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The Miracle Worker
You know, no matter how long I do this, I’m still amazed by God. There’s just no one else like Him. There is only ONE holy God. We were made to worship Him, and our lives really only make sense when we live out of our worship for Him. He is the miracle worker, the promise keeper, the light in the darkness. Even when we ignore Him, or forget Him, or stop seeking Him, or even believing… He is still Himself! He continues to work miracles, keep promises, and bring light into darkness. We don’t worship Him to coax Him into doing those things. He never stops doing them. He’ll do them with or without us. That’s who He is. But, when we worship Him, we open our lives up to His touch. There is no place too far that God can’t reach. There is nothing that can separate us from His love. So, no matter where we are spiritually, emotionally, physically – He’ll bring His miracle-working, promise-keeping, light-beaming presence straight to us the moment we open our hearts to Him in worship.
That’s why I love revival. I love the people of God, together worshipping Him, in awareness of His character. I love corporate worship because God shows up in a big way. There’s no place I wouldn’t go to experience Him, to be with Him. That’s why I was at the 2019 Pensacola Light the Fire Again Conference this September. With that many people worshipping Him in one place, there was no question in my mind that He’d come and be exactly who He is. I didn’t want to miss it. And, for that same reason, I hope you can make it to the next one.
*Article is an excerpt of the message delivered at the Light the Fire Conference in Toronto, Canada.