2 minute read
Foundation Helps Community Get Counted
from Serving the Community: 2020 Annual Report - The Community Foundation of Muncie & Delaware County
by cfmdin
February 2020: Foundation Helps Community Get Counted
Once every ten years, the U.S. takes a count of all people living in the country. A complete and accurate count of our community was important in Census 2020. The Community Foundation was poised to help.

Census promotion in front of Muncie City Hall.
In 2018, The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County began to think about the upcoming decennial census – Census 2020. Indiana Philanthropy Alliance had called upon local community foundations to consider showing community leadership by connecting and convening community members for a complete count. In early 2019, the Foundation convened the firstever Muncie and Delaware County Census Council. This community-based Complete Count Committee included community leaders and nonprofit representatives interested in promoting the census.
We coordinated with the Census Bureau to obtain Census gear to distribute. Social media campaigns were planned to direct people to the closest computer lab to complete their census. Community centers, schools, libraries across the county, Ball State, and even employers were ready to provide people with a place to complete their form. The Census Council was prepared to direct each of their own organization’s constituents to the right place to get counted.

Community volunteers promote Census 2020.
As Census Day, April 1, 2020, approached, the Census Council realized the best-laid plans for in-person, large-scale counting events would be canceled by mandated closures. The Council came together to re-think the way that the Census was promoted in our community.

Volunteers of all ages spread the word about Censes 2020.
The Census Council designed, distributed, and installed 150 yard-signs and 12 vinyl banners. Billboards were placed, targetedonline advertising was used, and flyers were safely distributed. A partnership with MITS brought Census-takers to the bus station, and ads were put in the buses. One Census Council member distributed nearly 3,000 business cards with the call-in phone number to individuals across the community.

The Census Council partnered with MITS to promote Census 2020 to riders across the community.
The Census Council was made up of individuals representing more than 30 organizations from across Muncie and Delaware County. Even more, organizations stepped up to provide the Census Council with a venue to spread the word through their presence or materials and signage. When the 2020 Census count concluded on October 15, Muncie and Delaware County were considered 99.9 percent enumerated with self-response rates of 60.1 percent and 66.0 percent, respectively.