Westbeach Marketing Report

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Charlotte Spencer N0253779 Words: 8,678


Table of Contents [6]




Our History

In Store

[ Video ]

[ News ]


[ Collections ]

Beaus back - The return of Beau Bishop after injury.

5th Annual Westbeah Chinese downhill

Girls just wanna have FUN!

Westbeach X Carloway Mill Presenting the Harris Tweed collaboration.

9 hours ago

Email Sign up Enter email address

3 hours ago

2 days ago

1 hour ago

Contact us +44 (0)161 834 4400 Go


Privacy Policy

7.0 Appendix 6.0 Bibliography

News & Videos

5.0 Evaluation

Team Friends

4.0 Long Term Aims

Product Place Price Promotion

The Feed


4.1 Prodcut 4.1.1 Collaboration 4.1.2 Harris Tweed Collaboration 4.1.3 SWOT 4.1.4 Capsule Collection 4.2 Product 4.3 Place 4.4 Communication & Promotion Strategy 4.4.1 Consumer Segmentaion 4.4.2 Direct Marketing 4.4.3 Brand Ambassadors 4.4.4 Online Promotion 4.4.5 Exhibitions 4.4.6 Timeline 4.4.7 Financial Plan

3.0 Short Term Aims

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4

2.0 Methodology

1.0 Introduction

Shop Online

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1.0 The aim of this implementation report is to reposition Westbeach as a lifestyle brand suitable for a range of outdoor pursuits. As a result Westbeach will be considered an all year round business that also makes an impression in the summer market rather that just an outerwear brand suitable for snowsports during the winter months. This report considers recommendations stated in research stage one and they have been used to decide upon a suitable method of entering the summer market, in particular the streetwear industry. The structure of the report has been divided into short and long term aims. The short term aims proposed must be primarily considered before the reposition of the brand can occur. A thorough analysis of Westbeach’s DNA and current brand status has informed suggested modifications to be made to the website, current streetwear offerings and female specific products. A supplementary brand book has been created as a separate document in order to better define Westbeach’s characteristics that determine their USPs. The long term aims advise what Westbeach should do in order to be deemed a lifestyle brand. An understanding of the current trends in streetwear and outerwear was significant in determining a fitting communication strategy for Westbeach. This included research on previous boardsport brand collaborations and these are highlighted throughout the report. The communication strategy included is recommended for the UK and Europe. However it can also be translated as a global strategy with minor cultural adjustments such as, pricing and social media interaction being made appropriate for the local environment.


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2.0 Following research collated in stage one, further primary and secondary research was gathered based on: - Westbeach’s target consumer and their lifestyle. - Opportunities within the female market. - Website and online trends. - Trends on streetwear and outerwear. - Collaborations within the boardsport’s market. Different types of primary research were collated including an online and offline survey and email conversations. Trade shows including, Slide, were visited to gather competitor research. (For full analysis of primary research see Appendix) A range of different secondary research resources was used to inform this report including online reports from Mintel, WGSN and GMID.

Slide Trade Show

Short Term Aims

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3.0 It is evident from research stage one that there are numerous factors that Westbeach need to initially address before repositioning the brand. These are the considered short term aims: - Define a stronger USP and redefine the brand DNA. - Characterise Westbeach’s target consumer in more depth and their lifestyle. - Improve online sites, such as their website and create a community sense. - Improve social media presence and increase traffic to sites. - Awaken opportunities for women and create specific campaigns online for girls. - Review current designs for females in comparison with male offering. Westbeach need to define a stronger USP and brand DNA. They currently believe their USP is their heritage. This is not a unique USP nor is it a strong enough selling factor to make consumers choose Westbeach against their huge competition. All brands, to a certain extent, have a heritage and use this to tell the consumer their story and history. A questionnaire answered by Westbeach’s current target consumer highlighted the main reasons why they opt to buy Westbeach. The reasons highlighted were attributed to the “brand’s good quality, yet stylish outerwear and clothing, it’s reliable and it connotes fun”. It also appeared to be unintimidating to the consumers and attracts a wide range of abilities compared to other more technically focussed brands. To supplement this report a brand book has been created to inject new life and fresh appeal to the USP and DNA of Westbeach. (Please see external document) The 4P’s highlight the other factors that Westbeach should address in order to improve their brand and market share stays amongst their competitors.

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4 P’s


Product Westbeach’s current streetwear collection is very limited and they would benefit from improving and developing their product range in order to stay successful in the industry. The streetwear needs to be redesigned so that it is highly fashionable and on-trend but also include the practical elements that a snowboarder or skier needs in an item of clothing, that could potentially be used as a layer to wear on the mountain. ‘Style is imperative with multifunctional products aimed at both the younger and contemporary markets.’ (WGSN, A/W 13/14 Outdoor Retailer trend analysis, 2013) Most of Westbeach’s current streetwear is just t-shirts and hoods that use big logo treatment. ‘Consumers no longer want heavily branded clothing and these brands will not succeed in the current apparel market especially if trying to target Generation Y’. (Spencer, 2013) However, on Westbeach’s website there is currently many items in their outlet section that would be more suitable as part of their streetwear collection and could be sold at full price. They are more fashionable and suited to what today’s consumer wants than their other streetwear items. (See image above)

Different styles of t-shirts and jumpers should be considered for Westbeach’s streetwear line. They currently have a standard t-shirt shape that is very simple and shapeless. WGSN states that the baseball style tee and long line hooded sweatshirt are emerging key styles for sportswear. The examples of design on the opposite page could use the colour palette of red, white and blue which is also a key unisex trend translating well for the streetwear and casualwear market. (WGSN, 2013) This range of streetwear should be marketed as their basic line.



‘Style is imperative with multifunctional products aimed at both the younger and contemporary markets.’(WGSN, 2013)



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‘at the moment male products still out strip female products, as although we ensure an equal focus on both during development and testing stages, the simple answer is that it is still a male dominated sport.’ (Spickernell 2013)

Female Market Research has emphasised the lucrative opportunities within the outerwear market for girls. Primary research suggested that this is an area Westbeach could also focus on in order to increase their target audience. The Westbeach customer survey shown in research stage one shows that their current consumer following has a high male percentage. This is perhaps an area that they could develop in their existing winter outerwear. John Spickernell, the current marketing manager at Westbeach, stated that, ‘at the moment male products still out strip female products, as although we ensure an equal focus on both during development and testing stages, the simple answer is that it is still a male dominated sport.’ (Spickernell 2013)



Spickernell further reported that they are now seeing much higher profile female riders than ever before, such as Aimee Fuller and Torah Bright who are raising the profile of the sport for women. In the past, Westbeach have produced unisex products that were not successful. They feel the market has changed dramatically and consumers no longer want outerwear to give you comfort throughout your day’s riding, they want highly fashion orientated products that have the right fit and style points. Westbeach’s more dominant male audience could be a result of their female product offerings. The male and female collections are quite different in style and there are fewer products for girls. Primary research conducted on females aged 18-25 using Westbeach’s 2013/14 catalogue showed that often they choose the male options rather than the female specific products. Also in a questionnaire conducted for primary research, females were asked if they felt Westbeach have a good selection of products for girls. Many answered that they did but the male range is much better and the female styles are limited. It would be advisable for Westbeach to consider this for future product designs and what the differences are between their male and female product ranges. (See Appendix 1 & 2) Planet Print / Anti-Establishmint / Inthe Navy

Planet Print

1019 Crabapple

Jacket {planet print}

Break hearts and take names in the Crabapple’s twin sister with the twist of a premium print. Pop out above the crowd


Rendezvous Pant {Planet Print}

The perennial Westbeach favorite is back again to dominate Old Man Winter but with a twist of premium print.

>> Content

Website In comparison with other competitors, Westbeach’s website lacks interaction and engagement between the brand and the consumer. Westbeach should make an in-depth assessment of their current online and social media presence.

>> Design

>> Layout

One of Westbeach’s key characteristics of their DNA is fun, something that is not reflected in the design of their website. The style of the website is more appropriate to a serious more technical brand with an older consumer. Considering Westbeach is predominately an online brand which forms their biggest source of revenue they need to be driving consumers to their site with interesting content rather than to just buy a product.

The layout of the site could potentially be rearranged to make a more user-friendly site. The tabs on Westbeach’s page are located vertically on the left hand side. Web trends have stated that this does not conform to real life reading and does not come naturally to the consumer. ‘In general, people are accustomed to reading content that spans the entire width of the reading area, or else is broken up into boxes or columns within the reading area.’ (Lazaris, L, 2010) A more appropriate layout would be to have the tabs located along the top of the page from left to right.

The online store area is easy to navigate and simple to buy products straight from the site but it is not necessary to have a different shop for Canada and Europe. Normally on competitor websites the user can specify on the footer what region they are from if it does not already recognise your location. The colour palette used is very dark and again does not reflect the brand’s DNA. In comparison, the colour palette on Westbeach’s competitors websites are colourful and engages the browser immediately. Bearing in mind their play on “heritage”, the page entitled “Our History” has a very amateur quality and misses the impact that Westbeach need to make, looking more like a first draft essay and does not help the reader to absorb any content. Although the imagery on Westbeach’s website is professional, it does not replicate their brand DNA. The images project the team riders individually and include a variety of scenic shots. They are all very serious and the backing to the images is also quite stark with little sunshine to be seen. Within website design, colour is extremely important in projecting the right impression and complimenting the job to be done. Regardless of the product, it is important the website has a unity and is pleasing to the eye – the Westbeach website lacks white space where text can be emphasised, balance and the elements of design do not interact and fit together. Currently the design of Westbeach’s website does not portray their fun and colourful nature.

A trend for 2013 in websites is responsive web design and there has been ‘widespread adoption of this adaptive, fluid approach to designing web layouts.’ (Casel, B, 2013) Westbeach would benefit from using this approach and it would also improve the consistency on the site. Currently all the sections are lacking uniformity and do not have an overall theme. This can cause the user to become frustrated especially when they are transferred to other web formats e.g. the blog is made in Wordpress rather than Westbeach’s own design. Using responsive web design would also ensure optimal viewing experience of their site on multiple devices, e.g. mobile, tablet. Creating a website using a grid system is an effective and simple way of achieving this.

Building an online community is important when striving to become a lifestyle brand. Effectively, brands are encouraging consumers to go to their site more than just when they want to purchase an item. Through interesting news stories, blog posts and videos they are engaging the consumer and inspiring them to want to be part of the brand’s lifestyle. If this is successful, the consumer will use the website as a go-to place, as part of their everyday browsing, in order to keep abreast of what is current in the industry. Westbeach’s current online site although simple and easy to navigate is lacking considerably in interaction with the consumer. Brands are constantly competing against one another to produce the most innovative methods to reach consumers through technology. “Innovation is an opportunity to differentiate your brand.” (WGSN, Smart Fabrics, 2012) This is essential for a brand to compete - as current and future generations use technology and the Internet as part of their every day lives, it is now a necessity rather than a luxury. Many competitors of Westbeach have interesting appealing content on their sites that encourages an increase in consumer’s browsing time. Burton, Bonfire, Protest and Ride all have an array of engaging content on their landing page; which is important as this is what a consumer uses to form their first impressions of a brand. This includes video and blog links, news stories as well as advertising their product range. They also have separate links along the top or side of the page similar to Westbeach that takes the consumer to that specific area. Westbeach’s current landing page consists of four changing images on a loop, a small video box and links to other areas of the site down the left side. Westbeach’s videos available in the ‘AirtimeTV’ area are very emotive and interesting to watch. When clicking on a product there are also different videos highlighting the key functions of that specific jacket. These are an effective way of engaging with the consumer and persuading them to buy the product. The video entitled ‘Westbeach 12/13 Product Range’ depicts three of the girl team riders having fun in the park. This correctly portrays who Westbeach are and their key values. This provides attention-grabbing content and although they are advertised on the landing page they should be emphasised more, as it currently is not something the consumer will automatically notice.

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Westbeach have named their blog ‘bloggage’. The name does not fit in with the rest of the site and it is not obvious as to why it is called this. The term ‘bloggage’ is likely to remind the consumer of the word ‘baggage’ that often is used in a negative context. It is also a word that is not commonly used by the younger generation, particularly Generation Y, who are an important audience to be targeting in the boardsport’s industry. Although younger generations are constantly inventing new slang terms ‘those outside the culture who use it are seen as ‘try-hards’ by their peers’ (McCrindle, M, 2007) and this can have the same affect on brands. Westbeach’s competitors simply use the term blog or news & stories, which would be beneficial for Westbeach to adopt. The actual content on the blog is not updated regularly enough for consumers to follow. Posts that are weeks or even months apart can be interpreted as having a negative effect and so either update twice weekly or do no have a blog at all. Interesting news, imagery or videos not just within the boardsport industry need to be posted more than once a week. A simple post of an exciting image will be sufficient enough to engage the target audience and gather a following to the blog. The area on Westbeach’s website dedicated to their team riders is lacking and not attractive to the consumer’s eye. The team riders should be the face of the brand and used as free promotion. Westbeach’s key competitor, Bonfire, have used creative ways of showing the rider instead of just having a head shot. There are also more personal shots that give an insight into their personality compared to Westbeach’s professional black and white photos. They also have links to their social media accounts that give a more personal experience for the consumer. The Westbeach team riders should be used to allow the consumer to relate to them rather than an anonymous model. Westbeach would benefit hugely if they actively inspired the customer to want to buy the brand’s products by making the customer fantasise about being more like their hero riders. (All examples of Westbeach’s current website and competitor sites are shown on the following pages. Proposed website designs for Westbeach are presented on pg 26.)


Westbeach’s Team Page

Westbeach’s Blog

Westbeach’s History

Westbeach’s Europe Shop

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Shop Online


Team Friends

News & Videos

Our History


The new Westbeach website design has been influenced by current web trends and competitor sites.

The Feed

> The navigation and tab bar has been changed from vertical to horizontal for easy reading. > A collections area has been added for Westbeach to post lookbooks and images of different product lines including collaborations. > The online shop is the same for both Europe and Canada and the user can change the region if necessary. > The ‘bloggage’ has been named ‘News & Videos’ instead. > The sponsored riders area has been named ‘Team Friends’. > The site has been designed using a grid system to conform to responsive web design trends. The site can easily be altered to view on mobile and tablets. > The slider will rotate regularly to advertise different products and new items. > Other interesting content is advertised below.

In Store

[ Video ]

[ News ]


[ Collections ]

Beaus back - The return of Beau Bishop after injury.

5th Annual Westbeah Chinese downhill

Girls just wanna have FUN!

Westbeach X Carloway Mill Presenting the Harris Tweed collaboration.

9 hours ago

Email Sign up Enter email address

3 hours ago

2 days ago

1 hour ago

Contact us +44 (0)161 834 4400 Go

Contact Delivery Returns Policy

Privacy Policy Terms FAQs

WE JUST WANNA HAVE FUN, DO YOU? Share your #WBFun with us @westbeach_ Share your fun and win some goodies! Besides, it would be unfair to keep them a secret.


This is a slider design that could be used on the website. The advert will also improve social media activity with Westbeach’s consumer. It relates to the brand’s key values that are highlighted in the brand book.

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Social Media Westbeach’s social media platforms also require attention as they have limited followers, which can unintentionally make consumers question the quality of the brand. They currently have 3,622 UK Facebook followers and 5,530 from Canada. In comparison, competitors such as Bonfire (who have not been established as long as Westbeach) have 12,270 Facebook followers and Burton have 649,797 Facebook followers. This applies for Twitter as well with competitors having many more followers than Westbeach. It is not clear why Westbeach has two sites on Facebook as this can be confusing and they should not segment this until they have a larger following base e.g. Burton. The content they share is normally about riders and competitions that are not well know and often uninteresting. Minor details such as the about section visible when you click on their Facebook page should be made more engaging. On the UK page they currently don’t have any description whilst the Canadian page states “30+ years of making snowboard outerwear and apparel”. These create the first impressions for consumers and should be emotive and inspiring urging them to go to their website and browse further. Westbeach’s social media activity is also lacking due to the connection between the online site and their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube pages being limited. The link to their Instagram and Twitter sites from their website currently does not work. >> The description on the Facebook page could be changed to:

“WE ARE WESTBEACH the pioneers of snowboarding outerwear. Our mission is to make riding with friends that bit more enjoyable.”

The link to their Facebook page automatically redirects to the Canadian page when the consumer could be from the UK. It is suggested they merge the two pages together. Westbeach already have a large email following and produce a weekly newsletter so optimising their social networking platforms could develop this further. The snowboard brand Burton demonstrated good optimisation of their social platform engagement during the 2012 Christmas period. When clicking on a product to view, as well as allowing the customer to ‘like’ the product on Facebook and ‘pin it’ on Pinterest, you could ‘drop a hint’ via Facebook to family and friends for what you wanted for Christmas and post the product on their ‘wall’. ‘Search engines now rank content based on social conversations and sharing, not just websites alone’ (Fast Company, 2012) and therefore it is essential for Westbeach to simply maximise their usage of social media sites in order to be considered a key market player. Board sports have a social element to the lifestyle that accompanies, therefore promoting and marketing the sport through social media is the most effective method to engage this target audience.

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3.2 Price


The pricing strategy should remain the same and be considered their basic line of streetwear. T-shirts range from £15-20 and hoodies/crews from £40-80 dependant on the material used. If it is a waterproof hoodie the price will be higher. Shirts will be priced at £40-50 and be made from thicker durable material. All of these costings are based on Westbeach’s current pricing strategy from their website.



Much of the changes suggested the brand should make are still targeted at Westbeach’s current consumer. Therefore the distribution channels should also remain the same. The consumer will naturally go to these channels in search of Westbeach products. Currently the majority of sales are directly from their online site. Westbeach’s main retailers are Snow and Rock and Ellis Brigham (TSA) in the UK and approximately 25 other independent retailers in the UK. There are also Czech, French, Russian, Italian, Japanese, Austrian, German distributors. The presence in Canada is currently online only.



Promoting the changes of the website and new streetwear designs will be publicised via Westbeach’s current social media platforms and through their newsletter that is sent out by email. This strategy will also rely majorly on WoM from their existing target audience who will notice the changes either on social media, email or by visiting their website in search of a new product and want to inform there peers about the alterations. In recent years, research has shown that boardsports brands have specifically tried to target females in what has always been considered a more male dominant industry. Burton, the American snowboard brand has now incorporated an area on their website called ‘Burton Girls’ which is a blog targeting females who appreciate anything from travel to food as well as snowboarding. The brand wants to not only inspire their existing global audience of girls who love snowboarding, “but also to attract a new demographic of girls to the brand through compelling and relevant year-round content that speaks to them.” (Carpenter, 2012) Burtongirls.com includes different articles on Snowboarding, Travel, Aprés, Health & Beauty and Style & Culture written by a team of contributors called the ‘Burtonistas’, ‘The Team’ and ‘The Inner Voice’ who either work at Burton or have a background in fashion, snowboarding and entertainment. They have also included an interactive ‘lookbook’ which allows users to

see a complete ‘look’ that can easily be purchased in one click. Compared to Westbeach these brands have a more established online following and female product range. However, Westbeach should still try to target their female audience specifically, in order to increase the amount of females buying their products. An online campaign using their social media could achieve this and increase their number of followers. A proposed campaign idea for Westbeach to target the female consumer is using the hashtag (in the famous words of Cindy Lauper) “Girls just wanna have fun” via Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter. This relates to the other headline used in the website design example, “We just wanna have fun, do you?” and also conveys the brand’s values. The campaign would ask females to upload photos of themselves having fun in Westbeach gear during the winter season or just generally partaking in boardsports or outdoor pursuits. A winner would be chosen each week over the course of two months and different prizes would be awarded. Prizes could be from Westbeach partners such as Treeline Chalets or Outgoing. This would also build Westbeach’s social media presence.

Long Term Aims



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‘Even bad weather can be good news, with online sales for Berghaus recently doubling during a rainy week, compared with the previous dry week.’ (Tighe and Bounds, 2012)

A number of long term aims have been suggested in order to reposition Westbeach into a lifestyle category suitable for a range of outdoor pursuits: - Achieve a lifestyle brand status - Accomplishing an all year round presence as a brand - Producing and marketing products that are multi functional and appropriate for a range of different outdoor pursuits. - Targeting a new and wider audience These will be achieved as a result of the long term marketing strategy that is for Westbeach to collaborate and move into the streetwear market. The collaboration will also have a halo effect and attract existing and new consumers to the brand who are also likely to buy other products from Westbeach. The new target consumer is ‘The outdoor explorer’ – further analysis is provided in the Westbeach brand book. In order for the brand to grow and keep moving forward they must assess how they can make an impact during the summer and have an all year round presence as a boardsport brand rather than just for outerwear. Research from stage one highlighted that the brand should not enter the surf market due to the high competition from established international brands and the decline in the market. Although the streetwear market is also heavily populated there are a wide range of different types of streetwear brands that fall into the same category and there is still a gap in the market for Westbeach. Summer for Westbeach is their ‘down’ time and they do not make an impression in the summer market. Their success during the winter months allows for this quieter period but in order for the brand to expand and continue to compete with top players in the industry such as Burton, they must have a presence all year round. Research from stage one highlighted the negative perceptions surrounding summer wear. It was

suggested that Westbeach should instead try to achieve an all year round presence rather than producing a summer specific product range. This can be achieved by ensuring their products are multi-functional and marketed as this to target a wider audience who generally enjoy outdoor pursuits rather than just snowboarding. The increased popularity in items being worn as streetwear from outdoor retailers such as Berghaus, supports the consumer desire for multi-functional but fashionable clothing. Berghaus is now stocked on the fashion clothing and accessories website, ASOS. Producing a soft shell jacket or wind breaker allows brands to offer an item of clothing that has an all year round use and sales demonstrate this benefit. ‘Even bad weather can be good news, with online sales for Berghaus recently doubling during a rainy week, compared with the previous dry week.’ (Tighe and Bounds, 2012) Primary research on Westbeach’s current target audience also highlights their desire for a product that can be worn off the mountain in a casual environment - ‘When spending £100+ on a ski jacket, I’d like to be able to easily use it in other scenarios’. (See Appendix 1) Currently, outerwear brands are focussing on producing items that look like streetwear but still include technical qualities to ensure they can be worn on the hill as well. In turn this is increasing the item’s usability. Effectively, brands are striving to become a lifestyle brand and they are demonstrating this by bridging the gap between streetwear and outerwear. Fashionable and stylish t-shirts and sweatshirts are now being made from water repellent materials. Items such as streetwear jackets are incorporating mountain appropriate functions including adjustable hoods and thumbholes. Outerwear brands, in an effort to be recognised as streetwear are moving away from the over done neon retro look to a more sophisticated apparel look. This is what Westbeach should emulate to ensure they remain a key player in the boardsports industry rather than just the outerwear market.

The trend for ‘The Great Outdoors’ reflected in boardsport clothing collections at trade shows and advertising campaigns has also highlighted the increase in participation of outdoor sports and activities. Sports such as camping and hiking, saw the only increase in a 2012 participation report published by the Physical Activity Council. This is particularly relevant amongst boardsport types who naturally value the outdoor lifestyle from snowboarding and skateboarding to trekking and fireside cooking. The recent trade shows for streetwear and outerwear highlighted the importance of multi-functional products that need to be suitable for a range of different purposes. ‘The growing market for cross-functional products becomes a key focus for brands as consumers demand items that are versatile in design allowing the flexibility to be worn for multiple outdoors-based sports including trail running, trekking, hiking and yoga.’ (WGSN, A/W 13/14 Outdoor Retailer trend analysis, 2013) An example of how an outerwear brand could do this would be to alter the classic snowboarding outerwear item such as the ‘down jacket’ to a lightweight version, making it also suitable for milder conditions. Westbeach’s streetwear should also be products that are viewed as multi functional items suitable for all year round occasions rather than just a summer specific product range. This will help Westbeach to become a lifestyle brand. Consumers can live the snowboarding lifestyle through the clothing even if they are not practicing the sport at that particular time. It is important for Westbeach to ensure their streetwear is still suitable for riding. They should mimic competitors such as Bonfire and Colourwear. They produce streetwear that is still suitable for consumers to ride in but also for wear on the street. Bonfire has produced a “streetwear collection that hasn’t forgotten how to ride” and Colourwear produces both soft goods and streetwear that are “tailored to ride”.

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The Great Outdoors Trend


These mood boards illustrate ‘The Great Outdoors’ trend within consumer’s lifestyle and fashion sense. Two clothing trends are ‘Heritage Skate’ and ‘Summer Camp’ that are particularly relevant to this report.

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4 P’s 4.1

Product >> 4.1.1 Collaborations The streetwear market is heavily crowded and many outerwear brands already have established streetwear collections. Therefore, Westbeach should look at an alternative method to enter the streetwear industry and a collaboration has been suggested as the best strategy. In order for the brand to move into the lifestyle category and have an all year round presence as a clothing brand, different types of collaborations have been investigated. Research from stage one highlighted that Westbeach are one of the only brands in their category that have not launched many collaborations and none significant enough to be remembered by their consumer type. Competitors such as Burton are constantly releasing exciting collaborations with different companies from car manufactures to energy drinks to outdoor retailers whilst remaining the most successful player in the outerwear market. Collaborations can also be an effective way to reach new consumer audiences. For example, as the core demographic for snowboarding is constantly changing it is important for brands to reach other new customers without becoming too mainstream, which can have a negative effect. A subtle way of achieving this is through collaborating with another brand that falls into another demographic or lifestyle that isn’t yet targeted. This partnership must benefit both parties and through the collaboration create increased brand awareness and sales. Burton has successfully achieved this by partnering with Disney to bring Toy Story and The Muppets to the mountains. Burton has produced a number of Disney inspired snowboards for all ages to ride. They have also produced Toy Story Outerwear so that children “can take it to infinity and beyond”.

>> Collaboration with a streetwear brand As collaborations have grown in popularity in the boardsports market, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to be original when choosing the right partnership. Although Westbeach have a loyal following of consumers they are not renowned for their innovation or technical aspects. The Primary research questionnaire targeted at Westbeach consumers shown that they buy products because of the quality, value for money and style. In terms of a streetwear partnership for Westbeach, it is hard to find a suitable match who has not already collaborated with other more innovative outerwear brands. The streetwear brand cannot be a fairly new and upcoming brand, as that would not suit Westbeach who have a long history in outerwear and are regarded as the first company to produce snowboard specific clothing. They also consider their heritage as one of their main USPs. However, more established streetwear brands have already or are set to collaborate with other popular outerwear brands, for example, Stussy x Holden. They have launched ‘five items functional enough to keep you warm and dry, yet flexible enough to provide layering options that go from snow to surf.’ (Fischer, D, 2013) The streetwear and lifestyle brand, Poler Stuff, was determined a suitable match for Westbeach. Their mission is to provide ‘road tripping/camping gear for the surf, skate, and snow enthusiast.’ (Lewis, M, 2011) They sell streetwear items such as hats, sweatshirts and t-shirts as well as any camping

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equipment from tents to napsacks. They have a strong online social presence linking all of their social media accounts with the hashtag “Campvibes”. They also constantly share with their online community different “Poler Adventures” of outdoor pursuits and lifestyles. However, Poler Stuff is due to collaborate with Nike for A/W 2013 and launch a capsule collection. They are also going to introduce a full line of their own outdoor outerwear that will be suitable for snowboarding. Therefore a collaboration is unlikely as although they would suit Westbeach and help the brand move forward into a lifestyle category suitable for all outdoor pursuits but they cannot offer anything original to Poler Stuff. Westbeach’s main competitor Bonfire has also started to follow the trend for collaborations. They have partnered with woollen mill, Pendleton and produced the limited collection “Tailored to Destroy” consisting of shirts and jackets. The collaboration has been described as the perfect match as ‘Bonfire Snowboarding has been turning out freeride and freestyle snowboarding clothing and gear since 1989.’ (Pendleton, 2013) Whilst Pendleton ‘have been outfitting guys and girls with our legendary, woven-in-America wool fabrics for more than a century.’ (Pendleton, 2013). Through collaboration with a material brand, Bonfire has further developed their streetwear collection and through photographic campaigns has targeted skateboarders and other boardsport types.

>> Previous Harris Tweed Collaborations


Harris Tweed is commonly used for collaborations with fashion brands for an updated look. Modern retail brands use Harris Tweed often to upgrade collections and create an iconic timeless look. Tweed collaborations in the streetwear market are not uncommon, for example, Supreme. The brand has used Harris Tweed to upgrade coach style jackets for the lining in their A/W 2012 collection and more recently on their caps using a Herringbone style of Harris Tweed. Vans, Converse and Nike have all collaborated with Harris Tweed for shoe collections.

Harris Tweed Collaboration >> It is proposed that an appropriate method of entering the streetwear market and in an attempt to become a life style brand would be a collaboration for Westbeach. A suggested suitable match for Westbeach would be with a Harris Tweed mill to create a capsule streetwear collection.

>> Why is it relevant to Westbeach?

Tweed is a coarse waterproof cloth originally woven by hand that started life as a material of choice for working class men who worked in the fields. The name tweed actually was decided by mistake due to a tailor maker misreading the spelling of ‘Twill’. ‘It was, in marketing terms, an error of genius.’ (Aslet, C, 2010) The Scottish material made its way up the social hierarchy because of its water and wind resistance qualities. The archetypal upper class Englishmen turned to Tweed for a suitable outfit for outdoor excursions such as hunting. It was seen as an outdoor worthy material that was sophisticated and a representation of class. Initially Tweed was used for shooting jackets and gradually started to be used for a variety of different fields, for example, cycling and golfing. Tweed has remained fashionable through the years and the popularity for the material seems to show no sign of slowing. The material holds qualities that no man made material can achieve and weavers are constantly creating new styles to keep up with the ever-changing fashion industry.


Collaborations with Harris Tweed are very common and not a surprising partnership. However to date, the boardsports sector is one industry that has had little interaction with Tweed, in particular Outerwear brands. Although Tweed has come in and out of fashion, there have been very few official collaborations, apart from North Face. According to WGSN, Harris Tweed, in particular herringbone patterns are an emerging trend for key detail used in sportwear. ‘Heritage influences and textures remain a strong theme with wool and tweedy textures still key in outerwear.’ (WGSN, 2013) The heritage of Tweed also profoundly relates to ‘The Great Outdoors’ being a strong trend for lifestyle and clothing in 2013. The material has natural waterproof qualities, which is also appropriate for products that will be used for riding as well as everyday wear.


‘It was, in marketing terms, an error of genius.’ (Aslet, C, 2010)

[ 53 ]

4.1.3 SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths Both Westbeach and Carloway Harris Tweed have important name recognition. The introduction of CHT to WB will give a “couture” edge to Westbeach clothing. Both are traditional and dependable companies. Relevant clothes for growing outdoor lifestyle. The marriage of Westbeach and CHT have a unique synergy in the outdoor winter sports sector. Trustworthy quality with both companies which is what customers seek out – their type of customer does not favour the disposable faddish clothes. Ethical attitude. Trusted quality in both companies. Both brands will increase their customer base by partnering each other and increase sales. Elegant, high quality products not using cheap labour appeals to their buying audience. Affordable to ABC1s. CHT was revitalised in 2007 when tweed was at a low end and can give Westbeach valuable advice and an injection of new life. Both located in the north of UK which makes for good communications.

The Carloway Mill The Carloway Mill has been decided as the chosen Harris Tweed mill for the collaboration. There are other mills such as the Harris Tweed Herbrides. They are currently more modernised and already producing retail products available on their online site such as women and menswear, accessories and cloth samples. Point of Contact: Kathy Macaskill – Sales manager kathy.macaskill@harris-tweed.co.uk Tel: +44 (0)1851 643 300

Weaknesses Connotations with Tweed industry can be misinterpreted to be old fashioned. Both rely on the online shop with no flagship stores. Clever marketing required to project the two brands which would not automatically look suited – so good brand visualistion would be necessary. Has Tweed been used too often before in collaborations?


[ 55 ]

The strapline for CHT is “every Harris Tweed jacket has a story” would work well with Westbeach’s heritage. Huge potential for increasing sales. Fusion of new ideas would revive original Westbeach fashionistas. CHT and Westbeach’s global market to be increased. Far East fixation with tweed look could have huge potential for this collaboration.

Threats Politics and economies are primary sources of threats – Scotland goes to the vote for independence in 2014 which could affect confidence in home industries. Economic downturns that lead to restricted consumer spending. Shortage of raw materials. Competitors produce a similar product making Westbeach product less attractive and exclusive. Higher price for this product may be deemed too expensive by consumer.

[ 57 ]

4.1.4 The Capsule Collection

‘An error of genius’ The collection will consist of the staple items needed for an outdoor explorer who partakes in any type of boardsport riding. The collection acts as a multifunctional wardrobe that can be taken from snow to street to sand. The products incorporate the technical aspects required for snowboarding whilst stylish enough to wear around town. ‘Versatility is a key theme for autumn/winter 2013/14 and a premium is placed on styles and details that can be adapted for different conditions and environments.’ (WGSN, 2013) The collection will include female and male options that are similar designs but a different fit and shape. The collaboration will be called “An error of genius” relating to the history of how the name tweed originated. It also ties into the history of boardsports as each individual sport was invented due to trial and error and accidental experimentation. From that the industry ‘has evolved hugely from low-key recreational activities to multi-billion dollar business sectors and continues to grow at a rapid pace.’ (Spencer, C, 2013)

[ 61 ]

Range Plan The collection for the collaboration will be a SMU range to achieve a statement but ensure that it does not dilute what the brand stands for. The exclusivity of the collection will contribute to the halo effect. The collaboration will be made up of aspirational pieces that drive traffic to the website and then also generate sales elsewhere.

Printed knitted texture lining

A dark and sophisticated colour palette will be used allowing the collection to be worn for a multi purpose urban lifestyle. The amount of Harris Tweed material used will differ between each item.


Ruby Tuesday


The Jacket The collaboration collection will include two jackets, the Performance jacket and the over the head Cagoule. Indigo Denim The jacket, whether it is a soft shell, cagoule, windbreaker or waterproof over-the-head pullover, was the most commonly seen item included in brand collections during recent ARMSTRONG streetwear and outerwear trade shows. 1033 The combination of PANT If youto dream ofperfect denim butproduct have nightmares of soppy waterlog, style and technical features equals the for the Armstrong might be your new favourite jeans. waterproof fabric and authentic contrast thread today’s consumer who wants a Technical flexible10K item to compliment means you’ll be oozing style with none of the soak. their eclectic lifestyle. Snow andstitching outdoor outerwear is now being designed for the streets and is bridging the gap between lifestyle and performance. Soft shell jackets are also a key item for the spring months asPAGE they52are versatile and can be packed away if the weather is too warm.

Many of Westbeach’s current soft shell jackets could be worn as a streetwear item, as well as being suitable as a snowboarding jacket in the spring but they are currently not being marketed in this way to customers. Westbeach’s “Yaletown Collection� is an example of this and an attempt in the brand producing jackets suitable for ‘shredding cityscapes but equally competent in the woods’. (Westbeach, 2013) They are starting to move towards a lifestyle brand and produce jackets that consumers will wear all year round. ‘This collection is an exquisite execution that fuses progressive design elements with superior snow apparel to reflect the lifestyle and passion of those immersed in the snowboarding culture.’ (Westbeach, 2013). The brand can encourage their consumers to their website for other reasons, such as the proposed collaboration, and then they are likely to look at other product offerings such as the “Yaletown Collection�.

Ruby Tuesday

Gunmetal Commando




thaws winter chills away like a stove. yoke detail for a standout and stay-put look and feel.


Inthe Navy


A throwback from the early days of snowboarding, the distinctive anorak half-zip makes its triumphant return with technical materials for hikes in the backcountry and hangouts in the lodge.

[ PAGE 54

Ruby Plaid

Yaletown Collection 1031 WELTON JACKET From tall mountain timber to busy city streets, the Welton serves a double helping of toasted warmth for any kind of cruelty Mother Nature throws your way.


‘This collection is an exquisite execution that fuses progressive design elements with superior snow apparel to reflect the lifestyle and passion of those immersed in the snowboarding culture.’ (Westbeach, 2013).

The Performance Jacket

The Over the Head Cagoule

>> Urban influenced design with the functionality to protect from the outdoors.

>> Over the head jacket with front pocket features.

>> Will include detachable inner tweed lining to adapt to different temperatures. The wool will ensure the jacket is extremely warm and added waterproof qualities. >> Performance hoods with draw strings to tighten for greater protection.

>> Wind breaker that is made for performance, outdoor and snow conditions. >> Tweed finishes on pockets and collar. >> Can fold away into front pocket when no longer needed.

[ 63 ]

The Gillet >> The vest is a key layering piece for both male and females. >> Down filled but still lightweight. >> All over Tweed printed upper body part.

Reversible Shacket The performance shirt is a key item for action sport and lifestyle brands. It acts as a versatile layering piece for the transitional months and can be worn on both the mountain and the streets. >> Unisex – Female wear for a boyfriend fit and Males can go larger for a baggy fit. >> Fully reversible jacket – outside 100% wool (Tweed) / inside 50% Acrylic, 50% Wool – acrylic wool mix ensure enough weight to be reversible. >> Waterproof >> Inside is a block colour with hints of Tweed on the finishings. >> Popper fastening at placket, cuffs and pockets.

[ 65 ]

[ 67 ]

The Backpack


Swing Tag Design

>> Essential items for an outdoor explorer. >> Functional yet stylish.

The Beanie >> More sophisticated style of beanie so that it is accepted on the street aswell as on the mountain. >> Can be fold over or worn baggy. >> Harris Tweed label on front.

>> The swing tag will be used throughout the collection.

[ 69 ]


Product Due to collaboration collection being limited edition the pricing of the items will be higher than Westbeach’s standard products. A market orientated-strategy will be used based on competitors that have launched similar collaborations, e.g. Bonfire x Pendleton and Holden x Stussy.

Pricing: >> >> >> >> >> >>

Performance Jacket: £260 Soft Shell: £100 Shirt: £65.00 Vest: £120 Hat: £30 Backpack: £50


Place The distribution for the Westbeach x Carloway collaboration will be through both new and existing channels that Westbeach currently uses. Their current distribution channels are stated in section 3.3. In order to target the new consumer, “The Outdoor Explorer”, Westbeach will need to consider distributing on other online stores such as streetwear based sites Flatspot.com and Urbanindustry.co.uk. These online sites are not as mainstream as TSA but they often write up a blog post when they stock a new brand or product line. This is good promotion for Westbeach and will target a new audience predominately streetwear.

Communications Strategy

4.4 Promotion

[ 73 ]


Consumer Segmentation The Westbeach x Carloway Mill collaboration is intended to target two of Westbeach’s target consumers. These include the exsiting consumer, ‘boardsport fanatic’ and the new consumer, ‘the outdoor explorer’. The ‘fashionable social skier’ are more likely to buy just outerwear from the brand due to their lifestyle but potentially could be interested because of the functionality and style of the new collection. (See brand book for segmentation).


Direct Marketing For the Westbeach x Carloway Mill collaboration mainly below the line methods of promotion will be used. These include direct emails, PR in the form of press releases, exhibitions, online, blogs and viral marketing that will all be centralised around the ‘An error of genius’ campaign. The focal promotion method for this campaign will be the short film created using the team riders showcasing the new collection. The campaign will be fast building implemented for A/W 2013 however social media and trade shows will help to maintain the awareness of the collaboration. Although this strategy is intended to raise awareness of Westbeach during the summer months, this would be the best time period for the implementation as the brand is experiencing the most traffic to their website due to consumers looking for new outerwear for the winter season. It is intended that Westbeach will improve their current streetwear and continue to create collaborations off the back of the Westbeach x Carloway Mill in order to maintain consumers visiting their site in search of products on an all year round basis. Once this is achieved campaigns can assist in driving traffic to their website during the summer, for example, Burton’s founder and CEO stated that it is important to be ‘establishing our off season campaigns for a year round Burton business. This includes summer festivals where we can target our spring/summer products at those who love our lifestyle.’

Burton at Coachella

[ 75 ]


Optimising Westbeach’s team riders

Westbeach are not effectively using their team riders to their potential and they would benefit hugely by ensuring they are the face of their brand. These ambassadors are effectively free marketing and should be used more to promote products and generally raise awareness of the brand. It is suggested that Westbeach’s team riders are used in a promotional video for the capsule collection for the Westbeach x Carloway Mill collaboration called “An error of genius”. Competitors Bonfire and Holden have recently created short edits to communicate the message behind their collaboration. Bonfire’s video shows how the partnership was formed, behind the scenes footage of the product photo shoot, the team rider’s opinions on the collection as well as capturing them skateboarding and snowboarding. Holden’s recent collaboration with street and surfwear brand Stussy is similar to what is envisaged for Westbeach’s collaboration. The short video shows their team riders wearing the clothing from the 5 piece capsule collection and their travels through California. They start in the Northwest, riding in the snowy mountains, then you see them skateboarding before they travel south to the beach to surf and camp. Westbeach x Carloway Mill collaborative video will be shot in Scotland. The remit of the film must portray the values of both brands. Scotland as a location relates well to the heritage of Harris Tweed and is home to the Carloway Mill. The country is also suitable for Westbeach due to the connection between the mountains and snowboarding. The video will show the team riders snowboarding, skateboarding and surfing whilst


Brand Ambassadors Research shown in Appendix 3 highlights the importance of utilising team riders and creating ambassadors for the brand. Westbeach currently does have a global team of riders from Europe and Canada but is not utilising them to better their brand. Most consumers are unaware of who they are and that they even have a team at all.

wearing the clothing from the capsule collection. The basic outline of the video will feature them snowboarding in the Highlands of Northern Scotland and their journey to the East of Scotland to surf in the location of Pease Bay. Footage of them skateboarding will also be incorporated. The film would be scripted but also include spontaneous dialogue to achieve a fresh, captivating mood. There should be a strong emphasis on fun and the team riders enjoying spending time with each other, which will communicate Westbeach’s mission statement. Rather than just enjoying a day snowboarding with their friends, they will be travelling and exploring the outdoors through other boardsports. Westbeach’s target consumer can relate easily to these activities as it was highlighted in primary research that they enjoy a variety of outdoor pursuits. The film will also illustrate the current clothing and leisure trend for the great outdoors and the increase in outdoor activities such as camping. The change of environment and activity, for example, from snowboarding to surfing, shows the viewer that the clothing in the range is multi functional and intended for a range of different purposes. The collection is perfect for anyone who rides and loves being outdoors. Westbeach could advertise for enthusiastic supporters to be part of the film with walk on parts (especially from the local area or local university). Causing a stir like this would be local but excellent PR in an area that is highly populated with boardsport and outdoor enthusiasts.

[ 77 ]

Team Riders >> >> >> >>

Beau Bishop Andy Nudds Joel Loverin Matt Macwhirter

Key Elements: >> Compass >> Sign of Scotland >> Snow >> Driving in the car - old vehicle. >> Characters in the car – get to know them – their nicknames their values >> Sounds of bagpipes and contemporary music

4.4.4 Online Promotion The advantage of online promotion is that it is has a high target audience and can be very interactive with the consumer.

> website The new design of the website suggested in section 3.1, will also include continual promotion of the Westbeach x Carloway collaboration. A range of different sliders will be designed to use on the home page. These will be rotated to keep the website looking up-to-date and fresh with new content that is promoting the collaboration. The new collections area on the site will also have a detailed analysis of the latest collaboration with imagery. Westbeach’s blog will have posts weekly based on the collaboration. Initially these will be based on the short film and the introduction of the collaboration. Following this, posts relating to the collaboration such as providing interesting information to the consumer on outdoor pursuits and what to do whilst exploring the outdoors will be posted weekly. This will ensure the consumers continue to stay engaged.

> Social Media Most of Westbeach’s team riders are on Instagram (although some have a larger following than others) and it is proposed that they generate an initial buzz about the Westbeach x Carloway collaboration through their own accounts. This will be a personal approach in engaging consumers. This should be before Westbeach officially launches the collection. It would be beneficial to carry out a briefing day with the riders, gaining their support, and creating an environment where they will be encouraged to engender and nurture Westbeach by viral marketing.

[ 79 ] Westbeach have many partnerships with different companies who have a large target audience. These include Outgoing and Wasteland who are student tour operators – a very influential audience within the boardsport’s market. Westbeach provide uniforms for many of their staff members for different occasions. Due to the nature of their partnerships they should encourage these companies to help promote new product lines such as Westbeach’s collaboration via their social media pages. A press letter suitable for social media will be submitted to these companies in order to ensure that the placement of the product is marketed correctly. Outgoing also run a student brand manager scheme in which the employees wear Westbeach branded jackets. These types of influential students are good ambassadors for Westbeach. Once agreeing on the uniform criteria, they must request that Outgoing inform their SBMs during training to subtly promote Westbeach. They can also be informed of the latest products and campaigns to promote via WoM.

In order to increase social media engagement, competitions will be announced regularly for the customer to take part. The initial competitions will be advertised on the swing tags of the capsule collection. ‘We’ve had our fun, now you have yours.’ The hashtag ‘errorofgenius’ will be used throughout the campaign and the swingtags will ask customers to upload their photos of them having fun in their new products. The winning picture will win a holiday with Westbeach’s partner Treeline Chalets to try and test out just how multi functional the products are. (See example of swing tag on page 67)

[ 81 ]

> Blogs & Other Relevant Websites It is important that Westbeach target blogs and forums that the new target consumer, ‘The Outdoor Explorer’ visits. Examples of these are Sneaker Snobiety and Complex style who regularly write up about collaborations. A press release will be sent to these relevant blogs and to generate media attention. Publications such as Cooler, Onboard and Sidewalk also should be sent press releases to post on their online sites that have a large following. It is intended that the collaboration will also be publicised on the official Harris Tweed Authority blog and Facebook page, which has references of all certified collaborations.

[ 83 ]

4.4.5 Exhibitions Westbeach already attend trade shows to showcase their products but these are specific to the snow and outerwear market. These include ISPO and Slide. The benefits of exhibiting at this type of trade show for the Westbeach x Carloway collaboration is that brands such as Patagonia and Berghaus who also fall into the outdoor retailer market also exhibit there. It would be advisable for Westbeach to consider going to other trade shows such as The Ledge, based in London. The Ledge is a platform for both action sports and streewear brands to exhibit. Westbeach already falls into the action sports sector but by exhibiting at The Ledge would reach a wider audience, most importantly the streetwear market. If costs were permitted, another trade show to consider would be Bright situated in Berlin. It is an established show that links the streetwear, trainer, boardsport and fashion markets.

[ 85 ]


Consider launching new collaboration & campaign for summer.

Timeline PR sent to blogs and relevant press to inform about collaboration launch.



Female campaign consider changing female range for winter 2014 or add new products.

New collaboration launched for Summer.

Collab launched online.

Change website

June 2013

Another female campaign launched. Competitor for swing tag winner announced.



Change current streetwear designs.






Trade shows begin.

Launch another Westbeach consumer survery to see if the consumer has changed.

Internet, blog post, social media and video posted online. Email marketing sent.

Agreements with sponsors made. Student Brand Managers for Outgoing appointed in October, staff must be informed of promoting Westbeach.

June 2014



[ 87 ]


Finacial Plan


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5.0 In terms of marketing, if this strategy is followed Westbeach should be a successful all year round business in 3 years time but it will be a gradual build. Several indicators will be used to measure the success of this marketing strategy.

>> Key Performance Indicators Short Term aims: Westbeach’s website – The brand should monitor the amount of traffic that visits the site and whether it increases. Sales of products should also be an indicator of success. Targeting the Female market – Westbeach should endeavour to create another consumer survey to see if the average demographic has changed and whether more females are buying products as a results of changes to designs and specifically targeted campaigns. Social Media – If Westbeach’s followers or likes increases over the course of the campaign this indicates that awareness of the brand has been raised. Long Term aims: Product range – Sales from the collaboration are an obvious indicator of success. Due to the collection being a limited edition, Westbeach should hope for sell outs. If sales from basic streetwear also increase this will be assumed a result of the collaboration. ‘An Error of Genius’ film – The amount of hits the video receives on either Vimeo or Youtube will imply how popular it is and whether it was an effective method of promotion. Social Media – Conversations online between consumers and the brand will demonstrate that the collaboration is being talked about and engaging with their audience. PR – The amount of media coverage the collaboration obtains from websites, blogs and publication will denote again that it is popular, a must have and something consumers want to talk about.


Conclusion This report has been summarised into short and long-term strategic aims in order to prioritise a realistic marketing and communication strategy on how Westbeach can be considered an all year round business. The aims have been suggested with Westbeach’s key brand values and mission statement in mind (highlighted in the supplementary brand book), in order to create consistency within the brand. Although Westbeach does produce technical suitable items, this is not their USP in comparison with other more innovative outerwear brands. The strategy focuses on portraying the brand to their consumer in the correct way and what is appropriate for the brand’s audience. Their products are intended for fun; a group of friends enjoying themselves whilst wearing Westbeach products. The short terms aims have been suggested to create a solid foundation for Westbeach to develop and expand their current product offering. In addition, the primary aim of this strategy is to reposition Westbeach as a lifestyle clothing brand suitable for a range of outdoor pursuits. The emphasis of this strategy is not to produce summer specific clothing but rather products that are suitable all year round and can be adapted for different occasions and weather conditions. This will result in Westbeach increasing their potential for sales all year round. The strategy will also ensure that the brand is moving forward and continuing to compete against the major players in not just the outerwear market but also the boardsports industry as a whole.

[ 91 ]


References Section 3.0 WGSN, 2013, A/W 13/14 Outdoor Retailer trend analysis. 1st ed. Online: WGSN Spencer, C, 2013. An investigation into the summer retail market from a boardsport perspective with a focus on the surf and streetwear industries. 1st ed. WGSN, 2013. A/W 14/15 sport: Key details. 1st ed. Online: WGSN Spickernell, J. john@westbeach.com. Brand background. 28/01/13 Lazaris, L, 2010. The Case against Vertical Navigation [online]. Smashing Magazine. Available at: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2010/01/11/the-case-against-vertical-navigation/ [Accessed 27/03/13] Casel, B, 2013. Keep an Eye on These Web Design Trends in 2013 [online]. Mashable. Available at: http://mashable. com/2013/01/04/web-design-trends-2013/ [Accessed 07/03/2013] WGSN, 2012. Smart Fabrics 2012: Sports conference analysis. 1st ed: Miami: WGSN McCrindle, M, 2007. Word up: A lexicon and guide to communication in the 21st century. 1st ed. Online: Word up – McCrindle Research Walter, EKaterina, 2012. The Rise of Visual Social Media [online]. Fast Company. Available at: http://www.fastcompany. com/3000794/rise-visual-social-media [Accessed 04/12/12] Carpenter, D, 2012. The Burton girls unveils redesigned Website [online]. Burton Girls. Available at: http://burtongirls.burton. com/about/ [Accessed 05/12/12]

Section 4.0 Tighe and Bounds, 2012. Industry inspired by the great outdoors [online]. Financial Times. Available at: http://www.ft.com/ cms/s/0/27b54b60-c1eb-11e1-b76a-00144feabdc0.html#axzz2MlVTHHQn [Accessed 06/03/2013] WGSN, 2013, A/W 13/14 Outdoor Retailer trend analysis. 1st ed. Online: WGSN Fischer, D, 2013. Video: Stussy by Holden Outerwear [online]. High Snobiety. Available at: http://www.highsnobiety. com/2012/10/27/video-stussy-by-holden-outerwear/ [Accessed 29/03/13] Lewis, M, 2010. Upstarts: Poler Camping Stuff [online]. Transworld Business. Available at: http://business.transworld.net/73790/ features/poler-camping-stuff/ [Accessed 15/03/13] Pendleton, 2013. About us: Bonfire X Pendleton [online]. Pendleton USA. Available at: http://www.pendleton-usa.com/custserv/ custserv.jsp?pageName=Bonfire&parentName=AboutUs [Accessed 16/04/13]

Pendleton, 2013. About us: Bonfire X Pendleton [online]. Pendleton USA. Available at: http://www.pendleton-usa.com/custserv/ custserv.jsp?pageName=Bonfire&parentName=AboutUs [Accessed 16/04/13] Aslet, C, 2010. The Comeback of Tweed [online]. Country Live. Available at: http://www.countrylife.co.uk/countryside/article/492596/The-comeback-of-tweed.html [Accessed 18/04/13] WGSN, 2013. Essential menswear looks: preppy youth Europe. 1st ed. Online: WGSN WGSN, 2013. A/W 14/15 sport: Key details. 1st ed. Online: WGSN Spencer, C, 2013. An investigation into the summer retail market from a boardsport perspective with a focus on the surf and streetwear industries. 1st ed. Westbeach, 2013. Westbeach Winter Style Guide 2013/2014. 1st ed. Westbeach, 2013. Westbeach Winter Style Guide 2013/2014. 1st ed.



2013, Westbeach. Crabapple Jacket. Westbeach 13/14 Catalogue: P44. Accessed: 11/05/13


2012, Cousins, S, Westbeach logo. Really Big Cool. Online Available at: http://www.reallybigcool.com/index.php/ category/my-work/westbeach/Accessed: 18/04/13

Planet Print / Anti-Establishmint / Inthe Navy

Planet Print

1019 Crabapple

Jacket {planet print}

Break hearts and take names in the Crabapple’s twin sister with the twist of a premium print. Pop out above the crowd while staying safe from soak in a high-caliber jacket for progressive riders. PAGE 44

2012, Snowboard Transworld on Pinterest, Goggles. Snowboard Transworld Business. Online Available at: http:// pinterest.com/pin/282389839107548247/ Accessed: 02/05/13


Rendezvous Pant {Planet Print}

The perennial Westbeach favorite is back again to dominate Old Man Winter but with a twist of premium print. plus cargo pockets for all the necessities, these pants offer the best bang for your buck. PAGE 45

2013, Westbeach. Facebook Pg. Westbeach. Online available at https://www.facebook.com/WestbeachOuterwear?fref=ts:. Accessed: 9/05/13

2013, Asos. Berghaus. Asos. Online available at http://www.asos. com/Men/A-To-Z-Of-Brands/Berghaus/Cat/pgecategory.aspx?cid=14029. Accessed: 03/05/13

2013, Westbeach Outlet. Sweats. Westbeach. Online Available at: http://europe.westbeach.com/c14-mens-outlet.aspx Accessed: 03/05/13

2013, Burton. Outdoor collection. Burton. http://gb.burton.com/on/demandware.store/ Sites-Burton_GB-Site/default. Accessed: 03/05/13

2012, Burton. Toy Story Collaboration. Burton. Online available at http:// business.transworld.net/115067/news/burton-x-disney-collab-on-newsnowboard-collections/ Accessed: 02/12/12

2013, Poler Stuff. Poler Stuff. Poler Pinterest. Online available at http://pinterest.com/polerstuff/ Accessed: 07/05/13

2013, WGSN. Harris Tweed Supreme Cap. WGSN. Online report: Heritage Skate Accessed: 04/05/13

2013, Harris Tweed. Carloway Mill. Harris Tweed Facebook page. Online available at https://www. facebook.com/harristweedauthority?fref=ts Accessed: 02/12/12

2012, Burton. Burton at Coachella. Burton Girls Blog. Online available at http://burtongirls.burton. com/apres/coachella-yeah-we-threw-a-party/ Accessed: 02/12/12

2013, Anon. Poler Camping Photo Contest. Outdoor Explorer. Online available at http://www.snowboardermag.com/exclusives/poler-camping-stuff-photocontest-week-2/ Accessed: 07/05/13

2013, Westbeach. Yaletown Collection. Westbeach 13/14 Catalogue: P50. Accessed: 11/05/13

2012, Adidas. Jake Blauvelt for Adidas Snowboarding. Adidas Snowboard. Online available http://www.adidas.com/com/apps/snowboarding/ at Accessed: 02/12/12

Printed knitted texture lining

Ruby Tuesday

Gunmetal Commando



Ruby Tuesday




thaws winter chills away like a stove. yoke detail for a standout and stay-put look and feel.


Inthe Navy


A throwback from the early days of snowboarding, the distinctive anorak half-zip makes its triumphant return with technical materials for hikes in the backcountry and hangouts in the lodge.


Ruby Plaid


2013, Anon. The Ledge Trade Show. Sidewalk. Online available at http://sidewalk.mpora.com/news/the-ledge-tradeshow-returnsto-london-september-1st-3rd.html Accessed: 02/12/12


From tall mountain timber to busy city streets, the Welton serves a double helping of toasted warmth for any kind of cruelty Mother Nature throws your way.


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Appendix 1 Questionnaire on current target audience (Results from both Ipad and online survey)

Appendix 2 Female Resaerch using Westbeach 13/14 catalogue

>> Taz Turner P.63 - Beatty duffle (Black) (Female) P.36 - Lansdowne Jacket (Navy) (Female)

>> Izzy Parmenter P.45 – Crabapple Jacket (Planet print) (Female) P.15 – Wood Parker (Blue ice) (Male)

>> Becca Ramsden P.15 – Commando Jacket (Male) P.39 – Shallow Jacket (purple) (Female)

>> Kath Wilkinson P.51 – Findlay Duffle (Male) P.62 – Magee Jacket (Female)

>> Hannah Johnston P.20 – Tokum Jacket (Male) P.59 – Bayshore Puffer (Female)

>> Natalie Sawyer P.43 – Crabapple Jacket (Shallow Purple/Carmela) (Female) P.73 – Archive T-shirt (White) (Female)

>> Jacqui Dickinson P.36 – Lansdowne Jacket (Carmela) (Female) P.78 – Bobble Hat (Clamato Red)

>> Emily Dickinson P.15 – Wood Parker (Blue Ice) (Male) P.51 – Findlay Duffle (Black) (Male)

>> Meg Baldwin P.15- Wood Parker (Blue Ice) (Male) P.43 - Crabapple Jacket (Shallow Purple) (Female)

>> Sarah Williams P.15 – Wood Parker (Black) (Male) P.79 – City Suit Hat (Langley)

>> Alice Little P.45 - Rendezvous Pant (Planet Print) (Female) P.51 – Findlay Duffle (Male)

>> Jade Barltrop P.58 – Cambie Puffer (Male) P.64 – Venables Vest (Female)

>> Claire McDonald P.40 - 1st avenue soft shell (Female) P.60 - Whale Crew (Male)

>> Alice Taylor P.24 – Ego Print Jacket (Male) P.15 – Wood Parker (Male)

>> Lou Littlejohn P.14 - Harcourt Jacket (Navy & Apri acid) (Male) P.37 – Black Kaden Wood Jacket (Female)

Appendix 3 Brand Ambassadors Boardsports are often associated with a laidback lifestyle that many seek to achieve. The use of pro snowboarders, skateboarders and surfers as brand ambassadors is not an uncommon procedure. Amateurs aspire to a certain lifestyle and image that the professionals portray. The board sport market is very fashion led and its participants are constantly looking for the latest trends and technologies that are often enhanced by a good rider in a film feature or ad campaign. Due to the increase in popularity of visual methods of communications such as film, it is more important than ever for brands to secure partnerships and sponsor the best riders. It is also significant for them to support the most upcoming riders that will determine the future of the market. The competition amongst brands to represent the best athlete is very high and it is now essential for them to have their brand name seen in as many different avenues as possible even if they aren’t necessarily directly associated with the board sport market, for example, events, sponsorship and collaborations. Each of the major players in the different sports within the board sports market have worked with their brand ambassadors to produce endorsed product lines. Ambassadors are chosen for the different sports dependant on the target consumer, for example, for girls who are surfers, pro surfer Stephanie Gilmore represents Quiksilver’s girl clothing and Burton snowboarding has a partnership with Olympic snowboarder Shaun White to target the male snowboarding demographic. It is important for brands to choose the most appropriate ambassador for the gender and generation it is targeting. For a female target audience, it is essential to have a female in board sports as the brand ambassador to be able to inspire that consumer segment, e.g. The young professional snowboarder Aimee Fuller is an appropriate ambassador for the young target audience of Roxy. Adidas is an example of a brand that has leveraged their new snowboarding product line successfully through their team riders. The brand signed snowboarder Jake Blauvelt to assist with the launch and due to their recognisable strong roots in sports, particularly football and skate, he was confident that If Adidas did the same in snow it would succeed. They have also assigned five other pro riders to their “snow squad”. They are using their team to deliver the message of them entering the snowboard market via their various social media sites such as Facebook & Instagram. Using team riders to connect with a brand’s target consumer is an effective method of brand engagement. The consumer can relate better to a pro snowboarder who inspires them compared to an ad campaign.

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