About Us

The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County manages a permanent pool of funds to provide grants for initiatives and programs that address our community’s current and future needs. The Community Foundation is a public nonprofit organization created and boosted by community donors and governed by local volunteers.
Our Mission For Donors
The Community Foundation of Muncie & Delaware County, Inc. encourages philanthropy, assists donors in building an enduring source of charitable assets, and exercises leadership in directing resources to enhance the quality of life for residents of Muncie and Delaware County.
Philanthropic Support Team
Whether you are a donor with a charitable goal in mind or a nonprofit organization with a mission to enhance the community, Community Foundation staff are here to offer support and guidance.
Connect With Us
We would love to talk with you.
302 E. Jackson St. Muncie, IN 47305
765.747.7181 | cfmdin.org

We will listen to your vision for the community and provide you with options to help you see it through. Whether you have a desire to provide permanent support for a beloved charity, to teach your grandchildren about philanthropy, or create a lasting legacy in your name, The Community Foundation offers the right fund for you. We can also work alongside your professional advisors to accept complex gifts that provide you with maximum benefits.

For Grant Seekers
Grants program officers will listen to your organization’s current needs and direct you to the resources to help you meet your goals. Competitive grants provide financial support for projects, programs, and organizations of all sizes and at all stages of the life cycle. We manage designated funds to provide long-term organizational sustainability. We also connect local organizations to resources, tools, and training beyond our grantmaking programs.