Leeds Planning Network - Hyde Park Neighbourhood Plan - 7th November 2015

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Hyde Park Neighbourh ood Plan Presentatio th n 7 Novem ber 2015

How the Hyde Park Forum began


y e l g n i d a e South H n o i t a i c o s s A y t i n u m m o C t heard abou od Plans o Neighbourh representative r through ou north west r on the inne -­‐group. b planning su

How the Hyde Park Forum began


ner n i n a d e d es atten nning public v i t a t n e s e SHCA repr neighbourhood pla large four-­‐ t north wes April 2013 where a osed. meeting in lan was being prop e p ward-­‐wid

Some members o concerned abou f SHCA were t this approach. A lot of discussion wen t


push for a Hyde o t n io is ec d e h t e ad Eventually SHCA m dhouse Moor. o o W e d u cl n i ld u o w Park Plan which

How the Hyde Park Forum began


m and u r o f a m r nt to fo e t n i f o e c i ouncil. t not C n y e t s i C A s C d H S n to Lee a l p a n o k wor

Neighbourhood A discussed with rea Boundaries were co member over a uncil ofLicers and a ward six month perio d. We also submitted our Are designation application a .

ber 2014. em v o N n i ed at n ig es d Our Area was

Plan 1 - Hyde Park Neighbourhood Area

Key Hyde Park Neighbourhood Area

PRODUCED BY CITY DEVELOPMENT, GIS MAPPING & DATA TEAM, LEEDS CITY COUNCIL Crown Copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 10019567 Path: L:\CGM\GIS Projects\Neighbourhood Planning Progress\Hyde Park\Hyde Park_Headingley_A3 Plan 1 FEB 2015b.mxd Hyde Park_moorlands_burley lodge_western campus_hydepark corner.pdf




1,200 Meters

How the Hyde Park Forum began


sultant n o c g n i n y a plan o l p rward. o m f e e o v t o g n m i y ll nd We got fu cess started to rea o and the pr

Throughout 201 5 we’ve held co nsultations.

up sub-­‐ t e s e w r e m After sum ts and c je o r p n o k r groups to wo polices.

The forum was designated in September 2015. aturday Our Lirst AGM will be on S November.


What does the Hyde Park Forum hope to achieve through the Neighbourhood Planning process? Early on we knew we wanted to: •  Involve as many people and groups from Hyde Park as possible (including those who don’t usually take part). •  Have the Hyde Park Area directing its own projects and policies. •  Protect Hyde Park from planning decisions not made in our interests. •  Produce a planning document written for Hyde Park by people in our area that will help protect and improve our area.

What does the Hyde Park Forum hope to achieve through the Neighbourhood Planning process? By having our own plan and involving lots of people we wanted to be able to:

•  Protect and improve our community assets. •  Attract residents to stay longer-­‐term. •  Improve provision of sports and leisure facilities. •  Promote our cultural assets.

What does the Hyde Park Forum hope to achieve through the Neighbourhood Planning process? This has been reLined and extended to: •  To rebalance the community by diversifying use of the current housing stock to attract and retain more long term residents to / in the neighbourhood; •  To create a healthier and more pleasant environment by making it greener and cleaner; by protecting and improving our built heritage and green spaces; by improving sports and leisure facilities; and by tackling anti-­‐social behaviour such as noise and rubbish; •  To better meet the needs of all sections of our community by increasing the range of local facilities and protecting and promoting local employment; and •  To make Hyde Park a more attractive place to live, work and visit by harnessing our community and cultural assets and local talents to enhance our existing cultural hub.

Is the Hyde Park Forum achieving its aims?

Yay!! Lots of people involved. Hyde Park has own area and forum.

Lots of consultation taking place.

In progress… Working on strategies through projects and policies for: protecting Woodhouse Moor and our other green spaces; cleaning up litter and rubbish; attracting people to area.

Grrrr!! Our designated area is missing part of Woodhouse Moor.

Royal Park Sch ool building was demolished. laying p e v A t u tn s e h C facilities Lield and sports ed. were destroy

Things we’ve overheard… “It’s the f o y a w s ’ t n governme s t s i v i t c a g n i p kee occupied…”

a e v a h o t r e t t n e a b l s P ’ t d “I o o h r u o b h n g a i h e t N a e r A for our t to...” no

“There is a m assive amount of community g oodwill in Hyde Park .”

“The Hyde Forum is o Park ne of the most representa tive.”

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