When Worlds Combine

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Orange Institute 11




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Orange Institute sessions immerse our community of innovation leaders from major companies and public institutions into the selected terroir so that conversations have a rich context unique to that location. Here, the 11th session of Orange Institute takes a moment to celebrate our return to Stanford University as part of the 2013 Silicon Valley segment of the program.

About Orange Institute Orange Institute was founded in 2009 as a separate subsidiary of Orange with the goal of stimulating ongoing, independent and unbiased investigation of networked models of all kinds, helping its cross-industry community of innovation leaders better prepare for the rapid transformations that digital innovations are spawning in our networked society. Orange Institute organizes intensive multi-day “immersion workshops” in key digital innovation clusters around the world, such as Silicon Valley. Participants in the sessions meet and connect with new people, ideas and products in places that are shaping and defining today’s and tomorrow’s digital landscape. The faculty of Orange Institute is global, multidisciplinary, and today comprises over 150 world-changing men and women, drawn from industry, academia, non-profits, and startup ecosystems of three continents. An Orange Institute session is about learning dynamically in a non-linear world. It involves pragmatic altruism—the realization that it is in our organizations’ best interests to share dynamically between members and faculty in an intimate and open discussion, free from commercial agendas. Topics and themes chosen by Orange Institute are selected on the basis of their relevance to global companies, their emergent nature as new trends, and their potential to generate new insights for our members.


SV 9 Welcome Remarks

8 Conversations About Disruption 10 Narratives for the New Enterprise 12 Almost Human: AI is the New UI 14 When Newton met Von Neumann: Remixing Atoms and Data 16 Orange Fab Demo Day 18 Twitter HQ Visit 19 Youtube HQ Visit 20 Aaron Levie 22 Space is the Place: Changing the World by Changing the Way We Work 24 Streams of Dreams: Premium Content via the Cloud

LA 28 From the Studio to the Data Center: Digital Cinema in Action 30 Digital First Studios: The Rise of Entertainment Platforms 32 The Next 100 Years: Hollywood’s Digital Century 36 Conversation with Rob Friedman 38 Chateau Marmont 40 From Sand to Silicon: Where LA Startup Culture is Going 32 The Story is Changing: New Trends, New Audiences for Narrative 44 Devoe House 46 Creating New Worlds: Immersive Content via New Technology

48 Tweets & Acknowledgments 50 Speakers 52 Participants 3

For Orange Institute 11: When Worlds Combine, we were joined by members of the Orange Executive Committee, led by Orange CEO Stephane Richard, as well as members of the press, academia, and the Silicon Valley ecosystem.


Hollywood is one of the world’s most iconic brands, and while it is much older, every day brings it closer to that other great California brand: Silicon Valley. Orange Institute #11 was conceived from the very beginning as an exploration of that connection—or as we call it, this “combination”—between a major capital of creatives and the world capital of technology. We are pleased to bring you this report—our synthesis of the most ambitious and well-attended session of Orange Institute since its inception in 2009. To tell the story of how story-telling is changing we took the largest and most diverse group of members ever across a week-long journey through two cities, over 12 different venues including Twitter, YouTube, and two major studio lots to converse with over 40 experts in the Valley and Los Angeles. Along the way we heard from three of the most important VCs working in California today: Ben Horowitz, Mike Maples, and LA’s own Mark Suster, and arguably the most articulate founder from the consumerized IT sector, Aaron Levie. The “we” I refer to included CMOs, CIOs, former faculty from previous sessions, and a generous representation of Orange’s own executive committee, led by Stephane Richard, CEO and Chairman of Orange. We want to thank Dominique Delport, Global Managing Director Havas Media Group and his team for supporting this collaborative learning expedition. Understanding the magnitude of the reconfigurations sweeping businesses and players, and the roles we each play, is best done collaboratively, with different perspectives coming to bear. We feel honored to be able to operate the Orange Institute platform for this activity, which we call ‘pragmatic generosity’, since it benefits us all. The story of a combinatorial wave sweeping over creative and technical industries is one that will be playing out inside our companies and between them in the months and years to come. We who attended Orange Institute #11 know that now! The Orange Institute journey will continue. We are excited with the prospect of putting together new learning and sharing expeditions, so that we can sustain our propensity and disposition to be surprised and inspired. Together. There is no limit to constructive curiosity. With gratitude for your participation,

Georges Nahon President, Orange Institute


SV Orange Silicon Valley 60 Spear St. San Francisco, CA

Autodesk 1 Market St. San Francisco, CA

Twitter 1355 Market St. San Francisco, CA

Youtube 901 Cherry Ave. San Bruno, CA

Stanford Faculty Club 439 Lagunita Dr. Stanford, CA

NVidia 2701 San Tomas Expy. Santa Clara, CA

Welcome to Orange Institute Orange CEO StÊphane Richard lays out a roadmap for the week ahead: noting that networks are engineered for combining data, video and content of all kinds, he points to a larger combination of creative talents and technical wizardry. These new layers are being built on a tower called the SMAC Stack (Social, Mobile, Analytics, and Cloud). This stack is leveling barriers to entry and disrupting incumbents on both sides of the network/content divide, and Stephane reminds us that the power of Institute is the collaborative learning that can happen when individuals from many organizations come together to understand what’s next.

8 Orange Silicon Valley

passionate A methodical but gate PLES of Flood investor, MIKE MA ’. ds ar er Liz discusses ‘Thund

n io t p u r is D t u o b A Conversations Disruption is not a stroke of genius, but a concerted effort to displace incumbents with entrenched ways of doing things. Savvy investors have rules and criteria for picking startups who do this: we’ll talk to some of the Valley’s best-known VCs who fund disruptor to make out-sized returns.


Managing Partner, Floodgate Exponential growth started with Moore’s law in the Valley, but Mike Maples is driving it deep into his investment thesis, and challenging large companies to shift from linear to exponential thinking as well. Even more macro: Maples posits that true capitalism and competition are opposites, and that Jerry’s (Garcia) Law of Capitalism applies to all disruptors: ‘don’t be the best, be the only.’

“ Failure is not a sin; not

trying for the big idea is the sin. —Mike Maples

9 Orange Silicon Valley

is a data scientist b for 100,000 who manages a hu geeks. other like-minded RD


asserts CMOs agenda”. “own the growth IA



helps us move fro rsuasion. presentation to pe ELISSA FINK


is r p r e t n E w e N e h Narratives for t

Lessons from the Consumer Web have changed the $350 Bn Enterprise Software business forever. The ‘consumerization of IT’ has exploded in the past few years to create new enterprise service providers who have leveraged Big Data and ‘push-button’ interfaces into healthy IPOs and market caps.




Chief Marketing Officer, Marketo.

Chief Marketing Officer, Tableau

President & Chief Scientist, Kaggle

The Social Marketer par excellence, Sanjay Dholakia exhorts the group of marketers to ‘own the growth agenda.’ His perspective is anticipatory and datadriven: “70% of every buying process is done before buyer even talks to a brand or company,” and the inevitable logic is “if you wait, you’ve lost.” The use of content by brands, by its customers, to engage continuously, is the laser focus of this leading-edge practitioner.

Tableau Software, another successful IPO in the enterprise space, is all about helping people see and understand their data. This is a huge opportunity – as big as the decadeslong footprint of Excel itself, and since it involves visual processing, occupies 70% of our brain function.

Machine learning, around since 1954, is coming into its own, with proof-points in autonomous driving, document translation, generation of written text from data, and winning game shows against humans. Kaggle is a hub for 100,000 data scientists, who have common traits: creativity, curiosity, tenacity, solid programming skills. Howard, himself a data scientist, believes deeply in the exponential march of the machines: sorry, but “humans are not improving anything exponentially.”

“ If you tell me, it’s an

essay, if you show me, it’s a story. —Elissa Fink

10 Orange Silicon Valley

“ What I do,

and what I express interest in, is way more important than who I am.” —Sanjay Dholakia

11 Orange Silicon Valley

and EAU-GOLENCER Tempo AI’s DONN er rm fo GH are co-founder RAJ SIN a spin-out. on s er SRI research L takes


y is leading the wa rie e expe nce forward to a Siri-lik Things. for the Internet of SHAI LEIB

us behind the


scenes of everyth


U w e N e h t is I A : Almost Human

Artifical Intelligence/Machine learning + APIs + sensors/devices + speech recognition is the new math for crafting user experiences that mimic the way humans interact with each other. Virtual Personal Assistants and hi-tech wearables are just two new product categories springing to life from this trend: ‘talk to me’ is the new ‘click here’.




Product Marketing Manager, Autodesk

Co-Founder, Tempo AI

Founder/CEO, Ask Ziggy

Our host from Autodesk, Maurice Patel is at home in the world of story-telling in all its forms: videogames are a special focus. We visit the interior of the human brain and Maurice helps us understand how it recoils from an ‘Uncanny Valley’ when it becomes disturbingly close to human. We learn tricks of the trade, and understand that as technology proceeds exponentially, it is never quite enough.

Personal assistants are defined by SRI visionary Norm Winarsky as ‘software that learns and completes tasks for you’—Thierry has worked at SRI and carries the knowledge of what’s to come to mobile platforms. He sees mobiles becoming anticipatory, able to predict what we need next, and he calls this modality the ‘smart’ layer. Sensors + Data + AI in the smartphone will drive this new experience, and Tempo is using the calendar as the entry-point, because it embodies our intent.

Shai is a one-man army, up against scores of well-financed speech teams at Apple and Google, with a focus on speech recognition in context. He also is fanatical about the user experience, and AI’s ability to “listen, and land you there” in a way that involves zero learning curve. Shai’s ambitions are exponential, and to get there he has created a framework that allows any developer to tap into the language assets needed to speech-enable apps without being a domain expert.

12 Autodesk Gallery

A big part “ of our ability to communicate is empathy. —Maurice Patel

To be “ conversational doesn’t really take that much effort.

—Shai Leib

13 Autodesk Gallery

of Nanosatisfi lley models putting Silicon Va R


focuses Intel’s a nce world on how we experie ented by data. infused and augm

is into space.


e agrees that spac CEO DAVE KENNEY r fo int ntage po is the very best va ns. tio rva se weather ob

: n n a m u e N n o en Newton met V Data


Remixing Atoms


Algorithmic intervention into the physical and built world is dragging us quickly to the Internet of Things (IoT). We present three wildly eclectic talks on how we connect objects—even natural phenomena—with data in new ways.




Research Scientist, Intel

Chairman and CEO, Weather Company

Founder/CEO, Nanosatisfi

Intel IXR is about Interaction and Experience Research, and Jennifer’s focus on the automotive industry is called ‘Where the Data Hits the Road’—apt given the car as a collection of sensors and connectivity. Jennifer is a design researcher and studies how people drive, using all those sensors to collect data, analyze it, and envision a world where that data is shared with other cars, and the infrastructure around them. Car as Data, Infrastructure as Context, dynamically made available to the car, for dynamic traffic rules, parking reservations, and autonomous driving.

As the CEO of the Weather Company, Kenney is perfectly entitled to discuss “Acts of God, Data of Man”—to which we could append, ‘Monetization by Advertisers.’ It turns out Kenney’s company is constantly finding new ways to monetize weather data—not just any data, but the freshest, most localized, annotated global weather data anywhere. Selling not just space, but non-media plays as well: airline companies getting almost-realtime data about turbulence. Behind it all, the ‘Acts of Man:’ driving climate change in a way that makes this product ever more valuable.

From the Sputnik to Kickstarter: Peter has moved from rocket scientist for NASA to entrepreneur crowdfunding the PC’s of space travel: the Mooresian transition from mainframe to PC is happening now with space technology. Business models for Space are changing as well: peer-to-peer, open source, a hacking intent that leads to high school science classes doing experiments in space. The inspirational payload is way above the miniaturized physical platform. We are energized by the closing vision of Big Data in Space, available to us all.

14 Autodesk Gallery

“ The freshest data makes the difference.

—Jennifer Healey

“I want to

die on Mars, just not on impact.

—Elon Musk on space travel

15 Autodesk Gallery

Richard Waters d [CEO, Orange] Stéphane Richar

[West Coast Editor,

Financial Times]


, Andreessen-Horo

Ben Horowitz [VC

y a D o m e D b a F e Orang The first of several soirees. This evening is a big one, combining the delegates with 40+ Silicon Valley friends of Orange, one CEO (Stéphane Richard), one world-class VC (Ben Horowitz of Andreessen-Horowitz), six startups, and the one accelerator that made all of this happen: Orange Fab. The evening starts with a conversation moderated by Financial Times’ Richard Waters between Stéphane Richard and Ben Horowitz: on some things they disagree (Ballmer’s Microsoft legacy), on others they align (remuneration of ISPs for traffic-driven Capex). Then the six startups pitch, then the conversations continue. Fade to smiles.

16 Orange Silicon Valley

17 Orange Silicon Valley

Twitter HQ Visit As President of Revenue, Adam Bain has responsibility for a company on the eve of an IPO to generate revenue sufficient to pay for more than 2,000 employees in offices around the world. While retaining a culture that wants to build a company “in a way that makes us proud”—and a product that is live, public and conversational. The focus is on Everyday, Events, and TV: all a succession of moments, and a brand mandate to #OwnTheMoment. Jean-Philippe Maheu is a data scientist focused on the complex mesh of hashtags and TV shows, sentiment, and intent. Using gorgeous data viz, we see how Twitter becomes a realtime global water-cooler, spreading word of mouth about TV shows—and the ads that come with them—in patterns we are just starting to understand.

“ Smart marketers are planning for Moments in advance. ” —Adam Bain

18 Twitter Headquarters

A Visit with YouT ube Tom has a laser focus on the creators of YouTube who bring 1 billion visitors a month, consuming 6 billion hours of video. The energy and money that goes into helping ‘channelize’ this oceanic creativity, and provides a mix of content rights, social media, and analytics tools to marry content with brands for ad-based and subscription monetization models – YouTube is a brand’s video publishing platform, either direct or with others.

“ In this world there are no gatekeepers, now it’s a

world of abundance vs a world of scarcity.

—Tom Pickett

19 YouTube Headquarters

O Co-Founder & CE ed lov s to be of Box.com, want d by IT. an s er us equally by


ie v e L n o r a A h it w Conversation The dynamic co-founder of Box.com is an outspoken advocate for organizational change and enterprise evolution. In this free-ranging talk, Levie hits on the changes that are driving incumbents to adapt or be left behind.


Co-Founder & CEO of Box.com

A cloud service itself, Box uses 25 different cloud services to run its business. —Aaron Levie

Aaron the CEO comes to the session ready to do business—and explain how the world has changed. From hierarchies to networks driven by cloud and mobile, leadership, decision-making, and ideation go to a continuously-shared model. His confidence is tied to a sense of ‘incredible change’ that comes from combining the instincts of a consumer company and the mindset and skills of enterprise software. Aaron blends product vision, market vision, and motivation in a single narrative that many members will recall as one of the best talks of the week.

20 Stanford University Faculty Club

“ An outside

company who sees a new way of doing something is not encumbered by the legacy business model that doesn’t allow them to make that move. —Aaron Levie

21 Stanford University Faculty Club

a historian . llective innovation LDER:


of co ntinues to ssions with te inspire Institu se makes us tick. insights on what


firm has designed ok, Evernote, offices for Facebo among others. Giant Pixel, Cisco, ’S


: e c la P e h t is e c Spa e Work nging the Way W ld by Cha

Changing the Wor

Both physically and operationally, new models for the way we work are constantly being born in Silicon Valley. Everything from physical design of the workplace, to the way we design questions, to the way we look at data is up for reconfiguration. JOHN HAGEL



Deloitte Center for the Edge

Expert in Design and Development of Medical Technologies, XPrize Foundation

Principal, Studio O+A

Stories are different from Narratives. Stories are about Me, and they end; Narratives are about Us—and they can drive powerful engagement in an open-ended way. Narratives have been and continue to be used to instill fear by focusing on threats. Opportunity-based narratives are even more powerful and instill passion. John challenges us to think about our own narrative, and that of our organization. Most exciting of all, what can happen when narratives combine?

In an inspirational talk that put the ‘X’ in eXponential, Chris helped us reconnect to a theme that had been opened by Jeremy Howard from Kaggle: new models of collective innovation were restructuring the hierarchical relations of domain expertise. He showed how contests have always driven this restructuring: a candymaker invented a way to preserve food for Napoleon’s army, a clockmaker figured out the cartographic feature of longitude. XPrize, which precedes Kaggle by a decade, has an exponential effect on corporate R&D. Consider the $10 million raised in prize money for a reusable rocket: over $100 million was collectively spent by competitors, and a market space emerged from nothing to $1.5 billion. A gold-mining company offered $500K for clues to new deposits – it yielded $6 billion in return.

Denise starts by asking what should an office be today? There is no one thing—the answer is multiple things. Receptionists double as barristas, stairs are briefing platforms, and meeting spaces. Welcome to the multi-functional office space that reflects the way we work today: collaboratively, nonhierarchically. In a neat tie-back to John Hagel, Denise describes office space as a part of the company’s narrative.

22 Stanford University Faculty Club

“ The challenge of most businesses is that they haven’t even begun to think about their narrative …but they all have one whether they know it or not. —John Hagel

” 23

Stanford University Faculty Club

ud runs both the clo vic umer de es business and cons e ecosystem.’ that fill ‘gaps in th PHIL EISLER

: s m a e r D f o s m a Stre Trends in App Streaming Insight into how creatives and geeks collaborate in Silicon Valley is gained by looking at advances in digital distribution of premium content. Give artists and designers direct access to distribution pipes, add algorithmic recommendations, and watch digital and artistic worlds combine.


“ Once you separate the screen

from your computer it changes the business models of what can be done.  —Phil Eisler

GM, GeForce GRID Cloud Gaming, NVida Phil Eisler wants to rip the screen from your computer, put your computer in the cloud, and project the bits onto any screen, anywhere. In what could be a prequel to the last session at Oblong, NVidia’s cloud chief explains how the rise of bandwidth is virtualizing hardware— everything from super-expensive workstations to consumer set-top boxes—and liberating pixels.

24 NVidia

“ We are

approaching a world where 1 billion citizens have at least 10 Mbs of connectivity. —Phil Eisler

25 NVidia

MTI Film 1016 N Sycamore Ave. Los Angeles, CA

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science 8949 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills, CA

Warner Studios 3400 Riverside Dr. Burbank, CA

Chateau Marmont 8221 Sunset Blvd. West Hollywood, CA

LA General Assembly 1520 2nd St. Santa Monica, CA

Fox Studios 10201 W Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, CA

Devoe House 1870 Sunset Plaza Dr. Los Angeles, CA

Oblong Industries 923 E 3rd St. Los Angeles, CA

has seen the postart and science of over four production evolve where his decades to a point sought by digital expertise is artists. vendors as well as


ns ich wh TI, M r fo t uc prod logy no builds its own tech s, ce to support its servi its and then shares industry. e th th wi s ion solut E ru DAVE MCCLUR


: r e t n e C a t a D e the Studio to th n Digital Cinema in


Post-production in the movie business has always pushed the technology envelope, from high-speed pipes to massive image processing. Today’s post-production house resembles a modern high-performance computing platform. We’ll see one in action.



VP Product Development, MTI

VP Engineering, MTI

David McClure is a craftsman that has watched the art of making film and television evolve into a pure digital experience. Dave’s story is a narrative that connects mechanical editing reels used to splice actual rolls of film to today’s scenario, where pixels pour out of broadband pipes at the end of each day’s shooting in a growing array of different file formats. His job is to help clients ride this never-ending cascade of technology evolution.

We start in the basement, maybe not literally, but the data centers that represent how film is managed and massaged could be anywhere. MTI Film has evolved from a film restoration specialist to ‘acquisition’—the facility where dailies are uploaded from a bewildering array of digital cameras in any number of formats—all of them involving very, very large files. This is the beginning of an increasingly data-driven post-production world where the computing and storage needs of Hollywood start to look like an exercise in high-performance computing not unlike Wall Street’s High-Frequency Trading domain we studied back in IO #9. Indeed MTI is both a services company and a software company, selling the solutions it creates for itself to others.

28 MTI Film

29 MTI Film

company is orris Endeavor ded by William M


roster of 1500 able and celebrities is avail ing Big Data. already ranked us





84 with a home video in 19 camera ’s ild ch Fisher-Price

: s io d u t S t s ir F l a Digit inment Platforms ta

The Rise of Enter

Behold the startups that are Digital Natives, born as digital, and restructuring audience in a social age for new paths to markets for visual and musical entertainment.




COO, Fullscreen

CSO, Jingle Punks

VP, Digital Media & Partnerships, Ad.ly

Ezra Cooperstein’s company lives entirely on YouTube—and generates over 2 billion views a month. This is the new wave of empowered creators, operating from anywhere – especially from places where board culture and youth prevail—in other words, not Hollywood. This globalized audience is unpredictable, and voracious: a dancing Asian man gets 1.7 billion views, changing what we think of as a ‘publisher’ or a ‘studio’ forever.

Like the other companies in this session JinglePunks is about bringing Big Data to its domain—in this case music. The artist-led company has used machine learning and metadata to classify music in novel ways— making it more searchable for advertisers, creators, and anybody who wants to experience and distribute music as part of an ad, movie, or other work.

The business of celebrity endorsements is changing exponentially thanks to social media. Ad.ly, funded by noted LA investor Mark Suster, is in the heart of this transformation, which can be realtime, and highly targeted. Analytics (again) power a database matching messages with celebrities and their audiences, optimizing yield. No more hope-it-works multi-year, multi-million dollar contracts—now putting a famous name next to your product is a simple text away.

30 Academy of Motion Picture

“ Hollywood can now be everywhere.” —Ezra Cooperstein

31 Academy of Motion Picture

(VP, Michael Puopolo Distribution) Research, Int’l TV

(VP, Global John Attanasio , WBHE) Product Marketing (VP, Digital Julian Lai-Hung tional, WBHE) Distribution, Interna

: s r a e Y 0 0 1 t x e   The N The film industry is a 100-year old institution ripe for disruption. Digital distribution to multiple devices, social media, and the economics of big-budget film-making are all on the agenda as studios embrace Digital as the gateway to the next 100 years.

“ If your program is half as good as it looks, you’re going to have a very interesting week.

President of Jim Wuthridge, rner Brothers Wa as, eric Am the

—Jim Wuthridge’s commentary on Orange Institute   program for the week.

32 Warner Brothers

P, Tom Molter (SV PI) Distribution at WB

Daniel Ornstein siness (Director, Global Bu HE) Development, WB

P, Direct to Justin Herz [SV and GM, Consumer, WBHE vices] Ser ital Dig ced Advan

y r u t n e C l a it ig D Hollywood’s

In a truly memorable moment in Orange Institute history, we walk into an enormous screening room at Warner Bros to be greeted by Jim Wuthridge, President of the Americas, Warner Brothers. Home Entertainment. After his remarks, a panel of six studio executives from digital products, home sales, theatrical, TV, and distribution takes us into their inner chamber and exposes the changing shape of an industry. What’s changing? What isn’t: release windows, pricing of movie tickets, pricing the library, distribution of product, promotion, piracy issues, globalization—it is a stunning display of a management team engaged on many fronts, speaking openly and in a unified fashion. After this what can be left but to explore the richness of the assets in the form of the studio tour.

33 Warner Brothers

Warner Brothers is celebrating its 90th anniversary and the 75th anniversary of the Wizard of Oz.

34 Warner Brothers

35 Warner Brothers

, Co-Chairman of Picture Group Lionsgate Motion Dominique th in conversation wi ing ag an Delport, Global M Group ia ed Director, Havas M


n a m d ie r F b o R h onversation wit edia Group


as M

elport, CEO, Hav

By Dominique D

In a kind of dream scenario, we have a Hollywood studio mogul interviewed by one of Europe’s leading media executives, himself an accomplished journalist. In a major supporting role is the set the intimate Bar at Chateau Marmont.

“ We have now achieved

critical mass and leveled the competitive playing field.  —Patrick Wachsberger, co-chair,   Lionsgate Motion Picture Group

Rob Friedman is an innovator, and after taking Summit Entertainment into new business models, he and his partners sold to Lionsgate in a transformative deal that saw the market cap of Lionsgate double in less than a year. Rob and Dominique Delport cover a diverse set of topics, all illuminating different aspects of the movie and television business. It is a mosaic of risk-taking and judgments about what people want, and is also an education on how to take properties from one medium, like books, to film and TV in market segments such as Young Adult. Rob is passionate about content, about stories, and when he talks about upcoming properties such as next spring’s ‘Divergent’, it is infectious: by the time Rob and Dominique shake hands we all have the fever.

36 Chateau Marmont

Lionsgate’s The Twilight Saga has grossed more than $3.3 billion at the worldwide box office.

37 Chateau Marmont

Chateau Marmont F. Scott Fitzgerald, Dorothy Parker, Hunter S. Thompson, Bruce Weber, Helmut Newton, Tim Burton, Sofia Coppola, James Franco, and‌Orange Institute. What do they have in common? Moments of insight and joy inside the hallowed walls of Chateau Marmont. Pictured above is the exterior of the Bar Marmont, site of the Delporte interview with Rob Friedman; this structure stands next to the actual hotel and restaurant, pictured on the facing pages. Time for your close-up‌

39 Chateau Marmont

logs about 100 een Silicon flights a year betw Valley and LA.


founder of net-of-Things Doorbot, an Inter ll with connected doorbe remote video. F,


lived and worked ars in France for 6 ye


n: o ic il S o t d n a S From Startup Culture is Going Where LA

LA is a creative capital, and like New York the other capital on the other Coast, is jumping with tech startups flourishing in the intersection of entertainment and the Sharing Economy. We’ll engage with several investors and startup incubators emblematic of this vibrant ecosystem.




Partner, Upfront Ventures

Co-founder & Partner, Science

Chief Inventor, Edison Jr

Mark Suster is the most famous VC in LA, and he has is a global view on why Silicon Valley is no longer the center for the Internet. When innovation was about Web Infrastructure, the necessary skills were close to the Valley. But with a shift to “the layer above infrastructure”—one where the 3 C’s: Content, Commerce, Communication, live in other places, the genie is out of the bottle. It is an inspiring talk by a VC very familiar with doing business in France, and very critical about regulatory and legal barriers there.

Science is a new model for accelerators, building its owned & operated proprietary analytics and acquisitions infrastructure to startups it has invested in and in many cases own outright. In this model, Founders are valued employees, and exits are spin outs. Like James Siminoff, Peter works in LA but gets his funds in SV—he travels to Silicon Valley once a week, 50 X a year.

James Siminoff is a serial entrepreneur who, like Mark Suster, was brought to LA based on his spouse’s situation. He speaks at length about the contrast between a more self-reliant LA startup scene versus the hothouse of Silicon Valley. It is clear he’s not going back north, except for frequent runs to meet with investors: ‘we build companies here in LA; we fund them from Silicon Valley.’

40 General Assembly

What California has is an “ acceptance of failure. If you don’t accept failure as a society, no one wants to try anything.

—Mark Suster

41 General Assembly

ctures company manufa . eb lW rities on the Socia T’S




at Fox Broadcastin e Fox lot. sted Institute at th



is the author Branding” s of: “Unconsciou T


KI speaks


perience from a wealth of ex markets. with international

g: in g n a h C is y r o t The S e iences for Narrativ New Trends, New


From insights into neuroscience of storytelling, to the globalization of stories in the digital/social sphere, to the world’s theatrical distribution channels, insights into storytelling and its impact on us are coming fast and furious. This session will feature an eclectic mix of theory and practice, on how the digital global village is transforming how we share stories. HARDIE TANKERSLEY


VP Digital Product, Fox Broadcasting

Founder & CEO, The Audience

Hardie is a member of the digital arm of Hollywood, focused on a form that didn’t exist 10 years ago: apps for TV shows. He articulates the open questions before us: can apps be a competitive advantage? Can it be a business? How do we market it? Fox is all in – about half of their shows have apps, each category with different requirements. Want to know which is the most suitable? Reality shows.

His 2-year old company is funded by Sean Parker and Ari Emmanuel, and has 155 employees reinventing what buzz looks like. Luckett is a renaissance man, a life-scientist turned social media impresario with real-time analytics and a keen ear for the authentic. He sells out stadiums, makes huge box office purely online—he is leaving traditional media in the dust.



Head of Worldwide Franchise Development, Dreamworks Animation


Daniel Solnicki has a global view of the entertainment industry, and it is fundamentally optimistic. Sober in his assessment, he sees lower barriers to entry and commoditization as downward levers. But his long view is bolstered by abundance: solve for piracy by abundant distribution at lower prices, creating demand. His message: there’s never been a better time to be a content creator, and consumption of your content just keeps growing.

Doug has moved beyond the ad industry’s intuitive understanding of audience by grasping the emergent dashboard that cog-sci and neuroscience has offered us. His research has yielded seven steps to an integrated approach for marketers that are based on our understanding of how the human unconscious interacts with our more rational conscious mind. By uncovering how much of our (purchase) decisioning is unconscious, he reshapes our view of everything from consumer research to how we pitch.

42 Fox Studio

We are now starting to make a “user experience out of a show, there’s an opportunity to make it more interesting…

—Hardie Tankersley

43 Fox Studio

Devoe House The closing dinner is held at a magnificent private house perched atop the Hollywood Hills on the site of the former residence of Marilyn Monroe. It’s time to celebrate a journey that has taken us from Silicon Valley to Hollywood, or what some of us are starting to call “Siliwood.�

45 Devoe House

OFFLER worked


ell to create a with Alex McDow became g-speak mockup of what rity Report. for the movie Mino

has built the oors set ever world’s largest ind (The Terminal). made for a movie LL


: s ld r o W w e N g in Creat ontent via New Technology Immersive C

In this penultimate session we visit the red-hot Arts District to apprehend the next stage of story-telling: immersive, experiential stories that are not told to us but happen to us. In this session Hollywood’s reallife technical wizards will preview how we will experience content in the digital landscape of creative and emergent technology.



USC Media Lab

Chief Scientist, Oblong

Alex was Spielberg’s choice to design Minority Report—but there was no script. Building a world instead of writing a script creates a non-linear space that redefines the idea of authorship – it is a collective process, like it was around the campfire. Think of it as ethnology of the future: extrapolating a world from a single artifact, like the letter ‘S’. His work with Intel and USC will be shared with the world soon, and we will marvel again.

John picks up from Alex by explaining how they took the idea and ‘hijacked Hollywood’—turning a special effect into an actual technology. In doing so, he is reclaiming the soul of the machine, rescuing it from the file metaphor and bringing it back into a humanistic mold. Again we have the idea of an assistant, ‘transducing human intent.’ But now, through the magic of Oblong’s technology, we are using the ‘delicious dexterity’ of our hands to command pixels liberated from a captive screen, making them able to appear anywhere.

46 Oblong

We are filling up o “ ur world with pixe ls. ” —John Underkof


47 Oblong

Acknowledgments The scale of the When Worlds Combine session makes our list of people to thank very long. We were faced with an unprecedented challenge: to create an entire week of programming in two different cities and indeed cultures, for a group of 50 people, many of whom were there for their first exposure to Orange Institute practices and perspectives. We are very pleased to say that with the help of the following people, we did it! At the top of the list we need to acknowledge our Chairman and CEO of Orange, Stephane Richard, who opened the week for us and took the stage with Ben Horowitz at Orange Fab Demo Day, as well as the members of his executive committee who attended, Beatrice Mandine, Delphine ErnotteCunci, Gervais Pellissier, and most especially Elie Girard for their presence and energy. While not present, we know we benefitted greatly by the support provided by Jérémie Dutray and Vivek Badrinath in the preparations.

Our sincere thanks as well to our friends from Havas, led by Dominique Delport, whose presence, and support was always manifest in the person of Frederic Josue, always there with an answer or suggestion when we needed one. A most valuable resource in LA that we shared with Havas is Professor Jonathan Taplin at USC Annenberg’s Innovation Lab, Jon was unable to join us in the runtime, but was there at the very beginning and all along. For the Bay Area sessions, we need to give a shout out to Yujin Chung at AndreessenHorowitz for making the conversation with Ben Horowitz a reality—and to Richard Waters at the Financial Times for stepping up and moderating that session. To our new friends at Autodesk, the cordial and capable Rama Dunayevich and Julia Papapietro McFarland, thanks for your hospitality and generosity, and for Maurice Patel. To Adam Bain, JP Maheu, and Sierra

Lord at Twitter, we are doubly impressed by your hospitality at such a busy time for the company, #youareawesome. Down the Peninsula to the team at YouTube, Jalil Chikhi and Jill Pervere, our appreciation for the Institute first-ever visit. In the “more than you’ll ever know department” Phil Eisler, Serge Lamond and the NVidia team not only gave a great talk but helped us shape the entire transition from the Bay Area to SoCal, so thanks for your excellent idea guys. Before leaving the Bay Area, a special thanks to faculty who went above and beyond—John Hagel for his continuing contributions, David Kenney from Weather Company for making the journey and giving such as great talk. And talk about stepping up, a special thanks to Box.com co-founder Aaron Levie for joining us at Stanford. In Los Angeles and Hollywood, the list gets longer. AT MTI, we want to thank

r e t t i w T n o 1  iO1 @OlivierFech Amazing presentation from @oblong_inc “minority report” is now (almost) real ! #io11

@OlivierFech “It’s amazing what you can learn when you pay attention” #io11

@flaburthe With #orangeinstitute listening to @alexmcdowell discovering how film design is becoming agile thanks to previz tech

@rduboff Unconscious Behaviorism. Instead of asking WHY. Ask HOW. Provocative rethinking of marketing. @DouglasVanPraet #orangeinstitute

@rduboff Siliwood tour continues with #orangeinstitute (@ Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences) http://4sq.com/15J1ynY


@SolineLedesert @bhorowitz speaks of cannibalization of yourself and self-disruption for large corp. at #orangeinstitute pic.twitter.com/m69xESLcqb

@jhagel “If you want to increase success, you need to double your error rate.” - @m2jr at #OrangeInstitute

With #orangeinstitute listening to @alexmcdowell discovering how film design us becoming agile thanks to previz tech

@emmanuel_durand: very inspiring first talk from VC @m2jr at #orangeinstitute : “failure is not a sin: not going for the big idea is a sin.”

“All good innovation seems really stupid at first. Innovation is never obvious” #orangeinstitute

John Stevens for making our first stop in LA seamless, fascinating, and informative. At Warner Brothers, Daniel Ornstein and Julie Demarigny provided us with amazing access and insights to the workings of a global content powerhouse. At Fox Television, Hardie Tankersley and Barbara Goodman made not just us but our entire guest faculty feel especially welcome. In Santa Monica, we were fortunate to have early access to the brand-new General Assembly space at Sam Teller’s Launchpad LA, thanks to Sam, and Sarah Tilton of GA. For his continuing counsel throughout the build process—and for a great talk—thanks to Jamie Siminoff. Having Mark Suster, the spark behind the whole scene, really completed the picture, so thanks to Johnny Shin for his help there. Several companies came to us through the unseen hand of WME’s Head of Digital, Chris Jacquemin—thank you for the

vibrant creatives from JinglePunks and the magisterial Oliver Luckett of theAudience. Chris, you’re next! And to both Jon Taplin and most especially Auri Maruri at Lionsgate, thanks for helping us create a unique conversation and a memorable evening. Orange Institute #11 showcased a number of firsts. Just as the nature of Institute continues to evolve, so does the team. New heights in member participation were achieved in Paris by our colleague Anne-Catherine Moreno, while here in SF we were aided by Shakira Mongul as producer, and Ava Alemazkoor from the Orange Fab team who pitched in as well. This session also is a major milestone as we pause to bid best wishes for two long-time colleagues moving on to new challenges. In Paris, Romeo Machado has been with Institute since its earliest days, and we thank him on behalf of the many members who have become great friends

@domdelport #SILLIWOOD: @orange and @HavasMedia stay tuned while discovering the local #startups scene http://www.inc.com/ss/em-maier/losangeles-10-hottest-start-ups#10 …

@jtwinsor After listening to @Adly @Fullscreen and @jinglepunks you can hear the foundations of Hollywood and Madison Avenue crumble.

Will human beings be able to face the flood of information and stay more intelligent than the machines? @orangeinstitute: Sylvie Joseph

@jtwinsor Great session @YouTube w/ @TomPickett. In a two-way realtime media world creative agencies need to restructure themselves to be more agile.

@jtwinsor Great conversation #mtifilm talking about the radical transition from film to digital. It’s a long way from here: pic.twitter.com/Cq3pRtTvhM

Tweeting from @twitter HQ is an experience per se :-) #OrangeInstitute 11 pic.twitter.com/7C8x0qRXbp

of Institute due in large part to Romeo. On behalf of all of us, we wish you the best success in your new job with Orange Horizon, Romeo. Here in San Francisco Natalie Quizon, the co-curator and major creative force behind Orange Institute since its inception in 2009, is also moving on to new horizons. Natalie’s role in shaping the intellectual and design contours of the past 11 Institute sessions is manifested in so many aspects of the work: from the language and copy, to the print artifacts, to the scores of presenters that we have selected over the past four years. Natalie, we thank you for your craft and wish you great success, you will be missed. As always, the success of each session ultimately is in the conversations that happen before, during, and after each session—these can only happen because of our members, old and new—we thank you for making this possible.

@jtwinsor Great prez from Fullscreen’s @ezracooper. Curating abundant content on YouTube. The next digital layer is being built. Kaboom.

@emmanuel_durand According to @sdholakia, information is power, this power is shifting from compQanies to consumers #orangeinstitute pic.twitter. com/SGij3VmQR6

@orangeinstitute Combinatorial Enterprise w interviews by @jhagel and @haydn1701 here: http://bitly.com/17P9t1v we released @orangeinstitute #11 w/ @levie talk

@jtwinsor @vintagejohnny @ezracooper looking forward to figuring out a way to work together.

@vintagejohnny @jtwinsor disruption at its best. looking forward to carving out new opps to work together w u and ur team @havasww nice preso @ezracooper!

Closing the loop at #OI11 last day. @oblong_inc paves the way from Hollywood to Silicon Valley. Great apotheosis and wonderful programming : Philippe J DEWOST @pdewost



(from top to bottom)

Aaron Levie

Brian Wahlund

David Kenny

Ezra Cooperstein

Jeremy Howard

Co-Founder & CEO, Box.com

CSO, Jingle Punks

CEO, Weather Company

COO, FullScreen

President, Chief Scientist, Kaggle

Hardie Tankersley

Chris Thierfelder Adam Bain

XPrize Foundation

Denise Cherry

President, Global Revenue, Twitter

Daniel Ornstein Director, Business Development, Warner

Doug Van Praet

Alex McDowell

Daniel Solnicki

Elissa Fink

Head, Worldwide Franchise Development, Dreamworks Animation

CMO, Tableau

Creative Director, 5D Organization Ben Horowitz Co-Founder, General Partner, Andreesen-Horowitz


Principal, Studio O+A


VP Digital Product, Platforms, & Innovation, Fox Broadcasting

Jim Wuthrich President, The Americas, Warner Bros. John Hagel

James Siminoff Chief Inventor, Edison Jr

Deloitte Center for the Edge John Stevens

Jennifer Healey Research SCientist, Intel

VP Engineering, MTI

John Underkoffler

Mike Maples

Peter Platzer

Rob Friedman

StĂŠphane Richard

Chief Scientist, Oblong

Founding Partner, Floodgate

Founder/CEO, Nanosatisfi

Co-Chairman, Lionsgate Entertainment

CEO, Orange

Johnny Shin

Dave McClure

Phil Eisler

VP, Digital Media & Partnerships, Ad.ly

VP Product Development, MTI

GM, GeForce GRID Cloud Gaming, NVidia

Sanjay Dholakia

Co-Founder, Tempo AI

Mark Suster

Oliver Luckett

Richard Waters

Shai Leib

Partner, Launchpad LA

CEO, theAudience

West Coast Editor, Financial Times

Founder/CEO, Ask Ziggy

Thierry Donneau-Golencer

CMO, Marketo Tom Pickett Vice President, YouTube Content

Peter Pham Maurice Patel Senior Industry Marketing Manager, Autodesk, Media & Entertainment

Co-Founder & Partner, Science



(from top to bottom)

Arno Gourdol

Charles Robelin

Senior Executive for the Web Platform, Adobe

Senior Manager of Applied Research, Amadeus

Béatrice Gautier

Claire Fulda

Business Development Director, Paris Développement

Head of Prospective & Brand Innovations, BNP Paribas

Benoit Vidal

David Barroux

Chief Digital Officer, MFG Labs

News Editor in Chief, Les Echos

Élie Girard

Delphine Ernotte-Cunci

EVP, Group Strategy and Development, Orange

Senior EVP, Orange France

Emmanuel Durand

Béatrice Mandine Senior EVP of Communications & Brand, Orange Celine Orjubin Co-Founder, My Little Paris & Merci Alfred


Dimitri Champollion Head of Marketing Department, Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry Dominique Delport Global Managing Director, Havas Media Group

VP Marketing, Warner France

Francois Laburthe

Haruko Minagawa

Jean-Gérard Blanc

R&D Director, Amadeus

Touchpoint Evangelist, Hakuhodo

Frédéric Josué

Ina Fried

Senior Adviser to the President & CEO, Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Global Executive Advisor, Havas Media

Senior Editor, All Things Digital

Gabriel Sidhom Orange Silicon Valley

Jean-Louis Frechin

Gervais Pellissier

Founder, NoDesign.net

Chief Executive Officer Delegate, Orange Gilles Fontaine Deputy Editor in Chief, Internet & Technologies, Challenges

Jean-Etienne Bouedec Head of Digital Transformation, Française des Jeux

Jean-Luc Neyraut Deputy CEO, Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry Jean Marc Merriaux General Director, CNDP Jean-Michel Lasry Co-Founder, MFG Labs Jean-Pierre Dicostanzo Director of Paris Area, Orange

IO 11 Team John Winsor

Olivier Fecherolle

Rori Duboff

Sylvie Joseph

CEO, Victor and Spoils

Chief Strategy & Development Officer, Viadeo

Global Head of Strategy, Havas Media Group

Senior Executive, Digital Business Unit La Poste

Head of Studies, SupInfocom

Patrice Lambert de Diesbach

Sander Duivestein

Thomas Jorion Havas Media Global

Ludovic Cinquin

Financial Communcation Director, Orange

Trendwatcher, Sogeti/VINT

Julien Deparis

Philippe Dewost

Marc Gonnet

Digital Program Director, Caisse des Depots

Head of Strategy/ Head of Business Development, Lagardere Active/Europe 1

Thomas Giusiano Sihem Jouini

CEO France, OCTO Technology

Pierre Aussure Founder/CEO, IVY Search

Nathalie Boulanger

Pierre Couvry

Startup Ecosystem Director, Orange

Associate Director, Havas Media

Associate Professor, HEC Sophie Bonnier CEO’s Office, Orange

Producer/CG Director, Tu nous Zapas vus Production

Anne-Catherine Moreno Business Development & Customer Relationship manager, Orange Institute Georges Nahon CEO and President, Orange Silicon Valley

Mark Plakias VP of Knowledge Transfer, Orange Silicon Valley Natalie Quizon User Experience & Content Lead, Orange Silicon Valley Pascale Diaine

Guillaume Payan Product Manager, Orange Silicon Valley

Evangelist, Orange Siliocn Valley Romeo Machado Business Development Manager, Orange Institute


Join The Conversation!

Preview Orange Institute 12, Spring 2014: Israel, Return to the Start-up Nation The first session of Orange Institute in 2014 will bring us back to Israel, the Start-Up Nation. Since our first visit in the autumn of 2011, the country’s reputation for incubating world-class startups has been fortified by an amazing string of successful exits. In just the first nine months of 2013, approximately $3 Bn USD have been spent by digital economy giants such as Intel, Google, Cisco, Facebook, and IBM on Israeli startup companies. Part of our time in Israel will

be spent exploring the domains that are driving innovation and investment: • Innovation models for corporate and public sectors • New entertainment experiences • Homeland Security and Cybersecurity • Biotech, Nanotech, Cleantech • Online media and analytics ....as always, the educational assets of high-innovation regions are an important part of the story, and since our last interrogation of this topic, important global

agreements forged by the Technion in two opposite directions has been announced. The first is the massive initiative with New York City led by Mayor Bloomberg. The second is the largest gift ever given the school, $130 million donation by Chinese philanthropist Li Ka-Shing. These are just a few data points confirming Israel is an important node in the global digital economy. Please plan to join us in this first of two sessions planned for 2014.

Orange Institute 1

Orange Institute 2

Orange Institute 3

The Innovation Imperative

Societal Remix

Creativity Has a New Address

Silicon Valley November 2009

Tokyo June 2010

Orange Institute 4

New Age to New Edge Silicon Valley November 2010

Beijing September 2010

Orange Institute 5

Orange Institute 6

Sensor Networks as the New Growth Opportunity

Where Enchantment Meets Inspiration

Madrid March 2011

Paris June 2011

Orange Institute 7

Orange Institute 8

Orange Institute 9

Innovation as Destiny

Strategic Imperatives in a Post-IT World

Feedback Economy & Realtime Society

Silicon Valley March 2012

Boston & New York October 2012

Tel Aviv October 2011

Orange Institute 10

Six New Waves in the Digital Economy Tokyo April 2013

Orange Institute 11

When Worlds Combine: How Creatives Meet Geeks Silicon Valley/LA Sept/Oct 2013

that’s not all folks! Orange Institute #11 can be with you all the time if you have the app. Next time you’re trying to tell a colleague about one of the amazing insights you gained, why not just show her the picture, the faculty bio, the session description? It’s all still there, along with over 150 photos taken by you and your fellow iO classmates. So go open the app, check what’s new, then send a message—because the app is always on and we can tell you, new messages are still coming in weeks after the event itself was finished. That’s why we say, that’s not all, folks—the stories we tell about Siliwood continue...

For more information, please contact Anne-Catherine Moreno at +33 1 44 44 80 15, or email at annecatherine.moreno@orange.fr Institut Orange, SAS au capital de 30 000€—75, rue Olivier de Serres 75015 Paris—514 822 568 RCS Paris

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