Cheating – a very BAD thing to do!
Center for English as a Second Language
What is Cheating? Cheating is when YOU do not do YOUR own work. Let’s watch Mr. Bean, a very bad student…
Why Do Students Cheat? The work is too hard. They do not understand the assignment. They did not study. They only care about a good grade, not learning. They are lazy.
Examples of Cheating Copying someone ’s homework (brother /sister, cousin, friend, roommate, classmate) Copying from a book or the internet (PLAGIARISM) Using an essay from a previous student Letting someone else do your work for you Buying an essay on the internet
More Examples of Cheating! Looking at another student’s answers during a test
Giving the same presentation or writing the same paper in two different classes
Asking a classmate or teacher for HELP Or TALKING during a test
Even More Examples of Cheating!!! Using answers that are written on your hand or on a piece of paper
What Happens if You Cheat? ZERO (0) for the assignment or test Failing the class (Grade = E) Getting a REPORT in your record Your SPONSOR may be notified. Being referred to the director, Dr. Suzanne Panferov Not being accepted to university Kicked out of school
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