2 minute read
Navigating the Portal
from Fund Portal Guide - CFMDIN
by cfmdin
Navigating the Portal
If you are connected to multiple funds, you will see the “Choose Fund” menu once you have successfully signed in. Choose the specific account with which you wish to interact.
NOTE: If you are listed as an advisor for only one account, you will not see this screen.
Home Screen
The main screen provides an at-a-glance list of recent gifts and grants paid out of the fund. Gift amounts are hidden to protect donor information. You will also see the current balance, updated in real-time (or within 48-hours) and the current individuals associated with your fund.
Keep in mind that investment returns are only posted monthly and administrative fees quarterly, so your fund statement is still the most accurate picture of your fund's status.
This tab provides the detail for each gift received into your fund. Unless the donor has requested to remain anonymous, you will be able to view more detail about each donor by clicking their name. You can also click the "export" option on the far-right side of the menu bar (circled in gold below) to export the details in an Excel spreadsheet.
This tab provides detail on all grants and fund expenses paid out from your fund. The top section provides a summary of grants by recipient (grantee). Scroll past the summary section to see grants listed from most recent to oldest.
Fund Statements
Your fund statements will appear under this Statement tab. statements posted after 2021 will be archived here as well. You will receive an email when you are scheduled to receive a fund statement letting you know that your fund statement is ready to view or print. Fund statements are issued twice per year.
Documents related to your fund will be stored here (for example, your fund agreement). Not all files are currently visible, but we are working to get these added to your portal.