Clacksfirst BID

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Clacksfirst BID Business Plan

1st April 2013 - 31st March 2018

Giving our members a competitive advantage by having their business located in the ClacksďŹ rst BID.


BID Business Plan 2013 - 2018

Forward by BID Chairman


Aims & Objectives of the Clacksfirst BID


Mission Statement of the Clacksfirst BID


The Objectives of the Clacksfirst BID


What is a Business Improvement District?


A BID can only proceed if...


What Clackmannanshire businesses wanted their BID to deliver in 2008


In response, this is what Clacksfirst BID has delivered...


Clackmannanshire businesses will benefit from continuing with Clacksfirst BID


Clackmannanshire’s BID Area


The BID Map


Streets in the BID Area


The Clacksfirst BID Levy


Who will pay the Clacksfirst BID levy?


Paying the BID Levy


Ensuring the BID delivers added value


The services already provided by Clackmannanshire Council


The services already provided by Central Scotland Police


The BID Ballot Process


We asked for your opinion...


Objectives for the Next 5 Years


BID Budget Income & Expenditure


Governance of the BID


The Clacksfirst Board consists of...


Roles & Responsibilities of the BID Board of Directors


The BID Management team


Roles & Responsibilities of the BID Management Team


Minimising risk


Communication with levy payers and stakeholders


Promoting the BID


Clacksfirst Board Members


For Clacksfirst BID to continue, it needs your support


Contact Information


The production of the Clacksfirst BID Business Plan 2013 - 2018 was funded by Clackmannanshire Business.

Forward by BID Chairman

Dear Colleagues, Welcome to the business plan for the Clacksfirst BID term. As you will have gathered from previous correspondence Clacksfirst BID is about to complete it’s first highly successful five-year term. It’s been a whirlwind of a time and we have achieved so much. This means that we need to come back to you, the businessmen and women of Clackmannanshire, to seek approval to continue this great project for a further five-year term. On top of delivering all the work and physical assets we now almost take for granted, the BID team has been busy talking to businesses throughout the BID area about what they like about the BID and what their priorities are for the future. This information has been analysed and used to produce the plan you are now reading. You will see that we plan to continue with our most important project - Security. From the feedback gathered through the Consultation Survey and face to face meetings, you have made it clear that security remains a priority. With that in mind and following a successful ballot, we will expand the Clacksfirst CCTV network beyond the entry and exit points and have mobile security officers patrolling our business parks and industrial estates. In addition to these two extremely effective crime reduction strategies, we will explore the possibility of improved lighting. Above and beyond, we want to play an active role in helping your business realise efficiencies through cost reduction and that is made all the more achievable by collective working and one collective voice giving us buying power not normally available to the single business. Each and every project we embark upon will be to the benefit of the BID Member. However, those projects can only be delivered if we have Clacksfirst BID to facilitate them.

04 | Forward by BID Chairman

Sometimes we need a reminder of what has been achieved especially when the projects have been delivered over a five year period. Pages 8 - 9 of the BID Business Plan detail all the projects delivered and hard work put in to the improvement of Clackmannanshire business parks and industrial estates. Once you have read the business plan, you will need to decide whether to vote in favour of the Clacksfirst BID and receiving all the great projects listed in this plan, projects determined by consultation with you and your feedback to us or whether you would risk a future without support, go it alone and weather whatever our uncertain economic future holds for us.

The success of Clacksfirst BID is driven not only by the capable team employed to deliver the work on the ground but by the team of business representatives who provide overall direction. If you are keen to find out how you can play a part in Clacksfirst BID or perhaps add your expertise to the board, don’t hesitate to get in touch and join our team.

I firmly believe that the choice is clear and I hope you will join me in supporting the second term of the Clacksfirst BID.

Jamie MacSween Chair of Clacksfirst Limited

Forward by BID Chairman | 05

Aims & Objectives of the Clacksfirst BID

The Aim of the Clacksfirst BID is: To ensure our Business Parks and Industrial Estates are safe, clean and attractive to investors. The BID will deliver a series of projects and services that will improve the working and trading environment within Clackmannanshire to benefit its businesses.

To give our members a competitive advantage by having their businesses located in the Clacksfirst BID.

The Objectives of the Clacksfirst BID are: • To continue to represent businesses to Clackmannanshire Council and Central Scotland Police. • To generate a higher level of local trade through greater information sharing and being a Business Hub. • To increase investment in Clackmannanshire through external funding using the levy as a financial lever. • To create a place in which businesses thrive through cooperation, collaboration and consultation. • To continue to raise Clackmannanshire’s profile and drive inward investment. • To continue to provide a strong collective, local voice for businesses in the BID area. • To continue to help businesses make cost savings through efficiency of scale. • To continue to help provide a cleaner, attractive and more dynamic business environment. • To continue to help provide a safe and secure business environment by day and night. • To represent and work more closely with Clackmannanshire’s Third sector.

06 | Aims & Objectives of the Clacksfirst BID

What is a Business Improvement District?

A Business Improvement District (BID) is about businesses working together and investing collectively in local improvements in addition to those delivered by the statutory authorities, which will be of benefit to the businesses involved whilst contributing to the sustainable economic growth of the local economy. By working together, businesses can reduce costs, share risks and create new platforms for growth. A BID is not a substitute for central or local government investment but an additional investment to strengthen the local economy and give local businesses a unified voice, helping to provide an arena for businesses and local authorities to increase their understanding of each others priorities.

BID Procedure...

The Business Improvement District (BID) initiative is growing

 For the ballot to be successful,

supporting sustainable economic growth.

and has a direct link to the Government’s Purpose of

there must be a minimum of 25% “turn-out” by number of eligible

The BID model is particularly relevant in the current economic

persons (the headcount) and by

climate. Its flexibility enables the private and public sectors to

combined rateable value.

work together and invest in improvements to the local business environment, while contributing to the wider

 A BID can only proceed if of those who vote; over 50% by

regeneration of the local community. Businesses also benefit from the sharing of good practice across BID areas.

number and 50% by combined rateable value must vote in favour of the BID.

Mr Derek Mackay Minister for Local Government and Planning

What is a Business Improvement District? | 07

What Clackmannanshire businesses wanted their BID to deliver in 2008 In spring 2008, the businesses that form Clacksfirst BID were asked to vote on whether they wanted a Business Improvement District. The result of the vote was a resounding yes with 84.4% of the businesses that voted casting their vote in favour of a BID. Businesses indicated their top priorities for the BID were: • Security & Crime Prevention

• Improved Accessibility

• Local Business Support & Marketing

• Local Roads & Transport

• Business Park / Industrial Estate Improvements

• Resource Efficiencies

In response, this is what Clacksfirst BID has delivered... Security & Crime Prevention  Clacksfirst CCTV Network installed on ten industrial estates / business parks - 16 ANPR cameras.  Clacksfirst Business Crime Watch with security alerts from Central Scotland Police.  Clacksfirst Business Crime Prevention CD/ROM with the Scottish Business Crime Centre.  Central Scotland Police carrying out security audits and patrolling the BID areas.  Forth Valley CCTV partnership offering additional CCTV coverage.  Clacksfirst security improvement grant scheme for members.  Crime prevention through environmental design programme with Scottish Business Crime Centre.

Improved Accessibility  Installed uniform entrance and directory board signage to every business park / industrial estate within the BID area - Almost 80 signs were installed throughout the BID area.  Removal of old and redundant signage that projected a less than dynamic image.  Arterial signage signposting to business parks / industrial estates - Total of 30 signposts.  Maintain, update and replace new signage and directory boards.

Local Business Support & Marketing  Represents businesses to Clackmannanshire Council on issues such as parking.  Through “Make it in Clacks” campaign projects a positive perception and raises external profile.  Reduction of waste / recycling costs through “The Big BID Recycle Project”.  Attracts inward investment impacting local economy.  Single point of contact for businesses.

08 | What Clackmannanshire businesses wanted their BID to deliver in 2008

Local Roads & Transport  Critical role ensuring Alva Industrial Estate experienced minimal disruption during school construction.  Worked closely with Clackmannanshire Council to improve bus shelter facilities.  Represented Ward Street businesses to Clackmannanshire Council over parking.  Informing members of cost cutting travel arrangements such as Tripshare Clacks.

Business Park / Industrial Estate Improvements  Significantly improved the visual impact of our industrial estates and business parks.  Partnership with Criminal Justice Service to facilitate the removal of pallets, graffiti and litter.  On-going environmental improvements - “Keep Scotland Beautiful Award” for initial work completed.  Installed external social areas for employees.  Floral planter displays - planted for Summer and Winter.  Winter contingency plan with over 25 salt bins located and stocked throughout the BID area.

Resource Efficiencies  Massively reduced fee for Ryden to appeal rates revaluation - Saving £78,000.  Secured £30,000 funding from Zero Waste Scotland to facilitate “The Big BID Recycle Project”.  Secured £125,000 of free work in kind from Criminal Justice Services.  Due to efficiency of scale negotiated huge £20,000 cost reduction for Clacksfirst CCTV.  Secured £5,000 funding from Clackmannanshire & Stirling Enterprise Trust.

In response, this is what Clacksfirst BID has delivered... | 09

The BID Benefits...

Clackmannanshire businesses will benefit from continuing with Clacksfirst BID. With Clacksfirst BID, we will continue to improve security, seek additional funding and enhance the image and perception of the business parks whilst representing members through a single point of contact giving businesses in the BID area a greater voice than any business going it alone. Without Clacksfirst BID, there would be no: •

Clacksfirst CCTV

Clacksfirst signage

Direct representation to Clackmannanshire Council

Rapid response to graffiti or fly-tipping

Security alerts

Security audits from Central Scotland Police

Collective rates revaluation appeals

Security grant schemes

Free recycling

Partnership benefits

Clacksfirst salt bins or winter contingency plan

Additional, external funding

Floral planters or environmental enhancements

Marketing of Clackmannanshire business

Collective voice

Basically, all of the physical assets put in place by Clacksfirst will fall into disrepair and the partnerships created will disappear through the absence of one strong and collective voice.

10 | Clackmannanshire businesses will benefit from continuing with Clacksfirst BID

A vibrant business community is vital for Clackmannanshire and it is therefore essential that our businesses can operate in as safe and as crime free an environment as possible. By working in partnership with the Police, Clacksfirst BID are striving to make Clackmannanshire one of the safest places to do business in Scotland. The established process of passing on information regarding recent crimes, crime trends and up and coming threats to the business districts ensures they can be best prepared to protect themselves. Previous work has seen the development of a Scotland first interactive crime prevention CD/ROM, incorporating a crime prevention self assessment with specific advice and I would actively encourage businesses to continue to refer to the CD/ROM and continue to keep the lines of communication open. The threat that a major crime poses to a small business is significant and I would encourage local business to take a proactive approach to crime prevention and security. The risk of criminality will continue and by working together we can go some way to minimising this threat.

Chief Inspector Stephen Sneddon Central Scotland Police

Clackmannanshire businesses will benefit from continuing with Clacksfirst BID | 11

Clackmannanshire’s BID Area

The Clackmannanshire BID area consists of 10 business parks and industrial estates, accommodating approximately 200 businesses (fluctuations in business numbers occur due to both inward and outward business migration). The BID is illustrated below and the business parks and industrial estates listed by address.










Businesses should realise that being part of the Clacksfirst BID is advantageous provided we engage with it. The changes that have evolved over the past five years are startling, none more so than the Clacksfirst signage and Clacksfirst CCTV. These enhancements contributed towards Harviestoun expanding the business in Clackmannanshire.

Chris Miller MD Harviestoun Brewery

12 | Clackmannanshire’s BID Area

Streets in the BID Area

Business Park




Hillfoots Business Village

FK12 5DQ

Alva Industrial Estate

FK12 5DQ

Tazcalgan Court

FK13 6BP

Cleuch Mill

FK13 6BP

Barnpark Drive

FK13 6BZ

The E Centre

FK10 3LP

Cooperage Way

FK10 3LP

Carsebridge Court

FK10 3LQ

Millar Court

FK10 3SA

Alloa Business Centre

FK10 3SA

Hilton House

FK10 3SA

Whins Road

FK10 3SA

Whins Road

FK10 3RH

Whins Road

FK10 3TA

Trade Centre

Bruce Street

FK10 1RX



FK10 1NT

Ward Street

FK10 1ET

Castle Street

FK10 1EU

The Shore

FK10 1HA

Glasshouse Loan

FK10 1PE


FK10 1NT

Broad Street

FK10 1AN

North Castle Street

FK10 1EX

The Harlands

FK10 1TB

The Pavillions

FK10 1TA

The Pleasures

FK10 1TD

New Struan School

FK10 1NP

Blackgrange Cambus

FK10 2PG


FK10 2PT

Bond Street

FK10 2PB


Cooperage Way

Alloa Business Centre

The Whins

Alloa West

Midtown Dumyat

Streets in the BID Area | 13

The Clacksfirst BID Levy

The Clacksfirst BID Levy: An equitable and fair way of funding projects and services that the local authority is not obliged to deliver will be collected from the 1st April 2013 for a period of five years and ending 31st March 2018. It will be collected by Clackmannanshire Council’s Revenue Services Department and held separate to council funds in a BID revenue account. Clacksfirst BID levy is set at: • 1.5% of rateable value for property occupiers. • 1.0% of rateable value for proprietors. • 2.5% of rateable value for owner occupiers. These percentages equate to: Property RV

Proprietor BID levy (1% RV)

Proprietor Daily Cost

Occupier BID levy (1.5% RV)

Occupier Daily Cost

Owner Occupier levy (2.5% RV)

Owner Occupier Daily Cost



















































BID Exempt

14 | The Clacksfirst BID Levy

Who will pay the Clacksfirst BID levy?

All eligible persons (i.e. those liable to pay

The levy will rise with inflation, linked to the

non-domestic rates) - property owners, tenants and

Government’s Retail Price Index (RPI) unless the

property occupiers who own or occupy property

BID Board of Directors vote against.

with a rateable value between £2,000 and £1,000,000 at a single property address within the

Any additional rateable property formed, created,

BID area will be required to pay the BID levy.

subdivided or merged during the lifetime of the BID will be liable to pay the levy. For example, new

A business site / property with a rateable value

building developments, alterations to use

exceeding £1,000,000 will be included within the

(domestic property becoming commercial

BID area but will not pay the levy and therefore will

property), etc.

not be eligible to vote in BID ballot. Any non-payment of the BID levy will be vigorously A business site / property with a rateable value of

pursued with all statutory powers available being

less than £2,000 will be included within the BID area

enforced to ensure financial fairness to those

but not pay a levy and therefore will not be eligible to

businesses that have paid their levy contribution.

vote in the BID ballot. All eligible non-domestic properties within the BID area, with a rateable value on the day of the ballot The list of eligible BID levy payers and their

will be liable for the investment levy including

contribution will be updated by the BID

Clackmannanshire Council.

management team throughout the duration of the BID, new businesses and new developments,

Proprietors and tenants are liable for their part of

including new property owners and property

the levy (1%) when any of their property is

occupiers to the BID area will be required to pay the

unoccupied. This means that proprietors and

BID levy subject to the exemptions above.

tenants will not be unfairly disadvantaged when sitting with empty properties.

Businesses that operate within the BID area for less than one full calendar year will be levied on a daily basis to the amount payable for a calendar year. Proprietors are liable for their part of the levy (1%) when their property is unoccupied or untenanted. This means that properties will not be unfairly disadvantaged when sitting with empty properties.

Who will pay the Clacksfirst BID levy? | 15

Paying the BID Levy

The BID levy will be payable annually in one installment or dependent on circumstances by direct debit.

Businesses will have their invoice mailed on the 1st April 2013 with payment to be made within 28 days.

Clackmannanshire Council Revenue Services Department will collect the levy on behalf of ClacksďŹ rst Limited. Collection and enforcement arrangements for the BID levy will be carried out by Clackmannanshire Council using the full recovery powers available to the Council.

16 | Paying the BID Levy

The benefits of the BID to Thredgards Ltd. have been the power businesses have as a collective for purchasing, shared knowledge and B2B trading. Added to that, we have the shared security knowledge from Clacksfirst and Central Scotland Police regarding local incidents and things to look our for. With the installation of the networked CCTV system, we also now have another level of security which acts as a great deterrent for would be troublemakers. With the collective power of local businesses getting together, the launch and continued success of Imagine Alloa has been pivotal in attracting new businesses and jobs to Clackmannanshire, as well as raising the profile of Clackmannanshire nationally. All of this has come about because of the BID.

David Haswell General Manager, Thredgards Ltd.

Paying the BID Levy | 17

Ensuring the BID delivers added value

A baseline service agreement ensures ClacksďŹ rst BID does not use the levy money to duplicate any services provided by Clackmannanshire Council or Central Scotland Police.

The services directly delivered by the BID must be additional to any statutory service and be an effective and efficient use of the levy funds.

The baseline services agreement gives an assurance to business owners that the levy payment will be used for additional projects which they voted on in the BID ballot. In addition, a baseline agreement avoids the risk that public agencies including Clackmannanshire Council will not reduce its current statutory level of service to the BID area following a successful ballot.

18 | Ensuring the BID delivers added value

The services already provided by Clackmannanshire Council: Litter Removal: Street sweeping and the removal of litter from carriageways and footpaths maintained by Clackmannanshire Council. Street Lighting: Street lighting columns are checked once per fortnight to ensure that they are working and in a safe state of repair. New Developments: Carriageways, footways, footpaths, lighting, surface water drainage, etc. Maintenance: Will be carried out in accordance with Development Services “amended version” of Well Maintained Highways. Signage: Signing will normally commence from where the route to the estate or park leaves the last classified road but sensible discretion will be exercised. Winter Maintenance: Adopted roads and footways are maintained. Bus Shelters and Bus Stops: Those owned by Clackmannanshire Council will be maintained and cleaned on a six week cycle.

The services already provided by Central Scotland Police: Baseline Information provided by Chief Inspector Stephen Sneddon, Central Scotland Police.

In keeping with the objectives of the BID, I would see Central Scotland Police contributing to the overall aim by specifically contributing to the objectives of the BID. The local Police will work with Business with the aim of reducing all types of crime, the fear of crime and make the Business Parks safer places to work, visit and conduct business from. The Policing Authority will provide free advice when requested on: •

Crime prevention surveys.

Security advice.

Good working practice advice.

Relevant literature and leaflets.

Run workshops / training for groups of businesses with similar crime problems.

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED).

Chief Inspector Stephen Sneddon Central Scotland Police

The services already provided by Clackmannanshire Council | The services already provided by Central Scotland Police | 19

The BID Ballot Process

• The BID ballot is a confidential postal ballot conducted by the Electoral Reform Services on behalf of Clackmannanshire Council (the ballot holder) at the request of Clacksfirst (the BID proposer) in accordance with the Scottish BIDs Legislation. • Prior to the ballot taking place, a “Notice of Ballot” will have been issued to all businesses in the BID area. • Ballot papers will be posted to every eligible business located in the BID area and addressed to the person responsible for casting a vote for that business. • Where a business property is vacant, the voting papers will be sent to the property owner. • Ballot papers will be issued on Wednesday 13th February 2013. • The final date for all ballot papers to be returned is no later than 5pm on Wednesday 27th March 2013. Papers received after 5pm will not be counted. • Voting papers are easy to complete, simply place a cross on either “yes” or “no” to the question “are you in favour of a BID?”. The ballot paper must then be signed by the person eligible to vote and returned in the pre-paid envelope. • For the ballot to be successful there must be a minimum of 25% “turn-out” by number of eligible persons and by combined rateable value. • Of those who vote, over 50% by number and 50% by combined rateable value must vote in favour of the BID. • All eligible voters, those persons liable to pay non-domestic rates will have one vote or where an eligible voter has more than one business, that individual shall be eligible to cast more than one vote however they will be required to pay the levy for each of the properties that they occupy. • If an eligible person (a property owner or tenant) owns or tenants more than one property or properties, which are vacant; and they are liable to pay the non-domestic rate, then that person will be eligible to cast one vote however, the rateable value for each of the properties will be combined. They will also have to pay the levy for each vacant property that they own or tenant.

20 | The BID Ballot Process

• The ballot papers will be counted on Thursday 28th March 2013 and the results announced within one week. • Following a successful ballot, the BID will commence on 1st April 2013 and will run for a period of five years until the 31st March 2018. • A positive ballot result is binding on all businesses within the BID area. • If you inadvertently spoil your ballot paper in such a manner that it cannot be conveniently used as a ballot paper, please return it to Electoral Reform Services. If the spoilt ballot paper is received by Electoral Reform Services later than three working days before the day of the ballot, then the replacement may not be received in time to be returned. • Lost ballot papers can be replaced at any time throughout the ballot period between 13th February 2013 and 27th March 2013. • Some eligible persons (voters) may receive more than one ballot paper - this will occur if they are eligible to cast a vote for more than one property for which they - or the Company they represent - are liable to pay the non-domestic rate. Each ballot paper counts as a vote therefore, it is vitally important to complete and return all ballot papers.

When we were initially part of BID, we felt that it was an expense with no benefit to our business. However, we have found it extremely cost-effective and it has brought benefits that we hope will continue. Some of the financial benefits to us include having graffiti removed, litter collected from our grounds on many occasions and a salt bin provided which is replenished by the BID. More recently there is the CCTV and The Big BID Recycle Project, two benefits that are helpful from a security, safety and insurance point of view. Apart from the financial benefit, it is always nice to feel part of a community which I think the BID is working towards.

Annemarie Tigg Central Furniture Distribution

The BID ballot process | 21

We asked for your opinion...

During July 2012, a questionnaire was hand delivered to every business in the BID area to establish what level of awareness there was of the BID, what businesses think of the BID, how it can be improved and which projects and services they value most and would like the next BID to deliver. During August 2012 the questionnaire was made available online via Survey Monkey and as well as conducting face-to-face meetings with BID members.

You told us you wanted to: • Continue to focus on Security in the BID Area. • Continue to remove graffiti, pallets, litter and flytipping. • Continue to develop, maintain and manage Clacksfirst CCTV. • Continue Security Alerts/Business Watch Scheme. • Continue to research and investigate funding opportunities for additional BID projects.

22 | We asked for your opinion...

The security grant we received from Clacksfirst BID enabled us to install two CCTV cameras in our reception. With a lot of clients attending meetings as well as other agencies using our premises we had, for a long time felt that there was a health and safety issue with a single member of staff working alone at the front of the building. The CCTV cameras are connected to a monitor in the Admin Office therefore it is now possible to monitor who is coming and going from our premises. The system also records 24/7, 7 days a week.

Norrie Moane Signpost Recovery

We asked for your opinion... | 23

Objectives for the Next 5 Years

Based on the feedback provided by the businesses, whether by returned questionnaires, online surveys, telephone surveys or face to face meetings, the following objectives have been suggested for this business plan and approved by the BID Management Group.

1. Security & Crime Prevention: To further reduce the threat of vandalism, theft and ensure employee safety.  Further develop Clacksfirst CCTV network identifying specific vulnerable spaces.  Employ security officers to patrol BID business parks / industrial estates.  Improve standard of lighting where required.  Business Crime Watch alerting businesses to crimes of note as they occur.  Security Improvement Grant initiative assisting businesses to secure their premises.  Crime reduction partnerships with Central Scotland Police and Scottish Business Crime Centre.  Removal of pallets and other debris that can be used to enter or damage premises. Timing

This project and its component parts will be on-going throughout the term of the BID.

Cost to BID

£25,000 per annum.


Reduced level of crime with the possibility of reduced insurance costs.

Benefit to levy payer

Greater sense of safety and security.

2. Make it in Clacks: To engender greater business-to-business and drive local trading  Create an information-sharing forum for Clackmannanshire businesses to trade local.  Develop to accommodate free local advertising opportunities.  Promote and represent businesses within the BID to Clackmannanshire Council.  Drive local trade through clear communication, improved networking and thought leadership.  Create a concise Clacksfirst BID business directory and drive traffic through communication.  Promote Clackmannanshire and its businesses through the “Make it in Clacks” campaign.  Provide businesses with marketing and business consultation and assistance. Timing

The foundation to this project will be delivered during the first year of the new term.

Cost to BID

£9,000 per annum.


Increase in local B2B trade and external investment to Clackmannanshire.

Benefit to levy payer

Increased opportunity to establish new business opportunities.

24 | Objectives for the Next 5 Years

The Clacksfirst BID has a strong relationship with the Scottish Business Crime Centre resulting in the launch of Scotland’s first interactive Business Crime Prevention DVD. Without Clacksfirst BID as our partner this would not have happened.

Mandy Haeburn-Little Chief Executive, Scottish Business Crime Centre

3. Business Park & Industrial Estate Enhancements / Maintenance: To further enhance visual impact.  Deliver or install physical improvements such as recycling bins, tables and benches.  Work with Clackmannanshire Council to deliver facilities and services.  Maintain and update directory board signage and CCTV network when required.  Removal of pallets, graffiti, litter and other negative environmental impacts.  Seasonal floral planter displays and landscape work.  Deliver winter contingency plan stocking Clacksfirst salt bins with de-icing salt.


On-going throughout the BID term.

Cost to BID

Valued at £9,000 per annum with much of the work delivered in kind.


Visual impact and relevant assets in keeping with requirements.

Benefit to levy payer

Maintained physical assets for staff safety and pleasure.

4. Efficiency Through Scale: To capitalise on the collective negotiating power of 200 members.  Work across sectors, remaining relevant to identify business needs and negotiate as a collective.  Establish training partnerships to deliver mandatory and other training requirements.  Secure funding to deliver projects that benefit the business community and employees.  Continue developing partnership opportunities delivering free work and services.  Guarantee ‘best price’ where levy investment is required.  Work collectively with BIDs Scotland to bring projects to Clackmannanshire that will benefit business.


On-going throughout the BID term.

Cost to BID

£5,000 per annum.


The number of projects or services funded or part-funded.

Benefit to levy payer

Reduced operating costs.

Objectives for the Next 5 Years | 25

BID Budget Income & Expenditure













Security & Crime Prevention







Make it in Clackmannanshire







Enhancement & Maintenance







Efficiency through scale







Unplanned projects





















Unused Income








Levy Project Expenditure

Delivery Costs

The income figures above only reflect income from the BID levy and not revenue brought in through ‘work in kind’ or additional funding.

As an indication, over the last five years the BID has sourced funding and ‘in kind’ support in excess of £200,000 over and above the levy.

Since Clacksfirst BID’s inception, Clackmannanshire Council has valued the work of the BID and has contributed significantly through the provision of offices, telephones, IT and administrative support. It is the intention of the council to continue to support the delivery of the Clacksfirst BID over the next five year period. Notwithstanding this, the council will be required to periodically review its position and implement budget savings as a consequence of reduced central government funding affecting all local authorities. With this in mind Clacksfirst BID anticipates financial and ‘in-kind’ support from...

26 | BID Budget Income & Expenditure



















(”Make it in Clackmannanshire”) £10,000






Other Sponsorship Anticipated






Contribution in Kind & Other Income Anticipated

Clackmannanshire Council Contribution in Kind Value of CJS Work (Enhancement & Maintenance) Marketing Campaigns


Clacksfirst Limited reserve the right to amend, alter or cancel projects and services to reflect changes in economic or financial circumstances or any new opportunities that may arise. This will be in the best interests of the businesses and the good financial management of the company, without recourse to an alteration ballot.

Criminal Justice Service has a great partnership with Clacksfirst BID. Whether it’s landscape work, pallet removal, filling grit bins, graffiti removal or installing street furniture, we’re happy to work with BID to deliver a resource that the businesses wouldn’t have without Clacksfirst.

Gary Weir Criminal Justice Service

BID Budget Income & Expenditure | 27

Governance of the BID

Since 2008, the BID Management Team and Board of Directors have delivered the BID projects, as laid out in the 2008 Business Plan. This will continue to be the case following a successful renewal ballot. Places on the Clacksfirst Board of Directors are open to enthusiastic, levy-paying business owners or managers willing to give their time and expertise freely for the benefit of Clacksfirst BID members.

The board, where possible, will be structured to ensure that every industrial estate and business park is represented. Clackmannanshire Council and Central Scotland Police are represented on the board.

Business owners can nominate themselves or a designated representative of their business to the Board of Directors at anytime to the Board of Directors.

The Clacksfirst Board consists of: • Maximum twelve private sector positions. • One position for a representative of Clackmannanshire Council. • One non-voting, co-opted advisory board member place for Central Scotland Police. • Director places are voluntary and unpaid.

Roles & Responsibilities of the BID Board of Directors: • Developing and agreeing policy. • Providing strategic direction and support to the staff team. • Monitoring and evaluating the performance. • Agreeing the annual budget and ensuring best practise in financial management. • Corporate governance.

28 | Governance of the BID

The BID Management Team

Following a successful ballot, the structure of the management team will consist of a manager and a part-time administrator with administrative support provided through Clackmannanshire Council. The team is accountable to the company board of directors.

Roles & Responsibilities of the BID Management Team: • Deliver the projects and objectives of the Business Plan. • Maintain direct communication with BID levy payers and stakeholders. • Financial management. • Monitor performance. • Seek and secure additional funding. Minimising risk The Board will take all necessary steps to minimise any risk associated with the BID, financially or otherwise by only using reputable contractors to deliver BID projects. The Board will also adopt best practice in governance and operational procedures whilst being open and transparent in its operations. The company will undergo an independent evaluation of its activities at the half way point and towards the end of the second term to ensure it is delivering all the projects and services in this Business Plan. Communication with levy payers and stakeholders Clacksfirst Limited will liaise with all levy payers and stakeholders by all means necessary at its disposal newsletters, email, media coverage, website, social media, meetings and networking sessions. This will ensure that levy payers are kept informed of the progress the BID is making on their behalf and ensure that the levy payer is kept abreast of any potential business opportunities. Promoting the BID All BID projects and services will be branded to clearly inform levy payers and all interested parties of the activities and progress of the Clacksfirst BID. The Clacksfirst BID will continue to play its part in the national BIDs network and will collaborate with other BIDs in exchanging good practice ideas whilst maximising the collective strength of BIDs by working closely with BIDs Scotland. The current BID Management Group is leading the renewal ballot.

The BID Management Team | 29

Clacksfirst Board Members

Jamie MacSween (Chair)

Igento Ltd

Graham Struthers (Vice Chair)

GS Lighting Ltd

Neil Sharpe (Financial Director)

Benkert UK Ltd

Julie Hamilton

Clackmannanshire Council

David Anderson

Hamilton & Brydie

Mike Mulraney

Mulraney Group

Barbara McCallum

Albion Mobility

Angela Ogilvie

Ceteris Ltd

Robert Marshall

Marshall Construction

Colin Lynch

Blyth Utilities Ltd

Stephen Sneddon

Superintendent, Central Scotland Police

For Clacksfirst BID to continue, it needs your support The current annual levy budget is approximately £100,000. This has been supplemented during the first five year term with over £200,000 of additional funds and work ‘in kind’ and has been used solely to fund projects and services that make the BID area safe and secure whilst reducing costs to the businesses.

If businesses vote against the BID continuing, there will be no investment in Clackmannanshire’s business parks and industrial estates. If businesses vote yes to a further five year BID term, at least £1/2 million pounds will be invested during the next five years.

Thank you for taking the time to read this important document. It is vital that you understand the benefits a future BID will deliver. If there is any part of the business plan you are unsure about please do not hesitate to contact the BID Project Manager:

Kevin Deighan 01259 727312 • Clacksfirst Limited, Kilncraigs, Greenside Street, Alloa, FK10 1EB

Kevin Deighan Kilncraigs Business Centre, Greenside Street Alloa, FK10 1EB

01259 727 312

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