Grant Florence Chief Executive
Changes to NZCB Annual Events As a result of the changes to how we work and live due to the impact of COVID-19, regrettably this has required us to make changes to New Zealand Certified Builders (NZCB) annual events. Annual General Meeting As outlined in the formal notice of our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on page 3, the NZCB Board has decided to hold this year’s 22nd AGM electronically by Zoom, on the 22nd June 2020 at 5.30pm. The NZCB Board has also decided this year to defer the recognition of our members, e.g. awarding of any Life, Honorary, 10-year and 20-year memberships, to next year’s AGM. The NZCB Board believes that an important aspect of making these awards was for members to be recognised in the physical presence of their peers. Seeking nominations and subsequently celebrating this recognition of our members’ efforts and service will be continued again in 2021. In the interim, nominations for recognition received this year will be held over until 2021.
Annual Conference & Expo and Apprentice Challenge We also decided in late March to postpone both the annual Conference & Expo and the Apprentice Challenge until similar times in 2021. We have been fortunate to secure the same venue, speakers, and entertainment. The annual AGM, Conference & Expo and Apprentice Challenge Finals will be held from 10th–12th June 2021 at the TSB Arena and Shed 6 in Wellington, with the Apprentice Challenge regional competitions taking place on the 10th April 2021. If you have already registered for the Conference & Expo, your registration will roll over to the new dates above and all registration costs will remain the same.
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