the work service hasLoved Des, Kane, Kane, Mike Mike and and family The tables were assessed byain aoverall, Boots.’ peacefully, Tauranga journey. “Weight loss has helped me trade Greg and Paku. Shony, Michelle and w who works m road Condolences following the death ofBuilding, the Duke of with all competitors either 13.4.2020 in Tauranga give thenow community an look Clayton at works for Dave Wallace placed in the Shony, Michelle andof hissecond Hospital, 12th April with Micah Wilson, of Dave Wallace Tapara, forashow Character Building. Picture bywould Liam Finn Johnson won ancompetition. ITM prize pack N A Greg and He Paku. 19.2.1939 13.4.2020 K M m Des, M held. Hospital, 12th April w 19.2.1939 w --w with Gisborne District Council. had been two-way in histotraining, although delivery trucks FINN has claimed the title of the property owner of the sites Honda. will Loved compete against 18 other with Micah Wilson, of Dave Wallace was overdue andinside his panel of expert judges, who looked Nick Matthews said the of cuts carpentry The final will be held at at the conference in Wellington on June 11-12. w M FINN Johnson hasthe claimed theof title of panel ofnational expert judges, who looked at New Shony, Michelle Michelle and and held. w M Shony, Terry and Maia. Loved Hospital, 12th April April EASY DOES IT: Micah Wilson a mortise into oneby of the pieces of builders wood used Uncle FINN to his nieces and hugelyGisborne but counselling was key part of my Terry and Maia. Loved m offourth 2021, aged 88. Loved Edinburgh. employed NZCB member or building apprenticeship training that they Picture by Liam Clayton FINN Johnson has claimed the title of DO M W m Building, second and Te Kanawa Tapara, Uncle to his nieces and 2021, aged 88. Loved tools and earned a place in the national DO M W m Johnson has claimed the title of They say the one-way road is 30 years business at the site. In our hearts you hold continue to block Eden Lane. W N regional champion in the New occupied by NZ Safety and the On her attempt, livelihood was being threatened. regional winners for the Ken Read Building, second and Te Kanawa Tapara, technical aspects such as the quality of In our hearts you hold Gisborne regional champion in the New NZCB Apprentice Challenge manager talent on Saturday was a testament to Zealand Certified Builders (NZCB) annual Terry and and Maia. Maia. Loved Loved WINIATA, technical aspects such the quality of transformation.” Koro Mo to Maria, 2021, aged 88. Loved Loved Terry nephews. ‘Tough as old champion Mokaraka to make a picnic table at Saturday’s regional Apprentice Challenge. who Koro Mo tofamily Maria, husband Bet, and condolences go out to as the royal Mokaraka enrolled with (the Industry Training husband ofCharacter Bet, and not otherwise see, and to celebrate nephews. ‘Tough as Gisborne regional in the New also ofofof Character Building, third. mmight threatening their businesses. aaand special no one His customers, inindustry cars final. Mr McMillan said he Micah, had been Gisborne regional champion in New Wthe Salvation Army. Zealand Builders the was blocked by and a m “We areITAB being railroaded. All H Maria, wm WINIATA, special place, no one M “Our w Koro w Zealand Certified Certified Builders Apprentice Apprentice m old workmanship, measuring, cutting and Memorial Trophy $50,000 in prizes. also Building, third. Koro Mo Mo to to Maria, GISBORNE residents can sign aplace, Book of the high-calibre of road apprentices in TURNING THETony SCREW: Challenge third-place-getter was Te Kanawa Jessica, Faye-Liana, Boots.’ husband m and workmanship, measuring, cutting and of Jessica, Faye-Liana, (Kelly). — Brother loved father of Lynn, of W Bet, and works for Dave Wallace Building, placed second inwant the competition. loved father ofan Lynn, FED UP: Property owner Leach Apprentice (left) and Gisborne Honda Brother ofBuilders (Kelly). — mm w W Boots.’ following the passing of His Royal Highness Association those apprentices havetoexcelled else will ever fill. wfrom WBuilding). Finn won ITM pack of trade Claims by Gisborne District Zealand Certified Builders Apprentice trailers ortruck utes, wouldClayton come asking for months have thein He Matthews will compete against 18 other Certified “I haven’t heard aprize dickie bird,” M different unloading at the Challenge for 2021. we issix a who meeting.” else will ever fill. W mofNicholas. w m Challenge for 2021. Jessica, Faye-Liana, w m the assembly, as well as other essential skills Daniel and conference in Wellington on 11-12. Nick said the show of carpentry national final willApprentice be held at the Finn won an ITM prize pack trade w Faye-Liana, w Condolences following the death of the Duke of New training, with all competitors either m The Tapara, who works for Character Building. Picture by Liam Daniel andJune Nicholas. loved father of Lynn, Lynn, Jessica, the Zealand late Connie and Rod, Wendy, Kirsty assembly, as well as other essential skills EASY DOES IT: Micah Wilson cuts a mortise into one of pieces of wood used Rod, Wendy, Kirsty Picture by Liam Clayton owner Dave McMillan want to meet with Gisborne District Council the late Connie and Council staff at a council meeting Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh,” a Gisborne the Disraeli Stret end, back into “The future of New Zealand’s building fence moved back. their field.” tools and earned a place in the national EASY DOES IT: Micah Wilson cuts a mortise into one of the pieces of wood used Challenge for 2021. Mr Leach said. supermarket. His business has seven Finn five apprentices were Challenge forCertified 2021. Builders regional winners for was the Ken Read WZealand m your w Love and Finnaand and five other other apprentices wereregional the of Daniel and and Nicholas. Nicholas. w byChallenge. while working against the clock, including talent on Saturday a testament to street. (NZCB) NZCB Apprentice Challenge manager ‘On the back of tools and earned a ‘On place in back the national Edinburgh. employed NZCB member builders or and Jenny, and his 10 Mana Rod, m Kirsty Daniel w (Boohead) Love Wally Wally andannual w m Mana Wendy, Kirsty and Jenny, and his 10 while working against the clock, including totomake aton Saturday’s Apprentice Micah, who toyour discuss the changing oftable Eden Lane to ainone-way (Boohead) on March 18 that discussions had his property, unload and TheisDisraeli of pipeline mm w“She Council statement last night. dependent on end a robust final. spoke ofsaid each left inMicah, tears.” mechanics, fiveStreet other staff make apicnic picnic table at Saturday’s Apprentice Challenge. wholeave. industry Finn and fiveother other apprentices were District put through their paces Saturday at and five Memorial Trophy and $50,000 prizes. horse in paradise.’ families M “OurFinn M put through their paces on Saturday at regional ‘On the back of of your Hawea. mBoth M mit of your horse in paradise.’ ability totomen follow aadetailed plan and grandchildren. Loved Cherished GISBORNE can the signback a Book the high-calibre of apprentices inplaced industry final. and K Jenny, and residents 10 ‘On URN NG HE CREW C works wby GDC K condolences go outapprentices to the royal were family families enrolled with ITAB (thecould Industry Training his m 10 grandchildren. Loved M for Dave Wallace Building, second inisin the competition. ability follow detailed plan andsafe safe They deny they have been contacted staffw and say Hawea. Cherished been held with the businesses They no longer do so. Nick Eden Lane is closed due making “six or so” phone Mr said hew was members about 2000toof carpentry M He will compete against 18 “Our flag will be flying atagainst half calls mast tomorrow of trade-qualified and Versatile ininDave Gladstone Road. works for Wallace Building, placed second the competition. put through their paces onSaturday Saturday put through their paces on w W Versatile Gladstone Road. horse in paradise.’ paradise.’ The national be held atmthe conference in Wellington onLiam June 11-12. Matthews said thewell-rounded show in WWrigley m atat ww McMillan w W and M brother and good mate by Wynsley lack of will consultation. Uncle of and forClayton safety reasons butby it was working technique. brother and good mate grandchildren. Loved horse Loved Condolences following the m death training, with allfinal competitors either He will compete 18other otherthreatening w w Leach C B C New by following theMitch passing of His Royal Highness Association Building). w wof themDuke of Uncle their businesses. Picture Liam Picture Clayton of Mitch and working technique. have been adamantly rejected One customer had to drive drainage work for new the council. said now unloading vehicles from talent customers. They given eight hours to build aa regional winners for the Ken Read on behalf of the House offorRepresentatives and carpentry professionals. Picture by Liam Clayton Versatile in(Clarry) Gladstone Road. a Gisborne Versatile Gladstone Road. They were were given eight hours tobuilders build of Jean (dec), and Rod m Zealand Certified (NZCB) annual NZCB Apprentice Challenge manager on Saturday wasthe am testament to In Memoriam m Sally, Sonya in ofto Jean (dec), andMr Rod At Builders the March 18 council pushed aside at times to allow brother mate and good mate Finn, an apprentice at Character In Memoriam Edinburgh. employed by NZCB member or regional winners the Ken Read Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh,” “The future of New Zealand’s building A Finn, an apprentice at Character Sally, Sonya (Clarry) by Gisborne Honda owner around the Road. block four times in the“We supermarket. m m and Rod w w m and FRUSTRATED he called between February 11infuneral Gladstone Claims byofthe council that picnic table, following specific design plans Memorial Trophy and $50,000 prizes. and Chris. again onresidents Saturday for the national encourage NZCB member builders picnic table, following specific design plans They given eight totobuild They were given eight hours builda a then and Chris. Nicholas Nepe, GISBORNE can sign aDave Book ofprizes. property and high-calibre apprentices in industry meeting, the Mayor said: “I knowindustry construction workers m were of Jean Rod Building received the top score overall, In In Memoriam Memoriam “Our(dec), condolences go out to the royal H family and enrolled with ITAB (the Industry Training Memorial Trophy and $50,000 in DistrictNicholas Council statement saidhours last night. is dependent onand atoof robust pipeline Nepe, McMillan and Tony Leach — an He attempt enter Gisborne Mr McMillan said the work m Building received the top score overall, and March 4, to and the person on us,” Mr Leach said.“There’s been nearby property said he needed a temporary Eden Lane was not well used and making the finished product met m In accordance with The national final will be held at the New conference insure Wellington onother June 11-12. Nickowners, Matthews said the show carpentry and making sure the finished product met In accordance with service. If you wish pass on formal messages to support this by taking on apprentices. picnic table, following specific design plans Greg and Paku. Loved picnic table, following specific design plans business owners affected by the we don’t have to (but) it would vehicles to pass through on to the Condolences following the death of the Duke of training, with all competitors either and Chris. MOORE (née Olsen) with Micah Wilson, of Dave Wallace MOORE (née Olsen) Greg and Paku. Loved following the passing of His Royal Highness Association The national will be held at the New conference inBuilding). Wellington on June 11-12. to her Nick Matthews said show ofhow carpentry “Our flag will be flying at half mast tomorrow of trade-qualified andthe well-rounded the property owner of the sites Honda. was now overdue and A MAN accused by his twothey young during a discussion about arrangements athis his house, and with Micah of Dave Wallace the other end of final the phone said absolutely nothing.” say. safety fence moved were notso, heprovide said. Some of wishes, aaWilson, private minimum safety standards. John’s wishes, private minimum safety standards. Zealand Certified Builders (NZCB) annual NZCB Apprentice Challenge manager on Saturday was asite. testament toback two sleeping wGisborne m Uncle m to making his nieces and via John’s the office ofby the Governor General we have new one-way Eden Lane nextproduct “In doing they abuilders pathway into and sure finished be practice to talk to themtalent new supermarket with and making sure the finished productmet metEdinburgh. Sonja Viena In accordance with employed by true, NZCB member orm Sonja Viena Building, second and TeTe Kanawa Tapara, to his nieces andthe MOORE (née Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh,” “The future ofbest New Zealand’s building Zealand Certified Builders (NZCB) annual NZCB Apprentice Challenge talent onit Saturday was testament to to come MOORE (néeaOlsen) Olsen) Uncle on behalf ofCountdown the House of Representatives occupied NZ Safety and the carpentry professionals. On hertoasecrets. fourth attempt, livelihood was being threatened. someone would contact him. But Their concerns about the oneMr said family service has been allow vehicles customers were now going daughters oftables sexually offending against unhealthy was to keep there were no previous indications Building, second and Kanawa Tapara, The were assessed by aMcMillan family service hasgo been w wishes, A athe m The tables were assessed by amanager nephews. ‘Tough as m GISBORNE residents can sign a Book of and a condolences theMayor high-calibre ofmetres apprentices in industry to the‘Tough supermarket private directly.” That would allow his business minimum safety standards. book that youto can sign at the the his industry help to ensure therefrom are John’s private minimum safety standards. “Our condolences out the royal family enrolled with and ITAB (the Industry Training also ofofCharacter third. 19.2.1939 --13.4.2020 nephews. as old old Sonja Viena 19.2.1939 13.4.2020 Salvation Army. GISBORNE residents can sign a Book of District Council said last night. the road was blocked by industry is(towards dependent onRehette alooked robust the high-calibre apprentices industry “We being railroaded. All then again onfollowing Saturday for the national funeral “We encourage NZCB member builders held. no one rang back.Building, way them, Eden Lane road Stoltz visited the site inof and out of hisinproperty. elsewhere.“I hope some of them held. has gone on trial by jury in That was prompted by thea also Character Building, third. thehighly-skilled girls of are anybuilders offending against them. panel of judges, who at panel of expert expert judges, who looked atpipeline Boots.’ has statement been building site want a meeting Condolences the death of the w service mSonja w Viena m training, with all competitors either Mr McMillan said Eden Lane todiscussion operate “semi-normal,” w mm family been The tables were assessed aDuke counter of our office on Fitzherbert Street.” coming through to FED UP:Street) Property Tony Leach (left) and Gisborne Honda The tables were assessed bymessages a ofof following the passing of have His Royal Highness Building). Finn won an ITM pack ofofyou trade Boots.’ “I haven’t heard aprize dickie bird,” different truck unloading we want is of a meeting.” In our hearts hold following the death ofby the Duke will be flying19.2.1939 at half mast tomorrow Condolences of DOES trade-qualified and well-rounded training, with all competitors either “They say they consulted Disraeli areowner shared by and expressed surprise at theby The fence had been putat upthe Association service. If you wish to pass on formal come back.” to support this by taking on apprentices. 13.4.2020 In our hearts you hold technical aspects such as the quality of 19.2.1939 13.4.2020 Gisborne District Court. girl’s admission she had falsely accused Finn won an ITM prize pack trade The younger the girls sometimes technical aspects such as the quality of with Gisborne District Council. had been a two-way road in his although delivery trucks would EASY IT: Micah Wilson cuts a mortise into one of the pieces of wood used Edinburgh. employed NZCB member builders or held.“Our flag WINIATA, A of the House panel ofofexpert judges, atat Prince w of Representatives m owner Dave McMillan to meetWilson with Gisborne District Council A MAN accused byofhis young meet the increasing demand forstatements the sector. hercarpentry during awant discussion about how sleeping arrangements at his house, and note ofHis “some fanciful” WINIATA, Mokaraka panel expert judges,who wholooked looked Philip, theMokaraka Duke Edinburgh,” anational Gisborne “The future offairly New Zealand’s building tools and earned place inin the Mr Leach said. supermarket. business has seven aatwo special place, no one EASY DOES IT: Micah cuts a mortise into one of the of wood used special place, no one to on behalf and Edinburgh. professionals. employed by NZCB member or via“Our the office ofaspects the General we have “In doing so, they provide abuilders pathway into complained workmanship, measuring, cutting He is charged with raping and an adult at school of pieces having pushed m workmanship, measuring, cutting and tools and earnedaof aoffending place the national about todeveloped visit theirthe m They say theGovernor one-way road is 30 years ofsecrets. business atregional the site. In continue toprevious block Eden Lane. Brother (Kelly). — to make aitpicnic table atLane Saturday’s Apprentice Challenge. Micah, who from condolences go out toas the royal family enrolled with ITAB (the Industry Training In our our hearts heartsyou youHhold hold to changing of Eden to sexually a and one-way street. Brother (Kelly). — technical such the quality of District of sexually against “These have unhealthy was to keep mMokaraka there were no indications by at least onefive ofhaving the girls and pipeline W w for technical aspects such as the quality Council statement lastwill night. industry is apprentices dependent on a robust else ever fill. final. Both men spokeof ofsaid each “She left inMicah, tears.” mechanics, other staff else will everWAIROA fill.discuss tothe make aolder picnic table at Saturday’s regional Apprentice Challenge. who “Our condolences go out the royal then again on Saturday the national funeral WINIATA, Mokaraka “We encourage NZCB member builders enrolled ITAB (the Training a condolences book that youto can sign atfamily the of daughters the industry and help toIndustry ensure there assembly, as as other skills assembly, as well well ascustomers, other essential skills m m messential mby the of the girls (both GISBORNE RUATORIA threatening their aa special place, one her. The girl prefaced the disclosure byare His in cars and final. father because it was boring and Mr McMillan said he had been the late Connie and the late Connie and works for Dave Wallace Building, placed second in thewith competition. special place,no no one following the passing ofbusinesses. His Royal Highness Association Building). Theyviolating deny they have been contacted by GDC staff and say it is workmanship, measuring, cutting and has gone on trial in skills and passion to Thorpe be successful in the That discussion was prompted the the girls any offending against them. inconsistencies, said.they workmanship, measuring, cutting and them, Local News ...... Business ............10 Picture page .....20 Racing making “six or so” phone calls Mr McMillan said he was members and Ms about 2000 m of He will compete against 18Wally other “Our flag will be flying atby halfjury mast tomorrow of trade-qualified and well-rounded Brother works for Dave Wallace Building, placed second inof the competition. Love and Brother of (Kelly). following ofof His Royal Highness service.— If you wish to passelse onwill formal messages while working against the clock, including to support this by 1-4 taking on apprentices. Association Love Wally and counter ofthe ourpassing office on Fitzherbert Street.” highly-skilled builders coming through to ................23 while working against the clock, including Mana (Boohead) ever fill. Claims by Gisborne District trailers or utes, would come from asking for six months have the m are primary school aged), and with saying she had “other secrets” to reveal. Mana (Boohead) He will compete against 18 other were made to help tidy his house, the else will ever fill. threatening their businesses. Picture by The Liam Clayton Picture bytoLiam Clayton Prince Philip, the Duke Edinburgh,” a Gisborne “The future ofBuilding). New Zealand’s building assembly, as well as other essential skills A MAN w w m m Gisborne District Court. trade with the support of their employers girl’s admission she had falsely accused younger of the girls sometimes to the council. Mr Leach said The jury would also watch in evidence now unloading vehicles from customers. assembly, as well as other essential skills theviaw late Connie and regional winners for the Ken Read on behalf of the House of Representatives and carpentry professionals. A families w w Births & Deaths ...4 Opinion ..............11 Television ...........21 Sport ............ 24-28 the late Connie and Picture by Liam Clayton families ability to follow a detailed plan and safe Philip, thestatement Duke Edinburgh,” a Gisborne the office of the Governor General Hawea. Cherished “Inassaulting doing so, they a end, pathway “The future of back. New Zealand’s building ability to follow a detailed plan and safe meet the increasing demand forpipeline the sector. caregiver said. W Council staff at a of council meeting the Disraeli Stret backinto into W fence moved Hawea. Cherished indecently andprovide sexually Defence Vicky regional winners for the Ken Read District Council said last night. industry iscounsel dependent on aThorpe robust Love Wally we andhave Prince


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Gisborne Herald, Gisborne 13 Apr 2021

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Trainees ONE-WAY SHAMBLES Trainees nail building test Consultation denied: ‘I haven’t heard a dickie bird’ Finn’s picnic picnic table the winner winner Finn’s table the ONE-WAY SHAMBLES building test n challenge Consultation denied: ‘I haven’t heard a dickie bird’ n challenge Finn’s picnic table the winner Finn’s picnic picnic table table the the winner Finn’s winner ONE-WAY SHAMBLES W ALLOWED

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dickie bird’

Case hinges on believability, Case hinges on believability, jury told Case hinges on believability, jury told

Condolences for Condolences for the the



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NZCB Affinity Partners

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Message from the AST Trust

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Sharing files with clients and staff instantly

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Don’t get trapped with the wrong tech

pages 50-51

Manage product and project information easily

page 47

Auckland, Nelson Bays and Canterbury events

pages 44-45

Learn to practice self-compassion

pages 42-43

Make sleep your best friend

page 41

Preparing for winter

page 40

NZCB Apprentice Challenge Sponsored by ITM – Regional Competitions 2021

pages 30-33

Working with other businesses on-site

pages 38-39

Improve your team’s problem-solving skills

pages 34-35

It’s time to reconnect reward to performance

pages 28-29

Increased Bereavement Leave entitlements

page 27

Understanding more about provisional tax

page 26

Systems to set you free

pages 22-23

Timber shortage

pages 20-21

Contract Works Insurance and the long-term impact of COVID-19

pages 12-13

Advertising spend

page 19

Putting our partners in the spotlight

page 18

Workwear for the ladies

page 11

Message from Technical and Education Manager

pages 8-9

Message from the Halo Board

page 10

Notice of Annual General Meeting

page 5
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