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You Can Give an Everlasting Gift
You Can Give an Everlasting Gift
Start a named unrestricted fund today!
With the support of matching funds, The Community Foundation extends a special opportunity to start a named endowed unrestricted fund with as little as $5,000. Your gift will be matched $2 to $1 for a final fund balance of $15,000. This $5,000 gift can be split in payments over a period of up to 30 months with an irrevocable pledge. Traditionally the fund minimum is $10,000 for named unrestricted fund. Donors can take advantage of this special opportunity through 2024 or until all matching funds have been reserved. This year, all gifts to unrestricted funds gifts will be matched $2 to $1.
To learn more, contact Kallie Sulanke at 765.747.7181 or ksulanke@cfmdin.org.