4 minute read
○The three Cs to make a better world: Comprehension, Commitment and Companionship
3Cs to make a better world: Comprehension,
Commitment and Companionship
It might seem difficult for one person to make a better world, but the small contributions made by millions of people
can end up making a real difference. If we add what one student does, to what his or her classmates do, to what their fellow students at the same faculty do, to what all the students at the University do, then we have the beginning of a real change.
The CEU Cardenal Herrera University aims to provide its students with a wellrounded education, as experts from all over the world agree that the best professionals are also good people, and we place the focus on three values, with which we can all build a better world.
1C O M P R E H E N S I O N : This is about seeing the world with our own eyes, understanding the reality faced by people in situations different to our own and also the potentially huge impact on others of what falls within our personal responsibility.
At CEU, one of the ways in which we view education is in terms of two simple but powerful concepts: learning and service.
And we can see this comprehension and understanding in the case of Raquel, a young Medicine student. She jumped at the chance to participate in a volunteering mission to the Philippines, organized by her lecturers. She spent her time there drawing on the knowledge and skills she possessed to provide medical care to those living in poverty. This mission taught Raquel that studying Medicine is about much more than just working hard to pass exams, and that being a doctor is about much more than having a stethoscope draped around your shoulders. And she also learnt that when you devote time to help others, YOU ALWAYS GET BACK MUCH MORE THAN YOU GIVE.
You can also see comprehension and understanding in the actions of a group of students and lecturers from the Department of Education Science who travelled to Nicaragua, moved by their conviction that the real meaning of their profession lay in using their knowledge and skills to improve the word we live in. During their time in Nicaragua, the volunteers worked with children, families and their teachers. The mission provide
“I’d like to thank the University for organizing projects like this, for giving us the opportunity to have this experience, and for helping us, once again, to be better people”.
the participants with great personal satisfaction and it is a great example of what having a vocation really means: putting yourself at the service of those in need.
2C O M M I T M E N T That is what Daniela did when she took part in one of the volunteering projects run by the Chair of Solidarity, starting off by giving English classes to children from vulnerable families. This stint as a volunteer was what led her to decide to focus her career on
working with children and on raising their awareness of the importance of dental health – a great way to put her dentistry knowledge and skills at the service of the community.
We can see the same values in our CEU Nursing students too. Marina,
“Society demands that we devote time to others”
Ana, Elena, Carly and Marta have provided company and basic care to elderly people at the Casa Asilo de las Hermanitas de Ancianos Desamparados and the Cottolengo care homes in Valencia.
3COMPANIONSHIP COMPANIONSHIP is the last piece of our puzzle. It’s about bringing people together and enabling ideas, knowledge and viewpoints to be shared, in order to contribute to the construction of a fairer and more humane world for everyone.
This is the spirit behind the Delivering Better Lives project, which aims to improve the quality of life in children with a disability. The project is led by Physiotherapy lecturers and students who wish to promote social integration through sport.
Companionship shines out in one of our graduates in Journalism and Audiovisual Communication. With her short film “¿Lo ves?”, Patty shows us the real day-today life of people with albinism. As she has this genetic condition
“The audience will put themselves in my shoes, understand the way I see the world and feel the way I feel in certain situations”.
herself, Patty reminds us of the need to dream and to realize that the only limits are the ones we set ourselves.
Miguel Ángel has also shown us, if we want a world for everyone and which involves everyone, we must look beyond ourselves and drive initiatives which bring people together. His contribution is the Xmile project, a short film which can be experienced via the five senses: it can be seen and heard, but it can also be smelt, tasted and touched. It is a work created with all of our sensory capabilities in mind.
The CEU community wants everything it does and makes to contribute to making the world a better place, with no limits on time or space.