2022 FMEA Professional Development
director, must explain
the extenuating circumstances preventing the director from attending,
3. Refunds must be requested in writing
tration materials. The school will be
4. All requests for refunds must be
6. Student observers are not allowed to
2022. Requests received after that date
and must be submitted with regisnotified of approval.
attend the conference. If any student
1. All participants—directors, students,
6. Concert tickets are nonrefundable.
in sessions or working for the all-state
rials if preregistered.
3. All participating students must be
ticipation in the conference may be students registered and participating
groups or pick up registration mate-
concerts are exempt from this rule.)
chaperoned. As required by FMEA
7. All school music teachers must reg-
other than a director is required for
directors and be current members of
and FSMA, at least one chaperone
ister for the conference as FMEA
the FMEA. This includes directors of
every ten (10) students or fraction
invited performing groups, mini-con-
thereof; however, FMEA policy allows
certs, and session presenters. All-state
for one free chaperone for every six (6)
conductors from Florida schools, col-
students or fraction thereof.
leges, or universities must also be
4. An additional paid chaperone may
FMEA members. No current music
be registered for (a) each six (6) stu-
teacher may register as a chaperone.
dents registered or (b) for each all-
state rehearsal site where registered students are performing.
5. If a participating student is not accompanied by the director from that student’s school, then the principal from
1. Full registration refunds are avail-
able for cancellation requests made through December 15, 2021.
that school must furnish a letter des-
2. No registration refunds will be made
school district who is to be in charge
15, 2021, except for emergency situ-
ignating the person from the school or
of that student. The letter should be addressed to the FMEA executive
16 F l o r i d a
Music Director
will not be processed.
5. All refunds will be issued after the
eliminated the following year. (Tri-M
2. Only directors may register their
received no later than January 31,
observers are brought to the conference, the offending school’s par-
chaperones, and guests—must be reg-
istered for the conference.
(email is acceptable).
for cancellations made after December ations. These will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
conference is completed.
Chaperone registration is based on the following rules:
« For each elementary student regisElementary Students
tered, one free chaperone and one
« Any additional attendees must purpaid chaperone may be registered.
chase a guest pass at on-site regis-
tration for entry into the convention center.
« For every six students registered, one
Middle School and High School Students free chaperone and one paid chap-
erone may be registered. No other chaperones may be registered until
« Any additional attendees (chaperones the seventh student is registered.
or guests) must purchase a guest pass
at on-site registration for entry into the convention center.