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Coffey 1 Catherine Coffey Ms. Serensky AP English Language 20 April 2018

Coffey 2

Failure and Personal Growth Enrich Success The Japanese Proverb “fall down

what does work, one must find out

seven, stand up eight” reveals the

what does not work. Failure gains a

reality that every successful person

new found value when viewed in

must confront (Japanese Proverb).

these terms. Success consists of

According to a 1995 report, “25

persisting through and learning from

percent start up businesses” failed in

failure. In the process, one develops

the first year in action (Seth). Twenty

a keen appreciation for the

during a shooting. In response, she

three years later, this number has

intricacies of life and the suffering

learned the importance of forgiveness

remained “a little over 20

that ends in the desired gain. This

and started the Julian D. King Gift

percent”(Speights). In fact, only

process requires a person to build

Foundation. This foundation supports

around half of all businesses make it

character he or she may not have

children of all backgrounds to

past the 5 year mark. These daunting

possessed before the long passage of

maximize their potential as they grow

statistics indicate the dedication and

struggle and dedication. Those who

into adults. Jennifer received an

persistence it takes to make a

choose to simply give up after their

honor at Do Something Awards for

business succeed Moreover, in order

first few attempts will never truly

her tremendous contribution to the

for one to truly reach success, they

reach success, not because they did

community. In spite of the fact that

must endure failure and accomplish

not achieve the sought for goal, but

she could do nothing about losing her

achievement along the way. The road

because they lost the chance to

family, she showed incredible

to success actually constitutes

transform themselves. Furthermore,

achievement in learning to forgive

success more than the final goal.

success should not possess any

and overcome tragedy.

Failure actually improves the

relation to the way others classify or

In summary, I write to those

prospects of success. So many well

define it. The definition of success

who prove too frightened to take

known people have embraced their

cannot come from anyone other than

chances and to fail to encourage them

weaknesses, learning from the

the the individual nor can it signify

to take these chances; every

failures along the way. For example,

any one concept, ideal, or goal.

successful person takes these steps.

Thomas Edison, one of the greatest

Not only does success come

Also, I write to those devastated by

inventors of the modern era, told

from failure, but it can also arise

tragedy or damaged emotionally to

himself, “I have not failed. I've just

from tragedy. Jennifer Hudson, at the

persuade them to take the high road

found 10,000 ways that won't work”

age of six, lost her mother, brother,

because learning to forgive and

(Edison). To this end, in order to find

and nephew in a span of three days

overcoming personal loss constitutes

Coffey 3 a profound and valuable achievement in itself. Those who embrace their failures and learn from their mistakes and struggle to change themselves to survive or to meet their goals appear the true success stories.

Coffey 4

The Myth of the American Dream At times, many lose track of or


were never schooled to understand the

appears only

true meaning of success. Entire

sought when one

societies can suffer from this

achieves a true

ignorance. Societies and individuals

sense of

course, that money appears necessary

become obsessed with riches, fame, or

happiness. For example, Georganne

to gain access to security and

power rather than the emotional aspect Moline, a member of the world

education, it cannot appear an end in

of success. Considering the

champion 4x400m relay for team

itself. It is enjoying the process that

idealization of celebrity in America

USA, states, “success means

leads to greater fulfillment later in life.

today, it appears surprising that many

happiness”(Moline). To this end,

realize that that does not constitute

success means waking up excited and

In all honesty, success has no

Americans said the American Dream

relation to money: Money appears just grateful for where one appears to sit in one perk of success. One of the most life. It means never to have regrets, well known female runners for team

correlated with success through hard

knowing everything that happened

USA, Emma Coburn, states, “success

work” (Huddleston). Also, a national

happened for a reason. Success means

has nothing to do with trophies and

study conducted in 2018 by Strayer

growing through self reflection and

medals, rather it is all about what got

University reported “90% [of

actively striving to reach set goals

one there” (Coburn). Emma

Americans] believe that success is

while enjoying the process. Tony

emphasizes the importance of putting

more about happiness than power,

Hsieh, the CEO of Zappos and a well

in work and constantly striving

possessions, or prestige” (Smith).

known entrepreneur, defined the way

towards goals and knows that

success. In 2018, “44.24% of

Reaching true success means achieving to success perfectly when he

reinforcing objects like money have no

self-fulfillment and achieving a sense

exclaimed, “Stop chasing the money

relation to success. Likewise, Justin

of happiness rather than obtaining

and start chasing the passion” (Hsieh).

Timberlake uses repetition when

wealth. Success may lead to riches, but We should immerse ourselves in the

reflecting on what makes him a

riches do not define success.

process of achieving passion, not

success saying, “I felt I had to achieve,

money. Although one may argue, of

achieve, achieve” (Timberlake).

Coffey 5 Although critics might argue it appears your goals there. Moreover, I write to easy for Cobrun and Timberlake to say adults following the illusion that success has little relation to money

amassing wealth brings happiness and

since they already have wealth, both

defines success, to explain to them

stress that the road to fame and wealth

that money in itself means almost

appear where success lies.

nothing in the world when it comes to

In summary, I write to young, naive students to search for what matters most to them: justice, beauty, equality, humanity. Look into what you feel passionate about and make

defining success.

Coffey 6

Letter to the Editor Catherine Coffey 180 Kenton Rd Chagrin Falls, OH 44022

20th April 2018 John Wurzel CEO, Capital 123 Prosperity Street Success Hill, CA 12345

Dear John Wurzel, Your article, “Earning Enough to Buy What Makes You Happy,” presumes that success and happiness result almost exclusively from how much money one can accrue. I would like to kindly bring to your attention that the premise of your article proves false. Many highly respected and introspective figures insist that, once within a stable financial range, success has no correlation to money. J.K. Rowling, the author of popular series ​Harry Potter​, reported as worth 7.7 billion dollars, proves an excellent example of how achieving great success monetarily appears merely by the product of true success. Before writing her works, Rowling suffered from depression. With a new baby in her hands and facing divorce, she began to lose hope and suffered thoughts of suicide. Persisting in spite of her despair, she attended therapy religiously. In her view, she reached true success by overcoming the many painful obstacles in her life that prevented her from self- fulfillment. More evidence of what it takes to prove a unique and creative success appears in Rowling’s 2008 Harvard commencement speech, published in book form as ​Very Good Lives: The Fringe Benefits of Failure and the Importance of Imagination​. The self-improvement guide offers personal anecdotes and advice on how to embrace failure and use your imagination to succeed”( Although critics might argue Rowling had no choice but to overcome her family issues and that this has no relation to her success, Rowling reached genuine achievement through having the grit to overcome loss and to work through painful mental illness. Another extremely wealthy entrepreneur, Walt Disney, considered by all a great success, experienced the “fringe benefits” of many failures along the way. During the road toward reaching his goals, many doubted him. The Kansas City Star editor fired him, exclaiming he “‘lacked imagination and had no good ideas.’”(Horowitz) In addition to the Kansas City rejection, several of his films failed before he finally produced the acclaimed animation,“Snow White.” Today, Walt Disney has had so much influence on so many through his works that he appears one of the most wellknown producers of all times. His true goal emphasized creating a unique work of art and to entertain, not to become rich. Failure did not bring him down. Instead, failure became a guide to how to succeed.

Coffey 7 Instead of advising others how to succeed by providing tips on amassing great wealth, perhaps you should consider the wisdom of those who already have tremendous wealth. They would tell you that you run on the wrong track and that your assumption that wealth appears the ultimate success that provides everything a person requires to evoke happiness proves a fallacy. Sincerely,

Catherine Coffey

Coffey 8

Interview With Dr. Ronald Coffey Dr. Coffey grew up with almost next to nothing and now thrives as a retired doctor in Moreland Hills, Ohio. Always having an open,curious mind, Ron loves to explore new passions such as learning to play the piano and increasing his knowledge on quantum mechanics. What does success mean to you? “Being creative, having goals, and making substantial progress towards those goals. In other words a growth mindset.” Do you consider yourself successful? “Yes. I don't mean to say that I have highly exceeding expectations, or even that I have reached them, but I have made some progress towards my notion of success. I enjoyed medical school. I was a great teacher. ” How did you overcome not having a lot of resources at a young age? “It just never occurred to me. When I was your age, and through college and med school, I was still poor; I went to school for nothing. I got scholarships for everything. I wore other people’s clothes, worked in the summer time, and did some part time work as did my brother. I had no problem with other people having great stuff. I went to high school with guys that were wearing Brooks Brothers shirts. I went on with my life enjoying every minute of it.” Name a low point in your life and describe how you overcame it? “I had a pretty painful physical ailment for two years. Hard work. That is all there is to it. No pains no gains. Now it’s gone thanks to a lot of good doctors. I overcame it by going through the procedures doctors performed, and thinking the pain is going to end, which it did. Did not drive me to be successful, rather allowed me to be successful.” Do you feel you have reached your full potential? “No. I am 81 years old and I feel that I might someday. I would have preferred to be a decent pianist just for my own enjoyment. Plus a physicists. However, these were not presented to me as opportunities, and therefore I did not consider them. But looking back and based on the interests I still have, if someone could guarantee me that I would live to be 125, I would buy a 9 foot Bosendorfer and I would start right now with a teacher and practice everyday.” Should success mean having money? “Having money does not guarantee success or happiness and it is not true you can not buy happiness. Money did not matter to me. I was just poor as a church mouse and I was happy as can be! My mother worked as a maid going to work every day. She used all the money earned each day to ride a bus and buy groceries. Without her it would not have happened.”

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Advice Column: John:​ Regarding the article that success means achievement and failure, as a current college student, I have always dreamed of becoming a successful doctor. how would you define reaching success as a doctor? Catherine:​ I would say, first off, success should have no relation to income made. I should say, rather, that it appears about the lessons learned from your career. I have also always hoped one day to become a doctor. Helping sick people and giving them a second chance while learning not to judge, I think we both can agree, makes for a life well lived. Additionally, I would define success as working hard to perform the best in the moment and learning to appreciate every second one has to live on this earth, enhancing and developing his or her understanding and knowledge while helping others. The medical profession creates the perfect opportunity for this definition of success.

Lisa:​ Reading your interview, I found Ron truly inspiring. As a young girl born into poverty, I can relate to him. I do feel I have the drive to work hard to achieve a great future for myself; however, I have not received any scholarships and appear beginning to lose hope. I have always dreamed of receiving a college education. Any advice on how I should approach my future? Catherine:​ First of all, I do not ever want you to doubt yourself. Not all successful people have had a college education. For example, take Bill Gates, working out of a garage as a teenager, and inventing the iphone, something so miraculous it has changed society forever. He remained confident and must have persisted intensely to achieve such a brilliant invention. Make sure you haven’t missed any opportunities to get help for college. Seek out a mentor. Start learning on your own. Access to free college courses found online will help. Define your strengths and remember to never give up enjoying and learning from the process over time, instead of concentrating on one goal.

Jerome:​ I have always wanted to have the prestigious label of “a great success.” Your article on failure and achievement drew my attention. I wonder what qualities should one have to achieve success? Catherine:​ Possessing a keen interest and following your passion appear qualities most associated with success so that, in the end, your will feel satisfaction with the years of devotion you needed to devote to your goal. In the end, that proves the key. Note that, passionate interest and satisfaction with doing something increases as one gets better at it. Even those who have interest and satisfaction to begin with--if interest and satisfaction lags, might decide it’s not worth doing and give it up when just two steps away awaits the sudden burst of interest and satisfaction that would have carried them through.

Coffey 10

Catherine O. Coffey Catherine always brings a

intricacies of a Bach Fugue has led to

wound up as back-to-back state

passion to her every effort.

her sense of possessing an exquisite

champions, but, more importantly, in

Furthermore, her family’s creed,

treasure -- one that she can share with

the process of gaining “success,”

strive and drive, has become a part of

others through performance. Such

Catherine had made friends for life

her character and has led to her

hard won achievement also applies to

and had come to understand the

personal fulfillment. For Catherine

the academic spectrum; Catherine

profound value of a caring mentor. It

and her family,excelling appears not

currently take 5 AP classes. Many

underlined the grit and hard work

only a goal in itself, but a conduit to

people say she overloads herself with

needed to achieve success led to her

personal fulfillment and character

work; however, their concept of

growth, both within herself and

development. For instance, the study

overloading translates for her into an

through her connection to others, and

of piano,which requires not only

opportunity to achieve greatness.

that growth proved the true prize.

technical skill but also emotional

Athletics also has proven a

Art, Academics, and Athletics

sensibility,has given her insight into

valuable part of Catherine’s life.

have enriched Catherine’s life, and

her own feelings and character. And

When she joined the cross country,

the struggle to excel in those areas

her dedication to athletics has taught

track, and swim teams, she did not

has taught her that the growth and

her the value of cooperation and the

expect much from herself other than

wisdom attained through them

nature of human bonding and love.

the satisfaction of working to her

appeared the ultimate success.

Athletics, running especially, taught

greatest personal potential. Putting

Catherine had pushed herself,

her what it feels like to appear alone

her best effort into every day of

struggled, and sacrificed until a

with herself, striving and mentoring

practice with hard working

strong work ethic and the will to

herself, bringing out the feelings of

teammates by her side, she obtained a

excel became an inherent part of her

power and entitlement that lead to

new sense of appreciation for what

character, and it appears that which


she had joined. She felt that she could

now comprises her most profound

not let down the school’s legacy or


Catherine has played the piano since the age of 5. She believes

her coach, who worked hard to help

she has grown from mastering an art

her develop into a true athlete. The

form capable of expressing such

personal bond that she developed

compelling emotional reactions

with her teammates and her coach

without words. Mastering the

appeared far more gratifying than the

Nocturnes of Chopin, or the

gold metal they won together. They

Coffey 11

Works Cited “J.K. Rowling.”, A&E Networks Television, 27 Feb. 2018, Coburn, Emma. “Emma Coburn Is a World Champion, Olympic Medalist-and Now a Race Director, Too.” ​Runner's World​, Runner's World, 2 Oct. 2017, . Coffey, Claire E. ​CFXC State​. Chagrin Falls, Aug. 2016. Edison, Thomas. "Thomas A. Edison Quotes." Xplore Inc, 2018. 15 April 2018. Horowitz, Alana. “15 People Who Were Fired Before They Became Filthy Rich.” ​Business Insider​, Business Insider, 25 Apr. 2011, Hsieh, Tony. "Tony Hsieh Quotes." Xplore Inc, 2018. 19 April 2018. Huddleston, Cameron. “Survey Reveals the True 'American Dream' - It's Not What You Think.” GOBankingRates, 21 Mar. 2018, Japanese Proverb. “Quote from Japanese Proverb.” ​The Quotations Page​, Moline, Georgeanne, Georganne400h.“Georganne’s Definition of Success.”* Instagram,14 March 2018, Paper Boat Creative. “BaMan's Hand Climbing Stairs Made of Wooden Blocks.” ​Getty Images​, Getty Images Europe, 2017, RichVintage. “Young Boy and Girl Imagine Flying On Skateboard.” ​Getty Images​, Getty Images, 2017, 1108. Seth. “Startup Business Failure Rate by Industry.” Statistic Brain, 20 Sept. 2017, Smith, Jacquelyn. “This Is How Americans Define Success.” Business Insider, Business Insider, 3 Oct. 2014,

Coffey 12 Smith, Patrick. “16th IAAF World Athletics Championships London 2017 - Day Eight.” ​Getty Images​, Getty Images Europe, 2017, Speights, Keith. “Success Rate: What Percentage of Businesses Fail in Their First Year?” USA Today, Gannett Satellite Information Network, 21 May 2017, Timberlake, Justin. “Justin Timberlake Quotes.” BrainyQuote, Xplore,

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