Daytona Pastor Riva Tims to sign books at launch party See page 5 YEAR 37 NO. 26
DR. JULIANNE MALVEAUX: Taking care of those who take care of us Page 4
Take control of health one step at a time See page 7
East Central Florida’s Black Voice
JUNE 28 - JULY 4, 2012
B-CU’s Jackson: ‘I’m removing the shackles’
During address at alumni convention, interim president talks about campus improvements, community relations BY JAMES HARPER DAYTONA TIMES
Dr. Edison Jackson says when he was contacted to come serve as Bethune-Cookman University’s interim president, he was not looking for another job. “This is a new season. I am a
vessel of the Lord. I didn’t come seeking another presidency. God had another plan. I got the call to come,” said Jackson who had recently retired as president of Medgar Evers College in New York City. Jackson was presenting the “State of the University Address” at the 44th Annual BethuneCookman University National Alumni Convention in Daytona Beach on June 21 at the Daytona Beach Resort and Spa. In a frank speech in front of 200 alumni, he called the current structure at B-CU a “recipe for hell” and plans to stop what he calls a disjointedness that exists.
His goal is to improve the environment on the campus so staff “can be all that they have been called to be. “Deans are fabulous, but they have been shackled. I’m removing the shackles,” he said. Jackson also noted there are people working for the university who have retired mentally but are still on the job. “Execute your paperwork for full retirement,’’ he urged, adding that the students are what is most important at the university. “This is serious business. No time to be playing games. It’s about transforming lives,” JackPlease see JACKSON, Page 2
Dr. Edison Jackson, interim president of Bethune-Cookman University, is shown presenting his “State of the University’’ address during the National Alumni Convention on June 21.
A joyful noise: Area choirs invited to join music workshop, concert BY JAMES HARPER DAYTONA TIMES
The Howard Thurman Home is one of the stops on the Unified Ministries’ Black Heritage Trail walk this weekend.
A call for churches, community to come together Unified Ministries organizing tour of Black historical sites in Daytona Beach BY JAMES HARPER DAYTONA TIMES
“Daytona Beach is a familyoriented community. Everyone knows someone that knows someone that knows you.” That is what Claudine Khouri, who moved from Miami, believes about the area she has adopted as her new home. Khouri says the city has the perfect ingredients to form an organization to bring the community even closer together.
A number of area churches have organized to help bring the Daytona Beach community together. The organization calls itself Unified Ministries. Churches that are part of the organization include A Touch of His Hem Ministry, Abraham Daughter’s House of Refugee Food and Pantry Ministry, Living Water Cathedral Church of the Living God, Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church, Mt. Bethel Baptist Institutional Church, Mt. Zion AME Church, St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church and Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church.
Avenue to support other churches Khouri, who is a member of
Claudine Khouri, Lynn Carew, Toni Charles, Benjamin Broxton and the Rev. Inez Stafford, founders of Unified Ministries, are shown at a meeting to discuss the Black Heritage Trail tour. Morning Star Missionary Baptist and one of the founding members of the group, says members of other churches coming together “is a way of saying we are a community.” The Rev. Inez Stafford, an associate member of Mt. Bethel AME Church, also a founding member of Unified Ministries, hopes the group will be an avenue to inform churches of activities they are having so they are better supported – not only by church members. “We need to come together more and participate in other church’s activities,” Stafford said.
Seeking positive connections Usually churches and people in the Black community come together involving something negative that has happened, Khouri noted.
For example, she cited churches organizing after the shooting death of Black teenager Trayvon Martin in Sanford by George Zimmerman. “We should also rally the community to something positive,” said Khouri. Unified Ministries has been organized since March 2011. Khouri said United Ministries has yet to have a fundraiser and is supported by members of the organization who believe in their goal. “We are asking God to lead us in the right direction,” Khouri remarked.
The Tubman-King Community Church’s Sounds of Faith Choir is inviting choirs from area churches to participate in a music workshop and concert from July 11 to 14. “This will enable us to combine our musical skills, gifts and talents to give praise, honor and glory to the God that we love and serve daily,” said Wilburn Williams, Tubman King’s minister of music. Williams said he is looking to bring together a mass choir of at least 100 voices representing churches across the county for what is being called an “anointed celebration.” “We would be blessed and honored to have you be a part of this celebration. We need your voice, your talent and love for God to make this vision a reality,” Williams said in an appeal to area choirs.
Concert takes place July 14 at 5 p.m.
On Saturday, June 30, the group is inviting residents to join them on a walking tour of historical sites in the heart of the Black community.
The theme of the workshop is “Sing Unto the Lord – “A New Song.’’ He said the theme was inspired from Psalm 98, chapter 1, verses 4-6. The music workshop is scheduled to begin Wednesday, July 11, and run through Friday, July 13, from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Tubman King Community Church, 1090 George Engram, Daytona Beach. Refreshments will be served. Workshop participants are expected to participate in a concert on Saturday, July 14, starting at 5 p.m. A DVD will be produced and made available for sale, which will contain scenes from the music workshop and the concert. The cost of the music workshop and concert is $20.
Please see TOGETHER, Page 2
Please see CHOIRS, Page 2
Walking tour takes place Saturday