Visualising Supervised Learning Neural Networks

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Understanding Neural Networks Pseudocode

Step 1. Particle Spring System







We import and convert the images from Binary and store them in an array of a length equal to the amount of particles desired. The particle class contains the position (PVector), velocity (PVector), the digit it represents (int) and the associated colour (color) of the particle. It is initialised with a random position within a small area at the centre of our screen and random velocity ranging from -1 to +1.

The particles randomly emerging from the centre of the screen

The population class contains only an array of Particle objects. This step consists of three main functions. center(), which forces all the particles to stay in the center of screen. Next is react(), which calculates the spring forces exerted on a particle, and on the distance between the two images. This is calculated in a function called getLength() which iterates through all 196 pixels of A and B and calculates the difference between Ai and Bi. Finally, avoid() which prevents the particles from colliding with each other it works in a similar but opposite way than center(). To further improve the visualisation the repelling strength of a particle is also based on the getLength(), the higher the distance the stronger it is repelled from that particle.

Hooke’s Spring Law

live() is a function within Population() which very simply adds velocity to position. As a note, it is important that compute and live are in two separate for loops. render() resides in Population() which contains a for loop calling the function display() inside Particle() which draws a circle at the positions of each particle. displaySprings() draws the connectivity between each particle of the same digit when their distance is smaller than x.

Step 2. Neural Network

The Network LOAD DATA

We convert the images from Binary and store them in two separate arrays, testing_set which contains 2,000 test samples and trainning_set which contains 8,000 images. These are loaded in setup() using the loadData() function which fills them with objects of the class Card(). To minimise computational power we create a look-up table of 200 values using the sigmoid() function.


Considering the feed forward nature of this algorithm the neuron class must be initialised in two ways. With no constructor for out input layer and with the previous layer for the hidden and output layer. Therefore this class should store the previous layer (m_inputs[196]), the corresponding weights ([]m_weights[196]), the output (m_output) and the overall error (m_error).


The network contains all our layers, m_input_layer [196] , m_hidden_layer[49] and m_output_layer[10] which equals the number of answers, from 0 to 9.

Sigmoid Function LEARN


learn() resides in Network(), it feeds through our layers a randomly selected image from the set. Then based on the performance of each neuron (setError()) we adjust the weights. Making the change more or less drastic using the sigmoid function. test() has the same procedure than learn() but we do not train it from its mistake.

The Visualisation The modules listed below are non-sequential and should be interpreted as single units.


This plots the performance of training and testing of our network over time. The red line represents the ratio of failure to success of training, the black line counts the successes and failures in training adding or subtracting one point accordingly. The blue line behaves just as the red but monitoring testing.


We draw the sigmoid curve, and plot every neuron inside the hidden layer along it.


Here we display all the weights of either the hidden or output layer. We also allow for the activity of each to be displayed.


We draw a 1:1 representation of the network as well as all its connections. Whilst testing we also highlight neuron activation.

Understanding Neural Networks Method Review


Step 1. High Dimensional Data


The NMIST is a set of images of handwritten digits, this is what we will use to train the Neural Network. Each dot seen in the visualisation is an image randomly selected from our collection. We then connect it to every other particles using a spring system. The length of each spring equals to the difference the two images.


From this visualisation we can make two interesting conclusions. They mostly form cohesive groups in relation to the number written on each image. We’ll also find later in the process that the particles that fail to correctly assemble are the ones most prone to failing the network. More interestingly, as illustrated below the layout within each group has a correlation with the style of writing. Starting from the bottom of the digit “1� in dark green we observe a line tilted towards the left. As we make our way up, the tilt reverses to the other side.




Step 2. Network Performance

Alan Turing was the first to speak about a network of single units (neurons) which would make simple calculations based on the connectivity to other neurons. As illustrated on the left the network first starts as an disorganised system. The red line represents the ratio of success to failure whilst the black line represents the success count since beginning of time. These clearly demonstrate the evolution of the system. Once the pass rate has slowed down or come to an equilibrium we can start testing (blue line) the network. It behaves just as we expect, increasing at a steady rate until it reaches around 75.0%. NOTE: Both training and testing are plotted over a different time scale, each red or blue vertical line represents 500 images.

Step 3. Neuron Activation This final step is an attempt to further understand the internal working of neural networks. These are notoriously hard to understand and for a long time have been refereed to as black box. In larger, multi-layered networks we can observe a decrease in feature abstraction as we get deeper in the layers. A two layered network was tested as part of this project but no clear benefits were observed. We can argue that this could be due to the simplicity of the data set we are using. The top right picture shows all 196 weights for all 49 neurons in the hidden layer. When we run start the training, we see little or no change. However, when we view them in activation mode they flash as they respond and learn from the input image. The higher the amount of change the brighter red it becomes. The level of activation within neurons also shows a blend of digits, it could also be said that the areas of minimal change represent the features the neuron is looking for.

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