Success: The acheivment of Prosperity or one’s own purpose, aim, or goal. Author: Matthew Cox
Sucess Does Not Come Easy “Don’t worry about being successful but toward being significant and the success will naturally follow,” once stated Oprah Winfrey in one of her published works. Historically, authors and media figures struggled immensely to have their works published or to sign a record deal. Today, many people look up to such figures who once struggled during their own trials and tribulations to seek motivation and guidance. Through determination, current influential authors and successful media figures obtained wealth, success, and prosperity through the means of undergoing failure and rejection. Many of today's most revered authors initially struggled with publishing their works. In her early days, author J.K Rowling experienced the death of her mother which sank the jobless-single mother into depression and a poor financial state. After penning the manuscript of the first Harry Potter novel, Rowling remained rejected by 12 publishers and finally given the opportunity by a small publishing company. After the publication of her first novel, Rowling went on to author the rest of the instalments which became one of the most popular book series of all time which in turn amassed her wealth that led her to being one of the richest women in the world. Moreover, author Stephen King Worked in a laundromat while penning his first novel, Carrie, while struggling to obtain a job as an english teacher. After meeting with a multitude of publishers, they all ironically rejected him stating that science fiction horror books do not sell. After finally given the opportunity to publish his first novel after trials of hardwork, King became one of the most successful horror fiction writers of all time. Many of the most influential figures of today's media faced tiring trials and tribulations along with rejection. Media figure Oprah Winfrey grew up in poor poverty-stricken conditions while remaining emotionally and physically abused. After moving in with her father and tirelessly working through school, Winfrey obtained a job in radio but remained informed by a producer that she existed as unfit for television.
Later, a production company miracusley gave Winfrey the opportunity to host an AM Talk show in Chicago, which later led her to obtain a high amount of wealth and the ability to interview a vast amount of celebrities, politicians, and everyday people. On the other hand, musician Jay-Z initially grew up in the Brooklyn housing projects in extreme poverty. In 1995, he tirelessly tried to strike a record deal however no labels would sign him. Through perseverance and determination by meeting with multiple record labels, he successfully negotiated a contract with priority. Today, Jay-Z remains one of the wealthiest and most popular figures in the music industry. In essence, I write to those who desire to obtain success in order to convince them to not remain scared of failing. Overall, I hope to shed light on the idea that where you come from does not determine who you will become.
Sucess within America’s Teens Success, defined as achieving one's own perceived goals in a high manner remains a hot topic of society today. Historically, immigrants came into our country with vastly different work ethics and ideals and people's perceptions of what they value in life significantly varied. Today, parents instill different values among their children, children often end up like their parents, and unwillingly in most cases. Low Level of education and high poverty of parents often can equal low levels of education and high levels of poverty for their children. Additionally a huge gap of wealth remains present dependent on level of education, work experience, drive, and motivation. Therefore, success remains influenced by someone's far and recent past background and from this everyone possess their own personal perceptions. Peoples background significantly impact their rate of success. Generally, students today posses higher SAT scores but lower levels of self-esteem compared to the previous generation (Thomsen). Success remains often valued in terms of grades versus in terms of self happiness and actualization. Addtionally, a disparity on the value of sucess remains present throughout today’s students. Additionally, this disparity illistrates the strong issue of mental health worsened at the expense of grades. Throughout the United States and around the world people's Perceptions of success vary greatly. For example, people often feel pressured to achieve other people's vision of success, and not their own. As a collective whole, schools place emphasis on their own achievements versus the achievements of the entire student body. Students today often attempt to try to impress their parents and do what they think think remains a right as opposed to what they find right. Moreover, a common theme among today’s millennials remains that people feel pressured to do better than their parents.
(Anonomous Author)
Often, as each generation undergoes adulthood a strong presence of wanting to do better than one’s own parents occurs. On the other hand, a common society appraisal exists that success equates to money. Often, people have different perceptions all together of what success exists as. People should attempt to understand other people's perceptions and respect their decisions. Therefore, I write to those parents of children who place an unrealistic pressure to success on them to label their actions as unsuccessful, and instill the idea that success does not necessarily equate to what one might think it means.Today, people often feel pressured to achieve in a multitude of aspects such as grades and sports. Additionally, I write to those who equate success to money to prove that success means so much more (or less) than money and that high amounts of money generally do not numerically equal to high amounts of success. I hope to shed light on the fact that people should value success in their own right and not compare their vision of success to another in order to achieve positive mental health.
Works Cited Astute, Ida Mae. ABC’s ‘Good Morning America’. JPG file, 2016. Banerjee, Ritam. ’Slumdog’ Stars at Home in Mumbai. JPG file, 2009. Boyle, Danny, director. Slumdog Millionaire. Fox Searchlight, 2008. Duval, Fred. Stephen King Bag of Bones Book Signing. JPG file, 1998. Gibney, Alex, director. Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine. Magnolia Pictures, 2015. Hemmelgarn, Rachael. Matthew in the Metros. JPG file, 2016. Reading in the Stacks. JPG file, 2015. Thomsen. “The Case Against Grades.” Slate, www.slate.com/articles/double_x/doublex/2013/05/the_case_against_grades_they_lower_self_esteem_d iscourage_creativity_and.html. Accessed 10 Apr. 2018.