IMPACT Magazine 2021

Page 42




PAUL MAURER n 2003, I received a prophetic word that

year, I started having a lot of dreams about

I had a powerful anointing on my life to

ministering at crusades. The more I prayed

evangelize the nations, walk among the

about these dreams, the stronger the desire

leadership of the nations, minister to

to do crusades became.

them in the days to come, and see signs,

wonders, and miracles. It was a powerful word! But I thought it was surely for someone else! It didn’t make any sense as I had no desire to go to the nations, and I wasn’t seeing any miracles.

It was a long shot, but I had to try I contacted Evangelist Daniel Kolenda

So, I put the prophetic word on the shelf

and asked if he would consider mentoring

and prayed that if it were God’s will, it would

me in crusade ministry. I thought it was a

come to pass. A few years later, I became a

long shot, but I needed to at least try. After

youth pastor, and after a series of prophetic

praying about my request, Daniel got back to

confirmations, I ended up being a missionary

me. I was shocked to find out he had decided

in China. After living in China for about a

to start an apprenticeship program at CfaN.



C FA N I M PAC T 2 0 2 1

Opening a CfaN Gospel Crusade in Burundi, Africa, during my apprenticeship at Christ for all Nations.

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