Promoting Individual Student P in Choir
Choirs are the sum of the individual singers in a group. It is important that not
only are the individual singers practicing
promoting and evaluating individual student practice in choir.
in high-quality rehearsals in the choir
Start With “Why”
ing individually outside of the normal
Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action,
setting, but that they are also rehearschoir rehearsal. This process may
In his book Start With Why: How Great
seem daunting to some singers at first; however, with the necessary tools, sequencing, and evaluation, individual student practice can have a profound effect on the overall choir. This article offers practical options for choir directors to use for
18 F l o r i d a
Music Director
Simon Sinek (2013)
writes that “… peo-
ple don’t buy WHAT
you do, they buy WHY
you do it, and WHAT
you do serves as the
director first explain to his or her students
why they should practice on their own. This intentional act of leadership will
help bring about the positive change more quickly than simply telling the students
what they are going to do and how they are going to do it. Once they understand
the director’s reasoning and can see the potential benefits for themselves and the choir, the students will buy in and put forth the effort.
I have observed several positive out-
tangible proof of WHY
comes as a result of promoting and imple-
very important that the
ers. The benefits have included greater
you do it” (p. 77). It is
menting individual practice for choir sing-