Daytona Times - September 6, 2012

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Virulent virus: West Nile



YEAR 37 NO. 36

Henry trying to ‘remove the cloud’ over campaign


McFall turns over information about absentee ballot request forms to State Attorney’s office

Volusia County Supervisor of Elections Ann McFall has stopped her probe in-

See page 7

East Central Florida’s Black Voice

See page 5






GEORGE CURRY: Obama needs to project more than ‘Hope’ Page 4

to absentee ballot request form irregularities related to Daytona Beach mayoral candidate Derrick Henry after being contacted by the State Attorney’s office. McFall confirmed to the

Daytona Times she met with Assistant State Attorney Bruce Bustanante last week and handed over information relating to absentee ballot request forms.

The elections supervisor was concerned this summer when three envelopes with absentee ballot request forms were mailed to her office in DeLand with Henry’s name and address on them in the upper lefthand corner. McFall told the Daytona Times she first suspected someone might be trying to set up Henry and she contacted him.

Henry: Let attorney examine ‘findings’ McFall said she is glad to have the final decision about the matter out of her hands. “I’m not an attorney. It could be carelessness or intent to break the law,” said McFall, adding that even before the State At-

torney’s office approached her, Henry had asked her to turn everything she had about the matter over to the State Attorney. “I have asked the Supervisor of Elections to turn over any ‘findings’ to the State Attorney, and remove the cloud over my campaign. The Supervisor herself stated in her interview with the (Daytona Beach) News Journal that “it is not illegal for a candidate to pass on absentee ballot request forms.’’ ‘’That is what happened in this situation,” said Henry in his written statement.

Aggressive absentee ballot campaigns Initially, McFall said her investigation into the matter would not be

completed until after the Nov. 6 general election when Henry will face Daytona Beach City Commissioner Edith Shelley for mayor of Daytona Beach. The State Attorney’s office, when contacted by the Daytona Times would not say if the office met with McFall. “I cannot confirm that she met with us or turned over paperwork to us because again, that type of question implies either way we are involved or there is a potential for an investigation,” said State Attorney spokesperson Klare Ly. McFall said Henry along with Congressman John Mica had an aggressive absentee ballot campaign for the Aug.14 primary. Please see HENRY, Page 2

Supporter of Henry learns vote didn’t count BY JAMES HARPER DAYTONA TIMES

Sharonda Cowell, recreation leader at the John H. Dickerson Center, shows kids how to use the new computers.

Dickerson Center gets new computers for public’s use BY JAMES HARPER DAYTONA TIMES

There are 10 new computers at the John H. Dickerson Center and residents soon will be able to take classes to learn how to operate their own computer, surf the Internet and send emails. Sharonda Cowell, a recreation leader at the center for the past 12 years, says she can’t wait for people to start showing up to use the new computers. The computer lab will be open while she works from noon to 8 p.m. during the week. Cowell said this is not the first time the center has had computers. She said ones there in the past had been refurbished and there had been problems with them.

Tutoring for kids, seniors The computer lab is located in the Dick-

erson Center where the Dickerson Center Library was once housed. Also in the computer lab is a pool table and a big screen television, which can be used by residents not on the computers. Cowell said she along with others will be offering homework assistance to children and soon will begin a senior citizens computer class to teach the basics. “We are looking for partnerships with surround colleges to have students help school-age children with their homework,” Crowell noted. She said tutorial hours are tentative scheduled to be from 5 to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday. The senior citizens computer classes will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.

Limited access to Internet sites Hours for the computer lab will be Monday through Thursday 1:30 - to 3:30

and 5 to 7 p.m. Access to computer lab will be available earlier depending on staff availability. The Dickerson Center is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday and Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. “It is our hope students come to the labs to learn and use it to help improve their grades,” said Cowell. Cowell said Internet access is limited. Visitors can’t log on to pornography, chat websites, You Tube or Facebook. “Of course you can Google, Yahoo and visit similar websites,” said Cowell. Parent or guardians are encouraged to accompany their children during tutoring times. For more information, call the Dickerson Center at 386-671-5823 or the city’s Leisure Services Department at 386-671-8337. The Midtown Cultural and Education Center also has computers. For more details, call 386-671-5544.

A supporter and volunteer for mayoral candidate Derrick Henry learned recently that his absentee ballot was not counted during the Aug. 14 primary. Dr. Willie Kimmons received a letter from Supervisor of Elections Ann McFall dated Aug. 23. It stated that he had re- Dr. Willie turned an absen- Kimmons tee ballot for which “you were given credit for voting.’’ The letter further stated that the elections canvassing board was “unable to accept the ballot for tabulation as the signature on the returned absentee ballot voter certificate envelope did not match your signature on file.” The letter stated that according to a Florida statue “the signature on file at the start of the canvass of absentee ballots is the signature that shall be used in verifying the signature on the absentee ballot certificate.’’ According to the Volusia County Department of Elections, 350 absentee ballots received for the Aug. 14 primary were rejected by its canvassing board.

Kimmons wrote about election ‘tactics’ The Florida statue states that an absentee ballot shall be considered illegal if it does not include the signature of the elector as shown by the registration records. Kimmons was told “to ensure Please see KIMMONS, Page 2

Local CDC hosting free block party for community on Friday BY JAMES HARPER DAYTONA TIMES

It’s been a rough couple of years for the Central Florida Community Development Corporation. (CFCDC). CEO Gerald Chester said the community has stuck by the corporation. To show his gratitude and appreciation, the CFCDC is throwing a Summer End Block Party on Friday from 2 to 10 p.m.

Chester said the bad economy really impacted the organization founded and incorporated in 1982. A major portion of its revenue was lost. Chester said the organization also had to do battle with the Internal Revenue Service. The Central Florida Community Development Corporation is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) community based organization. The mission is “to provide affordable housing opportunities, stimulate

investment in stagnant or declining communities, and improve the quality of life for low to moderate income persons.’’

‘We are alive’ Chester said it has managed to solve most of the problems and are once again in a good position to help others with foreclosure prevention, coaching people interested in putting together a business plan, and providing

information and resources when available to people interested in purchasing a home. “We are alive. We want to let the people know we are relevant,” Chester said about the importance of the block party. Chester has been with CFCDC for 15 years. “We had a rough start. The community stuck with us,” he remarked. “We have recovered from a number of things.” The block party will take place

on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard between Loomis and Verdell streets. The streets will be closed off. Most of the activity will take place on property next to the Buzy Bee Restaurant, which the CFCDC had a hand in opening and operating.

Free meal for seniors There will be entertainment Please see CDC, Page 2

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