Fund Portal Guide

This is the guide for using The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County’s Fund Portal, where donor advisors and other fund representatives can access key information and activity related to their fund. This portal is meant to extend our relationship with you. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Foundation staff with any questions you may have.
Foundation staff will set up your account in the Fund Portal.
Once the process has been initiated, you will receive an email with information on setting up your account.
This message will provide instructions on creating a new password for your account. Note your username and password during this process.
Note: If you did not receive an email to access the system but would like a password, please contact Foundation staff by phone at 765.747.7181 or by email at
Visit from any web browser and most devices, including smartphones and tablets, to access the portal. Sign in with your unique username and password.
If you have already established an account but have forgotten your password, please use the Forgot Password? link.
After you sign in, select the fund you want to review, and then use the menu items listed below to navigate through the Fund Portal.
NOTE: Certain features of the system pertain only to certain types of accounts. For example, only Donor Advised Funds will have access to recommend grants and distributions.
For individuals who are connected to multiple funds:
If you are connected to multiple funds, you will see the “Choose Fund” menu once you have successfully signed in. Choose the specific account with which you wish to interact.
NOTE: If you are listed as an advisor for only one account, you will not see this screen.
The main screen provides an at-a-glance list of recent gifts and grants paid out of the fund. Gift amounts are hidden to protect donor information.
You will also see the current balance, updated in real-time (or within 48hours) and the current individuals associated with your fund.
$000,000 $000,000
This tab provides the detail for each gift received into your fund. Unless the donor has requested to remain anonymous, you will be able to view more detail about each donor by clicking their name. You can also click the "export" option on the far-right side of the menu bar (circled in gold below) to export the details in an Excel spreadsheet.
This tab provides detail on all grants and fund expenses paid out from your fund. The top section provides a summary of grants by recipient (grantee). Scroll past the summary section to see grants listed from most recent to oldest.
Your fund statements will appear under this Statement tab. Statements posted after 2021 will be archived here as well. You will receive an email when you are scheduled to receive a fund statement letting you know that your fund statement is ready to view or print. Fund statements are issued twice per year.
Documents related to your fund will be stored here (for example, your fund agreement). Not all files are currently visible, but we are working to get these added to your portal.
From time-to-time, donor advisors may choose to recommend grants from their donor-advised fund. These recommendations can be made online through the Fund Portal following the instructions in the next few pages.
Visit to access the fund portal. Your email address is your username. The password is the password you chose when you set up your account.
If you need help setting or re-setting your password, please contact Kallie Sulanke, Community Engagement Officer at or 765.747.7181.
Select Grant Request from the top navigation menu. On this page, you’ll identify the grantee.
1) If you have previously made a grant, you will have the option to select a previous grantee from the drop-down list.
2) You may select to make a grant to key funds at the Foundation. The Unrestricted Fund is always included in this list. Other community-project funds will also appear on this list from time to time.
3) You may search for other Grantees. This search only pulls in Community Foundation funds and marked nonprofits from our database. We are working to add more nonprofits to this list.
4) You may enter a grantee's information manually. You must enter a name, address, zip code, and phone number. This helps us make sure we get your grant to the right organization.
"Choose from previous Grantees" or "Enter Grantee information manually" will be the most common options selected.
Once you enter the grantee information, click Submit to be taken to the next screen.
On the next page, you’ll enter grant information, including the amount of the grant request. The other fields are optional and will help the Foundation communicate with the grantee about the grant.
This is a brief description of the grant. This can be left blank.
Amount Anonymous
Amount of the grant.
If you want the grant made anonymously to the recipient organization, check this box.
If you would like this grant to be made on a recurring basis, you may check this box. This is uncommon.
Attachment and Attachment
You may include documentation if desired. This is uncommon.
Additional Information
Please use this box to include any detailed instructions to be included
with the grant, such as if the grant is to support a specific program or to help capture a match.
Once you enter the grant information, click Review to be taken to the final screen.
On this final page, you can review your grant request. If all information is correct, click Submit Request. If changes are needed, you may click Edit Request.
Your request will be brought to The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County’s Board of Directors for review and approval. Donor advised grant requests are reviewed at the monthly board meeting, on the third Monday of each month.
All donor-advised requests must be made in writing. While we hope you will choose to use the Fund Portal, you may also submit your request using a paper form or by sending an email to Kallie Sulanke, Community Engagement Officer at