What Lies Beyond

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Table of Contents




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What Truly Lies Beyond?

Because I find in modern RPG’s that they aren’t straight forward with what they are trying to accomplish, I will just outright say with this is meant to be. It is meant to be an adapted work heavily (and I do mean heavily) influenced by the Firaxis title, XCOM: Enemy Unknown. Creatures are slightly modified to fulfill copyright constraints, while a few more might be added because I simply like adding upon the base I have been given. The implication is that you can run your own unofficial XCOM games using this system and ignore any of the original ‘fluff ’ I have written. All rules in this book are basically segregated from the fluff and should lend well to such a prospect. Hopefully in time I will be able to make an official XCOM project, but until then this will have to suffice.

WHAT LIES BEYOND © 2015 Ceti Publishing. All rights reserved. All significant characters, names, places, organizations, items, and text herein are copyrighted by Ceti Publishing.

This material is protected under the copyright laws of Canada and of the United States of America. All content in this book is open to the public under an Open Game Licence. Distribution of this pdf is; and always will be completely free. If you wish to contact Ceti, send an email to CetiPublishing@gmail.com 2

What lies beyond

TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S INTRODUCTION What in the world? . . . Where am I? . . . Who am I? . . . Timeline . . . The Alien Menace . . . Core Tenets . . .


HOW TO PLAY Tabletop RPG Primer . . . Dice used . . . Attributes . . . Skill Tests Opposed Rolls . . . Skill Modifiers Movement . . . Narrative Interaction . . . Encumbrance/Weight . . .

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Advantages . . . Disadvantages . . .

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OCCULT PROWESS ‘The Gift’ Psionic Skill . . . Psionic Abilities . . . Dangers of the Mind . . .

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EQUIPMENT AND EXPENSES Weapons . . . Weapon Customization . . . Armour and Clothing . . . Specialist Equipment . . . Explosives . . . General Equipment . . . Consumables . . . Frivolties . . .

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SKILLS Using Skills . . . Skill Desciptions . . . Gaining Skills . . . Specialist Skills . . .

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XENOEQUIPMENT Alien Weapons . . . Alien Armour . . . Alien Items . . . Alien Oddities . . .

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CHARACTER CREATION Pre-Career . . . Generating Attributes . . . Classes . . . Gunner . . . Commando . . . Marksman . . . Support . . . Saboteur . . . Abilities . . . Promotions . . . Advanced Classes . . . Alternative Creation rules . . .

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BIONICS AND CYBERNETICS Installation Process . . . Prosthetic Limbs . . . Surgical Enhancement . . . Weapon Installation . . . Cybernetic Modifications . . . Cyborgs . . . Augments . . . Man Amplifiers . . . Mechanized Infantry . . . Xenoenhancements . . .

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Table of Contents

GENETIC MODIFICATION Surgical Process . . . Limb Reconstiution . . . Gene Packages . . . Brain Mods . . . Eye Mods . . . Arm Mods . . . Organ Mods . . . Skin Mods . . . Leg Mods . . . DNA Modification . . .

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COMBAT AND MANEUVRES Combat Overview . . . Action Order . . . Ambushes and Surprises . . . Intiative and Turn Order . . . First Action . . . Second Action . . . Round End . . . Main Actions . . . Partial Actions . . . In-Combat Interaction . . . Injury and Death . . . Combat Statistics . . . Vitality Points . . . Critical Hits . . . Flanking . . . Cover and Defence . . . Overwatch and Suppression . . . Hunkering Down . . . Lines of Sight . . . Flight . . . Dashing . . . Climbing and Falling . . . Swimming . . . Will . . . Panic . . . Ending Combat . . . Combat Example . . . 4

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SECRET ORGANIZATIONS Special Activities Division . . . D.I.E. . . . Sigma-6 U.S. Spec. Exped. Marines . . . O.A.J. . . . Omega-Chi-Rho August - 5 Order of the Mariners . . . Moschella Syndicate . . . The Cult of Ether . . . The White & Red

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What lies beyond NATIONS OF THE WORLD United States of America . . . Federation of Canada . . . Republic of Mexico . . . Argentine Republic. . . Republic of Brazil . . . Great Britannia The White Republic of Russia . . . German Empire . . . Austria-Hungary . . . Neo-Byzantine Empire . . . South Chinese Republic . . . Peoples Republic of China . . . Empire of Japan . . . Republic of India . . . Federation of Australia . . . Republic of Egypt . . . State of Capetown . . . Confederacy of West Africa . . .

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VEHICLES Vehicular Actions . . . Armour and Structure . . . Vehicular Weapons . . . Repairs and Retrofitting . . . Small Vehicles . . . Medium Vehicles . . . Large Vehicles . . .

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ALIEN VEHICLES Alien Vehicular Equipment . . . Alien Flying Craft . . . Light Alien Vehicles . . . Medium Alien Vehicles . . . Heavy Alien Vehicles . . . Abduction Equipment . . .

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FERAL ALIENS 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

THE ALIEN INVASION FORCE Xenohistory . . . An Alien Agenda . . . Xenostrategy . . . Alphid . . . Alphid, Greater . . . Xenocyte . . . Xenocyte, Brute . . . Reptilian . . . Reptilian, Alpha . . . Freaker . . . Shifter . . . Zuchttier . . .

Zuchttier, Matriarch . . . Zuchttier, Tierling . . . Legionnaire . . . Legionnaire, Elite . . . Centurion . . . Wardroid . . . Drone . . . Blutphage Alien Crawler . . . The Great Ones . . . The Greatest One of them All . . . The Grand Tiered Beast . . .

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Creating a Feral Alien . . . Alien Auxiliaries . . . Playing an Alien . . . The Serpents . . . Splitfaces . . . Watchers . . . Eidolons . . . The Coldmen . . . Skinnies . . . The Grey Man . . . Sewer Crawlers . . . Red Eyes . . .

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REFEREE’S RESOURCES Alien Encounters . . . Alien Organizations . . . Alternative Rules . . . Optional Mechanics . . . Encounter Tables . . . Omnipotent Knowledge . . .

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Surgical Process . . . Limb Reconstiution . . . Gene Packages . . . Brain Mods . . . Eye Mods . . . Arm Mods . . . Organ Mods . . . Skin Mods . . . Leg Mods . . . DNA Modification . . .

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GLOSSARY Glossary Contents . . .


MAPS AND SHEETS Encounter Maps . . . World Map . . . Continental Maps . . . Character Sheets Other Sheets . . .

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t is a world under siege, and everyone is fearing for their lives. From the cold wastes of Siberia, to the gentle breezes of the continental United States, the aliens influence is quite literally worldwide. They had been first scouted on the outskirts of civilization.

It had been a cool day on the coast of the Atlantic, the sun still blazed brightly in the afternoon sky. When suddenly two jets streak above, leaving a white trail - two American fighters had begun to pick up speed as they headed towards the coast of Nova Scotia, near the town of Belsurne.

A photo of a saucer here, a video of little Grey men there, but no nation took it truly seriously. The idea of an alien invasion has been the story of fools and the insane, their mad ramblings on the streets going in one ear of politicians and out the other with little regard for what horrible truth lies behind.

Two of the odd looking, black saucers began to float upwards as a response, but not before the two fighter craft had launched their entire payload upon the UFO, seemingly connecting as the ship spun out of control and landed into the ground - carving it open like a spoon in sand. The other ship had unfortunately escaped. After post-mission details, the small On May 2nd, 1942, the first confirmed sightings of aliens had Canadian village was down 27 occupants, never to be heard entered the White House, and it was terribly close to home. The message had came in the form of a relayed message from from or seen again. Canada’s parliament, requesting the aid of the U.S. air force in dealing with the sudden landing of two mysterious craft. The The Federation of Canada was outraged at the abduction following events would change humankind’s outlook on the and had begun speaking to important officials within the British Commonwealth and the United States. stars forever.


Three days later, S.A.D. also known as the Special Activities Division was formed.

What lies beyond What in the World?


The date is March 1st, 1962. The public is aware of the alien menace, but details are purposefully scant. Entire voids within various special operations divisions of various countries spring up. Untold amounts of funds being dumped into these sinks, as mysterious craft begin to appear above the skies of major cities. This world has seen unbridled scientific advancement since the rise of Democracy and Fascism after World War I. The failed Red September quelled by the troops of the United States, the White Russians had won. Communism had died out, save for the lone flicker within northern China. Nationalism is on the rise, and cooperation is plummeting. The world does not try to entertain the idea of alliances, organizations or multinational laws - they look inward for solace amongst their languages and peoples. Several nations followed in the footsteps of nations like Italy and Germany, and overthrew those who would quell them. In Anatolia and Greece, Greek rebels gained the aid of Commonwealth forces and overthrew the Ottoman Empire - establishing a new Byzantine Empire to regain the ancient heritage of Constantine. Neo-classicalism has grown to be more and more popular in this veritable Golden Age of culture. The Russian Empire of the Romanov’s had fallen with their demise, but in its place rose the White Republic. A great united nation that reined in the territroies east-and-west. Its historical friendship with America being one of the rare examples of international cooperation. Europe has remained a great stalemate of powers. AustriaHungary and the German Empire have kept on guard by Where am I? their rivals the British and the French. What Lies Beyond assumes you will be starting in North America, specifically within the United States of America. SPARE SPACE The world of WLB is disjointed and schizophrenic with its technology as science has taken a different track to reality. Even its physics act in a manner that allow impossibilities to become reality. Mechanized walking robots, strength-boosting Man Amplifiers, genetic modification and flying cars being a few examples of the pulp fiction oddities of the world. Great, sprawling cities line the eastern seaboard with monolithic skyscrapers, arches and highways high enough to pop ones ears just by taking the onramp. The urban American begins his day with a cup of coffee, morning steak and a trip on the People Mover down to the factories as they work an industrious, productive 8 hour day.


Introduction Glittering in the skies above the metropolitan American Life in Foreign Countries below are the upper-class, with the relatively recent creation While this paints a picture of America, it does not paint one of the flying car. These ‘cars’ are powered by a mysterious of the rest of the world. If your game is based out of another element sold by the government, which are able to run for country, it is recommended you read about them on their respective and comprehensive page in the Nations section. years without requiring refilling. Wealth and power never looked so good. Glittering in the skies above the metropolitan American below are the upper-class, with the relatively recent creation SPARE SPACE of the flying car. These ‘cars’ are powered by a mysterious element sold by the government, which are able to run for years without requiring refilling. Wealth and power never looked so good. The primary organization of paranormal defence and research is the joint-Commonwealth/U.S. taskforce known as the Special Activities Division. Based within the bureaucracy of the Central Intelligence Bureau, S.A.D. has been mothballed until recent times due to a great spike in extraterrestrial activity. The S.A.D. is based within sight of the automotive capital of the world, Detroit, Michigan. Outside of these impressive feats of metal and concrete lies the heart of America, its endless grassy fields and farms. Stretching from Washington to Seattle, advances in irrigation and modified foods have spiked production enough to feed every American citizen (and a half!) The West Coast, much like the East, is highly developed and modernized. Hollywood has become the de facto film capital of the United States, spreading films for public consumption. At the heart of the California lies the west coast’s gem, Los Angeles. Renowned for their expert aeronautics industry, Los Angeles and to a lesser extent California is renowned for the fastest and most reliable of planes.

Who am I?

In What Lies Beyond, you are assumed to be a member of one of the many Secret Organizations that dwell in the shadows of the United States - particularly the Special Activities Division. You can be almost anyone, as long as they have some capability to lend to S.A.D. Ex-marines, gumshoe detectives, criminals, conspiracy theorists, air force pilots or an FBI agent for example. Any American, tall or small, white or black, male or female can do their duty for their country against the alien menace. People are not so mistrusting of others now that they are all under threat. S.A.D. operatives are picked, conscripted or simply shifted from other CIA departments to fill their ranks to desirable levels. What position you take up in the organization is dependent on the game style. Will your game focus on mystery and intrigue, or will you and your compatriots battle the alien menace directly and fend them off from Anglophone soil?




What lies beyond Timeline D



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