冠冕成長網絡043 找到你財務的靈魂伴侶

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冠冕成長網絡-第 43 期


找到你財務的靈魂伴侶 我第一次看到她時,我就知道了!我知道我想娶碧芙,想要我的餘生都與這 位我所見過最美麗、最有魅力的女人度過。我沒想過她是否沒有債務,而且 有訂預算? 當一對男女墜入愛河時,他們很難相信他們將會為錢爭吵。但這的確是破碎 婚姻的主要原因之一。我們在為許多剛結婚的夫妻輔導時學到,在互結連理 之前,你與未婚夫(妻)談論有關錢的議題是非常重要的。 所以,為了你婚姻和財務的長期健康著想,以下是一些簡單的步驟及一些問 題請你回答: • 對你的財務狀況要完全透明且誠實。追蹤彼此的信用報告和銀行對帳

單。絕不給對方財務上的驚嚇。沒有一件事比發現一個隱密的財務問 題更會傷害你與新配偶的信任關係。 • 談論你對捐獻、花費、儲蓄和債務的態度。讓你的未婚夫(妻)知道你

是一個省錢的人或是愛花錢的人。 • 你的財務目標是什麼?

• 我們兩人中,誰將要負責記帳並付帳單?

• 決定是否你們兩人都要工作。當你們有小孩時會如何?妻子是否想要留

在家中作全職媽媽? • 你們兩人要如何將你們的資產及收入合併在一起?若你們中間有一人

認為他賺的錢是他的錢,不是我們的錢,這就是警訊。 當我們的孩子訂婚時,我們給他們的最佳建議就是鼓勵他們參加「理財有道 小組研習」或研讀《金錢與婚姻蒙福之道》 。沒有別的事比丈夫與妻子都了解 上帝處理錢財的方式更重要。

台灣冠冕真道理財協會 台北市林森北路 438 號 4 樓 TEL:(02)2568-4800.2568-2852 E-mail:crown.taiwan@gmail.com http://www.crown.org.tw

冠冕的異象:轉化台灣及華人基督徒成為合神心意的管家。 冠冕的目標:裝備台灣及華人基督徒應用聖經原則成為良善、忠心、有見識的管家, 能自由服事主並支持神國度完成大使命。

冠冕成長網絡-第 43 期


Finding Your Financial Soulmate The first time I saw her, I knew! I knew I wanted to marry Bev and spend the rest of my life with the most beautiful, captivating woman I’d ever seen. The last thing to enter my mind: is she out of debt and using a budget? When couples first fall in love they have a hard time believing they will ever have arguments over money. But it’s one of the leading causes of fractured marriages. We’ve learned in working with thousands of newly married couples that before you tie the knot, it’s super important for you and your fiancé to talk about some money issues. So, for the long term health of your marriage and your checkbook, here are some simple steps to take and questions to answer: • Be completely transparent and honest about your finances. Trade credit reports

and financial statements with each other. Think no financial surprises. Nothing damages the trust relationship with your new spouse more than discovering a hidden financial problem. • Talk about your philosophy of giving, spending, saving, and debt. Disclose to your fiancé whether you are a saver or a spender. • What are your financial goals? • Which one of us is going to do the bookkeeping and pay the bills? • Decide if you both are going to work. What happens when you have children – will the wife want to be a stay at home mom? • How are the two of you going to combine your assets and income? If one of you has the view that the money they earn is their money, and not our money, this is a red flag. The best advice we gave our children when they became engaged, was to encourage them to participate in a Navigating Your Finances God’s Way or a Money and Marriage God’s Way small group study. Nothing is healthier than both the husband and wife understanding God’s way of handling money.

台灣冠冕真道理財協會 台北市林森北路 438 號 4 樓 TEL:(02)2568-4800.2568-2852 E-mail:crown.taiwan@gmail.com http://www.crown.org.tw

冠冕的異象:轉化台灣及華人基督徒成為合神心意的管家。 冠冕的目標:裝備台灣及華人基督徒應用聖經原則成為良善、忠心、有見識的管家, 能自由服事主並支持神國度完成大使命。

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