CfaN Impact DIGITAL is an official publication of Christ for all Nations. Its purpose is to update friends and supporters of the ministry with news of the impact their prayer and financial support is having throughout the world.
Founder Reinhard Bonnke President/Lead Evangelist Daniel Kolenda Vice President Peter Vandenberg International Director Russell Benson USA National Director Mary Kathryn Manuel Creative Director Sam RodrĂguez Editorial Tanya Gardner Lead Photographer Oleksandr Volyk Design by Special Thanks to All the contributors, Emily Bartlett, and the Bootcamp Graduates that participated with their contribution in this issue. CfaN is a nondenominational missions organization aimed at taking the Gospel message to the world. Christ for all Nations is primarily known for its historic crusades in Africa and recently surpassed a historic milestone of over 80 million documented decisions for Jesus Christ at major events in Africa and other parts of the world. CfaN has offices in countries around the world including Australia, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Germany, Hong Kong, Kenya, Latin America, Nigeria, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, United Kingdom, and United States.
PRESIDENT Missions Friends and Partners, I don’t have to tell you how wild 2020 has been in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic…but God has still been good through every moment of it. For instance, despite all of the flight cancellations, travel restrictions, and general chaos, CfaN has not missed a single Great Gospel Crusade! On the contrary, we’ve planned more events than ever. I speak for the whole team when I tell you that, despite the turmoil around us, we’re operating with a heightened expectation of the Father’s abounding grace and unshakable power. Our expanding efforts are in part possible because the graduates from the inaugural class of the CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp have hit the ground running. Already teams are spread throughout Tanzania–organizing churches, training ministry teams, and preparing for 5 Gospel Crusades to be held in that beautiful East African nation. As Bootcamp graduate and Tanzania team member Jacob Ebersole said, “When I started talking to people, I noticed the expectation to see something great here in Tanzania.” His classmate and fellow team member Joe Turnbull echoed the sentiment: “As we got out of the airport, we were just sharing Christ, praying for people, and people were just so hungry, so open, and so loving.” With that in mind, the CfaN team commits this issue of Impact Magazine to the incredible Bootcampers who, even as I write this, are already making a tangible difference for the Kingdom. It is a fruitful opening to the Decade of Double Harvest! Of course, none of this would be possible without your continued prayer and financial support. You are an integral part of everything the Lord is doing through CfaN. Many, many thanks for your faithfulness. Yours in the harvest,
SILENT NIGHT is a powerful collection of instrumental Christmas songs from renowned worship leader and multi-instrumentalist Leonard Jones. Made in partnership with Christ for all Nations (CfaN), this worship-laden album brings atmospheric renditions of Christ-centered holiday classics to modern audiences. The perfect backdrop for an epiphany-season prayer time or a gathering of friends and family, Silent Night sets the ideal tone for making meaningful holiday memories.
NEW from
CfaNc Musi
JESSI GREEN A Woman on Fire for God
Jared Horton
Jako Hugo
16 24
David Rotärmel
Victoria Osborne
Global Evangelist Alliance
Nico Ferreyra
40 42
Paul Maurer
Bretislav “Bret” Sipek
Daniel Kolenda
Todd White
Eric Gilmour
Brian Guerin
Michael Koulianos
Peter Vanderberg
Russell Benson
Eddie James
Leonard Jones
Jenny Weaver
Naomi AkuchieCantwell
Amber Brooks
Limited Edition Cover! Get your copy today.
BE CONFIDENT in your calling!
t has truly been an honor and privilege to be a part of this CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp. Over the past 2 years, I have ministered as a guest evangelist in four pre-crusade outreaches in Africa with Christ for all Nations. In November 2019, Evangelist Daniel Kolenda met with me, shared the vision of the Bootcamp
training, and asked me to move to Orlando to help train and mentor evangelists. I could find no reason why I would not want to help him raise up an army of evangelists! I gladly packed my bags and moved to Orlando at the beginning of 2020. As I began working with the Bootcamp students, one of the first things I noticed was that a few students lacked confidence in themselves to be evangelists. One of the biggest tactics of the enemy is to strip people of their confidence that God can use them. You can be pure and holy but still lack the faith it takes to operate in the power of God. One of my main prayers for them was, “God, give these evangelists the confidence that You can use them just like You can
“God, give these evangelists the confidence that You can use them just like You can use any other man or woman of God.”
use any other man or woman of God.” I’m glad
I can’t wait to watch them minister on
to say I believe God answered my prayer! It
foreign soil, heal the sick, cast out devils, and
was so amazing to see the transformation
bring in massive harvests of souls! Maybe,
in these evangelists. I don’t even know
as you read this, you know that you have the
how to explain it. All I can say is that this
call to be an evangelist, but you are not sure
Bootcamp has radically changed the lives
how to do it and you lack confidence. I want
of each one. They look so different. It is
to encourage you to not waste your whole life
nothing you can see with your natural eye,
sitting on your calling, believing that one day
but you can tell in the spirit that something
you will shake the nations. Now is the time,
supernatural has been imparted to them
my friend! TAKE ACTION, get trained, get
here at this Bootcamp. They now walk with a
equipped, and learn to walk in the authority
supernatural authority on their lives.
of your God-given Evangelistic calling!
A vision for
outreach at CfaN
y lovely wife, Karin,
the next ten years, we are
and I have been
trusting God for many
part of the CfaN
millions more children to
team for over 12
come into the Kingdom of
years, and earlier
God across the globe.
this year, we were asked to coach and mentor at the first
Kolenda’s vision for a Decade
CfaN Evangelism Alliance
of Double Harvest for this
Bootcamp in Orlando. What a
decade is absolutely possible
joyful time!
through multiplication.
Everyone who knows us
12 12
Evangelist Daniel
Imagine if the current 51
knows our greatest passion is
Bootcamp-trained CfaN
for sharing the Gospel with
evangelists would each lead 1
children in schools. With our
million children to Jesus over
own eyes, we witnessed over
the next 10 years. That would
3 million children say “yes” to
already be 50 million souls
Jesus in Africa over the last
taken from darkness to light.
decade. We believe this is
And Daniel’s vision is to train
just the beginning. Over
20,000 evangelists!
Daniel’s vision is to train 20,000 evangelists!
We witnessed “over 3 million
children say “yes” to Jesus in Africa over the last decade.
Africa is a continent of the young We believe that now is the time for all hands to be on deck. In the coming decade, millions of believing young people in Africa will be the next massive wave of evangelists, pastors, and church workers, transforming their homes and communities in Jesus’ name.
I’ll never be the same
ever could I have
crusade evangelism. After
imagined the impact
finishing my master’s degree, I
that CfaN Evangelism
applied for the CfaN Bootcamp
Bootcamp 2020
and was accepted.
would have on my life.
Being an evangelist for many years, I knew that my calling was to win masses to Christ. After conducting smaller Gospel Crusade campaigns
“Keep your heart soft and tender.” At Bootcamp 2020, my
in Germany, I reached out to
life was transformed right
CfaN to ask if there was any
into the deepest places of
possibility of learning about
my heart. In one of the first
Evangelists, “make sure
you keep your heart soft and tender towards the Lord every single day”.
sessions, Daniel Kolenda mentioned, “Evangelists, make sure you keep your heart soft and tender towards the Lord every single day.” Little did I know that this would be the biggest transformation
“I can only summarize my Bootcamp experience with one sentence: ‘I will never be the same again.’”
imparted to me. The spiritual formation
crusade directors in the
Africa. I will be one of many
morning sessions with Eric
world, including Rev. John
crusade director interns for
Gilmour made my heart
Darku, who has organized
five massive Gospel crusades
so tender towards Jesus,
some of the biggest
that CfaN is conducting in
I ended up experiencing
evangelistic campaigns,
Tanzania this year. Right
Jesus every single day in
and Mr. Bret Sipek, who
now, I am on the ground and
very deep ways.
has pioneered the way into
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda gave us insight
mass crusade evangelism in Europe in the 21st century.
into every aspect of an evangelistic ministry. There were no secrets at all; he wanted us to see and experience all of it. Even
teams preparing one of the five Gospel crusades.. All the theoretical training of
Graduation is just the beginning
during the International Planning Meetings week,
am in charge of one of the
The graduation of
the Bootcamp is set straight into action. We are expecting whole cities to be shaken with the Gospel, hundreds of thousands of souls to
where all executive
Bootcamp was not the end.
directors of CfaN come to
In fact, everything just
Orlando to plan, he gave
started from there. CfaN
of thousands of people
us the opportunity to sit
Bootcamp does not just send
to receive their healing. I
in, meet the directors, and
its students home but rather
can only summarize my
ask questions. In addition,
stays in touch and even
Bootcamp experience with
we had private teaching
gives them the opportunity
one sentence: “I will never
sessions with the best
for on-the-field training in
be the same again.”
receive salvation, and tens
t’s hard to believe that just 8 months ago, I was a fulltime neonatal intensive care nurse when the Lord asked me to quit my job and sell
most of what I owned to go and attend CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp. Evangelist Daniel Kolenda, the president of CfaN, had a vision for a Bootcamp that would train, equip, and launch
“I wanted to be obedient to the call of Jesus.” 16
evangelists into mass crusade evangelism in Africa. When I first heard about the launch of this Bootcamp, my initial thought was that this was too far out of reach for me. After all, I was a registered nurse and I had no experience with crusade-style evangelism.
I wanted to be obedient to
been a time to preach the
the call of Jesus.
Gospel, it is now. The Lord
The 6 months of
Obedient to the call A month went by and I still had not applied, but I could not shake the burning desire and urgency to preach the Gospel and see souls saved. I was so hungry to learn and be equipped. I filled out the application, and two weeks later, I was
is raising up both men and
Bootcamp were filled
women who are ready to lay
with intense and practical
their lives down for Jesus
training, with the focus of
to usher in the greatest
everything we do being the
harvest we have ever seen.
hands and feet of Jesus. I can
If there is one thing I have
honestly say there is no other
learned, it is that the Lord
training like it. From doing
is not looking for you to be
local outreaches to preaching
qualified; He is looking for
in the rain, Evangelist Daniel
you to be obedient.
Kolenda has poured into
So often we limit
us to ensure we are ready
ourselves by what we can do
to be sent out.
in our own strength, and we
Step into the fullness of your calling! My life has been
never step into the fullness of our calling. The Lord is calling out for a generation to step into something that requires them to be fully dependent on Him. It’s not about what we can do,
radically changed because
but what He wants to do
of this opportunity. I truly
through us. Obedience to
believe that if there has ever
Jesus is everything.
accepted into the CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp. Two months after that, I left my job as a nurse and moved to Orlando to pursue fulltime evangelism. Although many people thought I was crazy for giving up my career, I knew in my heart that I did not want to be successful by the world’s standards.
GOD said,
graduate from CfaN’s School of Evangelism, Jessi Green is impacting the West Coast of America in a revival that is happening in California, after passionately following the vision God gave her five years ago.
Jessi Green has always been someone who has a
huge passion for the lost. One day, she realized she had the gift of evangelism. However, she couldn’t find much information for evangelists to train and prepare for ministry. “I feel like it’s one of the few spiritual gifts that is not talked about a ton. People love evangelists, but they don’t know what to do with them,” she said in a recent interview. But then she found out about the late Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. And later on, Jessi discovered the CfaN School of Evangelism (SOE). So, she enrolled in the course even when she was financially broke. Jessi remembers crying and praying almost every day after class because of everything she had learned from the school’s teachers.
A double portion And on one unforgettable day, during the secondto-last day of school, she went up to Evangelist Reinhard
You’ll receive the thing “that you’ve asked for.” Bonnke. The young evangelist made what
Three months after graduating from the
she calls a “really weird request” of him.
School of Evangelism, Jessi received a vision
She asked him if she could have a “double
from God for California. She saw a vision of
portion” of his anointing.
Huntington Beach wherein “thousands of
The late, great evangelist looked her
people were being baptized.” She said people
straight in the eye and grabbed her hands.
were “turning around and baptizing people,
Then he told her, “You’ll receive the thing
chaotic, no order.”
that you've asked for.” In September 2015, Jessi graduated from SOE. She came out of the school completely on fire for God. She has never been the same again! Since then, she has felt a burden for America. When Jessi went back to New York, she started to share the Gospel on the streets and in the subways. Jessi also came to the point that she couldn’t fall asleep because of the fire burning inside her. She kept sharing the Gospel wherever she went across New York, and as a result, multitudes of people were saved.
God said, “GO!” God told her that it will be the “next revival that she will be a part of.” The revival will start through the “equipping of the
Saints.” God wanted her to
things small—equipping and
take that fire in her to others
discipling people, teaching
as well. So, without hesitation,
them to follow Jesus. And
Jessi obeyed and trusted
they continued to preach the
God. She and her husband
Gospel in the streets.
left everything in New York,
In April 2019, she heard
including their jobs, and moved
God telling her that the vision
to California with a 2-month-
she saw would happen in the
old baby. They lived in a tiny
summer of 2020. So, Jessi
apartment in Huntington
co-organized the event called
Beach. They sacrificed
SATURATE OC 2020. When
everything for the vision God
COVID-19 broke out, she
had for their lives.
thought it would no longer
For several years, they
happen. But the Holy Spirit
did ministry in that place
kept telling her it would still
and founded home churches
come to pass.
called Salt Churches. But
Although she lost
Jessi began to doubt if the
partnerships in the SATURATE
vision God gave her would
OC 2020 she had co-
come to pass because
organized, God told them to
nothing was happening.
keep going. They wanted to
Nevertheless, she kept trusting God. She kept doing
obey God even if that meant they had to go alone in the event. Then, an unexpected miracle happened!
“...teaching them to follow Jesus.”
Waves of revival at the seashore Amidst the pandemic crisis, when California had prohibited public worship, waves of revival took place at Lifeguard Tower, Huntington Beach. In the spring of 2020, the vision God gave her finally came to reality. Thousands would come to the events and healings, miracles, and deliverances happened. And many got saved and baptized by the seashore! "What we are experiencing right now in California is nothing but miraculous. I
If you have that burden in your heart for
know so many have prayed for revival and
the lost as well, and you’re called to be an
I’m really humbled that God is using our
evangelist, come and join CfaN’s Evangelism
small family, our sweet friends, and this little
Bootcamp this January 2021. It is an
lifeguard tower to ignite something in the
incubation chamber for evangelists like you.
hearts of believers," Jessi says.
It is a once in a lifetime opportunity!
Since the first week of July, when it
“This is so much more than a Bible
started with only 300 people, these revival
School. This is like the Navy Seals for
meetings now happen every Friday night.
evangelists,” Evangelist Daniel Kolenda said.
“Hundreds of people are getting
Who knows where God will lead you
saved and baptized. And people are being
and how you will impact nations one day
miraculously healed. Like little children,
for God’s glory? You have to be prepared for
people are crying out to God on their knees,
your God-given destiny. You aren’t just an
weeping like 5-year-olds,” Jessi testified,
ordinary person—you are a child of God. You
amazed at what God is doing.
are a world changer!
Even with the persecution they’ve
Be part of the generation of Spirit-driven
endured, Jessi and her team aren’t affected
evangelists in this Decade of Double Harvest.
because of the joy of salvation. They would
Visit to apply today!
rather obey God than men. It’s incredible how one person like Jessi is impacting America today. Her obedience led her to this revival that God is stirring up in California in the middle of a global pandemic. How amazing is that?!
of people “Hundreds are getting saved and baptized.”
WORKING Together for the GOSPEL
was established as a
ones often “misunderstood and neglected
network of evangelists
by the church. As a result, their gifts remain
from every corner of the
unleashed and buried. And the church
globe to collaborate, synergize, and work
continues to thrive without even harnessing
together to see a global wave of salvation
its potential—more so, without knowing
moving in every continent and every
what could become of the body of Christ
nation of this world!
if the gift of the evangelists is drawn from
“Working together and drawing from our combined experience and insight, I’m convinced this will become one of the most fruitful networks of evangelists in the world.”
Daniel Kolenda
A platform birthed out of a fervent desire to reach the lost and empower evangelists all over the world to fulfill Christ’s Great
“An evangelist is not just somebody who preaches the Gospel. It is a certain breed; we have a certain kind of DNA. We’re driven in a certain way for souls,” Evangelist Daniel Kolenda said during the Empowered21 Conference in Johannesburg, South Africa. He added, “An Evangelist is not a second-
Commission—this is the Global Evangelist
rate member of the five-fold ministry.
We are a part of what God has called for
President of Christ for all Nations, Daniel Kolenda, says evangelists are the
the hidden.”
the perfecting of the Saints for the edifying of the body of Christ until we come into
“This generation needs you!”
An evangelist is not just somebody who preaches the Gospel. It is a certain breed; we have a certain kind of DNA.”
the fullness of the stature of Jesus...We are needed and necessary.” At the launch of the GEA in Johannesburg, South Africa 2018, Evangelist Daniel Kolenda gathered some of the most influential leaders in world of evangelism today: Jean-Luc Trachsel, Todd White, Nathan Morris, Andy Byrd, LaDonna Osborn, Daniel King, Daniella Friedzon-McCabe, Michael Koulianos, Teo Hayashi, Jeri Hill, and other well-known evangelists that are part of GEA’s
evangelists to see worldwide salvation at an unprecedented rate, now is the time to answer that call. This generation needs you! Now is the time while it is still day. Now is the time for harvesting! Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of God’s army of evangelists and reap the harvest for Calvary’s sake! In joining GEA, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with high-profile leaders and renowned evangelists at annual conferences. There will be opportunities to collaborate and connect with other likeminded evangelists who share the same vision and purpose as yours. Most of all, you’ll get a sense of belonging to an army of evangelists reaching the world together for Christ!
Go and join today! joinGE A.ORG
organizational team. If your heart is burning for global revival and you know from the depth of your soul God is calling you to collaborate with other
For this generation,
ussell Benson is CfaN’s International Director, a passionate evangelist, and a forerunner of revival who is passionate in the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry, and in passing the baton to the younger generation for the next great awakening.
“God, we have experienced a revival in our generation. I pray
for this generation to experience an even greater revival.” This is what Russell Benson prayed for young people when he spoke at the Light the Fire Again Conference in Pensacola, Florida. Light the Fire Again Pensacola was a historic gathering of past and current world revival leaders. The event was hosted by Christ for All Nations (CfaN) and is all available online.
“God wants to anoint your generation.” During the conference, Russell said to them, “Young people, you need the power of God. You did not come to this conference just to hear a good message. God wants to encounter you in such a deep way that you will never doubt His presence in your life. He
Young “ people, you need the power of God.”
wants to anoint your generation to take this thing to another level.” Even deeper than his huge passion for the lost is Russell’s zeal in imparting the fire of God to the younger generation. It was the late Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke who told him, “Russ, we need to go and we need to
Evangelism Bootcamp first graduation in
pass the baton to the next generation of Holy
June, he told the graduates, “This must
Spirit evangelists.” And that’s what
continue! I feel an urgency in my spirit
he is doing today!
that we need to take that baton together.
Russell grew up in Port Charlotte,
And we need to pass that baton to the
Florida. At an early age, he found himself
next generation of Holy Spirit evangelists:
amid a revival, knowing nothing about
hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands
revival. At 19 years old, he experienced
of evangelists burning with the fire of the
the power of God when he went to the Brownsville Assembly of God in Pensacola. He was so powerfully touched by God that he came to a point where he had to cry out, “God, I can’t take any more of this, lest I die!”
A heart for equipping the saints Since then, Russell has been faithfully stewarding that glory and presence of God that he experienced. After graduating from Brownsville Revival School of Ministry in Pensacola, he pioneered churches until he realized he has a heart for the “equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry.” For years, he has worked alongside Evangelist
Holy Spirit, leading to the greatest harvest this world has ever seen!” CfaN’s Evangelism Bootcamp is an intense physical, mental, spiritual, and academic training for evangelists, a time graduates have described as “lifechanging.” At the end of his message, Russell challenged those first Bootcamp graduates. He told them, “This Decade of Double Harvest and reaching another 75 million souls will not happen through just our efforts. We have a mandate to train and to send. And I believe God is going to use the first Bootcamp graduates, the next Bootcamp, and the next Bootcamp, and the next Bootcamp to see amazing things! Will you help us today? Will you stand with us?” Russell’s response to the calling and
Daniel Kolenda, Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke,
purposes of God for his life has literally
and Peter Vandenberg.
touched millions of people. And he will
Today, Russell continues to impact
continue to do so as he stands with CfaN’s
millions as one of the key leaders of Christ
vision of the Decade of Double Harvest,
for all Nations. When he spoke at the CfaN’s
for the glory of Jesus Christ!
You can now enjoy and have access on your device to all of CfaN's global outreach
efforts. It is also a way for us to stay in touch, provide sign up opportunities, and current event updates to our international ministry.
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DANIELKOLENDA.COM Download our Free App
OPEN-HEART surgery
faN Evangelism Bootcamp has
documentation for all my family, and guiding
been a time of intense training,
many people through dreams to contribute
experiences, and constant faith
financially so that we could travel.
challenges, and an unparalleled time of fellowship. I still vividly remember
the night that I saw the Bootcamp 2020 ad. The voice of the Holy Spirit was so evident as He put in my heart that I should go. From there, an adventure began with my family. With each step, miracle after miracle confirmed that this whole project was
A new heart—and a passion for the lost With every step that we took, our hearts were enlarged by the thought that if this was
of the Lord. It was like a great wave that
the waiting room, what would the operation
moved and directed us towards His purpose.
on our heart look like in the CfaN operating
From the moment I sent the application,
room? Without a doubt, God performed
God opened doors, putting people we had
open-heart surgery during Bootcamp. He put
never met before at our side, providing the
in a new heart and renewed our passion for
Go out into the “ world and preach the gospel.”
the lost, broadened our vision for the world,
dream of winning towns, cities, and nations
and gave us the tools we needed to reach the
for Christ. I know that many times the
nations for Christ.
evangelist feels alone, but at Bootcamp, we
I have been an evangelist for many
were not only equipped but now belong to a
years, but Bootcamp changed my vision
big family that has the same crazy faith and
forever. Each of the evangelists who
the same passion. In Latin America, many
ministered to us gave our spirit the
evangelists go out into the world alone, but
nourishment we needed. Each class was
in CfaN, we find friends, where we connect,
like arrows of fire—not an emotion of the
work together on the same mandate: “Go out
moment, but like God was pushing us to do
into the world and preach the gospel.”
much greater things for Him. The challenges of faith were relentless in each class.
We’re part of a big family Many years ago, I dreamed of something
Today I can say that I don’t feel alone anymore. I firmly believe that I’m the first of thousands of Latin American evangelists who will connect with Daniel Kolenda’s dream that God has given to him. God is raising a new generation of evangelists from
like this, where we would all speak the same
the Spanish-speaking nations, and we are
thing, where we would all have the same
in that generation.
Stepping into God’s
he very first step, and the
heaven. But Jesus clearly said
most important of all, is
that He had come to give us
to step into salvation.
life and a life that is more
For many Christians,
this is as far as they get,
that happens now.
falling into a kind of spiritual
So how can this happen?
coma, just waiting for the
The process of moving
afterlife and the promise of
abundant. That is something
from salvation to the wider
call of God comes out of
your cross “Takeandupfollow me.”
discipleship. Being a disciple in New Testament times was something that has few parallels in our day and age, so to know what it is, we need to look more closely at the discipleship of that time.
These days we tend to
people usually expect an
concentrate on taking on the
answer that includes plenty
ideas and knowledge part,
of adrenaline! But I always
but unfortunately, in our
answer, “Following the call
world of focus on individuals
of God.” That has been the
and their rights, we don’t do
driving force in my life,
much in the way of taking
taking me to places and into
a disciple of someone else
on a lifestyle of discipleship.
situations that I would never
was a common and popular
Jesus made many references
have had the imagination to
concept in Jesus’ day. Many
to the need for this to
think up for myself. Thank
leading rabbis had a strong
happen, and a follower of
God, He gave me a partner
following of disciples,
Jesus was fully committed
to go adventuring with, my
and political leaders and
to doing whatever it took to
beautiful and talented wife,
agitators also had disciples.
be a disciple, including a life
Evangeline. It’s worth taking
The root word of disciple
change and, if necessary,
a moment to look at how
is discipline, and it is used
personal deprivation and
we began to hear the voice
because a follower, or
sacrifice. That’s what it
of God for ourselves, since
disciple, of someone would
meant to “take up your cross
everything else that followed
submit themselves to the
and follow Me.”
in our lives comes back to
What is a disciple? The idea of becoming
this process.
ideas and lifestyle of the chosen leader. They would voluntarily bring themselves under the discipline of the leader or teacher, not only in a sense of taking in knowledge and ideas but
How did I come to follow the call? I have many times been
Other Christians that I knew talked so easily about hearing from God. “How does that even work?” I thought. “Do they actually hear a voice? Is it a feeling?
most important of all, taking
asked what the most exciting
How do they know it’s God
on the lifestyle, worldview,
thing is that I’ve ever done.
that’s speaking?” And on
and outward actions of the
Given my love of adventure,
top of that, well-meaning
chosen leader.
sports, and flying, I think
Christians were constantly
telling me, much to my annoyance, that there was a call on my life. I wondered how they could know that if I didn’t even know it myself? Then I found myself reading in Acts 15 about the apostles and elders sending some chosen men out to minister in Antioch, and I was riveted by these words: “…it seemed good to us, being assembled with one accord, to send chosen men to you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul,” (Acts 15:25, NKJV) and then
sounds a lot more spiritual than that, but
again later, “For it seemed good to the
that’s just how it is with me and the Lord.
Holy Spirit, and to us…” (Acts 15:28,
When the Holy Spirit is nudging me, I get
that odd cheesy feeling in my gut, and I’ve learned to pay attention, resulting in life-
It seemed good to them?! They weren’t even really sure, but they went out, and the work was blessed. I could certainly relate to that. If something seemed good to me, and the Holy Spirit was involved, I was willing to give it a go.
Listen to the nudging of the Holy Spirit As I began to experiment with prayer and listening to God, I discovered that I would always get that funny feeling in my belly when the Holy Spirit was trying to get my attention, an actual physical sensation that my family knows as “that cheesy feeling,” since it reminds me of indigestion! I’m sure it’s different for everyone and that there are many people whose direct line to God
changing decisions and actions. We have very recently witnessed the graduation of our CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp students after six months of hard work, sacrifice, and following the call of God just as I did so long ago. They are now evangelists, and as I write this, many are already in East Africa preparing to preach the Gospel and to see thousands saved in every meeting. For them, the exciting journey is beginning. And it can begin for you too as you purpose in your heart, like the disciples who dropped everything and followed Jesus of Nazareth. Many new students are right now facing the challenge of discipleship, lifechanging decisions, and even uncertainties to sign up for the 2021 Bootcamp training. I know they will not be disappointed because this is an idea that came directly from Jesus— and that will take them into an adventure they can barely imagine.
The whisper of the Father’s voice
Jesus is calling us out of the darkness into the light and the warmth of God’s embrace. Won’t you come to Him today?
n 2003, I received a prophetic word that
year, I started having a lot of dreams about
I had a powerful anointing on my life to
ministering at crusades. The more I prayed
evangelize the nations, walk among the
about these dreams, the stronger the desire
leadership of the nations, minister to
to do crusades became.
them in the days to come, and see signs,
wonders, and miracles. It was a powerful word! But I thought it was surely for someone else! It didn’t make any sense as I had no desire to go to the nations, and I wasn’t seeing any miracles.
It was a long shot, but I had to try I contacted Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
So, I put the prophetic word on the shelf
and asked if he would consider mentoring
and prayed that if it were God’s will, it would
me in crusade ministry. I thought it was a
come to pass. A few years later, I became a
long shot, but I needed to at least try. After
youth pastor, and after a series of prophetic
praying about my request, Daniel got back to
confirmations, I ended up being a missionary
me. I was shocked to find out he had decided
in China. After living in China for about a
to start an apprenticeship program at CfaN.
Opening a CfaN Gospel Crusade in Burundi, Africa, during my apprenticeship at Christ for all Nations.
“The ministry of Christ for all Nations changed my life, and I am forever grateful.� He invited 6 men from different parts of
I am convinced that without the training
the world to be mentored by him and asked
and equipping I received from Evangelist
me to be one of them. I was so excited! That
Daniel Kolenda, I would have never done
year at CfaN completely changed my life.
crusade ministry. Now Daniel wants to
It built a faith in my heart to believe God
raise up another 20,000 evangelists for
for the impossible. Since then, I’ve been
the end-times harvest! Daniel mentored
conducting crusades all over the world.
me, and now I am partnering with CfaN to
Multitudes have been coming to Christ in
help train and equip the CfaN Bootcamp
places like Pakistan, India, and Sri Lanka, and
graduates in Africa.
thousands are being healed!
Prophecy became reality The dreams and prophetic words I had received many years ago became a reality.
This is multiplication! If you are called to evangelism, I could not think of a better place in the world to be equipped and sent out. The ministry of Christ for all Nations changed my life, and I am forever grateful.
From Student to
ight now as I am writing this, I am
During Bootcamp, the world’s greatest
sitting in an airplane 30,000 ft above
evangelists and crusade organizers taught
the ground on my way to Tanzania to
us, but it was by no means just theoretical
set up a great Gospel crusade, and I
training. Almost every topic that was taught
am just humbled and thankful when I
in the Bootcamp also had its practical side.
look back to the beginning of the year where all of this started! In January 2020, I had the great privilege of being part of the first ever CfaN Evangelism
From theory to action I really enjoyed the lessons on crusade
Bootcamp, conducted by Daniel Kolenda.
organizing that Rev. John Darku held. This
Today I can say I would not be able to sit in
man organized the largest crusade in the
this plane, confident that I am able to execute
world in 2000 in Lagos, Nigeria, and taught
such a big task, without the knowledge that I
us how to do it too. And then suddenly
gained in the Bootcamp classes.
during Bootcamp, the door opened for me and many other Bootcampers to get really practically involved in actual crusade organization in Africa.
I am so glad we didn’t only have John Darku teaching us how to organize a crusade, but also Russell Benson, who was responsible for organizing all the American CfaN events. In addition to him, we also learned from Bret Sipek, Siegfried Tomazsewski, and many more. And suddenly, with the opportunity to be part of the organizing team for the upcoming Tanzanian crusades, everything that we heard in the training became real and applicable! But it was not only the training on crusade organization that prepared me for this huge task. No; every single session that we had in Bootcamp, and for me personally especially those with Evangelist Daniel Kolenda, really readied us to be the bestequipped evangelists in the world! We were trained one-on-one by Daniel Kolenda on how to preach, how to write a salvation message, how to conduct an effective altar call, and the theological foundation of every part of a Gospel crusade. I could write so much more about it, but I have to leave the plane now and get into action so that many will get saved!
41 41
DECAPOLIS CfaN Internship for Bootcamp Graduates
A 42
n important part of
a year is different from doing
the Decade of Double
10 great Gospel crusades in 2
Harvest vision is
“Operation Decapolis.” Decapolis translates
It was clear that as we started picking up speed, we
as ten cities, and “Operation
would have to shift gears and
Decapolis” essentially means
build a high quality team. The
ten great simultaneous
core of the team was formed
evangelistic campaigns. As an
from a handful of very capable,
Executive Crusade Director,
loyal, and experienced CfaN
I have worked on many CfaN
employees. However, these
Gospel Crusades over the
workers have additional tasks
years, and I like challenges.
and responsibilities and cannot
However, I still struggled to
devote themselves to the
understand how to do ten
Decapolis project long term. In
campaigns simultaneously.
prayers on sleepless nights, we
Doing two or three crusades
thought about how to fulfill the
two “orDoing three
crusades a year is different from doing 10 great Gospel crusades in 2 weeks.”
vision: in 2020 one Decapolis, in 2021 two Decapolis, in 2022 four Decapolis, a total of 40 Crusades. The answer to our search was to invite Bootcamp graduates to an internership program as Crusade Directors. The training of interns
The willingness to “ cooperate in preaching the
Gospel quickly removed denominational differences.
began immediately. We went through the crusade
simultaneous Gospel
born-again believer has
manual in detail and then
crusades. The Decapolis
a unique story—his own
we started working with
team was strengthened by
testimony—and he can
Decapolis cities. We began
Bootcamp interns and sent
share it with unsaved
research on promotion,
out into individual cities.
friends. We have found that
event management, finance,
The first task was to set
the best advertisement for
and other important areas
up crusade committees
crusades is the power of
of preparation for the
in all cities. This was
Holy Spirit. Interns preach
Great Gospel Crusade. All
accomplished very quickly,
in churches and devote
our efforts were initially
and the willingness to
themselves to training
focused on Decapolis in
cooperate in preaching the
young evangelists. We will
the Lake Victoria area in
Gospel quickly removed
preach in the streets and
Kenya. But with Kenya
denominational differences.
pray in hospitals for the
still closed to major public
It is a pleasure to see
sick. We will visit all the
events in July, we sought
representatives of all major
schools in the city, the
a solution and found that
denominations sitting in
prisons and markets. We
neighboring Tanzania was
one room, planning and
want everyone to hear the
open to crusades, and even
praying in mutual respect.
good news and experience
the president himself was
Our goal for each city is
a touch of God. We want
calling on the churches
to train 1,000 evangelists,
people to experience
to conduct large Gospel
able to preach in the
their miracle before the
streets and markets, and
crusade itself. The Gospel
to encourage and prepare
Crusade main event is then
in northern Tanzania.
10,000 believers to pray
a powerful crescendo, with
Due to the short planning
for their loved ones and
crowds receiving salvation,
time, we decided to do
to testify. Not everyone is
healing, and deliverance in
a half Decapolis—five
an evangelist, but every
the name of Jesus Christ.
We visited several cities
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