2016-2019 Strategic Plan for Football in Canberra and the Capital Region
To be the largest and most popular sport in Canberra and the Capital Region
January 2016
Capital Football Strategic Plan 2016-2019
Introduction The Board of Capital Football is pleased to present this new strategy which reflects broad consultation with the football community and a range of other stakeholders. The development of the Strategic Plan 2016-2019 promotes a culture of shared responsibility, unity of purpose, ownership and commitment in developing and delivering football* in all its forms. As a Member Federation of the Football Federation Australia (FFA) the Strategic Plan is aligned with the FFA Whole of Football Plan (a vision for Football in 2035) and the FFA Strategic Plan 2016-2019 as well as the ACT Government’s Active 2020 Strategic Plan for Sport and Active Recreation in the ACT. The Strategic Plan provides a focus for all elements of the football community to work together to provide quality experiences for participants across all areas of our sport. We look forward to working with the football community to develop the operational plans and management structure to best support the delivery of the strategic priorities and initiatives, and identify the skills and resources required to achieve our goals.
Mark O’Neill Chair
Heather Reid Chief Executive
Our Purpose To provide quality experiences for participants involved in all forms of football*.
Our Vision To be the largest and most popular sport in Canberra and the Capital Region.
Our Culture and Values We will engender a culture of excellence and adopt the following values in all that we do. Collectively we will be: Responsive Unified Respectful
Inclusive Ethical Accountable
* Football means “Association Football” as recognised by FIFA from time to time. It includes all forms of soccer, indoor soccer, Futsal and beach soccer.
To be the largest and most popular sport in Canberra and the Capital Region
Capital Football Strategic Plan 2016-2019
Our Stakeholders Those who we will work with to achieve our goals include:
Affiliated Clubs Players Coaches Referees Parents Facility managers Private providers Volunteers
Football Federation Australia and State Member Federations Capital Football management, Members and Committees Government at all levels Media Schools and education institutions Spectators and supporters Sponsors and commercial partners
Strategic Priorities We have identified four strategic priorities to be the pillars upon which the plan is based. The pillars are aligned to the strategic priorities articulated in the Football Federation Australia 2016-2019 strategic plan.They are:
Leading for Unity of Purpose Connecting and Thriving Performing for Success Participation and Experience
Supporting Plans and Structures The pillars will be supported by good governance and leading management practices, infrastructure and facility development, knowledge and technology, communication and commercial improvement, funding and resources. The plan will be underpinned by a high-level implementation plan that will outline the priorities, responsibilities, performance measures and timelines for each strategy. The management team will develop detailed costed operational plans to deliver the strategic priorities and initiatives.This will ensure accountability to stakeholders, inclusive of FFA, the ACT Government and affiliated clubs, with a primary focus on successfully achieving our objectives. The operating structure will be designed to best support the delivery of the strategic plan and identify the skills and resources required to realise our vision.
To be the largest and most popular sport in Canberra and the Capital Region
Capital Football Strategic Plan 2016-2019
Leading for Unity of Purpose Improving the governance and administration of football at all levels and providing greater support to the clubs in addressing their priorities. 1.1 Ensure leading practice governance for the Board and Members. 1.2 Maximise our influence with other stakeholders, particularly FFA, who can help us achieve our goals and objectives in the face of competition from other codes. 1.3 Develop and implement the best structures to utilise our workforce inclusive of paid staff, regional representatives, advisory committees, volunteers, clubs, contractors, interns or other providers. 1.4 Work with clubs to attract and retain volunteers. 1.5 Use research and technology to enhance our reach, delivery of services and communication. 1.6 Work with Government to provide new quality facilities for football and futsal as well as improved infrastructure. Success Measures by 2019
Overall satisfaction rating of good or better by participants to reach 80%. Satisfaction rating of good or better with CF communication to reach 80%. Access to football and futsal facilities increased 10%.
Connecting and Thriving Connecting better with our clubs, supporters and the broader community; maximising the commercial returns to football; and guaranteeing our financial sustainability and support for future development. 2.1 Produce a Commercial Development Plan to identify and maximise the value of our programs, products and assets through sponsorships, strategic partnerships, supporter engagement, marketing, media management, product development and innovation. 2.2 Take a unified approach across football in engaging and servicing sponsors and commercial partners. 2.3 Work with affiliated clubs to assist them in developing their own commercial strategies. 2.4 Explore opportunities to attract high level events to Canberra and region. Success Measures by 2019
Commercial (non-government and FFA) revenue to increase 150%. Satisfaction of stakeholder engagement to reach 80%.
To be the largest and most popular sport in Canberra and the Capital Region
Capital Football Strategic Plan 2016-2019
Performing for Success Building appropriate pathways that ensure generations of participants have opportunities to reach their potential. 3.1 Restructure the high performance program to become an Academy that is aligned with Football Federation Australia policies and direction. 3.2 Clarify the role of clubs and Regions in the performance pathway for players, coaches and referees and articulate the roles and expectations of those involved in the pathways. 3.3 Ensure that the pathway and Academy is accessible at all levels and there is clarity in the transition process to club participation. 3.4 Continue to play our role in supporting representation in national teams and participation in national leagues through player, coach and match official development, and hosting events. Success Measures by 2019
Number of participants in national leagues and national teams to increase 5%. Satisfaction with clarity of stakeholder roles in the High Performance Pathway to reach 80%.
Participation and Experience Taking an inclusive approach to improving the experience of participants, providing affordable programs and services and access to appropriate facilities, while balancing the practical challenges of resourcing.
4.1 Provide quality participation experiences at all levels - while aiming to increase registrations, we need to balance growth with our capacity to deliver a range competitions and a positive experience. 4.2 Develop a coaching community that provides information, structure and support relevant to the type of football across community as well as advanced coaching levels. 4.3 Promote the value and importance of referees and refereeing to football and ensure referees have a safe and proper environment. 4.4 Empower affiliated clubs and Regions to deliver other programs and services that best suit their own members (including non-traditional competition formats and new FFA programs). 4.5 Develop specific plans for women and girls in football ensuring alignment with the FFA strategy for women’s football. 4.6 Develop a specific plan for futsal ensuring alignment with the FFA futsal plan. 4.7 Ensure access to the right quantity and quality of facilities to meet the current and future demand through the implementation of the infrastructure and facility plan. Success Measures by 2019
Retention rate of participants to increase 4%. Registered participants to increase 10%. Satisfaction with football programs and services to reach 80%.
To be the largest and most popular sport in Canberra and the Capital Region
Capital Football Strategic Plan 2016-2019
Review Mechanisms The Strategic Plan will form the agenda for the Board and guide decision-making. The Plan will be monitored regularly by the Board and performance against the Plan will be formally reviewed annually. The Plan may be adjusted to take into account a changing operating environment or to harness new opportunities.
Football Federation Australia Whole of Football Plan (WOFP) Football Federation Australia 2016-2019 Strategic Plan Active 2020 Strategic Plan for Sport and Active Recreation in the ACT Australian Sports Commission Sports Governance Principles Capital Football Stakeholder Engagement Survey 2015
© ACT Football Federation This work is copyright. The Copyright Act 1968 permits fair dealing for study, research, news reporting, criticism or review. Selected passages, tables or diagrams may be reproduced for such purposes provided acknowledgement of the source is included. Permission for any more extensive reproduction must be obtained from Capital Football.
ACT Football Federation (known as Capital Football ®) ABN 16 413 452 268 Football House, Unit 2, Phipps Close, Deakin, ACT 2600 Phone: (02) 6260 4000 Fax: (02) 6260 4999 www.capitalfootball.com.au
With acknowledgement to Brendan Lynch for facilitating Capital Football’s strategic planning process exSport - Strategy, Planning, Development .... Promoting excellence in Sport Management January 2016
To be the largest and most popular sport in Canberra and the Capital Region
Capital Football Strategic Plan 2015-2019
To provide quality experiences for participants involved in all forms of football*
Purpose Vision Values Leading for Unity of Purpose Improving the governance and administration of football at all levels and provide greater support to the clubs in addressing their priorities.
1.1 Ensure leading practice governance for the Board and Members. 1.2 Maximise our influence with those who can help us achieve our goals and objectives in the face of competition from other codes. 1.3 Develop and implement the best structures to utilise our workforce inclusive of paid staff, regional representatives, advisory committees, volunteers, clubs, contractors, interns or other providers.
Plan on a Page
To be the largest and most popular sport in Canberra and the Capital Region Responsive
Connecting and Thriving Connecting better with our clubs, supporters and broader community; maximise the commercial returns to football; guarantee our financial sustainability and support for future development.
2.1 Produce a Commercial Development Plan to identify and maximise the value of our programs, products and assets through sponsorships, strategic partnerships, supporter engagement, marketing, media management, product development and innovation. 2.2 Take a unified approach across football in engaging and servicing sponsors and commercial partners. 2.3 Work with affiliated clubs to assist them in developing their own commercial strategies.
1.5 Use research and technology to enhance our reach, delivery of services and communication. 1.6 Work with Government to provide new quality facilities for football and futsal as well as improved infrastructure.
Performing for Success Providing appropriate pathways that ensure participants have the opportunity to reach their potential.
Participation and Experience Taking an inclusive approach to improving the experience of participants, providing affordable programs and services and access to appropriate facilities, while balancing the practical challenges of resourcing.
3.1 Restructure the high performance program to become an Academy that is aligned with FFA policy and direction.
4.1 Provide quality participation opportunities at all levels - balance growth with capacity to deliver a range competitions and a positive experience.
3.2 Clarify the role of clubs and Regions in the performance pathway for players, coaches and referees and articulate the roles and expectations of those involved in the pathways. 3.3 Ensure that the pathway and Academy is accessible at all levels and there is clarity in the transition process to club participation.
1.4 Work with clubs to attract and retain volunteers. 2.4 Explore opportunities to attract high level events to Canberra and region.
3.4 Continue to play our role in supporting representation in national teams and participation in national leagues through player, coach and match official development, and hosting events.
4.2 Develop a coaching community that provides information, structure and support relevant to the type of football across community as well as advanced coaching levels. 4.3 Promote the value and importance of referees and refereeing to football and ensure referees have a safe and proper environment. 4.4 Empower the affiliated clubs and Regions to deliver other programs and services that best suit their own members (including non-traditional competition formats and new FFA programs). 4.5 Develop specific plans for women and girls in football ensuring alignment with the FFA strategy for women’s football. 4.6 Develop a specific plan for futsal ensuring alignment with the FFA futsal plan. 4.7 Ensure access to the right quantity and quality of facilities to meet the current and future demand through the implementation of the infrastructure and facility plan.
Capital Football Strategic Plan 2015-2019 Success Measures by 2019
Success Measures by 2019
Success Measures by 2019
Success Measures by 2019
Overall satisfaction rating of good or better by participants to reach 80%.
Commercial (non-government and FFA) revenue to increase 150%.
Number of participants in national leagues and national teams to increase 5%.
Satisfaction rating of good or better with Capital Football communication to reach 80%.
Satisfaction of stakeholder engagement to reach 80%.
Satisfaction with clarity of stakeholder roles in FFA High Performance Pathway to reach 80%.
Access to facilities increased 10%.
To be the largest and most popular sport in Canberra and the Capital Region
Success Measures by 2019
Participant retention to increase 4%.
Registered participants to increase 10%.
Satisfaction with football programs and services to reach 80%.