Impact Digital - FALL '19

Page 20


Carlos Annacondia


to do to bring people to believe? We need to drive the he task of evangelism depends on us, not on the god of this age out of the area and command him, people who need to hear it. 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 “Satan, spirit of unbelief, loose the minds!” explains, “And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled When Satan lets go of the minds, the light of the to those who are perishing. The god of this age has Gospel can shine in peoblinded the minds of unbeple’s lives. lievers, so that they cannot The task of evangelism depends on us, I always enjoy going to see the light of the gospel preach in homes. When that displays the glory of not on the people who need to hear it. I am able, or when I am Christ, who is the image of invited to pray for someone God.” in their home, I preach to all the members of the Why is the Gospel veiled? It is because the god of family. If they do not receive Jesus into their hearts, this age, the thief, the usurper, has blinded the minds I don’t pray for healing. But if they do receive Him, and the understanding of unbelievers so that they I ask the Lord to do a miracle. I’m not some sort of cannot see the light of the Gospel. There is no such faith healer so the first thing I always do is preach thing as a heart that is hard towards God. Instead, the Gospel. Satan uses a spirit of unbelief to blind people’s I have met all kinds of people. Once, when I was minds and understanding. If people don’t believe, visiting a family, I began to speak about the Lord and it’s because a spirit of unbelief is controlling them. all the members of the family sat around me listening So if our Gospel is veiled, and the god of this age carefully. The one exception was the grandmother, has blinded the minds of unbelievers, what do we need


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