A new innovation cluster for Yorkshire and the Humber
What is BioVale?
BioVale is an innovation cluster that aims to establish Yorkshire and the Humber as an international centre for bioeconomy research and development.
What is the bioeconomy?
The bioeconomy encompasses the production of renewable biological resources and their conversion into food, feed, chemicals, materials, fuels and energy
The Bioeconomy is a global priority
The Bioeconomy is a global priority
The bioeconomy is a UK priority
Value of the UK bioeconomy
An assessment of the impact of the bioeconomy on the United Kingdom economy. Capital Economics, June 2015, commissioned by BBSRC
Why Yorkshire & the Humber? Y&H has a unique complement of bioeconomy assets: worldclass research; innovative agricultural enterprises; and bio-based industry in the food, biofuel and chemical sectors, including thousands of SMEs.
Why Yorkshire & Humber? World-class research and development
Why Yorkshire & Humber?
Why Yorkshire & Humber? Innovative agriculture
Why Yorkshire & the Humber?
Why Yorkshire & Humber? Bio-based industry
Why Yorkshire & the Humber?
What is BioVale? BioVale is an innovation cluster supported and steered by regional industry, research organisations, higher education and government. • Big industry (eg Drax, AB Agri, Croda) • SMEs (eg Brocklesby, Precison Decisions, STC) • Investors • Knowledge base (UoY, Fera) • Policy makers (CYC, LEP)
What will BioVale focus on? Value from biowaste Next generation biofuels and biorefineries High value chemicals and natural products from plants and microbes Agricultural technologies
What will BioVale focus on?
What will BioVale focus on? International partnerships MoU with Brazil’s national bioethanol research centre
Collaboration with Scandinavian clusters on adding value to urban organic waste
Represent UK SMEs in BIC. (invests â‚Ź200m pa in EU biobased innovation)
What can BioVale do for you? Connections Business-academia-policy-business Special Interest Groups
International Collaborators - SMEs, academics, large companies Trade & Inward investment
Funding research, innovation, investment
Internships 1 week – 1 year, under- & post-grad
What can you do for BioVale?
Join the mailing list Become a member (free) Tell us about your innovation needs
Contacts margaret.smallwood@york.ac.uk 7984637798 Elspeth.bartlet@york.ac.uk 01904567738
Part of a project funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE).