About Fresh Paint Magazine:
Fresh Paint is an award-winning, quarterly publication of the Florida Art Education Association, Inc. (FAEA) located at 402 Office Plaza Drive, Tallahassee, Florida, 323012757. The purpose of Fresh Paint is to provide members and stakeholders with information about FAEA programs, the latest advocacy reports on issues impacting art education, and articles of interest to art educators of all levels. This publication is distributed to over 800 art teachers, district art supervisors, museum educators, higher-education professionals, community art educators, and artists, as well as other state and national art associations. The following issues are published digitally by FAEA:
& 25 Board of Directors | 5 Calendar 2024 | 5 Division Updates | 10
Claire Clum, Chair
Priscilla Anderson
Christie Becker-Fitzgerald
Nicole Bizjak
Rachel Fendler, PhD
Christy Garton
Heather Hagy
Dulcie Hause
Latonya Hicks
Laurie Hoppock, EdD
Lark Keeler
Halina Kilburn
Lori Manning
Debra McGann, EdD
Kasey Power, PhD
Jennifer Wilkinson
Fresh Paint is made possible, in part, by the participation of the businesses whose advertisements appear in this issue. They make it possible to provide membership with a high quality publication and we gratefully acknowledge their support of Florida Art Education Association’s (FAEA) mission. We hope that you take special notice of these advertisements and consider the products and services offered. This is another important way you can support your professional association and the enhancement of Florida art education.
The publisher does not endorse any particular company, product, or service. FAEA is not responsible for the content of any advertisement and reserves the right to accept or refuse any advertisement submitted for publication.
Latonya Hicks FAEA President
Dear FAEA Members,
I hope this letter finds you energized and ready to dive into the exciting opportunities ahead with FAEA! The past few months have been nothing short of incredible, and they've solidified my WHY for our organization: it's all about the people.
We've accomplished so much together recently. From successfully hosting our first mini summer PD in a long time to witnessing the incredible strength of our Member Virtual Exhibition, it's evident that our community is thriving. The progress of the Fine Arts Seal, our representation at national events like the National Conference and the AP Art and Design reading in Salt Lake, is a testament to the dedication and passion of our members.
In line with our Strategic Plan's goal of Organizational Vibrance, I encourage each of you to actively participate in decision-making and leadership opportunities within our organization. Your ideas and contributions are invaluable in shaping our future. Together, let's continue to foster fair, impartial, sustainable, and supportive practices that empower every member.
As we gear up for our upcoming conference, there's much to be done to ensure its success. I invite you all to reach out and offer your help. Our keynote speakers promise to be outstanding, and we have a plethora of wonderful experiences lined up for you to choose from.
Let's seize this opportunity to come together, learn from one another, and celebrate our shared passion for visual arts education. Together, we can achieve greatness. Lastly, with the joy of our beautiful state comes the challenge of the storms. To those who can, please donate to the FAEA relief fund. Every little bit counts when you are in need.
Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication. I can't wait to see what we'll accomplish together next!
Latonya Hicks President
Accepted Oct. 17, 2024 – Feb. 9, 2025
Release Forms Due February 28, 2025
2024 FAEA Annual Conference
Oct. 17-20, 2024
St. Petersburg, FL
Florida Student Art Assessment
Submissions Accepted
Oct. 17, 2024 - Feb. 9, 2025
The mission of the Association is to promote art education in Florida through professional development, service, advancement of knowledge, and leadership.
PRESIDENT Latonya Hicks Pinellas County
Nancy Puri Polk County
Christy Garton Orange County
Heather Hagy St. Johns County
Stephanie Scannapieco Duval County
Ashley DeMaio St. Johns County
Jacquelene Lieberman Broward County
Laurie Hoppock, EdD Duval County
Debra McGann, EdD Orange County
Dulcie Hause Duval County
Natalie Potacco Pinellas County
Debra Barrett-Hayes Leon County
Claire Clum
Palm Beach County
Laura Hobby
Hillsborough County
Use the FAEA App to make navigating conference easier than ever!
• Access the full conference schedule and view presenter bios and sessions
• View your personal schedule by bookmarking sessions*
• Set reminders prior to the start of sessions
• Browse conference exhibitors and view their contact information
• Network with other attendees and share contact information
• Connect through social media to message and share photos (include #FAEA2024 in your post)
• Create and organize notes for each session
• Get important live updates through push notifications
*All Hands-On Workshops have limited capacity and require pre-registration to attend. Bookmarking hands-on workshops in the app does not register you for the workshop.
While you are with us, please contribute to a respectful climate or environment.
• Only enter workshops during breaks between individual presentations.
• When you enter a workshop, only take a handout if you plan on staying for the duration of the event.
• Please respect presenters by keeping noise and conversation, both immediately outside and inside the conference rooms, to a minimum.
• Once the workshop is completed, please continue conversations outside of the workshop room so the next presenter can set up.
• Do become involved in discussions and please show courtesy to the presenter.
• Materials, samples, and artwork should remain with the presenter and exhibitors unless instructed otherwise.
• Please do not take any display items from our vendors. They usually provide samples if you are interested in their products.
• Wear your name tag prominently so you can be readily identified as an official registrant and for ease of communication.
• Cell phones should be turned off during all sessions and presentations.
Dear Art Educators,
Welcome to St. Pete, Florida! The Pinellas Art Education Association is thrilled to have you join us in Pinellas County for this year’s Florida Art Education Conference.
As you settle in, we hope you enjoy our vibrant arts scene, beautiful coastal views, and the warm hospitality of our community. This conference promises a wealth of inspiring sessions, creative workshops, and opportunities to connect with fellow art educators.
Feel free to explore the local galleries, waterfront parks, and unique dining spots during your stay. If you need any recommendations or assistance, don’t hesitate to ask.
We look forward to a fantastic event and the chance to share ideas and passion for art education with you.
Welcome to St. Pete!
Creatively Yours, Lauren Regan President – Pinellas Art Education Association Art Specialist – Plumb Elementary
Stephanie Scannapieco Seabreeze Elementary Duval County
I’m so excited! Conference is just around the corner and the board has been working so hard to make this the best conference yet!
Conference is one of my favorite weekends of the school year. My first few years teaching, I didn’t attend because money was tight. After a few years, I was fortunate enough that my local association helped pay for my conference expenses and from then on, I was hooked! There was no stopping me, I was going to conference because it was a game changer for my professional development but also for the collaboration and community I felt among like-minded art educators. The majority of the year we’re alone. Unlike other subject areas, we don’t have people to common plan with on a weekly basis. This conference is that common planning time that you’ve been missing out on. Especially if you’re a new teacher, come. If you know any new teachers, invite them! They may not even know that conference exists to help them. I understand that times are tough financially for a lot of people right now, but there are some avenues to help pay for conference if that is what’s stopping you. The Advocacy Committee has even put together language for you to use to help you request with your ask. Ask your principals, ask your PTAs, ask your local associations. The worst that can happen is they say no.
I want to encourage you to do a few things when you attend conference. First, join me for our elementary division meeting. I want to share with you all the things going on and I’d love to hear from you. What are your needs? How can FAEA better support and serve you? Secondly, if you haven’t already signed up for one, consider taking a paid workshop or two. Those are hands on, and I find that I get the most out of doing, plus you make examples to take back to your classroom.
You’re going to see some new things, including something called Artful Happenings. Have you ever had downtime between workshops and wanted to finish something up? Or work on something in your own medium? These artful happenings will be a place for that, for sharing and collaborating, for engaging with other art teachers and networking. Another feature of conference I’d love to see you participate in is the Ignite Magic Market. I am so ecstatic to see this event come
together. What was formerly known as the Bazaar and Gala will be combined to make an arts market where you can buy, sell, and make art while socializing and having fun! It’s going to be incredible!
Finally, I encourage you to do what we do best as art teachers and show off how amazing our students are! The K-12 Student Art Assessment & Virtual Exhibition has undergone a name change. It will now be known as the FAEA Florida Student Art Assessment and it is an opportunity for your students to showcase their art and truly shine. How awesome would it be to celebrate not only your students but the work being done in your programs. Submissions will be accepted beginning October 17 and remain open until February 9, 2025. You can find rubrics, awards, and more information about this at faea.org.
I truly look forward to seeing you all at conference. If I don’t know you yet, please come introduce yourself. I want to get to know all my fellow art teachers. See you there!
Natalie Potacco Curlew Creek Elementary Pinellas County
It’s time to get excited for the 2024 FAEA Conference! Registration is now open. Our conference theme is, “Ignite Imagination: Reveal the Fantastical.” We are excited to be having our conference in Saint Petersburg at the Hilton Bayfront. Make sure to register, you will not want to miss the Conference and all the exciting artful happenings we have planned!
Ignite your imagination this October by signing up for some of our amazing sessions/workshops and reveal your fantastic creations.
If you are interested in learning more about what your Local Art Education Associations can do for you, or if you are curious of how to start one, please come join us at our LAEA meeting that will be held on Saturday, October 19 at 11:30am. It is a wonderful place to share information and show your support to others across the state.
I can’t wait to see and meet everyone this October!
Ashley DeMaio
Gamble Rogers Middle School
St. Johns County
I can’t believe how quickly the start of the year has flown by. As the conference approaches, please feel free to reach out with any questions or needs. We, your division directors, are here to serve you.
As the holidays approach, I enjoy planning my lessons accordingly. This past year, I had the opportunity to run my Art & STEAM camp, attend digital art training, and visit family in New York. I hope you also have the chance to rest, enjoy, and refill your cup with whatever brings you joy during the holiday season!
This summer, we offered a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) camp at my middle school, Gamble Rogers. We had both an art section and a robotics section. Along with talented teachers Justin Thorton, Jennifer Kinnaman, and Julie Penn, I am thrilled to announce our second annual Art & STEAM camp for middle school students.
In my STEAM class, students created drawings and paintings, learned digital art and tablet drawing, and built a 3D letter. We explored famous architecture from around the world, focusing on a different wonder each day—from the Taj Mahal to the Great Wall of China. Students built digital 3D structures and 3D printed their designs, gaining a solid background in the art of architecture. Additionally, they learned basic sewing skills, created visual journals guided by prompts, and worked with robotics and coding. It was a fantastic summer session and a wonderful way to refill my cup!
To all my veteran and new teachers, I invite you to sign up for the conference and connect with as many teachers as possible. We are a wealth of knowledge, and sharing is caring. I can’t tell you what a lifeline it was for me as a new teacher.
As you continue the start of the new academic year, if you haven’t already joined or renewed your FAEA membership, I
suggest you do so ASAP. There is a letter of support attached to the last Division Update that can be presented to your principal or PTO to cover your membership.
Finally, I hope to see you at the FAEA conference in October in St. Petersburg. Best wishes for a fantastic school year! Until we meet again, keep creating “Art from the Heart!”
Dr. Debra McGann
University of Central Florida Orange County
In the not-too-distant future, it will be that time of year again when we will meet for the FAEA Conference in beautiful St. Petersburg, FL, from October 17th to 20th. There are many exciting events, workshops, forums, museum visits, and much more planned for this conference.
I will be encouraging all of my pre-service students to join FAEA and attend, since, as we all know, this is one of the very best ways for future teachers to connect with other art educators. They also gain many new concepts, insights, and ideas to use in their future art classrooms. Two sessions are dedicated especially to pre-service teachers: they are highly encouraged to attend the Future Art Educator Forum on Friday and the Big Giveaway for New Teachers on Saturday.
I am looking forward to seeing you at the Higher Education Division Meeting on Friday, October 18th from 3:30 to 4:30.
Dulcie Hause
Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens
Duval County
Hello Art & Cultural Organization Educators! I can’t believe summer went by so quickly! It is hard to believe we are starting a new school year already. I know many of you had a busy summer of camps and programming, but I hope that you have had some time to recharge.
I always enjoy the start of the school year; full of new ideas, goals, and partnerships. With the passing of the Florida Seal of Fine Arts and now activated, your organization has the opportunity to help support students in earning this distinction. As part of the requirements, students will need to complete at least 25 hours of art-related volunteer hours. Be proactive and reach out to the arts supervisor in your district to see how you can support this initiative.
Conference is just around the corner! We are looking forward to our first of four years in St. Petersburg. Thank you for submitting proposals earlier this year. There are going to be many opportunities to engage with, learn from, and inspire others. Make sure to note our division meeting time when the schedule comes out. It will be great to connect with one another. See you in St. Pete!
Jacquelene Lieberman
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Broward County
Unlock Your Artistic Journey: Explore, Learn, and Connect at the FAEA Conference 2024 in St. Petersburg, Florida! Prepare to dive into a whirlwind of creativity and professional growth at the eagerly anticipated FAEA Conference in St. Petersburg, Florida, this October. Here’s why you can’t afford to miss out:
Workshops Galore: Enhance your artistic skills and teaching methods with a diverse range of workshops led by industry experts. From hands-on art activities to cutting-edge teaching approaches, there’s something for everyone. Don’t miss this chance to enrich your toolkit and reignite your passion for arts education!
Division Meetings & Keynote Speakers: Engage with fellow educators, share insights, and help shape the future of our division at interactive meetings. Be inspired by keynote speakers offering invaluable wisdom and perspectives. It’s not just about learning—it’s about building a community and fostering collaboration.
Cultural Exploration at the Salvador Dali Museum: Take a mesmerizing journey into the surreal world of Salvador Dali at the iconic Salvador Dali Museum. Step away from conference activities to immerse yourself in the genius of one of history’s greatest surrealist artists. It’s a cultural escapade you won’t want to miss!
Raffle Excitement & Vendor Extravaganza: Get your raffle tickets for a chance to win fantastic prizes while supporting FAEA’s mission. Explore the bustling marketplace and connect with vendors offering innovative art supplies and resources. Stock up on tools and inspiration for your artistic endeavors!
Volunteer Opportunities & Committee Engagement: Make a difference by volunteering your time and skills to help shape the conference experience. Whether it’s assisting with logistics or facilitating workshops, your involvement is invaluable. Reach out to be part of FAEA’s dynamic community.
A New Artists Bazaar with Activities Galore: Immerse yourself in the Artist Bazaar, where you’ll discover unique creations and treasures from talented artists. Engage in interactive activities and networking sessions designed to inspire and energize. Seize every opportunity to unleash your at the Ignite Magic Market!
Don’t miss this chance to reignite your passion, expand your horizons, and empower yourself as an art educator. Register now, mark your calendars, and prepare for an unforgettable journey at the FAEA Conference 2024 in St. Petersburg, Florida!
Florida School of the Arts
Rollins Museum of Art
Sam Flax
Debra Barrett-Hayes Leon County
Greetings my fellow Retired Art Teachers…most affectionately the “RATs”, I hope you enjoyed your last days of Summer! We can’t wait to see everyone at FAEA 2024 on October 17th20th in beautiful St. Pete. We have plenty of sessions offered both for & by RATs. If you have not participated or attended in a while, please join us! There are plenty of museums, restaurants, and things to see. We’ve got the Dali, Chihuly, Imagine, The James & the MFA St. Pete. We have events you will enjoy & we need your input and assistance for a number of sessions. Reach out to me if you want to be involved!
Challenge: If you go to the MFA take a “RAT selfie” in front of “The Fortune Teller” show & possibly win a prize!
What’s happening at FAEA? Tons of interesting sessions makes it hard to choose. Here are my highlights:
Thursday: Marcia Reybitz has two sessions: Glass Painting & Alternative 3-D Surfaces. Award Winning Art Educator, Tom Prestopnik will host an Expert Panel of Outstanding & accomplished RATs fielding questions from anyone interested. There will be a board Meet-N-Greet on Thursday evening & finish the night with the Members Virtual Reception at the MFA. Make sure to look for “The Fortune Teller” & take a selfie!
Friday: The first General Session with Keynote, Tony DiTerlizzi, a do not miss opportunity! Pat Miles & Jenny Jones will address our current political climate & attempt to help us demystify Advocacy for the Arts. This is important to all of us! My fabulous new St. Pete colleague, Ms. Gabbi Roland will present with me as a BAT & RAT collaboration in 5 Decades Apart in Art. There is a Future Art Educators Forum where there will be future Art Teacher to meet. Friday ends with the Exhibitor & Sponsor Appreciation Reception at the Dali.
Saturday: Wake up Early! Come and enjoy breakfast to celebrate all our fabulous FAEA Awards Recipients at the Awards Breakfast at 7. Have coffee with our Keynote, Tony DiTerlizzi at The James Museum. Get ready ... we will have The Big Giveaway for Beginning Art Teachers (BATs) hosted by the RATs. Speed Dating between Beginning Art Teachers & Retired Art Teachers on Saturday (There will be prizes!). Reach out to me and we can chat if you want to know more about the event. Jackie Henson-Dacy will present on Jean Dubuffet and Courtney Casto will help all of us Navigate the Digital Age.
The RAT’s Social is the retiree reception. Come & enjoy each other’s company and refresh yourself!
Saturday’s Second General Session will feature the Artists couple PainterHayes, who are International Mural Artists. Cosby and Sarah Painter Hayes will present at the Saturday General Session. The St. Pete’s mural festival is a testament to the power of public art in revitalization. Painter Hayes have completed murals throughout the U.S., Canada, Spain, and Haiti. Painter Hayes prints will be included in the Silent Auction.
I encourage all retirees to join us at FAEA and continue sharing their wisdom, knowledge, and creative energy, you are our FAEA Legacy! Our early career colleagues need our support now more than ever. Let’s embrace the new members of our profession and assist them in becoming successful teachers and active FAEA members. We can build meaningful relationships that will continue to influence the future of art education.
Reach out if you want to know more or have questions: retirees@board.faea.org
Dr. Laurie Hoppock
Duval County Public Schools
Duval County
We made it! It’s time for one of the best events of the year: the FAEA Conference! I hope you enjoy this action-packed long weekend and can join us for our art exhibitions and events. Let’s also take a moment to celebrate the new Florida Seal of Fine Arts program! (You can read the article that details the program in the last issue.)
Thank you to everyone who entered personal artwork through our FAEA Member Virtual Exhibition. And don't forget to submit student artwork for the upcoming FAEA Florida Student Art Assessment (previously known as the K-12 Student Art Assessment & Virtual Exhibition). Now is the time to recognize these works at the state level.
Be sure to join us at the Member Virtual Exhibition and Reception at the Museum of Fine Arts on Thursday, October 17
from 7-9pm where we will announce and honor this year’s award winners. This is truly such a special time to acknowledge and lift up the creativity within our group of educators. Between sessions and conference activities, check out the student artwork on display both physically and virtual through our K-12 Student Art Assessment and Virtual Exhibition. Works displayed on easels at the conference encompass those works that earned top scores through the adjudication process and the virtual exhibition (found on the FAEA website here or by scanning the QR codes posted around the conference exhibition) includes all works earning an Award of Excellence or higher.
Want to take part in being an adjudicator for one of these events? Join me for my conference session focused on adjudicating artwork: “Let’s Get Judgey With It.”
Cheers to a wonderful conference experience and enjoy ALL of the artwork!
Join us on October 18th from 5pm to 9pm for Sunset Market at Imagine Museum an exciting kickoff to our outdoor market season! Enjoy a vibrant evening featuring food trucks, local art vendors, live music, and more
Exclusive for FAEA members:
Show your educator ID badge at check-in for free museum admission! In collaboration with FAEA, Imagine Museum will offer a Social Space with drinks and light bites, as well as a special meet-and-greet opportunity with Louis Markoya, a Salvador Dalí protégé, in the galleries.
Imagine is presenting FAEA members with a chance to sit back and relax with Teacher’s Lounge Comedy in our Grand Hall! Laughable sets by comedian and teacher Mike Rivera, joined by two guest comedians. Ask about set times at checkin!
Interested in our school tour programming? Educators can preview Imagine Museum’s exceptional Art Detective tours through participation in some of our tour add-ons! We’ll have an ongoing demonstration of an example Craft Activity, as well as set times for our Art Safari! This interactive tour add-on teaches the group about the history of glass art, how it’s made, and how it’s used as a contemporary art medium. Simply inquire about Art Safari when you check in for times. Don’t miss out on this celebration of the arts!
Discover Contemporary Glass Art at:
Support art education in Florida by becoming an FAEA Patron! With your donation, FAEA will continue to grow its programs for teachers and students, strengthen united advocacy efforts, and improve professional learning opportunities for members. Visit FAEA.org/donate.
Patricia Lamb
In Memory of William & Madge Kinsaul
Debi Barrett-Hayes
In Memory of Susan Weinstock
Judith Evans
FAEA thanks all of the individuals who have graciously donated to the Association. If you would like to donate to FAEA, please visit FAEA.org/donate.
Michelle Akimenko
(In Memory of Christopher Ryan Fink)
Patricia Denuzzio
Sadie Figueroa
Allison Fiore
Alice Haynes
Miriam Machado
Margie Matheson
Patricia Miles
Cindy Oakes
Marilyn Proctor-Givens
Cherelle Smith
(In Memory of Cora Lee Ashley)
Kelly Warne
View the most up-to-date schedule on the FAEA App or on the FAEA website at faea.org/conference/schedule.
= — paid workshop/event — offsite location, transportation not provided — offsite location within walking distance
7:30a - 4:00p Registration Desk Open Lobby
8:30a - 10:00a Carpet/Rug Design- STEAM Lesson = Kimberly Harac-Heruth ES, MS, HS Research & Knowledge Edge
8:30a - 10:00a Cyanotype Dichotomies: Vice & Virtue Diptychs = Karen Haraminac MS, HS Learning Demens
8:30a - 10:00a Mixed Media Woven Sculptures = Lori Manning, Karen Santangelo MS, HS Learning Grand Central
8:30a - 10:00a PowerPoint Puppets = Elizabeth Ebisawa MS, HS Learning Kenwood
8:30a - 10:00a Printing with a Pasta Maker: Watercolor Monotypes = Andrea Obenland MS, HS Learning Harborview
8:30a - 10:00a Putting Together the Pieces- Mini Mosaic = Paula Gale ES, MS, HS, Learning Williams College/Univ
9:00a - 11:30a Board Meeting Skyway, Pier, & Harborview
9:45a - 10:45a A Crash Course in Surviving Middle School Gerri Sweeney, Brie Medina MS, HS Community Bayboro
9:45a - 10:45a Autonomy, Motivation, and Creativity in the Deborah Canoura All Research & Knowledge St. Petersburg 1 Visual Art Room
9:45a - 10:45a 3D Asset Creation Unraveled: Bridging Art & Technology Martin Murphy MS, HS, Learning St. Petersburg 3 Admin/Super
9:45a - 10:45a Imagine: A Fantastic Field Trip to France Amanda Swisher MS, HS Other St. Petersburg 2
11:00a - 12:00p The Vital Significance of Organizing and Directing an Zachary Thompson
Advocacy St. Petersburg 1 ESE Student Exhibition for your District!
11:00a - 12:00p Curriculum Survival Guide: Igniting Instrinsic Movtivation Rachel Koral
11:00a - 12:00p Make Artists, an Intro to TAB in the Elementary Studio Darren Farris
Research & Knowledge St. Petersburg 2
& Knowledge St. Petersburg 3
11:00a - 12:00p Revisiting the Museum Tour Brittny Bevel Museum Learning Bayboro
11:00a - 12:30p 13 Dot Art - Making Creative Connections = Kris Bakke
Learning Williams
11:00a - 12:30p Artist Fun, Inspirational, Glass Painting = Marcia Reybitz HS, College/Univ Learning Harborview
11:00a - 12:30p ARTIVISTS in the Elementary Art Room = Jennifer Confusione ES, MS Learning Edge
11:00a - 12:30p Sew What? =
11:00a - 12:30p The Fish Project =
Dr. Heidi Powell All Learning Kenwood
Ashley Monks ES, MS, HS Learning Demens
11:00a - 12:30p What's Your S.I. Inquiry? A Simple, Structured Approach Christopher Roll HS Learning Grand Central to the AP Art and Design Portfolio. =
11:00a - 1:00p Help Create a Mural in St. Petersburg About the
Dwayne Shepherd, Brian McAllister All Learning Bell Pharmacy 'Importance of the ARTS!' = Outside Wall
12:15p - 1:15p Plan Lessons to Teach for Artistic Behavior
1:30p - 2:30p Climate Change T hrough Art
1:30p - 2:30p AI Art, Artists, and Art Education
1:30p - 2:30p Pathways to Leadership: Follow the Breadcrumbs
Darren Farris, Tasha Strigle ES, MS, HS Research & Knowledge St. Petersburg 1
Lindsey Wuest, Katherine Hendrickson ES, MS, HS, Research & Knowledge St. Petersburg 1 Museum, Admin/Super
Michelle Tillander All St. Petersburg 3
Latonya Hicks, Rebecca Stone- Danahy All Advocacy St. Petersburg 2
1:30p - 2:30p The Dream Bird Project: Practice in Clay Artmaking Dr. Anne Grey ES Research & Knowledge Bayboro and Self-Awareness Through Children's Dreams
1:30p - 3:00p Alternative Surfaces for 3D Art = Marcia Reybitz HS Learning Harborview
1:30p - 3:00p Art Nouveau Mandal Design = Lisa Russo All Learning Williams
1:30p - 3:00p Crochet Corner =
Dr. Laurie Hoppock, Jacquelene ES, MS, HS Learning Kenwood Lieberman
1:30p - 3:00p Glazing in Acrylic - Going From Gray To Color Painting = Gerald Obregon HS, College/Univ Learning Demens
1:30p - 3:00p Immersive Figure Drawing and Oil Painting in Martin Murphy HS, Admin/Super Learning Grand Central Virtual Reality =
1:30p - 3:00p Lino Prints: Tips, Tricks, and Color Transformation = Karissa James MS Learning Edge
1:30p - 3:30p Help Create a Mural in St. Petersburg About the Dwayne Shepherd, Brian McAllister All Learning Bell Pharmacy 'Importance of the ARTS!' = Outside Wall
2:45p - 3:45p Assessing Student Knowledge
Julie Stone ES, MS, Research & Knowledge St. Petersburg 1 Admin/Super
2:45p - 3:45p Book Nooks - Literacy in the Art Classroom Gerri Sweeney MS, HS Learning St. Petersburg 3
2:45p - 3:45p From Mini Mosaic to Large Scale Installations: Paula Gale ES, MS, HS Learning St. Petersburg 2 Putting Together the Pieces
2:45p - 3:45p Should I Stay or Should I Go?
4:00p - 5:00p AP Art & Design Reader Panel
Ashley Monks ES, MS, HS Community Bayboro
Theodore LoCascio, Latonya Hicks, HS, College/Univ Research & Knowledge Bayboro Rebecca Stone- Danahy, Daniel Papanikolaou, Dr. Marilyn Proctor-Givens
4:00p - 5:00p Contemporary Artist Repertoire as Curriculum Minki Jeon All Research & Knowledge St. Petersburg 1 Resources: From 9 Big Ideas to Essential Questions
4:00p - 5:00p Expert Panel Discussion/Panel of RATs Tom Prestopnik ES, MS, HS Community St. Petersburg 3 (Retired Art Teachers)
4:00p - 5:00p Florida Seal of Fine Arts: Introduction and Action Plan Dr. Laurie Hoppock HS, Admin/Super Advocacy St. Petersburg 2
4:00p - 5:30p Creating Depth: A Ceramics Workshop on Lauren Regan ES Learning Edge Relief Sculptures =
4:00p - 5:30p Deconstruct to Reconstruct: Re-invention Through Mabel Morales, Lissette Lutz ES, MS, HS Learning Grand Central Sustainability = Time
= — paid workshop/event — offsite location, transportation not provided — offsite location within walking distance
Time Event
THURSDAY continued
4:00p - 5:30p Feeling Buggy in the Art Room. Exploring Symmetry Steven Miller ES, MS Learning Harborview in Nature with Bugs, Beetles and Butterflies. =
4:00p - 5:30p Let's Get Digital! = Lauren Miller ES Learning Skyway & Pier
4:00p - 5:30p Simple Slab Build-up for Two Day Clay Lessons = Michelle Stylianou, Stelios Stylianou ES, MS Learning Williams
4:00p - 5:30p The Collab Lab = Heather Hagy, Gretchen Hale ES, MS Learning Demens
5:15p - 5:45p Bringing Pavement to Life: A Dynamic Introduction to Lisa Sandrowicz ES, MS, HS, Learning St. Petersburg 1 Chalk Art & Street Painting College/Univ
6:00p - 7:00p Member Meet-N-Greet Latonya Hicks All Community The Birchwood Rooftop
7:00p - 9:00p MVE Reception Sponsored by Art of Education University All Museum of Fine and the Museum of Fine Arts Arts Marly Room
7:30a - 4:30p Registration Desk Open Lobby
8:00a - 9:00a First General Session featuring Keynote Speaker Tony DiTerlizzi All St. Petersburg 1, Tony DiTerlizzi 2 & 3
9:00a - 1:00p Exhibit Hall Open All Grand Bay
9:15a - 11:00a Art Supervisors Meeting and Breakfast Dr. Laurie Hoppock Admin/Super Skyway & Pier
Time Event
Audience Pathway Location
10:00a - 11:00a Aspects of Seminole Culture by Brandon Frank, Abena Robinson, Tristina Osceola, All Community St. Petersburg 3 Tristina Osceola, Jojo Osceola, & Abena Robinson Brandon Frank, Jojo Osceola
10:00a - 11:00a Demystifying Advocacy; An Art Educator's Rosetta Patricia Miles All Advocacy St. Petersburg 1 Stone for Dealing with Legislators
10:00a - 11:00a Procedures, Expectations and Sketchbooks W ithin the Brannan Lawson ES Learning St. Petersburg 2 Elementary Art Room
10:00a - 11:00a Studio 55 - Lifelong Learning in Art Museums T hrough Kessanda Abel Museum Community Bayboro Studio Programming
10:00a - 11:00a The "Artful Happenings" Room: Advocacy Mural Laura Hobby Baywalk
10:00a - 11:30a Exploring Linocuts: Matisse "Makers" Workshop = Dr. Wendy Dickinson
10:00a - 11:30a Fear No Firing! Electric Kiln and Glaze Talk David Gamble All Learning Morean Workshop Space
10:00a - 11:30a Figure Drawing = David Chang MS, HS, Learning USF Harbor Hall College/Univ 142
10:00a - 11:30a Gelli Arts Mini Placement Tool: Trash or Treasure Kymberly Moreland-Garnett, MS, HS Learning Demens Texture Notecards = Irina Ashcraft
10:00a - 11:30a Impressionism With a Twist - Fingerpainting Gerald Obregon MS, HS, Learning USF Harbor Hall For Big Kids = College/Univ 143
10:00a - 11:30a Legal Graffiti = Sheryl Odza MS, HS Learning Williams
10:00a - 12:00p Help Create a Mural in St. Petersburg A bout the Dwayne Shepherd, Brian McAllister All Learning Bell Pharmacy 'Importance of the ARTS!' = Outside Wall
11:15a - 12:15p Adventures in Inquiry
Dr. Kasey Power, Dr. Heidi Powell All Research & Knowledge St. Petersburg 1
11:15a - 12:15p The "Artful Happenings" Room: Creativi-tea Lark Keeler All Community Baywalk and Mindfulness with Lark Keeler
11:15a - 12:15p Future Art Educators Forum
Dr. Laurie Hoppock Collegiate Community Skyway & Pier Students
11:15a - 12:15p Organizing Our Fantastic Chaos! Simoni Limeira-Bonadies MS Research & Knowledge St. Petersburg 3 11:15a - 12:15p Proactive Behavior Management Strategies in a David Nicholson
Petersburg 2 Creative Setting
11:15a - 12:15p Teens Take the Lead - The Challenges and Benefits of Kessanda Abel HS, Museum Community Bayboro Fostering Youth Leadership in Art Museums
12:30p - 2:30p Help Create a Mural in St. Petersburg A bout the Dwayne Shepherd, Brian McAllister All Learning Bell Pharmacy 'Importance of the ARTS!' = Outside Wall
1:00p - 2:00p Islamic Arts: How It Inspired The Art World Zahra Farooq ES, MS, HS, Research & Knowledge St. Petersburg 2 Museum
1:00p - 2:00p Derivative Art with Emojis Christine Schebilski MS, HS Learning St. Petersburg 1
1:00p - 2:00p Supervisory and Mentorship Strategies in Developing Mabel Morales All Research & Knowledge Bayboro New Art Teachers
1:00p - 2:00p The "Artful Happenings" Room: Movement and Dance Christa Sylla, Erik Nordstrom All Community Baywalk with Christa Sylla and Erik Nordstrom
1:00p - 2:00p The Art of Storytelling Ben Jewell-Plocher ES, MS, HS Research & Knowledge St. Petersburg 3
FRIDAY continued
1:00p - 2:30p Artful Alchemy: Igniting Creativity with Blackout Poetry = Nadia Fernandez-Castillo MS, HS Learning Kenwood
1:00p - 2:30p Fruit Salad! Using Form, Texture, and Color to Create Monica 'Sara' Black
Harbor Paper M ache Fruit Bowls =
1:00p - 2:30p Master In Plaster =
1:00p - 2:30p Portrait Painting =
1:00p - 2:30p Tiny Art Show = Joanna Davis-Lanum All Learning Demens
1:00p - 2:30p White Line Woodcuts: An American Art Tradition = Lyndsey Harris MS, HS, Learning Williams College/Univ, Museum
2:15p - 3:15p Artsonia- Creating an Online Art Database for Parent Jaclyn Gallagher
St. Petersburg 2 Engagement and Fundraising
2:15p - 3:15p Expanding Visual Literacy Strategies: Bridging Art and Erin Saladino
& Knowledge Bayboro Other Content Areas
2:15p - 3:15p Let's Get Judgey With It! Adjudicating the FSAA Dr. Laurie Hoppock
2:15p - 3:15p The "Artful Happenings" Room: Finger Weaving/Crochet Jennifer Wilkinson
Community Baywalk with Jennifer Wilkinson
2:15p - 3:15p The Joy and Stress of Teaching Elementary Art: How Hiep Nguyen All Learning St. Petersburg 1 to Stay Present, Energized, and Sustainably Happy
2:30p - 5:30p Exhibit Hall Open All Grand Bay
3:30p - 4:30p Elementary Division Meeting
3:30p - 4:30p High School Division Meeting Jacquelene Lieberman
3:30p - 4:30p Higher-Ed Division Meeting Dr. Debra McGann College/Univ Community Bayboro
3:30p - 4:30p Middle School Division Meeting Ashley DeMaio MS Community St. Petersburg 2
3:30p - 4:30p Museum Division Meeting Dulcie Hause Museum Community Skyway & Pier
4:45p - 5:45p Adapting Art For All Students
Theresa Meyer, Nicholas Kozlowski
4:45p - 5:45p Davis Digital: Online Curriculum/Resources Curtis Reid ES MS HS Learning Bayboro for K-12 Visual Arts Admin/Super
4:45p - 5:45p Imagine a R.A.T. and a B.A.T.: "Five Decades Apart in Art" Debi Barrett-Hayes, Gabbi Roland All Community St. Petersburg 3
4:45p - 5:45p The "Artful Happenings" Room: Visual Journaling Ashley DeMaio All Community Baywalk with Ashley DeMaio
4:45p - 5:45p The Art of Collaboration: Creating a Unified Vision Christopher Gugel, Karen McMillan ES, MS, HS, Community St. Petersburg 1 Admin/Super
4:45p - 6:15p A Thematic Interdisciplinary Project on Natural Dr. Jeffrey Broome All Learning USF Harbor Disasters: Responding with Mixed Media Art and Care = Hall 143
4:45p - 6:15p Asian Legends and Treasures - Unpacking Sumi-e Kim Chauncy, Pamela King ES, MS Learning Harborview Brush Painting =
4:45p - 6:15p Back to Basics: Observational Drawing = Theodore LoCascio HS Learning USF Harbor Hall 141
Time Event
4:45p - 6:15p
4:45p - 6:15p
Drawing From Disaster: Finding Healing With Draw Hiep Nguyen
MS, HS, Learning Kenwood All You Can = College/Univ, Super/Admin
Exploring the Enigmatic Artistry of Lee Bontecou = Miriam Machado, Mabel Morales All Learning Edge
4:45p - 6:15p Hardware Store Impasto: Abstract Expressionism
Lyndsey Harris
MS, HS, Learning Williams "de Kooning Style" = College/Univ, Museum
4:45p - 6:15p Hojalata Sagrado Corazones: Mexican
Susan Feliciano ES, MS, HS, Learning Grand Central Tin Sacred Heart = College/Univ, Museum
4:45p - 6:15p Next-Level Tempera Techniques =
Whitney Meredith
4:45p - 6:15p Watercolor Pencils: An Alternative to the Palette = Angela Lunsford
MS HS Learning USF Harbor Hall 142
MS, HS Learning Demens
5:00p - 9:00p Sunset Market at Imagine Museum All Community Imagine Museum and Surrounding Area
6:00p - 6:30p
Afro-Cuban Dance: Transmitting Cultural Norms Christa Sylla
MS, HS, Research & Knowledge St. Petersburg 2 and Values through Embodied Practices and Movements College/Univ
6:00p - 6:30p Using Shapes and Understanding Form to Create 3D Kristy House ES Learning St. Petersburg 1 Printed Balloon Animals for the Elementary Artist!
6:00p - 7:00p Artful Happenings: Hurricane & Natural Disaster "Support Group" All Community Baywalk
Explore flexible and relevant resources art educators rely on to support their learners. Davis offers:
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• SchoolArts magazine,
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• and more!
Davis’ print and digital instructional materials provide all the resources you need to support the processes of creating, connecting, presenting, and responding.
For more information, contact your representative, Curtis Reid, at 508-868-5253 or email CReid@DavisArt.com.
7:00a - 8:00a Awards Breakfast = Community St. Petersburg 3
8:00a - 4:00p Registration Desk Open Lobby
8:00a - 9:00a The "Artful Happenings" Room: Help Finish the Laura Hobby All Community Baywalk Advocacy Mural with the FAEA Advocacy Committee
8:30a - 10:00a 3D Puff Pets =
Whitney Meredith ES MS Learning Kenwood
8:30a - 10:00a From Overwhelmed to Artistry: Harnessing the Principles Hiep Nguyen All Learning Demens of Art for Educator Well-Being =
8:30a - 10:00a Let's Talk (and Create!) TRASHion Illustrations! = Jennifer Gironda ES, MS, HS Learning Williams
8:30a - 10:00a No Kiln, No Problem =
Sheryl Depp ES Learning USF Harbor Hall 141
8:30a - 10:00a Paint Along with the Art Teacher Fundraiser = Brannan Lawson ES, MS Learning Edge
8:30a - 10:00a Pop Yourself! =
Joanna Davis-Lanum ES, MS, HS, Learning Grand Central College/Univ
8:30a - 10:00a Repoussé - Low Relief Embossing on Metal = Andrea Obenland MS, HS Learning USF Harbor Hall 142
8:30a - 10:00a The Birds and the Bees (Get Your M ind Out of the Dr. Glenda Lubiner ES, MS, HS Learning Skyway & Pier Gutter!) =
8:30a - 10:00a The Raw and Primitive Aesthetic of Jean Dubuffet = Dr. Jackie Henson-Dacey MS, HS Learning Harborview
9:00a - 10:00a Coffee and Conversation with Keynote Speaker Tom Prestopnik, Tony DiTerlizzi All Community The Dalí Tony DiTerlizzi Raymond James Room
9:15a - 10:15a Art Criticism for the Classroom or Gallery Dulcie Hause ES, MS, HS, Research & Knowledge USF Harbor Hall College/Univ, 110 Museum
9:15a - 10:15a Business of Art for Teaching Artists David Chang All Learning Bayboro
9:15a - 10:15a Empowering Young Voices: Jr. Docents at The Dali Sumaya Ayad ES, MS, Museum Advocacy St. Petersburg 2 and in the Classroom
9:15a - 10:15a Interdisciplinary Collaborative Arts and Civics Dr. Rachel Fendler, Minki Jeon, All Research & Knowledge St. Petersburg 1 Curriculum Writing: Learning with Local Communities Dr. Sara Scott Shields
9:15a - 10:15a The "Artful Happenings" Room: Fabric and Fibers Laurie Hoppock, Jacquelene Lieberman
9:30a - 2:30p Exhibit Hall
10:30a - 11:30a Fantasy Monster Drawing Session with Tony DiTerlizzi Tony DiTerlizzi
10:30a - 11:30a
10:30a -
Time Event
Audience Pathway Location
10:30a - 11:30a The "Artful Happenings" Room: Printmaking with Monica 'Sara' Black, Karissa James All Community Baywalk Karissa James and Sara Black
10:30a - 12:00p Creative Solutions: Transforming Surplus Paper into Erin Saladino ES, MS Learning Kenwood Sculptural Masterpieces =
10:30a - 12:00p Data as Design: Translating Music into Visual Form = Erin Kendrick ES, MS, HS, Learning USF Harbor College/Univ, Hall 142 Museum
10:30a - 12:00p Drawing with Thread: An Embroidery Experience = Natalie Potacco, Catherine Irmis ES, MS Learning Skyway & Pier
10:30a - 12:00p Marvelous Masks! = Colleen Schmidt All Learning USF Harbor Hall 141
10:30a - 12:00p Plastic Pollution, Plastic Solution: Repurposing Lark Keeler, Betty Bergnes ES, Admin/Super Learning Grand Central Plastic to Create an Ocean of Change =
10:30a - 12:00p Recycled CD Art = Theresa Meyer ES Learning Demens
10:30a - 12:00p The Art of Mehndi Through Mixed Media = Zahra Farooq ES, MS, HS Learning Williams
10:30a - 12:00p Tiny Art Gallery =
Tasha Strigle ES, MS, HS Learning Edge
11:45a - 12:45p The "Artful Happenings" Room: Museum Meetup Dulcie Hause All Community Baywalk with Dulcie Hause
11:45a - 12:45p Art Classroom Management for ESE/ELL Behavioral Zachary Thompson All Research & Knowledge St. Petersburg 2 Extremities PART B
11:45a - 12:45p Enhancing Medical Education Through Art Dr. Michelle Tillander All Research & Knowledge USF Harbor Hall 110
11:45a - 12:45p Igniting the Imagination: Dalí and Inquiry-Based Learning Peter Tush, Dr. Kimberly Macuare A ll Learning St. Petersburg 1
11:45a - 12:45p Imagine BATS & RATS Speed Dating! Debi Barrett-Hayes, Ruthie Platt All Community St. Petersburg 3
12:00p - 1:15p Last Chance to Visit the Exhibits All Grand Bay
12:15p - 1:00p Local Art Education Assembly Meeting
1:00p - 2:00p The "Artful Happenings" Room: Drawing/Painting
Natalie Potacco All Community Bayboro
Gerald Obregon All Community Baywalk with Gerald Obregon
1:00p - 3:00p Retirees' Reception (Social Gathering of the R.A.T.s) Debi Barrett-Hayes, Ruthie Platt Retirees Community Presidential Suite
1:15p - 2:15p AI in the Art Room Panel
Latonya Hicks, Rebecca All Community St. Petersburg 3 Stone- Danahy, Dr. Hank Hine, Rick Dakan
1:15p - 2:15p Graduate Degrees in Art Education: Learning & Earning Dr. Susannah Brown, David Chang, All Community USF Harbor Opportunities from Florida Universities Dr. Kasey Power, Dr. Jeffrey Broome, Hall 110 Dr. Michelle Tillander, Dr. Debra McGann, Dr. Heidi Powell, Dr. Rachel Fendler, Dr. Amber Ward
1:15p - 2:15p Kids Creating Comics
Natalie Potacco, Nancy Silberkleit ES, MS Research & Knowledge Bayboro
1:15p - 2:15p Nurturing Well-being in Studio Art in Higher Education: Yihan Jiang College/Univ Research & Knowledge St. Petersburg 1 Challenges, Perceptions, and Strategies
1:15p - 2:15p Open Q&A: ESE Art Educator Community: How Can FAEA Zachary Thompson All Community St. Petersburg 2 Assist You In Your Classroom With ESE Students?
1:15p - 2:45p 3D Modeling and Printing = Julie Levesque, Judith Woodward ES, MS Learning Harborview
1:15p - 2:45p Crazy Portraits! = Heather Hagy MS Learning Demens
1:15p - 2:45p Hands-on Photography Media Lighting Design = Walter Lara
HS, College/Univ, Learning Skyway & Pier Museum
1:15p - 2:45p Hyperrealism: Constructing Shoe with Clay = Andrea Obenland MS, HS Learning Edge
1:15p - 2:45p No Band-Aids Linocut Prints =
Haleh Pinney, Felicia Stamp All Learning USF Harbor Hall 143
SATURDAY continued
1:15p - 2:45p Mastering Model Magic = Dr. Nicole Crane ES Learning Kenwood
1:15p - 2:45p Paper Quilling for Beginners = Stephanie Moreno MS, HS Learning Grand Central
1:15p - 2:45p Poetic Drawing =
1:15p - 2:45p Visual Journal =
2:30p - 3:00p Artsonia
Jennifer Gifford ES, MS, HS, Learning USF Harbor College/Univ Hall 142
Ashley DeMaio MS, HS Community Williams
Jennifer Day ES, MS, HS Learning St. Petersburg 1
3:30p - 4:30p Second General Session with Keynote Speakers Sarah Sarah Painter Hayes, Cosby All The James & Cosby Painter Hayes Painter Hayes Museum Mesa Hall
5:30p - 7:00p 3D Jim Dine Hearts = Pamela Calore All Research & Knowledge USF Harbor Hall 142
5:30p - 7:00p Bringing Pavement to Life: A Hands-On Beginner Lisa Sandrowicz ES, MS, HS, Learning Skyway & Pier Chalk Art & Street Painting Workshop = College/Univ
5:30p - 7:00p Easy Sgraffito! One Day Fun Day! = Michelle Stylianou, Stelios Stylianou ES, MS, HS Learning USF Harbor Hall 143
5:30p - 7:00p Insect Hotel Assemblage = Nadia Earl All Learning Williams
5:30p - 7:00p Making Art with Marbling = Amanda Lewis ES, MS, HS Learning USF Harbor Hall 141
5:30p - 7:00p Surface Exploration for Ceramics = Chloe Dubois ES, MS, HS Learning Demens
5:30p - 7:00p The Circle of Life - Isn't That What Color is All Dr. Glenda Lubiner All Learning Edge About Anyways? =
5:30p - 7:00p Underwater Fantasy = Pamela Signorelli All Learning Harborview
7:30p - 10:30p Ignite Magic Market =
Grand Bay
7:30a - 10:00a Registration Desk Open Lobby
8:00a - 9:30a Loops and Swoops = Rebecca Schempp ES Learning Edge
8:00a - 9:30a Shrinky DinksTM and The Pottery Wheel = Gracie Weiss MS, HS, Learning Harborview College/Univ
8:00a - 9:30a Simply "Slab-u-lous": Ceramic Slab Creations = Linda Marie Robinson ES Learning Williams
8:00a - 11:00a Capturing Likeness in Portraiture (3-hour workshop) = Lisa Russo MS, HS, Learning Demens College/Univ, Museum
10:00a - 11:30a Collaged Cubist Portraits = Katherine Talbot MS Learning Harborview
ABC-CLIO, an Imprint of Bloomsbury 1385 Broadway, 5th Floor; New York, NY 10018 (212) 419-5300 - abc-clio.com
For 65 years, ABC-CLIO has been providing reference, nonfiction, online curriculum, and professional development to inspire life-long learning for today's students and educators.
Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Seminole Museum
30550 Josie Billie Hwy; Clewiston, FL 33440 (954) 257-4977 - ahtahthiki.com
The Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum is a center for educational programs enjoyed by all throughout the year. A place to learn, a place to remember the rich Seminole history, and the flora and fauna of the Everglades.
The Art of Education University
518 Main Street; Osage, IA 50461 (515) 650-3198 - theartofeducation.edu
AOEU supports art education at every level—offering a K-12 visual arts curriculum, art-specific professional development, online graduate degree programs, bi-annual art education conference, magazine articles, podcasts, and more.
Art Materials
695 US Highway 150 East; Galesburg, IL 61402 (800) 447-8192 - BlickArtMaterials.com
Blick Art Materials is the leader in art supplies in the U.S. since 1911 offering more than 110,000 products to inspire and support artists, teachers, students, organizations, and "makers" of all abilities. Hundreds of FREE project ideas with instructions and video demos are also available at www.DickBlick.com.
201 E. Kirby; Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 664-7425 - collegeforcreativestudies.edu
The College for Creative Studies (CCS) is a fully accredited, private college that grants Bachelor's and Master's degrees. CCS, located in midtown Detroit, and strives to provide students with the tools needed for successful careers in the dynamic and growing creative fields.
50 Portland Street; Worcester, MA 01608 (508) 754-7201 - davisart.com
Davis Publications is committed to student engagement and development of creative, flexible thinkers. For more than 122 years, we have created exemplary curriculum for art educators. Today we have curriculum and resources for pre-K through high school, including art, language arts, and after school.
5001 St. Johns Avenue; Palatka, FL 32177 (386) 312-4300 - floarts.org
Florida School of the Arts is a state-supported art school offering AS degrees in the visual and performing arts. Visual Arts specializations include: Animation, New Media Design, Photography, and Studio Arts. Related specializations include Costume Design and Scenic & Lighting Design.
525 S. 4th Street; Philadelphia, PA 19147
(267) 457-3119 - gelliarts.com
With our GelliArts printing plates, the monoprinting process is easy to learn and addictive! It is well suited for novice or professional printmakers, craft enthusiasts, professional artists, and children alike. the versatile plates can be used with paper, fabrics and even polymer clay!
Guy Harvey Foundation
3340 NE 190th Street #508; Aventura, FL 33180 (305) 342-8921 - guyharveyfoundation.org
Imagine classrooms where students are inspired by the wonders of the ocean. The Guy Harvey Foundation is dedicated to making this a reality by equipping teachers with cutting-edge educational resources and immersive experiences. Our mission is to engage and educate young minds about marine conservation through Dr. Guy Harvey's beautiful marine art fostering the next of ocean stewards.
Museum of Fine Arts St. Petersburg
255 Beach Dr NE; St. Petersburg, FL 33701 (727) 896-2667 - mfastpete.org
MFA St. Pete is a city landmark and houses a world-class art collection spanning 5,000 years and fascinating traveling exhibitions in an inviting, elegant setting. The MFA is proud to have the only comprehensive art collection of its kind on Florida's west coast. Monet, O'Keeffe, Morisot, Wiley, and others, along with two gardens and one of Florida's most respected photography collections.
New World School of the Arts
25 NE 2nd Street; Miami, FL 33181 (305) 237-3622 - nwsa.mdc.edu/nwsa-college-music.html
New World School of the Arts was created by the Florida Legislature as a center of excellence in the performing and visual arts as an educational partnership of Miami-Dade County Public Schools, Miami Dade College and the University of Florida.
2700 North Tamiami Trail; Sarasota, FL 34234 (941) 309-0164 - ringling.edu
Since 1931, Ringling College of Art and Design has cultivated the creative spirit in students from around the globe. The private, not-for-profit, fully accredited college offers the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in 11 disciplines and the Bachelor of Arts in two. For more information, visit www.ringling.edu.
515 W. 45th Street; Munster, IN 46321 (715) 281-2787 - royalbrush.com
Royal Brush Mfg, manufactures brushes designed for the education market. Stop by our booth for to learn more about the best brush for your classroom and to see some amazing Royal Brush art materials.
1600 Peachtree Street NW; Atlanta, GA 30309-2403 (912) 525-5162 - scad.edu
Offering more degree programs and specializations than any other art and design university, SCAD is uniquely qualified to prepare students for professional, creative careers. SCAD supports educators by providing opportunities for professional development in an inspiring community of creatives.
W6316 Design Drive; Greenville, WI 54942 (888) 388-3224 - schoolspecialty.com
At School Specialty|Sax, we value our 100+ year history and continue our commitment not just to art but to you! We are known for our wide selection of quality products, professional development opportunities, and inspiring lesson plans.
6441 SE Johnson Creek Blvd; Portland, OR 97206 (503) 774-6000 - skutt.com
Skutt is the #1 kiln used in schools today. Check out our Touch Screen Controller with an App called Kiln Link. This app allows you to monitor the status of your kiln from your phone where ever you are. Also check out our new pottery wheels which features a removable wheel head for easy cleanup.
273 Bowes Rd. Unit A1; Concord, ON L4K 1H8 (905) 695-8355 - spectrumglazes.com
Spectrum Glazes is unique among ceramic glaze suppliers in that we focus exclusively on producing the highest quality, most colorful and diverse selection of fired finishes available anywhere. All of our talents are devoted to manufacturing glazes and other ceramic coatings.
24 Chestnut St; Carnegie, PA 15106 (412) 276-6333 - standardclay.com
Manufactures moist clay bodies. Distributes raw materials, glaze, and tools.
Digital: Online Curriculum/ Resources for K-12 Visual Arts
Presented by Davis Publications (Curtis Reid) Friday, October 18
4:45pm - 5:45pm Demens & Williams (Hilton)
Presented by Blick Art Materials (Whitney Meredith) Friday, October 18
4:45pm - 5:45pm USF Harbor Hall 142 (offsite)
Presented by Blick Art Materials (Whitney Meredith) Saturday, October 19
8:30am - 10:00am Kenwood (Hilton)
November 5, 2024
Visit dos.fl.gov/elections to view resources and information about: Register to vote • Poll sites • List of candidates
Encourage your colleagues, friends, and family to vote!
Calling all teachers of three years or less!
This event provides beginning teachers with plenty of items and reference materials gifted by other teachers, retired art teachers, and conference exhibitors.
FAEA thanks the Esopus Foundation for their generous donation of Esopus publications and other published materials for the Big Giveaway for New Art Teachers.
Saturday October 19 10:30 - 11:30am
St. Petersburg 3
Hilton St. Petersburg Bayfront
2024 & 2025 FAEA Committees
Laura Hobby, Co-Chair
Natalie Potacco, Co-Chair advocacy@board.faea.org
Nancy Puri, Chair pastpresident@board.faea.org
Claire Clum, Chair editorial@board.faea.org
Laurie Hoppock, Co-Chair
Ashley DeMaio, Co-Chair supervisor@board.faea.org
Latonya Hicks, Chair president@board.faea.org
Christy Garton, Chair presidentelect@board.faea.org
Latonya Hicks, Co-Chair
Christy Garton, Co-Chair president@board.faea.org
Stephanie Scannapieco, Chair elementary@board.faea.org
Step into the “Artful Happenings Room”, a dynamic and immersive space inspired by Allan Kaprow’s historic Happenings and your requests. This isn’t your typical session. It’s a vibrant, creative hub you’ve always dreamed of—designed for ongoing learning, meaningful discussions, sharing best practices, spontaneous collaborations, and more.
In this unique room, you’ll find scheduled meetups hosted by experts, each centered around specific topics. It’s the perfect place to:
Meet fellow creatives who share your passions and interests for a particular topic and share. Stop by to paint on the collaborative Advocacy Mural hosted by Laura Hobby and Natalie Potacco which will later be used for photo opportunities during the conference.
Many people have started an exciting conversation with an attendee in a session and suddenly you have to leave so the next session can begin. Check out the schedule and meet up to dive deeper into the ideas and techniques that inspire you like Journaling hosted by Ashley Demaio or Printmaking hosted by Sara Black and Karissa Herb.
Finish Working on a Project From a Session
Sometimes you just need a space to keep working on and talking about the thing that got you so excited like Fabric and Fibers hosted by Laurie Hoppock and Jacquelene Lieberman.
Collaborate and Create
Engage in group experiences like "Creativi-tea and Mindfulness" led by Lark Keeler, sponta-
neous performances like Dance and Yoga with Erik Nordstrom and Christy Sylla, or simply enjoy the creative energy of working side by side while while attending a drawing session hosted by Gerald Obregon.
Socialize and Network
Cultivate lasting relationships within the FAEA community in a relaxed, informal setting. Join us in the Artful Happenings Room to experience the magic that happens when great minds come together as an interest group. This is your opportunity to find, join and nurture a smaller, tight-knit community within the larger FAEA body. Don’t miss out on the chance to be part of something extraordinary! Hosts are there as a friendly face with similar likes so you’ll never be alone. See options below and time schedules will be on the conference schedule.
Stop by the Artful Happenings room located in Bayview at the Hilton St. Petersburg Bayfront!
10:00am Help Create an Advocacy Mural with the FAEA Advocacy Committee
11:15am Creativi-tea and Mindfulness with Lark Keeler
1:00 pm Movement and Dance with Christa Sylla and Erik Nordstrom
2:15pm Finger Weaving/Crochet with Jennifer Wilkinson
4:45pm Visual Journaling with Ashley DeMaio
6:00pm Hurricane & Natural Disaster "Support Group"
8:00 am Help Finish an Advocacy Mural with the FAEA Advocacy Committee
9:15 am Fabric and Fibers with Laurie Hoppock and Jacquelene Lieberman
10:30 am Printmaking with Karissa James and Sara Black
11:45 am Museum Meetup with Dulcie Hause
1:00 pm Drawing/Painting with Gerald Obregon
Reference https://www.theartstory.org/movement/happenings/
#1 New York Times bestselling author and illustrator, Tony DiTerlizzi, has been creating children’s books for over twenty years. From fanciful picture books like The Broken Ornament and The Spider & The Fly (a Caldecott Honor book), to chapter books like Kenny and The Dragon and The Search for WondLa, DiTerlizzi imbues his stories with rich imagination. With American writer and editor Holly Black, he created the middle-grade series, The Spiderwick Chronicles, which has sold over 20 million copies, been adapted into a feature film, and translated in over thirty countries. He teamed up with Lucasfilm to retell the original Star Wars trilogy as a picture book and his collaboration with celebrated author Mo Willems created the bestseller The Story of Diva & Flea. The Norman Rockwell museum’s retrospective, “Never Abandon Imagination”, featured artwork from the beginning of DiTerlizzi’s career as a contributing artist for Dungeons & Dragons and broke attendance records. He has been featured in Time magazine, USA Today, CNN, PBS, NPR, the BBC, and The Today Show.
Keynote Address
First General Session Fri., Oct. 18 • 8:00 - 9:00 AM St. Petersburg 1-3 (Hilton)
Coffee & Conversation with Tony Sat., Oct. 19• 9:00 - 10:00 AM
The Dali Museum, Raymond James Room (offsite)
Fantasy Monster Drawing Session Sat., Oct. 19 • 10:30 - 11:30 AM
The Dali Museum, Raymond James Room (offsite)
Painter Hayes is the creative team of Sarah & Cosby. Specializing in site-specific mural works informed by their studio painting practice, the two have a combined 30 years of painting experience. Sarah and Cosby have been painting together since 2017. In 2023, they got married, combined their names, and Painter Hayes was officially established. Painter Hayes has traveled the world painting community driven murals. They have been commissioned by the Office of the Vice President, Coca-Cola, and collaborate with a variety of municipalities, nonprofits, businesses, and schools.
Keynote Address
Second General Session Sat., 3:30 - 4:30 pm Mesa Hall
The James Museum (offsite)
The Hilton St. Petersburg Bayfront is located at 333 1st Street SE.
Get the Transit app for your public transportation needs including interactive location-based route maps and schedule.
The Looper is a quick, free way to get around downtown and the waterfront. The Looper’s 15-20 minute Trolley service runs around downtown St. Petersburg seven days a week and is always free of charge.
• The Hilton is stop #15. Stops 3, 8, and 16 are close to shopping. Stops 5, 6, and 7 are located in the arts district.
• In the Transit app, search “LOOPR” for location-based, interactive map and live updates.
• Use this link for the map of The Looper’s route. https://www.psta. net/services/st-petersburg-downtown-looper/
The free Central Avenue Trolly runs every 20 minutes from the Pier, to the Grand Central District. Enjoy many local galleries, shoppes, bars, and breweries along this route.
• Use the Transit App and search, “Central Avenue Trolley” for location-based, interactive map and live updates. https://www.psta.net/media/6617/route-36-120323.pdf
St. Petersburg Beach is one of the best beaches in the country. If you must get to St. Pete Beach, the SunRunner is the most affordable way to travel there. The SunRunner operates from 6am - 12 midnight. The SunRunner fare is $2.25. Digital Wallet, cash, and credit card are accepted.
In the Transit app, search “SunRunner” for location-based, interactive map and live updates. https://www. psta.net/media/6146/psta_sunrunner_howtorideguide.pdf
To view an interactive map of St. Petersburg conference locations, arts and cultural spots, and places to eat, visit https://tinyurl.com/faeaMap2024
We’re thrilled to have you join us at this year’s annual conference. To help you make the most of your experience, we’ve put together a list of must-do activities and essential information just for you.
• The 2 Keynote Sessions: These sessions are highlights of the conference - don't miss them!
• Division Meetings: Stay informed and connect with others in your division.
• Free Evening Receptions: Relax, network, and enjoy the company of fellow attendees.
• Artful Happenings: Engage with like-minded members in creative activities, chats, and experiences.
• Pick Up Ribbons: Add some flair to your badge with ribbons.
• Interact at Advocacy Stations: Get involved and make your voice heard.
• Purchase a $15 Ticket: Attend the Ignite Magic Market, FAEA’s very own indoor art festival, and support your fellow artists.
• Free Forums and Workshops: Take advantage of these opportunities to learn and grow in between your paid workshops.
• New Teacher Giveaway: If you’re in your first 3 years of teaching, don’t miss the special giveaway on Saturday at 10:30am in room St. Petersburg 3!
• Museum Access: Enjoy free admission to multiple museums with your conference badge, listed on page 46.
• Download the App: Access the conference schedule, view presenter bios and handouts, set reminders and bookmark sessions, network with other attendees, and more!
We hope this guide helps you navigate the conference with ease and make the most of your first-time experience!
Purchase a raffle ticket for the chance to win fabulous prizes.
There are two tiers of raffle prizes: Winner’s Circle for prizes valued under $100, and Grand Prize for prizes valued at $100+.
Raffle tickets can be added on to your online conference registration, or purchased onsite at the registration desk. Winner’s Circle raffle tickets are $5 for a pack of 5 tickets or $25 for a pack of 25 tickets, and Grand Prize raffle tickets are $5 each or $20 for a pack of 5.
All proceeds will help fulfill FAEA’s mission to promote art education.
Rules: Purchase one raffle ticket for entry into a drawing of your choice to win a great prize. Rules and Regulations offered by the Florida Art Education Association, Inc (FAEA) 402 Office Plaza, Tallahassee, FL 32301. One prize per raffle will be awarded unless otherwise stated. Participants select the prize drawing in which their ticket is to be included. The winning ticket for each prize will be selected at random in front of a live audience. Winners need not be present at the drawing to win. Raffle drawings will be held at the Hilton St. Petersburg Bayfront on October 19, 2024, during the Ignite Magic Market at 7:30 - 10:30 PM in the Grand Bay Ballroom. Winners will be notified by email. Unclaimed prizes 30 days after final email notice are forfeit. Shipping charges are the responsibility of the winner. General operating funds were used to purchase prizes and other prizes were donated. No purchase necessary. Minimum suggested donation of $5 for this request. Mail self-addressed, postage-paid envelope with a letter requesting a raffle ticket to the FAEA office by September 24, 2024. A confirmation letter will be returned to you. Your ticket will be available for pick-up at the FAEA conference registration desk during hours of operation for the FAEA Annual Conference. Information available at www.FAEA.org. One ticket per request. All taxes included in the sale price of $5.
Kessanda Abel
Tampa Museum of Art
Studio 55 - Lifelong Learning in Art Museums Through Studio ProgrammingFriday 10:00 a.m.
Teens Take the Lead - The Challenges and Benefits of Fostering Youth Leadership in Art Museums - Friday 11:15 a.m.
Danette Albino
Tampa Museum of Art
So, You Want to Work at a MuseumSaturday 10:30 a.m.
Irina Ashcraft
The Trinity Preparatory School
Gelli Arts Mini Placement Tool: Trash or Treasure Texture Notecards - Friday 10:00 a.m.
Sumaya Ayad
The Dali Museum
Empowering Young Voices: Jr. Docents at The Dali and in the Classroom - Saturday 9:15 a.m.
Kris Bakke
Royal Brush Mfg., Inc.
13 Dot Art - Making Creative Connections - Thursday 11:00 a.m.
Debi Barrett-Hayes
Imagine a R.A.T. and a B.A.T.: "Five Decades Apart in Art" - Friday 4:45 p.m.
Imagine BATS & RATS Speed Dating!Saturday 11:45 a.m.
Retirees' Reception (Social Gathering of the R.A.T.s) - Saturday 1:00 p.m.
Betty Bergnes
Guy Harvey Foundation
Plastic Pollution, Plastic Solution: Repurposing Plastic to Create an Ocean of Change - Saturday 10:30 a.m.
Brittny Bevel
Tampa Museum of Art
Revisiting the Museum Tour - Thursday 11:00 a.m.
So, You Want to Work at a MuseumSaturday 10:30 a.m.
Monica 'Sara' Black
John Hopkins Middle School
Fruit Salad! Using Form, Texture, and Color to Create Paper Mache Fruit Bowls - Friday 1:00 p.m.
The "Artful Happenings" Room: Printmaking with Karissa James and Sara Black - Saturday 10:30 a.m.
Dr. Jeffrey Broome
Florida State University
A Thematic Interdisciplinary Project on Natural Disasters: Responding with Mixed Media Art and Care - Friday 4:45 p.m.
Cultivating Art & Museum Education
Leadership: Introducing Florida State's NEW Online EdD Program - Saturday 10:30 a.m.
Graduate Degrees in Art Education: Learning & Earning Opportunities from Florida Universities - Saturday 1:15 p.m.
Dr. Susannah Brown
Florida Atlantic University
Graduate Degrees in Art Education: Learning & Earning Opportunities from Florida Universities - Saturday 1:15 p.m.
Pamela Calore
Drawing Across the Lines INC
3D Jim Dine Hearts - Saturday 5:30 p.m.
Deborah Canoura
Duval County Public Schools
Autonomy, Motivation, and Creativity in the Visual Art Room - Thursday 9:45 a.m.
David Chang
Florida International University
Figure Drawing - Friday 10:00 a.m.
Portrait Painting - Friday 1:00 p.m.
Business of Art for Teaching Artists - Saturday 9:15 a.m.
Graduate Degrees in Art Education: Learning & Earning Opportunities from Florida Universities - Saturday 1:15 p.m.
Kim Chauncy
Harbor City Elementary
Asian Legends and Treasures - Unpacking Sumi-e Brush Painting - Friday 4:45 p.m.
Jennifer Confusione
Bagdad Elementary
ARTIVISTS in the Elementary Art RoomThursday 11:00 a.m.
Dr. Nicole Crane
Elbridge Gale Elementary
Mastering Model Magic - Saturday 1:15 p.m.
Rick Dakan
Ringling College of Art + Design
AI in the Art Room Panel - Saturday 1:15 p.m.
Joanna Davis-Lanum
Garden Elementary School
Tiny Art Show - Friday 1:00 p.m.
Pop Yourself! - Saturday 8:30 a.m.
Jennifer Day
Gulf Breeze High School
Artsonia - Saturday 2:30 p.m.
Ashley DeMaio
Gamble Rogers
Master In Plaster - Friday 1:00 p.m.
Middle School Division Meeting - Friday 3:30 p.m.
The "Artful Happenings" Room: Visual
Journaling with Ashley DeMaio - Friday 4:45 p.m.
Visual Journal - Saturday 1:15 p.m.
Sheryl Depp
Notre Dame Catholic School
No Kiln, No Problem - Saturday 8:30 a.m.
Dr. Wendy Dickinson
University of South Florida
Exploring Linocuts: Matisse "Makers" Workshop - Friday 10:00 a.m.
Tony DiTerlizzi
General Session featuring Keynote
Speaker Tony DiTerlizzi - Friday 8:00 a.m.
Coffee and Conversation with Keynote Speaker Tony DiTerlizzi - Saturday 9:00 a.m.
Fantasy Monster Drawing Session with Tony DiTerlizzi - Saturday 10:30 a.m.
Chloe Dubois
North Port High School
Surface Exploration for Ceramics - Saturday 5:30 p.m.
Nadia Earl
North Hialeah Elementary School
Insect Hotel Assemblage - Saturday 5:30 p.m.
Elizabeth Ebisawa
Crystal Lake Middle School
PowerPoint Puppets - Thursday 8:30 a.m.
Zahra Farooq
West Lakes Preparatory Academy
Islamic Arts: How It Inspired The Art World - Friday 1:00 p.m.
The Art of Mehndi Through Mixed Media - Saturday 10:30 a.m.
Darren Farris
Blanton Elementary
Make Artists, an Intro to TAB in the Elementary Studio - Thursday 11:00 a.m.
Plan Lessons to Teach for Artistic Behavior (TAB) - Thursday, 12:15 p.m..
Susan Feliciano
Marjory Stoneman Douglas Elementary
Hojalata Sagrado Corazones: Mexican Tin Sacred Heart - Friday 4:45 p.m.
Dr. Rachel Fendler
Florida State University
Interdisciplinary Collaborative Arts and Civics Curriculum Writing: Learning with Local Communities - Saturday 9:15 a.m.
Cultivating Art & Museum Education Leadership: Introducing Florida State's NEW Online EdD Program - Saturday 10:30 a.m.
Graduate Degrees in Art Education: Learning & Earning Opportunities from Florida Universities - Saturday 1:15 p.m.
Nadia Fernandez-Castillo
Arvida Middle School
Artful Alchemy: Igniting Creativity with Blackout Poetry - Friday 1:00 p.m.
Brandon Frank
Aspects of Seminole Culture by Brandon Frank, Tristina Osceola, Jojo Osceola, & Abena Robinson - Friday 10:00 a.m.
Paula Gale
West Homestead K-8 Center
Putting Together the Pieces- Mini Mosaic - Thursday 8:30 a.m.
From Mini Mosaic to Large Scale Installations: Putting Together the PiecesThursday 2:45 p.m.
Jaclyn Gallagher
Timberlin Creek E lementary School
Artsonia- Creating an Online Art Database for Parent Engagement and Fundraising - Friday 2:15 p.m.
David Gamble
Skutt Kilns & Pottery Wheels
Fear No Firing! Electric Kiln and Glaze Talk - Friday 10:00 a.m.
Jennifer Gifford
New World School of the Arts
Poetic Drawing - Saturday 1:15 p.m.
Jennifer Gironda
Chaminade-Madonna College Preparatory
Let's Talk (and Create!) TRASHion Illustrations! - Saturday 8:30 a.m.
Dr. Anne Grey
Mollie Ray Elementary School
The Dream Bird Project: Practice in Clay Artmaking and Self-Awareness Through Children's Dreams - Thursday 1:30 p.m.
Christopher Gugel
Clay County District Schools
The Art of Collaboration: Creating a Unified Vision - Friday 4:45 p.m.
Heather Hagy
The Bolles School
The Collab Lab - Thursday 4:00 p.m.
Crazy Portraits! - Saturday 1:15 p.m.
Gretchen Hale
Saint Margaret Mary Catholic School
The Collab Lab - Thursday 4:00 p.m.
Kimberly Harac-Heruth
Belleview Middle School
Carpet/Rug Design- STEAM LessonThursday 8:30 a.m.
Karen Haraminac
Mangrove Bay Middle School
Cyanotype Dichotomies: Vice & Virtue Diptychs - Thursday 8:30 a.m.
Lyndsey Harris
Pineapple Cove Classical Academy
White Line Woodcuts: An American Art Tradition - Friday 1:00 p.m.
Hardware Store Impasto: Abstract
Expressionism "de Kooning Style" - Friday 4:45 p.m.
Dulcie Hause
Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens
Museum Division Meeting - Friday 3:30 p.m.
Art Criticism for the Classroom or Gallery - Saturday 9:15 a.m.
The "Artful Happenings" Room: Museum Meetup with Dulcie Hause - Saturday 11:45 a.m.
Katherine Hendrickson
Florida Atlantic University Lab Schools Climate Change Through Art - Thursday 1:30 p.m.
Dr. Jackie Henson-Dacey
The Raw and Primitive Aesthetic of Jean Dubuffet - Saturday 8:30 a.m.
Latonya Hicks
Pinellas County Visual Art Office Pathways to Leadership: Follow the Breadcrumbs - Thursday 1:30 p.m.
AP Art & Design Reader Panel - Thursday 4:00 p.m.
Member Meet-N-Greet - Thursday 6:00 p.m. AI in the Art Room Panel - Saturday 1:15 p.m.
Dr. Hank Hine
The Dalí
AI in the Art Room Panel - Saturday 1:15 p.m.
Laura Hobby
Hillsborough County Public Schools
The "Artful Happenings" Room: Advocacy Mural - Friday 10:00 a.m.
The "Artful Happenings" Room: Help Finish the Advocacy Mural with the FAEA Advocacy Committee - Saturday 8:00 a.m.
Dr. Laurie Hoppock
Duval County Public Schools
Crochet Corner - Thursday 1:30 p.m.
Florida Seal of Fine Arts: Introduction and Action Plan - Thursday 4:00 p.m.
Art Supervisors Meeting and BreakfastFriday 9:15 a.m.
Future Art Educators Forum - Friday 11:15 a.m
Let's Get Judgey With It! Adjudicating the FSAA - Friday 2:15 p.m.
The "Artful Happenings" Room: Fabric and Fibers — Laurie Hoppock and Jacquelene Lieberman - Saturday 9:15 a.m.
Kristy House
Perkins Elementary School
Using Shapes and Understanding Form to Create 3D Printed Balloon Animals for the Elementary Artist! - Friday 6:00 p.m.
Catherine Irmis
Osceola Fundamental High School
Drawing with Thread: An Embroidery Experience - Saturday 10:30 a.m.
Karissa James
Tyrone Middle School
Lino Prints: Tips, Tricks, and Color Transformation - Thursday 1:30 p.m.
The "Artful Happenings" Room: Printmaking with Karissa James and Sara Black - Saturday 10:30 a.m.
Minki Jeon
Florida State University
Contemporary Artist Repertoire as Curriculum Resources: From 9 Big Ideas to Essential Questions - Thursday 4:00 p.m.
Interdisciplinary Collaborative Arts and Civics Curriculum Writing: Learning with Local Communities - Saturday 9:15 a.m.
Ben Jewell-Plocher
Embracing Our Differences
The Art of Storytelling - Friday 1:00 p.m.
Yihan Jiang
University of Florida
Nurturing Well-being in Studio Art in Higher Education: Challenges, Perceptions, and Strategies - Saturday 1:15 p.m.
Lark Keeler
Saint Andrew's School
The "Artful Happenings" Room: Creativi-tea and Mindfulness - Friday 11:15 a.m.
Plastic Pollution, Plastic Solution: Repurposing Plastic to Create an Ocean of Change - Saturday 10:30 a.m.
Erin Kendrick
Jacksonville Arts & Music School
Data as Design: Translating Music into Visual Form - Saturday 10:30 a.m.
Pamela King
Roy Allen Elementary
Asian Legends and Treasures - Unpacking Sumi-e Brush Painting - Friday 4:45 p.m.
Rachel Koral
St. Petersburg High School
Curriculum Survival Guide: Igniting Intrinsic Motivation - Thursday 11:00 a.m.
Nicholas Kozlowski
Paul B Stephens ESE Center
Adapting Art For All Students - Friday 4:45 p.m.
Visit the Exhibit Hall Located in the Grand Bay Ballroom at the Hilton St. Petersburg Bayfront
Friday, October 18
9:00am - 1:00pm • 2:30pm - 5:30pm Saturday, October 19 9:30am - 2:30pm
Walter Lara
Florida School of the Arts
Hands-on Photography Media Lighting Design - Saturday 1:15 p.m.
Brannan Lawson
Hillcrest Elementary School
Procedures, Expectations and Sketchbooks Within the Elementary Art Room - Friday 10:00 a.m.
Paint Along with the Art Teacher Fundraiser - Saturday 8:30 a.m.
Julie Levesque
Pinellas County Schools
3D Modeling and Printing - Saturday 1:15 p.m.
Amanda Lewis
Lockmar Elementary Making Art with Marbling - Saturday 5:30 p.m.
Jacquelene Lieberman
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
Crochet Corner - Thursday 1:30 p.m.
High School Division Meeting - Friday 3:30 p.m.
The "Artful Happenings" Room: Fabric and Fibers — Laurie Hoppock and Jacquelene Lieberman - Saturday 9:15 a.m.
Simoni Limeira-Bonadies
Rochelle School of the Arts
Organizing Our Fantastic Chaos! - Friday 11:15 a.m.
Theodore LoCascio
PCCA @ Gibbs High School
AP Art & Design Reader Panel - Thursday 4:00 p.m.
Back to Basics: Observational DrawingFriday 4:45 p.m.
Dr. Glenda Lubiner
Franklin Academy
The Birds and the Bees (Get Your Mind Out of the Gutter!) - Saturday 8:30 a.m.
The Circle of Life - Isn't That What Color is All About Anyway? - Saturday 5:30 p.m.
Angela Lunsford
Glenridge Middle School
Watercolor Pencils: An Alternative to the Palette - Friday 4:45 p.m.
Lissette Lutz
Miami Dade County Public Schools
Visual Arts Department
Deconstruct to Reconstruct: Re-invention Through Sustainability - Thursday 4:00 p.m.
Miriam Machado
Frost Art Museum/FIU
Exploring the Enigmatic Artistry of Lee Bontecou - Friday 4:45 p.m.
Dr. Kimberly Macuare
The Dali
Igniting the Imagination: Dali and Inquiry-Based Learning - Saturday 11:45 a.m.
Lori Manning
Joseph L. Carwise Middle School
Mixed Media Woven SculpturesThursday 8:30 a.m.
Brian McAllister
PCCA at Gibbs High School
Help Create a Mural in St. Petersburg About the 'Importance of the ARTS!'Thursday 11:00 a.m.
Help Create a Mural in St. Petersburg About the 'Importance of the ARTS!'Thursday 1:30 p.m.
Help Create a Mural in St. Petersburg About the 'Importance of the ARTS!'Friday 10:00 a.m.
Help Create a Mural in St. Petersburg About the 'Importance of the ARTS!'Friday 12:30 p.m.
Dr. Debra McGann
University of Central Florida
Higher-Ed Division Meeting - Friday 3:30 p.m.
Graduate Degrees in Art Education: Learning & Earning Opportunities from Florida Universities - Saturday 1:15 p.m.
Karen McMillan
Clay County District Schools
The Art of Collaboration: Creating a Unified Vision - Friday 4:45 p.m.
Brie Medina
Tarpon Springs Middle School
A Crash Course in Surviving Middle School - Thursday 9:45 a.m.
Whitney Meredith
BLICK Art Materials
Next-Level Tempera Techniques - Friday 4:45 p.m.
3D Puff Pets - Saturday 8:30 a.m.
Theresa Meyer
Nina Harris ESE Center School
Adapting Art For All Students - Friday 4:45 p.m.
Recycled CD Art - Saturday 10:30 a.m.
Patricia Miles
Demystifying Advocacy; An Art Educator's Rosetta Stone for Dealing with Legislators - Friday 10:00 a.m.
Lauren Miller
Gulf Beaches Elementary
Let's Get Digital! - Thursday 4:00 p.m.
Steven Miller
Grassy Waters Elementary School
Feeling Buggy in the Art Room. Exploring Symmetry in Nature with Bugs, Beetles and Butterflies. - Thursday 4:00 p.m.
Ashley Monks
Port Salerno Elementary
The Fish Project - Thursday 11:00 a.m.
Should I Stay or Should I Go? - Thursday 2:45 p.m.
Mabel Morales
Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Deconstruct to Reconstruct: Re-invention Through Sustainability - Thursday 4:00 p.m.
Supervisory and Mentorship Strategies in Developing New Art Teachers - Friday 1:00 p.m.
Exploring the Enigmatic Artistry of Lee Bontecou - Friday 4:45 p.m.
Kymberly Moreland-Garnett
Trinity Preparatory School
Gelli Arts Mini Placement Tool: Trash or Treasure Texture Notecards - Friday 10:00 a.m.
Stephanie Moreno
Murray Middle School
Paper Quilling for Beginners - Saturday 1:15 p.m.
Martin Murphy
Ringling College of Art and Design
Immersive Figure Drawing and Oil Painting in Virtual Reality - Thursday 1:30 p.m.
3D Asset Creation Unraveled: Bridging Art and Technology - Thursday, 9:45 a.m.
Hiep Nguyen
Circle Painting
The Joy and Stress of Teaching Elementary Art: How to Stay Present, Energized, and Sustainably Happy - Friday 2:15 p.m.
Drawing From Disaster: Finding Healing With Draw All You Can - Friday 4:45 p.m.
From Overwhelmed to Artistry: Harnessing the Principles of Art for Educator Well-Being - Saturday 8:30 a.m.
David Nicholson
Country Oaks Elementary
Proactive Behavior Management Strategies in a Creative Setting - Friday 11:15 a.m.
Erik Nordstrom
Largo High School
The "Artful Happenings" Room: Movement and Dance with Christa Sylla and Erik Nordstrom - Friday 1:00 p.m.
Andrea Obenland
Clearwater Central Catholic High School
Printing with a Pasta Maker—Watercolor Monotypes - Thursday 8:30 a.m.
Repoussé—Low relief embossing on metal - Saturday 8:30 a.m.
Hyperrealism—Constructing Shoe with Clay - Saturday 1:15 p.m.
Gerald Obregon
AP Mays Conservatory of the Arts
Glazing in Acrylic - Going From Gray To Color Painting - Thursday 1:30 p.m.
Impressionism With a Twist - Fingerpainting For Big Kids - Friday 10:00 a.m.
The "Artful Happenings" Room: Drawing/ Painting with Gerald Obregon - Saturday 1:00 p.m. The Imagine Museum of Contemporary Glass Art is hosting an exclusive event for all FAEA Conference attendees at their Sunshine Market! Enjoy free museum admission, entertainment, drinks and light bites, art demonstrations, and much more.
Friday, October 18 • 5:00 - 9:00 PM
Sheryl Odza
Stuart Middle School
Legal Graffiti - Friday 10:00 a.m.
Jojo Osceola
Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum
Aspects of Seminole Culture by Brandon Frank, Tristina Osceola, Jojo Osceola, & Abena Robinson - Friday 10:00 a.m.
Tristina Osceola
Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum
Aspects of Seminole Culture by Brandon Frank, Tristina Osceola, Jojo Osceola, & Abena Robinson - Friday 10:00 a.m.
Cosby Painter Hayes
General Session with Keynote Speakers
Sarah & Cosby Painter Hayes - Saturday 3:30 p.m.
Sarah Painter Hayes
General Session with Keynote Speakers
Sarah & Cosby Painter Hayes - Saturday 3:30 p.m.
Daniel Papanikolaou
AP Art & Design Reader Panel - Thursday 4:00 p.m.
Haleh Pinney
Pinellas Park Elementary
Leave the Band-Aids Behind - Saturday 1:15 p.m.
Ruthie Platt
Imagine BATS & RATS Speed Dating!Saturday 11:45 a.m.
Retirees' Reception (Social Gathering of the R.A.T.s) - Saturday 1:00 p.m.
Natalie Potacco
Curlew Creek Elementary
Drawing with Thread: An Embroidery Experience - Saturday 10:30 a.m.
Local Art Education Assembly MeetingSaturday 12:15 p.m.
Kids Creating Comics - Saturday 1:15 p.m.
Dr. Heidi Powell
University of Florida
Sew What? - Thursday 11:00 a.m.
Adventures in Inquiry - Friday 11:15 a.m.
Graduate Degrees in Art Education: Learning & Earning Opportunities from Florida Universities - Saturday 1:15 p.m.
Dr. Kasey Power
University of Florida
Adventures in Inquiry - Friday 11:15 a.m.
Graduate Degrees in Art Education: Learning & Earning Opportunities from Florida Universities - Saturday 1:15 p.m.
Tom Prestopnik
Expert Panel Discussion/Panel of RATs (Retired Art Teachers) - Thursday 4:00 p.m.
Coffee and Conversation with Keynote Speaker Tony DiTerlizzi - Saturday 9:00 a.m.
Dr. Marilyn Proctor-Givens
Lincoln High School
AP Art & Design Reader Panel - Thursday 4:00 p.m.
Lauren Regan
Plumb ES
Creating Depth: A Ceramics Workshop on Relief Sculptures - Thursday 4:00 p.m.
Curtis Reid
Davis Publications
Davis Digital: Online Curriculum/Resources for K-12 Visual Arts - Friday 4:45 p.m.
Marcia Reybitz
Retired-Ed.Consultant - Artist
Artist Fun, Inspirational, Glass PaintingThursday 11:00 a.m.
Alternative Surfaces for 3D Art - Thursday 1:30 p.m.
Abena Robinson
Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Seminole Art Museum
Aspects of Seminole Culture by Brandon Frank, Tristina Osceola, Jojo Osceola, & Abena Robinson - Friday 10:00 a.m.
Seminole Hunting Bags - Saturday 10:30 a.m.
Linda Marie Robinson
Michigan Avenue Elementary
Simply "Slab-u-lous": Ceramic Slab Creations Sunday 8:00 a.m.
Gabbi Roland
Florida State University
Imagine a R.A.T. and a B.A.T.: "Five Decades Apart in Art" - Friday 4:45 p.m.
Christopher Roll
Lakeland High School
What's Your S.I. Inquiry? A Simple, Structured Approach to the AP Art and Design Portfolio. - Thursday 11:00 a.m.
Dr. Ann Rowson Love
Florida State University
Cultivating Art & Museum Education Leadership: Introducing Florida State's NEW Online EdD Program - Saturday 10:30 a.m.
Lisa Russo
Belleview High School
Art Nouveau Mandal Design - Thursday 1:30 p.m.
Capturing Likeness in Portraiture (3-hour workshop) - Sunday 8:00 a.m.
Erin Saladino
The Art of Education University
Expanding Visual Literacy Strategies: Bridging Art and Other Content AreasFriday 2:15 p.m.
Creative Solutions: Transforming Surplus Paper into Sculptural Masterpieces - Saturday 10:30 a.m.
Lisa Sandrowicz
One in a Milian Designs
Bringing Pavement to Life: A Dynamic Introduction to Chalk Art & Street Painting - Thursday 5:15 p.m.
Bringing Pavement to Life: A Hands-On Beginner Chalk Art & Street Painting Workshop - Saturday 5:30 p.m.
Karen Santangelo
Clearwater Fundamental Middle School
Mixed Media Woven Sculptures - Thursday 8:30 a.m.
Christine Schebilski
North Port High School
Derivative Art with Emojis - Friday 1:00 p.m.
Rebecca Schempp
Lewis Anna Woodbury Elementary Loops and Swoops - Sunday 8:00 a.m.
Colleen Schmidt
Island Village Elementary Marvelous Masks! - Saturday 10:30 a.m.
Dr. Sara Scott Shields
Florida State University
Interdisciplinary Collaborative Arts and Civics Curriculum Writing: Learning with Local Communities - Saturday 9:15 a.m.
Dwayne Shepherd
Osceola Middle School
Help Create a Mural in St. Petersburg About the 'Importance of the ARTS!'Thursday 11:00 a.m.
Help Create a Mural in St. Petersburg About the 'Importance of the ARTS!'Thursday 1:30 p.m.
Help Create a Mural in St. Petersburg About the 'Importance of the ARTS!'Friday 10:00 a.m.
Help Create a Mural in St. Petersburg About the 'Importance of the ARTS!'Friday 12:30 p.m.
Pamela Signorelli Retired
Underwater Fantasy - Saturday 5:30 p.m.
Nancy Silberkleit
Archie Comics
Kids Creating Comics - Saturday 1:15 p.m.
Felicia Stamp
Pinellas Central Elementary
Leave the Band-Aids Behind - Saturday 1:15 p.m.
Julie Stone
Lincoln Avenue Academy
Assessing Student Knowledge - Thursday 2:45 p.m.
Rebecca Stone-Danahy College Board
Pathways to Leadership: Follow the Breadcrumbs - Thursday 1:30 p.m.
AP Art & Design Reader Panel - Thursday 4:00 p.m.
AI in the Art Room Panel - Saturday 1:15 p.m.
Tasha Strigle
Vanguard High School
Plan Lessons to Teach for Artistic Behavior (TAB) - Friday 11:15 a.m.
Tiny Art Gallery - Thursday, 12:15 p.m.
Michelle Stylianou
Tarpon Springs Fundamental School
Simple Slab Build-up for Two Day Clay Lessons - Thursday 4:00 p.m.
Easy Sgraffito! One Day Fun Day! - Saturday 5:30 p.m.
Saturday, October 19
7:00am – 8:00am St. Petersburg 3 Hilton St. Petersburg Bayfront
Purchase your ticket to celebrate this year’s honorees
Stelios Stylianou
Sandy Land Elementary
Simple Slab Build-up for Two Day Clay Lessons - Thursday 4:00 p.m.
Easy Sgraffito! One Day Fun Day! - Saturday 5:30 p.m.
Gerri Sweeney
Marianna K-8 School
A Crash Course in Surviving Middle School - Thursday 9:45 a.m.
Book Nooks - Literacy in the Art Classroom - Thursday 2:45 p.m.
Amanda Swisher
Palm Harbor University High School
Imagine: A Fantastic Field Trip to France - Thursday 9:45 a.m.
Christa Sylla
Jacksonville Arts and Music School
The "Artful Happenings" Room: Movement and Dance with Christa Sylla and Erik Nordstrom - Friday 1:00 p.m.
Afro-Cuban Dance: Transmitting Cultural Norms and Values Through Embodied Practices and Movements - Friday 6:00 p.m.
Katherine Talbot
John Hopkins Middle School Collaged Cubist Portraits - Sunday 10:00 a.m.
Zachary Thompson
Richard L. Sanders
The Vital Significance of Organizing and Directing An ESE Student Exhibition For Your District! - Friday 4:45 p.m.
Art Classroom Management for ESE/ELL Behavioral Extremities PART A - Saturday 10:30 a.m.
Art Classroom Management for ESE/ELL Behavioral Extremities PART B - Saturday 11:45 a.m.
Open Q&A: ESE Art Educator Community: How Can FAEA Assist You In Your Classroom With ESE Students? - Saturday 1:15 p.m.
Dr. Michelle Tillander
University of Florida
AI Art, Artists, and Art Education - Thursday, 1:30 p.m.
Enhancing Medical Education Through Art - Saturday 11:45 a.m.
Graduate Degrees in Art Education: Learning & Earning Opportunities from Florida Universities - Saturday 1:15 p.m.
Peter Tush
The Dali
Igniting the Imagination: Dali and Inquiry-Based Learning - Saturday 11:45 a.m.
Dr. Amber Ward
Florida Stae University
Cultivating Art & Museum Education Leadership: Introducing Florida State's NEW Online EdD Program - Saturday 10:30 a.m.
Graduate Degrees in Art Education: Learning & Earning Opportunities from Florida Universities - Saturday 1:15 p.m.
Gracie Weiss
Foundation Academy
Shrinky Dinks and The Pottery WheelSunday 8:00 a.m.
Jennifer Wilkinson
Lakeland Highlands Middle School
The "Artful Happenings" Room: Finger Weaving/Crochet with Jennifer Wilkinson - Friday 2:15 p.m.
Suzanne Williams
Garrison-Jones Elementary Fun and Engaging One-Day LessonsThursday 1:30 p.m.
Lindsey Wuest
FAU A.D. Henderson School
Climate Change Through Art - Thursday 1:30 p.m.
7:30-10:30 PM
Grand Bay Ballroom • Hilton St. Petersburg Bayfront
$15 Full Access Ticket
The Saturday Night Event and the Artist Bazaar have transformed this year to a brand new event called the Ignite Magic Market, a vibrant art festival where creativity comes to life!
Discover unique, handcrafted treasures from member artisans and immerse yourself in an atmosphere of artistic inspiration and community connection.
Thank you to ShineOn and Royal Brush Mfg. for sponsoring the art supplies for the Ignite Magic Market.
Artist Bazaar
Only Access
Free to browse and shop (perfect for those who want to browse and purchase art without participating in additional activities)
Full Access Ticket
$15 per person (includes participation in artmaking activities, access to silent disco, and snacks)
Artmaking Activities: Dive into your creativity with hands-on art projects.
Karaoke: Share your favorite tunes.
Silent Disco: Dance to the rhythm of your own beat in our unique silent disco.
Snacks and Refreshments: Enjoy delicious snacks included with your Full-Access ticket.
Cash Bar: Sip on your favorite beverages while you explore, create, and commune with one another.
Music: Enjoy fun tunes adding to the festive atmosphere.
- Conference attendees receive free admission with badge during the FAEA Conference.
Chihuly Collection
720 Central Ave St. moreanartscenter.org/chihuly-collection-location 727-822-7872
Creative Clay 1124 Central Ave. www.creativeclay.org 727-825-0515
The Dalí Museum 1 Dali Blvd. thedali.org 727-823-3767
Dr. Carter G. Woodson African American Museum
2240 9th Ave. S. woodsonmuseum.org 727-323-1104
Duncan McClellan Gallery 2342 Emerson Ave. S. dmglass.com 855-436-4527
Florida CraftArt
501 Central Ave. floridacraftart.org 727-821-7391
The Florida Holocaust Museum 55 5th St. S. www.flholocaustmuseum.org 727-820-0100
Great Explorations Children’s Museum 1925 4th St N. greatex.org 727-821-8992
Imagine Museum of Contemporary Glass Art
1901 Central Ave. www.imaginemuseum.com 727-300-1700
The James Museum of Western and Wildlife Art 150 Central Ave. thejamesmuseum.org 727-892-4200
Morean Arts Center 719 Central Ave. www.moreanartscenter.org 727-822-7872
Morean Center for Clay 420 22nd St. S. www.moreanartscenter.org/ center-for-clay 727-821-7162
Morean Glass Studio 714 1st Ave. N. www.moreanartscenter.org/hot-shop 727-822-7872
Museum of the American Arts & Crafts Movement
355 4th St. N. www.museumaacm.org 727-943-9900
Museum of Fine Arts 255 Beach Drive N.E. mfastpete.org 727-896-2667
Pinellas Pioneer Settlement 3010 31st ST. S. stpeteparksrec.org/pioneersettlement 727-893-7326
St. Petersburg Museum of History 335 2nd Ave. N.E. spmoh.com 727-894-1052
The Studio@620 620 1st Ave. S. www.thestudioat620.org 727-895-6620
Please join FAEA in celebrating these outstanding individuals and organizations for their achievements!
Pearl Krepps Legacy Award
Susan Castleman Seminole, Florida
Florida’s Outstanding Art Educator of the Year Award
Lark Keeler
Saint Andrew’s School Delray Beach, Florida
Lifetime Achievement Award
Tom Prestopnik Port St. Lucie, Florida
Distinguished Service Award
Jackie Henson-Dacey, PhD Venice, Florida
Elementary Art Educator of the Year Award
Nadia Vera Earl
North Hialeah Elementary School Miami Beach, Florida
Secondary Art Educator of the Year Award
Chloe Dubois
North Port High School North Port, Florida
Principal/Administrator of the Year Award
Adam Tweet
Manatee Elementary School Fort Myers, Florida
Supervisor/Administrator of the Year Award
Jonathan Ogle
Pinellas County Schools Palm Harbor, Florida
Adaptive Arts Educator Award
Zachary C. Thompson
Richard L. Sanders School St. Petersburg, Florida
New Professional Award
Laura Weston Pruneda
Rufus E. Payne Elementary & Reynolds Lane Elementary Orange Park, Florida
Retired Art Educator Award
Rosa Ansoleaga Miami, Florida
Local Art Education Association Leader Award
Nicole Crane, PhD
Elbridge Gale Elementary School Wellington, Florida
June Hinckley Art Educator Award of Excellence
Kimberly Elena Comber
Westminster Christian School Palmetto Bay, Florida
Charles Dorn High School Student Award of Excellence
Tara Beharic
Sumner High School Riverview, Florida
Higher Education Individual Student Achievement Award
Sena Karatas Ozturk
Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida
Friend of Art Education Award
Sahara Lyon-Mundy
Council on Culture & Arts Tallahassee, Florida
Community Service/Institution/ Corporate Award
The Artists’ League of the Big Bend of Florida, Inc. Tallahassee, Florida
This year’s recipients will be honored at the Awards Breakfast during the 2024 FAEA Annual Conference. The Awards Breakfast will be held on Saturday, October 19 at 7:00am at the Hilton St. Petersburg Bayfront. Tickets are available to purchase online with your conference registration or onsite for $30 (subject to availability).
Do I have to be an FAEA member to register for the FAEA Conference?
No, you do not need to be a member to register. Members may renew their membership during the registration process. Non-member conference registration fee includes an automatic one-year FAEA membership with the pricing.
Are there additional fees to attend workshops or special events at the FAEA Conference?
There are additional costs and registration is required to attend any hands-on workshops and special events like the Awards Breakfast and the Saturday Night Event.
Which workshops and events are included in my registration?
All Art Forum sessions, General Sessions, division meetings, open receptions, and access to the commercial exhibit hall are included in your conference registration.
Do I sign up in advance to attend the Art Forum sessions?
No, the Art Forum sessions are included in your conference registration and seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Is there a certain hotel I should stay at if I am attending the FAEA Conference?
FAEA recommends the conference hotel, Hilton St. Petersburg Bayfront. To learn more, visit faea.org/conference/hotel-information
If I have questions about the FAEA Conference or my membership, who should I contact?
You can call the FAEA Office at (850) 205-0068 or info@faea.org.
The FAEA Member Virtual Exhibition (MVE) is an annual state-wide, juried competition open to all FAEA members. Artworks accepted into the MVE are eligible for awards and are celebrated at the 2024 FAEA Conference and on the FAEA website. All conference attendees are invited to attend this year’s MVE Reception on October 17 at the Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg.
Thursday, October 17
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Museum of Fine Arts
Beach Dr NE St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Thank you to The Art of Education University for sponsoring this year’s award prizes.
Patricia Cummins
Val-Kill Bridge to the Roosevelt Cottage Oil on canvas
Robin Lemo
See No, Hear No, Speak No
Acrylic painting
Cindy Oakes Reaching for the Heavens Digital photography
Catherine Rivera
There Will Be Dragons Silver, carved boxwood, freshwater pearls, glass beads, fireline
Lauren D’Apuzzo
Mirrored Tetrahedron
Modular origami with mirrored paper
Barbara Davis
Cats on Instagram
Cone 6 stoneware with glaze, underglaze, terra sigillata, and copper wire
Michelle Akimenko
Feathered Abode
Random weave basket with copper leaves, feathers, and coconut palm twigs
Marilyn Proctor-Givens
Connecting to Our Rich Past Raku ceramic, leather, metal, raffia
Something in the Way
The FAEA Florida Student Art Assessment (previously known as the K-12 Student Art Assessment & Virtual Exhibition) is Florida’s premier program for assessing student artwork. This program serves as a tool to help visual art teachers develop their art programs, fosterperformance in the class room, and celebrate the artistic achievements of Florida’s students, teachers, and school art programs.
Gradual Disintegration Grade: 8
Mia B
Entries Accepted October 17, 2024 - February 9, 2025
Signed Release Forms & Payment Due February 28, 2025
FAEA Active Members are eligible to submit one entry per student $5 entry fee per artwork submitted All mediums are accepted as long as the work is submitted as a JPEG image file. Entries must be created exclusively by one student without the ssistance of another student, teacher, or artificial intelligence (AI) Entries without a completed and signed release form n file in the FAEA office after February 28, 2025, will be disqualified without refund.
Contemplation Grade: 7
Fresh Paint is the award-winning publication of the Florida Art Education Association (FAEA) that contains articles of interest to art educators of all levels – from kindergarten through college level. It is produced 4 times annually and distributed to more than 850 art teachers, school district art supervisors, museum educators, higher education professionals, community art educators and artists, as well as other state and national art associations.
Fresh Paint is a terrific marketing tool for businesses and organizations to reach art educators and decision-makers.
Learn more at faea.org/publications/advertising
As art educators, we’re always looking for ways to support each other and help spread the message of the importance of art and design in the classroom and in the world. Below are several opportunities for art teachers to explore for their own personal development, in addition to free classroom resources.
» MA in Art Education
» Free prerecorded workshops for your classroom
» In-person or virtual classroom visits
» Portfolio reviews
» High school and middle school career presentations
» Scholarship opportunities for your students
Scan to Request a CCS Presentation & School Visit
Learn more at ccsdetroit.edu/admissions/art-educators-counselors, or contact our Office of Admissions at 313.664.7425.