HISTORY In a globalized generation of artists with bigger expectations than the local offers, emerges the impatient need to build, to put in common and to present more universal performing approaches. Shows that depart from experimentation and exchange of information coming from multiple disciplines and traditions
In the late 2007
Les Cabaret Capricho was born in Mexico as an initiative of the independent
production company cuarta. A series of celebrations on a monthly basis where artists from different majors and backgrounds gather together to exchange an reflect on several topics of common interest that latter on are transformed into shows and presented in form of a varietycabaret-concert, where the audience gets involved and is allowed to judge the artist by throwing lettuces, flowers and any other type of opinion caused by the show.
This event has generated a permanent artistic movement that has attracted a large audience eager for a new expression of artistic languages, and has also motivated the development and renewal of arts such as Circus and Physical theater, creating new spaces and opportunities for a professional education like the program called La maroma. After the first year of work and the different experiences during these encounters,
Cabaret Capricho
artists set up the first Contemporary Circus Company constantly working on artistic research towards a simple integrating language that is able to surprise and at the same time touch the audience. The company is directed by Cesar Omar Barrios and also has a strong support of experts on provocation and creation of seductive images that are characterized for their unique search for irreverent and poetic visions of humanity through the theatrical clown. At the present, the company has achieved recognition across the country also internationally, they have been invited to participate in different
academic encounters and festivals with some of 4 their first original shows: Tubidubi, El Folk Chou, Chef D’Orchestre, Familia PiZZiCaTo, and Opa!..
Les Cabaret Capricho
In addition, cuarta and carry out and produce other independent proposals with the aim of generating and spreading shows that combine theater, music and circus arts with the cultural exchange, artistic education and the traveling experience. With this ideas on mind they created: la mar o ma itinerant and the “Caravanas Capricho” that had travel around France, Hungary, Serbia, Slovenia, Germany, Czhec Republic, Quebec and Central America in the past 3 years. Finally since 2011 they create and produce the
“FiCHo” - Festival Internacional de Circo y Chou de Mexico dedicated to new circus expressions, and to the first NATIONAL CONTEMPORARY CIRCUS . COMPETITION
Shows . Diverse formats, suitable for all ages, festivals and spaces
5 This show approaches the daily experiences of a never-ending childhood. An encounter with the divinity found on each moment of the day. The discovery of the playful spirit that sprouts when sailing on a bucket. Trickles of magic suddenly leaking like little holes on a pipe, like memories. It is about a fragile and sensitive collage composed of images suspended within movements, objects’ manipulation, video projections and live music. A game that starts where every story begins… at the beginning… at the nothing… A clown and physical theater show with real people! Inspired in the literary work of the Belgian author Amelie Nothomb and the polish playwright Slawomir Mrozek, Tubidubi is a play that was born from the body research based on the clown technique between 6 performers of different disciplines. Musicians, jugglers, dancers and actors take the risk during 55 minutes to leave aside their usual performing tools, to find a more fragile, melancholic and simple way of expression.
The&Folk&Chou Come%on%in% beau+ful%lady!%Come%on%in% dear% Gentleman!% Come %on% in% and%enjoy%the%songs %and%dances %of%Don%Caramelo!%Be %astonished%with% the%grace%of%the%Mexi%Ken%and%his %wheel%of%the%sun%that%rolls %and%smiles% to%the %rhythm%of%the%cha$ cha$ cha!%Come %on%in%and%admire %Doña %Bella% who% dances% with% the % wind% and% cheers % up% the% soul% of% the% dancing% pachucos!%Let%your% self% be%surprised%by% the%Mariachis %Locos%always%in% fiesta %with%their% flying% guitars %and% their% wild%horses!% Be %aware %if% you% listen%a %lost%shot%by%Llou%Pistolas %he%could%be%walking%very%close%to%you!% Discover%the%charming%contor+onist%of%the%flowers%who%transmutes%in% wonderful%figures%and%torsions%that%emerge%from%the%earth!& Come&and&Enjoy&El&Folk&Chou! A&show&with&circus,&humor&and&colorful&@ght&costumes!..
Familia PiZZiCaTo A journey with home’s aromas, guided by charming characters that came out from an old family portrait. They are candid, like matches, they light up their everyday hopes, then delighted they let us see those magical lights of the “impossible”, meanwhile they are already extinguishing little by little.. Universal wordless show, with nostalgic images of acrobatic dreams, rhythmic juggling and joyful plucked sounds that evoke the times of the mexican imagined Revolution. Circus, comedy, live music and theatrical clown.
Chefs d’Orchestra
It’s the greatest night for Le Chef Bartolomé, he is about to make his debut as with a real Orchestra! But then he looses control of the stage without even noticing and ends up in front of an audience that is expecting a great cake for the banquet!.. Fortunately, the chef is not alone; his fellow countrymen Clementine, Jean Pampie, Piere D’athlète and the Italian Danonino Pausini are supporting him. All of them, loyal and irreverent kitchen helpers, are going to pretend to be the peculiar “LALA OUIOUI Orchestra” on an epic attempt to save the night. This family circus show is accompanied by the sensational Guanatos Brass Band adding lively mardi grass jazz to each act.
Tropicalicia Hosted by the eccentric Lampiño do Nascimento, this street show is an experience that blends the cheerful, colorful, festive and renewing spirit from the tropical weather with the delicious rythm of the Circus carnival and its flamboyant and endearing characters like the lead dancer triquitraca, the chanteuse Cucuruca, the monsieur Pipí, the Great Máma and the happy trained seals from Chapala Lake! All dancing with live music by Orquesta de la desta! A celebration to enjoy the pure delicacy of Carnaval! An itinerant and participatory show structured for public spaces, where the encounters happen, between families with grandparents, neighbours, trees and animals. All ready to meet the Circus universe through acts with comedy, juggling, acrobacy, music, etc. This work can be adapted to all kinds of streets, squares, malls, aquatic or soaked stages. “Don’t be afraid, come out and play!”
Bonito If i’d got paid by each time i have kissed, i could buy two marzipans.. “Bonito” is a new piece of comic movement, that explores the extreme use of the body and arrhythmia. Inspired in the teenage universe and its intensity. A work that adresses an extense emotional spectrum through movement techniques and a peculiar visión of the theatrical clown. A pause to open the eyes bigger, to admire, to receive stimulus, to listen and sense in the soul any everlasting bit. An improbable choreography of gazes and everyday actions to the pace of a murmur that shrouds you little by little, the bit addition that makes you advance
Bruta adjective/name female [person] Who does not have
intelligence therefore knowledge. [person] who makes7 excessive use of their force, uses it wihtout control or restraint or who acts in a rude way or inconsiderate with others. adjective [product] that has not been worked or manipulated by the man. [weight] that is the addition of the useful part and the good for nothing part. [quantity] that has not suffered the discounts that is due to. name Superior Animal. adjective colloquial [thing] that impresses for its size, luxury, cost, etc. formal noble brute Horse. from Latin brûtus.
Once upon a time, in a place far far away, a p… Wait! Can you listen to that? Two woman unframe a comedy of raw reactions and pure physical beauty. You will only spend half second in falling in love, by the ear, by the memory. This is the tale that she always remembers, the story again and again.. Bruta, the femenine mhystery by Cabaret Capricha.
THE 9INE · Ampersan + Cabaret Capricho The nine (9) is the natural number that follows the eight and comes before the 10. Ampersan is a music band and Cabaret Capricho a band of circus theater performers. Together they are collaborators for creation and good friends. Since their birth both projects are walking in parallel paths and little by little they are completing cycles rounded like a circus ring. Two adventures of creation and emotions that have been life. Behind the curtain there is always an essential and surprising being, that moves over a dreamlike time, a bridge that unites and holds up the fantasy. "The Nine" arrives and opens a space “between”, concert and performance, reality and fiction, comedy and poetry.. Up to here we have already many stories to tell you, but most of all we know that the best is yet to come. A spectacle about the spontaneus memories, dreams of the present, from before and always. Knitting multimedia tales from the road, excéntric storytelling, music with flavour, Circus and playful interactions, a strong troupe of characters musicians and clowns reacting to the vagaries of “the nine”. A moment to enjoy, revive the experiences that lean out from inside of each one of us and rubs off the desire of looking closer at each other and celebrate! Welcome!..
Cabaret Capricho · The Chou· The point of departure and meeting of the company. Using the original circus “varieté” format mixed with a 20th century style Cabaret, the show introduces diverse acts performances that are created towards a specific topic according to the occasion. It is a celebration where the audience gets involved throwing lettuce and flowers to the artists. This performing format is very adjustable to any situation, space, audience and type of event.
Management Morelos'1126''Zona'Centro' Guadalajara,'Jalisco' MĂŠxico'CP.44100 cabaretcapricho@gmail.com www.cabaretcapricho.com