Frontier of Fyrea - Valkosian Gunslinger career book

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Valkosian Gunslinger

The Valkosian Gunslinger The Gunslinger, a tried-and-true warriors path. The Valkos have idolized the concept of Gunslingers since the height of the Imperium, having many films centred around gun-toting heroes saving damsels and defeating the villain. Many heroes emulate their style of quick-drawing, gun-twirling and faster-thana-speeding bullet reflexes. But many do not live up to the legend. The Gunslinger is a special career for the Valkosian race and revolves around the use of high dexterity as well as charisma to pull off the guise of a mysterious gunman. It is recommended you take this career if you enjoy stylistic combat and using more weapons then are truly necessary - at the same time. The Gunslinger is a career in which you gain certain new skills, such as Dual-Wielding with Gunplay or shooting fast with Quickdraw. If your campaign errs on the side of practicality and reality, rather than Fyrea’s traditional, pulpy style. Then this career may not fit your campaign.

History The concept of the Gunslinger arose many years before the fall of the Imperium. It is believed to be started by famed holovid director, Serje Lohne. His distinctive style and record breaking hit vids, had inspired an entire wave of so called “Rimward Tales”. The vids usually starred a gruff, but charismatic hero who always walked the path of the good man, even when dealing with the most despicable of villains. This style adapted over the years, and began focusing on many action vids involving terrorist plots, secret conspiracies and overwhelming amounts of explosions.


After the fall of the Imperium, the idea was kept alive by the sheer numbers of holovid copies, especially of the classics such as: The Morally Reprehensible, the Amoral and the Phoe or The Magnificent Sect. These holovids were the key in keeping the idea of Gunslinger heroics alive, and inspired many to emulate the mysterious warriors. Around fifty years ago, the first Valkosian Gunslinger’s sect opened up, which caused many who heard of the tales to migrate towards the world. The dirty world had become a booming, bustling hub of Valkosian culture and self-discovery until it was annexed by the Dominion less than five years ago. Currently, it still has a larger-than-average population of Valkos gunslingers, and boasts a population of hundreds of millions. Generate a Gunslinger using standard Valkosian character generation rules as defined in the Alien Module - Valkosian Remnants supplement.

Valkosian Gunslinger

Gunslinger (C


You trained yourself to act like your holovid hero. You focused on doing good, impressing your friends or foes or executing rimward law. Qualification: Dexterity 7+ Characters must have at least Dexterity 8 to become a Gunslinger.

Specialties: Choose one of the following: • Pistolero: You were deadly with a pistol, and could hit the wings off a fly at 20 paces. • Man without a Name: You were quiet, reserved and dispensed silent justice upon the galaxies villains. • Trickshooter: You flipped, twirled, juggled and spinned every gun you could get your hands on, and got good at it too.

Basic Training: Unlike other careers, a Gunslinger gains level 0 skills from the appropriate Specialist table instead of the Service Skills table in basic training.

Skills and Training

1d6 Personal Development

Service Skills

Advanced Education edu 8 minimum





Jack of all Trades


+1 Charisma

4 5 6

Gun Combat (any)

+1 Dexterity




Drive (any)


+1 Renown



Gun Combat (any pistol)

Pilot (any)

Athletics (any)



1d6 Specialty: Pistolero

Specialty: Man without a Name

Speciality: Trickshooter



Gun Combat (any)


Gun Combat (any)



4 5 6



Gun Combat (any)

Gambler Gunplay


Athletics (co-ordination)





Quickdraw or Gunplay 1



Gunslinger’s Gear



Titled Weapon




Rank Gunslinger 2

Quick Draw


Ranks and Benefits



+1 Dexterity


Career Progress

Pistolero Man without a Name Trickshooter



Dexterity 8+

Endurance 8+

Intelligence 7+ Dexterity 6+

Dexterity 6+ Dexterity 7+


Valkosian Gunslinger

1d6 Mishap



Severely injured. Roll twice on the Injury table and take the lower result.


While performing a stunning act of gunplay, you accidentally shoot yourself in the foot. Onlookers mock you and spread the word of your fumbling. Roll on the Injury table and lose 1 Renown.

2 4 5 6

A rival harasses you and makes you lose confidence in your abilities. Lose 1 Dexterity and gain a Rival. Excessive stress and training takes its toll on your body. Lose 1 Endurance.

During a showdown, you are promptly trounced and humiliated. Leave the Gunslinger career or lose 2 Renown and stay. Injured. Roll on the Injury table.

3d6 Events



Disaster! Roll on the Mishap table, but you are not ejected from this career.


You gain a following of admirers. Gain 1d3 Contacts, but also gain an Enemy who is jealous of your attention.

4 6 7 8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15 16 17 18


You are attacked by a highly dangerous animal. Roll either Stealth 8+, Gun Combat 8+ or Recon 8+ to deal with it, or Animals (training) 8+ to tame it. If you fail either roll, roll on the Injury table. If you tame it, gain the creature as a pet. Your gunplay is only matched by your cardplay. Gain one level of Gambler. You may wager any number of Benefit rolls. Roll Gambler 8+; if you fail, lose all the wagered Benefit rolls. If you succeed, gain half as many Benefit rolls as you wagered (round up). Your life takes a peculiar turn. Roll on the Unusual Events table in the Life Events section. (page 34 of the Traveller Core Rulebook). During a particularly long trip in space, you are offered special safety training. Gain one level of Vacc Suit or Zero-G.

You attempt to make your mark in the world, and attempt to perform a stunning display of gun mastery. You may roll Gunplay 8+. If you succeed, gain 1 Renown and 1 Dexterity or Charisma. If you fail, lose one Renown. You drift amongst a desert wasteland and adapt to your surroundings. Gain Survival 1, Streetwise 1, Gunplay 1 or Athletics (endurance) 1.

Whilst wandering the stars for a new adventure, you intercept a transmission from a nearby planet. Roll 1d6: 1: The transmission came from a band of mischievous pirates. You may use this opportunity to locate the pirate base, and automatically qualify for the Pirate career next term. You may roll Gun Combat 8+, if you succeed, you take out the pirates and gain 1 Renown, if you fail; roll on the Injury table. 2: It was a merchant, looking to buy supplies. Gain a Benefit roll. 3: It was a distress call from a crashed ship, and you help them get running again. Gain Mechanic 1 or Engineer (any) 1. 4: It was a trap, but you easily fend off the greedy bandits. Gain one level of Melee (any) or Gun Combat (any). 5: It was a secret transmission. You fail to break the code, and the agents responsible seek to end your life. Gain an Enemy. 6: It is a distress call and you are able to help with rescue. Gain an Ally amongst the survivors.

You have been there and back... and there again; your life has become quite dull because of all you have been through. You lose 1 point from either Strength or Dexterity, but you gain +2 Endurance as a result of your rigorous life. While on the search for villainy, you come upon a cache of equipment. Gain the Weapon, Armour or Armour Permutation benefit as defined in the Valkosian Alien Module.

You are sent a message, ordering you to join the local lords standing army. Roll Persuade 8+, Diplomacy 8+ or Advocate 8+. If you succeed, stay in this career and gain one level in a skill you own. If you fail, you are forcibly drafted next term. Roll 1d3 and draft using the corresponding book. 1 - Core Rulebook, 2 - Panocean Dominion, 3 - Valkosian Remnants. Your rising fame garners an invitation to an elite society. Gain Carouse 1, Gambler 1, Broker 1 or a Contact amongst the club.

During your travels, you come upon an old wreck of a ship. The ship is now under your possession, but you must roll 7 times on the Old Ships table (see: Traveller Core Rulebook, pg. 136). The vessel has an exotic structure and displaces 100 tons. You acquaint yourself with a fellow gunslinger, who teaches you a thing or two. Gain one level of Gunplay, Gun Combat (any) or Quickdraw or get a +4 DM to your next advancement roll thanks to his aid. Your skill with a gun, is only matched by your determination. You are automatically promoted.

Valkosian Gunslinger

1d6 Cash 1 2 3 4 5 6

Mustering-Out Benefits


10,000cv 10,000cv

20,000cv 25,000cv



Gunslinger’s Gear +1 Intelligence Armour

+1 Dexterity

Titled Weapon

+1d3 Dexterity

Special Equipment Gunslinger’s Gear (TL 10): Equipment worn over the traditional Valkosian suit. Includes a long dustier, of your own styling. The coat is tailored from ballistic cloth, and provides 2 Protection on top of your regular armour. The Gear also includes many pouches, holsters, a sword’s scabbard as well as many places to hide knives. Whenever you would be searched, you may hide two pistols and/or daggers. To hide a weapon, roll a difficult Stealth Check with a negative modifier equal to the searchers Intelligence modifier. Titled Weapon - A special gun, hand crafted by the finest Valkos smiths. It requires a name, to unlock its true potential. Whenever you miss a shot with your Titled Weapon, once per day you may re-roll that shot and keep the lower result. The Titled Weapon is a powerful revolver, with custom grip and a well grooved barrel. Weapon The Titled Weapon Tech Level 6 Range Ranged (pistol) Damage 3d6 Auto No Recoil 0 Mass (kg) 1.00kg. Magazine 6 Ammo Cost (Cv.) 5.00cv per 6 rounds. Most Gunslingers name their gun after lost lovers, famous battles or their holovid hero. The Titled Weapon can be modified easily, and comes with a gun cleaning kit and sling you can loop in the guns griphoop, keeping it from being knocked out of your hand. If you use the sling, you cannot perform Gunplay actions.

New Skills

Along with the Gunslinger, comes two new skills unique to the career.


The Gunplay skill represents your characters finesse when twirling, spinning, or performing tricks with their weapon. Gunplay typically uses only Dexterity. Gunplay also covers dual-wielding weapons.

Performing an entertaining display of gun mastery: Dexterity, 10-60 seconds, Difficult (-2). Intimidating a foe with gun-handling expertise: Dexterity, 1-6 seconds, Difficult (-2). When wielding two pistols, you are given a -4 DM to hit with each. For each rank in Gunplay, reduce this penalty by 1. At Gunplay 4, you have no negative modifier to hit with dual-wielded weapons. Any further ranks in Gunplay have no effect on dual-wielding. All attacks made while dual-wielding use the Burst Fire rules. For pistols without auto, treat both as having Auto 1. Add both pistols Auto Values together when determining damage. Weapons that come with an Auto value, can be used in a Full Auto action. Combine all penalties associated with performing a Full Auto action. For Full Auto actions, double the ‘to hit’ penalty from dual-wielding, e.g. a -4 DM to hit is a -8 DM when performing a full auto action, -2 to hit is a -4 etc. You can reduce this penalty to a minimum of -2.


The Quickdraw skill reflects your speed and prowess when shooting a target quickly and cleanly. The skill is vital when facing against a tough situation or rival Gunslinger.

Defeat an expert shootist in a fair standoff: Dexterity, 1-6 seconds. Difficult (-2), Opposed. Knock the hat off a potential threat: Dexterity, 1-6 seconds. Very Difficult (-4). Your Quickdraw skill, while wielding a pistol, confers a +1 DM per rank when determining Initiative. If you lack either the Quickdraw or Gunplay skill, and have taken part in the Gunslinger career for at least one full term. You may use Gun Combat to supplant rolls (not the associated bonuses such as dual-wielding or improved initiative) at a base -2 DM.


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