“Lead with Instruction, Enhance with Technology”
San Juan USD!
Symposium 2014!
Teaching & Technology!
Table of Contents
Teaching The Thinking That ! Higher Level Tasks Demand:
The Role of Technology
Keynote: ! Dr. Debra Pickering
! ! ! ! !
Campus Map Room Assignments for Breakouts Tech Session Descriptions INATB Matrix Vanguard
Symposium Schedule April 5, 2014
08:00 - 08:30
Check-In and Registration
08:30 - 10:30
Opening Remarks & Keynote Presentation Dr. Debra Pickering and Sonny MagaĂąa
10:30 - 10:45

(Coffee and snacks available for purchase at the coffee cart. All proceeds benefit San Juan H.S. Culinary Academy)
10:45 - 11:45
Grade Level & Content Area Breakout Sessions
11:45 - 12:25!
Lunch with Colleagues on site (Pick up lunch at the San Juan H.S. Culinary Academy)
12:30 - 01:25
Technology Breakout Session 1
01:30 - 02:25
Technology Breakout Session 2
02:25 - 03:00
Pick up completion certificates at the auditorium
! !
San Juan High School Map
Room Assignments for Breakout Sessions
10:45 - 11:45
Grade Level & Content Breakout Sessions 10:45-‐11:45
Grades K-‐2
Kelly Bencken & Karen Lack
D 3
Grades 3-‐5
Bill Simmons & Sarah Jan Burnsed
D 4
Grades 6-‐8
Loni Ghiorso & Deb House
D 5
Grades 9-‐12
Rashelle Haak & Jen Jenks
D 7
Special Educa=on
Konstan=na Caster & Travis Miller
D 1
Administrator & Board Member Session
Dr. Debra Pickering & Sonny Magaña
A 5
Registration located at the main entrance.
Technology Breakout Session 1 12:30 - 1:25
Session 1 12:30-‐1:25
Using SEVA to Engage and Enhance Instruc=on
The Television Studio Experience
Black Box Studio (A Wing)
iBooks Author
A 5
Finding the Good Stuff: Apps, Websites and More
A 7
Beyond Google Docs: Google Tools for Language Arts and World Languages
D 1
Evalua=ng Apps For Young Children to Support Learning
D 2
Chromebook 101 and More
D 3
Just Google It
D 4
Enhance Classroom Engagement With Sacramento Public Library
D 5
Teaching Common Core Through California State Parks PORTS Distance Learning Program
D 7
Teaching With Video (Knowmia)
D 8
What is Schoology? An Overview of the Schoology Learning Management System
D 9
Schoology for the K-‐6 Teacher
D 11
Technology Breakout Session 2 1:30 - 2:25 Session 2 1:30-‐2:25
Technology Tools that Build Common Core Skills
The Television Studio Experience
Black Box Studio (A Wing)
Screencast Your Lessons Using Quick=me
A 5
Forma=ve Assessment Using the iPad (Socra=ve, Nearpod, Plickers)
A 7
Google Docs to Support Wri=ng and the Common Core
D 1
Incorpora=ng Apps Into the Pre K-‐2 Curriculum
D 2
Chromebook 101 and More
D 3
Let’s Flip: Using Schoology to Flip Your Classroom Instruc=on
D 4
Enhance Classroom Engagement With Sacramento Public Library
D 5
Teaching Common Core Through California State Parks PORTS Distance Learning Program
D 7
Teaching With Video (Knowmia)
D 8
What is Schoology? An Overview of the Schoology Learning Management System
D 9
Schoology for the K-‐6 Teacher
D 11
Keynotes Keynote 1: Dr. Debra Pickering Lead with Instruction, Enhance with Technology Debra Pickering, PhD, consults with schools and districts nationally and internationally as a senior scholar for MRL. Throughout her educational career, Dr. Pickering has gained practical experience as a classroom teacher, building leader, and district administrator. For many years, she has used this experience to provide training and support to K-12 teachers and administrators as they seek to continually improve student learning.
In addition to her work with schools, Dr. Pickering has coauthored (with Dr. Robert J. Marzano) educational books and manuals, including Dimensions of Learning, Classroom Instruction That Works, Classroom Management That Works, and Building Academic Vocabulary. Her work continues to focus on the study of learning and the development of resources for curriculum, instruction, and assessment to help all educators meet the needs of all students.
Keynote 1 ~ 01:30 – 2:25 Location: Auditorium ! Keynote 2 ~ 01:30 – 2:25 Location: Auditorium
Keynote 2: Sonny Magaña Enhancing The Art & Science of Teaching With Technology Sonny Magaña is an award-winning teacher and renowned educational technologist, researcher, author and speaker. His book, “Enhancing the Art and Science of Teaching with Technology,” co-authored with Dr. Robert J. Marzano, was published in January, 2014 by Solution Tree Press. Some of Sonny’s previous publications include: The US-Soviet Exchange Project Study Report; The Washington Effective Schools Change Project Study Report; The Polar Project Study Report; The It Ought To Be A Law Project Study; The Illinois Student Project Information Network Study Report; and, Using Technology to Enhance the Art and Science of Teaching framework.
Google Lunch Slam Facilitator: Carl Fahle Google Slam
Learn how to use a free Google script, autoCrat, to easily create personalized documents from any Google Spreadsheet which are automatically converted to PDF and emailed to any recipient. This quick tutorial will provide attendees with applications for classroom use that can save teachers time. For additional details, visit this link: http://tinyurl.com/kcvd4nl
!Carl Fahle is the Senior Director of Technology in the San Juan Unified School
District, Sacramento, CA. Carl has chief responsibility for all of the district’s business and instructional technology systems. He is currently the Chair of the Sacramento Educational Cable Consortium, is a COSN Certified Educational Technology Leader, and has presented at local and national conferences.
Carl has a Bachelor’s degree in Music, Classical Guitar, from California State University, Sacramento, and a Masters in Instructional Leadership from National University.
Lunch Time ~ 11:45 – 12:25 Location: Culinary Arts Restaurant
Lunch & Coffee Lunch Menu $10.00 (included with registration) Turkey Croissant Sandwich Potato Salad Grapes Cookie Bottle of water
! !
*Vegetarian Sandwich available in limited quantities
Coffee, Tea, and specialty coffee beverages and pastries will be available before and during the event.
Technology Breakout Sessions Facilitator: Carolyn Andrews Carolyn Andrews is the Regional Sales Director at Schoology and has been working in the areas of Education and Educational Sales for over 19 years. When Carolyn isn’t glued to her computer screen and traveling for work, she enjoys spending time with her two dogs: Randolf and Mojito. To learn more about Schoology you can reach Carolyn at candrews@schoology.com or call her at 951-897-5828.
What is Schoology? An Overview of the Schoology Learning Management System Session 1 ~ 12:30 – 1:25 Location: D9! Session 2 ~ 01:30 – 2:25 Location: D9 Schoology empowers educators with the tools to convert their content, align it with Common Core or State Standards, share content worldwide, collaborate with other educators, and teach it using a variety of different methods. With an easy-to-use collaborative interface, their CODiE-award-winning solution and robust mobile apps empower engaging instruction and system-wide collaboration on any device.
Technology Breakout Sessions Facilitator: Brian Weitzel Brian Weitzel is a teacher at Andrew Carnegie Middle School. Brian has taught technology and video production for 12 years in the San Juan Unified School District. During that time, his students have entered over 300 videos into SEVA. These entries have earned 14 awards and 12 Honorable Mentions.
! Using SEVA to Engage and Enhance Instruction Session 1 ~ 12:30 – 1:25 Location: Auditorium
The Student Educational Video Awards (SEVA) is a free video contest open to all Sacramento County students. Learn how you can use this contest to engage your students and drive 21st century instruction in your classroom.
Technology Breakout Sessions
Facilitator: Joseph Frazier As a Micro I in Technology Services, Joseph supports a variety of technology projects including iPads at our school sites, the Digital Learning Library and the Digital Edge television program.
He has created 100’s of screencasts using ScreenFlow, iMovie, Garageband, FCPX, while using a multitude of studio equipment such as green screen, professional camera, audio, lighting, etc.
Screencast with QuickTime Session 2 ~ 1:30 – 2:25 Location: A5 This practical, hands-on session will teach you how to create videos and record your lessons using QuickTime. If you are considering or wondering how teachers are “flipping” their classroom instruction, this session is for you! This lesson will include SoundFlower, Quicktime, iMovie and voice over techniques to help you get the best sounding screencast.
Note - This course is intended for advanced computer users.
Technology Breakout Sessions Facilitator: Gail Desler Gail Desler is a technology integration specialist for the Elk Grove Unified School District. She is also a Google Certified Teacher, a Library of Congress American Memory Project Fellow, and an Area 3 Writing Project Teacher Consultant.
Just Google It! Session 1 ~ 12:30 – 1:25 Location: D4
Knowing how to streamline a Google search is an essential literacy skill. From basic to advanced search features, this workshop will provide tips and strategies for helping students become savvier searchers.
Technology Breakout Sessions Facilitator: Nicole Naditz !
Nicole currently teaches at Bella Vista High School. She has taught French to grades 3 through 12, including AP French Language since 1993. Nicole is very active in professional organizations. Nicole was the Grand Prize Winner of the 2010 Jane Ortner Educating through Music Award (awarded by the GRAMMY Museum), and she serves as president, webmaster and advocacy chair on the board of the Foreign Language Association of Greater Sacramento. Nicole had the honor of being selected as 2011-2012 San Juan Teacher of the Year and was also named Sacramento County Teacher of the Year.
Google Tools for Language Arts and World Languages Technology Tools that Build Common Core Skills Session 1 ~ 12:30 – 1:25 Location: D1! Session 2 ~ 01:30 – 2:25 Location: Auditorium Session 1!
Session 2!
Go beyond Google Docs to learn about tools for formative assessment, for integrating art and culture meaningfully into the curriculum (including CCSS connections), to set up moderated asynchronous discussions that continue beyond the school day and more.
Exploring specific technology tools (mostly free ones) that contribute to students' attainment of the range of skills students need in order to succeed in the new Common Core assessments, and will contribute to their success after high school. Teachers will leave the session with an extensive list of tools with a variety of uses.
Technology Breakout Sessions Facilitator: Muffy Francke Muffy Franke is finishing up her 14th year as an Apple Education Systems Engineer. On the way to this current responsibility, she has taught 2nd grade, owned a newspaper, managed a school district's network, managed the business-side of an architectural firm, raised two fabulous kids and one fabulous husband.
iBooks Author: A Creation Tool for All Reasons Fun and Fabulous Formative Assessments on an iPad Session 1 ~ 12:30 – 1:25 Location: A5! Session 2 ~ 01:30 – 2:25 Location: A7 Session 1!
Session 2!
Come join in the fun of creating a multi-touch book with iBooks Author. Experience the power and the simplicity of a tool that is being used by students to demonstrate content mastery and teachers to present material in new and engaging ways.
Come try out a few of the many choices you have for doing iPad-based formative assessments. We'll look at a 1:none scenario where the teacher has the only iPad in the room and do a team activity that's perfect for a 2:1 or 3:1 deployment.
Technology Breakout Sessions Facilitator: Marie Criste Currently, Marie Criste teaches AVID 10 and AP European History at Roseville High School, and is also the Site Tech Coordinator responsible for the deployment of 20 carts at her school as well as the training of Google Apps. Marie is passionate about incorporating technology in the classroom for ALL kids to truly transform them into 21st century learners!
Chromebook 101 and MORE! Session 1 ~ 12:30 – 1:25 Location: D3! Session 2 ~ 01:30 – 2:25 Location: D3 Come learn all about Chromebooks! In this hands-on session we'll cover all of the features of the Chromebook, Chrome Apps & Extensions, and some tips for caring for Chromebooks. The second hour will include Q and A time as well as time to experiment, collaborate and play with various Google Apps.
Technology Breakout Sessions Facilitator: Jon Leister Jon Leister has been teaching media and digital arts in the San Juan Unified School District for 20 years. He has also worked professionally as a photographer, Photoshop artist, videographer, and editor. Jon is currently an Apple Certified Trainer of Final Cut Pro X, and an Apple Distinguished Educator.
! The Television Studio Experience Session 1 ~ 12:30 – 1:25 Location: Black Box Studio (A Wing)! Session 2 ~ 01:30 – 2:25 Location: Black Box Studio (A Wing) Ever wondered what really happens behind the cameras at a news studio? In this session, participants will have a chance to work as a team to learn what happens when the cameras roll. Experience the precision teamwork it takes to create a live television experience. Space is limited to 15 participants.
Technology Breakout Sessions Facilitator: Ariel Braunstein Ariel Braunstein is Co-Founder and CEO of Knowmia, a startup company that is reimagining how video is used in K-12 education and the supplemental education markets. Working with schools and teachers throughout the country, Ariel has a unique perspective on how technology is being leveraged in schools, with a particular focus on the effectiveness of video content in meeting the needs of educators, students, and parents.
Teaching with Video Session 1 ~ 12:30 – 1:25 Location: D8! Session 2 ~ 01:30 – 2:25 Location: D8 Teachers are encountering multiple opportunities to use video in their teaching and find themselves under pressure to "teach with technology" but how do you get started and what actually works? Knowmia.com is a free website that tries to answer these questions and offer a great set of simple tools to help teachers integrate video into their teaching. In this session, you will learn about all of the free resources that Knowmia.com has to offer and some actual examples of what it looks like in action.
Technology Breakout Sessions Facilitator: Kathleen Sadao, Ed.D. !
Dr. Kathleen Sadao has been in the field of early education and special education for the last twenty-five years. She holds a doctorate in educational leadership from University of Hawaii and is the author of multiple publications focused on technology and interagency collaboration. She currently holds the position of Coordinator of early childhood education for San Juan USD. She also lead a group of technology specialists to design and develop learning modules focused on assistive technology.
Evaluating Apps for Young Children to Support Learning Incorporating Apps into the Pre-K2 Curriculum Session 1 ~ 12:30 – 1:25 Location: D2! Session 2 ~ 01:30 – 2:25 Location: D2 Session 1! The session will offer participants a look at a process for considering how to select apps to use in support of curricular activities and learning goals. Session participants will be provided with an evaluation rubric. Additionally, PK-2 apps will be highlighted and demonstrated.
Session 2! The session will review selected apps to support skill development opportunities for young children. The presenter will suggest several apps for literacy, math, and other pre-academic/ academic skill building Participants will learn about several websites providing app reviews.
Technology Breakout Sessions Facilitators: Laurel Lyda & Kalei Eskridge As a Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA) for Technology Services, Laurel has over 27 years in education, Laurel brings practical, classroom experience as well as strong coaching skills to her professional development offerings.
Kalei started teaching in 1996 at San Juan Unified’s Mariemont Elementary school where she has served as a kindergarten and first grade teacher. In 2010-11 she joined the District’s Professional Learning and Innovation department as a TOSA and now serves as a TOSA for Technology Services.
Finding the Good Stuff, Websites, Apps, and More… Session 1 ~ 12:30 – 1:25 Location: A7
This session is geared toward the classroom teacher who is looking for quality online resources for students and families. We will be looking a wide variety of resources in every subject area with an emphasis on Digital Citizenship and Online Safety.
Technology Breakout Sessions Facilitator: Poppy Louthan & Siri Hiltz !
Poppy Louthan received her MLIS from the University of Washington in 2011 and has been a Youth Services Librarian with Sacramento Public Library since 2012.
Siri Hiltz, Youth Services Librarian at Fair Oaks Library, received her MLIS from the University of British Columbia in 2011 with a concentration in Youth Services. Prior to working with the Sacramento Public Library System she worked as a Tribal Librarian for the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State.
Enhance Classroom Engagement with Sacramento Public Library Session 1 ~ 12:30 – 1:25 Location: D5! Session 2 ~ 01:30 – 2:25 Location: D5 This presentation will offer an overview of the wide range of databases and other electronic resources available with the use of a Sacramento Public Library ecard. Learning about these resources will open doors to information that would otherwise remain closed. We will demonstrate the ease at which anyone with a library/ecard can log in to view our online resources and the value these resources can bring. Students and teachers will broaden their knowledge base, narrow their focus, and deepen their understanding.
Technology Breakout Sessions Facilitator: Heather Holm Heather Holm, a Regional Interpretive Specialist, has 12 years of experience in museum education and public history, having worked in various non-profit museums, archives, and California State Parks. Serving as program coordinator in Northern California for the California State Parks' Parks Online Resources for Teachers and Students (PORTS) Distance Learning Program.
Teaching Common Core through California State Parks (PORTS) Session 1 ~ 12:30 – 1:25 Location: D7! Session 2 ~ 01:30 – 2:25 Location: D7 Looking to tie your common core curriculum to real world applications? Through free interactive videoconferencing the California State Parks PORTS Distance Learning program connects students in their classroom to a live presenter for engaging, thought-provoking studies of California's rich natural and cultural history. Come learn how the PORTS Distance Learning program supports the Common Core Standards in a fun and meaningful way for your students.
Technology Breakout Sessions Facilitator: Kim Bolz-Andolshek Kim Bolz-Andolshek is passionate about education, technology, and the seamless integration of both to create an engaged learning environment. She has worked in the educational technology space for a number of years and Schoology for over a year and half. Kim has been very involved in education for the last 11 years as an elected school board member in the state of MN. She is currently serving as chair of her board for 2014.
Schoology K-6 Session 1 ~ 12:30 – 1:25 Location: D11! Session 2 ~ 01:30 – 2:25 Location: D11 Tips, tricks, and instructional ideas for grades K-6 and Schoology. Whether you have a couple devices, the cart for the day or a bring your own device environment, this session will give you numerous ways on how to leverage Schoology for instruction, collaboration, and communication with your colleagues, students, and parents. Great session for all, whether you have an account or would like to get one set up during the session, either way you will leave a few ideas to take back to the classroom.
Technology Breakout Sessions Facilitator: Shannon Delzer Shannon Delzer is a 6th grade teacher at Kingswood K-8 School. She teaches English Language Arts, History, and Drama. Shannon uses Google Docs to teach the writing process, using its benefits for revision, collaboration, and writing eportfolios.
Google Docs to Support Writing and Common Core Session 2 ~ 1:30 – 2:25 Location: D1
Google Docs allows teachers to move away from paper grading to an online collaborative format that fits the Common Core model. Participants will be given instruction on using Google Docs as a writing tool in and out of the classroom, including how to set it up, use effectively during class time, organize online folders, and assess student progress.
Technology Breakout Sessions Facilitators: Carol Lawrence, Kyle Vogt and Amy Pare Carol Lawrence is a teacher at Woodside K-8 School. She teaches 6th grade Language Arts and History as well as Project Based Learning to 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. As a member of Vanguard, Carol uses technology to effectively engage her students.
Kyle Vogt is an 8th Grade English, History and AVID teacher at Woodside K-8 School. Kyle is a self-professed “Geek” and runs the coding club at Woodside. As an active member of Vanguard, Kyle seeks to enhance every aspect of his instructional practice with technology and has been “flipping” his classroom with great success! Amy Pare teaches all levels of mathematics, Geometry through AP Calculus, at Mira Loma High School. She loves technology and uses it daily in her classroom for everything from grading formative assessment quizzes to providing videos of the mathematics topics covered in her classes.
Let's Flip: Using Schoology to Flip Your Classroom Instruction Session 2 ~ 01:30 – 2:25 Location: D4
This session, taught by San Juan teachers, will demonstrate how to use Schoology, QuickTime, Explain Everything and Youtube to create online lessons and embedded videos for instruction. Three separate techniques for flipping a classroom will be presented in this practical and informational session.
Vanguard Members - Cadre 1 Dr. Debra Pickering, Author and Educational Researcher!
Alicia Ausara
Shannon Delzer Kelly Bencken Deb House Loni Ghiorso Sarah Jane Burnsed
Greg Barge
Karen Lack Noelle Wegner Teres Mugnaini Carol Lawrence Kyle Vogt
Del Campo
BreD Wolfe
John Bullock David Eidem Jennifer Jenks Rashelle Haak Rich Hale
Bella Vista
Peggy Haskins
Mike Berry Steven Coburn Adam Doris Anna Serena
Carl Fahle Donna O’Neil Ramona Nelson
Kalei Eskridge Laurel Lyda Greta Scholtes Leslie Wriston
BTSA/PAR Consultants Shannan Brown Beth Davies
Cheryl Dultz Kevin Barone KonstanNna Caster
Vanguard Members - Cadre 2 Dr. Debra Pickering, Author and Educational Researcher!
Bella Vista
Peggy Haskins
Mike MaroDe – biology and photography Ron Maynard – Spanish Jeff Macklem – Science Keith Mickelson – History Maria Alvarado -‐ Spanish Don Zschokke
Casa Roble
Michele Lorenzo Glen Odabashian
Michelle Bebout – English/AVID Teri Berke – English Joe McAlister – Special Ed Laura Troppmann – English/AVID Vickie Warren – Health/CTE
Mira Loma
Rich Nichols
Amy Pare, Math Paul Hedrick, Math Rochelle Jacks, Science MaD Dwillis, Special Ed Brenda Grueneberger, English
Brent Givens
Joni Stein – Science Tracy Baker – RSP Angela Koerner – English/History Bev Lockhart – English/History Kathryn BlodgeD – Math
Mark Siewert
Brian Weitzel – ExploraNon and Media Jill Goudy – English/AVID Rae-‐VineDe Lynn – History Jennifer Flores – Special Ed Gina Berry – English/AVID
SJTA Representa=ve
Shannan Brown
Bill Simmons
Lichen Representa=ves
Alicia Legarda
Jodi Higgins-‐ 3rd grade Joan Rhodes-‐ 5th grade
Vanguard Members - Past Dr. Debra Pickering, Author and Educational Researcher!
Linda Dismukes
Alicia Ausara Melissa Bassanelli
Teachers Sheila Grovhoug Wendy Benson Heather Huxel Hayme Lake ChrisNne Stephenson Lori Hill Heidi Umemeto
Cheryl Kopp Cyndee Sather Gloria D’Ooge
Del Campo
Erik Crawford Vera Vaccaro
Steve Kenyon Paula Baucom
Bella Vista
Bryan Baker
Anne Tweedy
Stacy Spector Wendy LaDue
Amberlee Townsend Jim Walters Sydney Walker Joe Wood MaD Rowland Jon Leister Suzy Landuyt
BTSA/PAR consul=ng teachers
Will Rogers
Andrea Mello Cassie BenneD Tina Casanova Alice Law Cindy Noyes Gloria Ervin
MaD Cole Ali Forey Jinne Horger Maren McPeak Aaron Wurtzer
Links to Additional Resources Symposium Discussion Feed Vanguard AcNon Research Team & MulNmedia User Group (MMUG) Online Schedule Planner Mobile Schedule Planner Presenter Resources on Schoology Virtual Symposium Brochure Symposium DescripNon (and RegistraNon) Symposium Survey ASCD PresentaNons What is Vanguard? AcNon Research Findings, San Juan USD Online Book Study
It’s not about the BLING!
* The entire INATB matrix is available for download at mmug.sanjuan.edu
2013-‐14 EdiGon
San Juan’s Mission... Valuing diversity and excellence, the San Juan Unified School District’s mission is to educate and inspire each student to succeed and responsibly contribute to a radically evolving world by providing innovative, rigorous, student focused instruction and programs in a safe, caring and collaborative community.
Technology Services Digital Edge
Digital Literacy and CCSS Aligned PD
Technology Services is committed to providing relevant, quality professional development for all staff of the San Juan Unified School District. We offer a variety of courses providing participants with sound application and operating system fundamentals and models of effective technology integration. Training provided by Technology Services is categorized into three levels; 100s, 200s and 300s. All courses are aligned with the San Juan District Strategic Plan and California Common Core State Standards. “Powering student learning and innovation!”
100 series classes are basic skills classes and are appropriate for beginners to a specific application or topic. 200 series classes are intermediate classes that focus on specific instructional or operational uses of listed applications. Attendance at a related 100 series course or equivalent level of competency/understanding is recommended. 300 series classes are multi-day institutes or workshops that focus on investigating relevant topics and developing skills through a projectbased, collaborative approach environment.
1 - 2013-14 Course Offerings
100s Student Information System (SIS) Admin Overview (SISAO-101) Description: Intended for Principals and Vice Principals, this session provides a broad overview of Q-Front Office and Q-Connect, touching on all areas of the student information system. Topics will include processes such as: Scheduling, Parent and Student Portals, School News, Mass Email, Attendance, Behavior, and Report Generation. Requirements: Access to the Student Information System. S1: Date(s): ......Sep 24, 2013 Time: ................3:00-5:00 PM Location: ..........Tech Annex A North ERO#: ...............1442338025 S2: Date(s): ......Oct 22, 2013 Time: ................3:00-5:00 PM Location: ..........Tech Annex A North ERO#: ...............1442338026 Strategic Plan: 1.2, 1.6, 1.9, 5.1, 5.2, 5.6
______________________________________________________ Student Information System (SIS) Connect Overview (SISCO-101) Description: Learn about Q-Connect, Teacher Connect, Parent Portal, Student Portal, and how they all work together in the student information system. Topics will include how information is viewed by teachers, administrators, students, and parents online in Q’s browser based applications. Requirements: Access to the Student Information System. S1: Date(s): ......Sep 18, 2013 Time: ................3:30-4:30 PM Location: ..........Tech Annex A North ERO#: ...............1442338027 S2: Date(s): ......Sep 23, 2013 Time: ................3:30-4:30 PM Location: ..........Tech Annex A North ERO#: ...............1442338028 Strategic Plan: 1.2, 1.6, 1.9, 5.1, 5.2, 5.6
Time: ................3:30-4:30 PM Location: ..........Tech Annex A North ERO#: ...............1442338029 S2: Date(s): ......Oct 29, 2013 Time: ................3:30-4:30 PM Location: ..........Tech Annex A North ERO#: ...............1442338030 Strategic Plan: 1.2, 1.6, 1.9, 5.1, 5.2, 5.6
______________________________________________________ Student Information System (SIS) Pivot Tables (SISPT-101) Description: Learn to access and analyze information from Q using Excel Pivot Tables. Participants will receive an overview on where to find existing pivot table reports in Q, create datasets for use in their own pivot table and how to derive information from data within pivot tables. Requirements: Access to the Student Information System, Familiarity with Excel Spreadsheets. S1: Date(s): ......Oct 10, 2013 Time: ................3:30-4:30 PM Location: ..........Tech Annex A North ERO#: ...............1442338031 Strategic Plan: 1.2, 1.6, 1.9, 5.1, 5.2, 5.6
______________________________________________________ Student Information System (SIS) SBRC, Marks, Elementary GradeBook (SISSB-101) Description: Learn how to input and maintain student marks in the Q-Standards Based Report Card and the report card printing process. Topics will include an overview of the Q-Gradebook and how it applies to the Elementary level. Requirements: Access to the Student Information System, Familiarity with Excel Spreadsheets. S1: Date(s): ......Sep 26, 2013 Time: ................3:30-4:30 PM Location: ..........Tech Annex A North ERO#: ...............1442338032 S2: Date(s): ......Oct 24, 2013 Time: ................3:30-4:30 PM Location: ..........Tech Annex A North ERO#: ...............1442338033
Student Information System (SIS) Pulse (SISPU-101) Description: Learn about Q’s built in data tool. Pulse gathers many different points of information about students from different areas of the District’s Student Information System (SIS) such as Attendance, Grades, Behavior, and Demographics and brings them together in one screen for easy and quick access.
Strategic Plan: 1.2, 1.6, 1.9, 5.1, 5.2, 5.6
Requirements: Access to the Student Information System, Familiarity with Excel spreadsheets. S1: Date(s): ......Sep 12, 2013 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2 - 2013-14 Course Offerings
100s Student Information System (SIS) Secondary Teacher GradeBook (SISGB-101)
Arrangements may be made through Technology Services to borrow this equipment.
Description: Learn how to use the Q Teacher Gradebook and how the Gradebook is integrated with the Parent Portal and the Student Portal. Topics will include items such as extra-credit, marks posting and calculation, and student transcripts.
S1: Date(s): ......Dec 5, 2013 Time: ................4:00-5:30 PM Location: ..........TechSrv: Digital Edge Learning Center ERO#: ...............1442338001
Requirements: Access to the Student Information System, Familiarity with Excel spreadsheets.
Strategic Plan: 1.2, 1.6, 1.9, 5.1, 5.2, 5.6 CCSS: Research to build and present knowledge, comprehension and collaboration, presentation of knowledge and ideas.
S1: Date(s): ......Sep 19, 2013 Time: ................3:30-4:30 PM Location: ..........Tech Annex A North ERO#: ...............1442338034
S2: Date(s): ......Oct 17, 2013 Time: ................3:30-4:30 PM Location: ..........Tech Annex A North ERO#: ...............1442338035
Description: Learn the basics of using your iPad to record your lessons and iMovie to create movie projects suitable for sharing.
Strategic Plan: 1.2, 1.6, 1.9, 5.1, 5.2, 5.6
S1: Date(s): ......Feb 6, 2014 Time: ................4:00-5:30 PM Location: ..........TechSrv: Digital Edge Learning Center ERO#: ...............1442338002
Digital Moviemaking on the iPad (iMovie-101) 1.5 hour workshop
Requirements: Not Applicable
______________________________________________________ Promethean ActivInspire Module Training (PAM-101) Series of two 1.5 hour workshops Description: Learn the basics of how to use the Promethean software. • Module 1 - Fundamentals (PROM-101) • Module 2 - Organizing and Enhancing (PROM-102) Requirements: This course is designed for teachers with a Promethean Board in their classroom. Date(s): Module 1 ........Sep 24, 2013 ERO#: Module 2 ........Oct 15, 2013 ERO#: Module 1 ........Nov 12, 2013 ERO#: Module 2 ........Dec 17, 2013 ERO#: Time: ................4:00-5:30 PM Location: ..........Kingswood K-8 Instructors: ......(Ghiroso, Bencken)
1442338021 1442338022 1442338023 1442338024
Strategic Plan: 1.2, 1.5, 1.6, 1.9, 5.1, 5.2 CCSS: Research to build and present knowledge, comprehension and collaboration, presentation of knowledge and ideas.
______________________________________________________ Bringing the World to Your Students Through Videoconferencing (VID-101) 1.5 hour workshop Description: Videoconferencing is a powerful tool to bring otherwise inaccessible learning experiences to your students. Whether you are using Polycom, Skype, other videoconferencing solutions, there are amazing opportunities available for student learning. Learn how to utilize videoconferencing to reinforce your lessons and bring the world to your students.
Strategic Plan: 1.2, 1.6, 1.9, 5.1 CCSS: Research to build and present knowledge, comprehension and collaboration, presentation of knowledge and ideas.
______________________________________________________ iPad Basics (iPad-101) 1.5 hour workshop Description: New iPad owners, this class is for you. This course covers how to turn on, power up and use the tools and features that come with your new iPad. Requirements: Please bring your iPad with you to this course. If you do not have an iPad, there will be some available to borrow for this class. S1: Date(s): ......Nov 7, 2013 Time: ................4:00-5:30 PM Location: ..........TechSrv: Digital Edge Learning Center ERO#: ...............1442338003 S2: Date(s): ......Jan 30, 2014 Time: ................4:00-5:30 PM Location: ..........TechSrv: Digital Edge Learning Center ERO#: ...............1442338004 Strategic Plan: 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.9, 5.1, 5.2 CCSS: Integration of knowledge and ideas, production and distribution of writing, research to build and present knowledge, comprehension and collaboration, presentation of knowledge and ideas, vocabulary acquisition and use.
Requirements: Sites will need to own or have access to video conferencing equipment (e.g., Polycom or webcam) to apply this training in their classroom. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3 - 2013-14 Course Offerings
200s iPads for Instruction (iPI-201) 1.5 hour workshop Description: Do you have access to a set of iPads to use for instruction, but no idea how to use them? This course is for you. Learn to use your iPads to differentiate, enrich and personalize your classroom instruction. Requirements: This course is designed for teachers currently using iPads in their classroom with students. S1: Date(s): ......Nov 14, 2013 Time: ................4:00-5:30 PM Location: ..........TechSrv: Digital Edge Learning Center ERO#: ...............1442338005 S2: Date(s): ......Feb 13, 2014 Time: ................4:00-5:30 PM Location: ..........TechSrv: Digital Edge Learning Center ERO#: ...............1442338006 Strategic Plan: 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8, 1.9, 5.1, 5.2 CCSS: Integration of knowledge and ideas, production and distribution of writing, research to build and present knowledge, comprehension and collaboration, presentation of knowledge and ideas, vocabulary acquisition and use
______________________________________________________ Digital Citizenship, Cyber Safety & CIPA (CIPA-201) 1 hour workshop Description: The Children’s Internet Protection Act requires that each student in our District receive instruction on Digital Citizenship, Cyber Safety and Cyber Bullying. San Juan Unified has partnered with Common Sense Media to provide and support our teachers with rich content and lessons that are sure to engage and connect with your students. This course will provide teachers with access to this content and give them information to share with students on how to safely interact and be good citizens in the 21st Century. Requirements: Not Applicable S1: Date(s): .....Dec 12, 2013 Time: ...............4:00-5:00 PM Location: ........TechSrv: Digital Edge Learning Center ERO#: .............1442338007 Strategic Plan: 1.2, 1.6 CCSS: Demonstrate the responsible use of technology & understanding of ethics & safety issues in using electronic media at home, in school, and in society.
______________________________________________________ Google Apps for Education (GAFE-201) Series of two 1.5 hour workshops Description: Learn to use the Google Apps for Education to create documents, forms, surveys, spreadsheets, presentations and more. Collaborating with peers is a breeze with Google Apps. You will also learn how your students can use these applications to work on class assignments and presentations.
Requirements: Not Applicable S1: Date(s): ......Sep 19 & 26, 2013 Time: ................4:00-5:30 PM Location: ..........TechSrv: Digital Edge Learning Center ERO#: ...............1442338008 S2: Date(s): ......Jan 9 & 16, 2014 Time: ................4:00-5:30 PM Location: ..........TechSrv: Digital Edge Learning Center ERO#: ...............1442338009 Strategic Plan: 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8, 1.9, 5.1, 5.2 CCSS: Integration of knowledge and ideas, production and distribution of writing, research to build and present knowledge, comprehension and collaboration, presentation of knowledge and ideas.
______________________________________________________ Instructional Technology Integration for the Common Core (CC-201) 1.5 hour workshop Description: Learn how technology can support CCSS implementation. Investigate resources available within Google Drive, and the Internet to make your transition to using Common Core Standards seamless and manageable. Requirements: Not Applicable S1: Date(s): ....Apr 10, 2014 Time: ..............4:00-5:30 PM Location: .......Technology Services: Digital Edge Learning Center ERO#: ............1442338010 Strategic Plan: 1.2, 1.3, 1.8, 1.9, 5.1 CCSS: Reading Standards for Literature K-12, Reading Standards for Informational Text K-12, Reading Standards Foundational Skills K-12, Writing Standards K-12, Speaking and Listening Standards K-12, Language Standards K-12
______________________________________________________ Creating Powerful Presentations (CPI-201) 1.5 hour workshop Description: Learn to effectively use Non-linguistic representations to improve your presentations, engage your students and improve student achievement. Using research based strategies, you will learn the power of using strong visuals in your lessons. Requirements: Knowledge of PPT or Keynote. S1: Date(s): .....Apr 3, 2014 Time: ...............4:00-5:30 PM Location: .........Technology Services Digital Edge Learning Center ERO#: ..............1442338011 Strategic Plan: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.6, 1.8, 1.9, 5.1, 5.2, 5.5, 5.6 CCSS: Demonstrate the ability to use technology for research, critical thinking, problem solving, decision making, communication and collaboration, creativity and innovation.
4 - 2013-14 Course Offerings
300s The Blended Classroom: Creating Effective, Computer Enriched Student Learning Environments (Flipped Learning) (BC-301) Description: Participants will learn to use Schoology and Google Apps for Education to provide students access to resources, teacher-made quizzes, discussion forums and more. Video production (recording your own lessons) will also be covered in this course. Participants will be given time to develop content using these resources to create an effective online student learning environment. Requirements: Participants must attend all sessions to receive credit.
M3: Mar 18, 2014!..............ERO# 1442338016 M4: May 6, 2014!................ERO#: 1442338017 Time: ................4:00-5:30 PM Location: ..........District Office Board Room / ..........................TechSrv: Digital Edge Learning Center Strategic Plan: 1.2, 1.6, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 CCSS: Demonstrate the ability to use technology for research, critical thinking, problem solving, decision making, communication and collaboration, creativity and innovation. Demonstrate the responsible use of technology & understanding of ethics & safety issues in using electronic media at home, in school, and in society.
S1: Date(s): ......Oct 3, 10, 17, 24, 2013 Time: ................4:00-5:30 PM Location: ..........TechSrv: Digital Edge Learning Center ERO#: ...............1442338012 S2: Date(s): ......Feb 27, Mar 6, 13, 27, 2014 Time: ................4:00-5:30 PM Location: ..........TechSrv: Digital Edge Learning Center ERO#: ...............1442338013 Strategic Plan: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.6, 1.8, 1.9, 5.1, 5.2, 5.5, 5.6 CCSS: Demonstrate the ability to use technology for research, critical thinking, problem solving, decision making, communication and collaboration, creativity and innovation. Demonstrate the responsible use of technology & understanding of ethics & safety issues in using electronic media at home, in school, and in society. Other: This session supports comprehensive balanced literacy.
______________________________________________________ Educational Technology Leadership Cohort (Lead-301) Series of 4 workshops throughout the year Description: This cohort is open to all interested District administrators, teachers and classified staff. The Educational Technology Leadership Cohort will be held 4 times per year.
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Collaborate with like-minded peers Keep abreast of existing, new and emerging technologies Learn how to use technology to effectively deliver instruction Learn about District policy and initiatives in regards to technology Share opinions and give input on topics such as: professional development offerings, technology purchases and implementation Learn about how technology supports the Common Core Take information and instructional strategies back to share at your school site
Requirements: Participants are asked to share information acquired at this cohort with the teachers at their school site. Date(s): M1: Oct 29, 2013 ..............ERO#: 1442338014 M2: Jan 21, 2014............... ! ERO#: 1442338015 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5 - 2013-14 Course Offerings