10 minute read
Donors & Gifts - Donors
from Faces of the Foundation: 2019 Annual Report - The Community Foundation Muncie & Delaware County
by cfmdin
2019 Donors
Margaret E. Adams Robert and Jana Adams Shawn Adams Gary W. Addison Jay and Susan Allardt Joseph and Maraby Allardt Allied Enterprises Robert Alspach Muncie Altrusa Foundation, Inc. American Electric Power Hazel Amos Stefan and Joan Anderson David and Toni Annis AstraZeneca Pharmaceutical LP Stephen and Mary Avila Charles and Joycelyn Baer David and Joan Bahlmann Ted and Gail Baker Ball Brothers Foundation George & Frances Ball Foundation Lindsey Bard Nancy D. Barefoot Michael and Patricia Barlow Gary and Kathy Bartlett Lonita Bassett Steve and Amy Bassett J. Robert & Joanne Baur Foundation Daniel and Carolyn Beard Mary Ann Beard Beasley & Gilkison LLP Bob and Kim Beasley Michael and Mary Jane Becher Joe Beck Lindsey Becker Horan Waldo F. Beebe John and Jane Beekman David and Mary Benbow Mark Benham Judy Benken Arthur and Patricia Bennett Daniel and Janet Benson Kevin and Teresa Bergan Dennis and Mary Beville Vicki Bicket Kenneth and Patricia Biller Jeffrey and Susan Bird Derron and Charity Bishop Donald and Jane Black Patrick Black Dennis and Tanya Blair Michael R. Blake Stephanie Lykens Booth Pat and Jane Botts Zachery and Cara Bow Forrest and Mary Bowers Christina M. Bowles Boyce - A.E. Boyce Co., Inc. S.A. Boyce Corporation Scot and Jo Boyce William and Margee Bracken Betty Brewer and Steve Perry Ann E. Briggs Kenneth and Peggy Briner Frank Brinkman Law, PC Brian and Tina Brinkman Robert and Mary Brodhead Sally Brodhead Jill Flynn Brown Michael and Lisa Brown Donna Browne Nancy Browning Patricia Brunette Juanita A. Bruns Jack Buckles Ed Burgauer Jon and Karen Burkhardt Burris Class of '68 John and Donna Burton Robert and Lydia Burton John Burwell William Butz Chris Caldwell Alyssa and Denis Campbell David Campbell Bruce A. Cantrell and Rick C. Cantrell Care Animal Hospital Domenico Caristi Bruce Carmichael Mary Guinup Carnes Ann Carney David and Jama Carter Jeffrey and Connie Carter David Case Richard and Marisue Caupp Marilyn Chalupa Katherine Huston Chandler Christian Student Foundation, Inc. Lee C. Christie Jill Christman Patricia Clark Dr. Thomas R. Clark Samuel and Teresa Clemmons Susan Cline Michael and Susan Cloyd Eric Cole Phillip and Carolyn Cooley Robert Cooper Estate Ann Covalt Donald Covalt Chris and Tara Covey Brian and Michelle Cox Gordon and Pam Cox Sharon Cox John and Pamela Craddock James and Janice Craig Allie and Juanita Craycraft Marlin and Mary Ann Creasy Christina A. Cross Linn and Susan Crull Carolyn K. Cullison John Cullison Ted Cunliffe Carol Curran Darlene Curts Daleville Athletic Boosters Jennifer Miller Daniel William and Jenny Daniel Wil and Cynthia Davis Jim and Cheryl Decker Michael and Lucinda Delaney Delaware Advancement Corporation Delaware County Farm Bureau Insurance Delaware County Historical Society Deleware County Jail Commissary Fund Jason and Melissa Delk Jack and Patricia Demaree Lesley Devine Ilene Dobrow Cherilynn Dollison Cornelius and Mary Dollison David M. Donovan Julie Wright Doolittle Richard and Melinda Douglass Anthony R. Dowell MD Kent Dragoo Ken and Neenah Dressler Brian and Christine Dudley Larry J. Durham Eaton Veterinary Clinic Rick and Lila Edmundson Joe and Jennifer Edwards William and Barbara Eidson eKeeper Systems Incorporated Charles A. Elliott David Ellis Damon E. Elmore Sue Errington Mark and Molly Ervin Estep Burkey Simmons, LLC James and Toni Estep Lance and Mary Jo Estep Tony and Amy Evans Exchange Club of Muncie Richard Falls Christopher and Melanie Fancher Barbara Ward Fanning James Fanyo Kevin and Bonnie Farrell Edgar and Ermalene Faulkner Edgar and Anissa Faulkner III Ronald and Cheryl Fauquher Joseph F. Feick Jeffrey and Susan Felton Leslie Allen Felts Nancy Fike Gregory Filter Nancy Finan Estate First Merchants Bank First Merchants Corporation James and Elizabeth Fisher Jerry and Pauletta Fisher Jud and Carey Fisher David Fleenor Mark and Molly Flodder Thomas and Cheryl Foote Mary A. Foster Floyd and Shirley Freer James Friddle Friends of Southside Spirit Scholarship Friends of The Star Press Karen Hall Fuson Amy Gackenheimer Bill and Vicki Gaddis Jean Gadziola David and Nancy Galliher Michael and Catherine Galliher Thomas and Carol Gardiner Paul and Vickie Garrison Keith and Debbi Gary Scott and Jane Gasser R. Martin George and Sharon L. Bowman Donna Gilkison Chad Gilliam Niki and Richard J. Gillis, II Richard and Renee Gillis Marlene A. Girton Glad Tidings Assembly of God Church David and Marcia Gobble Rex and Margaret Goen James and Martha Gooden Wayne and Linda Gray Gilbert Greene Keith Greenwalt and Marla Templeton Terrie Greenwalt Connie R. Gregory Della D. Gregory Linda S. Gregory Suzanne Gresham Michael and Carolyn Grieves Bruce Grim Greater Muncie, IN Habitat for Humanity, Inc. Kent Haffner David and Tammy Hahn David and Carol Hamilton Frederick M. Hamilton Hal and Rhoda Haney Linda K. Hanson Mark and Cathy Hardwick Michael E. Hardwick Jason and Stacey Harrington Bill Harris Sam and Carolyn Harris Gayle and Jeannine Harrold Hazelett Farm- Consulting David and Deb Heeter Fredric M. Hefter Patrick and Susan Helfrich Marilyn Tomlin Henderson Jon and Janis Hendrix Steven and Kristen Herbst Charles and Charlotte Hetrick Keith and Linda Hiatt Brandon and Sara Shade Hamilton Richard and Shirley Hochstetler Linda Hollis Janet Holmes Home Laureates Home Savers of Delaware County Hood Life Agency David and Suzanne Hoover Carol Hanley Hosford Mark and Dena Hosier Daniel and Mary House Aileen Howard David Howd Dean Howd Mary Mansfield Howell Craig Hoyt Charlene Houk Huffman Gregory A. Huffman William and Roseanne Hughes Sandy Kultti Hunsicker Steve and Kim Hunter William and Virginia Hunter Deborah George Hyland Greg Icenogle Fred Imhof Indiana Pork Producers Association T.D. and J.J. Ingram John Irwin Mitchell and Rebecca Isaacs JCB Bank Sarah and Bill Jenkins Cedric and Marsha Johnson Gordon C. Johnson Patrick Johnson Roni Johnson Susan Johnson Donna Johnson-Adams Michael and Jackie Johnston Robert Johnston Jonathan Jones Stephan and Janet Jones KAKATU Foundation Cheryl Myers Kazmier Katherine Roberts Keenon Stanley Keil Eric and Sandra Kelly John and Marcia Kelly Betty Kendall Martha Kendrick Carol McGuire Kennedy Patricia Kennedy William K. Kerr Tiffany J. Kerrigan Martha E. Kersey Robert Kersey Jeffrey and Ruth Kiger Jo Kincaid Darrell and Sheila King Jack and Mary Ann King James and Shirley King Thomas and Nancee Kinghorn Kirby Avenue Church of God Kathy Kirby Thomas and Anita Kishel Harry L. and Janet M. Kitselman Fund Kirby and Anne Koriath John A. Koumoulides Tom and Alicia Kovach Dennis and Carolee Kramer Steve Kreps Steven M. Krug Robert G. La France Janet Dearborn Lambert Mary Beth Lambert Jeffrey R. and Beth Lang Shirley Lanum Janice Largent Jean Warrner LaSpina Doris Lawhead James and Martha Laws LEAP Managed IT Lory Lee Susan Leffler William and Sherry Lewis Dale and Teresa Lindley John and Katherine Littler John and Barbara Lombardo Chris and Janice Long Terry Lothamer Laurie A. Lunsford Mary B. Lunsford Mike and Nicci Lunsford David and Sandra Madill Phyllis J. Madix and Theresa L. Klein Michael and Andrea Malnofski Tom Manning Meryl E. Mantione Patrick Mapes Maplewood Animal Hospital John and Jennifer Marsh Robert Marsh Gary and Malanie Marshall J. Richard and Elizabeth Marshall Philip and Ladina Martin L. Jay and Mary Ann Matchett Niles Maurer Micah Maxwell Michael and Elizabeth McClinchie Tom McConnell William and Janet McCune Mark and Joann McKinney Meeks Mortuary, Inc. Beatrice J. Mertens Mary Coil Messersmith Fred A. Meyer Jr. Donald and Carolann Mikesell Hank and Terri Milius Nancy H. Millard Abigail Miller Al Miller Chris and Betsy Miller Greg Miller J. Kenneth and Beverly Miller John and Grace Miller Kevin and Sherri Miller Tim and Ann Miller William V. Miller and Annemarie Voss Minnetrista Jason and Marcy Minton James E. Mitchell Lisbeth Mitchell Jeff and Judy Moll Jon and Barbara Moll Norman Moll Roger Moll Monday Afternoon Club Michael Monroe Marta Moody E. Bruce and Sandy Moore Jay and Karen Moorman Mark and Mary Mordue Daryl and Linda Morrical John and Barbara Mudgett Muncie Elks Lodge Steven and Lisa Murphy Murray's Jewelers Eric Mussler MutualBank MutualBank Charitable Foundation, Inc. Rick and Eva Muzzy Katherine Easton Myers Kathryn H. Nagy Susan Nelson New Vision Orchids Virginia Miller Nilles Normandy Flower Shop Gerald and Joanne O'Donnell John and Margo Oesterle Old National Bank Corporation Old National Bank- Muncie Oren and Mary Ann Olinger Kathie M. Onieal Ontario Systems, LLC Keith and Betty Orebaugh Roger and Sharon Orebaugh Don and Claire Park Bradley Patterson Wayne and Ruth Payne Peckinpaugh & Beasley, Inc. Jack Peckinpaugh Jerry and Jan Peirson P. Neil and Lynda Perrel Thomas Perrin Frank and Angela Petty David and Tamara Phillips Gautam and Ajanta Phookan Ana Pichardo Karen R. Pickering John Pingry Lawrence and Nancy Piotrowski Donna Polcz Mark and Karen Popovich Barbara Pressler Vincent and Deanna Pucciarelli Wilma Purtlebaugh Judi Putt Judy Yuncker Putt James Pyle Wanda H. Quinn-Isenbarger Bonita J. Ramirez Greg Rawson David and Rebecca Readle Jerome and Edie Reaves Michael and Debra Rechin Charles and Jackie Rector Steve and Amy Reed Jeffrey and Catherine Reese Linda Rent Ibe Reynolds David Richardson Michael Richmond Daniel and Sherry Ridenour Nancy Riegle Roger and Linda Ritchie RL Canning Harold and Rita Roberts R. Donn and Freida Roberts Roche Diagnostics Donald and Carolyn Rodeffer Judith Roepke David J. Roof Mary Rose James and Mary Rosema Donald and Trula Ross George and Carol Ross Jerall and Joan Ross L. David and Ann Marie Ross Rotary Club of Muncie Michelle Liston Rotz Tom Rotz Rick and Elizabeth Rowray Max and Barb Rudicel Jerry and Nanette Rushton Timothy Ryan Tania Said Marilyn Scales Helen Schache George and Connie Schad Patricia Schaefer Charles Schalliol Judith Schell Joel and Rebecca Scherrer Dana Gindhart Scheurer Kay Schnuck Steve and Kendra Scibetta Carol E. Seals Lois and José Seijo Paul Sellers Peggy Selvey Hamer D. and Phyllis C. Shafer Foundation Shafer Leadership Academy Stephanie Shaffer Kerry and Donna Shaw Robin Shear Corby Sheffield Sherfy Scholarship Golf Outing David and Juanita Sheward Harry Shrieve Kelly and Joel Shrock Sigma Phi Epsilon, Indiana Gamma Chapter Sandra Sigo Margaret A. Kirkpatrick Sikora and Jeffrey Sikora Al and Julie Simmons E. Scott and Tara Smalstig Andrea Horton Smith Greg and Sandra Smith Jeffery Smith John Smith Leslie H. Smith Michael Smith Nancy J. Smith Steven and Barbara Smith Thomas and Pamela Smith Van and Margaret Smith Robert and Marilyn Smitson Mary Ann Snider Larry and Jeanine Souders Genet Soule William and Isabelle Sowers Willie Spry Gordon and Susan Stagge Daniel and Lynne Stallings Casey and Jennifer Stanley Kelly and Donna Stanley Jeffery Stassen Cheryl J. Steele Donald and Ramona Stetson Ronald Steventon Daniel and Catharine Stewart James and Gail Stewart Shelly Stillwell Michelle Reese Stonecipher Robert and Janet Stratton Gary Street Alex and Kallie Sulanke Sally Cannon Surber Charles and Claudia Sursa Joseph and Jolena Sutherland Robert Sutton Scott and Lisa Taylor Allan and Carolyn Thomas Charles and Jane Thomas Gary and Amy Thomas Wayne and Carolyn Thomas Dennis and Melinda Thompson Michael and Ruth Ann Tolle Helen L. Towne Amy Tuttle and Eric Cornett Phillip R. Tuttle Jane Ulrich Lisa Ulrich United Health Group United Way of Delaware County James and Munjot Updike USAA Warren and Joy Vander Hill Sally J. Vasicko Gregory and Teresa Vaught Anna Coil Velez Harry Vernon and Anita Martin James Vincent Michael and Louise Volpp Skip and Marianne Vorhees Melissa Voss Peter and Franky Voss Dennis Wagner John Wagner Rex and Rhonda Waldo Steven and Marilyn Waldo Chris Walker Terry and Cheryl Walker Daniel K. Wantz Brian C. Waters Carol Watkins Melissa Weaver David Weir Larry and Lona Wesley Westminster Villas Donald and Sue Whitaker Douglas and Katherine White Susan Whitehair James and Elizabeth Whittern Doris Jane Wiley Wilhoite Family Farms Leland and Mary Wilhoite James and Jennifer Williams Lawrence and Judith Williams Erin and Scott Wilson James and Pamela Wingate Suzanne Wingate Betty Wingrove Donald and Deborah Winkle Michael Wolfe John and Sandra Worthen James L. Wright Jamie and Sally Wright John Wright Marianne Wright Mark and Mary Ann Wright John and Susan Wulff Ye Olde Birthday Clubbe John Yeo Yorktown High School Cross Country Boosters Alyce M. Zahn John and Sarah Zanetis Sherman and Marjorie Zeigler Foundation, Inc. Richard and Jeanne Zeigler