Programme Program 3 – 5 novembre November 3 – 5 Palais des congrès de Montréal
Bienvenue !
Welcome! The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC), the Québec College of Family Physicians (QCFP), and the CFPC’s Sections of Teachers and Researchers welcome you to Family Medicine Forum 2011.
The Scientific Program Sub-Committee has developed a program of innovative family medicine education based on feedback and requests from family doctors across the country. FMF registrants can choose from a wide range of hands-on clinical, teaching, and research presentations including keynotes, general sessions, workshops, small discussion groups, computer learning sessions, Mainpro-C workshops, and satellite symposia. These educational activities will be relevant to your needs and interests as clinicians, teachers, researchers, students and other health care professionals in your contribution to the health care of all Canadians.
Le Collège des médecins de famille du Canada (CMFC), le Collège québécois des médecins de famille (CQMF) et les sections des enseignants et des chercheurs du CMFC vous souhaitent la bienvenue au Forum en médecine familiale 2011.
Le sous-comité du programme scientifique a élaboré un programme d’éducation innovateur basé sur les commentaires et les demandes des médecins de famille de tout le pays. Les participants au FMF sont invités à un large éventail de présentations axées sur les cliniques pratiques, l’enseignement et la recherche, y compris les conférences d’ouverture, les séances générales, les ateliers, les petits groupes de discussion, les séances d’apprentissage informatique, les ateliers Mainpro-C et les symposiums satellites. Ces activités éducatives répondront aux besoins et aux intérêts des cliniciens, des enseignants, des chercheurs, des étudiants et des autres professionnels de la santé qui contribuent à assurer des soins de santé à la population canadienne.
DAILY BADGE SCAN NOW REQUIRED PROOF OF PARTICIPATION Remember to have your name badge scanned EACH DAY by a CFPC staff member throughout the conference. Self-scanning stations are also available throughout the conference venues. All scanned registrants will receive a letter confirming attendance at Family Medicine Forum 2011 by January 1st 2012. Please note that these letters are not available for pick-up on-site.
SCANNAGE QUOTIDIEN DE L’INSIGNE MAINTENANT OBLIGATOIRE PREUVE DE PARTICIPATION N’oubliez pas de faire scanner CHAQUE JOUR votre insigne d’identité par un membre du personnel du CMFC durant toute la conférence. Des postes de lecteur de code-barre se trouveront aussi un peu partout sur les lieux de la conférence. Tous les participants inscrits dont l’insigne aura été scanné recevront une lettre confirmant leur participation au Forum en médecine familiale 2011 avant le 1er janvier 2012. Veuillez noter que ces lettres ne seront pas disponibles sur place.
NEW TIME FOR FRIDAY KEYNOTE AND PRESIDENT’S INSTALLATION 15:45-17:30 The Friday Keynote Address will be held from 15:45 to 17:30, and includes the President’s Installation. Keynote speaker for Friday is Dr. Andrew Pipe who will discuss cardiovascular disease prevention. Come and hear his inspirational presentation. Immediately following the keynote address, you are cordially invited to the President’s Installation, as we welcome Dr. Sandy Buchman as the CFPC’s President for 2011/2012. Following the installation of Dr. Buchman, please join us for the All Delegates Reception from 17:30 to 19:00.
NOUVEL HORAIRE DE LA CONFÉRENCE DU VENDREDI ET DE L’INSTALLATION DU PRÉSIDENT 15:45-17:30 La conférence du vendredi aura lieu de 15 h 45 à 17 h 30 et elle inclut l’installation du président. Le conférencier invité le vendredi, le Dr Andrew Pipe, discutera de la prévention des maladies cardiovasculaires. Venez écouter sa présentation des plus motivantes. Immédiatement après la conférence, vous êtes cordialement invités à l’installation du président. Nous accueillerons alors le Dr Sandy Buchman, président du CMFC pour 2011-2012. À la suite de l’installation du Dr Buchman, nous vous invitons à la réception pour tous les délégués, de 17h30 à 19h.
8 Keynote Presentations Discours d’ouverture
10 Acknowledgements Remerciements
14 FMF Daily Schedule Horaire quotidien du FMF
14 Mainpro Credits Crédits Mainpro 16 Information Information
18 Highlights Points saillants
22 Student and Resident Activities Activités pour les étudiants et les résidents
30 Mainpro-C Sessions Séances Mainpro-C
33 Satellite Symposia Symposiums satellites
37 Demonstration Theatre Sessions Séances dans le théâtre de démonstration
38 Special Interest Full-Day and Half-Day Programs Programmes d’un jour et d’une demi-journnée axés sur les intérêts particuliers
43 Pre-Conference Day Journée préconférence
47 Session descriptions Descriptions des séances
Photo: Tourism Monréal / Tourisme Montréal / Marie-Reine Mattera
109 Exhibits Expositions 131 Foor plans Plans d’étage
Partners /Partenaires
Pull Out Section / Section détachable Day-at-a-glance / .Sommaire des activités de la journée Session Evaluation & CME Reporting Form Évaluation des sessions et déclaration des crédits de FMC
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
Du 3 au 5 novembre 2011 Message du Premier ministre J’ai le grand plaisir de saluer chaleureusement tous les participants au Forum en médecine familiale 2011 du Collège des médecins de famille du Canada (CMFC), qui a lieu cette année à Montréal et qui est organisé conjointement par le Collège québecois des médecins de famille ainsi que par la Section des enseignants et la Section des chercheurs du CMFC. Je suis ravi de pouvoir louer le travail admirable qu’accomplissent les professionnels de la santé dévoués du Canada. Les médecins de famille jouent un rôle inestimable dans nos communautés. Votre engagement exemplaire envers le service et l’excellence professionnelle a une incidence directe et favorable sur la vie de chacun d’entre nous. La Semaine du médecin de famille au Canada nous permet de souligner votre contribution exceptionnelle et les difficultés auxquelles vous êtes confrontés dans l’exercice de vos exigeantes fonctions. Notre gouvernement a la ferme intention de résoudre ces difficultés. Nous travaillons avec les provinces et les territoires pour soutenir la formation des médecins résidents dans les communautés rurales défavorisées, en accordant une importance particulière à la médecine familiale. Cet événement annuel est une occasion inouïe d’apprendre, d’établir des contacts et d’examiner les percées réalisées dans le domaine ainsi que les aspects qui lui sont propres. Lorsque vous serez réunis pour ces importantes discussions, gardez bien à l’esprit que notre objectif commun est de garantir la vitalité de notre système de soins de santé et d’accroître l’accès aux médecins pour tous les Canadiens. Au nom du gouvernement du Canada, je vous souhaite un forum mémorable et fructueux. Bien cordialement,
Le très honorable Stephen Harper, C.P., député Premier ministre du Canada 2
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
November 3-5, 2011 Message from the Prime Minister It is my distinct pleasure to extend my warmest greetings to everyone attending The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) Family Medicine Forum 2011 in Montréal, co-hosted by the Québec College of Family Physicians (QCFP) and the CFPC’s Section of Teachers and Section of Researchers. I am delighted to have the occasion to commend the laudable work of Canada’s dedicated medical professionals. Family medicine practitioners play an invaluable role in our communities. Your exemplary commitment to service and professional excellence has a direct and positive impact on all our lives. Family Doctor Week in Canada is an opportunity to honour your contributions and to recognize the challenges you confront in your demanding roles. Our Government is committed to addressing these issues. We are working with the provinces and territories to support training for residents in underserved rural communities, with a particular focus on family medicine. This annual event provides valuable learning and networking opportunities and a unique forum to examine advances and issues relevant to the field. As you gather for these important discussions, please be assured that ensuring the vitality of our health care system and improving access to physicians for all Canadians is our common goal. On behalf of the Government of Canada, please accept my best wishes for a memorable and productive forum. Sincerely,
The Rt. Hon. Stephen Harper, P.C., M.P. Prime Minister of Canada
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
C’est avec plaisir que je souhaite la bienvenue à tous celles et ceux venus prendre part au Forum en médecine familiale du Collège des médecins de famille du Canada. Ici, médecins de famille, professeurs et chercheurs en médecine familiale, résidents, étudiants en médecine, infirmières, infirmières praticiennes et autres professionnels de la santé ouvrent la voie à l’échange et au partage des connaissances, dans un esprit d’ouverture et de progrès. La médecine familiale est au cœur des enjeux liés à la prévention et à la protection de la santé publique. Le rôle du médecin de famille est primordial, on ne le dira jamais assez. Voilà donc un rendez-vous annuel qui profite non seulement à l’ensemble de la profession médicale, mais qui profite également aux patients et à toute la population. En ce sens, d’où que vous veniez du Québec, du Canada ou d’ailleurs, je vous remercie d’être là pour contribuer à ce forum, à l’évolution de la médecine familiale et à la diffusion des savoirs dans le domaine. Bravo aux organisateurs et aux partenaires qui rendent possible la tenue de cet événement. Bon forum à tous et bon séjour dans la métropole du Québec! Jean Charest
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
I am pleased to welcome everyone here for the College of Family Physicians of Canada’s Family Medicine Forum, where family physicians, teachers, researchers, residents, nurses, nurse practitioners and other health professionals can exchange and share knowledge in a spirit of openness and progress. Family medicine is a core issue in preventing disease and protecting public health. We can never overstate how crucial the role of family physicians is. Hence, this annual gathering not only benefits the medical profession as a whole, but patients and every member of society. Whether you have come from across Québec, other parts of Canada or abroad, thank you for contributing to this forum, to the advancement of family medicine and to knowledge in this field. Bravo to the organizers and partners who made this event possible. Best wishes for an excellent forum and for an enjoyable stay in Montréal! Jean Charest
Je suis heureux de souhaiter la bienvenue dans notre métropole aux participants du Forum en médecine familiale. Mes meilleurs vœux de succès accompagnent les organisateurs de cet événement, le Collège des médecins de famille du Canada (CMFC), le College québécois des médecins de famille (CQMF) et la Section des enseignants et la Section des chercheurs du CMFC. Je suis convaincu que vos discussions contribueront à la qualité des soins dont nous bénéficions. Montréal, vous le constaterez, est une ville de savoir où le monde médical est en pleine effervescence puisque des travaux d’une ampleur exceptionnelle sont actuellement menés pour faire en sorte que nos grands centres hospitaliers soient à la fine pointe de la technologie. Par ailleurs, j’espère que vous aurez le temps de découvrir une ville dynamique en pleine transformation.
I am pleased to welcome to our city the participants of Family Medicine Forum. My best wishes for success go to the organizers of this event: The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC), The Québec College of Family Physicians (QCFP), and the CFPC’s Section of Teachers and Section of Researchers. I am convinced that your discussions will contribute to the quality of care we enjoy. You will notice that Montréal is a city of knowledge in which the world of medicine occupies a front-row seat as major work is underway to ensure that our hospitals benefit from cutting-edge technologies. I also hope that you will have the time to discover this dynamic city, which is in the process of reinventing itself. I extend my wishes that your meetings and exchanges be fruitful.
Je vous souhaite d’excellentes rencontres.
Gérald Tremblay Mayor of Montréal
Gérald Tremblay Maire de Montréal
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
MESSAGEs / LES MESSAGES À tous les participants au FMF, Bienvenue à Montréal! Les coorganisateurs du FMF 2011, Le Collège des médecins de famille du Canada (CMFC), le Collège québécois des médecins de famille (CQMF) et les Sections des enseignants et des chercheurs du CMFC sont ravis de vous souhaiter la bienvenue au Forum en médecine familiale 2011. Cette année, dans le cadre de son programme complet, le FMF offre des séances d’une demi-journée et d’une journée entière aux médecins de famille ayant des intérêts particuliers. Ces activités sont conçues pour répondre aux besoins de tous les médecins de famille, mais plus particulièrement de ceux qui ont centré leur pratique, en partie ou complètement, sur ces domaines et aimeraient cibler leur expérience de FMC/DPC sur un ou plusieurs de ces sujets cliniques bien précis. Nos conférenciers prononceront leur allocution le jeudi de 8h15 à 9h45 et le vendredi de *15h45 à 17h30 (*veuillez noter le nouvel horaire). Jeudi, notre conférencier est le récipiendaire du Prix de la Conférence en médecine familiale CMFC-Banque Scotia, M. André Picard, journaliste médical et auteur, qui parlera du « Visage changeant des soins de santé : Une vue de l’extérieur vers l’intérieur ». Le conférencier du vendredi, le Dr Andrew Pipe, vous fera connaître son expérience nationale et internationale en tant que médecin reconnu en médecine du sport et de l’exercice et leader en médecine préventive, dans une allocution intitulée « Le cœur de la question : Prévenir les maladies cardiovasculaires en 2011 et au-delà ». Durant la conférence du jeudi matin, vous aurez l’occasion d’entendre également la présentation annuelle sur la situation du Collège par notre président sortant, le Dr Robert Boulay, et de reconnaître les réalisations de dix-sept médecins de famille exceptionnels de demain, lors de la présentation des Bourses d’études du CMFC aux étudiants en médecine. Durant la séance du vendredi après-midi, vous pourrez entendre les propos du ministre de la Santé du Québec, le Dr Yves Bolduc, et assister à l’installation du nouveau président national du CMFC pour 2011-2012, le Dr Sandy Buchman. Immédiatement après l’installation du président, les participants seront invités à le rencontrer et à joindre leurs amis et collègues lors de la réception pour tous les délégués, de 17h30 à 19h. Du 31 octobre au 5 novembre, aura lieu la Semaine du médecin de famille au Canada, ponctuée de célébrations et d’activités spéciales qui visent à reconnaître les soins exceptionnels prodigués par les médecins de famille du Canada et la relation spéciale qui existe entre les médecins de famille et leurs patients. Le Forum en médecine familiale est l’activité phare de cette Semaine. Voici quelques-unes des activités spéciales au FMF 2011 : le dîner de la Section des chercheurs à L’Auberge Saint-Gabriel le mercredi soir (billet obligatoire), le dîner annuel de la Section des enseignants au Club Mount Stephen le jeudi soir (billet obligatoire) et, le samedi soir, la cérémonie annuelle de la Collation des grades du CMFC (19h à 20h30) suivie du Gala du FMF (20h30 à minuit), où vous pourrez écouter l’excellent groupe montréalais High Fidelity et danser au son de sa musique. Tous les délégués sont les bienvenus (aucun billet requis). Profitez de la possibilité d’apprendre, de faire du réseautage et de vous divertir en vous joignant aux quelque 3 000 participants du FMF – la plus grande conférence annuelle en médecine familiale au pays!
Rob Boulay,
MD, CCFP President – CFPC Président – CMFC
Antoine Groulx,
MD, CCMF Président – CQMF President – QCFP
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
Pierre-Paul Tellier, MD, CCFP, FCFP Chair, Family Medicine Forum Advisory Committee Président, Comité consultatif du FMF
To all FMF registrants, Welcome to Montréal! The co-hosts for FMF 2011, The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC), The Québec College of Family Physicians (QCFP), and the CFPC’s Sections of Teachers and Researchers are pleased to welcome you to Family Medicine Forum 2011. This year, as part of our comprehensive CME program, FMF features half- and full-day sessions for family physicians with special interests, developed to address the needs of all family physicians, but particularly those who include these areas as part or all of their practices and who would like to focus their CME/CPD experience at FMF on one or more specific clinical areas. Keynote sessions will be held on Thursday from 8:15 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. and on Friday from *3:45 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (*note new time). Thursday’s keynote speaker and recipient of the CFPC-Scotiabank Family Medicine Lectureship is Mr. André Picard, medical journalist and author, who will discuss “The Changing Face of Health Care: A view from the outside, looking in”. Friday’s keynote presenter, CFPC member, Dr. Andrew Pipe, will share his national and international experience as a leading sport and exercise physician and leader in preventive medicine in “The Heart of the Matter: Preventing cardiovascular disease in 2011 and beyond”. During Thursday morning’s keynote, we will also hear the annual State of the College Address by outgoing CFPC President Dr. Rob Boulay and we will be recognizing the achievements of 17 outstanding family doctors of the future as we present the 2011 CFPC Medical Student Scholarships. Friday afternoon‘s keynote session will also include Québec’s Minister of Health, Dr. Yves Bolduc, and the installation of the 2011-2012 National CFPC President, Dr. Sandy Buchman. Immediately following the President’s Installation, all registrants are invited to meet our new President and join friends and colleagues at the All Delegates Reception from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. The week of October 31st to November 5th is “Family Doctor Week in Canada” with celebrations and special initiatives planned to recognize the outstanding care provided by Canada’s family doctors and the special relationship that exists between family physicians and their patients. Family Medicine Forum is the highlight activity of Family Doctor Week in Canada. Special events at FMF 2011 include: the Section of Researchers Dinner at L’Auberge Saint-Gabriel on Wednesday evening (tickets required), the Section of Teachers annual dinner at Mount Stephen Club on Thursday evening (tickets required), and, on Saturday evening, the CFPC’s Annual Convocation Ceremony (7:00-8:30 p.m.) and FMF Celebration (8:30 p.m. to midnight) featuring listening and dancing to the outstanding Montréal group, “High Fidelity”. All delegates are welcome (no tickets required) for the Saturday evening party. Enjoy the opportunity to learn, network and have fun as you join over 3000 registrants at FMF - Canada’s largest annual family medicine conference!
Anne-Patricia Prévost, MD, CCMF Présidente, Sous-comité du programme scientifique Chair, Scientific Program Sub-Committee
Bill Hogg, MD, CCFP, FCFP
Chair, Section of Researchers Président, Section des chercheurs
Diane Clavet,
MD, CCMF, FCMF Présidente, Section des enseignants Chair, Section of Teachers
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
keynote presentations / discours d’ouverture
THURSDAY / JEUDI ROOM / SALLE : 517 – Palais des congrès
November 3 / 3 novembre
08:15 – 09:45
“State of the College address” / « Discours sur L’ÉTAT du Collège » Robert Boulay, MD, CCFP The College of Family Physicians of Canada / Le Collège des médecins de famille du Canada Robert Boulay is the CFPC’s National President (2010-2011). Dr. Boulay has committed himself to providing outstanding leadership on behalf of Canadian family physicians as a member of the CFPC Executive Committee for several years. Dr. Boulay’s State of the College Address will provide highlights of the College’s recent priorities as this year’s College President. Robert Boulay est président national du CMFC (2010-2011). Dr Boulay s’est engagé depuis plusieurs années à fournir un leadership exceptionnel au nom des médecins de famille du Canada en tant que membre du Comité de direction du CMFC. À titre de président du Collège, il fera le point sur nos récentes priorités dans son discours sur l’état du Collège.
KEYNOTE ADDRESS / discours D’OUVERTURE André Picard, 2011 CFPC / Scotiabank Family Medicine Lectureship Award Récipiendaire du Prix de la Conférence de médecine familiale CMFC / Banque Scotia 2011 “The Changing Face of Health Care: A view from the outside looking in” « Le nouveau visage des soins de santé : une vue de l’extérieur » The recipient of the 2011 CFPC / Scotiabank Family Medicine Lectureship Award is Mr. André Picard, one of Canada’s most outstanding medical journalists and authors. He is the public health reporter at The Globe and Mail and author of several best-selling books. Le récipiendaire du Prix de la Conférence en médecine familiale CMFC/Banque Scotia 2011 est M. André Picard. Journaliste exceptionnel spécialisé en santé publique au Globe and Mail, il est aussi l’auteur de nombreux livres à succès.
MEDICAL STUDENT SCHOLARSHIPS / BOURSES D’ÉTUDES POUR LES ÉTUDIANTS EN MÉDECINE One outstanding student from each medical school in Canada will receive a 2011 scholarship supported by CFPC’s Research and Education Foundation and Scotiabank. Be there to recognize and celebrate the future of family medicine. Un étudiant exceptionnel de chaque faculté de médecine au pays recevra une bourse d’études pour 2011. Ces bourses bénéficient de l’appui de la Fondation pour la recherche et l’éducation du CMFC et de la Banque Scotia. Venez célébrer l’avenir de la médecine familiale.
ROOM / SALLE : 517 - Palais des congrès 15:45 – 17:30
November 4 / 4 novembre New Time
KEYNOTE ADDRESS / DISCOURS D’OUVERTURE Andrew Pipe, CM, MD, LLD (HON), DSC (HON) Chief of the Division of Prevention and Rehabilitation at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute Directeur de la Division de prévention et réadaptation à l’Institut de cardiologie de l’Université d’Ottawa, et professeur à la Faculté de médecine de l’Université d’Ottawa
Nouvel horaire
“The Heart of the Matter: Preventing cardiovascular disease in 2011 and beyond” « Au cœur de la matière : la prévention des maladies cardiovasculaires en 2011 et après » Dr. Andrew Pipe graduated from Queen’s University in 1974. Currently Chief of the Division of Prevention and Rehabilitation at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute, Dr. Pipe is a Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ottawa. Dr. Pipe is renowned for his leading-edge, inspirational and entertaining presentations related to how family physicians should be helping their patients keep fit and help prevent heart disease. A session no one should miss! Le Dr Andrew Pipe a obtenu son diplôme en médecine de l’Université Queen’s en 1974. Il est actuellement directeur de la Division de prévention et réadaptation à l’Institut de cardiologie de l’Université d’Ottawa, et professeur à la Faculté de médecine de l’Université d’Ottawa. Il est reconnu pour ses présentations novatrices, tout aussi motivantes que divertissantes, sur les façons dont les médecins de famille devraient aider leurs patients à garder la forme et à prévenir les maladies cardiovasculaires. Une occasion à ne pas manquer!
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
FRIDAY / VENDREDI ROOM / SALLE : 517 – Palais des congrès
November 4 / 4 novembre
CFPC PRESIDENT’S INSTALLATION CÉRÉMONIE DE L’INSTALLATION DU PRÉSIDENT DU CMFC Sandy Buchman, MD, CCFP, FCFP Dr. Sandy Buchman received his medical degree from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, and completed his Family Medicine Residency training at the University of Toronto. He became a member of the College of Family Physicians of Canada in 1983. For 22 years, Dr. Buchman practiced comprehensive family medicine, including obstetrics in Mississauga, Ontario, with special interests in palliative care, global health, and HIV/AIDS. Currently on a leave of absence from his role with the in-patient Palliative Care Unit at the Baycrest Geriatric Health System, Dr. Buchman provides home-based palliative care with the Temmy Latner Centre for Palliative Care in Toronto where he also serves as Education Lead. He is also the Primary Care Lead for the Toronto Regional Cancer Program at Cancer Care Ontario. With a strong interest in family medicine education, Dr. Buchman teaches medical students and family medicine residents in home-based care, end-of-life and palliative care and supervises residents at the Mount Sinai Hospital Academic Family Health Team. He also serves as Assistant Professor with the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Toronto and the Department of Family Medicine at McMaster University. Dr. Buchman joined the CFPC’s National Executive Committee in 2010 and served as Secretary-Treasurer, and then Chair of the Board. Currently, he is Chair of the Task Force on the CFPC’s Relationship with the Pharmaceutical/Healthcare Industry; a member of the CFPC’s Governance Advisory Committee; Co-chair of the Transitions in Care Steering Committee with the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer; and a member of the CFPC’s Section of Family Physicians with Special Interests or Focused Practices Council. Dr. Buchman served as President of the Ontario College of Family Physicians (OCFP) in 2006–2007 and will receive the OCFP’s 2011 Award of Excellence for his leadership in primary care for the Toronto Regional Cancer Program of Cancer Care Ontario. Dr. Buchman was also awarded Canada’s Family Physicians of the Year for the Southern Region in Ontario by the OCFP in 2004. As part of this keynote session, Dr Buchman will be installed and will deliver his inaugural address. Immediately following the President’s Installation, please join us for the All Delegates Reception where you can greet our new President and enjoy some time with your family medicine colleagues from across the country.
Diplômé de la faculté de médecine de l’Université McMaster à Hamilton (Ontario), le Dr Buchman a fait sa résidence en médecine familiale à l’Université de Toronto et est devenu membre du CMFC en 1983. Pendant 22 ans, il a exercé la médecine familiale globale, y compris l’obstétrique, à Mississauga (Ontario), et s’est surtout intéressé aux soins palliatifs, à la médecine mondiale et au VIH/sida. Le Dr Buchman est présentement en congé sabbatique de l’Unité des soins palliatifs hospitaliers du Baycrest Geriatric Health System. Il dispense des soins palliatifs à domicile en collaboration avec le Temmy Latner Centre for Palliative Care de Toronto, où il est directeur de l’éducation. Il est aussi directeur des soins de première ligne pour le Programme régional de cancérologie de Toronto à Action Cancer Ontario. Le Dr Buchman s’intéresse vivement à l’éducation médicale et enseigne les soins à domicile, les soins en fin de vie et les soins palliatifs aux étudiants en médecine et aux résidents en médecine familiale. Il supervise aussi les résidents au sein de l’équipe universitaire de santé familiale de l’hôpital Mount Sinai. De plus, le Dr Buchman est professeur adjoint au Département de médecine familiale et communautaire de l’Université de Toronto et au Département de médecine familiale de l’Université McMaster. Le Dr Buchman s’est joint au Comité national de direction du CMFC en 2010 et a agi à titre de secrétaire-trésorier, puis de président du Conseil. Présentement, il est président du Groupe de travail sur les relations avec l’industrie pharmaceutique et des soins de santé; co-président du Comité directeur sur les transitions dans les soins avec le Partenariat canadien contre le cancer; membre du Comité consultatif sur la gouvernance et membre du Conseil de la Section des médecins de famille avec intérêts particuliers ou pratiques ciblées du CMFC. Le Dr Buchman a occupé le poste de président du Collège des médecins de famille de l’Ontario (CMFO) en 2006-2007 et il recevra le Prix d’excellence 2011 du CMFO pour son leadership dans le cadre du Programme régional de cancérologie de Toronto mis en œuvre par Action Cancer Ontario. En 2004, il a été reconnu par ses collègues du CMFO comme Médecin de famille de l’année pour la région du sud de l’Ontario. L’installation du Dr Buchman, suivie de son discours inaugural auront lieu dans le cadre de cette séance. Immédiatement après la cérémonie, nous vous invitons à la réception de tous les délégués où vous pourrez rencontrer notre nouveau président et échanger avec vos collègues du domaine de la médecine familiale venus d’un bout à l’autre du pays.
Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
keynote presentations / discours d’ouverture
Past-President / Présidente sortante Cathy MacLean, MD, CCFP, FCFP
President Elect / Président désigné Sandy Buchman, MD, CCFP, FCFP
Honourary Secretary-Treasurer / Secrétaire-trésorière honoraire Marie-Dominique Beaulieu, MD, CCMF, FCMF
Member-at-Large / Représentante des membres Kathy Lawrence, MD, CCFP, FCFP
Member-at-Large / Représentante des membres Nirvair Levitt, MD, CCFP, FCFP
Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer Directeur général et chef de la direction Calvin L. Gutkin, MD, CCFP(EM), FCFP
Newfoundland & Labrador / Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador
Lisa Gaede, MD, CCFP Shari Claremont, MD, CCFP
Norah Duggan, MD, CCFP Charlene Fitzgerald, MD, CCFP
Section of Residents / Section des résidents
Paul Humphries, MD, CCFP, FCFP
Jody Anderson, MD, MCFP Jason Lorette, MD, MCFP
Saskatchewan Nico Kriel, MD, CCFP Morris Markentin, MD, CCFP, FCFP
Section of Teachers / Section des enseignants
Section of Researchers / Section des chercheurs
Tamara Buchel, MD, CCFP Ian Goldstine, MD, CCFP, FCFP
Bill Hogg, MD, CCFP, FCFP
Ontario Anne DuVall, MD, CCFP, FCFP David Tannenbaum, MD, CCFP, FCFP Robert Algie, MD, CCFP, FCFP
Section of Family Physicians with Special Interests or Focused Practices / Section des médecins de famille avec intérêts particuliers ou pratiques ciblées Tom Bailey, MD, CCFP, FCFP
Section of Medical Students / Section des étudiants en médecine
Antoine Groulx, MD, CCMF Dominique Deschênes, MD, CCMF Guillaume Charbonneau, MD, CCMF
Helen Harmer Shahana Nathwani
New Brunswick / Nouveau-Brunswick
David Price, MD, CCFP, FCFP
Roxanne MacKnight, MD, CCFP, FCFP Anick Pelletier, MD, CCMF
Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Écosse Susan Atkinson, MD, CCFP, FCFP Carolyn Thomson, MD, CCFP, FCFP
Prince Edward Island / Île-du-Prince-Édouard Andre Celliers, MD, MCFP Lana Beth Barkhouse, MD, CCFP
Diane Clavet, MD, CCMF, FCMF
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
Chair of Chairs / Président des présidents Public Members / Représentants du public Judy Erola Roy Romanow Cassie Campbell
Collège québécois des médecins de famille / Québec College of Family Physicians Conseil d’administration et Comité de direction 2011 Executive Committee and Board Members 2011 Président / President
Présidente du comité de DPC / CPD Committee Chair
Antoine Groulx, MD, CCMF
Leonora Lalla, MD, CCMF
Président du conseil d’administration Chair of the Board of Directors
Représentante des membres / Member-at-Large
Guillaume Charbonneau, MD, CCMF
Membres du conseil d’administration / Board Members
Line Langlois, MD, CCMF
Représentante des étudiants / Student Representative Marie-Claude Moore
Représentant régional / Regional Representative
Représentante des étudiants / Student Representative
Clifford Albert , MD, CCMF
Marie-Maude Morin
Présidente du comité des communications Communication Committee Chair
Trésorière honoraire / Honorary Treasurer
Dominique Deschênes, MD, CCMF
Représentant régional par intérim Acting Regional Representative
Anne-Patricia Prévost, MD, CCMF
Représentant des résidents / Resident Representative Anthony Rizzuto, MD, MCMF
Représentante des résidents / Resident Representative
Représentante de la Fondation de la recherche et l’éducation (CMFC) / Research and Education Foundation Representative (CFPC)
Justine Galarneau-Girard, MD, MCMF
Dominique Tessier, MD, CCMF, FCMF
Représentante des universités / University Representative
Représentante régionale / Regional Representative
Marie Giroux, MD, CCMF, FCMF
Johanne Théorêt, MD, CCMF, FCMF
Président du comité octrois et bourses Honours and Awards Committee Chair
Présidente du comité permanent de l’ASA ASA Standing Committee Chair
François Goulet, MD, CCMF(MU), FCMF
Annick Turcotte, MD, CCMF
Représentante des membres / Member-at-Large
Président du comité santé et environnement Health and Environment Committee Chair
Réjean Duplain, MD, CCMF
Éveline Hudon, MD, CCMF, FCMF
Secrétaire honoraire / Honourary Secretary
Jean Zigby, MD, CCMF
Caroline Laberge, MD, CCMF
Family Medicine Forum Advisory Committee comité consultatif du Forum en médecine familiale
Chair / Président Pierre-Paul Tellier, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Montréal, QC
Chair / Présidente Anne-Patricia Prévost, MD, CCMF, Longueuil, QC
Members / Membres Natalie Cauchon, MD, CCMF, Bathurst, NB Lisa Fischer, MD, CCFP, London, ON Namta Gupta, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Montréal, QC Calvin Gutkin, MD, CCFP(EM), FCFP, Mississauga, ON Arun Jagdeo, Winnipeg, MB Bernard Marlow, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Mississauga, ON Daniel Ngui, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Vancouver, BC Anne-Patricia Prévost, MD, CCMF, Longueuil, QC Ray Singer, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Winnipeg, MB Jeff Sisler, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Winnipeg, MB David Verrilli, MD,CCFP, Ottawa, ON
Members / Membres Johanne Blais, MD, CCMF, FCMF, Boischatel, QC Richard Boulé, MD, CCMF, FCMF, Magog, QC Marion Dove, MD, CCFP, Montréal, QC Carl Fournier, MD, Rosemère, QC Roland Grad, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Montréal, QC Leonora Lalla, MD, CCFP, Montréal, QC Bernard Marlow, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Mississauga, ON Alain Pavilanis, MD, CCMF, FCMF, Montréal, QC Claudia Plourde, MD, CCMF, Gaspé, QC Yvan Rohan, MD, CCFP, Montréal, QC Pierre-Paul Tellier, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Montréal, QC
CFPC Staff / Personnel du CMFC Inese Grava-Gubins, MA, BSc, Mississauga, ON Joanne Langevin, CMP, Mississauga, ON Debby Lefebvre, BA, Mississauga, ON Joan Morin, Mississauga, ON Alisha Parris, Mississauga, ON Cheryl Selig, Mississauga, ON Mary Snook, Mississauga, ON Naomi Wagschal, CEM, CMP, Mississauga, ON
QCFP Staff / Personnel du CQMF Executive Director / Directrice générale Nicole Cloutier, Laval, QC CPD Coordinator / Coordinatrice au DPC Caroline Labrie Executive and Communications Assistant Agente aux communications et à la direction Pascale Rolland
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS / REMERCIEMENTS Canada’s 2011 Family Physicians of the Year Representing excellence in Canadian family medicine, the following ten outstanding family physicians – one from each province – are acknowledged as Canada’s Family Physicians of the Year. Each award recipient is nominated for demonstrating the attributes embodied in the four principles of family medicine through their clinical practices, teaching and research, community involvement and professional achievements. Each honouree will receive the Reg L. Perkin Award, named in honour of the former Executive Director of the CFPC (1985-1996).
Les Médecins de famille canadiens de l’année 2011 Les dix médecins de famille exceptionnels suivants personnifient l’excellence en médecine familiale. Reconnu comme Médecin de famille canadien de l’année 2011, chaque récipiendaire – un pour chaque province – incarne les quatre principes de la médecine familiale dans le cadre de leurs activités cliniques, d’enseignement et de recherche, ainsi que par leur implication dans leur communauté et leurs réalisations professionnelles. Les lauréats reçoivent le Prix Reg L. Perkin, nommé en l’honneur de l’ancien directeur général du CMFC (1985-1996).
British Columbia Colombie-Britannique Dr Marjorie Docherty, MD, CCFP, FCFP Kelowna, BC
Manitoba Dr Joanne Maier, MD, CCFP Brandon, MB
New Brunswick Nouveau-Brunswick Dr Michel Landry, MD, CCMF, FCMF Dieppe, NB
Prince Edward Island Île-du-Prince-Édouard Dr Peter Hooley, MD, CCFP Charlottetown, PE
Alberta Dr Leonard Wade, MD, CCFP Vulcan, AB
Ontario Dr Philip Hébert, MD, PhD, CCFP, FCFP Toronto, ON
Nova Scotia Nouvelle-Écosse Dr Shelagh Leahey, MD, MCFP Yarmouth, NS
Newfoundland and Labrador Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador Dr Robert T. Miller, MD, CCFP, FCFP St. John’s, NL
Saskatchewan Dr J Stewart McMillan, MD, CCFP, FCFP Regina, SK
Québec Dre Johanne Blais, MD, CCMF, FCMF Boischatel, QC
2011 Honours and Awards Recipients
The CFPC invites you to drop by the CFPC REF Showcase of Honourees - a special tribute to the 2011 Honours and Awards recipients During FMF, take a few minutes to visit the Showcase to view profiles of the outstanding family physicians, residents and medical students who are recognized for their leadership, achievements and contributions to family medicine this year. They are the 2011 recipients of special CFPC honours, Awards of Excellence, Canada’s Family Physicians of the Year, and awards dedicated to research, teaching, and family physician career development. Check out this display near the registration area and in the Exhibit Hall at College Square.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
Récipiendaires des prix et bourses 2011
La FRÉ du CMFC vous invite à voir « Pleins feux sur nos lauréats », un hommage spécial aux récipiendaires des prix et bourses 2011 Pendant le FMF, prenez quelques minutes pour regarder cette vitrine qui met en vedette des médecins de famille, des résidents et des étudiants en médecine exceptionnels reconnus pour leur leadership, leurs réalisations et leurs contributions à la médecine familiale au cours de l’année. Ce sont les lauréats 2011 des prix spéciaux du CMFC, des Prix d’excellence, des Prix du médecin de famille de l’année au Canada et des bourses visant à soutenir l’étude, la recherche et le perfectionnement professionnel des médecins de famille. Allez voir cet écran vidéo près du bureau des inscriptions et dans le hall d’exposition au Square du Collège.
ember 5
The CFPC is proud to host Family Doctor Week as an opportunity to recognize the vital role of family October 31 - November 5 physicians across Canada and the highly valued relationships they share with their patients and colleagues. This special week also provides an opportunity for governments, health care organizations and other professionals to acknowledge the outstanding contributions made by family doctors to improve the health and well-being of their patients through their roles in clinics, hospitals, universities, and many other healthcare facilities in Canadian communities. Join the celebration at FMF and its many events, sessions and keynotes!
CFP is Canada’s journal of family medicine. CFP has been steadily building its academic prestige with acceptance into PubMed Central, where fulltext electronic versions of all of the world’s leading medical journals are archived for researchers. CFP always the lookout for potential authors, du 31is octobre au on 5 novembre particularly in the area of clinical review and critical appraisal. Stop by the CFP booth and meet Dr. Nick Pimlott, Scientific Editor, and Dr Roger Ladouceur, Associate Scientific Editor, for advice on writing and submitting manuscripts for publication.
LA SEMAINE DU MÉDECIN DE FAMILLE AU CANADA June • Juin 2011 june juin 2011;57:633-744
Canadian Family Physician Le Médecin de famille canadien
Le CMFC est fier de présenter la Semaine du médecin de du 31 octobre au 5 novembre famille afin de souligner le rôle vital des médecins de famille du Canada et les relations très appréciées qu’ils entretiennent avec leurs patients et leurs collègues. Cette semaine spéciale permet aussi aux gouvernements, aux organisations de soins de santé et aux autres professionnels de reconnaître la façon exceptionnelle dont les médecins de famille contribuent à la santé et au bien-être de leurs patients grâce au rôle qu’ils jouent dans les cliniques, les hôpitaux, les universités et les autres établissements de santé des collectivités canadiennes. Participez aux célébrations du FMF et à ses nombreuses activités, séances et conférences!
Inside this issue Skin Motherisk Update . . . 665 Child Health Update . . . 669 Dermacase . . . 682, 683 CAM for major depression Clinical Review . . . 659 Managing hiccups Palliative Care Files . . . 672 Prise en charge du hoquet Dossiers en soins palliatifs . . . e198 Vascular intervention for MS Tools for practice . . . 676 Comparing tampons and menstrual cups Research . . . e208 Measuring agreement for binary data Hypothesis . . . 737
Peer reviewed / Révisée par des pairs PubMed / PubMed Central /
The Faces of Family Medicine
LE MÉDECIN DE FAMILLE CANADIEN Le MFC est la revue canadienne de médecine familiale. Le MFC a établi graduellement son prestige universitaire avec son acceptation dans PubMed Central, où les versions électroniques en texte intégral des principales revues médicales du monde sont archivées pour les chercheurs. Le MFC est toujours à l’affût d’auteurs potentiels dans le domaine des révisions cliniques et des évaluations critiques. Arrêtez-vous au stand du MFC et rencontrez nos rédacteurs – Dr Nick Pimlott, rédacteur scientifique, et Dr Roger Ladouceur, rédacteur scientifique adjoint – pour des conseils sur la rédaction et la soumission d’articles pour publication.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
INFORMATION / INFORMATION fmf daily schedule Wednesday
07:00-08:00 08:15-10:20 10:20-10:50 10:50-11:50 11:50-13:10
Satellite symposia/Networking sessions Sessions BREAK Sessions LUNCH
Thursday 06:30-17:30
(12:00 - 13:00 Satellites/Events)
07:00-08:00 07:45-08:15 08:15-09:45 09:45-10:15 10:15-12:20 12:20-13:40 13:40-14:40 14:40-15:10 15:10-17:15 17:30-18:30
Satellite symposia/Networking sessions Pre-keynote entertainment Opening ceremonies and keynote address BREAK Sessions LUNCH
13:10-15:15 15:15-15:45 15:45-17:00 17:00-17:30
Sessions BREAK Keynote address CFPC President’s Installation
All Delegates’ Reception
(12:30-13:30 Satellites/Events)
Sessions BREAK Sessions Satellite symposia
New time
Saturday 06:30-15:30 07:00-13:30
07:00-08:00 07:00-08:00 08:30-10:35 10:35-11:05 11:05-12:05 12:05-13:25
Satellite symposia/Networking sessions Walk for the Docs of Tomorrow Sessions BREAK Passport Contest Grand Prize Draw (Exhibit Hall) Sessions LUNCH
(12:15 - 13:15 Satellites/Events)
MainproTM M-1 credit This program meets the accreditation criteria of The College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been accredited for up to 17.5 Mainpro-M1 credit. Thursday you may claim up to 6.5 credits • Friday you may claim up to 6.0 credits • Saturday you may claim up to 5 credits
MainproTM M-1 credit Reporting Made Easy!
• A tear-out session evaluation form is located in the centre of this program. • Mainpro-M1 credit. for FMF 2011 will be automatically added to your CPD record upon completion and submission of the form. Deposit boxes for completed forms are located throughout the FMF venues. • Important note: If you submit your credits by completing the 2011 FMF Evaluation and Mainpro-M1 Credit Reporting Form provided in this program, your credits will automatically be entered in your Mainpro record. Please do not enter them again online or re-submit. • If you do not wish to use this form, you may still use a CME Credit Reporting Form or report your credits online at • The FMF Evaluation and CME Reporting form is NOT for Satellite Symposia, Mainpro-C sessions, or PreConference Day activities. Separate certificates of participation will be issued by the CME/CPD providers of these activities. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON MAINPRO CREDITS, VISIT OUR WEBSITE:
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
Mainpro Homepage
06:30 -17:30 début des INSCRIPTIONs 07:00-16:00 OUVERTURE DU HALL D’EXPOSITION
Jeudi 06:30-19:00 début des INSCRIPTIONs 07:00-17:00 OUVERTURE DU HALL D’EXPOSITION 07:00-08:00 Symposiums satellites Séances de réseautage 07:45-08:15 Divertissements avant le discours 08:15-09:45 Cérémonies et discours d’ouverture 09:45-10:15 PAUSE 10:15-12:20 Séances 12:20-13:40 dÉJEUNER (12:30 - 13:30 Satellites/ÉvÉnements)
13:40-14:40 Séances 14:40-15:10 PAUSE 15:10-17:15 Séances 17:30-18:30 Symposiums satellites Séances de réseautage
07:00-08:00 08:15-10:20 10:20-10:50 10:50-11:50 11:50-13:10 13:10-15:50 15:15-15:45 15:45-17:00 17:00-17:30 17:30-19:00
Symposiums satellites Séances de réseautage Séances PAUSE Séances DÉJEUNER (12:00 - 13:00 Satellites/ÉvÉnements)
Séances Nouvel PAUSE horaire Discours d’ouverture L’installation du président du CMFC Réception de tous les délégués
Samedi 06:30 -15:30 début des INSCRIPTIONs 07:00-13:30 OUVERTURE DU HALL D’EXPOSITION 07:00-08:00 07:00-08:00 08:30-10:35 10:35-11:05
Symposiums satellites Séances de réseautage Marche pour les médecins de demain Séances PAUSE Tirage du concours du passeport quotidien (Hall d’exposition)
11:05-12:05 Séances 12:05-13:25 dÉJEUNER (12:15 - 13:15 Satellites/ÉvÉnements) 13:25-15:30 Séances
CRÉDITS MAINPROmc M-1 Ce programme répond aux critères d’agrément du Collège des médecins de famille du Canada et donne droit à un maximum de 17,5 crédits Mainpro-M1. Jeudi vous pouvez réclamer jusqu’à 6,5 crédits • Vendredi vous pouvez réclamer jusqu’à 6,0 crédits Samedi vous pouvez réclamer jusqu’à 5 crédits
Rapport des crédits MainproMC M-1
• Un formulaire détachable d’évaluation des séances se trouve au centre de ce programme. • Les crédits Mainpro-M1 pour le FMF 2011 seront automatiquement ajoutés à votre dossier de DPC si vous complétez et soumettez le formulaire d’évaluation. Vous trouverez sur les lieux des boîtes où vous pouvez déposer les formulaires dûment remplis. • Remarque importante : Si vous inscrivez vos crédits en remplissant le formulaire d’évaluation du FMF 2011 et de rapport des crédits Mainpro-M1 fourni dans ce programme, vos crédits seront automatiquement ajoutés dans votre dossier Mainpro. Veuillez ne pas les réinscrire en ligne ou les soumettre à nouveau. • Si vous préférez ne pas utiliser ce formulaire, vous pouvez utiliser le formulaire habituel de rapport des crédits de FMC ou les inscrire en ligne au • Ne pas utiliser le formulaire d’évaluation du FMF 2011 et de rapport de la FMC pour les symposiums satellites, les séances Mainpro-C ou les activités de la journée préconférence. Des attestations distinctes seront remises par les fournisseurs de FMC/DPC pour ces activités. POUR PLUS DE RENSEIGNEMENTS SUR LES CRÉDITS MAINPRO, VISITEZ NOTRE SITE WEB :
Page d’accueil Mainpro
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
horaire quotidien du fmf
INFORMATION / INFORMATION REGISTRATION / INSCRIPTION Registration is located in Room 220c on the Main Level of the Palais des congrès. This is where you will pick up your name badge (if you have not received it by mail), delegate kit, and have your name badge scanned. Le bureau des inscriptions est situé dans la salle 220c au rez-de-chaussée du Palais des congrès. Vous pourrez passer prendre votre insigne d’identité (si vous ne l’avez pas reçue par la poste), votre trousse du participant et faire scanner votre insigne d’identité.
SPEAKERS / CONFÉRENCIERS Speakers should register at least 1 hour prior to their session, at the Registration Desk and then proceed to the Speakers’ Room, located in Room 518a on Level 5 of the Palais des congrès. Les conférenciers devraient s’inscrire au moins une heure avant le début de leur séance, au bureau des inscriptions, puis se rendre au Salon des conférenciers, situé à la salle 518a au 5e niveau du Palais des congrès.
EXHIBITORS / EXPOSANTS All identified exhibitor personnel must check in at the Registration Desk before proceeding to the Exhibit Hall, located in Room 220c/d on the Main Level of the Palais des congrès. Tous les membres du personnel des exposants désignés doivent s’inscrire au bureau des inscriptions avant de se rendre au hall d’exposition situé à la salle 220 c/d au rez-de-chaussée du Palais des congrès.
NAME BADGES INSIGNES D’IDENTITÉ Important: Your registration badge entitles you to attend keynotes, scientific sessions, exhibits, breakfasts, breaks, lunches, the President’s Installation, All Delegates Reception, Convocation and the FMF Celebration and must be worn at all times. Badges for paid accompanying persons will entitle them to attend keynotes, some sessions, exhibits, breakfasts, breaks, lunch, the President’s Installation, All Delegates Reception, Convocation and the FMF Celebration. Important : Votre insigne d’identité vous donne droit d’assister aux conférences d’ouverture, aux séances scientifiques, aux expositions, aux petits déjeuners, aux pausessanté, aux repas du midi, à la cérémonie d’installation du président, à la réception de tous les délégués, à la collation des grades et à la soirée de gala du FMF. Vous devez la porter en tout temps. Les insignes des personnes qui vous accompagnent, et qui ont dûment payé les frais qui s’imposent, leur donnent droit aux conférences d’ouverture, à certaines séances, aux expositions, aux petits déjeuners, aux pauses-santé, aux repas du midi, à la cérémonie d’installation du président, à la réception de tous les délégués, à la collation des grades et à la soirée gala du FMF.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
BAR CODE READERS LECTEURS DE CODES À BARRES NEW! All FMF registrants must have their name badge scanned each day they attend the conference. CFPC staff will be happy to scan your badge for you or you may use the convenient ‘selfscan’ stations located throughout the conference venues. Registration: All registrants at FMF 2011 will have their name badge scanned as proof of attendance. Exhibit Hall: Many exhibitors will have bar code readers available at their booths. With your permission, booth staff will scan the bar code on your badge to obtain the information as it appears on your FMF 2011 registration. NOUVEAUTÉ! Tous les participants inscrits au FMF doivent faire scanner leur insigne d’identité les jours où ils assistent à la conférence. Le personnel du CMFC sera en mesure de scanner votre insigne ou encore vous pouvez utiliser les postes le lecteur code-barre situés à des endroits pratiques sur les lieux de la conférence. Inscription : Tous les participants au FMF 2011 doivent faire scanner leur insigne d’identité comme preuve de leur présence. Hall d’exposition : Nombre d’exposants disposeront d’un lecteur de codes à barres à leur kiosque. Avec votre permission, ils pourront scanner votre insigne d’identité pour obtenir l’information telle qu’elle apparaît sur votre inscription au FMF 2011.
PRIVACY POLICY POLITIQUE DE CONFIDENTIALITÉ The CFPC collects, uses, and discloses personal information in accordance with current privacy legislation and the CFPC privacy policy. This policy is published in its entirety on its website at Le CMFC recueille, utilise et communique des renseignements personnels conformément à la loi relative à la protection de la vie privée actuellement en vigueur et à la politique de confidentialité du CMFC. Le texte intégral de cette politique est publié sur le site web du CMFC à
LUNCH TICKETS BILLETS POUR LES REPAS DU MIDI All FMF registrants will receive lunch tickets for boxed lunches on the days they are registered. To receive a lunch, these tickets must be presented to the conference centre staff at designated lunch areas. Tous les participants inscrits au FMF recevront des billets pour une boîte à lunch pour les journées auxquelles ils sont inscrits. Ils doivent présenter ces billets aux préposés du centre des congrès aux endroits désignés pour le repas du midi.
IN CASE OF EMERGENCY EN CAS D’URGENCE In the event of an emergency, please contact the Palais des congrès staff, hotel staff and/or security staff. En cas d’urgence, communiquez avec le personnel du Palais des congrès, le personnel de l’hôtel et/ou le personnel de sécurité.
The Exhibit Hall complements the clinical and educational activities of FMF. Meet with the many exhibitors who come to provide you with the most up-to-date information on the latest developments in medical equipment diagnostics, practice management software, relocation opportunities, pharmaceuticals and educational publishing. Check out the High Definition Golf Simulator to practice your swing or visit our Marketplace where you can purchase local Québec items including art, jewellery, and maple syrup. We have lots of comfortable seating so that you can meet your fellow delegates and enjoy breakfast and lunch together. In the hall: All conference food and beverage. Demonstration Theatres, Humanities Theatre, Marketplace, High-Definition Golf Simulator, e-mail centre, daily passport contest draw, medical school representatives, REF Silent Auction, the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC), the Québec College of Family Physicians (QCFP) booth and more.
Le hall d’exposition complète les activités cliniques et éducatives du FMF. Venez rencontrer les nombreux exposants qui vous présenteront des renseignements à jour sur les toutes dernières innovations en équipement médical, en diagnostic et en logiciels de gestion de la pratique. Renseignez-vous sur les possibilités de réaffectation, les produits pharmaceutiques et les publications éducatives. N’oubliez pas de venir pratiquer votre élan sur le simulateur High-Definition Golf; visitez le marché, où vous pourrez acheter des produits locaux québécois, notamment des objets d’art, des bijoux et du sirop d’érable. Nous avons aménagé des endroits où vous pourrez vous asseoir confortablement pour prendre le petit déjeuner ou le repas du midi en compagnie de vos collègues. Dans le hall d’exposition : Toutes les stations de nourriture et de boissons. Les théâtres de démonstration, le théâtre des sciences humaines, le marché, le simulateur High-Definition Golf, le centre des courriels, le lieu du tirage quotidien du concours du passeport, les représentants des facultés de médecine, l’encan silencieux de la FRÉ, les kiosques du Collège des médecins de famille du Canada et du Collège québécois des médecins de famille (CQMF) et plus encore.
CONVOCATION AND AWARDS CEREMONY COLLATION DES GRADES ET CÉRÉMONIE DE REMISE DES PRIX Convocation will take place Saturday, November 5th, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm in Room 517b/c on Level 5 of the Palais des congrès.
La cérémonie de la collation des grades se déroulera le samedi 5 novembre, de 19h à 20h30, dans la salle 517b/c au 5e niveau du Palais des congrès.
Gowns will be available in the Gowning and Photography Room (Room 516c) on Level 5 of the Palais des congrès on Friday, November 4th from 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Saturday, November 5th, from 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. All Convocation participants will require a gown for the Convocation procession. There is no charge for renting a gown.
Vous pouvez prendre votre toge à la salle d’habillage et de photographie (salle 516c) au 5e niveau du Palais des congrès, le vendredi 4 novembre, entre 8h15 et 16h30 et le samedi 5 novembre, entre 8h15 et 16h30. Tous les participants à la collation des grades doivent porter la toge pour la procession. Il n’y a pas de frais de location de la toge.
Professional photographers will be available in the Gowning and Photography Room (Room 516c) on Level 5 of the Palais des congrès on Saturday, November 5th, between 8:15a.m. and 4:30 p.m. If you wish to have your photo taken, we strongly encourage you to do so earlier in the day rather than waiting until Saturday afternoon when the line-up can be very long. There will be no photography available after 4:30 p.m. on Saturday.
Des photographes professionnels seront à votre disposition dans la salle d’habillage et de photographie (salle 516c) au 5e niveau du Palais des congrès, le samedi 5 novembre entre 8h15 et 16h30. Si vous désirez faire prendre votre photo, nous vous encourageons fortement à le faire tôt dans la journée plutôt que d’attendre le samedi après-midi car la file d’attente pourrait être assez longue. Il n’y aura pas de séance de photographie après 16h30 le samedi.
Beginning at 6:15 p.m. on Saturday, November 5th, all Convocants must report to Room 517a on Level 5 of the Palais des congrès. The marshalling area will be open only to those participating in Convocation. Due to the large number of individuals involved in Convocation, family and friends are not permitted to join you in Room 517a. Family and friends should go directly to Room 517b/c which opens at 6:30 pm.
À compter de 18h15, le samedi 5 novembre, tous les participants officiels à la collation des grades doivent se présenter à la salle 517a au 5e niveau du Palais des congrès. L’aire de rassemblement sera ouverte seulement à ceux qui prennent part à la Collation des grades. En raison du grand nombre de participants à cette cérémonie, les familles et amis ne sont pas admis dans la salle 517a. Ces personnes doivent se rendre directement à la salle 517b/c où l’ouverture des portes se fera à 18h30.
Your gown and hood must be returned to Room 517a, which will remain open until 10:00 pm. We encourage you to return your gown as soon as possible.
Vous devez retourner votre toge et votre épitoge à la salle 517a avant 22h. Nous vous encourageons cependant à le faire aussitôt que possible après la cérémonie.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
highlights / points saillants
Avis important
The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) will arrange to have professional photography and video footage taken during the 2011 Family Medicine Forum (FMF). Please be advised that these materials may be published in CFPC materials in print and electronic format including the CFPC and FMF websites. By participating in the 2011 Family Medicine Forum, you (i) grant the CFPC the right and permission to use any such photographs/video clips in which you may be included, in whole or in part, for such purposes; (ii) waive any right that you may have to inspect and/or approve any such photographs/video clips; (iii) transfer to CFPC any right you may have in the such such photographs/video clips and waive any moral rights, if any; and (iv) release and discharge CFPC from any liability that may arise from the use of the any such photographs/video clips by CFPC. All photographic materials become the property of the CFPC and may be displayed, distributed or used by the CFPC for any purpose. Names and/or brief bios would be included with permission. Le Collège des médecins de famille du Canada (CMFC) retiendra les services de photographes qui prendront des photos et des vidéos durant le Forum en médecine familiale 2011 (FMF). Veuillez noter que ces images pourraient être publiées sous formes imprimée et électronique dans le matériel du CMFC, y compris les sites web du Collège et du FMF. En participant au Forum en médecine familiale 2011, vous i) accordez au CMFC les droits exclusifs d’utiliser, pour les fins susmentionnées, ces photographies/vidéos dans lesquelles vous pourriez apparaître, en tout ou en partie; ii) renoncez à tout droit que nous pourriez avoir d’inspecter ou d’approuver ces photos/vidéos clips; iii) transférez au CMFC tous les droits que vous pourriez avoir sur ces photos/vidéos clips et renoncez à tous droits moraux, le cas échéant; et iv) dégagez le CMFC de toutes responsabilités pouvant découler de l’utilisation de ces photographies/vidéos clips par le CMFC. Tout le matériel photographique devient la propriété du CMFC et peut être affiché, distribué ou utilisé par le CMFC à n’importe quelle fin. Les noms et/ou une brève biographie seraient inclus avec votre autorisation seulement.
Humanities Theatre / Théâtre des sciences humaines Celebrating the Arts in the Physician’s Life / Célébrons les arts dans la vie du médecin Exhibit Hall / Hall d’exposition
Thursday / Jeudi — 12h30 – 13h30
L’écriture, espace nécessaire de réflexion et de réparation, ou un recul pour mieux avancer
Friday / Vendredi — 12:00 – 13:00 History, Narrative and the Humanities in Family Medicine
Saturday / Samedi — 12:15 – 13:15
Fiction Writing for the Medical Professional
20:30 – midnight / 20h30 – minuit ROOM / SALLE 710 – Palais des congrès
FMF CELEBRATION SOIRÉE GALA DU FMF All are welcome! Enjoy music, dancing and party food and drinks in the company of your colleagues, peers and family at this fun and pretence-free annual event that officially brings FMF to a close.
Vous êtes tous les bienvenus! Amusez-vous au son de la musique, venez danser et régalez-vous de bouchées et de rafraîchissements en compagnie de vos collègues, de vos pairs et de votre famille à cet événement annuel divertissant et sans prétention, qui clôture officiellement le FMF.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
High Fidelity Showband re-energizes pop hits from the past 40 years and presents them in medley form to ensure non-stop, high energy dancing. L’orchestre High Fidelity reprend avec énergie les grands succès des 40 dernières années, présentés sous forme de pot-pourri, et vous donnera envie de danser sans arrêt toute la soirée.
Supporting the Future of Family Medicine
What started out as a small event in 2004 is booming in 2011. This year’s Family Medicine Forum promises to host the largest REF silent auction ever. This is mostly thanks to our REF’s Board members who have not only made substantial contributions of items, but have also challenged members of the CFPC’s Board of Directors to join them in donating. Stethoscopes, iPods, tool sets, gift baskets, sports memorabilia, and a range of items in a variety of price categories will be available for auction. This year we will do something new. We will close auctions on each day of the Forum. Be sure to visit us and join in the excitement at the College Square exhibition.
Soutenir l’avenir de la médecine familiale
Ce qui a commencé comme une activité de petite envergure en 2004 a pris beaucoup d’ampleur en 2011. Le Forum en médecine familiale de cette année promet d’être la scène du plus grand encan silencieux de l’histoire de la FRE. C’est en grande partie grâce aux membres du Conseil d’administration de la FRE qui ont non seulement contribué un nombre considérable d’articles, mais ont aussi mis au défi les membres du Conseil d’administration du CMFC de se joindre à eux pour faire des dons. Stéthoscopes, iPods, coffres d’outils, paniers-cadeaux, souvenirs de sport et divers autres articles de différentes catégories sont offerts aux enchères. Cette année, il y aura du nouveau. Nous fermerons les enchères chaque jour du Forum. N’oubliez pas de venir nous voir et de participer à des moments emballants au kiosque du Collège!
Walk Walk for for the the Docs Docs of of Tomorrow/ Tomorrow/ Marche pour lesTomorrow médecins / Walk for the Docs of de demain
Marche pour les médecins de demain SATURDAY 0700-0800
Meet on the main level of the Palais des congrès Join us at the 7th Annual Walk for the Docs of Tomorrow Proceeds support the CFPC Medical Student Scholarships. Start a team, join an existing team, or sign up as an individual participant. Family and friends are welcome to join.
Entrance fee is $25 Free for students
rDocs alkfo /W follow us on m .co tter twi / / : p h tt
SAMEDI 0700-0800
Le lieu de rencontre se trouve au rez-de-chaussée du Palais des congrès ParticipezSaturday, à la 7e Marche annuelle November 5,pour 2011 les médecins de demain Palais des congres Les montants recueillis serviront à financer les Montreal, Bourses d’études duQuebec CMFC pour les étudiants en médecine. Joignez vous à une équipe existante, formez-en une nouvelle ou inscrivez-vous comme participant individuel. La famille et les amis sont les bienvenus.
Les frais d’inscription sont de 25 $ L’inscription est gratuite pour les étudiants
Les séances seront présentées dans la langue du titre mentionné. Un titre bilingue, marqué du symbole des écouteurs indique que l’interprétation simultanée sera offerte. The language of the session title indicates the language in which the session will be presented. For those sessions with simultaneous interpretation, the title will be bilingual with the simultaneous interpretation symbol appearing beside that title.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
highlights / points saillants
Silent Auction / Encan silencieux
highlights / points saillants
November 2 / 2 novembre
PRE-CONFERENCE DAY / JOURNÉE PRÉCONFÉRENCE Registration open 07:00 - 19:00 / Début des inscriptions • Exhibit hall closed / Hall d’exposition fermé 08:00 – 16:30
FAMILY MEDICINE EDUCATION FORUM (FMEF) FORUM SUR L’ÉDUCATION EN MÉDECINE FAMILIALE (FEMF) ROOM / SALLE : 510 - Palais des congrès Pre-registration required / Préinsciption requise
08:00 – 16:30
7th ANNUAL FAMILY MEDICINE RESEARCH DAY 7e JOURNÉE ANNUELLE DE RECHERCHE EN MÉDECINE FAMILIALE ROOM / SALLE : 511b,c,e,f - Palais des congrès Pre-registration required / Préinsciption requise
18:30 – 22:30
Location / Endroit : L’Auberge Saint-Gabriel TICKETS REQUIRED / BILLETS REQUIS
18:15 – Bussing will be available at Le Palais des congrès departing from the Viger Bus Terminal which is accessible by escalator from Viger Hall. / 18h15 - Le transport par autobus sera offert au Palais des congrès. Départ du terminus d’autobus Viger, accessible par l’ascenseur du hall Viger.
ROOM / SALLE : 511a,d & Foyer - Palais des congrès
November 3 / 3 novembre
Registration open 06:30 - 17:30 / Début des inscriptions Exhibit hall open 07:00 - 17:00 / Ouverture du hall d’exposition
12:30 – 13:30
12:30 – 13:15
12:30 – 13:30
13:40 – 17:15
18:15 19:30
ROOM / SALLE : 510 - Palais des congrès
ROOM / SALLE : 516a - Palais des congrès
ROOM / SALLE : 516b - Palais des congrès
18:15 – Bussing will be available at Le Palais des congrès departing from the Viger Bus Terminal which is accessible by escalator from Viger Hall. / 18h15 - Le transport par autobus sera offert au Palais des congrès. Départ du terminus d’autobus Viger, accessible par l’ascenseur du hall Viger.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
HIGHLIGHTS / POINTS SAILLANTS highlights / points saillants
November 4 / 4 novembre
Registration open 06:30 - 17:30 / Début des inscriptions Exhibit hall open 07:00 - 16:00 / Ouverture du hall d’exposition 08:15 – 10:20
ROOM / SALLE : 510 - Palais des congrès
17:00 – 17:30
ROOM / SALLE : 510 - Palais des congrès
PRESIDENT’S INSTALLATION / CÉRÉMONIE DE L’INSTALLATION DU PRÉSIDENT Immediately following Keynote / Immédiatement après le discours d’ouverture ROOM / SALLE : 517 - Palais des congrès
New Time Nouvel horaire
ROOM / SALLE : 517a - Palais des congrès
19:30 – 22:30
November 5 / 5 novembre
Registration open 06:30 - 15:30 / Début des inscriptions Exhibit hall open 07:00 - 13:30 / Ouverture du hall d’exposition 07:00 – 08:00 CFPC WALK FOR THE DOCS OF TOMORROW MARCHE DU CMFC POUR LES MÉDECINS DE DEMAIN
08:30 – 10:35
12:15 – 13:15
12:15 – 13:15
ROOM / SALLE : 510 - Palais des congrès
ROOM / SALLE : 511b,c,e,f - Palais des congrès TICKETS REQUIRED / BILLETS REQUIS
20:30 –
ROOM / SALLE : 517b,c - Palais des congrès
Midnight/minuit ROOM / SALLE : 710 - Palais des congrès All are welcome! / Tous sont les bienvenus! Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
highlights / points saillants
Every day at FMF / Tous les jours au FMF Family Medicine University Residency Program Booths Kiosques des programmes universitaires de rÉsidence en médecine familiale ROOM / SALLE : Exhibt hall /Hall d’exposition - Palais des congrès
Thursday & Friday / Jeudi et vendredi Medical Student & Family Medicine Resident Posters Affiches des étudiants en mÉdEcine et des rÉsidents en médecine familiale ROOM / SALLE : 517 Foyer - Palais des congrès
Friday / Vendredi 08:15-11:50
Student/Resident Leadership Workshop / Atelier de leadership des Étudiants/résidents (by invitation only / sur invitation seulement)
ROOM / SALLE : 513d - Palais des congrès
Student and Resident Social Evening Soirée sociale des étudiants et des rÉsidents
La Menara
Saturday / Samedi 07:00-08:00
Walk for the Docs of Tomorrow / Marche pour les médecins de demain
“Back to the Future” The family physicians of today meet the family doctors of tomorrow « Retour vers le futur » Les médecins de famille d’aujourd’hui rencontrent les médecins de famille de demain
ROOM / SALLE : 511b,c,e,f - Palais des congrès
Medical Student and Family Medicine Resident Luncheon Déjeuner des étudiants en médecine et des rÉsidents en médecine familiale
ROOM / SALLE : 513d - Palais des congrès
Convocation and Awards Ceremony Collation des grades et cérémonie de remise des priX
ROOM / SALLE : 517b,c - Palais des congrès
FMF Celebration / Soirée gala du FMF
ROOM / SALLE : 710 - Palais des congrès
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
501 Family Medicine Residents - Risk of adverse motor vehicle events - Comparison between rural and urban placements
Fred H. Janke, CCFP, FCFP, Sylvan Lake, AB, AUTHORS: Fred Janke, MD, Bonnie Dobbs, PhD, & Rhianne McKay, MA, Department of Family Medicine, University of Alberta
502 Evaluating the Satisfaction, Knowledge and Attitudes of Students Enrolled in the National Project for Geriatric Care Education
Meng-Chih Lee, MD, PhD, Taichung City, Taiwan
503 Evaluating the Effectiveness of Teaching Approaches Employed in an Innovative Long-Term Care Program for Family Medicine Residents
David T S. Barber, MD, CCFP, Kingston, ON; Han Han, PhD, Kingston, Ontario; Willa Henry, CCFP, FCFP, Vancouver, BC; Jane Yealland, BA, Kingston, ON; Christine Haines, Kingston, ON; Jyoti Kotecha, PhD (candidate) MPA, CChem MRSC, Kingston, ON
504 Importance Given to Preventive Care in Family Medicine Programs
Brigitte Maheux, professeure titulaire, Montréal, QC; Sylvie Provost, MD, Montréal, QC; Andrée Gilbert, médecin conseil, Montréal, QC; Luc Côté, MSS, PhD, professeur titulaire, Québec, QC; Louise Authier, CCFP, FCFP, Montréal, QC; Louise Lefort, Montréal, QC
505 Three Years of Experience Teaching Quality Improvement to Family Medicine Residents: Does it work?
Fred Tudiver, CCFP, FCFP, FAAFP, Johnson City, TN; Ivy Click, MA, Johnson City, TN; Jessica Strom, BS, Johnson City, TN; Jeri Ann Basden, MS, Johnson City, TN
506 Using Tablet Computers as a Mechanism to Support Community Specialist Preceptors Adopt the University of Ottawa’s Revised Family Medicine Curriculum and Enhance Effective Teaching and Learning
Douglas Archibald, PhD, Ottawa, ON; Colla Jean MacDonald, B.Ed., Ph.D., Ottawa, ON Judi Pullen, Ottawa, ON; Michael S. Hirsh, CCFP, FCFP, Ottawa, ON; Christine C. Rivet, CCFP(EM), FCFP, Ottawa, ON; Madeleine R. Montpetit, MSc, MD,CCFP, FCFP, Gloucester, ON; Judith Plante, CCFP, Pembroke, ON; Gary S. Viner, CCFP, FCFP, Ottawa, ON; Donna Leith-Gudbranson, Ottawa, ON; Martha McKeen, B.A., M.Litt., Ottawa, ON
507 HiRES and its Application of HL7 Clinical Document Architecture in a Training Context
Michel Lortie, Montréal, QC; John Hughes, Montréal, QC; Raymond Simkus, MCFP, Langley, BC; Noah Vale, Montréal, QC
508 Putting Medical Students in the Shoes of Family Doctors: A new course in family medicine at the University of Calgary
David Keegan, MD CCFP(EM) FCFP, Calgary, AB; Robert Pomerleau, MD CCMF (MU), Saint-Georges, QC; Wendy L. Harman Tink, CCFP FCFP, Calgary AB
509 The Family Medicine Longitudinal Experience Goes Mandatory: How does early, mandatory, community based, longitudinal clinical exposure affect the medical student experience?
Kymm Feldman, MD, CCFP, MHSc, Toronto, ON; Paul Krueger, PhD, Toronto, ON; Susan Goldstein, MD, Toronto, On; Rebecca Malik, CCFP, FCFP, North York, ON; Risa F. Freeman, MD, CCFP, MEd, FCFP, North York, ON
510 Utilisation et enseignement de la pneumo-otoscopie en médecine familiale à l’Université Laval
Katerine Charbonneau Perry, Doctorat en médecine, Québec, QC; Kathleen Dulac, Québec, QC; Justine Lafrance, Québec, QC; Éva Ouedraogo, Québec, QC; Amélie Roy, St-Nicolas, QC; Luc Côté, MSS, PhD, professeur titulaire, Québec, QC; Michel Labrecque, CCFP, FCFP, Québec, QC
511 Les médecins des UMFs sont-ils des cliniciens factuels?
Michel Labrecque, CCFP, FCFP, Québec, QC, Julie Marchand, Québec, QC; Michel Cauchon, CCFP, FCFP, Québec, QC
512 Designing and Operationalizing a Toolkit Family Medicine Education Assessment Instruments
Gary S. Viner, CCFP, FCFP, Ottawa, ON; Colla Jean MacDonald, B.Ed., Ph.D., Ottawa, ON; Douglas Archibald, PhD, Ottawa, ON; David Trumpower, Ottawa, ON Ziad Chaar, Ottawa, ON
513 The Link Between Quality of Feedback and Resident Perceptions of a Novel Assessment Tool
Samantha Stasiuk, Edmonton, AB; Shelley P. Ross, PhD, Edmonton, AB
514 Competency Documentation in Residency Training : The challenge of family medicine
Emilie Desrosiers, MD, Québec, QC; Miriam Lacasse, MD MSc CCFP, Québec, QC
515 The Competency-Based Achievement System (CBAS): Using formative feedback to teach and assess competencies with family medicine residents
Michel G. Donoff, CCFP, FCFP, Edmonton, AB; Paul W. A. Humphries, CCFP, FCFP, Spruce Grove, AB; Shelley P. Ross, PhD, Edmonton, AB
516 Building Capacity for Research in Family Medicine: A scholarly writing curriculum
Cheri Bethune, MD, FCFP, St. John’s, NL; Shabnam Asghari, MD, PhD, St. John’s , NL; Patti McCarthy, MA, St. John’s, NL
517 Scientist, Science as Facts and Social Science: Discourses of science in medical education
Cynthia R Whitehead, MD, PhD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON
518 Communication Problems are Not Always What They Seem – Assessment, educational strategies and progress monitoring
Dawn Martin, PhD, M.Ed., Toronto, ON; Susan Glover Takahashi, PhD, MA, Toronto, ON
519 The Challenge of Teaching and Assessing Non-Medical Expert (NME) CanMeds Roles during Post-Graduate Training: The program directors’ perspective
Dawn Martin, PhD, M.Ed., Toronto, ON; Nicolas Fernandez, Montréal, QC; Marika Younker, Toronto, ON; Remi Kouz, Montréal, QC; Andree Boucher, MD, Montréal, QC; Jason Frank, MD, Ottawa, ON; Cynthia R Whitehead, MD, PhD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON
520 CANCELLED 521 Self-Reflective Research - The journals of a medical educator
Maureen E. Rappaport, CCFP, FCFP, Montréal, QC
522 Faculty Development in Family Medicine Education: Using a curriculum framework to guide the design, delivery, and evaluation of a faculty development program
Colla Jean MacDonald, B.Ed., Ph.D., Ottawa, ON; Martha McKeen, B.A., M.Litt., Ottawa, ON; Jacques Lemelin, CCFP, FCFP, Ottawa, ON; Donna Leith-Gudbranson, Ottawa, ON; Judi Pullen, Ottawa, ON
523 Exploring the Factors Impacting Leadership and Work Life in Family Medicine
Paul Krueger, PhD, Toronto, ON; Viola Antao, MD, CCFP, MHSc, Toronto, ON; Florence Kim, CCFP, Toronto, ON; Jeffrey Kwong, MD, CCFP, Toronto, ON; Leslie Sorensen, BSc(OT), MHSc, Toronto, ON ; David G. White, CCFP(EM), FCFP, Toronto, ON
524 Bleeding in Early Pregnancy: A qualitative study of women’s experiences in the Emergency Department
Carolyn Nowry, MD, Toronto, ON; Dana Newman, MD, Toronto, ON; Rajani Vairavanathan, CCFP(EM), North York, ON
525 The Atlantic Renal Colic (ARC) Study: Diagnostic aids for suspected renal colic in the ER
Richard Cullen, BSc, St. John’s, NL; F. Kris Aubrey-Bassler, CCFP, St. John’s, NL; Richard Barter, MD, St. John’s, NL
526 Community Family Medicine Walk-In Clinics and Their Impact On Emergency Department Usage
Anthony Rizzuto, MD, Montréal, QC; Marie Weber, MD, CCFP, Montréal, QC
527 Facility Ownership and Organizational Characteristics Associated with Nursing Home Resident Emergency Departments (ED) Transfers in One Large Health Region in British Columbia (BC)
Margaret McGregor, CCFP, Vancouver, BC
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
Research Day Posters
POSTERS • AFFICHES 528 Identifying UTIs and NHAP in Long-Term Care: An educational intervention: A project in progress
Meghan Doraty, BHSc MFA, Calgary, AB; Syeda Ahmad, Calgary, AB; Patrick Quail, CCFP, FCFP, Calgary, AB; John Mutikani, PhD, Calgary, AB; Beth Miller, RN, Calgary, AB; Lorraine Nygard, Calgary, AB; Oriel Morrison, BA, RN, MHA, CCN, Calgary, AB; Marianna Hofmeister, PhD, Calgary, AB; Neil Drummond, PhD, Calgary, AB
529 Detecting Mobility Limitation in At-Risk Older Adult Patients (≥55yrs) in Primary Care and Understanding Patient Characteristics Associated with Mobility Limitation
Jyoti Kotecha, PhD (candidate) MPA, CChem MRSC, Kingston, ON; Nandini Deshpande, Kingston, ON; Shahriar Khan, MSc, Kingston, ON
530 Survey of Older Adult’s Views about Advance Care Planning
Junella Cynthia Lee, Vancouver, BC; Martha L. Donnelly, MD, CCFP, FRCPC, Vancouver, BC; Romayne E. Gallagher, MD, CCFP, Vancouver, BC
531 Patient Centered Care Plans: The effect of a multidisciplinary involvement on outcome in primary care
Karen Seigel, MSc MD CCFP, Calgary, AB; Patricia Harasym, Calgary, AB; Lorraine Bucholtz, BScN, Calgary, AB; Neil Drummond, PhD, Calgary, Alberta; Tyler Williamson, PhD, Kingston, ON; Danica Hignell, Calgary, AB; Meghan Doraty, BHSc MFA, Calgary, AB
532 How to Better Incorporate Spirituality into Family Practice
Nadia Primiani, Vancouver, BC
533 A Patient Experience from a Physician’s Perspective – Why narrative is essential in medicine
Megan Dash, MD, FMR II; S Mahood, MD, CCFP; VR Ramsden, RN, PhD, Saskatoon SK
534 EXACKTE2: Assessing the validity and reliability of existing dyadic measures for the study of shared decision-making
France Légaré, CCFP, FCFP, Québec, QC; Stéphane Turcotte, MSc, Québec, QC; Hubert Robitaille, PhD, Québec, QC; Moira Stewart, PhD, London, ON; Dominick Frosch, PhD, Palo Alto, California; Jeremy Grimshaw, MD, PhD, Ottawa, ON; Michel Labrecque, CCFP, FCFP, Québec, QC; Mathieu Ouimet, PhD, Québec, QC; Michel Rousseau, Québec, QC; Dawn Stacey, PhD, Ottawa, ON; Trudy Van Der Weijden, MD, PhD, Maastricht , Netherlands; Glyn Elwyn, BA MB BCh MSc FRCGP PhD, Cardiff, Wales
535 Needs Assessments of Users and Providers of Primary Care to Adults with Developmental Disabilities: A first step in preparing a program of support to family doctors providing care
Brian K. E. Hennen, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Dartmouth, NS; Karen Clarke, MD CCFP, Halifax, NS
536 Assessing the Health Care Needs of Women in British Columbia: Development and validation of a survey tool
Meghan Lorraine Guy, Calgary, AB; Wendy V. Norman, MD, MHSc, FCFP, Vancouver, BC
537 How Engaged Are Canadians In Their Primary Health Care?
Heather Dawson, CHE, Toronto, ON; Sukirtha Tharmalingam, MHSc, Toronto, ON; Amy Zierler, Toronto, ON
538 Doing Time: A time for incarcerated women to develop a health action strategy
Ruth Elwood Martin, CCFP, FCFP, Vancouver, BC; Vivian Ramsden, RN, BScN, MS, PhD, Saskatoon, SK; Ann C. Macaulay, CCFP, FCFP, Montréal, QC; Patti Janssen, RN, PhD, Vancouver, BC
539 Doing Time: Participatory research processes
Ruth Elwood Martin, CCFP, FCFP, Vancouver, BC; Kelly Murphy, Vancouver, BC; Mo Korchinski, Vancouver, BC; Suzanne Leduc, BA, Vancouver, BC; Patti Janssen, RN, PhD, Vancouver, BC
540 Domestic Violence, Same-Sex Relationships and Primary Care: How can a family physician help?
Christina Romulus, MD, Vancouver, BC CO-AUTHORS: Douglas Cave PhD, Paul Whitehead PhD
541 Intimate Partner Violence: Patients’ experiences and perceptions in family practice
Archna Gupta, HBSc, MD, Hamilton, ON; Gina Agarwal, MBBS, MRCGP, CCFP, PHD (cand.), Hamilton, ON; Lisa McCarthy, PharmD, MSc, Hamilton, ON
542 Use of a Screening Tool for Depression in a Family Medicine Clinic
Patrick Wong, MD, Hamilton, ON
543 Santé mentale de l’enfant et de l’adolescent : Besoins et intérêts chez les médecins de famille, les médecins omnipraticiens et les pédiatres installés en régions rurales et éloignées. Une étude collaborative pancanadienne
Genevieve Auclair, CCFP, Puvirnituq, QC
544 The Effects of a Lunchtime Workplace Yoga Program on Stress, Mental and Physical Wellbeing: A focus group study
Danielle Gordon, MD, CCFP candidate, Vancouver, BC
545 The Use of Nabilone for the Treatment of Pain in a Tertiary Chronic Pain Centre
Lori Montgomery, MD CCFP, Calgary, AB; Nicole Labrie, Calgary, AB; John Fralick, MSc, Calgary , AlB; Tyler Williamson, PhD, Kingston, ON; Helen Tam, BA, BSc, Calgary, AB; Meghan Doraty, BHSc MFA, Calgary, AB; David Linton, Calgary, AB; Neil Drummond, PhD, Calgary, AB.
546 Building Through the Grief: Vicarious trauma in a group of inner city family physicians
Susan Woolhouse, MD, MClSc, CCFP, Toronto, ON; Judith Belle Brown, MSW, PhD, London, ON; Amardeep Thind, MD, PhD, London, ON
547 Effectiveness of Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral for Treatment (SBIRT) for Drug Use Disorders in Primary Care: A systematic review
Ginetta Salvalaggio, CCFP, Edmonton, AB; Kathryn Dong, MD, FRCP, Edmonton, AB; Dale Storie, Edmonton, AB; Christine Vandenberghe, Edmonton, AB; Mandi Newton, Edmonton, AB; Carol Spooner, Edmonton, AB; Cam Wild, PhD, Edmonton, AB; Greta Cummings, RN, PhD, Edmonton, AB
548 Towards Patient-Centered Addiction Care: Development and implementation of knowledge translation resources for disadvantaged urban patients who suffer from addiction
Ginetta Salvalaggio, CCFP, Edmonton, AB; Kathryn Dong, MD, FRCP, Edmonton, AB; Les Umpherville, Edmonton, AB; Kelsey Ross, RN, Edmonton, AB; Taryn Brown, Edmonton, AB; Christine Vandenberghe, Edmonton, AB; Marliss Taylor, RN, Edmonton, AB
549 Determinants of Effective Engagement for Low Socioeconomic Position and/or Addicted Patients in Primary Care Settings: A descriptive review
Ginetta Salvalaggio, CCFP, Edmonton, AB; Kathryn Dong, MD, FRCP, Edmonton, AB; Dale Storie, Edmonton, AB; Scott Kirkland, Edmonton, AB; Cam Wild, PhD, Edmonton, AB
550 Effect of Self-Administered Auricular Acupressure on Smoking Cessation – A pilot study
Troy Neufeld, MD, Kingston, ON; Scott Marin, MD, Kingston, ON; Lawrence Koon Chit Leung, MBBChir MFM(Clin) BChinMed FRACGP FRCGP, Kingston, ON
551 Impact of Abdominal Obesity and Physical Inactivity on the Relationship Between Systemic Hypertension and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in Apparently Healthy Men and Women
Caroline Rhéaume, Québec, QC
552 Validity Testing and Normative Values of the Simple Lifestyle Indicator Questionnaire (SLIQ)
Adam Pike, St. John’s, NL; Marshall S. Godwin, CCFP, FCFP, St. John’s, NL; Cheri Bethune, MD, FCFP, St. John’s, NL; Allison Kirby, MA, St. John’s, NL
553 Primary Care Personal Health Record: Does user involvement in development improve utilization rates?
Gillian Bartlett, PhD, Montréal, QC; Lisa Dolovich, PharmD, Hamilton, ON; David H. Chan, MSc, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Ancaster, ON; Michelle Howard, Hamilton, ON; Ellen E. Rosenberg, CCFP, FCFP, Montréal, QC; Roland Grad, MDCM, MSC, FCFP, Montréal, QC; Liisa Jaakkimainen, CCFP, Toronto, ON; Martin G. Dawes, MCFP, Vancouver, BC
554 A Combined Primary Care and Public Health Intervention for Promoting Healthy Weight in Children
Jyoti Kotecha, PhD (candidate) MPA, CChem MRSC, Kingston, ON; Karla Galavíz, MSc, Kingston, ON; Lucie Lévesque, PhD, Kingston, ON; Joe Baldock, Kingston, ON
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
555 By Utilizing EMR Data Can We Determine How Patients With Hypertension Are Managed in Ontario?
Christine Cobbler, BSc., MPH (candidate), Kingston, ON; Jyoti Kotecha, PhD (candidate) MPA, CChem MRSC, Kingston, ON; Michelle Greiver, CCFP, FCFP, North York, ON; Moira Stewart, PhD, London, ON; Tyler Williamson, PhD, Kingston, ON; Richard V. Birtwhistle, MD MSc CCFP, FCFP, Kingston, ON
556 Process Modelling of a Large Family Medicine Teaching Facility
Noah Vale, Montréal, QC; Michel Lortie, Montréal, QC; John Hughes, Montréal, QC
557 How Da Vinci, a Clinical Information System, Enhances the Practices of Interdisciplinary Primary Care Teams
Marie-Thérèse Lussier, MD, MSc, CCFP, FCFP, Montréal, QC; Vedel Isabelle, MD, PhD, Montréal, QC; Liette Lapointe, PhD, Montréal, QC; Claude Richard, PhD, MA, Montréal, QC; Johanne Goudreau, BScN, MscN, PhD, Laval, QC; Lyne Lalonde, PhD, Laval, QC; Alain Turcotte, MD, PhD, Laval, QC
558 Pan-Canadian Primary Health Care Indicators: An update
Brenda Tipper, MHSc, Toronto, ON
559 Building Primary Health Care Data and Research Capacity in Canada
Patricia Sullivan-Taylor, BSN, MPA, PMP, Toronto, ON
560 Partners in Prevention: Survey of BC primary care physicians’ experience with immunization delivery
Janusz Kaczorowski, PhD, Vancouver, BC; Jane Buxton, MD, Vancouver, BC; Shu Yu Fan, MSc, Vancouver, BC; Charl Badenhorst, MD, Fort St. John, BC; Andrea Derban, BsCn, Victoria, BC; Simon Dobson, MD, Vancouver, BC; Paul Hasselback, MD, Kelowna, BC; Marcus Lem, MD, Vancouver, BC; Michelle Linekin, MD, Vancouver, BC; Shelagh Machin, BScN, Victoria, BC; Janice McCrea, BSN, Vancouver, BC; Tamsin Morgana, MA, Vancouver, BC; Barra O’Briain, MD, Vancouver, BC; David Scheifele, MD, Vancouver, BC; Meena Dawar, MD, Vancouver, BC
561 Multimorbidity Burden in a Family Medicine Population
Denise Campbell- Scherer, MD, PhD, CCFP, Edmonton, AB; Lee Green, MD, MPH, ABFP, Edmonton, AB
562 Le niveau de littératie en matière de santé est-il associé à la qualité de la gestion des maladies chroniques en soins de première ligne (SPL)? Une étude-pilote
Mathieu Moreau, MD, Laval, QC; Marie-Christine Dorion, Montréal, QC; Marie-Thérèse Lussier, MD, MSc, CCFP, FCFP, Montréal, QC; Marie-Dominique Beaulieu, CCFP, FCFP, Brossard, QC; Mylène Drouin, MD, Montréal , QC
563 CPCSSN: The Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network: Its challenges and the case of the province of Québec
Claude Richard, PhD, MA, Montréal, QC; Marie-Thérèse Lussier, MD, MSc, CCFP, FCFP, Montréal, QC
564 Factors Affecting Family Physician Recruitment to a Project Exploring the Potential for Self-Care in the Management of Mild to Moderate Depression
Mark J. Yaffe, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Montréal, QC; Deniz Sahin, MD, MSc Candidate, Montréal, QC; Jane McCusker, MD, DrPH, Montréal, QC; Manon Deraad, Montréal, QC; Cindy Ibberson, Montréal, QC; Tamara Sussman, PhD, Montréal, QC; Kim Lavoie, PhD, Montréal, QC; Erin Strumpf, PhD, Montréal, QC
565 Assessing the Outcomes of Community Based Participatory Research: A realist review of what works, for whom, and in what circumstances
Ann C. Macaulay, CCFP, FCFP, Montréal, QC
566 Patient Focus Groups: A cost- and time-efficient tool to elicit feedback for optimizing the family medicine care experience
Emily Marshall, PhD, Halifax, NS; Alethea Lacas, MD, CCFP, Halifax, NS
567 Better Than “Best” Evidence? The information assessment method can help information providers to integrate family physicians’ feedback
Pierre Pluye, MD PhD, Montréal, QC; Roland Grad, MDCM, MSC, FCFP, Montréal, QC; Carol Repchinsky, Ottawa, ON; Barbara Jovaisas, Ottawa, ON; Denice Lewis, Montréal, QC; David Tang, Montréal, QC; Vera Granikov, MLIS, Montréal, QC; James Bonar, Ottawa, ON; Bernard A. Marlow, CCFP, FCFP, Mississauga, ON
568 Pharmacist-Managed Warfarin Protocol in Longterm Care Randall Sargent, CCFP, Canmore, AB; Patrick Quail, CCFP, FCFP, Calgary, AB; Diana L. Turner, CCFP, FCFP, Calgary, AB; Cynthia Brocklebank, BPharm, Calgary, AB;
Marisa Dharmawardene, CCFP, Calgary, AB; Tyler Williamson, PhD, Kingston, ON; Meghan Doraty, BHSc MFA, Calgary, AB; Helen Tam, BA, BSc, Calgary, AB; David Linton, Calgary, AB; Neil Drummond, PhD, Calgary, AB
569 Effect of Vaginal Self-Sampling on Cervical Cancer Screening Rates: A community-based study in Newfoundland and Labrador
Pauline Duke, CCFP, FCFP, St. John’s, NL; Marshall S. Godwin, CCFP, FCFP, St. John’s, NL; Gerry Mugford, PhD, St. John’s, NL; Andrea Pike, St. John’s, NL; Martha Traverso-Yepez, PhD, St. John’s, NL; Sam Ratnam, PhD, St. John’s, NL; Adrian Lear, MD, St. John’s, NL; Mohamed Ravalia, CCFP, St. John’s, NL; Wendy R. Graham, CCFP, Channel-Port-aux-Basques, NL; Lesa Dawson, FRCSC, St. John’s, NL; Daniel Fontaine, MD, St. John’s, NL
570 Implementing the First Primary Care Cervical Screening Initiative: The case in Afghanistan
Ashnoor Nagji, MD, CCFP, Vancouver, BC
571 Determinants of Diarrheal Disease: A study of rural Haitian households
Laura Whyte, MD, Moncton, NB
572 A Structured Asthma Assessment Flow Sheet Will Improve Asthma Control in Patients Initiating HFA-Beclomethasone (HFA-BDP) Therapy
Alan G Kaplan, MD,CCFP(EM), FCFP, Richmond Hill, ON
573 A Structured Asthma Flow Sheet Will Assist the Physician in the Education of Patients With Asthma.
Alan G Kaplan, MD,CCFP(EM), FCFP, Richmond Hill, ON
574 A Randomised Control Trial of the Effect of Education in the FP’s Office on Asthma-Related Behaviours
Andrew Cave, FRCGP, FCFP, Edmonton, AB; Colleen Makarowski, CRT, Edmonton, AB; Elaheh Ahmadi, MD, Edmonton, AB
575 Straight Leg Raise Test Interpretation Based on Clinical Outcomes
Greg McIntosh, MSc, Oakville, ON; Hamilton Hall, MD, Toronto, ON
576 How Do Family Physicians Prescribe Exercise for the Management of Osteoporosis?
Kirsten Jewell, BSc/BPHE, London, ON
577 Adult ADHD: Is it a commonly missed diagnosis?
Behirokh Raissi, MD,MPH, Calgary, AB; John Fralick, MSc, Calgary , AB; Raissi B, Peiravi H, Poothencheri S, Fralick J, Drummond N,Tink W, Armson H, Branch J
Thursday Posters 601 602
Impact of a Pre-clerkship Family Medicine Longitudinal Experience on Clerkship Objective Evaluation (OSCE) Kymm Feldman, MD, CCFP, MHSc, Toronto, ON
Family Medicine Residents – Risk of adverse motor vehicle events – Comparison between rural and urban placements Fred H. Janke, CCFP, FCFP, Sylvan Lake, AB AUTHORS: Fred Janke, MD, Bonnie Dobbs, PhD, & Rhianne McKay, MA, Department of Family Medicine, University of Alberta
603 Experiences of Family Medicine Residents in Primary Care Obstetrics Groups Sudha Koppula, BSc, MD, MClSc, CCFP, Edmonton, AB
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
POSTERS • AFFICHES 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629
Patient Perceptions and Experiences of Family Medicine Care in a Teaching Clinic Alethea Lacas, MD, CCFP, Halifax, NS
Clinical Scholar Program at Laval University: An enhanced skills program to encourage academic careers in family medicine Miriam Lacasse, MD MSc CCFP, Québec, QC
Perceived and Actual Competency in a Family Medicine OSCE: Insight for a competency based curriculum Leonora Sara Lalla, CCFP, Montréal-Ouest, QC
A Systematic Review of Using CT Skills Tests to Predict Academic and Clinical Performance in Various Health Fields Kimberly Loeffler, CCFP, Edmonton, AB
The Human Face of Family Medicine: Fitting medical humanities into CANMEDS-FM Alan Ng, MBChB, MRCGP(UK), CCFP, Ottawa, ON
There’s More to Life Than Fife: Helping learners actively combine EBM and a patient-centred approach Lara Nixon, MD, CCFP, BEd, Calgary, AB
Developing Competencies and Attitudes Toward Interprofessional Collaboration: A reproductive health project during undergraduate training Wendy V. Norman, MD, MHSc, FCFP, Vancouver, BC
Evaluation of a Multidisciplinary Group-Based Diabetes Education Program in a Family Medicine Residency Teaching Clinic Joanne Parker, RN MScN, Winnipeg, MB
Self-Reflective Research: The journals of a medical educator Maureen E. Rappaport, CCFP, FCFP, Montréal, QC
Programme d’enseigenement formel axé sur l’intégration des compétences pour les résidents en médecine familiale de l’Université Laval Josette Castel, MD MSc CCFP FCFP, Québec, QC
Le groupe d’action prioritaire « communication » de la SIFEM : Une démarche éducative francophone pour le développement de cette compétence chez les médecins Claude Richard, PhD, MA, Montréal, QC
Difficultés de raisonnement clinique : Une taxonomie utile pour l’encadrement des étudiants dans le milieu clinique Marie-Claude Audétat, M.Ps., MA(éd), Montréal, QC
Approaches in Family Medicine: The first pre-clinical undergraduate family medicine course in Canada Michael J. Sylvester, CCFP, FCFP, Kingston, ON
Development of an Online Virtual Patient Clinical Case in Palliative Care for Year 3 Family Medicine Clerkship at the University of Alberta Amy Tan, MD, CCFP, Edmonton, AB
Use of a Procedural Skills OSCE to Evaluate Resident Competency Ian P. Sempowski, CCFP(EM), Kingston, ON
Perceived Influence of Electronic Medical Records on Family Medicine Resident Learning: A primer for clinical teachers Alison Sinnott-Drover, MD, CCFP, St. John’s, NL
Piloting a ‘Geriatric Passport’: A self-directed learning tool for family medicine residents Gweneth l. Sampson, CCFP, FCFP MScCH, Stouffville, ON
The Evolution of a Faculty Mentoring Program for an Academic Family Medicine Department Barbara Stubbs, MD CCFP FCFP, Toronto, ON
Resident Resilience in a Distributed Residency Program Eva Knell, CCFP, FCFP, Vancouver, BC
Family Medicine Education: Examining the educational training and roles of academic non-physician health care professionals in family medicine teaching Viola Antao, MD, CCFP, MHSc, Toronto, ON
How Engaged are Connected Students: The perils of wireless classrooms Sarah Forgie, MD, FRCPC, Edmonton, AB
Integrating Quality Improvement (QI) in Family Medicine Resident Education Michelle Naimer, MD, CCFP, MHSc, Toronto, ON
What is the Impact of a Faculty Advisory on Career Choice? Douglas L. Myhre, CCFP, FCFP, FRRMS, Calgary, AB
Family Medicine Triple C Postgraduate Curriculum Framework Martha McKeen, B.A., M.Litt., Ottawa, ON
Stethoscopes and Moccasins: Creating a culturally safe learning environment for First Nations, Inuit and Metis medical students Daniele Behn Smith, CCFP(EM), Edmonton, AB
Interprofessional Care (IPC) in an Academic Family Health Team Setting: Final results for a case study assessing nurse-family physician collaborative patient care at the Queen’s Family Health Team Glenn D. Brown, CCFP(EM), FCFP, Napanee, ON
Facilitated Posters 630 631 632 633 634
More than Band-Aid Medicine: Teaching and evaluating an advocacy curriculum for family medicine residents in Nunavut
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
Madeleine Cole, CCFP, Iqaluit, NU
INcommunity : Immersion in neglected populations/Immersion en populations négligées Anne-Sophie Thommeret-Carrière, Étudiante en médecine à l’Université de Montréal, Ste-Marthe-sur-le-Lac, QC
Understanding Health Care Needs in an Indigenous Village in Rural Panama Linde Corrigan, Pembroke, ON
Evaluating the Medical Education Component of a Short-Term Medical Mission Partnering the University of Panama and the University of Ottawa Melissa Vyvey, MD, MPhil, Ottawa, ON
Advocating for Global Health Curriculum in Family Medicine: The resident perspective Archna Gupta, HBSc, MD, Hamilton, ON; Rachel Talavlikar, Victor Ng, Yelena Chorny, Aakriti Chawla, Micheal Farrugia, Jason Lorette, Danyaal Raza, Melissa Vyvey
POSTERS • AFFICHES Task Shifting in Primary Care: Modeling international non-governmental organizations - Design of community health workers programs Marie-Renee B-Lajoie, Montréal, QC
Montréal-Based Global Health Elective Annie Li, Montréal, QC
Primary Health Care Needs Assessment for Calgary’s Homeless Populations and the Role of a Student-Run Medical Clinic Katherine Gibson, Calgary, AB (Authors: Katherine Gibson, MPH; Dave Campbell, MSc; Wilfreda Thurston, PhD.)
The Effects of Reproductive Health Education delivered by International Volunteers in Secondary Schools in Rural Peru: Student perceptions Jennifer Baxter, Kingston, ON
Resident Posters 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647
A Chart Review and Working Algorithm of Medical Transfers Out of the Tofino General Hospital Emergency Department, British Columbia Simon-Pierre Landry, MD, Nanaimo, BC
Competency and Family Medicine Education David Lapierre, MSc, MD, Chatham, ON
Bleeding in Early Pregnancy: A qualitative study of women’s experiences in the emergency department Carolyn Nowry, MD, Toronto, ON
Do We Follow Prostate Cancer Screening Guidelines at Stonechurch Family Health Centre? Nick Minos, MD, Ancaster, ON
Community Family Medicine Walk-In Clinics and Their Impact on Emergency Department Usage Anthony Rizzuto, MD, Montréal, QC
Pregnancy Care and the Obese Patient: How do we measure up? Katherine Ker, MD, Hamilton, ON; Angela Lalla, Hamilton, ON; Rachel Loewith, Hamilton, ON
Assessing Time in Therapeutic Range of Queen’s Family Health Team Patients Taking Warfarin Before and After Implementation of a Pharmacist-led, Multi-Disciplinary Anticoagulation Management Program Allison Chow, BHSc, MD, Kingston, ON; Lucy Feng; John Doan; Sherri Elms; Danyal Martin; Karen Patricia Hall Barber, MD CCFP, Kingston ON
Maintaining Procedural Skill Competence Gregory Stewart, BMSc MD CCFP(c), Stratford, ON
Factors Influencing Medical Students’ Choice of Community When Arranging Rural and Small Community Clinical Placements Morgan Kwiatkoski, BHSc, MD, Hamilton, ON
Student Posters 648 649 650 651 652
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in a Patient with Fatigue
653 654 655 656 657 658 659
Validity Testing and Normative Values of the Simple Lifestyle Indicator Questionnaire (SLIQ)
Carmen Fong, Calgary, AB
How do Family Physicians Prescribe Exercise for the Management of Osteoporosis? Kirsten Jewell, BSc/BPHE, London, ON; Adam McClure, BSc/BPHE; Kathleen Thomasson, BSc Hons
Screening for Adult Obesity in Family Practice Tasha Kulai, Halifax, NS
Assessing the Readiness for Interprofessional Education in Health Care Students Joyce Lam, BSc, Calgary, AB
House Calls in Medical Practice and Education: Interests, attitudes and beliefs of family medicine residents and physicians Joshua Liu, BSc, Toronto, ON Authors & Affiliations: Joshua Liu (1), Sabrina Akhtar (2,3); (1) Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario; (2) Toronto Western Family Health Team, University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario; (3) Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario Adam Pike, St. John’s, NL
Complex Sleep-related Behaviours and Sedative-Hypnotics Ali Qazalbash, BSc, Kingston, ON
Cannabinoids in Clinical Practice: Experiences and educational needs Daniel Ziemianski, BSc, Montréal, QC
Self-Assessment of Health Professionals’ Cultural Competency Sarah Hanafi, Edmonton, AB
The Acquisition and Utility of the Family Medical History in Primary Care Authors: Amanda Abate; Karen Hall-Barber
The Importance of Distinguishing Major Depressive Disorder and Depression Secondary to General Medical Condition: A case study Ying Wang, Calgary, AB
To Test or Not to Test: The balancing act of investigation complications versus the pursuit of a diagnosis – A case study Vanessa Millar, BSc, MSc, Calgary, AB
Friday Posters 700 701 702 703 704
An Evidence-Based Protocol for Medically At-Risk Drivers: Evidence of increased physician engagement and confidence in decision-making Bonnie Dobbs, PhD, Edmonton, AB
Effect of Vaginal Self-sampling on Cervical Cancer Screening Rates: A community-based study in Newfoundland and Labrador Pauline Duke, CCFP, FCFP, St. John’s, NL
Simple Spirometry as a First Line Test for Asthma Diagnosis in Primary Care Anthony D’Urzo, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON
Weight Change Amongst Obese Patients on a Physician-Developed Diet Plan in Southern Alberta Jody Boffa, MSc, Calgary, AB
Factors Associated with Institutionalization Among Patients in the Family Practice Ward Natalie Ann Jahnke, MD, Vancouver, BC
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
635 636 637 638
POSTERS • AFFICHES 705 706 707 708
Exploring the Factors Impacting Leadership and Work Life in Family Medicine Paul Krueger, PhD, Toronto, ON
Quality in Family Practice Book of Tools Cheryl A. Levitt, MBBCh, CCFP, FCFP, Hamilton, ON Authors: Dr. Cheryl Levitt MBBCh CCFP FCFP & Linda Hilts BScN Med
Antibiotic Treatment Failure in Obesity: One size fits all dosing strategy the culprit? Cristina Longo, MSc, Montréal, QC
Identifying Prenatal Risk Factors at a High Needs Primary Care Obstetrical Clinic in London Ontario
Laura Lyons, CCFP, London, ON, The Department of Family Medicine, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, The University of Western Ontario
709 710 711 712 713
Making Connections: What young healthy adults expect from using an online personal health record
714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735
Optimizing Chronic Disease Management and Prevention from the Physician’s Office to Community Activity Partnerships
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
Quynh Nguyen, BSc, Montréal, QC
Knowledge and Perception of Fracture Risk Among Post-Menopausal Canadian Women With or Without Diagnosed Osteoporosis Alexandra Papaioannou, Hamilton, ON
Family Doctors Caring For Women at High Risk For Breast Cancer: Helping put beliefs into action Lise Paquet, PhD, Ottawa, ON
Utilization of Family Physicians in the H1N1 Vaccination Programs of Canadian Provinces and Territories during the Fall 2009 Pandemic: Final results Andrea Pike, St. John’s, NL
Canadian Forces Submarine Escape Training: Analysis of injury patterns William Rideout, CCFP, Chapel Hill, NC Rideout WE, Grodecki AM, Pestell DL, Freiberger JJ Peter J. Bouch, CCFP, Red Deer, AB
Évaluer les comportements des médecins en ce qui a trait au diagnostic précoce de la MPOC en fonction de leur évaluation des symptômes des patients Jacques Bouchard, MD, MCFP, La Malbaie, QC
Implementing Open Access in a Multidisciplinary Academic Family Health Team Kevin Brophy MA HK, BHSc, Toronto, ON, Dina Carovska, Mary Guyton, Timea Urban, Christopher Yarnell
Use of a Chronic Disease and Preventative Care Registry in Primary Care Tracy Burton, CCFP, Pincher Creek, AB
The Development of Evidence-Based Guidelines For Early Detection And Management of Symptomatic Colorectal and Lung Cancers In Primary Care Lisa M.E. Del Giudice, CCFP, Toronto, ON
Who is Prescribing the Treatment for Latent Tuberculosis Infection? Analia Rubinowicz, Montréal, QC
Health Maintenance from 0-5 years: What’s new in the 2011 Rourke Baby Record Leslie Rourke, MD, CCFP, FCFP, MClinSc, St. John’s, NL
Identifying Prenatal Risk Factors at a High Needs Primary Care Obstetrical Clinic in London Ontario Laura Lyons, CCFP, London, ON, The Department of Family Medicine, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, The University of Western Ontario
Guidelines in Travel Medicine: A step forward best practices Suzanne Gagnon, CCFP, FCFP, MD, MA, professeure agrégée, Québec, QC
Development of an Urban, Primary Care-Based Antibiogram of Urinary Cultures in Ottawa, Ontario Roland Halil, BSc.Pharm, ACPR, PharmD, Ottawa, ON
Primary Health Care Content Standard for Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) Benefits Patients, Clinicians, Researchers, Chronic Disease Management Programs and Patients in Canada Patricia Sullivan-Taylor, BSN, MPA, PMP, Toronto, ON
Cerebral Decompression Sickness Cases at Duke University: Case series analysis of patterns of presentation Anna Grodecki, CCFP, Chapel Hill, NC Grodecki AM, Rideout WE, Cianci P, Freiberger JJ
Do Low Vitamin D Levels Correlate With Osteoporosis? Shashi Agarwal, MD, FACC, East Orange, NJ
Application of Electronic Medical Record Data from Primary Care Networks in Modelling Resource use for Osteoarthritis Patients in Alberta Jody Boffa, MSc, Calgary, AB
Clinical Characteristics of Influenza A (H1N1) Versus Other Influenza-Like Illnesses Amongst Patients Attending a University Health Center in Oman Abdulaziz Al-Mahrezi, MB ChB, CCFP, Ruwi, Muscat
Genital Warts: Canadians’ perception, health-related behaviours and treatment preferences Deborah Labelle, London, ON
An Electronic Tool for the Prevention of Chronic Diseases Marshall Godwin, MD MSc FCFP, St John’s , NL
Limited Application of Absolute Fracture Risk Assessment by Canadian Family Physicians Suzanne Morin, MD, MSc, FRCP, FACP, Montréal, QC
Canadians’ Perceptions of the Primary Health Care: How are we doing and what can we learn from other countries? Sukirtha Tharmalingam, MHSc, Toronto, ON
Making it Easier for Your Patients to Keep Track of their Headaches: A new electronic headache diary Catherine A. MacLean, CCFP, FCFP, Calgary, AB
The Evaluation of the Satisfaction Conditions by the People Applying to the Family Medicine in Turkey and Influential Factors Gözde Merzi, MSci, CANKIRI, CENTER
Les médecins des UMFs sont-ils des cliniciens factuels? Julie Marchand, Québec, QC
POSTERS • AFFICHES Implementing the First Primary Care Cervical Screening Initiative: The case in Afghanistan
736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743
Ashnoor Nagji, MD, CCFP, Vancouver, BC
Shrinking Distances and Expanding Illness Sandeep M. Kumar, MBBS; DTM; EMT-A, Doha, Qatar
CANCELLED Wheat Bran Fibre Intake and Bowel Function: The gold standard for regularity Yanni Papanikolaou, MHSc, BSc, BA, Mississauga, ON
Treating Osteoporosis After a Fragility Fracture: The family physician as the hub Marie-Claude Beaulieu, MD, CCFP, Sherbrooke, QC
Adherence to Follow-up Guidelines Among Survivors of Child and Adolescent Cancer in British Columbia, Canada Mary McBride, MSc, Vancouver, BC
Prevalence and Characteristics of Adult Lipid Abnormalities in Newfoundland’s Census Metropolitan Area: Findings from Electronic Medical Records Shabnam Asghari, MD, MPH, PhD, St. John’s, NL
How Does Attending a Multi-Day Medical Conference Impact Physicians’ Intentions to Change Their Practices? Bernard Marlow, CCFP, FCFP, Lori Hill, MEd, Mississauga, ON
Resident Posters 744 745
746 747
Assessing Communication Between Physicians Peter Tzakas, CCFP, Toronto, ON
Resident-to-Resident Feedback Groups (RRFGs): A novel approach to evaluating rotations in residency Authors: Kevin Yoong, MD; Katie Cuttini, MD; Hanni Darwish, MD, and Risa Freeman, MD, CCFP, MEd, FCFP. North York General Hospital, University of Toronto, Ontario
The Westside Story: Exploring Saskatoon’s HIV crisis and the role of primary care providers Larissa Pawluck, CCFP, Saskatoon, SK
Factors Influencing Family Physician Practice Change and Work Life: An oral history approach Ingrid Botting, PhD, Winnipeg, MB
Student Posters 748 Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Patient Decision Making to Get the Pandemic H1N1 Vaccine Kim Cai, Medical Student, Toronto, ON
Janus Posters 749 750 751 752 753
The Five Weekend Care of the Elderly Certificate Course Robert E. Lam, CCFP,FCFP, Toronto, ON
Masters of Health Sciences in Family and Community Medicine Sheila Lakhoo, CCFP, Toronto, ON
Point of Care Lactate Monitoring for Early Diagnosis and Monitoring of Sepsis in the Emergency Department Dr Andrew Sellars, CCFP, Vernon, BC
Does the Nursing Intervention Utilized in the Elder Care Study Result in a Change in the Use of Community Resources and Self- Assessment of Health Danielle O’Keefe, CCFP, St. John’s, NL
Pigmented Lesions: Dermoscopy a better alphabet? Dr. David W. Knox, CCFP, FCFP, Orangeville, ON
Show and Tell University of Manitoba — Distributed Med Ed Streams in Manitoba University of Alberta — Family Medicine Education: Really good stuff Memorial University — Family Medicine Scholarship Program/Family Medicine Clerkship/Project for Enhanced Rural/Remote Training in Family Medicine/Rural Clinical Schools Medical Education Network…
McGill University — Towards Professionalizing Humanitarian Aid: A Program for residents at McGill University
Observation-Reflection-Awareness: A video-review method for fostering mindful communication – Shklanka, K. & Gerwing, J.
University of Calgary — Poster A: Keegan DA and Kaminska ME University of Sherbrooke McGill University — Towards Professionalizing Humanitarian Aid: A program for Residents at McGill University – Alison Doucet University of British Columbia — Observation-Reflection-Awareness: a video-review for fostering mindful communication – Karen Shklanka and J. Gerwing University of Calgary — MedZero: A program to immunize incoming students against the hidden curriculum – David Keegan and How is it for you? – Using a
modified “PHEEM” to assess educational environment in Family Medicine Residency teaching clinics –K. Wycliffe-Jones, M. Palacios and J. Robinson – the titles were missing for this show and tell
The Canadian Triple C Competency-based Curriculum: Advancing a National Process Toward Curriculum Renewal D. Tannenbaum, J. Kerr, J. Konkin, A. Organek, E. Parsons, D. Saucier, E. Shaw, A. Walsh
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
WEDNESDAY november 2 / MERCREDI 2 novembre P053MC Airway Intervention and Management in Emergencies - AIME (Course 1) 07:30-18:00 Samuel G. Campbell, MD, CCFP(EM), Halifax, NS
ROOM / SALLE : Maisonneuve - Intercontinental Hotel
P037MC CASTED: Primary Care - The ‘hands-on’ orthopedics course for family physicians 08:00-18:00 Arun K. Sayal, MD, CCFP(EM), Richmond Hill, ON
ROOM / SALLE : Cartier A/B - Delta Centre-Ville Hotel
P041MC Spirometry in Family Practice 08:00-16:00 Alan G. Kaplan, MD, CCFP(EM), FCFP, Richmond Hill, ON
ROOM / SALLE : Ville-Marie A/B - Le Westin Hotel
P189MC Practical Office Management of Comorbid Alcohol and Anxiety Disorders 08:00-16:00 Jose Silveira, MD, Toronto, ON; Patricia Rockman, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON
ROOM / SALLE : St-Antoine A - Le Westin Hotel
P157MC Climate Change and Health: Should you care? Can you make a difference in your office and in your 08:30-12:00 community? Alan R. Abelsohn, MD, MBChB, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON; Cathy Vakil, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Kingston, ON;
Jean Ahmed Zigby, MD, CCFP, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : St-Antoine B - Le Westin Hotel
THURSDAY november 3 / JEUDI 3 novembre 1425MC Airway Intervention & Management in Emergencies - AIME (Course 2 - Repeat) 07:30-18:00 Samuel G. Campbell, MD, CCFP(EM), Halifax, NS
ROOM / SALLE : Maisonneuve - Intercontinental Hotel
1009MC CASTED: The ‘hands-on’ ED orthopedics course (Course 1) 08:00-18:00 Arun K. Sayal, MD, CCFP(EM), Richmond Hill, ON
ROOM / SALLE : Cartier A/B - Delta Centre-Ville Hotel
The CASTED program is the winner of the 2011 CFPC Continuing Professional Development Award. 1107MC Pregnancy Related Issues in the Management of Addictions (PRIMA) 10:15-12:15 Patricia A. Mousmanis, MD, CCFP, FCFP (EM), Toronto, ON
ROOM / SALLE : St-Antoine A - Le Westin Hotel
1296MC The Wonderful World of Skin: Dermatology in family practice 10:15-12:15 Nathan Rosen, MD, FRCFP, Toronto, ON
ROOM / SALLE : Youville - Le Westin Hotel
1123MC Using Critical Appraisal to Promote Respiratory Health in Primary Care: A focus on the role of inhaled 10:15-17:15 maintenance therapy in COPD management
Anthony D’Urzo, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON; Pieter Jugovic, MD, CCFP, Toronto, ON; Reuven R. Jhirad, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Burlington, ON; Itamar E. Tamari, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON; Jacques Bouchard, MD, MCFP, La Malbaie, QC ROOM / SALLE : St-Antoine B - Le Westin Hotel
1043MC Chronic Pain in Family Practice Needn’t be a Pain 10:15-18:00 Alan G. Kaplan, MD, CCFP(EM), FCFP, Richmond Hill, ON
ROOM / SALLE : Ville-Marie A/B - Le Westin Hotel
1085MC Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Workshop for Physicians: Increasing personal and professional resilience 10:15-18:00 Patricia Rockman, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON; Allison McLay, BA,C. Dip.S.
ROOM / SALLE : Le Moyne - Le Westin Hotel
Participants need to wear comfortable clothing and bring a yoga mat and meditation cushion (if available – if not, a chair may be used)
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
1301MC PAACT: Men’s Health 13:40-17:00 David Greenberg, MD, MCFP, Toronto, ON; John Pilla,
MSc, BScPhm,
Toronto, ON
ROOM / SALLE : Ramezay - Le Westin Hotel
1305MC PAACT: Anti-infective 13:40-17:00 John M. Jordan, MD, CCFP, FCFP, London, ON; Frank A. Martino, MD, CCFP(EM), FCFP, Brampton, ON
ROOM / SALLE : Viger - Le Westin Hotel
1171MC Healthy Child Development: The enhanced 18-month well child visit 13:40-17:00 Patricia A. Mousmanis, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON
ROOM / SALLE : McGill - Le Westin Hotel
1170MC Symptômes comportementaux et psychologiques de la démence (SCPD) : Mettre en application le cadre 13:40-17:00 P.I.E.C.E.S. pour une prise en charge clinique efficace des SPDC Marie-France Rivard, MD, FRCPC, Toronto, ON; Sidney Feldman, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON
ROOM / SALLE : Ste-Hélène - Hôtel Le Westin
FRIDAY november 4 / VENDREDI 4 novembre 2051MC Musculoskeletal Injuries in Adults and Children in the Emergency Department 08:00-16:30 Monica Cermignani, MD, CCFP, Montréal, QC
ROOM / SALLE : Maisonneuve - Intercontinental Hotel
2345MC CBT for Anxiety 08:30-15:30 Greg Dubord, MD, MCFP, Toronto, ON; Peter Duffy, MD, CCFP(EM), Toronto, ON; Clement K. Sun, MD, MCFP, Toronto, ON;
Mark Sherman, MD, CCFP, Victoria, BC ROOM / SALLE : Ramezay - Le Westin Hotel
2281MC La fatigue en pratique médicale 08:30-12:00 Sophie Galarneau, MD, CCMF, Montréal, QC; Sandra Roman, MD, CCMF, Montréal, QC
ROOM / SALLE : St-Antoine A - Hôtel Le Westin
2215MC Fundamentals of Tobacco Interventions: A skills-building workshop 08:30-16:30 Peter Selby, MBBS, CCFP, MHSc, DipABAM, Toronto, ON; Milan Khara, MBChB, CCFP, cert. ASAM, Vancouver, BC
ROOM / SALLE : Le Moyne - Le Westin Hotel
2307MC PAACT: Anemia 08:30-12:00 Frank A. Martino, MD, CCFP(EM), FCFP, Brampton, ON; Roger McIntyre, MD, FRCPC, Toronto, ON
ROOM / SALLE : Viger - Le Westin Hotel
2024MC Office Gynecological Procedures in Family Medicine: Skills transfer workshop 08:30-12:00 Christiane R. Kuntz, MD, CCFP, FCFP, NCMP, Ottawa, ON; Christine C. Rivet, MD, CCFP(EM), FCFP, Ottawa, ON;
Catherine Caron, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Ottawa, ON ROOM / SALLE : McGill - Le Westin Hotel
2087MC The 15-Minute Psychiatric Screening Assessment 08:30-12:00 Jose Silveira, MD, Toronto, ON; Patricia Rockman, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON
ROOM / SALLE : St-Antoine B - Le Westin Hotel
2099MC Reducing the Pain of Childhood Vaccination 08:30-12:00 Patricia A. Mousmanis, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON; Anita Greig, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON
ROOM / SALLE : Ste-Hélène - Le Westin Hotel
2388MC The Impact of Attachment and Parenting on Child Behaviour: What you should know 09:00-15:00 William J. Watson, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON; Lindsay Watson, MA, RMFT, Toronto, ON
ROOM / SALLE : Ville-Marie B - Le Westin Hotel
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
MAINPRO-C SESSIONS / SÉANCES MAINPRO-C PRE - REGISTERED DELEGATES ONLY. / DÉLÉGUÉS PRÉINSCRITS SEULEMENT. 2172MC Healthy Child Development: Nutrition and child development 13:00-15:30 Patricia A. Mousmanis, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON
ROOM / SALLE : Ste-Hélène - Le Westin Hotel
2048MC Cannabinoids in Clinical Practice: Synergies 13:00-15:30 Mark Ware, MD, MBBS, MRCP, MSc, Montréal, QC; Ailene Boulanger, MD, FRCPC, MPH
ROOM / SALLE : Ville-Marie A - Le Westin Hotel
SATURDAY november 5 / SAMEDI 5 novembre 3426MC CASTED: The ‘hands-on’ ED orthopedics course (Course 2 – Repeat) 08:00-18:00 Arun K. Sayal, MD, CCFP(EM), Richmond Hill, ON
ROOM / SALLE : Cartier A/B - Delta Centre-Ville Hotel
The CASTED program is the winner of the 2011 CFPC Continuing Professional Development Award. 3420MC Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO) Instructor Course 08:30-16:30 Lisa Graves, MD, CCFP, Mississauga, ON
ROOM / SALLE : St-Gabriel - Intercontinental Hotel
3430MC Cours avancé de réanimation obstétricale destiné aux instructeurs 08:30-16:30 Stephen DiTommaso, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Montréal, QC
ROOM / SALLE : St-Pierre - Hôtel Intercontinental
3188MC Emergency Medicine Primer for Family Physicians II *SEE PRE-REQUISITES 08:30-18:00 Jim Ducharme, MDCM, FRCPC, Toronto, ON; Anil Chopra, MD, FRCPC, DABEM, Toronto, ON
ROOM / SALLE : Viger - Le Westin Hotel
* The Emergency Medicine Primer for Family Physicians II course has the following PRE-REQUISITES: Participants must have either taken the Emergency Medicine Primer 1 course or have extensive experience in Emergency Medicine. The course is not open to residents or physicians with less than two years of experience in Emergency Medicine.
3088MC Moving Forward After Cancer: Caring for patients in primary care after cancer treatments are done 08:30-12:00 Brent Kvern, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Winnipeg, MB; Jeffrey Sisler, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Winnipeg, MB
ROOM / SALLE : St-Antoine B - Le Westin Hotel
3346MC CBT for Depression 08:30-15:30 Greg Dubord, MD, MCFP, Toronto, ON; Peter Duffy, MD, CCFP(EM), Toronto, ON; Clement K. Sun, MD, MCFP, Toronto, ON;
Mark Sherman, MD, CCFP, Victoria, BC ROOM / SALLE : Ramezay - Le Westin Hotel
3034MC Breastfeeding Basics for the Practicing Physician 13:30-17:00 Anjana Srinivasan, MDCM, CCFP, IBCLC, Mont-Royal, QC; Meira Stern, MDCM, CCFP, IBCLC, Montréal, QC;
Lisa Graves, MD, CCFP, Sudbury, ON; Howard Mitnick, MDCM, CCFP, Montréal, QC; Carole Dobrich, IBCLC, Outremont, QC ROOM / SALLE : Ville-Marie A/B - Le Westin Hotel
3167MC Approche sur les plans du comportement, de l’alimentation et de l’activité physique pour les enfants obèses 09:00-15:00 Pierre Geoffroy, MDCM, MSc, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON
ROOM / SALLE : St-Antoine A - Hôtel Le Westin
3007MC Diagnosis and Management of Patients with MCI and Dementia: Tips for the family physician 13:30-17:00 Linda L.W. Lee, MD, MClSc(FM), CCFP, FCFP, Kitchener, ON; W. Wayne Weston, MD, CCFP, FCFP, London, ON
ROOM / SALLE : McGill - Le Westin Hotel
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED • NO ADDITIONAL FEES PRÉINSCRIPTION OBLIGATOIRE • SANS FRAIS ADDITIONNELS Earn extra M1 credits by attending optional satellite symposia that are being presented at breakfast (Thursday and Friday), lunch (daily) and dinner (Thursday). Obtenez des credits M1 supplémentaires en assistant aux symposiums satellites facultatifs présentés à l’heure du petit déjeuner (jeudi et vendredi seulement), du déjeuner (chaque jour), et du diner (jeudi). Physicians who participate in the Direct Credit Entry (DCE) process should scan their badge before entering a satellite symposium. These participants will receive an email from the CFPC notifying them of the CME credits added in their Mainpro record. They should not enter credits online or re-submit. Physicians who do not wish to participate in the DCE process should not scan their badge. These participants must inform/sign-in with the company representative, who will make arrangements to provide them with a “Certificate of Attendance”. Pre-registration recommended. If seats remain available in the room then attendance will be permitted. Les médecins qui participent au processus d’entrée directe des crédits (EDC) doivent faire scanner leur insigne d’identité avant d’entrer dans une séance de symposium satellite. Ces participants recevront un courriel du CMFC les avisant que des crédits de FMC ont été ajoutés à leur dossier Mainpro. Ils ne doivent pas faire de demande ni en ligne, ni autrement. Les médecins qui ne veulent pas participer au processus d’EDC ne devraient pas faire scanner leur insigne. Ceux-ci doivent informer le représentant de la compagnie et s’inscrire pour que des dispositions soient prises pour leur fournir un certificat de participation. La préinscription est recommandée. S’il reste des places dans la salle, les personnes non inscrites pourront y participer.
THURSDAY november 3 / JEUDI 3 novembre 1217SS
Fibromyalgia and Low Back Pain: Science to clinical care
Mark Ware, MBBS, MRCP, MSc, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 710a - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. review evolving knowledge regarding pain pathophysiology 2. discuss clinical applications of evolving basic science in fibromyalgia and its relevance in the treatment of chronic low back 3. define the different types of clinical pain by mechanism 4. discuss practical applications of this knowledge to patient care This program meets the criteria of The College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been accredited for up to 1.0 Mainpro-M1 credit.
APPS: Applying Practical Physician Strategies in the Management of COPD
Anthony D’Urzo, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON ROOM / SALLE : 520a,b,d,e, - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. differentiate between asthma and COPD based on clinical assessment and spirometry with the goal of applying effective strategies for timely diagnosis of COPD 2. integrate quality of life strategies into patient management 3. adopt key elements of the guidelines for treatment and management of COPD This program meets the criteria of The College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been accredited for up to 1.0 Mainpro-M1 credit.
GLP-1 Analogues, DPP-4 Inhibitors and Your Type 2 Diabetes Patients
Remi Rabasa-Lhoret, MD, Montréal, QC; Marie-Chantal Ménard, MD, Saint-Jean sur Richelieu, QC ROOM / SALLE : 710b - Palais de congrès
After attending this program, participants will be able to: 1. explain currently recognized defects in Type 2 Diabetes 2. recognize the rationale for early and aggressive treatment to reach established targets 3. summarize the role of incretin agents in Type 2 Diabetes management 4. differentiate between the incretin agents available in Canada (GLP-1 receptor agonists and DPP-4 inhibitors) Après avoir assisté à ce programme, les participants pourront : 1. discuter des anomalies caractéristiques du diabète de type 2 qui sont reconnues à l’heure actuelle 2. expliquer le pourquoi d’un traitement énergique précoce visant à atteindre les objectifs recommandés 3. 1résumer le rôle des médicaments agissant sur les incrétines dans le traitement du diabète de type 2 4. différencier les agonistes du récepteur du GLP-1 et les inhibiteurs de la DPP-4 qui sont en vente au Canada. This program meets the criteria of The College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been accredited for up to 1.0 Mainpro-M1 credit.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
What To Do When What You’re Doing Isn’t Working: Practical tips to optimizing depression management
Presenter: Roger S. McIntyre, MD, FRCPC, Toronto, ON; Moderator: Jean P. Chiasson, MD, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 710b - Palais de congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. assess the impact of medical and psychiatric comorbidities on the ability of patients to achieve remission 2. recognize the importance of achieving remission to patients’ long-term mental and physical health 3. identify the role of measurement tools in assessing and successfully treating major depressive disorder (MDD) 4. individualize treatment strategies to optimize patients’ chances of remission Cette séance et présenté en anglais et des diapositives seront disponibles en anglais et en français. This program meets the criteria of The College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been accredited for up to 1.0 Mainpro-M1 credit.
IMPACT: IMproving PAtient Care in Type 2 diabetes
Lawrence Leiter, MD, FRCPC, FACP, Toronto, ON; John Axler, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON; Jean-Marie Ékoé, MD, CSPQ, PD, Montréal, ON ROOM / SALLE : 710a - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. discuss the clinical benefits of optimizing glycemic control in patients with Type 2 Diabetes in order to reduce the risk of microvascular and potentially, macrovascular complications 2. assess the risk factors for hypoglycemia in order to reduce the risk for hypoglycemia and its associated complications 3. individualize selection of antihyperglycelmic agents to achieve optimal glycemic control This program meets the criteria of The College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been accredited for up to 1.0 Mainpro-M1 credit.
Gut to the Chase: The need for movement in chronic constipation
Presenter: Gaetano Morelli, MD, Montréal, QC; Moderator: Carl Fournier, MD, Rosemère, QC ROOM / SALLE : 710a - Palais des congrès
As a result of this educational program, participants will be able to: 1. distinguish between the physician definition of chronic constipation and that of the patient. 2. interpret the patient’s presentation of symptoms with respect to constipation 3. evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of current treatment regimens 4. understand the mechanism of action of new treatment options and their use for appropriate patients This program meets the criteria of The College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been accredited for up to 1.0 Mainpro-M1 credit.
The Management of Influenza in Primary Care: A review of current recommendations
Anthony D’Urzo, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON ROOM / SALLE : 520a,b,d,e - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. become familiar with practical and timely strategies for influenza diagnosis in the community setting 2. become familiar with management strategies for both seasonal and pandemic influenza, including the role of vaccination 3. review the most current recommendations on the role of antiviral therapy in influenza management This program meets the criteria of The College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been accredited for up to 1.0 Mainpro-M1 credit.
Treating Eczema Beyond the Flare: Applying the new maintenance therapeutic paradigm to your practice
Presenter: Maha Dutil, MD, FRCPC, Toronto, ON; Moderator: Claude Laroche, ROOM / SALLE : 710b - Palais des congrès
Montréal, QC
At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. better understand how a compromised skin barrier affects the chronic course of recurring flares and the selection of effective treatment options 2. become familiar with the clinical justification for a preventative treatment approach 3. gain a greater appreciation for the potential advantages of utilizing a preventative maintenance treatment strategy This program meets the criteria of The College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been accredited for up to 1.0 Mainpro-M1 credit.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
november 4
4 novembre
2200SS Prevention of HPV-Related Diseases: Not just a women’s issue 07:00–08:00 Vivien Brown, MDCM, CCFP, FCFP, NCMP, Toronto, ON; Marina Salvadori, MD, FRCPC, London, ON; Marc Steben, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Candiac, QC ROOM / SALLE : 520a,b,d,e - Palais de congrès At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. describe the clinical, social and economic impact of the burden of HPV-related diseases in males 2. explain the clinical efficacy, safety and real-life effectiveness of the quadrivalent HPV vaccine in males 3. review the rol of shared responsibilities in transmission. 4. recognize the limitations of gender specific immunization programs 5. explain how to incorporate routine HPV vaccination of males into clinical practrice through various counselling and logistical methods This program meets the criteria of The College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been accredited for up to 1.0 Mainpro-M1 credit.
Canadian Approaches to Stroke prEvention in atrial arrhythmiaS (CASES)
Tom Hadjis, MD, FRCPC, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 710a - Palais de congrès
Learning objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. recognize and realize the burden of stroke in AF patients 2. identify challenges faced with managing patients with AF at risk for stroke in different clinical settings 3. use new anticoagulants for stroke prevention in patients with AF This program meets the criteria of The College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been accredited for up to 1.0 Mainpro-M1 credit.
2383SS GOUT: sUA lowering therapies: The why, the when, the how 07:00–08:00 Michael Starr, MD, FRCPC, Montréal, QC
ROOM / SALLE : 710b - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. appreciate the significance and long-term implications of elevated serum uric acid (sUA) levels 2. discuss strategies for managing and counselling patients with elevated sUA including a clear understanding of their risk 3. understand the benefits and limitations of current urate lowering therapies, and recognize when to initiate sUA lowering therapies This program meets the criteria of The College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been accredited for up to 1.0 Mainpro-M1 credit.
Is Your Postmenopausal Patient at Risk of Fracture? What you need to know
Suzanne Morin, MD, MSc, FRCP, FACP, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 710b - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. incorporate new 2010 Osteoporosis Canada guidelines-based recommendations into patient care decisions 2. risk stratify postmenopausal women for risk of fracture; focussing on how to manage your moderate risk patient 3. develop evidence-based treatment plans for patients at risk of osteoporotic fracture This program meets the criteria of The College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been accredited for up to 1.0 Mainpro-M1 credit.
Achieving Broad Protection Against Serogroup B: On the cusp of the first broadly protective Meningitis B vaccine
Marla Shapiro, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON; John Yaremko, ROOM / SALLE : 710a - Palais des congrès
Montréal, QC; Marina Salvadori, MD, FRCPC, London, ON
During this session, participants will: 1. examine the epidemiology of meningococcal disease Serogroup B in Canada 2. describe the pathophysiology of meningococcal disease Serogroup B and its impact on vaccine development, with a focus on a novel multi-component meningococcal B vaccine development program 3. review and discuss clinical data of 4CMen B vaccination in various age groups - infants, adolescents and adults This program meets the criteria of The College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been accredited for up to 1.0 Mainpro-M1 credit.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
Optimizing Asthma Management: Achieving current control and preventing future risk
Anthony D’Urzo, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON ROOM / SALLE : 520a,b,d,e, - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. discuss the current state of asthma control in Canada according to the latest guidelines 2. prevent the long-term consequences of poor asthma control (future risk) and understand the importance of improved disease control 3.employ strategies and treatment options to enhance patient adherence to therapy and achieve better asthma control This program meets the criteria of The College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been accredited for up to 1.0 Mainpro-M1 credit.
3416SS Raising The Bar In Optimal GERD Management 07:00–08:00 Carlo Fallone, MDCM, FRCP(c), AGA(F), Montréal, QC
ROOM / SALLE : 520a,b,d,e, - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. specify the factors contributing to incomplete response to current PPIs 2. evaluate the new generation of longer-acting PPIs for the management of patients with GERD 3. discuss the differences between conventional and newer PPI formulations with respect to time of dosing in relation to food intake 4. describe other therapies under investigation for the treatment of GERD This program meets the criteria of The College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been accredited for up to 1.0 Mainpro-M1 credit.
3442SS Is HRT Right for Considering: VTE, breast cancer and genetics 07:00–08:00 Presenter: to be confirmed ROOM / SALLE : 710b - Palais des congrès At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. understand the risk of HT related to VTEs, stroke and breast cancer 2. identify the right individuals for HT 3. counsel menopausal women by putting the benefits and risks of HT in context This program meets the criteria of The College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been accredited for up to 1.0 Mainpro-M1 credit.
Individualizing Care for Patients with Depression: Diagnosing and treating patients with MDD
Claudio Soares, MD, FRCPC, Hamilton, ON ROOM / SALLE : 710b - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. recognize the importance of accurately diagnosing major depressive disorder (MDD) 2. recognize the importance of monitoring patient response to therapy and treating patients to remission 3. describe various therapeutic approaches for patients with non-response and incomplete response to initial antidepressant Du matériel français sera disponible sur place, toutefois la présentation se fera en anglais. This program meets the criteria of The College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been accredited for up to 1.0 Mainpro-M1 credit.
Dermatology Update: Non-melanoma skin cancer and the emerging role of the family physician
Presenters: Kevin Saunders, MD, CCFP, Winnipeg, MB; Aamir Haider, MD, PharmD, FRCPC, Oakville, ON Moderator: Rick Ward, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Calgary, AB ROOM / SALLE : 710a - Palais des congrès
Learning objectives: 1. to enhance awareness of the prevalence, incidence, diagnosis rate, and disease burden of actinic keratosis (AK) and associated non-melanoma skin cancer 2. to enhance awareness of the prevalence, incidence, diagnosis rate, and disease burden of actinic keratosis (AK) and associated non-melanoma skin cancer 3. to provide an overview of the clinical features and pathogenesis of AK, and its potential progression to basal cell carcinoma (BCC), and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) 4. to empower and encourage family physicians, as front-line healthcare providers, to diagnose and treat AK in an effort to reduce new This program meets the criteria of The College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been accredited for up to 1.0 Mainpro-M1 credit.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
THURSDAY NOVEMBER 3 / JEUDI 3 NOVEMBRE Demonstration Theatre 1 / Théâtre de démonstration 1
Demonstration Theatre 2 / Théâtre de démonstration 2
1096D 10:15 – 11:15 1106D 11:20 – 12:20
1112D L’examen musculosquelettique – genou 10:15 – 11:15 (cours 1)
Introduction to Wound Care – (Course 1) Mark Karanofsky,
Côte St - Luc, QC
Dermoscopy – (Course 1) David Knox, B. Math, MD, CCFP, FCFP, DCD, Orangeville, ON
1509D Dermoscopy – (Course 2 – Repeat) 13:40 – 14:40 David Knox, B. Math, MD, CCFP, FCFP, DCD, Orangeville, ON
1097D Soins de plaies - une introduction 15:10 – 16:10 Mark Karanofsky, MD, CCFP, Côte St - Luc, QC
Claude Rajotte, MD, CCMF, Montréal, QC
1115D L’examen musculosquelettique – cheville 11:20 – 12:20 Claude Rajotte, MD, CCMF, Montréal, QC 1140D L’examen musculosqueletique – poignet 13:40 – 14:40 (cours 1)
Claude Rajotte, MD, CCMF, Montréal, QC
FRIDAY NOVEMBER 4 / VENDREDI 4 NOVEMBRE Demonstration Theatre 1 / Théâtre de démonstration 1
Demonstration Theatre 2 / Théâtre de démonstration 2
2158D Ankle Brachial Index (ABI): 08:15 – 09:15 Key to diagnosing PAD workshop (Course 1) Marge Lovell, RN, CCRC, Med, London, ON;
2146D L’insertion de stérilet et biopsie de 08:15 – 09:15 l’endomètrie (cours 1)
Barend Grobbelaar,
2526D 09:20 – 10:20
Ankle Brachial Index (ABI): Key to diagnosing PAD workshop (Course 2 - Repeat)
Prince George, BC
Marge Lovell, RN, CCRC, Med, London, ON; Barend Grobbelaar, MD, CCFP, Prince George, BC
2141D L’examen musculosqueletique – genou 10:50 – 11:50 (cours 2 - répétition) Claude Rajotte, MD, CCMF, Montréal, QC
2142D L’examen musculosqueletique – poignet 13:10 – 14:10 (cours 2 - répétition)
Claude Rajotte,
Montréal, QC
2143D L’examen musculosqueletique – épaule 14:15 – 15:15 Claude Rajotte, MD, CCMF, Montréal, QC
Cleve Ziegler,
Montréal, QC
2147D L’insertion de stérilet et biopsie de 09:20 – 10:20 l’endomètrie (cours 2 - répétition) Cleve Ziegler, MD, FRCSC, Montréal, QC 2135D IUD Insertion – (Course 1) 10:50 – 11:50 Ellen Wiebe, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Vancouver, BC;
Konia Trouton,
Victoria, BC
2144D IUD Insertion – (Course 2 – Repeat) 13:10 – 14:10 Ellen Wiebe, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Vancouver, BC;
Konia Trouton,
Victoria, BC
2145D IUD Insertion – (Course 3 – Repeat) 14:15 – 15:15 Ellen Wiebe, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Vancouver, BC;
Konia Trouton,
Victoria, BC
SATURDAY NOVEMBER 5 / SAMEDI 5 NOVEMBRE Demonstration Theatre 1 / Théâtre de démonstration 1
Demonstration Theatre 2 / Théâtre de démonstration 2
3070D Diagnosis and Treatment of Common 08:30 – 09:30 Shoulder Pathologies – (Course 1)
3148D Ultrasound in family medicine (Course 1) 08:30 – 09:30 Peter Steinmetz, MD, Montréal, QC
Juan Antonio Garcia - Rodriguez,MD, CCFP, Dip Sports Med, Calgary, AB
3530D Diagnosis and Treatment of Common 09:35 – 10:35 Shoulder Pathologies – (Course 2 – Repeat)
Juan Antonio Garcia - Rodriguez, MD, CCFP, Dip Sports Med Calgary, AB
3153D Introduction to Wound Care 11:05 – 12:05 (Course 2 – Repeat)
Mark Karanofsky,
3149D L’utilisation de l’échographie 09:35 – 10:35 Peter Steinmetz, MD, Montréal, QC 3150D Ultrasound in family medicine 11:05 – 12:05 (Course 2 - Repeat)
Peter Steinmetz, MD, Montréal, QC
Côte St - Luc, QC
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM • PROGRAMME SCIENTIFIQUE Special Interest Full-Day and Half-Day Programs Programmes d’un jour et d’une demi-journée axés sur les intérêts particuliers The following full-day and half-day programs were developed by the CFPC’s Special Interests or Focused Practices (SIFP) Program Committees and Patient Care Committees in order to offer blocks of sessions for those FMF delegates who either have a specific area of interest or desire more intense exposure to a particular clinical area. All delegates are free to attend on a first-come/first-served basis (no pre-registration required). Les programmes suivants d’une journée complète et d’une demi-journée ont été élaborés par les comités des programmes de la Section des médecins de famille avec intérêts particuliers ou pratiques ciblées (IPPC) et les comités des soins aux patients afin d’offrir des blocs de séances aux participants au FMF qui s’intéressent à un domaine en particulier ou souhaitent avoir une exposition plus intense à un sujet clinique spécifique. Tous les délégués sont libres d’y assister sur la base du premier arrivé, premier servi (aucune inscription préalable n’est nécessaire).
THURSDAY november 3 / JEUDI 3 novembre 1002 07:00 – 08:00 1003 07:00 – 08:00 1004 07:00 – 08:00 1005 07:00 – 08:00 1256 07:00 – 08:00
Occupational Medicine Networking Breakfast ROOM / SALLE : 512e - Palais des congrès
General and Family Practice Anaesthesia Networking Breakfast: How can we minimize error? ROOM / SALLE : 513a - Palais des congrès
Addiction Medicine Networking Breakfast
ROOM / SALLE : 513b - Palais des congrès
Hospital Medicine Group Networking Breakfast ROOM / SALLE : 513c - Palais des congrès
Networking Breakfast in Palliative Care - Regional initiatives to facilitate expected home deaths ROOM / SALLE : 512f - Palais des congrès
1108 13:40 – 14:10
Survival Guide to Pediatric Dermatology Guide de survie en dermatologie pédiatrique General Session / Séance générale
1109 14:10 – 14:40
Developmental Screening: New insights Dépistage développemental : Nouvelles intuitions General Session / Séance générale
1116 15:10 – 16:10
New Pediatric Literature that will Change Your Practice Nouvelle littérature scientifique en pédiatrie qui changera votre pratique General Session / Séance générale
1111 16:15 – 16:45
L’adolescent qui révèle une consummation de drogues The adolescent who admits taking drugs General Session / Séance générale
1112 16:45 – 17:15
Exciting New Advances in Primary Care Pediatrics Progrès intéressant en soins primaires pédiatriques General Session / Séance générale
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
Special Interest Full-Day and Half-Day Programs Programmes d’un jour et d’une demi-journée axés sur les intérêts particuliers Thursday – continued/ JEUDI – suite
n EMERGENCY MEDICINE / MÉDECINE D’URGENCE n ROOM / SALLE : 516d - Palais des congrès :
1009 10:15 – 10:45 1010 10:45 – 11:15 1013 11:20 – 11:50 1014 11:50 – 12:20 1016 13:40 – 14:10 1017 14:10 – 14:40
New ACLS Guidelines: Adults New PALS Guidelines What’s New in ACS & AMI? Hypertensive Emergencies Influenza: What’s new? SIRS and Sepsis in the ED
1018 13:40 – 14:40 1021 15:10 – 16:10 1022 16:15 – 17:15
Guidelines for the Practice of Psychotherapy by Physicians Managing Uncertainty: A novel approach to assessing undifferentiated mental disorders in primary care The Therapeutic Relationship: The importance of the therapeutic relationship in psychotherapy and family practice, with a focus on healthy boundaries and the new neuroscience of human relationships
n GLOBAL HEALTH / MÉDECINE MONDIALE n ROOM / SALLE : 511d - Palais des congrès :
1011 10:15 – 10:30 1012 10:30 – 11:30 1015 11:30 – 12:20 1019 13:40 – 14:40 1024 15:10 – 16:10 1026 16:15 – 17:00 17:00 – 17:15
Past to Present: Outcomes of the pre-conference day 2010 and outline of 2011 Toolbox Topic 1: Curriculum in global health Toolbox Topic 2: Service learning Toolbox Topic 3: Pre-departure training Toolbox Topic 4: Building partnerships Toolbox Topic 5: Global health for the community family doctor Wrap-up
ROOM / SALLE : 523a,b - Palais des congrès :
1117 11:20 – 12:20
A Guided Tour of Health Care for the Elderly on the Internet Computer learning centre session
ROOM / SALLE : 511a - Palais des congrès :
1284 13:40 – 14:40
Geriatric Care in a Family Health Team: Developing a community of practice to improve older adult care and manage the challenges of multiple co-morbidities
ROOM / SALLE : 524b - Palais des congrès :
1023 15:10 – 16:10
Maladie d’alzheimer : Où en sommes-nous?
ROOM / SALLE : 511a - Palais des congrès :
1240 15:10 – 16:10 1025 16:15 – 17:15
Decision-making Capacity Assessment Protocols for Best Practices Care for Dementia Patients in Emergency Departments and Acute Care Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM • PROGRAMME SCIENTIFIQUE Special Interest Full-Day and Half-Day Programs Programmes d’un jour et d’une demi-journée axés sur les intérêts particuliers
FRIDAY november 4 / VENDREDI 4 novembre
n Sport and Exercise Medicine / Médecine du sport et de l’exercice n ROOM / SALLE : 513d - Palais des congrès :
2009 07:00 – 08:00
Sport and Exercise Medicine Networking Breakfast
ROOM / SALLE : 511a - Palais des congrès :
2041 13:10 – 13:40 2042 13:40 – 14:10 2047 14:15 – 14:45 2049 14:45 – 15:15
What Is a Sport Concussion? (Diagnosis, assessment, epidemiology) Return to Play Decisions After Concussion Role of Neuropsychological Testing in Concussion Sport and Exercise Medicine: Future directions
n EMERGENCY MEDICINE / MÉDECINE D’URGENCE n ROOM / SALLE : 524a - Palais des congrès :
2028 09:20 – 09:50 2029 09:50 – 10:20 2043 13:10 – 13:40 2044 13:40 – 14:10 2050 14:15 – 14:45
Toxic Status Epilepticus Acute Back Pain : When to worry Fever in Children Infection control in the E.D. Anaphylaxis
n Health Care of the Elderly / Soins aux personnes âgées n ROOM / SALLE : 513b - Palais des congrès :
2007 07:00 – 08:00
The Geriatric Book Club: Medical humanities and care of the elderly – Networking breakfast
ROOM / SALLE : 519a - Palais des congrès :
2018 08:15 – 09:15 2027 09:20 – 10:20 2035 10:35-11:50
Tips and Tricks for Mucky Meds: A practical approach Practical Care in the Office Setting Why You May Be Missing Elder Abuse in Your Patients
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
Special Interest Full-Day and Half-Day Programs Programmes d’un jour et d’une demi-journée axés sur les intérêts particuliers Friday – continued/ VENDREDI – suite
n Maternity Care Day / Journée des soins de maternité n ROOM / SALLE : 514a,b,c - Palais des congrès :
2008 07:00 – 08:00 2019 08:15 – 08:45 2020 08:45 – 09:15 2031 09:20 – 09:50 2032 09:50 – 10:20 2036 10:50 – 11:20 2037 11:20 – 11:50 2045 13:10 – 13:40 2046 13:40 – 14:10 2051 14:15 – 15:15
Maternity Care Teachers Networking Breakfast Newborn Orthopedics: What is seen in the first few weeks? Gestational Diabetes A Practical Guide to Prenatal Genetics Preterm Labour Fertility: More than just having a baby Fever in Mother and Baby: What to do when both are hot Skin to Skin: A neurobehavioural rationale Newborn Rashes The Crying Baby
n Respiratory Medicine – Médecine respiratoire n ROOM / SALLE : 513a - Palais des congrès :
2006 07:00 – 08:00
Respiratory Medicine Networking Breakfast
ROOM / SALLE : 520a,b,d,e - Palais des congrès :
2014 Spirometry: Why should you do it? 08:15 – 08:35 2015 Sinusitis Guidelines 08:35 – 08:55 2016 Will You Recognize That Case of TB? 08:55 – 09:15 2025 Adult Asthma: Pearls to change your management 09:20 – 09:50 2026 Paediatric Asthma: Pearls to change your management 09:50 – 10:20 2033 Inhaler Devices: Do you know how to use them? 10:50 – 11:20 2034 Action Plans: How to use them 11:20 – 11:50 2001 07:00 – 08:00 2010 07:00 – 08:00 2011 07:00 – 08:00 2334 07:00 – 08:00
Chronic Non-Cancer Pain Networking Breakfast ROOM / SALLE : 513f - Palais des congrès
n Medical GP Psychotherapy Networking Breakfast
ROOM / SALLE : 513c - Palais des congrès
Prison Medicine Networking Breakfast ROOM / SALLE : 512f - Palais des congrès
Special Interest Program in Developmental Disabilities Medicine – Networking Breakfast ROOM / SALLE : 513e - Palais des congrès
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM • PROGRAMME SCIENTIFIQUE Special Interest Full-Day and Half-Day Programs Programmes d’un jour et d’une demi-journée axés sur les intérêts particuliers
SATURDAY november 5 / SAMEDI 5 novembre
n Addiction Medicine / Médecine de la toxicomanie n
ROOM / SALLE : 524c - Palais des congrès :
3335 11:05 – 11:35 3347 11:35 – 12:05 3020 13:25 – 13:55 3021 13:55 – 14:25 3023 14:30 – 15:00 3024 15:00 – 15:30
Breaking Free From Addictions Talking About Addiction With Our Patients: When and how? Identification and Management of Prescription Opioid Misuse and Addiction Marijuana: Myths and misconceptions Buprenorphine Prescribing: A primer for family physicians Office Management of At-Risk Drinking and Alcohol
n EMERGENCY MEDICINE / MÉDECINE D’URGENCE n ROOM / SALLE : 516b - Palais des congrès :
3018 13:25 – 13:55 3019 13:55 – 14:25 3022 14:30 – 15:00
AIT à haut risque Lipid Emulsion Therapy Acetaminophen Ingestions
n Respiratory Medicine/ Médecine respiratoire n ROOM / SALLE : 511a - Palais des congrès :
3003 Chronic Cough: A quick overview for family physicians 08:30 – 09:00 3004 Dyspnea Management 09:00 – 09:30 3008 Case Study: Does it matter? 09:35 – 10:05 3009 COPD: A different disease than you thought – from diagnosis to management 10:05 – 10:35 3029 Why Are You Dyspneic? Beyond the asthma, COPD, CHF and CAD! 11:05 – 12:05
n Mental Health / Santé mentale n ROOM / SALLE : 516d - Palais des congrès :
3007 08:30 – 15:30
An Organized Targeted Approach to Your Patients With Mental Health Problems: All in realistic time
n Sport and Exercise Medicine / Médecine du sport et de l’exercice n ROOM / SALLE : 524b - Palais des congrès :
3005 The ABCs of Anti-Doping for the Family Physician 08:30 – 09:00 3006 Paralympic Athletes 09:00 – 09:30 3010 Primary Care Approach to Ankle Injuries 09:35 – 10:05 3011 Non-surgical Management of Osteoarthritis 10:05 – 10:35 3016 Des causes fréquentes de douleur à la région de la hanche et de l’aine chez les sportifs 11:05 – 11:35 3017 La douleur antérieure non-traumatique au genou au bureau 11:35 – 12:05
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
FAMILY MEDICINE EDUCATION FORUM (FMEF) FORUM SUR L’ÉDUCATION EN MÉDECINE FAMILIALE (FEMF) This program meets the accreditation criteria of The College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been accredited for up to 6 Mainpro-M1 credits. Ce programme satisfait aux critères d’approbation du College des médecins de famille du Canada et a été approuvé pour un maximum de 6 credits. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED / LA PRÉINSCRIPTION EST OBLIGATOIRE 08:15 – 18:00 Show and Tell Posters / Affiches d’expression libre ROOM / SALLE : 511a,d & FOYER - Palais des congrès 1. University of Manitoba - Distributed Medical Education Streams in Manitoba 2. University of Alberta - Family Medicine Education: Really Good Stuff 3. Memorial University - Family Medicine Scholarship Program/Family Medicine Clerkship/Project for Enhanced Rural/Remote Training in Family Medicine/Rural Clinical Schools Medical Education Network 4. McGill University - Towards Professionalizing Humanitarian Aid: A Program for Residents at McGill University 5. University of British Columbia - Observation-Reflection-Awareness: A Video-Review Method for Fostering Mindful Communication 6. University of Calgary – Med.Zero: A Program to “Immunize” Incoming Medical Students Against the Hidden Curriculum FMEF and Research Day delegates are invited to the Show and Tell Networking Reception to discuss new research and educational innovations.
08:00 – 08:30 BREAKFAST / PETIT DÉJEUNER ROOM / SALLE : 511a,d - Palais des congrès P195 Robust Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI): A Critical Approach for Program Evaluation and 08:30 – 12:00 Accreditation in the 21st century Amélioration continue de la qualité (ACQ) rigoureuse : Une démarche à l’évaluation et à l’agrément de programmes au 21e siècle ROOM / SALLE : 510 - Palais des congrès Goals: 1. to help delegates understand the accreditation process and the place of CQI in residency program evaluation. 2. to explore alternatives to the traditional approach to accreditation 3. to define and understand the areas to be assessed as part of accreditation and CQI in the 21st century Objectifs : 1. aider les participants à comprendre le processus de l’agrément et la place de l’ACQ dans l’évaluation des programmes de résidence 2. explorer des solutions de rechange à l’approche traditionnelle utilisée dans l’agrément 3. définir et comprendre les domaines à évaluer dans le contexte de l’agrément et de l’ACQ au 21e siècle
10:00 – 10:30 BREAK AND POSTER VIEWING / PAUSE ET VISITE DES AFFICHES ROOM / SALLE : 511a,d & FOYER - Palais des congrès 12:00 – 13:00 FMEF Lunch and Murray Stalker Lecture Dejeuner du FEMF et présentation du prix Murray Stalker ROOM / SALLE : 510 - Palais des congrès
Session cancellation: The College reserves the right to cancel session(s) due to unforeseen circumstances and cannot accept responsibility for out-of-pocket expenses incurred due to the cancellation of any session. Annulation de séance: Le Collège se réserve le droit d’annuler une ou plusieurs séances s’il survient des événements imprévus et ne sera pas responsable de toute menue dépense encourue en raison de l’annulation d’une séance.
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée
scientific program • programme scientifique
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
PRE-CONFERENCE — WEDNESDAY 2 MERCREDI — JOURNÉE PRÉCONFÉRENCE P193 Transmettre de l’information sur la progression du résident entre les milieux de stage : 13:00 – 15:00 Non? Oui? Comment? Forward Feeding About Resident Progress Between Rotations: Yes? No? How?
Luce Pelissier-Simard, MD, CCMF, FCMF, Sherbrooke, QC; Gilbert Sanche, Louise Authier, MD, CCMF, FCMF, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 510 - Palais des congrès
Laval, QC;
Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) distinguer les avantages et les inconvénients de transmettre l’information sur la progression du résident entre les milieux de stage où ce dernier aura à évoluer 2) comparer les pratiques en cours dans les programmes de médecine de famille du Canada 3) si pertinent, savoir comment transmettre de l’information entre les milieux de stage en suscitant la participation de l’étudiant. Learning objectives: 1. distinguish pros and cons of forward feeding 2. compare policies and practice across FM postgraduate programs 3. propose guidelines on how to transfer information on resident’s progress
P342 Finding Research Opportunities in Your Teaching: Don’t fear research; embrace it! 13:00 – 15:00 Shelley P. Ross, PhD, Edmonton, AB; Sudha Koppula, BSc, MD, MClSc, CCFP, Edmonton, AB
ROOM / SALLE : 512g - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. plan to identify opportunities for scholarly activity in their teaching 2. recognize where they are already carrying out scholarly activity in their work with students and residents 3. apply ideas and examples from the workshop to their own education innovations and teaching tips
P343 Benefits of a Competency-Based Achievement System: Going beyond resident evaluation 13:00 – 15:00 Shirley Schipper, MD, CCFP, Edmonton, AB; Michel G. Donoff, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Edmonton, AB;
Paul W. A. Humphries, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Edmonton, AB; Fred H. Janke, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Silvan Lake, AB; Darren Nichols, MD, CCFP(EM), Edmonton, AB ROOM / SALLE : 512h - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. be introduced to the principles of CBAS 2. explore the ways in which CBAS supports decisions made by program directors 3. learn how to use CBAS to track progress towards competency 4. learn how CBAS can be used to identify residents in difficulty earlier and target remediation 5. identify other potential benefits of CBAS such as directed faculty development, tracking direct observation and procedural skills, building portfolios and more 6. learn how to apply their knowledge of the CBAS tools to their own programs
P362 The Next Revolution in Medical Education and Faculty Development: An introduction to narrative 13:00 – 15:00 medicine and reflective portfolios Michael Roberts, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON; Yee-ling Chang, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON ROOM / SALLE : 513b - Palais des congrès Learning objectives: 1. understand the role of portfolio educational tools in medical curriculum and professional development 2. develop skills in narrative medical writing 3. practice and experience an appreciate feedback process
P332 They Are Related! CanMEDS-FM and the Evaluation Objectives in a Triple C Curriculum 13:00 – 15:00 Eric Wong, MD, CCFP, London, ON; Danielle Saucier, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Québec, QC;
Ivy Oandasan, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Mississauga, ON; Karl Iglar, MD, CCFP, Toronto, ON
ROOM / SALLE : 513c - Palais des congrès
Learning objectives: 1. describe the content of the competency frameworks involved in the Triple C Curriculum 2. discuss their relationships and respective relevance, within the Triple C Curriculum 3. explore their uses in residency program activities
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
Two senior medical students will present qualitative and quantitative data and insights gleaned from a pilot survey of medical students representing every Canadian medical school. We will explore student perceptions of successes and challenges inherent in undergraduate MD training at their respective medical schools. This workshop is aimed at individuals who are interested in or who design and deliver undergraduate FM curriculum, from students to program directors. Participants will gain insight into how undergraduate FM curricular components are perceived, and what the average student would want the ideal undergraduate FM curriculum to be. This interactive session will involve discussion of successes and challenges that undergraduate FM teachers, directors, and students face and strategies to expand both the role and content of family medicine in undergraduate MD training.
P417 Ethics for Family Physicians: Curriculum modules and resources 13:00 – 15:00 William F. Sullivan, MD, PhD, CCFP, Thornhill, ON; Susan E. MacDonald, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Kingston, ON;
Michael Yeo, PhD, Sudbury, ON; Isabelle Arsenault, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Saint Lambert, QC; Keith D. Ogle, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Saskatoon, SK ROOM / SALLE : 513e - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. learn about the new CFPC Committee on Ethics’ family medicine ethics curriculum goals and content for family medicine residency programs 2. learn about a proposed template for modules and sample modules with resources that have been developed to help teachers achieve these curriculum goals and evaluate learning 3. discuss ways in which these modules and related resources may be improved, applied and adapted to support ethics teaching and evaluation
15:00 – 15:30 BREAK AND POSTER VIEWING / PAUSE ET VISITE DES AFFICHES ROOM / SALLE : 511a,d & FOYER - Palais des congrès 15:30 – 16:30 MEDICAL EDUCATION RESEARCH PAPER PRESENTATIONS / PRÉSENTATIONS DES COMMUNICATIONS SUR LA RECHERCHE EN ÉDUCATION MÉDICALE See page 49 / Voir la page 49 16:30 – 17:30 SHOW AND TELL NETWORKING SESSION RECEPTION / RÉCEPTION DE RÉSEAUTAGE DE LA SÉANCE D’EXPRESSION LIBRE ROOM / SALLE : 511a,d - Palais des congrès FMEF and Research Day delegates are invited to the Show and Tell Networking Reception to discuss new research and educational innovations. Les participants au FÉMF et à la Journée de la recherche sont invités à une séance d’expression libre où ils pourront renouer avec des collègues et discuter de nouveaux projets de recherche et d’innovations dans le domaine de l’éducation.
Les séances seront présentées dans la langue du titre mentionné. Un titre bilingue, marqué du symbole des écouteurs indique que l’interprétation simultanée sera offerte. The language of the session title indicates the language in which the session will be presented. For those sessions with simultaneous interpretation, the title will be bilingual with the simultaneous interpretation symbol appearing beside that title.
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée
scientific program • programme scientifique
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
P311 The Family Medicine Curriculum Through the Eyes of the Medical Student 13:00 – 15:00 Stephanie Roman, Ottawa, ON; Goldis Chami, Burnaby, BC ROOM / SALLE : 513d - Palais des congrès
7th ANNUAL FAMILY MEDICINE RESEARCH DAY 7e JOURNÉE ANNUELLE DE RECHERCHE EN MÉDECINE FAMILIALE This program meets the accreditation criteria of The College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been accredited for up to 6 Mainpro-M1 credits. Ce programme satisfait aux critères d’approbation du College des médecins de famille du Canada et a été approuvé pour un maximum de 6 credits. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED / LA PRÉINSCRIPTION EST OBLIGATOIRE
07:00 – 08:15 BREAKFAST / PETIT DÉJEUNER ROOM / SALLE : 511a,d - Palais des congrès 08:15 – 08:30 WELCOME / BIENVENUE ROOM / SALLE : 511b,c,e,f - Palais des congrès P456 A Tale of Two Cultures: Specialists and generalists sharing the load 08:30 – 08:45 Donna P. Manca, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Edmonton, AB; Lorraine Breault, PhD, CPsych, Psych, Edmonton, AB; Paul Wishart, PhD, MA, Calgary, AB ROOM / SALLE : 512a - Palais des congrès P659 A National Evaluation Framework for Chronic Disease Self-Management Support Programs in Canada 08:30 – 08:45 Sharon Johnston, MD, LLM, Ottawa, ON; Hannah Irving, MA, Ottawa, ON; Karina Mill, BSc, Ottawa, ON ROOM / SALLE : 512b - Palais des congrès P645 Creating an Educational Research Culture in a Department of Family Medicine 08:30 – 08:45 G. Richard Spooner, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Edmonton, AB ROOM / SALLE : 512c - Palais des congrès P445 Characterizing the Rationale for Non-Urgent Emergency Department Use in Black Diamond 08:30 – 08:45 Trevor Trinh, MD, CCFP, Calgary, AB; John Fralick, MSc, Calgary, AB; Neil Drummond, PhD, Calgary, AB ROOM / SALLE : 512d - Palais des congrès P208 Vision de la relève en médecine familiale sur la collaboration entre médecins et pharmaciens 08:50 – 09:05 Luc Cote, MSS, PhD, Québec, QC; Michelle Normandeau, Montréal, QC; Brigitte Maheux, Montréal, QC;
Andree Gilbert, Montréal, QC; Louise Authier, MD, CCMF, FCMF, Montréal, QC; Louise Lefort, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 512a - Palais des congrès
P553 How Well Is Diabetes Care Managed in Patients Who Also Have Depression? 08:50 – 09:05 Patricia Sullivan-Taylor, BSN, MPA, PMP, Toronto, ON ROOM / SALLE : 512b - Palais des congrès P525 Just-in-Time for CME: Assessing the most pressing continuing medical education (CME) 08:50 – 09:05 needs of practicing physicians through questions asked during clinical encounters
Lise Bjerre, MD, PhD, Ottawa, ON Authors: L. M. Bjerre (presenter), J. McGowan, W. Hogg ROOM / SALLE : 512c - Palais des congrès
P153 Assisting Primary Care Physicians With Latest Evidence on Spinal Cord Injury 08:50 – 09:05 Mary Ann McColl, PhD, MTS, Kingston, ON; Alice Aiken, PhD, Kingston, ON; Samuel E. D. Shortt, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Ottawa, ON;
Mike Schaub, MPA, Kingston, ON; ROOM / SALLE : 512d - Palais des congrès
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
P633 Measuring the Development of Competencies in Interprofessional Collaboration During a Reproductive 09:10 – 09:25 Health Project During Undergraduate Training Wendy V. Norman, MD, MHSc, FCFP, Vancouver, BC; Judith A. Soon, PhD, Vancouver, BC; Jasmine Leslie, MD, CCFP, Richmond, BC ROOM / SALLE : 512a - Palais des congrès
P600 Talking Health Together (T.H.T.): A randomized trial to evaluate the impact of a communication 09:10 – 09:25 intervention for chronic disease patients in primary care
Marie-Thérèse Lussier, MD, MSc, CCFP, FCFP, Montréal, QC; Claude Richard, PhD, MA, Montréal, QC; Duncan Jewell, MSc, Mississauga, ON; Marina Colton, MSc, MBA, Mississauga, ON ROOM / SALLE : 512b - Palais des congrès
P521 Physician Assessments of the Value of eBook Information Delivered via E-mail 09:10 – 09:25 Roland Grad, MDCM, MSC, FCFP, Montréal, QC; Pierre Pluye, MD, PhD, Montréal, QC; Carol Repchinsky, Ottawa, ON;
Bernard A. Marlow, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Mississauga, ON; James Bonar, Ottawa, ON; Barbara Jovaisas, Ottawa, ON; Jonathan Moscovici, Montréal, QC; Michael Shulha, MLIS, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 512c - Palais des congrès
P409 A Survey Study of Primary Health Care Usage and Experience in the Gay Male Population of Winnipeg 09:10 – 09:25 Cal Bergen, Winnipeg, MB ROOM / SALLE : 512d - Palais des congrès P531 Attitudes Towards Chiropractic: A survey of Canadian family physicians 09:30 – 09:45 Jason Busse, DC, PhD, Toronto, ON; Albana Canga, Toronto, ON; John Riva, Hamilton, ON;
Dan Viggiani, Waterloo, ON; Marc Dilauro, Hamilton, ON; Pamela Kapend, Hamilton, ON; Marie-Pierre Harvey, Trois-Rivières, QC; Isabelle Pagé, Trois-Rivières, QC; Ainsley Moore, MD, CCFP, Hamilton, ON; Claude A. Gauthier, Ottawa, ON; David J. Price, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Hamilton, ON ROOM / SALLE : 512a - Palais des congrès
P660 The Silent Partner: The patient perspective on the management of chronic diseases 09:30 – 09:45 Clare E. Liddy, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Nepean, ON; Hannah Irving, MA, Ottawa, ON; Karina Mill, BSc, Ottawa, ON ROOM / SALLE : 512b - Palais des congrès P411 Framing for Prevention: Implementing the GRADE approach to support the development 09:30 – 09:45 of Canadian Clinical Preventive Guidelines
Kevin Pottie, MD, CCFP, FCFP, MClSc, Ottawa, ON; Marcello Tonelli, MD, SM, FRCPC, Edmonton, AB; Sarah Connor Gorber, Ottawa, ON; Patricia Parkin, MD, FRCPC, Toronto, ON; Patrice Lindsay, RN, PhD, Ottawa, ON ROOM / SALLE : 512c - Palais des congrès
P019 National Longitudinal Study on the Change of Cognitive Function Among the Elderly 09:30 – 09:45 Shu-Hsin Lee, RN, PhD, Taichung City, Taiwan; Chi-Hua Yen, MD, PhD, Taichung City, Taiwan; Meng-Chih Lee, MD, Taichung City, Taiwan ROOM / SALLE : 512d - Palais des congrès P423 Le partage des activités professionnelles entre médecins et infirmières : qu’en pensent les futurs médecins de famille ? 09:50 – 10:05 Andree Gilbert, Montréal, QC; Brigitte Maheux, Montréal, QC; Louise Lefort, Montréal, QC;
Louise Authier, MD, CCMF, FCMF, Montréal, QC; Luc Cote, MSS, PhD, Québec, QC; Sylvie Provost, MD, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 512a - Palais des congrès
P514 Blood Pressure Measurement Using an Automated Blood Pressure Device in Pharmacies Compared 09:50 – 10:05 to Physician Offices: A randomized controlled trial
Janusz Kaczorowski, PhD, Vancouver, BC; Sue O’Rielly, Ottawa, ON; Larry W. Chambers, PhD, Ottawa, ON; Sandra Ignagni, Ottawa, ON; Stephen Hearps, Vancouver, BC ROOM / SALLE : 512b - Palais des congrès
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée
scientific program • programme scientifique
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
PRE-CONFERENCE — WEDNESDAY 2 MERCREDI — JOURNÉE PRÉCONFÉRENCE P501 Preparedness for Rural Practice: Does rural origin matter? 09:50 – 10:05 Olga Szafran, MHSA, Edmonton, AB; Rodney A. Crutcher, MD, CCFP (EM), FCFP, Calgary, AB; Wayne Woloschuk, PhD, Calgary,
AB; Douglas L. Myhre, MD, CCFP, FCFP, FRRMS, Calgary, AB; Jill Konkin, MD, CCFP, Edmonton, AB; John Fralick, MSc, Calgary, AB ROOM / SALLE : 512c - Palais des congrès
P628 Immediate vs. Delayed Insertion of Intrauterine Contraception After Second Trimester Abortion: 09:50 – 10:05 Protocol and rationale for a randomized controlled trial
Wendy V. Norman, MD, MHSc, FCFP, Vancouver, BC; Janusz Kaczorowski, PhD, Vancouver, BC; Judith A. Soon, PhD, Vancouver, BC; Rollin Brant, PhD, Vancouver, BC; Stirling Bryan, PhD, Vancouver, BC; Konia J. Trouton, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Victoria, BC; Lyda Dicus, RN, Vancouver, BC ROOM / SALLE : 512d - Palais des congrès
10:10 – 11:10 BREAK AND POSTER VIEWING / PAUSE ET VISITE DES AFFICHES ROOM / SALLE : 511 a,d & Foyer P424 Collaboration Challenges in the Colorectal Cancer Care Trajectory 11:10 – 11:25 Michèle Aubin, MD, PhD, CCFP, FCFP, Québec, QC; Monique Carrière, PhD, Québec, QC;
Michèle St-Pierre, PhD, Québec, QC; Véronique Lagrange, MSc, Québec, QC ROOM / SALLE : 512a - Palais des congrès
P408 Continuity of Care: Differing conceptions and values 11:10 – 11:25 M. Dianne Delva, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Halifax, NS; Jonathan Kerr, MD, CCFP, Belleville, ON; Karen W. Schultz, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Kingston, ON ROOM / SALLE : 512b - Palais des congrès P631 The Place of Narrative Inquiry in Medical Education Research 11:10 – 11:25 Marie-Therese Cave, MSc, PG Dip Couns, Edmonton, AB; D. Jean Clandinin, PhD, Edmonton, AB;
Andrew Cave, FRCGP, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Edmonton, AB ROOM / SALLE : 512c - Palais des congrès
P603 A Pragmatic, Randomized, Controlled Study Evaluating the Impact of Smoking Cessation Treatment 11:10 – 11:25 Reimbursement on Successful Quitting in Canadian Smokers Motivated to Quit
Peter Selby, MD, MBBS, CCFP, MHSc, DipABAM, Toronto, ON; Gerry Brosky, MD, CCFP, Halifax, NS; Paul Oh, MD, FRCPC, Toronto, ON; Vincent Raymond, Kirkland, QC, Carmen Arteaga, New York, NY; Suzanne Ranger, Kirkland, QC ROOM / SALLE : 512d - Palais des congrès
P451 Davis Observation Code: Describing patient encounters in a new era 11:30 – 11:45 Gayle Halas, RDH, MA, Winnipeg, MB; Alan Katz, MBChB, MSc, CCFP, FCFP, Winnipeg, MB;
David Gregory, RN, PhD, Regina, SK; Katie De Leon-DeMare , RN(EP), MN, FNP, Winnipeg, MB; Jane MacDonald, MN, Winnipeg, MB ROOM / SALLE : 512a - Palais des congrès
P616 Characteristics of Primary Care Settings That Deliver High Quality of Care 11:30 – 11:45 Marie-Dominique Beaulieu, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Brossard, QC ROOM / SALLE : 512b - Palais des congrès P312 A Visual Narrative of Autonomy and Dignity in Later Life 11:30 – 11:45 Sarah Tuck, MD, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 512c - Palais des congrès P687 Colorectal Cancer Screening Practices in Saskatchewan: A survey of Saskatchewan family physicians 11:30 – 11:45 Carlo Di Gregorio, MD, Saskatoon, SK; Jennifer Johnstone, MD, Saskatoon, SK; Jennifer Chad, MD, Saskatoon, SK;
Mark Lees, CCFP, Saskatoon, SK; Ray Deobald, MD, Saskatoon, SK; Chris Kenyon, MD, Saskatoon, SK; Lloyd Balbuena, PhD, Saskatoon, SK ROOM / SALLE : 512d - Palais des congrès
P665 Utilisation et enseignement de la pneumo-otoscopie en médecine familiale à l’Université Laval 11:45 – 12:00 Récipiendaire du prix Nadine St-Pierre, Katerine Charbonneau Perry, MD, Québec, QC;
Eva Ouedraogo, MD, MSc, Québec, QC; Justine Lafrance, Kathleen Dulac, MD, Québec, QC
ROOM / SALLE : 512a - Palais des congrès
Québec, QC; Amélie Roy,
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
Québec, QC;
program • programme scientifique
12:30 – 13:30 SECTION OF RESEARCHERS COUNCIL PRESENTATION / PRÉSENTATION DU CONSEIL DE LA SECTION DES CHERCHEURS ROOM / SALLE : 511b,c,e,f - Palais des congrès 13:30 – 15:00 PRESENTATIONS BY AWARD WINNERS / PRÉSENTATIONS PAR LES LAURÉATS DES PRIX ROOM / SALLE : 511b,c,e,f - Palais des congrès 15:00 – 15:30 BREAK AND POSTER VIEWING / PAUSE ET VISITE DES AFFICHES ROOM / SALLE : 511a,d & FOYER - Palais des congrès P142 Getting Research DONE: How managers and staff can best help 15:30 – 16:30 Pour que ce FASSE la recherche : Comment les administrateurs et le personnel peuvent le mieux contribuer William E. Hogg, Hons BSc, MSc, MClSc, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Ottawa, ON
ROOM / SALLE : 510 - Palais des congrès
Purpose: Successful research needs to be supported for the advancement of family medicine and the careers of the researchers involved. There are many ways research managers and assistants working in departments of family medicine can help. Unfortunately, there are many reasons why so many good ideas are not pursued to completion. Do you struggle with budgeting, maintaining Common CVs, or competing deadlines from different researchers? Bring to this workshop difficulties and challenges you face in supporting the researchers with whom you work. Discussion with colleagues will help define the problems and offer solutions. Process: We will begin with introductions of all participants and then divide into small groups of approximately ten. At least one group will work in English and one in French. Each group will be guided by a trained facilitator experienced in peer consultation. In peer consultation, the facilitators attend to the process and seek expertise and solutions from the participants in the group. In each group a participant is invited to briefly describe his or her challenge or problem. The remaining members of the group (the reflective team) ask questions to seek clarification of the problem. Typically, each member asks two or three questions. The participant who presented the problem then acts as an observer only, while the reflective team discusses the challenge or problem and offers solutions. The observer participant subsequently re-joins the group and comments on what has been helpful. The full process is repeated with a second and third participant presenting a new problem. The entire workshop is interactive. Objectif : Pour l’avancement de la médecine familiale et la poursuite de la carrière des chercheurs impliqués, il faut appuyer une recherche productive. Il existe de nombreuses façons dont les administrateurs et les adjoints qui travaillent dans les départements de médecine familiale peuvent apporter leur assistance. Malheureusement, pour de nombreuses raisons, tant de bonnes idées ne sont pas menées à bien. Éprouvezvous des problèmes avec les questions budgétaires, le maintien de curriculum vitae communs ou des échéances en concurrence imposées par différents chercheurs? Venez à cet atelier pour faire connaître vos difficultés et vos défis dans l’appui aux chercheurs avec qui vous travaillez. Des discussions avec des collègues permettront de définir les problèmes et d’offrir des solutions. Processus : Nous commencerons par une présentation de tous les participants qui seront ensuite divisés en groupes de dix environ. Au moins un groupe travaillera en français et un groupe en anglais. Chaque groupe sera dirigé par un facilitateur expérimenté formé en consultations avec des pairs. Dans les consultations avec des pairs, les facilitateurs s’occupent du processus et cherchent à faire ressortir l’expertise et les solutions chez les participants du groupe. Dans chaque groupe, un participant est invité à décrire brièvement ses propres défis ou problèmes. Les autres membres du groupe (l’équipe de réflexion) posent des questions pour clarifier le problème. Habituellement, chaque membre pose deux ou trois questions. Le participant qui a présenté le problème agit ensuite comme observateur seulement, tandis que l’équipe de réflexion discute du défi ou du problème et offre des solutions. Le participant observateur rejoint ensuite le groupe et fait ses commentaires sur l’utilité de l’exercice. Le processus en entier est répété avec un deuxième, puis un troisième participant qui présente à son tour un nouveau problème. Tout l’atelier se déroule de manière interactive.
P288 Physician Use of EMR for Chronic Disease Prevention and Screening 15:30 – 16:30 Donna Manca, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Edmonton, AB; Marg Leyland, MSc, Toronto, ON;
Denise Campbell-Scherer, MD, PhD, CCFP, Edmonton, AB; Lisa Patterson, BA, Toronto, ON; Carolina Aguilar, MA, MSc, Edmonton, AB; Colleen Wright, MA, BSc, Edmonton, AB; Nicola (Nikki) Shaw, BSc, PhD, FBCS, CITP, Sault Ste Marie, ON; Eva Grunfeld, MD, DPhil, CCFP, FCFP
ROOM / SALLE : 512d - Palais des congrès
During this workshop we will discuss how we developed an EMR audit tool and needs assessment. We will share our experience with EMR data extraction and how we worked with practices to identify and assist them with optimizing their EMRs.
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée
scientific program • programme scientifique
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
12:00 – 12:30 LUNCH / DÉJEUNER ROOM / SALLE : 511b,c,e,f - Palais des congrès
PRE-CONFERENCE — WEDNESDAY 2 MERCREDI — JOURNÉE PRÉCONFÉRENCE P455 What’s in a Name? A critical discourse analysis of competency roles development 15:30 – 15:45 Cynthia R Whitehead, MD, PhD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON ROOM / SALLE : 512a - Palais des congrès P407 Feedback: A perennial problem 15:30 – 15:45 M. Dianne Delva, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Halifax, NS; Joan Sargeant, PhD, Halifax, NS; Tanya Macleod, MSc, Halifax, NS ROOM / SALLE : 512b - Palais des congrès P522 Electronic Medical Records for Use in Family Medicine Teaching Environment 15:30 – 15:45 John Hughes, MD, Montréal, QC; Noah Vale, MD, Montréal, QC; Michel Lortie, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 512c - Palais des congrès P463 Documenting Competence Using Field Notes in Family Medicine Residency Training: 15:45 – 16:00 An assessment of factors influencing its adoption
Frédéric Douville, RN, PhD (cand.), Québec, QC; Miriam Lacasse, MD, MSc, CCFP, Québec, QC; Emilie Desrosiers, MD, Québec, QC; Luc Cote, MSS, PhD, Québec, QC; Michel Rousseau, Québec, QC; France Légaré, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Québec, QC ROOM / SALLE : 512a - Palais des congrès
P387 What Is the Impact of a Faculty Advisor on Career Choice? 15:45 – 16:00 Douglas L. Myhre, MD, CCFP, FCFP, FRRMS, Calgary, AB; Tyler Williamson, PhD, Kingston, ON; Kelli Sherlock, MD, Calgary, AB ROOM / SALLE : 512b - Palais des congrès P179 Étude exploratoire de l’implantation d’un processus structuré de diagnostic pédagogique et 15:45 – 16:00 de remédiation en résidence de médecine famille
Marie-Claude Audétat, MPs, MA(Éd), Montréal, QC; Gilbert Sanche, MD, CCMF, FCMF, Laval, QC ROOM / SALLE : 512c - Palais des congrès
P566 Competency-Oriented Supervision: An evidence-based and practice-based model developed at Laval University 16:00 – 16:15 Danielle Saucier, MD, CCFP, FCFP, MA(Ed), Québec, QC ROOM / SALLE : 512a - Palais des congrès P477 The Impact of Family and Rural Interest Groups on Medical Students: Are they working? 16:00 – 16:15 Douglas L. Myhre, MD, CCFP, FCFP, FRRMS, Calgary, AB; Tyler Williamson, PhD, Kingston, ON; Robert Pomerleau, Moncton, NB;
Lindsay Connolly, MD, Calgary, AB; Amber Jorgensen, MD, Olds, AB ROOM / SALLE : 512b - Palais des congrès
P559 Cultivating Resilience in Family Practice Residents 16:00 – 16:15 Kathryn King, MD, PhD, CCFP, FCFP, Nanaimo, BC; Caroline Burnley, PhD, Nanaimo, BC; Ruth Kirson, MA, Nanaimo, BC ROOM / SALLE : 512c - Palais des congrès P447 The University of Ottawa Curriculum Peer Review Process: A new strategy to improve the validity, 16:15 – 16:30 and acceptance of a modern family medicine competency-based residency curriculum
Eric Wooltorton, MD, MSc, CCFP, Ottawa, ON; Martha McKeen, BA, MLitt, Ottawa, ON; Francois-Gilles M. Boucher, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Ottawa, ON; Jacques Lemelin, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Ottawa, ON; Colla Jean Macdonald, BEd, PhD, Ottawa, ON ROOM / SALLE : 512a - Palais des congrès
P646 Tips for Teachers From the Front Lines: Residents and preceptors report the best teaching practices and tools 16:15 – 16:30 Shirley Schipper, MD, CCFP, Edmonton, AB; Shelley P. Ross, PhD, Edmonton, AB ROOM / SALLE : 512b - Palais des congrès P181 What Is So Difficult About Managing Clinical Reasoning Difficulties? 16:15 – 16:30 Marie-Claude Audétat, MPs, MA(Éd), Montréal, QC; Valérie Dory, MD, PhD, Bruxelles, QC ROOM / SALLE : 512c - Palais des congrès * For information on Mainpro C courses being held on the pre-conference day, see page 30.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
1002 Occupational Medicine Networking Breakfast 07:00–08:00 Joel Anderson, MD, MSc, CCFP, FCBOM, CIME, Sudbury, ON; Steve Martin, BA, MD, CCFP, MSc(A), ABPM (OM), FCBOM, Montréal, QC; Avi Whiteman, MD, MPH, CCFP, FCFP, FCBOM, FAECOM, Kirkland, QC ROOM / SALLE : 512e - Palais des congrès At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. understand role of family doctor in returning patients to work 2. appreciate return to work as a therapeutic modality 3. identify those patients at high risk of chronicity 4. identify barriers to RTW and review strategies and solutions 5. understand the “do’s and don’ts” of effective communication with insurance companies and employers
1003 07:00–08:00
General and Family Practice Anaesthesia Networking Breakfast: How Can We Minimize Medical Error? Margaret Tromp, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Picton, ON ROOM / SALLE : 513a - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. review the human and system factors that lead to medical error 2. discuss with colleagues practical steps that we can take to decrease medical error 3. have a chance to network with other general and family practice anesthetists
1004 07:00–08:00
Addiction Medicine Networking Breakfast ROOM / SALLE : 513b - Palais des congrès
n Addiction Medicine All physicians with an interest in addiction medicine are invited to attend this networking session, which will provide an opportunity to meet other physicians will similar interests from around the country, as well as to provide input regarding future goals and projects for the Addiction Medicine Program Committee.
1005 07:00–08:00
Hospital Medicine Group Networking Breakfast Michael Kates, MD, CCFP ROOM / SALLE : 513c - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. identify those interested in hospital medicine 2. identify areas in hospital medicine care where improvements can be addressed, including transition of care 3. consider projects this group could adopt or review
1256 07:00–8:00
Palliative Care: Regional initiatives to facilitate expected home deaths Raymond A. Viola, MD, MSc, CCFP, FCFP, Kingston, ON; Adam Day Steacie, MD, MSc, CCFP, FCFP, Brockville, ON ROOM / SALLE : 512f - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. describe initiatives being developed in Southeastern Ontario to facilitate expected home deaths 2. seek input from primary health care providers in other regions regarding their processes to assist patients and families who prefer a home death 3. troubleshoot challenges and controversies faced when planning palliative and end-of-life care services in the home and discuss possible solutions
1217SS 07:00–08:00
1405SS 07:00–08:00
1421SS 07:00–08:00
Fibromyalgia and Low Back Pain: Science to clinical care ROOM / SALLE : 710a - Palais des congrès Pre-registration required.
APPS: Applying Practical Physician Strategies in the Management of COPD ROOM / SALLE : 520a,b,d,e - Palais des congrès Pre-registration required.
GLP-1 Analogues, DPP-4 Inhibitors and Your Type 2 Diabetes Patients ROOM / SALLE : 710b - Palais des congrès Pre-registration required.
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée MC = Mainpro-C
SS = Satellite symposium / Symposium satellite
scientific program • programme scientifique
D = Demonstation theatre / Théâtre de démonstration
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
1009MC 08:00–18:00
1009 10:15–10:45
Airway Intervention & Management in Emergencies (AIME) (Course 2 – Repeat) ROOM / SALLE : Maisonneuve - Intercontinental Hotel Pre-registered delegates only.
CASTED: The ‘hands-on’ ED orthopedics course (Course 1) ROOM / SALLE : Cartier A/B - Delta Centre-Ville Hotel Pre-registered delegates only.
New ACLS Guidelines: Adults Jerman Chirgwin, MDCM, CFPC(EM), Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 516d - Palais des congrès
n Emergency Medicine During this session, participants will: 1. highlight specific topics that underscore essential changes in the new ACLS guidelines for adults 2. review the most recent evidence and contrast 2010 standards with previous recommendations 3. employ a case-based format to keep participants interested and promote clinical application of practice updates in advanced life support
1106 10:15–11:15
Oral anticoagulation in 2011: What are our options? L’anticoagulation orale en 2011 : Quelles sont nos options?
Susan Kahn, MD, MSc, FRCP, Montréal, QC General Session / Séance generale ROOM / SALLE : 517b - Palais des congrès Learning objectives: 1. learn about the mechanisms of action of new oral anticoagulants 2. review clinical trial data on their effectiveness and safety 3. discuss the “real-life” use of these drugs
Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) apprendre les mécanismes d’action des nouveaux anticoagulants par voie orale 2) passer en revue les données d’études cliniques sur leur efficacité et leur innocuité 3) discuter de l’utilisation de ces médicaments dans la « vraie vie ».
1112D 10:15–11:15
L’examen musculosquelettique efficient pour les médecins de famille : genou (1) Claude Rajotte, MD, CCMF, Montréal, QC Théâtre de démonstration Délégués préinscrits seulement.
1119 eGFR: When to refer and when to reassure 10:15–11:15 Sharon Nessim, MD, MSc, FRCPC, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 512c,d,g,h - Palais des congrès During this session, participants will: 1. understand the benefits and pitfalls of measuring the eGFR 2. understand the utility of the microalbumin-to-creatinine ratio 3. discuss when to refer patients for nephrology consultation
1045 Advanced Topics in Breastfeeding Medicine: Cases and procedures 10:15–12:20 Anjana Srinivasan, MDCM, CCFP, IBCLC, Mont-Royal, QC; Meira Stern, MDCM, CCFP, IBCLC, Montréal, QC; Howard Mitnick, MDCM, CCFP, Montréal, QC; Carole Dobrich, IBCLC, Outremont, QC ROOM / SALLE : 511a - Palais des congrès Learning objective: to review the diagnosis and management of more complex issues facing the breastfeeding mother–infant dyad
1049 10:15–11:15
Group Prenatal Care: Getting the most out of our visits Fanny Hersson-Edery, MD, Hampstead, QC; Isabelle Brabant, SF (midwife), Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 519b - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. explore a different way to provide prenatal care using a group care model 2. understand how this model can be particularly beneficial for a vulnerable prenatal mother 3. situate this model within the spectrum of interprofessionalism
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
1100 10:15–12:20
An Introduction to Wound Care (1)
1096D 10:15–11:15
Mark Karanofsky, MD, CCFP, Côte St-Luc, QC Demonstration Theatre Pre-registered delegates only.
Inter- and Intraprofessional Education in Postgraduate Training: Moving to walking the talk Louise Nasmith, MDCM, MEd, CCFP, FCFP, Vancouver, BC; Lesley Bainbridge, BSR(PT), MEd, PhD, Vancouver, BC ROOM / SALLE : 513a - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. describe intra- and interprofessional education in their own contexts 2. identify barriers, potential solutions and strategies to apply in their programs 3. identify strategies for assessing performance as collaborators
T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers. 1110 The Ninth Annual EBM Teachers Meeting 10:15–12:20 Colleen Kirkham, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Vancouver, BC; Michel Labrecque, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Québec, QC; Roland Grad, MDCM, MSC, FCFP, Montréal, QC; Martin G. Dawes, MD, MCFP, Vancouver, BC; David H. Chan, MSc, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Ancaster, ON; Tracy Monk, MD, MCFP, Burnaby, BC; Morgan Thomas Price, MD, CCFP, Victoria, BC; Tom Elmslie, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Ottawa, ON ROOM / SALLE : 513e - Palais des congrès EBM teachers will: 1. share teaching tools and strategies 2. have an opportunity to network 3. participate in a discussion about common teaching problems and barriers faced in teaching EBM
T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers. b This session would be of interest to family medicine researchers. 1114 Diagnostiquer les difficultés de raisonnement clinique en supervision 10:15–12:20 Suzanne Laurin, MD, CMFC, Montréal, Québec; Marie-Claude Audétat, MPs, MA(Éd), Montréal, QC; Omer-Joseph Dyer, Pht, MSc, PhD, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 512e - Palais des congrès À la fin de cet atelier, les participants seront capables de : 1) présenter les difficultés de raisonnement clinique les plus souvent rencontrées en supervision 2) proposer un outil permettant de faciliter le diagnostic rapide de ces difficultés 3) appliquer cet outil à des situations concrètes.
T Cette séance est susceptible d’intéresser les enseignants en médecine familale. 1141 10:15–11:15
Approach to Depression in Primary Care Jon Davine, MD, CCFP, FRCP, Hamilton, ON ROOM / SALLE : 511b,c,e,f - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session, participants will have an awareness of: 1. the psychiatric differential of the “sad state” 2. the current treatment approaches to depression, both psychopharmacologic and psychotherapeutic 3. how to rule out organic factors in the assessment of the depressed patient
Les séances seront présentées dans la langue du titre mentionné. Un titre bilingue, marqué du symbole des écouteurs indique que l’interprétation simultanée sera offerte. The language of the session title indicates the language in which the session will be presented. For those sessions with simultaneous interpretation, the title will be bilingual with the simultaneous interpretation symbol appearing beside that title.
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée MC = Mainpro-C
SS = Satellite symposium / Symposium satellite
scientific program • programme scientifique
D = Demonstation theatre / Théâtre de démonstration
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
Global Health Day Includes sessions 1011, 1012, 1015, 1019, 1024 and 1026 Chair: Lynda Redwood-Campbell, MD, CCFP, FCFP, DTMH, MPH, Burlington, ON
ROOM / SALLE : 511d - Palais des congrès n Global Health At the end of this workshop, participants will: 1. be introduced to a nascent community of practice around global health education for family physicians 2. describe/use a number of concrete tools to support global health education in family medicine for Canadian trainees 3. describe and discuss some of the key steps and components in supporting the development of family medicine in low- and middle income countries
1011 Past to Present: Outcomes of the pre-conference day 2010 and outline of 2011 10:15–10:30 Lynda Redwood-Campbell, MD, CCFP, FCFP, DTMH, MPH, Burlington, ON 1012 Toolbox Topic 1: Curriculum in global health 10:30–11:30 Veronic Clair, MD, MSc, CCFP, FRCPC, Vancouver, BC; Katherine Rouleau, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON Building a global health curriculum for family medicine: developing objectives, the 3 Cs, foundation documents, and examples.
1015 Toolbox Topic 2: Service learning 11:30–12:20 David Ponka, MDCM, CCFP(EM), Ottawa, ON; Kevin Pottie, MD, MClSc, CCFP, FCFP, Ottawa, ON; Ginetta Salvalaggio, MSc, MD, CCFP, Edmonton, AB Beyond the simple elective – components of a solid clinical educational experience. Teaching global health in different venues.
1019 Toolbox Topic 3: Pre-departure training 13:40–14:40 Neil Arya, BASc, MD, CCFP, FCFP, DLitt, London, ON What, when, how, and to what end?
1024 Toolbox Topic 4: Building partnerships 15:10–16:10 François Couturier, MD, MSc, TMIH, DTM&H, CCFP, FCFP, Sherbrooke, QC; Carol Valois, MD, FCFP, Sherbrooke, QC; Katherine Rouleau, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON Family medicine and global health scholarly partnerships with academic insight in low-income countries and low-resource settings in Canada. Partnering in research, education, and scholarly activities.
1026 Toolbox Topic 5: Global health for the community family doctor 16:15–17:00 Doug Gruner, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Ottawa, ON 17:00-17:15 Wrap-Up Innovation in Family Practice: Data supported practice improvement and the infrastructure to succeed 1222 10:15–12:20 Daniel Horvat, MD, MCFP, BSc, Prince George, BC; William L.T. Clifford, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Prince George, BC;
Martin G. Dawes, MCFP, Vancouver, BC; Tracy Monk, MCFP, Burnaby, BC ROOM / SALLE : 512a - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. describe an approach to data use that will improve clinical care that informs the broader healthcare system, and that respects patient and provider confidentiality 2. describe the infrastructure that has been developed and how it can be of use to interested physicians 3. provide an overview of the state of primary care improvement in BC, including the role of the GP Services Committee, the Divisions of Family Practice, and the Attachment Iniative and demonstrate how this is supporting effective change in family practice b This session would be of interest to family medicine researchers.
1243 The Baycrest Advanced Geriatric Life Support (BAGLS) Program: An innovative and 10:15–12:20 comprehensive approach to management of the elderly Michelle Allegra Hart, MD, CCFP, MScCH, Toronto, ON; Daphna Grossman, MD, CCFP(EM), FCFP, Toronto, ON;
Fabio Varlese, MD, FRCPC, Toronto, ON; Amy Freedman, MD, CCFP, Toronto, ON; Sid Feldman, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON ROOM / SALLE : 512b - Palais des congrès
The Baycrest Acute Geriatric Life Support (BAGLS) Modules will be used to gain a successful approach in the management of the following common acute, chronic and palliative presentations: 1. 2. 3. 4.
“Generalized unwell” and management of delirium The cardiac patient Dyspnea Seizure T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM — THURSDAY 3 JEUDI — PROGRAMME SCIENTIFIQUE Effectively Teaching Procedural Skills: Moving from “See one, do one, teach one” to a structured and systematic approach
1267 10:15–12:20
James Goertzen, MD, CCFP, MClSc, FCFP, Thunder Bay, ON ROOM / SALLE : 513f - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. learn key concepts from the procedural skills educational literature 2. demonstrate effective psychomotor teaching techniques to maximize procedural skill acquisition by their learners 3. learn strategies for implementing procedural skills curricula
T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers. 1276 10:15–11:15
Lessons Learned From Canadian Influenza Sentinels James A. Dickinson, MD, CCFP, PhD, Calgary, AB ROOM / SALLE : 516a - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. understand the role of sentinel practitioners in monitoring influenza epidemics 2. review the way that Canadian family physicians sentinel data contributes to vaccine effectiveness studies 3. learn the current year’s vaccine and epidemic progress
1304 10:15–12:20
Triple C Competency-Based Curriculum for Dummies Jonathan Kerr, MD, CCFP, Belleville, ON; Willa Henry, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Vancouver, BC ROOM / SALLE : 513d - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. identify characteristics of a Triple C competency-based curriculum: – Comprehensive care – Continuing care and education – Centered in family medicine 2. discuss cross-country experiences and give feedback to the CFPC about recommendations and resources 3. explore strategies, resources, and challenges of moving towards a Triple C competency-based curriculum
T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers. 1339 10:15–11:15
Giving Feedback to Residents: Best practices from motivation literature Shelley P. Ross, PhD, Edmonton, AB ROOM / SALLE : 513c - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. apply their new understanding of motivation theory to the way they give feedback 2. adapt the way they give feedback to reflect best practices 3. integrate the examples in the workshop with their own experiences as teachers
T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers. 1348 10:15–11:15
The “How to’s” of Running a Diabetes Program in Family Practice Inge Schabort, MB, ChB, CCFP, Hamilton, ON; Anne Barber, PHC-NP, MScN, Hamilton, ON; Michele Macdonald Werstuck, RD, MSc, CDE, Hamilton, ON; Shelly House, RPh, BScPharm, CDE, Hamilton, ON ROOM / SALLE : 519a - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. identify patients with diabetes more easily including screening approaches, disease registries 2. describe options for maximizing your capacity for providing care including flowsheets, templates, and connecting with an interprofessional team 3. learn from the experience of others to avoid pitfalls that may occur when starting and maintaining a diabetes program in family practices
1364 10:15–11:15
2 Minutes, 2 Slides, 2 Questions: A teaching method for family medicine Victor Ng, MSc, MD, London, ON; Clarissa Burke, MD, CCFP, Hamilton, ON ROOM / SALLE : 513b - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. learn how to organize a “2 minutes, 2 slides, 2 questions” teaching session 2. explore ways in which a “2 minutes, 2 slides, 2 questions” session can be used in medical education programs 3. participate in a demonstration of this presentation technique
T This session would be of interest to family medicine residents and teachers.
scientific program • programme scientifique
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
L’activité physique...encore la meilleure pilule! Johanne Blais, MD, CCMF, MCMF, Boischatel, QC ROOM / SALLE : 524c - Palais des congrès
À la fin de cet atelier, les participants seront capables de : 1) revoir les informations les plus récentes concernant l’activité physique et le cancer (côlon / sein) 2) discuter des données basées sur les évidences concernant les effets de l’activité physique sur certains problèmes de santé 3) discuter de ce traitement non pharmacologique avec ses patients.
1164 10:15–11:15
Recognition and Management of Work-Related Asthma and Other Occupational Conditions Michael Pysklywec, MD, MSc, CCFP(EM), DOHS, FCBOM, Hamilton, ON Computer Learning Centre Session ROOM / SALLE : 523a,b - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. understand the importance of and develop the tools to recognize work-relatedness of patients’ illnesses 2. review the effects of specific occupational and environmental toxins on patient health 3. understand the resources and tools available to assist the primary care physician in diagnosing and managing complicated work-related issues
1182 10:15–12:20
Faculty Development in an Increasingly Distributed Educational System: Challenges and strategies to overcome them Hélène Rousseau, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Montréal, QC; Marion Dove, MD, CCFP, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 512f - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. identify some of the difficulties offering faculty development in distributed medical sites 2. outline strategies to encourage community preceptors to attend faculty developement 3. use the “One Minute Preceptorship” model to give teaching pearls in distributed medical education site
T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers. 1107MC 10:15–12:15
1296MC 10:15–12:15
1123MC 10:15–17:15
1043MC 10:15–18:00
1085MC 10:15–18:00
Pregnancy-Related Issues in the Management of Addictions (PRIMA) ROOM / SALLE : St-Antoine A - Le Westin Hotel Pre-registered delegates only.
The Wonderful World of Skin: Dermatology in family practice ROOM / SALLE : Youville - Le Westin Hotel Pre-registered delegates only.
Using Critical Appraisal to Promote Respiratory Health in Primary Care: A Focus on the role of inhaled maintenance therapy in COPD management ROOM / SALLE : St-Antoine B - Le Westin Hotel Pre-registered delegates only.
Chronic Pain in Family Practice Needn’t Be a Pain! ROOM / SALLE : Ville-Marie A/B - Le Westin Hotel Pre-registered delegates only.
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Workshop for Physicians: Increasing personal and professional resilience ROOM / SALLE : Le Moyne - Le Westin Hotel Pre-registered delegates only.
1010 New PALS Guidelines 10:45–11:15 Farhan Bhanji, MD, MSc, FRCPC, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 516d - Palais des congrès n Emergency Medicine During this session, participants will: 1. describe the key 2010 Pediatric Resuscitation Guideline changes 2. discuss the rationale for differences in management between pediatric and adult resuscitation 3. outline key controversies in pediatric resuscitation
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
1081 11:20–12:20
Comment prevenir une visite du College !
1106D 11:20–12:20
Dermoscopy: How to improve your management of pigmented lesions (Course 1)
1071 11:20–12:20
Eric Cadesky, MDCM, CCFP, Vancouver, BC ROOM / SALLE : 519a - Palais des congrès At the end of this session, participants will have: 1. an increased awareness of the importance of adolescent medicine 2. improved skills in history taking and examination of adolescents 3. a review of up-to-date information on obesity; depression; and the use of anti-depressant medication, sexual health, immunizations, safety; and other major issues in adolescent medicine Marc Billard, MD, CCMF, FCMF, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 520c - Palais des congrès À la fin de cet atelier, les participants seront capables de : 1) identifier les facteurs de risque pouvant entrainer une diminution de la performance clinique chez les medecins en exercice 2) connaitre les moyens efficaces pour maintenir sa competence clinique tout au long de sa carriere 3) comment approcher et aider un confrere defaillant.
1143 11:20–12:20
David Knox, B. Math, MD, FCFP, DCD, Orangeville, ON Demonstration Theatre Pre-registered delegates only.
Somatizing: What every family physician needs to know Jon Davine, MD, CCFP, FRCP, Hamilton, ON ROOM / SALLE : 512c,d,g,h - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. appreciate the range of diagnoses that make up the somatoform disorders 2. understand the range of conscious and unconscious mechanisms involved in these disorders 3. be aware of treatment modalities for both psychopharmacologic and psychotherapeutic disorders
1229 11:20–12:20
Practical Genetics for the Family Physician Teresa Rudkin, MD, MSc, CCFP, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 524c - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session, participants will: 1. know how to respond to patients who request “genetic scans” or other genetic tests they have heard on the news 2. know how to Identify and manage patients at risk for hereditary breast and colon cancer syndromes 3. recognize the clinical situations in which family doctors should perform specific tests for genetic diseases
1252 Cardiometabolic Risk: A Canadian perspective 11:20–12:20 Jean-Pierre Després, Québec City, Québec; Lawrence Leiter, MD, FRCPC, FACP, Toronto, ON; David Fitchett, Toronto, ON; Milan Gupta, MD, Brampton, ON; Onil Bhattacharyya, Toronto, ON ROOM / SALLE : 511b,c,e,f - Palais des congrès At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. define a Canadian concept of Global Cardiometabolic Risk (CMR) 2. appropriately identify, assess cardiovascular and metabolic risk, and treat Canadians with increased CMR
1397 11:20–12:20
Soins prénatals en groupe : Optimiser nos visites Fanny Hersson-Edery, MD, Hampstead, QC; Isabelle Brabant, SF (midwife), Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 519b - Palais des congrès
À la fin de cet atelier, les participants seront capables de : 1) explorer une façon différente d’offrir des soins prénatals à l’aide d’un modèle de soins en groupe 2) comprendre comment ce modèle peut être particulièrement bénéfique pour une femme enceinte vulnérable 3) situer ce modèle dans le contexte de l’interprofessionnalisme.
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée MC = Mainpro-C
SS = Satellite symposium / Symposium satellite
scientific program • programme scientifique
D = Demonstation theatre / Théâtre de démonstration
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
A Guided Tour of Health Care for the Elderly on the Internet Fred Mather, MD, CCFP, Kitchener, ON; Lynn Dunikowski, MLS, London, ON Computer Learning Centre Session ROOM / SALLE : 523a,b - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. learn about and practice using a variety of Web-based resources that support health care of the elderly
1013 11:20–11:50
What’s New in ACS and AMI Zachary Levine, MD, CCFP(EM), Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 516d - Palais des congrès
n Emergency Medicine At the end of this session, participants will: 1. know the changes to the AHA guidelines for ACS 2. use the most recent evidence in their decision making for ACS patients in their practice
1107 11:20–11:50
La vaccination contre les VPH : Résumé des connaissances et nouveautés HPV vaccine: A review of current knowledge and new developments
Chantal Sauvageau, MD, MSc, FRCP(C), Québec, QC Séance générale / General session ROOM / SALLE : 517b - Palais des congrès
Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) citer les données probantes portant sur l’immunogénicité, l’efficacité et la sécurité des vaccins anti-VPH chez les femmes et les hommes 2) connaître les particularités du programme québécois de vaccination contre les VPH Learning objectives: 1. to be able to cite evidence-based data on the immunogenicity, effectiveness, and safety of the HPV vaccine for women and men 2. to become familiar with the features of the HPV vaccination program in Québec
1115D L’examen musculosquelettique efficient pour les médecins de famille : cheville 11:20–12:20 Claude Rajotte, MD, CCMF, Montréal, QC
Théâtre de démonstration Délégués préinscrits seulement
1014 11:50–12:20
Hypertensive Emergencies
Lyle Thomas, MD, CCFP(EM), Red Deer, AB ROOM / SALLE : 516d - Palais des congrès
n Emergency Medicine By the end of the session the participants will: 1. know what constitutes a true hypertensive emergency 2. understand both when to treat, and when NOT to treat elevated blood pressures in the ED
1356 11:50–12:20
Stress and Distress in Medicine Stress et détresse en médecine Rachel Gough, MD, Montréal, QC General session / Séance générale ROOM / SALLE : 517b - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. stimulate a discussion among Canadian medical professionals and trainees about stress and distress in medicine 2. identify sources of stress and distress in medicine and the impacts on the health care system 3. discuss potential pathways to change Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) susciter une discussion entre des professionnels et des étudiants en médecine canadiens au sujet du stress et de la détresse en médecine 2) identifier les sources de stress et de détresse en médecine et les répercussions sur le système de santé 3) discuter de cheminements possibles pour apporter des changements
1098 12:30–13:30
L’écriture, espace nécessaire de réflexion et de réparation, ou un recul pour mieux avancer Vania Jimenez-Sigouin, MD, CCMF, FCMF, Outremont, QC ROOM / SALLE : Théâtre des sciences humaines - Hall d’exposition
Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) amorcer une présentation du rôle de l’écriture pour le médecin qui écrit 2) amorcer une réflexion sur l’usage de l’écriture comme moyen d’informer la société, via la fiction, de certaines réalités délicates 3) en partant de propositions simples, engager les participants à explorer ces deux usages de l’écriture
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
1082 Estate, Will, and Charitable Gift Planning Seminar 12:30–13:30 ROOM / SALLE : 516a - Palais des congrès Family physicians need to plan for their families, as well as their family practice. This session will address issues such as wills, executor appointments, use of trusts, and tax-effective charitable planning.
1095 Section of Teachers Annual General Meeting 12:30–13:15 Assemblée générale annuelle de la section des enseignants ROOM / SALLE : 510 - Palais des congrès 1216SS 12:30–13:30
1378SS 12:30–13:30
What to Do When What You’re Doing Isn’t Working: Practical tips to optimizing depression management ROOM / SALLE : 710b - Palais des congrès Pre-registration required.
IMPACT: IMproving PAtient Care in Type 2 Diabetes ROOM / SALLE : 710a - Palais des congrès Pre-registration required.
1031 HIV Medicine in Primary Care – Part 1: The basics of prevention and chronic care management 13:40–14:40 Claire Kendall, MD, CCFP, Ottawa, ON; Meaghan McLaren, MD, CCFP, Ottawa, ON; Praseedha Janakiram, MD, CCFP, Guelph, ON; Gayathri Shyamal, MD, CCFP, Scarborough, ON ROOM / SALLE : 520f - Palais des congrès At the end of this session, participants will: 1. become aware of the common HIV testing options and gain an approach to HIV prevention counselling 2. become confident in managing a new diagnosis of HIV infection in their practice and understand the health promotion and disease prevention interventions of specific relevance to patients living with stable HIV/AIDS infection 3. learn when patients living with HIV/AIDS should be referred for antiretroviral treatment and become aware of some important potential drug interactions between antiretroviral medications and common medications in family medicine
1072 When Theory Meets Practice: The development of an evaluation process for second13:40–14:40 year medical student exposure to family medicine Kymm Feldman, MD, CCFP, MHSc, Toronto, ON; Melanie Hammond, MA, BA (Hons), Toronto, ON; Susan Goldstein, MD, Toronto, ON ROOM / SALLE : 512a - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. learn about the benefits of qualitative research in the development of student evaluation methods 2. explore the process of incorporating research findings into evaluation development 3. discuss experiences with the development of evaluation methods, and the practical challenges involved in establishing new evaluation criteria T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers.
1073 13:40–14:40
Starting Insulin in Type 2 Diabetes – Without losing sleep at night Simon Moore, MD, BSc (Hons), Nanaimo, BC ROOM / SALLE : 511b,c,e,f - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session, participants will: 1. understand a safe, simple, easy-to-remember technique for starting insulin in patients with Type 2 Diabetes, consistent with current guidelines 2. eliminate the prevailing misconception that “insulin is a terrifying drug, for use only by experts, and only in end-stage diabetes” 3. overcome 2 major pitfalls by which many family physicians fail to meet glycemic targets
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée MC = Mainpro-C
SS = Satellite symposium / Symposium satellite
scientific program • programme scientifique
D = Demonstation theatre / Théâtre de démonstration
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM — THURSDAY 3 JEUDI — PROGRAMME SCIENTIFIQUE 1077 From the Margins to the Mainstream: Toward a scholarship of social accountability 13:40–17:15 Ryan Meili, MD, CCFP, Saskatoon, SK; Cheri Bethune, MD, FCFP, St. John’s, NL; Carol P. Herbert, MD, CCFP, FCFP, London, ON ROOM / SALLE : 516a - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. review key aspects of the AFMC Social Accountability Initiative and its relevance to family medicine education 2. share experience with social accountability projects at Canadian medical schools 3. discuss how to develop a scholarship of social accountability by means of formal assessment and reporting of activities and outcomes in family medicine education and practice
T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers. 1108 13:40–14:40
Quality in Family Practice Book of Tools: How to use a comprehensive set of indicators to improve quality and safety in your practice Cheryl Levitt, MBBCh, CCFP, FCFP, Hamilton, ON; Linda Hilts, BScN, MEd, Hamilton, ON ROOM / SALLE : 513f - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will 1. discuss quality improvement methods 2. give an overview of the Quality Book of Tools 3. explore how to start or continue quality improvement in your practice b This session would be of interest to family medicine researchers.
1113 13:40–17:15
Using Open Labyrinth to Create Online Virtual Patient Cases for Medical Trainees Michael J. Sylvester, MD, Med, CCFP, FCFP, Kingston, ON; David Topps, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Calgary, AB Computer Learning Centre Session ROOM / SALLE : 523a,b - Palais des congrès
By the end of the session, participants will know: 1. the advantages and limitations of the Open Labyrinth case-making software 2. how to create their first Open Labyrinth case 3. next steps in working with Open Labyrinth elements in order to complete an effective case
T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers. 1186 13:40–14:40
Approche basée sur les lignes directrices pour la prise en charge des patients souffrant de fibrillation auriculaire : Incorporer les lignes directrices 2010 de la Société canadienne de cardiologie à la pratique clinique Mario Talajic, MD, FRCPC, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 513c - Palais des congrès
À la fin de cet atelier, les participants seront capables de : 1) revoir les diagnostiques et gerer la fibrillation auriculaire dans le milieu clinique 2) mettre à jour les connaissances et la prise de decision pour la gestion optimale des symptomes de vos patients avec une fibrillation auriculaire 3) adapter votre pratique clinique aux lignes directrices canadiennes en matiere de fibrillation auriculaire fondees sur des preuves, aux recommandations et conseils pratiques.
1197 13:40–14:40
Effective Use of Online Interactive Technology to Enhance Presentation of Academic Curriculum Nandini Natarajan, MD, CCFP, Halifax, NS; Joanna Zed, MD, CCFP, Halifax, NS; Allister Barton, BSc, Halifax, NS ROOM / SALLE : 513a - Palais des congrès:
During this session, participants will: 1. introduce online interactive technology for presenting academic curriculum 2. identify resources needed for successful implementation of online interactive technology 3. share positive experiences and challenges
T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers. 1204 13:40–14:40
Clinical Practice Redesign and Advanced Access in Family Medicine Jason Hosain, MD, CCFP, Saskatoon, SK ROOM / SALLE : 516e - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session, participants will: 1. understand the benefits of advanced access to patients, physicians, and the healthcare system 2. be able to identify three Clinical Practice Redesign changes that can be made to a family medicine practice to improve clinic efficiency when working toward advanced access 3. learn how to measure and understand their practice “vital signs” including supply, demand, and third-next available appointment
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM — THURSDAY 3 JEUDI — PROGRAMME SCIENTIFIQUE Narrative Medicine: Reading, writing and reflection Lauretta R. Pereles, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Calgary, AB; Lara Nixon, MD, CCFP, BEd, Calgary, AB; Rowland T. Nichol, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Calgary, AB; Rosenal Thomas, MD, FRCP, Calgary, AB; Roberta Jackson, MD, Calgary, AB ROOM / SALLE : 512f - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session, participants will: 1. understand what narrative medicine is and appreciate its potential role in communication, teaching, and physician self-care 2. use narrative techniques to comprehend their own and patient experiences and thus enhance their relationship with patients and students
1259 13:40–14:40
Ten Ways to Improve the Palliative Care Experience for Patients and Their Families Cornelius J. Woelk, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Winkler, MB ROOM / SALLE : 519b - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. appreciate the complexity of providing high-quality palliative care 2. understand some of the most important factors determining the experience of care 3. review practical approaches to improving palliative care for patients and their families
1282 13:40–14:40
Intrauterine Devices: Which patient? Which IUD? Sonya Lee, BSc, MD, CCFP, MHSc, FCFP, Calgary, AB ROOM / SALLE : 519a - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. learn about the different types of IUDs available in Canada 2. develop an approach to assessing candidacy for IUD use 3. demonstrate decision making skills in patient selection and IUD selection
1312 Triple C: Optimizing Continuity and Comprehensiveness in Family Medicine Residency 13:40–16:10 David W. Tannenbaum, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON; D. Jill Konkin, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Edmonton, AB; François-Gilles M. Boucher, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Ottawa, ON ROOM / SALLE : 513e - Palais des congrès: This session will: 1. provide an opportunity for participants to share best practices in the transition to the Triple C curriculum 2. provide opportunities for the discussion of challenges encountered in implementation of the Triple C curriculum
T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers. 1363 From the Ground Up: Case studies in the design and implementation of remediation 13:40–16:10 plans for the resident in difficulty Patrick Skalenda, MD, CCFP, FCFP, MHSc, Toronto, ON; Susan Glover Takahashi, PhD, MA, Toronto, ON; Karl Iglar, MD, CFPC, Toronto, ON; Dawn Martin, PhD, MEd, Toronto, ON ROOM / SALLE : 513d - Palais des congrès During this session, participants will: 1. review past challenges and current strategies developed for the assessment and management of residents in difficulty 2. demonstrate effective strategies for the assessment and remediation of residents in difficulty 3. review administrative processes implemented to ensure consistency in costing, reporting, and documentation of remediation programs
T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers. 1393 13:40–14:40
Preventing Violence: Family physicians and the Red Cross Cheri H. Bethune, MD, CCFP, FCFP, St. John’s, NL; Judi Fairholm, RN, BScN, MEd, Vancouver, BC ROOM / SALLE : 512b - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. understand the new Red Cross strategy to address violence as a humanitarian crisis 2. discuss and explore ways to enhance violence education in each of our medical schools 3. develop a practical strategy to partner with the Red Cross to create a national resource for physician learning
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée MC = Mainpro-C
SS = Satellite symposium / Symposium satellite
scientific program • programme scientifique
D = Demonstation theatre / Théâtre de démonstration
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
1207 13:40–17:15
Hammers, Sanders and Chisels – A Resident’s Toolbox: Practical tools to nail an advocacy project, smooth over a family meeting, and shape the minds of medical students S usan Judith Anderson, MD, Kingston, ON; Scott MacLean, MD, Edmonton, AB; Yelena Chorny, MD, Mississauga, ON; Kaitlin Dupuis, MD, Nanaimo, BC ROOM / SALLE : 515a,b,c - Palais des congrès
This session has been developed by the CFPC’s Section of Residents and is designed to facilitate discussion about 3 topics. It is targeted to new staff, residents, and senior medical students.
T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers. 1509D 13:40–14:40
Dermoscopy: How to improve your management of pigmented lesions (Course 2 – Repeat) David W. Knox, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Orangeville, ON Demonstration Theatre Pre-registered delegates only.
1018 Guidelines for the Practice of Psychotherapy by Physicians 13:40–14:40 Catherine Carmichael, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON
ROOM / SALLE : 524a - Palais des congrès
n Medical-GP Psychotherapy At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. describe the ethical principles fundamental to the practice of safe effective, no-harm psychotherapy 2. describe key recommendations for attaining and maintaining professional competence and professional conduct in the practice of psychotherapy 3. consider how the self-reflective questions outlined in the Guidelines may be a useful tool in clinical practice
1016 13:40–14:10
Influenza: What’s new? Dominique Tessier, MD, CCMF, FCMF, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 516d - Palais des congrès
n Emergency Medicine At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. use best evidence to work-up and manage these children with fever in the ED 2. use a model to assist in the decision-making for this group of children
1099 Aider le couple infertile 13:40–14:40 Chantal Marquis, Rimouski, QC
ROOM / SALLE : 524c - Palais des congrès
À la fin de cet atelier, les participants seront capables de : 1) définir les critères diagnostiques du SOPK 2) reconnaître les diverses présentations cliniques du SOPK 3) proposer le traitement de base de l’infertilité associée au SOPK.
1108 13:40–14:10
Survival Guide to Pediatric Dermatology Guide de survie en dermatologie pédiatrique Julie Powell, MD, FRCPC, Montréal, QC General Session / Séance générale ROOM / SALLE : 517b - Palais des congrès
n Child & Adolescent Health / Santé des enfants et des adolescents Learning objectives: 1. to discuss common dermatological problems in pediatrics 2. to learn how to make an effective differential diagnosis of common lesions 3. to identify treatment options and the required follow-up Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) discuter de problèmes dermatologiques courants en pédiatrie 2) savoir faire un diagnostic différentiel efficace des lésions courantes 3) définir les options de traitement et le suivi requis.
1140D 13:40–14:40
L’examen musculosquelettique efficient pour les médecins de famille : poignet Claude Rajotte, MD, CCMF, Montréal, QC Théâtre de démonstration Délégués préinscrits seulement.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM — THURSDAY 3 JEUDI — PROGRAMME SCIENTIFIQUE Geriatric Care in a Family Health Team: Developing a community of practice to improve older adult care and manage the challenges of multiple co-morbidities Joy White, BScN, NP, MN, Hamilton, ON; Ainsley Moore, MD, CCFP, Hamilton, ON; Christopher Patterson, MD, FRCP, Hamilton, ON; Shelly House, RPh, BScPharm, CDE, Hamilton, ON; K. Lynn Dykeman, MTS, MTh, MSW, Hamilton, ON; Michele Macdonald Werstuck, RD, MSc, CDE, Hamilton, ON ROOM / SALLE : 511a - Palais des congrès
n Care of the Elderly During this session, participants will: 1. develop an understanding of interprofessional collaborative approach to geriatric care using the community of practice framework and generate strategies for managing aspects of uncertainty in geriatric care using case-based exercises 2. understand and appreciate how the community of the practice model can enhance quality of older adult care and expand the provider’s knowledge, skills, and engagement 3. recognize how this model can be adapted to alternate practice settings
1020 13:40–17:15
Rural Educators Forum ROOM / SALLE : 516b - Palais des congrès
The 2011 Rural Educators Forum will focus on a review of the Triple C Competency-Based Curriculum and its potential impact on the rural teaching environment.
T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers. 1301MC PAACT: Men’s Health 13:40–17:00 ROOM / SALLE : Ramezay - Le Westin Hotel
Pre-registered delegates only.
1305MC 13:40–17:00
PAACT: Anti-infective
1171MC 13:40–17:00
1170MC 13:40–17:00
1017 14:10–14:40
ROOM / SALLE : Viger - Le Westin Hotel Pre-registered delegates only.
Healthy Child Development: The enhanced 18-month well child visit ROOM / SALLE : McGill - Le Westin Hotel Pre-registered delegates only.
Symptômes comportementaux et psychologiques de la démence (SCPD) : Mettre en application le cadre PIECES pour une prise en charge clinique efficace des SPDC ROOM / SALLE : Ste-Hélène - Hôtel Le Westin Délégués préinscrits seulement.
SIRS and Sepsis in the ED Patrick Melanson, MD, FRCPC, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 516d - Palais des congrès
n Emergency Medicine This session will review the Rivers’ approach to caring for the septic patient. Appropriate interventions based on a variety of clinical presentations and settings will be covered in this case-based session. At the end of this session, participants will: 1. know the Rivers SIRS criteria and the evidence behind them 2. use the CAEP sepsis guideline to optimize their practice for patients with sepsis
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée MC = Mainpro-C
SS = Satellite symposium / Symposium satellite
scientific program • programme scientifique
D = Demonstation theatre / Théâtre de démonstration
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
1284 13:40–14:40
Developmental Screening: New insights Dépistage développemental : Nouvelles perspectives Emmett Francoeur, MD, CM, FRCPC, Montréal, QC General Session / Séance générale ROOM / SALLE : 517b - Palais des congrès
n Child & Adolescent Health / Santé des enfants et des adolescents Learning objectives: 1. learn how to distinguish the difference between surveillance and screening 2. learn the parameters of excellent screening tools 3. learn the most effective screening tools for development of the child from 0 to 5 years Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) apprendre à faire la distinction entre la surveillance et le dépistage 2) apprendre les paramètres d’excellents outils de dépistage 3) connaître les outils de dépistage les plus efficaces portant sur le développement des enfants de 0 à 5 ans.
1240 15:10–16:10
Decision-making Capacity Assessment Catherine Ferrier, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 511a - Palais des congrès
n Care of the Elderly At the end of this session, participants will: 1. be familiar with the criteria for decision-making capacity 2. have a structured approach to capacity assessment 3. be able to assess capacity in a variety of areas of decision-making, including medical and other personal decisions, and financial management
1008 15:10–16:10
The Aging Physician Linda L. W. Lee, MD, MClSc(FM), CCFP, FCFP, Kitchener, ON; W. Wayne Weston, MD, CCFP, FCFP, London, ON ROOM / SALLE : 520c - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will be able to: 1. discuss normal and pathological cognitive changes associated with age and the literature describing its effects on physician practice 2. review studies suggestive of lifestyle factors that may help to protect cognitive functioning
1032 HIV Medicine in Primary Care – Part 2: Treatment options, complications, and comorbidities 15:10–16:10 Claire Kendall, MD, CCFP, Ottawa, ON; Praseedha Janakiram, MD, CCFP, Guelph, ON; Meaghan McLaren, MD, CCFP, Ottawa, ON; Gayathri Shyamal, MD, CCFP, Scarborough, ON ROOM / SALLE : 520f - Palais des congrès At the end of this session, participants will: 1. become comfortable with the most recent HIV treatment guidelines and become broadly aware of how classes of antiretroviral medications work to preserve immune function 2. gain insight into issues of fertility and pregnancy in patients living with chronic HIV infection 3. understand issues of HIV and aging including neurocognitive, metabolic and cardiovascular complications
1057 15:10–16:10
Management of Sickle Cell Emergencies Rahim Valani, MD, CCFP(EM), North York, ON ROOM / SALLE : 516d - Palais des congrès:
At the end of this session, participants will: 1. know the cause of sickle cell disease (SCD) and its manifestations 2. be able to identify the common emergencies that SCD patients present with and how to manage them
1066 15:10–16:10
Understanding Non-Invasive Cardiac Tests in the Office Vukiet Tran, MD, CCFP(EM), Richmond Hill, ON ROOM / SALLE : 511b,c,e,f - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session participants will: 1. understand the utility/indications of these cardiac tests 2. be able to apply these tests in an efficient strategic approach 3. understand how and where to avoid wastage and unnecessary tests
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
Vera Granikov, MLIS, Montréal, QC; Kenneth Hung, Montréal, QC; Ann Macaulay, MDCM, CCFP, FCFP, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 512a - Palais des congrès During this session, participants will: 1. gain an understanding of the foundational concepts of participatory research and how can they be applied to measuring patient satisfaction 2. gain an awareness of the range of challenges and lessons learned associated with a participatory approach to patient satisfaction (eg, consensus building, promoting equality between staff and patients, time and resource requirements, etc.) 3. acquire basic strategies and skills to meet the challenges of using the participatory approach for patient satisfaction b This session would be of interest to family medicine researchers.
1097D 15:10–16:10
1151 15:10–16:10
Soins de plaies : Une introduction Mark Karanofsky, MD, CCFP, Côte St-Luc, QC Théâtre de démonstration Délégués préinscrits seulement.
A Guidelines-Based Approach to Atrial Fibrillation Patient Management: Incorporating Canadian Cardiovascular Society 2010 Guidelines into clinical practice Michael J. Stephenson, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Ancaster, ON; Allan Skanes, MD, FRCPC, London, ON ROOM / SALLE : 524c - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. review diagnosis and initiate management of atrial fibrillation in their clinical setting 2. update knowledge and decision-making for optimal symptom management of their patients with atrial fibrillation 3. adapt their clinical practice to the Canadian evidence-based atrial fibrillation guidelines, recommendations and practical tips
1293 15:10–17:15
Understanding the Value of the Humanities in Family Medicine Education Comprendre la valeur des sciences humaines dans l’éducation en médecine familiale Ruth Elwood Martin, MD, MPH, CCFP, FCFP, Vancouver, BC ROOM / SALLE : 510 - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. learn about the value of the humanities in medical education, practice, and research 2. become familiar with how the humanities are contributing to family medicine education, practice, and research 3. have an opportunity to contribute to discussion about the humanities in family medicine 4. discuss ways that medical humanities education will foster CanMeds-FM competencies in reflective practice and patient-centred care Durant cette séance, les participants vont : 1) apprendre au sujet de la valeur des sciences humaines dans la formation médicale, la pratique et la recherche en médecine 2) se familiariser avec la façon dont les sciences humaines contribuent à l’éducation, à la pratique et à la recherche en médecine familiale 3) avoir l’occasion d’apporter leurs contributions aux discussions concernant les sciences humaines en médecine familiale. 4) discuter de façons dont la formation en sciences humaines médicales favorisera les compétences CanMEDS-MF en matière de pratique fondée sur la réflexion et de soins centrés sur le patient.
T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers. b This session would be of interest to family medicine researchers. 1306 15:10–16:10
L’avenir c’est maintenant : Insulinothérapie pratique dans le cadre des soins primaires Carl Fournier, MD, MCMF, Rosemère, QC ROOM / SALLE : 519a - Palais des congrès
À la fin de cet atelier, les participants seront capables de : 1) reconnaître le rôle de l’insuline afin d’atteindre les taux cibles d’A1C en temps opportun 2) identifier les patients qui pourraient bénéficier d’un traitement avec l’insuline 3) initier un traitement à l’insuline avec un protocole simple et utiliser le guide d’auto-gestion dans votre pratique quotidienne.
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée MC = Mainpro-C
SS = Satellite symposium / Symposium satellite
scientific program • programme scientifique
D = Demonstation theatre / Théâtre de démonstration
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
1083 A Participatory Approach to Understanding and Measuring Patient Satisfaction 15:10–17:15 Michael Malus, MDCM, CCFP, FCFP, Montréal, QC; Michael Shulha, MLIS, Montréal, QC;
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM — THURSDAY 3 JEUDI — PROGRAMME SCIENTIFIQUE 1314 Starting and Adjusting Insulin in Type 2 Diabetes for Primary Care Practitioners 15:10–17:15 Inge Schabort, MB, ChB, CCFP, Hamilton, ON; Marilyn McInnes, RN, BA, MEd, CDE, Hamilton, ON; Rahim Hirji, MD, MSc, CCFP, Markham, ON ROOM / SALLE : 512c,d,g,h - Palais des congrès During this interactive workshop, participants will: 1. acquire specific knowledge about the various types of insulin and their action profile 2. have an opportunity to use clinical cases to solve common problems encountered when attempting to optimize glycemic control using insulin 3. develop a practical approach to initiating insulin therapy (through a detailed case-based discussion) and the appropriate algorithm for adjusting insulin therapy 4. develop an approach to incorporating a patient’s lifestyle into insulin therapy adjustments 5. explore displays of the various insulin delivery devices currently available on the market At the conclusion of the workshop, participants will know how to: 1. use a practical approach to initiate insulin therapy 2. utilize an appropriate algorithm for adjusting insulin therapy 3. incorporate a patient’s lifestyle and personal preferences into insulin therapy adjustments
1116 15:10–16:10
New Pediatric Literature that will Change your Practice Nouvelle littérature scientifique en pédiatrie qui changera votre pratique Richard Haber, MD, MA, FRCPS, Montréal, QC General Session / Séance générale ROOM / SALLE : 517b - Palais des congrès
n Child & Adolescent Health / Santé des enfants et des adolescents Learning objective: to review some common general pediatric problems in the light of newer studies which potentially can change our practice Objectif d’apprentissage : Passer en revue certains des problèmes pédiatriques généraux les plus courants à la lumière de récentes études, ce qui pourrait éventuellement changer vos pratiques.
1380 15:10–16:10
Closing the Care Gap in Osteoporosis: Identifying those at highest risk for fracture Heather Frame, MD, CCFP, Toronto, ON ROOM / SALLE : 519b - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. identify current status of fragility fracture incidence and treatment in Canada 2. identify who is at risk for future fractures 3. learn why post fracture care gap is important 4. review 10-year fracture risk assessment tools (2010 OC Guidelines) 5. review other new, updated materials to assist family physicians to deliver optimal fracture risk assessment
1021 15:10–16:10
Managing Uncertainty: A novel approach to assessing undifferentiated mental disorders in primary care Jose Silveira, MD, FRCPC, Toronto, ON ROOM / SALLE : 524a - Palais des congrès
n Medical-GP Psychotherapy During this session, participants will: 1. understand the impact of anxiety on physicians when dealing with undifferentiated mental disorders 2. learn a model of assessment examining Risk, Functional Impairment and Symptoms (RFS) 3. apply the RFS model to undifferentiated mental disorders 4. learn a 15-minute Psychiatric Screen when assessing patients
1023 15:10–16:10
Maladie d’alzheimer : Où en sommes-nous? Fadi Massoud, MD, FRCPC, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 524b - Palais des congrès
n Soins aux personnes âgées À la fin de cet atelier, les participants seront capables de : 1) réviser les dernières nouveautés en termes de diagnostic et de physiopathologie 2) décrire le traitement standard de la maladie d’Alzheimer ainsi que ses limites 3) discuter des grandes voies de traitement à venir.
1074 Facilitated Poster Session 15:10–16:10 ROOM / SALLE : 517 FOYER - Palais des congrès This session will provide presenters an opportunity to present their poster and have an interactive discussion with participants.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
No Need to Pass Out: It’s only syncope!
1028 16:15–17:15
Vukiet Tran, MD, CCFP(EM), Richmond Hill, ON ROOM / SALLE : 516d - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. recognize the more dangerous etiologies of syncope (aborted sudden cardiac death) 2. risk stratify patients presenting with syncope 3. elaborate an appropriate investigation plan for these patients in the emergency department or office settings 4. be able to plan for judicious referral
1093 16:15–17:15
It’s Overgrown Toeskin, NOT Ingrown Toenail! Henry H. Chapeskie, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Thorndale, ON ROOM / SALLE : 511b,c,e,f - Palais des congrès
This is an innovative approach to an old problem. The term “ingrown toenail” incriminates the nail as the causative factor; however, there is excellent evidence-based research demonstrating that there is no nail abnormality and that the problem is due to an excessive amount of soft tissue. Removal of this tissue results in less bulging over the nail with weight bearing and eliminates the problem. The nail is not touched! The technique is technically simple and can easily be performed in the family physicians’ office. The result is cosmetically excellent and the problem will never recur!
1137 16:15–17:15
How to Use Magic in a Clinical Setting Lalit Kumar Chawla, MD, CCFP, Chatham, ON ROOM / SALLE : 519a - Palais des congrès
In this workshop, the clinician will explore the many ways in which magic and illusion can be used in a clinical setting. Primarily in three keys areas: 1. in helping build rapport with patients in a unique and fun manner 2. as a form of rehabilitation (whether it be a physical or a mental disability) 3. as a way to demonstrate a medical principle (pathophysiology of a disease, medication, medical therapy, etc.)
1159 16:15–17:15
Succession Planning for Your Family Practice: The case for preparing for practice retirement Ieva M. Neimanis, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Hamilton, ON; Jane Walker, BComm, BEd, Hamilton, ON ROOM / SALLE : 513f - Palais des congrès
At the end of the session, physicians will be able to: 1. create a personalized plan that reflects their goals in succession planning and outlines the steps and time frame to achieve them 2. critically assess their practice to identify desirable practice attributes, identify practice barriers to recruitment, and explore ways to make the practice more attractive for new physician needs 3. develop a “to-do” list and time frame for legal, financial, and practice issues that will need to be addressed to ensure continuity of care for your patients and smooth transition for the physicians and staff
1270 16:15–17:15
Prévention des fractures ostéoporotiques: Les bonnes interventions aux bonnes personnes Stéphane Groulx, CCMF, FCMF, Longueuil, QC; Sylvie Dodin, MD, MSc, Québec, QC; Denis Poirier, BSc, Québec, QC ROOM / SALLE : 519b - Palais des congrès
À la fin de cet atelier, les participants seront capables de : 1) recommander des habitudes de vie favorables à la santé osseuse et adaptées à chaque groupe d’âge 2) dépister toute personne à risque de fracture ostéoporotique par l’anamnèse, l’examen physique et les examens complémentaires appropriés, rechercher les causes secondaires et stratifier le risque 3) proposer un ensemble de mesures visant à prévenir les fractures, incluant la prévention des chutes chez les personnes âgées, la recommandation de suppléments de calcium et de vitamine D et, lorsque indiquée, la prescription d’une médication préventive et son suivi.
1277 16:15–17:15
Disasters Are Not Just Storylines From Other Countries: Are Canadian physicians prepared for local events? Graham Dodd, MSc, MD, CCFP(EM), MaDEM, Kamloops, BC ROOM / SALLE : 524c - Palais des congrès
Learning objectives: 1. define disasters as well as the potential and relative nature of such events when they occur within Canada and therefore the expectations that will be placed upon family and emergency physicians practicing in Canadian communities 2. introduce physicians to the field of disaster medicine; what is it and why does it exist in other countries but not yet in Canada?
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée MC = Mainpro-C
SS = Satellite symposium / Symposium satellite
scientific program • programme scientifique
D = Demonstation theatre / Théâtre de démonstration
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
The Developmentally Delayed Adult in the Family Physician’s Office: Challenges and opportunities Donna Lougheed, MD, CCFP, FRCPC, Ottawa, ON; Dale Dewar, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Wynyard, SK ROOM / SALLE : 524b - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session, participants will: 1. be able to appreciate and identify intellectual delay in adults, including capacity to consent to treatment 2. using group activities, develop interview techniques to work with these sometimes challenging individuals 3. understand the limitations of, and engage in, exercises to increase compliance
1022 16:15–17:15
The Therapeutic Relationship: The importance of the therapeutic relationship in psychotherapy and family practice, with a focus on healthy boundaries and the new neuroscience of human relationships Victoria Winterton, CCFP, FCFP, Owen Sound, ON ROOM / SALLE : 524a - Palais des congrès
n Medical-GP Psychotherapy At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. identify key factors that contribute to an effective therapeutic relationship both in family practice and psychotherapy 2. develop a way of assessing boundary issues that is adaptable to both types of practice 3. use self-reflection to enhance self-awareness and improve therapeutic outcomes
1025 16:15–17:15
Protocols for Best Practices Care for Dementia Patients in Emergency Departments and Acute Care Martha Donnelly, MD, CCFP, FRCPC, Vancouver, BC ROOM / SALLE : 511a - Palais des congrès:
n Care of the Elderly Other information: This project was funded from a grant from the BC Mental Health Foundation. The report of the work went back to an integrated Dementia Standing Committee for the Provincial Government. At the end of this session, participants will: 1. be informed about emergency and acute care issues in care for patients with dementia from a literature review 2. be aware of barriers to good care in Emergency and acute care beds for dementia patients 3. be able to use protocols for best practice of dementia care in acute care beds
1111 16:15–16:45
L’adolescent qui révèle une consommation de drogues The adolescent who admits taking drugs Olivier Jamoulle, MD, Montréal, QC Séance générale / General Session ROOM / SALLE : 517b - Palais des congrès
n Child & Adolescent Health / Santé des enfants et des adolescents Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) approcher la situation actuelle des différents types de consommations de substances chez les adolescents avec un focus particulier sur le pot 2) fournir aux participants des astuces pour aborder le sujet de la consommation de substances lors de l’entrevue médicale 3) expliquer les différentes approches envers les situations de consommation à l’adolescence. Learning objectives: 1. to approach the current situation with respect to different forms of substance abuse by adolescents, with a particular emphasis on pot 2. to provide participants with tips on how to raise the topic of substance abuse during the medical interview 3. to explain the different approaches to adolescent substance abuse
1112 16:45–17:15
Exciting New Advances in Primary Care Pediatrics Progrès intéressants en soins primaires pédiatriques Michael Dickinson, MD, FRCP, Miramichi, NB General Session / Séance générale ROOM / SALLE : 517b - Palais des congrès
n Child & Adolescent Health / Santé des enfants et des adolescents Learning objective: Upon completion of this talk, attendees will have a better understanding of some of the new developments in pediatrics and how to implement these changes in the primary care setting. Objectif d’apprentissage : À la fin de ces discussions, les participants comprendront mieux certains des nouveaux progrès en pédiatrie et comment mettre en œuvre ces changements dans le contexte des soins primaires.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
1137SS 17:30–18:30
1391SS 17:30–18:30
Gut to the Chase: The need for movement in chronic constipation
1165SS 17:30–18:30
ROOM / SALLE : 710a - Palais des congrès Pre-registration required.
The Management of Influenza in Primary Care: A review of current recommendations ROOM / SALLE : 520a,b,d,e - Palais des congrès Pre-registration required.
Treating Eczema Beyond the Flare: Applying the new maintenance therapeutic paradigm to your practice ROOM / SALLE : 710b - Palais des congrès Pre-registration required.
The language of the session title indicates the language in which the session will be presented. For those sessions with simultaneous interpretation, the title will be bilingual with the simultaneous interpretation symbol appearing beside that title. Les séances seront présentées dans la langue du titre mentionné. Un titre bilingue, marqué du symbole des écouteurs indique que l’interprétation simultanée sera offerte.
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée MC = Mainpro-C
SS = Satellite symposium / Symposium satellite
scientific program • programme scientifique
D = Demonstation theatre / Théâtre de démonstration
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
Special Interest Program in Developmental Disabilities Medicine Networking Breakfast Elizabeth Grier, MD, CCFP, Kingston, ON; Brian K. E. Hennen, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Dartmouth, NS ROOM / SALLE : 513e - Palais des congrès
Learning objective: to network with colleagues regarding common issues in providing primary care for children and adults with developmental disabilities
2006 Respiratory Medicine Networking Breakfast 07:00–08:00 Alan Kaplan, MD, CCFP (EM) FCFP, Richmond Hill, ON
ROOM / SALLE : 513a - Palais des congrès
n Respiratory Medicine The Respiratory Medicine Section of The College of Family Physicians of Canada is a group dedicated to improving respiratory care in Canada. We will be the voice working with the CFPC to improve models of care and promote tools and new concepts in respiratory medicine in Canada. Please come out for breakfast to learn how we can help your practice improve in respiratory care! Learning objectives: 1. introduce the Section of Respiratory Medicine to interested CFPC members at FMF 2011 2. review opportunities, tools and future strategies
2008 Maternity Care Teachers Networking Breakfast 07:00–08:00 Andrée Gagnon, MD, CCMF, Blainville, QC
ROOM / SALLE : 514a,b,c - Palais des congrès
n Maternity Care Day All participants from medical student to experienced practitioner are welcome to join this networking breakfast for maternity care teachers. This breakfast will present an opportunity for sharing successful strategies for undergraduate and postgraduate teaching.
T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers. 2009 Sport and Exercise Medicine Networking Breakfast 07:00–08:00 Lisa Fischer, MD, CCFP, Dip Sport Med, London, ON
ROOM / SALLE : 513d - Palais des congrès
n Sport & Exercise Medicine We would like to invite all physicians who have an interest in SEM, to come to the meeting to share ideas and take advantage of the opportunity to meet others with similar interests. We hope to get direction from the members on future goals and projects for the SEM committee.
2010 Medical GP Psychotherapy Networking Breakfast 07:00–08:00 Victoria Winterton, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Owen Sound, ON
ROOM / SALLE : 513c - Palais des congès
n Medical-GP Psychotherapy The GP Psychotherapy/Medical Psychotherapy Special Interests or Focused Practices (SIFP) Sub-Committee invites you to attend our inaugural networking session. Please join us to connect with like-minded physicians and contribute to the development of this new sub-section of the CFPC.
2011 07:00–08:00
Prison Health Breakfast Networking Session Ruth Elwood Martin, MD, MPH, CCFP, FCFP, Vancouver, BC ROOM / SALLE : 512f - Palais des congrès
The Prison Health Breakfast Networking Session is intended for all CFPC members (students, residents, clinicians, teachers and researchers) who have an interest in the health of incarcerated men and women, their families and communities. The breakfast networking session will provide participants with the opportunity to learn about the newly formed Prison Health Program within the Section of Family Physicians with Special Interests or Focused Practices (SIFP), and to invite their input into shaping future directions and priorities for the program.
2007 07:00–08:00
The Geriatric Book Club: Medical humanities and care of the elderly – Networking Breakfast Chris Frank, MD, CCFP FCFP, Kingston, ON ROOM / SALLE : 513b - Palais des congrès
n Care of the Elderly The session will offer participants the opportunity to meet and network with other family physicians sharing an interest in geriatric care. The session will be structured around a discussion of medical humanities and how the humanities can affect the way we care for older patients.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM — FRIDAY 4 VENDREDI — PROGRAMME SCIENTIFIQUE Chronic Non-Cancer Pain - Networking Breakfast ROOM / SALLE : 513f - Palais des congrès
If you are a family physician with a special interest in chronic non-cancer pain; one who finds this group of patients particularly challenging and wishes to learn more; or someone who trains medical students or residents, your presence at this formative meeting of the CFPC CNCP SIFP networking meeting would be welcomed.
2200SS 07:00–08:00
2246SS 07:00–08:00
2383SS 07:00–08:00
2051MC 08:00–16:30
Prevention of HPV-Related Diseases: Not just a women’s issue ROOM / SALLE : 520a,b,d,e - Palais des congrès Pre-registration required.
Canadian Approaches to Stroke Prevention in Atrial Arrhythmias ROOM / SALLE : 710a - Palais des congrès Pre-registration required.
GOUT: sUA lowering therapies: The why, the when, the how ROOM / SALLE : 710b - Palais des congrès Pre-registration required.
Musculoskeletal Injuries in Adults and Children in the Emergency Department ROOM / SALLE : Maisonneuve - Intercontinental Hotel Pre-registered delegates only.
2104 Urgences ophtalmiques 08:15–08:45 Ophthalmic emergencies Patricia-Ann Laughrea, MD, FRCS(C), Québec, QC
Séance générale / General Session ROOM / SALLE : 517b - Palais des congrès
Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) établir un diagnostic différentiel plausible pour les présentations ophtalmiques aigües suivantes : – Les pertes de vision et les autres phénomènes visuels – Les lésions cornéennes – Les douleurs oculaires 2) identifier les questions-clés et les indices critiques 3) appliquer la conduite appropriée, dans un délai adéquat.Le médecin de famille est exposé fréquemment à des patients de tout âge se présentant pour un problème oculaire subit, douloureux ou affectant la vision. Learning objectives: 1. to make a plausible diagnosis for patients presenting with the following acute ophthalmological conditions: – Loss of vision and other visual phenomena – Corneal damage – Ocular pain 2. to identify key questions and crucial indicators 3. to apply the appropriate course of treatment, in a timely manner
2110 Le pour et le contre des probiotiques 08:15–09:15 Valérie Marchand, MD, FRCPC, Montréal, QC
ROOM / SALLE : 511d - Palais des congrès
Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) revoir la composition, le développement et le rôle de la microflore intestinale, ainsi que son interaction avec l’hôte 2) comprendre ce qu’est un probiotique, connaître les caractéristiques et les qualités d’un bon probiotique 3) revoir les conditions pour lesquelles les probiotiques ont une efficacité clinique prouvée et les conditions pour lesquelles ils pourraient potentiellement être efficaces.
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée MC = Mainpro-C
SS = Satellite symposium / Symposium satellite
scientific program • programme scientifique
D = Demonstation theatre / Théâtre de démonstration
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
2001 07:00–08:00
The Care Gap in the Diagnosis and Management of Fibromyalgia for Canadian Family Physicians Mary-Ann Fitzcharles, MB, ChB, MRCP(UK), FRCP, Pointe-Claire, QC ROOM / SALLE : 524a - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. understand current concepts of neurophysiological mechanisms in FM 2. develop an approach to the clinical diagnosis of FM 3. harmonize mechanisms with rational treatments which will include both non pharmacologic and pharmacologic options
2135 08:15–09:15
Dépistage du cancer de la prostate: comment intégrer la prise de décision Michel Labrecque, MD, CCMF, FCMF, Québec, QC; Michel Cauchon, MD, CCMF, FCMF, Québec, QC ROOM / SALLE : 524c - Palais des congrès
Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) poser un regard critique sur le bien-fondé du dépistage du cancer de la prostate et les recommandations des différents groupes d’intérêt 2) conseiller leurs patients sur les enjeux du dépistage dans une perspective de prise de décision partagée
2146D 08:15–09:15
L’insertion de stérilet et biopsie de l’endomètrie (1) Théâtre de démonstration Délégués préinscrits seulement.
2019 Newborn orthopedics: What is seen in the first few weeks? 08:15–08:45 Julie Dubé, MD, Montréal, QC
ROOM / SALLE : 514a,b,c - Palais des congrès
n Maternity Care Day After this session, the participants will be able to: 1. describe common newborn orthopedic problems 2. understand treatment and referral for newborns
2014 Spirometry: Why should you do it? 08:15–08:35 Alan Kaplan, MD, CCFP(EM), FCFP, Richmond Hill, ON
ROOM / SALLE : 520a,b,d,e - Palais des congrès
n Respiratory Medicine During this session, participants will learn: 1. who should have spirometry 2. how to use spirometry to actively diagnose your patients 3. how to use spirometry to guide your therapy 4. how to use spirometry to improve your practice
2017 08:15–09:15
Your Practice Website: Is it time now? Jonathan Marcus, MD, CCFP, Toronto, ON ROOM / SALLE : 520c - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. understand reasons to have a website 2. choose website component options and steps to set up a website 3. learn how to use your website to increase office efficiency
2030 08:15–09:15
Deadly ECGs in the Office You Should Not Miss! Vukiet Tran, MD, CCFP(EM), Richmond Hill, ON ROOM / SALLE : 511b,c,e,f - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. use ECGs in the office to stratify patients presenting with palpitation, dizziness, or syncope 2. recognize the ECGs that reveal fatal diagnoses 3. recognize the need for urgent versus non-urgent referrals based on ECG interpretation
2078 Medical Student and Family Medicine Resident Leadership Workshop (By invitation only) 08:15–11:50 Carol P. Herbert, MD, CCFP, FCFP, London, ON; Louise L. Nasmith, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Vancouver, BC; Ian Scott, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Vancouver, BC ROOM / SALLE : 513d - Palais des congrès This workshop is designed for the recipients of the Family Medicine Resident and Medical Student Leadership Awards and deals with leadership skills and knowledge acquisition for new family physicians. By invitation only.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
How Are Your Residents Treating your Patients? Tips and tricks for resident clinical supervision and video reviews
2116 08:15–10:20
Karen Shklanka, MD, CCFP, Vancouver, BC; Douglas Cave, MSW, RSW, PhD, RPsych, MA, AMP, Vancouver, BC ROOM / SALLE : 513a - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. learn and practice a technique for individual resident video-reviews and clinical supervision that can be tailored for your program/site 2. develop and practice the skills necessary to support residents and build physician resilience, during clinical supervision 3. learn to build empathy skills in residents for both themselves and their patients
T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers. 2024 08:15–10:20 By 1. 2. 3. 4.
Residents as Scholars – A Joint Symposium of the Sections of Researchers and Teachers Les résidents en tant qu’érudits : Symposium conjoint des Sections des chercheurs et des enseignants
ROOM / SALLE : 510 - Palais des congrès the end of the symposium participants will: have a good understanding of the CanMEDS-FM Scholar Role competencies be able to describe behavioural indicators demonstrating progressive attainment of the scholar role competencies share learning activities that enable residents to achieve the scholar role competencies consider benchmarks for learners by end of the 2nd year of residency that reflects attainment of scholar role competencies ready for unsupervised practice
Au terme du symposium, les participants : 1) Auront une bonne compréhension des compétences associées au rôle d’érudit de CanMEDS-FM 2) Sauront décrire les indicateurs comportementaux démontrant l’atteinte progressive des compétences du rôle d’érudit 3) Auront discuté d’activités d’apprentissage permettant aux résidents d’acquérir les compétences du rôle d’érudit 4) Auront envisagé des jalons que devraient avoir atteints les apprenants au terme de leur deuxième année de résidence qui reflètent l’acquisition des compétences du rôle d’érudit nécessaires pour la pratique autonome.
T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers. / Cette séance est susceptible d’intéresser les enseignants en médecine familale. b This session would be of interest to family medicine researchers. / Cette séance est susceptible d’intéresser les chercheurs en médecine familiale.
2120 08:15–09:15
Pill Popping...By Prescription David Luckow, MDCM, CCFP, CCSAM, DABAM, CMRO, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 516d - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. identify and understand the problem of prescription drug abuse 2. gain confidence in using risk-reduction techniques in prescribing practices 3. identify patients who are at higher-than-average risk of prescription drug abuse
2158D 08:15–09:15
2132 08:15–11:50
Ankle Brachial Index (ABI): Key to diagnosing PAD workshop (Course 1) Demonstration Theatre Pre-registered delegates only.
Étudiants et résidents en difficulté : Outils pratiques Miriam Lacasse, MD, MSc, CCMF, Québec, QC; Johanne Théoret, MD, CCMF, FCMF, Québec, QC ROOM / SALLE : 513e - Palais des congrès
À la fin de cette présentation, les participants seront en mesure de : 1) reconnaître les signes et symptômes d’un apprenant en difficulté 2) poser un diagnostic pédagogique précis 3) prendre en charge un apprenant en difficulté en développant un plan d’intervention adapté à ses besoins.
T Cette séance est susceptible d’intéresser les enseignants en médecine familale.
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée MC = Mainpro-C
SS = Satellite symposium / Symposium satellite
scientific program • programme scientifique
D = Demonstation theatre / Théâtre de démonstration
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
Superviser l’apprentissage de gestes techniques en médecine familiale et en médecine d’urgence Anne-Josée Flynn, MD, CCMF, FCMF, Québec, QC ROOM / SALLE : 513c - Palais des congrès
Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) appliquer les grands principes d’apprentissage dans l’enseignement de gestes techniques 2) démontrer différentes séquences de procédure dans la supervision de gestes techniques 3) apprendre à gérer les difficultés inhérentes à l’enseignement de gestes techniques (habilités/contraintes/ médicolégal) 4) élaborer et pratiquer une séquence de procédure dans la supervision de gestes techniques.
T Cette séance est susceptible d’intéresser les enseignants en médecine familale. 2185 08:15–09:15
Insuffisance cardiaque pour le médecin de famille : Une revue pratique et clinique des stratégies de traitement pour améliorer les résultats et la qualité de vie de vos patients Anique Ducharme, MD, FRCPC, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 520f - Palais des congrès
Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) revoir et évaluer les diagnostiques et gérer l’insuffisance cardiaque dans leur milieu clinique 2) mettre à jour les connaissances et la prise de décision pour la gestion optimale des symptômes de leurs patients avec une insuffisance. cardiaque 3) adapter leur pratique clinique aux lignes directrices canadiennes d’insuffisance cardiaque fondées sur des preuves, aux recommandations et conseils pratiques.
2206 Integrating Communication Supports into Your Practice: Interpreters, cultural brokers, and Google Translate 08:15–10:20 Kevin Pottie, MD, CCFP, FCFP, MD, MClSc, Ottawa, ON; Doug Gruner, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Ottawa, ON; Gurdeeshpal Randhawa, BSc, Ottawa, ON; Mariella Ferreyra, MD, Ottawa, ON Computer Learning Centre Session ROOM / SALLE : 523a,b - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. discuss new guidelines to support effective and efficient communication with patients using interpreters and cultural brokers 2. apply the communication guidelines during the workshop using role play with interpreters and web based Google Translate 3. receive practical resources to facilitate care of culturally and linguistically diverse patients, including a summary of the new CMAJ CCIRH Clinical Guidelines for Immigrants and Refugees
2209 08:15–11:50
The Practical Management of Low Back Pain: What the practice guidelines don’t say Raja Rampersaud, MD, FRCSC, Toronto, ON; Hamilton Hall, MD, FRCSC, Markdale, ON ROOM / SALLE : 512c,d,g,h - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. describe and perform a focused screening history and examination 2. discuss the timing of Investigations (including interpretation) and specialist Referral 3. discuss the initial and long term management strategies for difficult LBP patients.
2214 08:15–9:15
Effective Care of the Refugee Patient Michael Stephenson, MD, CCFP, Toronto, ON ROOM / SALLE : 524b - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. understand how the health care system for refugees differs from that of Canadian citizens, and to be able to effectively navigate this system 2. understand the judicial process that refugees and refugee claimants face, and how this presents opportunities for specific advocacy 3. reduce the stress associated with the care of refugee and refugee claimant patients through practical tips and advice
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
Caroline Beique, MDCM, CCMF, Montréal, QC; Virginie Deslauriers, MD, CCMF, Montréal, QC; Rejean Duplain, MD, CCMF, Trois-Riviéres, QC; Isabelle Hébert, MD, CCMF, Montréal, QC; Anne-Patricia Prévost, MD, CCMF, Longueuil, QC; Marie Authier, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 513b - Palais des congrès Objective: Share the experience of the department of family medicine of the University of Montréal, with the modification of its curriculum towards a Triple C curriculum. Objectif : Partager l’expérience du programme de médecine familiale de l’Université de Montréal, dans la transformation de son curriculum vers un curriculum Triple C. This session will be delivered in English but will have slides available in both English and French. Cette séance sera présentée en anglais, mais les diapositives seront en anglais et en français.
T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers. / Cette séance est susceptible d’intéresser les enseignants en médecine familale. 2286 08:15–10:20
How Clinicians are Using Pan-Canadian PHC Indicators to Improve Quality in Family Medicine Patricia Sullivan-Taylor, BSN, MPA, PMP, Toronto, ON ROOM / SALLE : 512a - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. understand how survey tools can be used to measure important aspects of Primary Health Care (PHC) 2. learn how surveys can be used to populate pan-Canadian PHC indicators 3. learn about and provide feedback on the content of surveys under development, including: • population surveys to better understand population health and the impact of PHC • patient surveys to better understand the responsiveness of PHC to patient needs • provider surveys to better understand resources available to and capacities of PHC providers • practice surveys to better understand the structure of PHC practise in jurisdictions and Canada 4. discuss the benefits and risks of public reporting of survey results b This session would be of interest to family medicine researchers.
2310 08:15–10:20
Developing Practical Strategic Plans that Help you Achieve Outcomes
David Keegan, MD, CCFP(EM), FCFP, Calgary, AB ROOM / SALLE : 513f - Palais des congrès By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to 1. describe the key steps to develop a useful strategic plan 2. develop an inclusive list of planning participants 3. develop and administer a survey that “kick-starts” the process 4. lead a strategic planning event that will result in a clear strategic plan
T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers. 2350 08:15–09:15
Lessons from the Evolution of Primary Care Rick Ward, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Calgary, AB; Lorraine Bucholtz, BScN, Calgary, AB ROOM / SALLE : 516b - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. identify current issues in primary care reform 2. share and be exposed to best practice and innovations that have been products of primary care organizations 3. network with primary care leaders engaged in primary care reform initiatives
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée MC = Mainpro-C
SS = Satellite symposium / Symposium satellite
scientific program • programme scientifique
D = Demonstation theatre / Théâtre de démonstration
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
2253 Implementation of a Triple C Curriculum: Process and Evaluation 2006-2010 08:15–10:20 Implantation d’un Cursus Triple C : Processus et Évaluation 2006-2010 Louise Authier, MD, CCMF, FCMF, Montréal, QC; Isabel Rodrigues, MD, CCMF, FCMF, Vimont, QC;
Partners in Health: Using the Mini-Med School approach for educating your community Michael Evans, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Mississauga, ON ROOM / SALLE : 519b - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will learn about: 1. various models of mini-med schools currently being run in various centres 2. practical tips for organizing and delivering programs within their own communities 3. various tools and education delivery methods that can be used to educate mini-med school participants with different learning styles
2018 08:15–09:15
Tips and Tricks for Mucky Meds: A practical approach
Michelle Gibson, MD, CCFP, Kingston, ON ROOM / SALLE : 519a - Palais des congrès n Care of the Elderly Learning objective: to develop a practical approach to polypharmacy in the complex older patient suitable for inpatients and outpatients
2345MC 08:30–15:30
2281MC 08:30–12:00
CBT for Anxiety ROOM / SALLE : Ramezay - Le Westin Hotel Pre-registered delegates only.
La fatigue en pratique médicale
ROOM / SALLE : St-Antoine A - Hôtel Le Westin Délégués préinscrits seulement.
2215MC 08:30-16:30
Fundamentals of Tobacco Interventions: A skills-building workshop ROOM / SALLE : Le Moyne - Le Westin Hotel
Pre-registered delegates only.
2307MC 08:30–12:00
PAACT: Anemia
ROOM / SALLE : Viger - Le Westin Hotel Pre-registered delegates only.
2024MC 08:30–12:00
Office Gynecological Procedures in Family Medicine: Skills transfer workshop ROOM / SALLE : McGill - Le Westin Hotel
Pre-registered delegates only.
2087MC 08:30–12:00
The 15-Minute Psychiatric Screening Assessment ROOM / SALLE : St-Antoine B - Le Westin Hotel
Pre-registered delegates only.
2099MC 08:30–12:00
Reducing the Pain of Childhood Vaccination ROOM / SALLE : Ste-Hélène - Le Westin Hotel
Pre-registered delegates only.
2015 08:35–08:55
Sinusitis Guidelines
Anthony Ciavarella, BA, MA, MD, Aldergrove, BC; Alan Kaplan, MD, CCFP(EM), FCFP, Richmond Hill, ON ROOM / SALLE : 520a,b,d,e - Palais des congrès
n Respiratory Medicine Using the clinical based PODS system, the participant will learn to make the diagnosis of Acute Bacterial Rhinosinusitis (ABRS) in a medical office setting. The accompanying algorithm will indicate the ABRS severity and direct the appropriate treatment. Intranasal corticosteroids are encouraged and without clear clinical indication, antibiotics are discouraged.
2020 Gestational Diabetes 08:45–09:15 Presenter to be Confirmed
ROOM / SALLE : 514a,b,c - Palais des congrès
n Maternity Care Day During this session, participants will: 1. describe current Canadian guidelines for the management for gestational diabetes 2. discuss the identification of Type 2 Diabetes in pregnancy
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
Troubles thyroïdiens fréquents en médecine familiale Common thyroid disorders in family medicine
2100 08:45–09:15
Andrée Boucher, MD, FRCPC, Montréal, QC Séance générale / General Session ROOM / SALLE : 517b - Palais des congrès
Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) 2) 3) 4)
établir un diagnostic différentiel des troubles thyroïdiens (hypo vs. hyperthyroïdie) déterminer qui dépister et procéder à l’investigation pertinente traiter et assurer le suivi des patients avec troubles thyroïdiens identifier les conditions nécessitant une référence en spécialité.
Learning objectives: 1. to make a differential diagnosis of thyroid disorders (hypo vs. hyperthyroidism) 2. to determine who should be screened and to conduct the relevant investigation 3. to provide treatment and follow-up to patients with thyroid disorders 4. to identify conditions that require a referral to a specialist
2016 Will You Recognize that Case of TB? 08:55–09:15 Alan Kaplan, MD, CCFP(EM), FCFP, Richmond Hill, ON ROOM / SALLE : 520a,b,d,e - Palais des congrès
n Respiratory Medicine During this session, participants will learn: 1. how to recognize TB in your practice 2. what tests you should do when you suspect TB 3. how to differentiate Active TB from a latent TB infection
2388MC 09:00–15:00
2025 09:20–09:50
The Impact of Attachment and Parenting on Child Behaviour: What you should know ROOM / SALLE : Ville-Marie B - Le Westin Hotel Pre-registered delegates only.
Adult Asthma: Pearls to change your management Christopher Fotti, MD, CCFP, RRT, East St. Paul, MB ROOM / SALLE : 520a,b,d,e - Palais des congrès
n Respiratory Medicine Learning objective: to review and apply the Canadian Consensus Guidelines in the Management of Adult Asthma
2133 09:20–10:20
Pediatric Ophthalmology: Pearls for the family physician
2147D 09:20–10:20
L’insertion de stérilet et biospie de l’endomètrie (Cours 2 – répétition)
Rosanne Superstein, MD, FRCSC, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 524c - Palais des congrès Learning objective: 1. to review common problems in pediatric ophthalmology and discuss the approach towards them 2. to review which patients should be referred and how urgently they should be seen
2031 09:20–9:50
Théâtre de démonstration Délégués préinscrits seulement.
A Practical Guide to Prenatal Genetics Teresa Rudkin, MD, CCFP, Outremont, QC ROOM / SALLE : 514a,b,c - Palais des congrès
n Maternity Care Day Learning objectives: 1. to understand ‘integrated’ prenatal screen 2. to know how to manage the most common “abnormal” fetal ultrasound findings reported on the routine 2nd trimester ultrasound 3. to dispel the common misconceptions about amniocentesis
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée MC = Mainpro-C
SS = Satellite symposium / Symposium satellite
scientific program • programme scientifique
D = Demonstation theatre / Théâtre de démonstration
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
Practical Care in the Office Setting Sidney Feldman, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON; Chris Frank, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Kingston, ON ROOM / SALLE : 519a - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. recognize changes in elderly patients that signify high risk situations 2. be familiar with practical tools to aid the busy practitioner in the office 3. improve office systems to reduce frustration in dealing with our older patients
2028 Toxic Status Epilepticus 09:20–09:50 Martin Laliberté, MD, FRCPC, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 524a - Palais des congrès
n Emergency Medicine At the end of this session, participants will: 1. know which toxins cause seizures 2. have an approach to toxin seizure management
2005 09:20–11:50
Office Emergencies Workshop: An interprofessional scenario-based approach to common office emergencies Jo Jo Leung, MD, Hamilton, ON; Nick Minos, MD, Ancaster, ON; Peter Anderson, MD, Milton, ON ROOM / SALLE : 520c - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. understand how both clinical and non-clinical office staff can participate in handling an office-based patient emergency 2. discuss several office-based patient emergencies and how to handle them quickly and easily 3. discuss what equipment and medications primary care offices need to have on hand to deal with common patient emergencies
2023 09:20–10:20
Chronic Pain and Addiction: Safe opioid prescribing Douleur chronique et dépendance : Prescrire des opioïdes de manière sécuritaire Lisa Bromley, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Ottawa, ON General Session / Séance générale ROOM / SALLE : 517b - Palais des congrès
Learning objectives: 1. review the Canadian Guideline for the Safe and Effective Use of Opioids for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain 2. recognize and manage opioid misuse and dependence within your practice 3. manage the patient doing poorly on high dose opioids Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) passer en revue le guide de pratique clinique canadien sur l’utilisation sûre et efficace des opioïdes pour la douleur chronique non cancéreuse 2) reconnaître et prendre en charge l’utilisation abusive des opioïdes et la dépendance dans le cadre de votre pratique 3) prendre en charge le patient qui ne répond pas bien à de fortes doses d’opioïdes.
2040 09:20–10:20
Clinical Decision-Making about Patients and Work: Practical stuff they didn’t teach us in med school Jennifer Christian, MD, MPH, Wayland, Massachusetts ROOM / SALLE : 516a - Palais des congrès
As a result of participating in this session, clinicians will be able to: 1. employ a logical conceptual framework and set of clinical tools in formulating clinical opinions in the stay at work and return to work process 2. use the One Minute Return to Work Screening Test and other methods of obtaining needed information and data upon which to base their opinions
2067 Test Your Contraception I.Q.: An interactive modern contraception challenges workshop 09:20–10:20 SESSION CANCELLED 2134 Motivational Interviewing to Encourage Patient Self-Management in Chronic Disease 09:20–10:20 Anne Barber, PHC-NP, MScN, Hamilton, ON; Inge Schabort, MB, ChB, CCFP, Hamilton, ON; Michele MacDonald Werstuck, RD, MSc, CDE, Hamilton, ON; Shelly House, RPh, BScPharm, CDE, Hamilton, ON ROOM / SALLE : 516e - Palais des congrès At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. define motivational interviewing as one strategy for self-management in chronic disease 2. describe and practice situations where motivational interviewing techniques can be applied in a busy family practice 3. access and use motivational interviewing and self-management resources and tools
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM — FRIDAY 4 VENDREDI — PROGRAMME SCIENTIFIQUE Préparation du voyageur de dernière minute
2263 09:20–10:20
Borderline Personality Disorder: Effective management strategies for both patient and physician
2298 09:20–10:20
What’s New? Our top ten picks of research findings that improve practice for family physicians
Dominique Tessier, MD, CCMF, FCMF, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 511d - Palais des congrès Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) identifier les interventions les plus utiles en médecine des voyages 2) recommander les médications pour la trousse du voyageur de dernière minute 3) prioriser les immunisations pour les voyageurs de dernière minute James Goertzen, MD, CCFP, MClSc, FCFP, Thunder Bay, ON ROOM / SALLE : 516d - Palais des congrès Participants will: 1. acquire strategies for the effective management of patients with a borderline personality disorder 2. learn approaches to increase their resilience and reduce the frequency of burnout when engaged in therapeutic relationships with patients with a borderline personality disorder 3. develop physician/patient relationships which encourage borderline personality disorder patients to increase their self-management skills Jeannie Haggerty, Montréal, QC; Martin G. Dawes, MD, MCFP, Vancouver, BC; Valerie Gilchrist, MD, Madison, WI ROOM / SALLE : 511b,c,e,f - Palais des congrès Learning objectives: 1. to synthesize clinically relevant research presented at the primary care annual research meeting (NAPCRG) 2. to stimulate the interest of practicing family physicians in primary care research b This session would be of interest to family medicine researchers.
2300 09:20–10:20
How to Say I’m Sorry: The impact of apology legislation on family practice Florin Tudor Padeanu, BSc (Hons), LLB, MD, CCFP, Winnipeg, Manitoba ROOM / SALLE : 524b - Palais des congrès
Learning objectives: 1. review the ethical, legal and social impetus for Apology Legislation 2. understand the elements of Apology Legislation and its current application in Canada 3. communicate appropriately with patients following an adverse event
2322 09:20–10:20
CONNECTED: Communicating and computing in the exam room W. Wayne Weston, MD, CCFP, FCFP, London, ON ROOM / SALLE : 519b - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session, participants will: 1. develop increased skills and greater confidence in their ability to communicate effectively while using exam room computers 2. identify techniques that enhance shared decision making and patient satisfaction through the use of exam room computing 3. identify techniques that communicate to patients, “We know you”
2351 09:20–10:20
Réfléchir pour agir: Utiliser la rétroaction pour améliorer la prise en charge des maladies chroniques
2026 09:50–10:20
Paediatric Asthma: Pearls to change your management
Jean Rodrigue, MD, Montréal, QC; Michel Camirand, MD, Cowansville, QC; Julie Lajeunesse, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Longueuil, QC; Brigitte Vachon, PhD, Ste-Julie, QC ROOM / SALLE : 520f - Palais des congrès Objectifs : 1) analyser les données provenant de banques administratives du système de santé québécois 2) expérimenter la réflexion critique sur sa pratique en utilisant les données de banques administratives 3) sensibiliser les professionnels de la 1re ligne à l’importance de leur engagement dans la démarche d’amélioration continue des services.
Alan Kaplan, MD, CCFP(EM) FCFP, Richmond Hill, ON ROOM / SALLE : 520a,b,d,e - Palais des congrès
n Respiratory Medicine Learning objective: to learn which preschooler with wheeze will have persistent asthma vs. those who are transient viral wheezers and guide your therapy and follow up accordingly
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée MC = Mainpro-C
SS = Satellite symposium / Symposium satellite
scientific program • programme scientifique
D = Demonstation theatre / Théâtre de démonstration
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
2201 09:20–10:20
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM — FRIDAY 4 VENDREDI — PROGRAMME SCIENTIFIQUE 2032 Preterm Labour 09:50–10:20 Presenter to be Confirmed
ROOM / SALLE : 514a,b,c - Palais des congrès
n Maternity Care Day Preterm birth represents a significant source of morbidity and mortality for infants. At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. describe the risk factors for preterm labour 2. understand the capacity for prediction of preterm birth
2526D 09:20–10:20
Ankle Brachial Index (ABI): Key to Diagnosing PAD Workshop - (Course 2 – Repeat) Demonstration Theatre Pre-registered delegates only.
2029 Acute Back Pain: When to worry 09:50–10:20 Penny-Jane Baylis, MD, MBBS, CCFP, Dip Sport Med, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 524a - Palais des congrès n Emergency Medicine At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. use a systematic approach to back pain presentations 2. recognize red flags relating to back pain 3. use ancillary evaluations judiciously considering risk of radiation exposure
2035 10:50-11:50
Why You May Be Missing Elder Abuse in Your Patients Mark Yaffe, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Montréal, QC; Katie Fagen, BSW, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 519a - Palais des congrès
By the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1) identify what elder abuse might look like in office, emergency room, or institutionally-based practices 2) identify barriers to detection of elder mistreatment and tools that might overcome such obstacles 3) explore what may done by doctors once abuse is identified, including the nature of community agency response
2139 Best of 2010: Patient Oriented Evidence that Matters (POEMs) 10:50–11:50 Roland Grad, MDCM, MSc, CCFP, FCFP, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 524c - Palais des congrès During this session, participants will be able to: 1. learn about the value of reading synopses of original research delivered on email 2. understand the potential benefits of sharing free-text comments about specific email alerts b This session would be of interest to family medicine researchers.
2141D 10:50–11:50
L’examen musculosquelettique efficient pour les médecins de famille : genou (Cours 2 – répétition) Théâtre de démonstration Délégués préinscrits seulement.
2135D IUD Insertion and Endometrial Biopsy (Course 1) 10:50–11:50 Demonstration Theatre
Pre-registered delegates only.
2068 10:50–11:50
PubMed/Medline Search Clinic (Course 1)
Lynn Dunikowski, MLS, London, ON Computer Learning Centre Session ROOM / SALLE : 523a,b - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. review the basics of good search techniques 2. learn about and practice several newer PubMed/Medline features 3. learn some timesaving tips and tricks from a search expert 4. get answers to your questions about literature searching
2069 10:50–11:50
Mettez à l’épreuve votre « quotient contraceptif » : Un atelier interactif sur les défis de la contraception moderne SÉANCE ANNULÉE
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
Critical Drug Interactions That Family Doctors Should Know About Interactions médicamenteuses critiques que devraient connaître les médecins de famille Suzanne Singh, BScPhm, PharmD, RPh, Toronto, ON General Session / Séance générale ROOM / SALLE : 517b - Palais des congrès
Learning objectives: 1. learn the magnitude of the burden of preventable drug interactions on the Canadian healthcare system 2. discuss common mechanisms associated with clinically significant drug interactions and debate the level of evidence needed to justify whether a drug interaction is of concern 3. identify clinically significant drug interactions in practice and suggest appropriate management strategies to avoid undesired adverse effects Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) se renseigner sur l’ampleur du fardeau des interactions médicamenteuses évitables pour le système de santé canadien 2) discuter des mécanismes courants associés avec les interactions médicamenteuses cliniquement significatives et discuter du niveau de données probantes nécessaires pour justifier si une interaction médicamenteuse est préoccupante 3) identifier les interactions médicamenteuses cliniquement significatives dans la pratique et suggérer des stratégies de prise en charge appropriées pour éviter les effets secondaires indésirables.
2127 10:50–11:50
Identifying the Acute MI in the Primary Care Office Practice
ROOM / SALLE : 524a - Palais des congrès
Sheldon Permack, MD, CCFP, Winnipeg, MB
During this session, participants will: 1. review the frequency and seriousness of missed diagnosis of acute cardiac disease in the primary care setting 2. review pitfalls in the diagnosis of coronary disease in the primary care setting 3. review tools that would help practitioners assess this condition
2184 Taking the Sting Out of Immunizations for New Arrivals to Canada 10:50–11:50 Meb Rashid, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON; Carol Geller, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Ottawa, ON; Alison Eyre, MD, CCFP, Ottawa, ON ROOM / SALLE : 516a - Palais des congrès Learning objectives: 1. to provide an overview of the research outlining the need for immunizations in newly-arrived immigrants and refugees 2. to discuss immunizations strategies for MMR, tetanus based vaccines, varicella and hepatitis B in newly-arrived immigrants and refugees 3. to discuss the factors that affect the uptake of immunizations in newly-arrived immigrants and refugees
2198 10:50–11:50
Preparation for Last-Minute Travellers Dominique Tessier, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 511d - Palais des congrès
Learning objectives: 1. identify key interventions for last minute travellers 2. recommend key medications for last minute travellers 3. prioritize immunizations for last minute travellers
2212 10:50–11:50
Application of the Four-Dimensional Symptom Questionnaire (4DSQ): A self-report questionnaire to detect and assess distress, depression, anxiety and somatization in family medicine Berend Terluin, MD, PhD, Amsterdam, NH; Baukje Miedema, PhD, Fredericton, NB ROOM / SALLE : 516d - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will learn: 1. what the 4DSQ actually measures 2. how and when to use the 4DSQ in everyday practice 3. how to interpret the 4DSQ-scores and how to communicate the findings to the patients
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée MC = Mainpro-C
SS = Satellite symposium / Symposium satellite
scientific program • programme scientifique
D = Demonstation theatre / Théâtre de démonstration
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
2090 10:50–11:50
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM — FRIDAY 4 VENDREDI — PROGRAMME SCIENTIFIQUE 2225 Interpreting the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care Evidence Grading System 10:50–11:50 Richard V. Birtwhistle, MD, MSc, CCFP, FCFP, Kingston, ON; Neil R. Bell, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Edmonton, AB; Kevin Pottie, MD, CCFP, FCFP, MClSc, Ottawa, ON; Marcello Tonelli, MD, SM, FRCPC, Edmonton, AB ROOM / SALLE : 511b,c,e,f - Palais des congrès At the end of this session, participants will have an increased: 1. knowledge of the Task Force’s grading system for rating evidence and the strength of recommendations 2. understanding of what “quality of evidence” is and why it is important 3. understanding of what makes a good grading system, what “strength of recommendation” is and why it is important
2033 Inhaler Devices: Do you know how to use them? 10:50–11:20 Christopher Fotti, MD, CCFP(EM), FCFP, East St. Paul, MB ROOM / SALLE : 520a,b,d,e - Palais des congrès n Respiratory Medicine At the end of this session, participants will: 1. understand how to properly utilize inhaler devices 2. understand proper inhaler techniques 3. have a better understanding of the significance of poor inhaler technique on asthma control
2036 10:50–11:20
Fertility: More than just having a baby Presenter to be Confirmed ROOM / SALLE : 514a,b,c - Palais des congrès
n Maternity Care Day During this session, participants will: 1. describe common issues related to fertility 2. understand outcomes of fertility treatment for women and their children 3. discuss the role of singleton versus multiple pregnancies 4. understand the role of aging in fertility
2226 Everything’s Relative: A different way to provide feedback on strengths and weaknesses 10:50–11:50 Milena Forte, MD, CCFP, Etobicoke, ON; Perle Feldman, MD, CCFP, FCFP, North York, ON; June C. Carroll, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON; Andrew Sparrow, MD, CCFP, Toronto, ON ROOM / SALLE : 513b - Palais des congrès In this session, participants will be introduced to the Relative Ranking Scale (RRS) and its potential use as a tool to enrich feedback between teachers and residents. This talk will build on previous work presented at FMF, and will add new insights gleaned from a second phase of our project. Participants do not need to have familiarity with the RRS tool, but those who have worked with it are especially welcomed!
T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers. b This session would be of interest to family medicine researchers. 2228 Envisioning a Longitudinal Residency Training Program: Transforming plans into practice 10:50–11:50 Betty Calam, MD, MClSc, CCFP, FCFP, Vancouver, BC; Douglas Cave, MSW, RSW, PhD, RPsych, MA, AMP, Vancouver, BC; Colleen Kirkham, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Vancouver, BC; Lisa Twardowska Jeans, BA, MLIS, Vancouver, BC ROOM / SALLE : 513a - Palais des congrès During this session, participants will: 1. share resident, faculty, preceptor and staff experiences amassed over 11 years of running a longitudinal family practice training site 2. explore strategic learning related to strengths and weaknesses identified by participants at the St. Paul’s Site 3. begin networking and organizing with other Canadian residency sites interested in establishing, studying and advocating for longitudinal training programs
T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers. b This session would be of interest to family medicine researchers. 2236 La médecine familiale vue par des jeunes omnipraticiens : Rejet de la vocation et de la continuité des soins 10:50–11:50 Philippe Karazivan, MD MA(Ed), Montréal, QC; Marie-Dominique Beaulieu, MD, CCMF, FCMF, Brossard, QC; Claudio Del Grande, MSc, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 512a - Palais des congrès Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) envisager une nouvelle perspective, basée sur les valeurs des jeunes médecins comme déterminant principal de leurs choix de carrière, pour mieux comprendre le phénomène du désintérêt envers la médecine familiale chez les jeunes médecins de famille 2) comprendre pourquoi les efforts actuels de valorisation de la continuité de soins sont inefficaces 3) apprécier l’apport des sciences sociales, de la méthodologie qualitative et de la théorisation ancrée (‘grounded theory’) dans le domaine de la recherche en éducation médicale. b Cette séance est susceptible d’intéresser les chercheurs en médecine familiale.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
Effective Use of Opioids in Palliative Care
2260 10:50–11:50
Cornelius J. Woelk, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Winkler, MB ROOM / SALLE : 519b - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session, participants will: 1. appreciate the complexity of providing symptom control in palliative care 2. understand the potential for serious but reversible side effects related to opioids 3. have a practical and rational approach to increasing doses and changing opioids
2092 10:50–11:50
Grief Counselling (moved from Saturday) Mel Borins, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON ROOM / SALLE : 520f - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will learn: 1. to identify grief in clinical practice and help patients go through the stages of grieving 2. which patients do so poorly and go on to depression 3. specific techniques to help patients work through the grieving process
2034 Action Plans: How to use them (Respiratory Medicine) 11:20–11:50 Alan Kaplan, MD, CCFP(EM), FCFP, Richmond Hill, ON ROOM / SALLE : 520a,b,d,e - Palais des congrès n Respiratory Medicine During this session, participants will learn how to maximize self-management plans for our patients with respiratory illness. How do you organize your respiratory practice? We will review flow sheets for review of your patients with Asthma and COPD and review self-management.
2037 Fever in Mother and Baby: What to do when both are hot 11:20–11:50 Lisa Graves, MD, CCFP, Sudbury, ON ROOM / SALLE : 514a,b,c - Palais des congrès n Maternity Care Day During this session, participants will: 1. describe intrapartum fever 2. elaborate a management plan for the mother and newborn when the mother is febrile in labour
2330 12:00–13:00
CFPC Annual General Meeting and All Members Forum Assemblée générale annuelle du CMFC et Forum pour tous les membres du CMFC ROOM / SALLE : 510 - Palais des congrès Lunch-time Networking Session: History, narrative and the humanities in family medicine Ruth Elwood Martin, MD, MPH, CCFP, FCFP, Vancouver, BC ROOM / SALLE : Humanities Theatre - Exhibit Hall
At the end of his session, participants will: 1. have the opportunity to explore various topics in family medicine and the humanities and learn where to find information about narrative, history and the humanities in medicine 2. discover how their colleagues are incorporating the humanities into education and practice 3. find inspiration that can help them put their ideas on paper
2055SS 12:00–13:00
2136SS 12:00–13:00
Is Your Postmenopausal Patient at Risk of Fracture? What you need to know ROOM / SALLE : 710b - Palais des congrès Pre-registration required.
Achieving Broad Protection Against Serogroup B: On the cusp of the first broadly protective Meningitis B vaccine ROOM / SALLE : 710a - Palais des congrès Pre-registration required.
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée MC = Mainpro-C
SS = Satellite symposium / Symposium satellite
scientific program • programme scientifique
D = Demonstation theatre / Théâtre de démonstration
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
2048MC 13:00–15:30
Healthy Child Development: Nutrition and child development ROOM / SALLE : Ste-Hélène - Le Westin Hotel Pre-registered delegates only.
Cannabinoids in Clinical Practice: Synergies ROOM / SALLE : Ville-Marie A - Le Westin Hotel Pre-registered delegates only.
2045 Skin to Skin: A neurobehavioural rationale 13:10–13:40 Anjana Srinivasan, MD, CCFP, Mont-Royal, QC
ROOM / SALLE : 514a,b,c - Palais des congrès
n Maternity Care Day / Journée des soins de maternité At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. describe the neurobehavioural basis for skin to skin 2. understand the importance of skin to skin in the newborn period
2043 Fever in Children 13:10–13:40 David McGillivray, MD, Montréal, QC
ROOM / SALLE : 524a - Palais des congrès
n Emergency Medicine / Médecine d’urgence At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. use most current evidence for the work-up and treatment of this group of children 2. recognize the differences between age groups
2041 What is a Sport Concussion? (diagnosis, assessment, epidemiology) 13:10–13:40 Renata Frankovich, BMath, MD, CCFP, FCFP, DipSportMed, Kanata, ON
ROOM / SALLE : 511a - Palais des congrès
n Sport & Exercise Medicine / Médecine du sport et de l’exercice At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. define concussion and be able to recognize and diagnose it 2. perform initial evaluation including using the SCAT2 assessment tool 3. know what to advise your patients at the first visit regarding initial management and investigations
2022 13:10–14:10
Achieving Better Adherence in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes
Stephen Feder, MDCM, MPH, CCFP, Ottawa, ON ROOM / SALLE : 524c - Palais des congrès Learning objectives: 1. to develop a developmental conceptualization of issues pertaining to adolescent decision-making as it relates to their diabetes 2. to empathize with challenges to the youth’s adjustment to chronic illness 3. to derive recommendations for improving the success and the effectiveness of provider intervention
2084 Finding Answers to Clinical Questions with e-Therapeutics+® 13:10–15:15 Roland Grad, MDCM, MSC, CCFP, FCFP, Montréal, QC; Pierre Pluye, MD, PhD, Montréal, QC; Carol Repchinsky, Ottawa, ON Computer Learning Centre Session ROOM / SALLE : 523a,b - Palais des congrès During this session, participants will: 1. learn how to search e-Therapeutics+® for answers to clinical questions 2. examine how retrieved clinical information is applied to problems in practice 3. discover the Information Assessment Method, a tool that can promote reflective learning
2109 How Your Practice Can Save Medicare 13:10–14:10 Danielle A.S. Martin, MD, CCFP, Toronto, ON; Ryan Meili, MD, CCFP, Saskatoon, SK; Margaret McGregor, MD, CCFP, Vancouver, BC; Saideh Khadir, MD, CCFP, St Lambert, QC ROOM / SALLE : 520c - Palais des congrès Learning objectives: 1. to demonstrate the evidence surrounding the debate over the sustainability of Canadian Medicare 2. to identify and discuss concrete ways in which family physicians can improve the sustainability of the system 3. to reflect on the role physicians and physician organizations play in ensuring health system sustainability
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
Approach to Psychotherapy in Primary Care
2140 13:10–15:15
Jon Davine, MD, CCFP, FRCP, Hamilton, ON ROOM / SALLE : 511b,c,e,f - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. gain exposure to models of supportive and cognitive behavioural psychotherapy 2. learn how to decide when to use specific forms of psychotherapy 3. learn the principles of applied cognitive behavioural therapy
2148 13:10–14:10
Au-delà de l’hormonothérapie : Un programme pédagogique interactif sur la ménopause Pascal Croteau, MD, CCFP, Quyon, QC ROOM / SALLE : 519b - Palais des congrès
Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) identifier les symptômes clés et les systèmes organiques qui sont affectés par la ménopause 2) discuter avec les patientes du recours à des stratégies hormonales, non hormonales et liées au mode de vie pour la prise en charge des symptômes ménopausiques 3) appliquer les recommandations des directives cliniques pour la prise en charge de la ménopause.
2191 Doctor, Should I be Screened for Cancer....or Not? 13:10–15:15 Verna Mai, MD, MHSc, FRCPC, Toronto, ON; Walter W. Rosser, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Kingston, ON; Michael F. Evans, MD, CCFP, Toronto, ON ROOM / SALLE : 512c,d,g,h - Palais des congrès At the end of this session, participants will: 1. know the latest 2011 evidence-based guidelines for key cancer sites and why they have changed 2. understand concepts of the “pro’s and con’s” of screening 3. share best practices with colleagues dealing with challenging patient scenarios and increase awareness of office tools to support best practices in screening
2210 13:10–15:15
From Research to Practice: Exploring and developing CME curriculum and best practice guidelines for Aboriginal health diabetes care SESSION CANCELLED / SÉANCE ANNULÉE
2285 Mieux diagnostiquer et mieux traiter les infections aiguës des voies respiratoires! 13:10–15:15 Michel Labrecque, MD, CCMF, FCMF, Québec, QC; France Légaré, MD, CCMF, FCMF, Québec, QC; Michel Cauchon, MD, CCMF, FCMF, Québec, QC ROOM / SALLE : 520f - Palais des congrès Au terme de cet atelier, le participant pourra: 1) estimer le plus justement possible les probabilités diagnostiques des infections aiguës des voies respiratoires (IAVR) 2) décrire les bénéfices et les risques associés à l’utilisation ou non des antibiotiques pour traiter les IAVR 3) utiliser des outils pour favoriser la participation des patients à la décision d’utiliser ou non les antibiotiques pour traiter les IAVR.
2294 13:10–14:10
Multidisciplinary Teams Improving Communication in the Process of Choosing Care Julia Sohi, MD, Rouyn-Noranda, QC; Manon Champagne, PhD; Professeur UQAT, Rouyn-Noranda, QC ROOM / SALLE : 512a - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session, participants will: 1. recognize the communication roles played by different health care professionals in the decision-making process in order to appreciate them and optimize their impact 2. know which information is relevant to the process of end-of-life decision-making in order to improve the communication between patients, their loved ones and health care professionals 3. understand the components of an action research project as a way to rigorously explore a problem and develop appropriate interventions b This session would be of interest to family medicine researchers.
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée MC = Mainpro-C
SS = Satellite symposium / Symposium satellite
scientific program • programme scientifique
D = Demonstation theatre / Théâtre de démonstration
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
Examen médical périodique de l’adulte Carl Fournier, MD, MCMF, Rosemère, QC ROOM / SALLE : 516a - Palais des congrès
Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) intégrer, lors de la consultation médicale et du suivi d’un patient adulte, les éléments du questionnaire, de l’examen physique, de l’investigation et de la conduite à tenir permettant d’appliquer les recommandations pertinentes aux pratiques cliniques préventives 2) soutenir le patient dans sa démarche préventive en faisant appel à sa motivation comme moteur efficace de changement 3) identifier les changements organisationnels nécessaires à la réalisation d’un suivi préventif optimal 4) utiliser, au dossier du patient, un outil de suivi facilitant l’application des meilleures pratiques cliniques préventives.
2308 How to Write Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) at a Gold-Standard Level 13:10–15:15 Susan Hauch, MD, CCFP, Winnipeg, MB; Scott M. Moffatt, MD, CCFP, FCFP, St. John’s, NL; Norah A. T. Duggan, MD, CCFP, St. John’s, NL ROOM / SALLE : 513a - Palais des congrès During this session, participants will learn how to: 1. incorporate CanMEDS-FMU competencies into the content of a multiple choice question (MCQ) 2. incorporate core clinical family medicine objectives into the development of the MCQ 3. construct a high quality MCQ
T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers. 2309 13:10–15:15
Cursus Triple C 101 : Les défis de son implantation au quotidien Danielle Saucier, MD, CCMF, FCMF, MA(Ed), Québec, QC; Louise Authier, MD, CCMF, FCMF, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 513e - Palais des congrès
Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) décrire les caractéristiques d’un « cursus Triple C axé sur les compétences » 2) explorer les stratégies, défis et ressources pour appliquer au quotidien dans les éléments spécifiques d’un programme les recommandations « Triple C » 3) discuter des stratégies et réussites présentées par des collègues d’autres programmes.
T Cette séance est susceptible d’intéresser les enseignants en médecine familale. 2313 Getting Off on the Right Foot: A workshop for new teachers 13:10–15:15 Allyn E. Walsh, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Hamilton, ON; Eric Wong, MD, CCFP, London, ON; Diane Clavet, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Saint-Denis-de-Brompton, QC; Ian Waters, Toronto, ON; Joanna Zed, MD, CCFP, Halifax, NS; Miriam Boillat, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 513f - Palais des congrès At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. identify the key teaching skills required of family medicine teachers in Canada 2. access resources which will provide support to them in their role 3. understand the role of the Section of Teachers of the CFPC and how it can help them
T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers. 2329 13:10–15:15
Medical Error Adverse Events and Physician Resilience: Maintaining integrity in the unpacking Douglas Cave, MSW, RSW, PhD, RPsych, MA, AMP, Vancouver, BC; Karen Shklanka, MD, CCFP, Vancouver, BC ROOM / SALLE : 516b - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. understand how physician integrity is jeopardized in both the short and long-term during the unpacking of adverse events 2. learn how to apply an innovative technique to maintain physician resilience 3. practice and debrief the use of the innovative technique to maintain physician resilience
2354 Ethical Issues in the Primary Care of Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 13:10–15:15 William F. Sullivan, MD, PhD, CCFP, Thornhill, ON; Susan E. MacDonald, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Kingston, ON; Michael Yeo, PhD, Sudbury, ON ROOM / SALLE : 513c - Palais des congrès During this session, participants will learn to: 1. identify and address a range of common ethical issues connected with medical decision making involving people with IDD and obtaining informed consent for care 2. apply relevant ethical concepts and approaches outlined in the CFPC’s Committee on Ethics’ family medicine ethics curriculum, and about helpful resources that supplement this curriculum
T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
Biologic Agents in Rheumatology
2131 13:10–14:10
Michael Stein, BA MD FRCP(C), Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 516d - Palais des congrès
Learning objectives: 1. to become familiar with the current biologic agents available for rheumatic diseases 2. to discuss the indications for use of biologic agents in rheumatic diseases 3. to recognize the possible risks and side effect profiles of different biologic agents
2142D 13:10–14:10
2144D 13:10–14:10
2369 13:10–14:10
L’examen musculosquelettique efficient pour les médecins de famille : poignet (Cours 2 – répétition) Théâtre de démonstration Délégués préinscrits seulement.
IUD Insertion and Endometrial Biopsy (Course 2 - Repeat) Demonstration Theatre Pre-registered delegates only.
Is the Family Physician a Primary Accomplice to Broadening Care Gaps? An exercise in professional introspection Anthony D’Urzo, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON ROOM / SALLE : 519a - Palais des congrès
This session will explore: 1. the role of the family physician as a major driver of health care costs 2. the implications of the expanding role of the family physician in drug prescriptions 3. the limited role of the family physician in drug research and guidelines development 4. the role of the family physician as leader in (community-based) comparative effectiveness and outcomes research 5. the role of the family physician in both promoting and minimizing care gaps b This session would be of interest to family medicine researchers.
Body Piercing: The ‘hole’ story
2046 13:40–14:10
Newborn Rashes
SESSION CANCELLED / SÉANCE ANNULÉE Catherine McCuaig, MD ROOM / SALLE : 514a,b,c - Palais des congrès
n Maternity Care Day At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. describe the common benign rashes of the newborn 2. identify rashes of concern in the newborn
2044 Infection control in the E.D. 13:40–14:10 Fred Dankoff, MD, CCFP, Montréal, QC
ROOM / SALLE : 524a - Palais des congrès
n Emergency Medicine At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. recognize the importance of infection control for patients in the ED 2. be aware of infection control measures to reduce the risk of contagion for staff 3. identify reportable diseases
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée MC = Mainpro-C
SS = Satellite symposium / Symposium satellite
scientific program • programme scientifique
D = Demonstation theatre / Théâtre de démonstration
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM — FRIDAY 4 VENDREDI — PROGRAMME SCIENTIFIQUE 2042 Return to Play Decisions after Concussion 13:40–14:10 Lisa Fischer, MD, BScPT, CCFP, Dip SportMed, London, ON
ROOM / SALLE : 511a - Palais des congrès
n Sport & Exercise Medicine At the end of this session, participants will: 1. be able to recognize and diagnose concussion 2. be able to effectively manage the majority of concussions based on the November 2008 3rd International Conference on Concussion in Sport Consensus Statement 3. understand the role of neuropsychological testing in the management of concussion 4. understand what options are available for neuropsychological testing 5. be appreciative of some of the research that is currently undertaken in concussion and the issues that still need to be addressed in concussion management
2051 14:15–15:15
The Crying Baby Martin St. Andrée, MD, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 514a,b,c - Palais des congrès
n Maternity Care Day At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. identify strategies to assist parents 2. describe educational strategies for parents to distinguish between types of crying
2050 14:15–14:45
Anaphylaxis Simon Pulfrey, MD, CCFP(EM), Vancouver, BC ROOM / SALLE : 524a - Palais des congrès
n Emergency Medicine At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. use up-to-date knowledge in the diagnosis and management of anaphylaxis 2. recognize indicators of serious illness in anaphylaxis 3. use best evidence in the therapeutic management of anaphylaxis
2047 14:15–14:45
Role of Neuropsychological Testing in Concussion Janice A. Harvey, BSc, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Dip.Sports Med, Hamilton, ON ROOM / SALLE : 511a - Palais des congrès
n Sport & Exercise Medicine At the end of this session, participants will: 1. be able to recognize and diagnose concussion 2. be able to effectively manage the majority of concussions based on the November 2008 3rd International Conference on Concussion in Sport Consensus Statement 3. understand the role of neuropsychological testing in the management of concussion 4. understand what options are available for neuropsychological testing 5. be appreciative of some of the research that is currently undertaken in concussion and the issues that still need to be addressed in concussion management
2003 14:15–15:15
Canadian Cardiovascular Society Guidelines on the Use of Antiplatelet Therapy in the Outpatient Setting Alan Bell, MD, CCFP, North York, ON ROOM / SALLE : 519a - Palais des congrès
Learning objectives: 1. to ensure all health care professionals understand the new Canadian Cardiovascular Society Guidelines on the use of antiplatelet therapy in primary and secondary prevention 2. to ensure all health care professionals understand the new Canadian Cardiovascular Society Guidelines on the use of antiplatelet drugs in special situations including diabetes, heart failure, chronic kidney disease, pregnancy/lactation and perioperative management 3. to ensure all health care professionals understand the new Canadian Cardiovascular Society Guidelines on the drug interactions associated with antiplatelet drugs including warfarin, proton-pump inhibitors, or NSAID
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
Helma Seidl, PhD, MSW, RSW, CCC, Ottawa, ON ROOM / SALLE : 524c - Palais des congrès Learning objectives: 1. to increase awareness of transexuality in children and youth and to heighten sensitivity to the serious threats to their healthy development and adjustment 2. to become cognizant of the role and timing of hormonal intervention 3. to provide a framework for guiding young people and their families through the many challenges of transexuality as they strive to optimize outcome
2047 14:15–15:15
Beyond HT: An interactive menopause education program Pascal Croteau, MD, CCFP, Quyon, QC ROOM / SALLE : 519b - Palais des congrès
Learning objectives: 1. to identify key symptoms and body systems which are affected during menopause 2. to discuss with patients the use of hormonal, non-hormonal and lifestyle strategies for managing menopausal symptoms 3. to apply guideline recommendations for the management of menopause
2095 14:15–15:15
Planifier sa retraite : Les aspects psychosociaux Roger Ladouceur, MD, CCMF, FCMF, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 516a - Palais des congrès
Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) apprivoiser le deuil de la reconnaissance des patients 2) reconnaître lâ impact de son départ à la retraite sur le fonctionnement du service/de la clinique 3) reconnaître lâ impact de son départ à la retraite sur son couple et son entourage 4) surmonter son insécurité financière 5) s’adapter à la réduction de sa charge de travail ou à la modification de son secteur dâ activités 6) maximiser lâ utilisation des moyens pour maintenir un équilibre de vie.
2129 14:15–15:15
Pearls, Pitfalls and Practice: Prescribing the Pill Vivien Brown, MDCM, CCFP, FCFP, NCMP, Toronto, ON ROOM / SALLE : 516d - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. discuss the evolution of the pill with regard to thrombogenic risk - understand and interpret the current conflicting data 2. discuss appropriate patient selection for the pill and how to counsel a patient, maintaining the standard of care in prescribing
2292 14:15–15:15
Améliorer la communication dans le processus de choix de soins en équipe multidisciplinaire Julia Sohi, MD, Rouyn-Noranda, QC; Manon Champagne, PhD, Rouyn-Noranda, QC ROOM / SALLE : 512a - Palais des congrès
Objectifs d’apprentissage: 1) reconnaître les rôles de communication joués par différents professionnels de la santé dans le processus de choix de soins afin de mieux les apprécier et optimiser leurs impacts 2) connaître les informations pertinentes au processus de choix de soins, comme la perception de qualité de vie et les objectifs prioritaires de soins du patient, afin de favoriser une communication optimale entre le patient, ses proches et les professionnels de la santé 3) comprendre comment les différentes composantes d’un projet de recherche-action permettent d’explorer de façon rigoureuse et scientifique une problématique et de concevoir, à la lumière des résultats, une ou plusieurs interventions appropriées. b Cette séance est susceptible d’intéresser les chercheurs en médecine familiale.
2123 Les probiotics : Plus qu’hier et moins que demain 14:15–15:15 Louise Poirier, MD, Montréal, QC
ROOM / SALLE : 520c - Palais des congrès
Objectifs d’apprentissage: 1) démystifier ce que ce sont les probiotiques 2) comprendre de quelles façons ils peuvent être bénéfiques pour la santé 3) savoir dans quelles situations cliniques ils peuvent être utiles pour pouvoir conseiller judicieusement nos patients.
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée MC = Mainpro-C
SS = Satellite symposium / Symposium satellite
scientific program • programme scientifique
D = Demonstation theatre / Théâtre de démonstration
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
2013 Transexuality in Youth: Urging providers to open up their hearts, minds and practices 14:15–15:15 Stephen Feder, MDCM, MPH, CCFP, Ottawa, ON; Lawson Margaret, MD, FRCP, Ottawa, ON;
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM — FRIDAY 4 VENDREDI — PROGRAMME SCIENTIFIQUE 2127 Les céphalées réfractaires 14:15–14:45 Refractory headaches Stéphane Ledoux, MD, Laval, QC
Séance générale / General Session ROOM / SALLE : 517b - Palais des congrès
À la fin de cette session, le participant(e) sera en mesure de: 1) déterminer les questions appropriées à poser aux patients souffrant de céphalées en apparence réfractaires 2) utiliser les outils et les examens diagnostiques appropriés 3) identifier les éléments de non-réponse à l’administration d’un traitement en apparence adéquat At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. determine the appropriate questions to ask patients who are experiencing refractory headaches 2. use the appropriate diagnostic and examination tools 3. identify the signs that an apparently adequate treatment is not working
2145D IUD Insertion and Endometrial Biopsy (Course 3 - Repeat) 14:15–15:15 Demonstration Theatre
Pre-registered delegates only.
2143D L’examen musculosquelettique efficient pour les médecins de famille : épaule 14:15–15:15 Théâtre de démonstration
Délégués préinscrits seulement.
2396 14:15–15:15
Stress and Distress in Medicine Stress et détresse en médecine
Rachel Gough, MD, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 510 - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will: 1. stimulate a discussion among Canadian medical professionals and trainees about stress and distress in medicine 2. identify sources of stress and distress in medicine and the impacts on the health care system 3. discuss potential pathways to change Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) susciter une discussion entre des professionnels et des étudiants en médecine canadiens au sujet du stress et de la détresse en médecine 2) identifier les sources de stress et de détresse en médecine et les répercussions sur le système de santé 3) discuter de cheminements possibles pour apporter des changements.
2049 14:45–15:15
Sport and Exercise Medicine: Future directions Presenter to be confirmed ROOM / SALLE : 511a - Palais des congrès
n Sport & Exercise Medicine
2154 14:45–15:15
Dermatology Pearls Perles en dermatologie David Knox, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Orangeville, ON General Session / Séance générale ROOM / SALLE : 517b - Palais des congrès
Learning objectives: 1. to review diagnostic and management pearls for family medicine dermatology 2. to review 5-10 pearls in 30 minutes 3. MCQ and then 3-5 minute review Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) passer en revue le diagnostic et la prise en charge en médecine familiale de perles en dermatologie 2) passer en revue de 5 à 10 perles en 30 minutes 3) des questions à choix multiples puis une récapitulation de 3 à 5 minutes.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
3416SS 07:00–08:00
3442SS 07:00–08:00
3426MC 08:00–18:00
Optimizing Asthma Management: Achieving current control and preventing future risk
saturday• samedi
3385SS 07:00–08:00
ROOM / SALLE : 710a - Palais des congrès Pre-registered required.
Raising the Bar In Optimal GERD Management ROOM / SALLE : 520a,b,d,e - Palais des congrès Pre-registered required.
Is HRT Right for Considering: VTE, breast cancer and genetics ROOM / SALLE : 710b - Palais des congrès Pre-registered required.
CASTED: The ‘hands-on’ ED orthopedics course (Course 2 – Repeat) ROOM / SALLE : Cartier A/B - Delta Centre-Ville Hotel Pre-registered delegates only.
3003 Chronic Cough: A quick overview for family physicians 08:30–09:00 Robert Hauptman, BMSc, MD, CCFP, St. Albert, AB
ROOM / SALLE : 511a - Palais des congrès
n Respiratory Medicine During this session, participants will discuss: 1. the causes of chronic cough in family medicine 2. the work-up of chronic cough 3. when to refer a patient with a chronic cough to a respirologist
3002 08:30–10:35
Hands-on Workshop on Internet Resources and Basic Search Techniques David H. Chan, MSc, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Ancaster, ON Computer Learning Centre Session ROOM / SALLE : 523a,b - Palais des congrès
During this session, participants will be able to: 1. learn to assess the quality of the data sources available on the Internet 2. learn the different search engines specific to each of the data sources you want to use 3. learn and sign onto at least one free web-based book-marking or content management system
3027 08:30–10:35
Useless Interventions in the ED Vukiet Tran, MD, CCFP(EM), Richmond Hill, ON ROOM / SALLE : 524c - Palais des congrès
At the end of this session, participants will: 1. have an evidence-based critique of each intervention 2. be able to assess the usefulness of certain interventions performed in the emergency department 3. be able to assess whether these interventions should still be performed in the ED
3005 The ABCs of Anti-Doping for the Family Physician 08:30–09:00 Alan Vernec, MD, MCFP, Dip. Sport Med., Montréal, QC
ROOM / SALLE : 524b - Palais des congrès
n Sport & Exercise Medicine Following this session, the participant will: 1. have a general understanding of the international and national structures that help athletes compete in a drug-free environment 2. be familiar with reliable sources of information regarding doping rules for athletes 3. be able to explain the principles behind supplement use in sport
3060 08:30–15:30
National Section of Medical Students (SOMS) FMIG Forum By invitation only ROOM / SALLE : 514a,b,c - Palais des congrès
This forum provides an opportunity for Family Medicine Interest Group (FMIG) Representatives from across Canada to network and share resources.
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée MC = Mainpro-C
SS = Satellite symposium / Symposium satellite
scientific program • programme scientifique
D = Demonstation theatre / Théâtre de démonstration
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
saturday • samedi
Diagnosis and Treatment of Common Shoulder Pathologies: An interactive case workshop (1) Demonstration Theatre Pre-registered delegates only.
3102 08:30–09:30
The Power of Groups: Organizing group visits to improve access, efficiency and patient support in your practice
ROOM / SALLE : 516a - Palais des congrès
Lora Cruise, MD, CCFP, Toronto, ON; Shailla Vaidya, MD, MPH, CCFP(EM), Toronto, ON
During this session, participants will: 1. understand the benefits and formats of Medical Group Visits for Chronic Disease Management, Preventative and Routine Care 2. review a step-by-step process for implementing group visits 3. utilize a toolkit to start the process of organizing a group visit in your busy medical practice
3007 An Organized Targeted Approach to your Patients with Mental Health Problems: All in realistic time 08:30–15:30 Helen Campbell, BSc, MD, FRCPC, Victoria, BC; Jan Stretch, RPN, Victoria, BC; Bruce Hobson, MD, Powell River, BC; Dan Blisker, PhD, Vancouver, BC; Rivian Weinerman, BSc(med), MD, FRCPC, Victoria, BC; Garey Mazowita, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Vancouver, BC ROOM / SALLE : 516d - Palais des congrès n Mental Health At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. recognize the goals of the GPSC Adult Mental Health module and how in “realistic time and fitting with fee codes” it can support clinical care which will improve patient engagement, patient/doctor satisfaction, and treatment 2. identify the key components of the BC Adult Mental Health Module 3. navigate through CBUIS and the ASW (offered electronically and paper based) 4. enhance expertise in mental health assessment and problem list care plans 5. improve skills in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy that are consistent with practice in the primary care setting
3187 08:30–15:30
Social Networking: The National OSCAR EMR User Group Meeting Colleen Kirkham, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Vancouver, BC; David H. Chan, MSc, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Ancaster, ON; Tracy Monk, MD, MCFP, Burnaby, BC; Martin G. Dawes, MD, MCFP, Vancouver, BC; Tomislav Svoboda, CCFP, Toronto, ON; Jay Gallagher, Hamilton, ON; Cameron Ross, MD, CCFP, Chilliwack, BC ROOM / SALLE : Ste-Hélène - Le Westin Hotel
During this interactive working meeting: 1. OSCAR users will plan future development and growth of the EMR. Users will also learn new features and functions of the EMR. 2. potential new users will be introduced to the EMRs features and the open source community 3. academic projects including multi province audits will be shared
3190 08:30–09:30
Consommation d’alcool et grossesse : Quel est le problème?
ROOM / SALLE : 520c - Palais des congrès
Pascal Croteau, MD, Quyon, QC
Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) fournir des fondements rationnels qui permettront aux professionnels de la santé d’évaluer et, au besoin, de conseiller et d’intervenir dans le domaine de la consommation d’alcool par des femmes 2) se centrer sur la consommation chez les femmes enceintes et celles qui pourraient le devenir 3) faciliter l’offre d’un message uniforme.
3148D 08:30–09:30
Ultrasound in Family Medicine (Course 1) Demonstration Theatre Pre-registered delegates only.
3218 Elder Mediation: How to respond when families do not agree on the care of a family member 8:30–9:30 K Lynn Dykeman, MTS, MTh, MSW, Hamilton, ON; Joy White, BScN, NP, MN, Hamilton, ON; Ainsley Moore, MD, CCFP, Hamilton, ON ROOM / SALLE : 513b - Palais des congrès During this session, participants will: 1. discuss the implementation of mediation concepts and techniques in complex family structures where there is conflict about the care of an elderly family member 2. explore the place of Elder Mediation in a comprehensive plan of geriatric care. The experience of one interdisciplinary health team will be explored 3. work together to develop a hypothetical complex family situation and then discuss how to implement the skills discussed
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
INFORMATION • INFORMATION SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM — SATURDAY 5 SAMEDI — PROGRAMME SCIENTIFIQUE Electronic Medical Record Implementation in Academic Practice: Identifying and overcoming the hurdles
ROOM / SALLE : 513c - Palais des congrès
saturday• samedi
3223 08:30–09:30
Sharon B. Domb, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON
During this session, participants will: 1. understand the unique issues affecting electronic medical record (EMR) implementation in academic practices 2. learn strategies to effectively implement an EMR in a teaching setting 3. understand the benefits of an EMR in academic practice, and how it can enhance both teaching and learning
T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers. 3230 08:30–09:30
Soins en fin de vie - Soins proportionnés dans le cadre des soins de longue durée
ROOM / SALLE : 516e - Palais des congrès
Serge Gingras, MD, Montréal, QC
à la suite de cette activité, le participant sera : 1) en mesure de se fonder sur des signes cliniques objectifs pour assurer des soins proportionnés dans un milieu de soins de longue durée 2) au fait des risques associés au transfert inapproprié vers un établissement de soins actifs.
3257 08:30–09:30
Preventive Care Visits for School Age Children and Teens: Where is the evidence?
ROOM / SALLE : 511b,c,e,f - Palais des congrès
Anita Greig, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON; Patricia A. Mousmanis, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON
Learning objectives: 1. participant awareness of the evidence basis for the Greig Health Record 2. participant ability to use this evidence-based tool in primary practice 3. participant awareness of strategies for preventive care in children 6 to 17 years
3271 08:30–09:30
Help Your Patients Get Heart Smart: A nutrition primer for family physicians
ROOM / SALLE : 516b - Palais des congrès
Michele Macdonald Werstuck, RD, MSc., CDE, Hamilton, ON; Tara Currie, RN,CDE, Hamilton, ON
During this workshop, participants will: 1. become familiar with the latest evidence on heart healthy dietary patterns and compare popular heart healthy diets including the Mediterranean diet and the DASH eating plan (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) 2. describe nutrition therapy to lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and improve hypertension a) use case studies to practice selecting heart healthy foods and modifying meals to replace foods with unhealthy fats (saturated and trans fats) with heart healthy fats (monounsaturated and omega-3 fatty acid sources) b) identify the Super Foods of Heart Health including: alcohol, fatty fish, fruits and vegetables, herbs, nuts and seeds, soluble fibre foods, soy products, and foods fortified with plant sterols c) use nutrition labels to select heart healthy lower sodium foods 3. be equipped with a variety of nutrition tips and tools that will help you feel more confident discussing heart healthy eating with your patients
The language of the session title indicates the language in which the session will be presented. For those sessions with simultaneous interpretation, the title will be bilingual with the simultaneous interpretation symbol appearing beside that title. Les séances seront présentées dans la langue du titre mentionné. Un titre bilingue, marqué du symbole des écouteurs indique que l’interprétation simultanée sera offerte.
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée MC = Mainpro-C
SS = Satellite symposium / Symposium satellite
scientific program • programme scientifique
D = Demonstation theatre / Théâtre de démonstration
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
saturday • samedi
Practical Patient Education Éducation pratique des patients Michael F. Evans, MD, CCFP, Toronto, ON General Session / Séance générale
ROOM / SALLE : 517b - Palais des congrès Learning objectives: 1. Participants will get an overview of how patients are changing the way they solve health problems 2. Participants will learn strategies for understanding how to help their patients do better self-care and self-management 3. Participants will learn about the best self-management resources from around the world for common health problems and will walk away with access to a website with all these tools. Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) On présentera aux participants un aperçu des changements dans les façons dont les patients cherchent une solution à leurs problèmes de santé 2) Les participants apprendront des stratégies pour comprendre comment aider leurs patients à mieux se soigner et se prendre en charge eux-mêmes 3) Les participants apprendront quelles sont les meilleures ressources au monde sur la prise en charge autonome des problèmes de santé courants et partiront en ayant à leur disposition un site web donnant accès à tous ces outils.
3280 To Err is Human - To Teach, Divine: Teaching about cognitive medical error 08:30–10:35 Merrilee G. Brown, MD, CCFP, Port Perry, ON; Hugh Ross Hindle, MD, CCFP(EM), FCFP, Red Deer County, AB; Keith Wycliffe-Jones, MD, MCFP, Calgary, AB ROOM / SALLE : 513e - Palais des congrès Learning objectives: 1. to define types of medical error and models of error prevention 2. to help preceptors create a learning environment conducive to learners revealing and reporting medical errors 3. to introduce types of cognitive errors, biases and traps to foster self-awareness in one own clinical judgment and help learners recognize and prevent errors in clinical judgment 4. to apply recognition of cognitive error to teaching situations and to model the thinking process and self-reflection to learners 5. to review the process of reporting medical error and reducing harm to patients 6. to model self-reflection on medical error through the applications of the Significant Event Audit (SEA) process 7. to learn ways to help learners deal with the emotional fallout of medical error 8. to provide reference for ongoing inquiry into teaching cognitive medical error
T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers. 3289 08:30–10:35
The Value of Survey Tools in Primary Health Care Performance Measurement Brenda Tipper, MHSc, Toronto, ON; William E. Hogg, Hons BSc, MSc, MClSc, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Ottawa, ON
ROOM / SALLE : 512a - Palais des congrès During this session, participants will: 1. understand how survey tools can be used to measure important aspects of Primary Health Care (PHC) 2. learn how surveys can be used to populate pan-Canadian PHC indicators 3. learn about and provide feedback on the content of surveys under development including: – population surveys to better understand population health and the impact of PHC – patient surveys to better understand the responsiveness of PHC to patient needs – provider surveys to better understand resources available to and capacities of PHC providers – practice surveys to better understand the structure of PHC practices in jurisdictions and Canada 4. discuss benefits and risks of public reporting of survey results b This session would be of interest to family medicine researchers.
3290 08:30–10:35
History and Narrative: Stories in family medicine Histoire et narration: Récits en médecine familiale Robert J. Wedel, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Taber, AB
ROOM / SALLE : 510 - Palais des congrès Participants will learn about: 1. the significance of narrative in the education, practice and professional development of family physicians 2. narrative’s value as a key to understanding patients’ experience of illness 3. the CFPC’s History and Narrative in Family Medicine project, the Stories in Family Medicine Database, and how to submit their stories to the project Les 1) 2) 3)
participants apprendront au sujet : de l’importance de la narration dans l’éducation, la pratique et le développement professionnel des médecins de famille de la valeur de la narration comme étant un moyen-clé pour comprendre l’expérience de la maladie vécue par les patients du projet Histoire et narration en médecine familiale du CMFC, de la base de données des récits en médecine familiale et des modalités pour présenter leurs récits aux responsables du projet.
T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers. / Cette séance est susceptible d’intéresser les enseignants en médecine familale.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
ROOM / SALLE : 524a - Palais des congrès Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) dresser la liste des bienfaits d’un meilleur contrôle glycémique (ceci est un énoncé habilitant qui ouvre la voie à des changements) 2) identifier les patients et les prendre en charge de manière optimale pour éviter l’hypoglycémie 3) personnaliser la sélection des agents antihyperglycémiques pour atteindre un niveau A1c approprié (ou … atteindre A1c avec un régime pharmacologique approprié) 4) discuter de la place du contrôle glycémique dans la prise en charge globale du diabète.
3323 08:30–12:05
Medicine for Behaviours: The omnivalence of relationships in family practice
ROOM / SALLE : 513d - Palais des congrès
Douglas Cave, MSW, RSW, PhD, RPsych, MA, AMP, Vancouver, BC
Learning objectives: 1. participants will have an opportunity to network and develop national relationships with Behavioural Medicine colleagues 2. Behavioural Medicine faculty will have the opportunity to share teaching tools and strategies 3. participants will be invited to engage in a discussion about strengths and challenges in teaching Behavioural Medicine
T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers. 3355 08:30–10:35
Teaching Behavioural Sciences to Family Medicine Residents: The shared care approach Jon Davine, MD, CCFP, FRCP, Hamilton, ON; Ainsley Moore, MD, CCFP, Hamilton, ON
ROOM / SALLE : 513f - Palais des congrès Learning objectives: 1. to understand how the shared care approach to teaching behavioural sciences to family medicine residents is relevant to the demands facing family physicians in clinical practice 2. to understand how the use of video, case presentations, role play, invited speakers and visits to community centres are used to enhance interprofessional, collaborative, communication and interpersonal skills of learners as well as their ability to detect, diagnose and treat mental health conditions that are commonly encountered in primary care 3. to experience the use of video as a teaching modality in behavioural sciences to illustrate key aspect of the program
T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers. 3373 08:30–09:30
What’s a LARC? Contraceptive counselling and Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives
ROOM / SALLE : 512c,d,g,h - Palais des congrès
Julia Carter, MD, CCFP, Calgary, AB
During this session, participants will: 1. learn a simple, time-efficient framework for contraceptive counselling that allows clinicians to comprehensively review a variety of contraceptive methods, and to counsel patients regarding sexual preparedness 2. learn the indications, contraindications and side effects of LARCs (long-acting reversible contraceptives), including injectables, implants, IUDs and IUSs
3014 Formation de formateurs : Traitement de l’hypertension artérielle 08:30–12:05 Denis Drouin, MD, Québec, QC; Guy Tremblay, MD, FRCP, FBIM, Québec, QC; Lise Gaudet, IA C-NEPH(C), Ottawa, ON; Luc Poirier, BPharm, MSc, Québec, QC ROOM / SALLE : 512f - Palais des congrès Cette activité de formation continue a été conçue pour répondre aux besoins éducatifs des professionnels de la santé (médecins, infirmières, pharmaciens, et autres professionnels de la santé) qui travaillent avec des personnes pré-hypertendus et hypertendus. 1) 2) 3) 4)
former les professionnels de la santé à utiliser les lignes directrices et les outils éducatifs du programme éducatif canadien sur l’hypertension PECH dans leur pratique utiliser les ressources de Hypertension Canada lors de consultation avec les patients atteints d’hypertension artérielle éduquer les patients à contrôler et gérer leur pression artérielle.
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée MC = Mainpro-C
SS = Satellite symposium / Symposium satellite
scientific program • programme scientifique
D = Demonstation theatre / Théâtre de démonstration
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
saturday• samedi
3303 08:30–09:30
saturday • samedi
3430MC 08:30–16:30
3188MC 08:30–18:00
3088MC 08:30–12:00
3346MC 08:30–15:30
Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO) Instructor Course ROOM / SALLE : St-Gabriel - Intercontinental Hotel Pre-registered delegates only.
Cours avancé de réanimation obstétricale destiné aux instructeurs ROOM / SALLE : St-Pierre - Hôtel Intercontinental Pre-registered delegates only.
Emergency Medicine Primer for Family Physicians II ROOM / SALLE : Viger - Le Westin Hotel Pre-registered delegates only.
Moving Forward After Cancer: Caring for patients in primary care after cancer treatments are done ROOM / SALLE : St-Antoine B - Le Westin Hotel Pre-registered delegates only.
CBT for Depression ROOM / SALLE : Ramezay - Le Westin Hotel Pre-registered delegates only.
3004 Dyspnea Management 09:00–09:30 Andrew Cave, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Edmonton, AB ROOM / SALLE : 511a - Palais des congrès n Respiratory Medicine Attendees will be able to apply updated guidelines on management of dyspnea of respiratory origin.
3006 Paralympic Athletes 09:00–09:30 Suzanne Labrecque, MD, CCFP, Fleurimont, QC ROOM / SALLE : 524b - Palais des congrès n Sport & Exercise Medicine Learning objective: to introduce family physicians to the unique needs of a disabled athlete and increase their comfort in dealing with this population
3167MC 09:00–15:00
Approche sur les plans du comportement, de l’alimentation et de l’activité physique pour les enfants obèses ROOM / SALLE : St-Antoine A - Hôtel Le Westin Délégués préinscrits seulement.
3044 Alcohol Use in Pregnancy: What is the issue? 09:35–10:35 Pascal Croteau, MD, Quyon, QC ROOM / SALLE : 520c - Palais des congrès During this session, participants will: 1. highlight the issues in gestational drinking 2. review methods for identification of maternal alcohol dependence 3. discuss the issues and controversies around mild drinking
3104 Interdisciplinarité : Périnatalité sociale, empowerment et portage 09:35–10:35 Vania Jimenez, MD, CCMF, Montréal, Québec; Marion Dove, MD, CCMF, Montréal, QC; Anne-Marie Bellemare, MSc, Montréal, Québec; Bernadette Thibaudeau, BSc, Montréal, Québec; Isabelle Brabant, SF (midwife), Montréal, QC; Fanny Hersson-Edery, MD, CCMF, Montréal, QC; Hélène Rousseau, MD, CCMF, FCMF, Montréal, QC; Carlo Sterlin, MD, Montréal, Québec ROOM / SALLE : 513b - Palais des congrès Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) déterminer les avantages et les défis du travail interdisciplinaire 2) identifier des stratégies d’intervention auprès des femmes enceintes qui vivent des situations de vulnérabilité 3) savoir mettre en œuvre des interventions pour faciliter le portage et/ou l’empowerment.
3161 09:35–10:35
Physician - Heal Thyself Carol D. Connick, MD, CCFP, Edmonton, AB
ROOM / SALLE : 513a - Palais des congrès During this session, participants will: 1. identify the three most important aspects of well-being and where you rank 2. identify the three ROOT feelings of well-being 3. learn the four principles of successful behavioural modification
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
3010 Primary Care Approach to Ankle Injuries 09:35–10:05 Lisa Fischer, MD, BScPT, CCFP, DipSportMed, London, ON ROOM / SALLE : 524b - Palais des congrès n Sport & Exercise Medicine At the end of this session, participants will: 1. understand basic anatomy of the ankle joint and surrounding structures 2. be able to recognize simple vs. complex injury 3. know when to image beyond x-rays 4. understand when to refer an injury for further management
3149D 09:35–10:35
3233 09:35–12:05
L’utilisation de l’échographie Théâtre de démonstration Délégués préinscrits seulement.
Les infections transmissibles sexuellement et par le sang (ITSS): Mieux prévenir et mieux traiter Anne Bruneau, MD, MCMF, Laval, QC; Animatrice : Françoise Gendron, MD, CCMF, Sherbrooke, QC
ROOM / SALLE : 520f - Palais des congrès Actualiser les connaissances cliniques sur l’herpès génital et le virus du papillome humain (VPH) en vue d’améliorer la prise en charge des personnes atteintes et la prévention de la transmission de ces infections. Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) reconnaître les différents tableaux cliniques d’herpès génital et de condylomes 2) sélectionner les tests diagnostiques pertinents et en interpréter les résultats 3) prescrire les traitements appropriés aux personnes atteintes de ces infections 4) offrir un counseling aux personnes infectées et à leurs partenaires 5) identifier les situations nécessitant le recours à des ressources spécialisées 6) offrir un counseling pré-test personnalisé selon les facteurs de risque décelés
3120 09:35–10:05
Natural Health Products and Medications: A dangerous combination? Produits de santé naturels et médicaments : Une combinaison dangereuse Mark Berner, MD, Dip Epid, CCFP(EM), FCFP, Montréal, QC General Session / Séance générale
ROOM / SALLE : 517b - Palais des congrès Learning objectives: 1. Explore clinically-important interactions between NHPs and prescription medications 2. Be able to counsel patients with reliable information Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) Les interactions cliniquement significatives entre les PSN et les médicaments d’ordonnance 2) Les conseils à nos patients fondés sur des renseignements fiables.
3250 A Model for an Educational Strategy to Promote Management Reasoning in Family Medicine 09:35–12:05 Melissa Nutik, MD, CCFP, Toronto, ON; Jessica Munro, NP, Toronto, ON; Lisa Vesik, RD, MEd, Toronto, ON; Yves Talbot, MD, FRCP(C), Toronto, ON ROOM / SALLE : 513c - Palais des congrès Learning objectives: 1. discuss the challenges of teaching patient management skills to learners 2. apply the management reasoning model to case scenarios to develop an understanding of how the model can be used to teach and evaluate learners’ reasoning in the management domain
3126 The Office Management of a Patient with Irritable Bowel Syndrome 09:35–10:35 Gad Friedman, MDCM, FRCPC, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 511b,c,e,f - Palais des congrès During this session, participants will: 1. learn to recognize and assess the severity of IBD and a patient’s future risk for complications 2. understand the data supporting the use of immunomodulators and biologic treatments in IBD and how to discuss these options with your patient 3. learn how to minimize a patients risks during treatment for IBD and the value of a vaccination protocol
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée MC = Mainpro-C
SS = Satellite symposium / Symposium satellite
scientific program • programme scientifique
D = Demonstation theatre / Théâtre de démonstration
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
saturday • samedi
Exercise For All Ages - Family Doctor Advice: How to avoid risks and get the benefits Ivan Rohan, MD, CCFP, Montréal, QC
ROOM / SALLE : 516b - Palais des congrès During this session, participants will: 1. be familiarized with the benefits and risks (musculoskeletal, cardiac) of exercise 2. review the recommendations and guidelines for different age groups 3. learn strategies to improve the compliance
3272 Answering Your Diabetic Patients’ Questions about Carbohydrate Counting: The basics 09:35–10:35 Michele Macdonald Werstuck, RD, MSc., CDE, Hamilton, ON; Anne Barber, PHC-NP, MScN, Hamilton, ON; Inge Schabort, MB, ChB, CCFP, Hamilton, ON ROOM / SALLE : 524a - Palais des congrès At the end of the session, participants will: 1. be able to describe carbohydrate counting as a tool to improve glycemic control 2. be able to identify patients who might benefit from carbohydrate counting 3. be aware of the carbohydrate value of common foods and meals 4. use case studies to practice estimating carbohydrate intakes and setting carbohydrate goals for meals and snacks 5. understand the carbohydrate counting rules for fibre, sugar alcohols, and alcohol 6. be able to identify patients with diabetes who might benefit from carbohydrate counting 7. be able to explain an approach to matching insulin dose with carbohydrate intake 8. be able to access a library of patient resources for teaching carbohydrate counting to their patients
3357 Indigenous Health: Pearls for practice 09:35–10:35 Fatima Uddin, MD, CCFP, Toronto, ON; Chandrakant Shah, MD, Toronto, ON; Yoella Teplitsky, MD, CCFP, Toronto, ON; Difat Jakubovicz, MSc, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON ROOM / SALLE : 516e - Palais des congrès The following Core Competencies will be addressed: 1. Medical Expert – Physicians will demonstrate knowledge, skills, and behaviours necessary to providing compassionate, culturally safe care for this population 2. Communicator – Physicians will demonstrate effective and culturally safe communication with indigenous patients 3. Collaborator – Physicians will demonstrate the skills of effective collaboration with Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal health care professionals 4. Manager – Physicians will demonstrate an approach to optimizing the health of Indigenous communities through a just allocation of resources, employing evidence-based and Indigenous best practices During this session, participants will: 1. address the core competencies of family medicine with respect to Indigenous populations 2. address the historical context and social determinants of health informing current Indigenous health status and health care 3. elaborate on Indigenous views of health, communication styles, and healing practices
3013 09:35–12:05
“Back to the Future”: Family physicians of today meet the family doctors of tomorrow « Retour vers le futur » Les médecins de famille d’aujourd’hui rencontrent les médecins de famille de demain Cheri Bethune, MD, CCFP, FCFP, St. John’s, NL; Pierre-Paul Tellier, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Montréal, QC
ROOM / SALLE : 515a,b,c - Palais des congrès An exclusive opportunity for family medicine residents and medical students to meet with Canada’s Family Physicians of the Year, the recipients of the 2011 Reg L. Perkin Award, to discuss the ins and outs and ups and downs of practicing – and living – family medicine. Une occasion unique pour les résidents en médecine familiale et les étudiants en médecine de rencontrer les Médecins de famille canadiens de l’année, les lauréats du Prix Reg L. Perkin en 2011, pour discuter des hauts et des bas et des divers aspects d’exercer – et de vivre – la médecine familiale.
3361 09:35–10:35
Adolescent Suicide Prevention Marcia Anne Kostenuik, MD, CCFP, Barrie, ON
ROOM / SALLE : 519a - Palais des congrès At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. identify and screen youth at risk for suicide and mental illness 2. begin assessment and treatment of youth at risk for suicide 3. recognize and utilize available resources to ensure appropriate triage, disposition, and follow-up of youth at risk for suicide
3530D 09:35–10:35
Diagnosis and treatment of common shoulder pathologies: An interactive case workshop (Course 2 – Repeat) Demonstration Theatre Pre-registered delegates only.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
Moderator: Anthony Ciavarella, MD, MCFP, Aldergrove, BC ROOM / SALLE : 511a - Palais des congrès: n Respiratory Medicine In a debate format, Dr. Li and Dr. Cave will discuss a case presentation of a middle-aged man with respiratory symptoms suggestive of asthma. They will argue that accurate diagnosis matters or does not matter in respect to management. This is a common presentation in family practice office care and relevant to conference members. Attendees will be invited to join in the debate and the session will conclude with a vote on whether the diagnosis matters. Attendees will revise the diagnostic criteria for asthma and COPD in adults. At the end of this session, attendees will appreciate the problems of diagnosis of asthma in the middle-aged adult and how this may or may not affect management.
3009 COPD: A different disease than you thought - from diagnosis to management 10:05–10:35 Suzanne Levitz, MDCM, CCFP, Montréal-Ouest, QC; Alan Kaplan, MD, CCFP(EM), FCFP, Richmond Hill, ON ROOM / SALLE : 511a - Palais des congrès n Respiratory Medicine In this session, the COPD algorithm will be reviewed as well as other aspects of COPD management, including anxiety control, smoking cessation, and pulmonary rehabilitation. Learning objective: review treatment and management of the COPD patient
3011 Non-surgical Management of Osteoarthritis 10:05–10:35 Renata Frankovich, BMath, MD, CCFP, FCFP, DipSportMed, Kanata, ON ROOM / SALLE : 524b - Palais des congrès n Sport & Exercise Medicine At the end of this session, participants will: 1. be able to broaden scope of pain management – OTCs, prescription meds, topicals and beyond 2. know the indications and evidence for steroid, hyaluronic acid and PRP intra-articular injections 3. understand the role of bracing and orthotics 4. utilize physical therapy, exercise, and weight loss to reduce pain and improve function
3129 Les céphalées: Morceaux choisis 10:05–10:35 Headaches: Selected topics Michel Aubé, MD, FRCPC, Montréal, QC
Séance générale / General session
ROOM / SALLE : 517b - Palais des congrès Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) revoir les signes et symptômes de céphalées suspectes 2) quelques céphalées mal reconnues mais bien présentes dans vos cliniques. 3) en particulier, les céphalées reliées à l’activité sexuelle. 4) la céphalée chronique quotidienne, quoi en faire? Learning objectives: 1. to review the signs and symptoms of headaches suggestive of a more serious problem 2. a few hard-to-diagnose but generally overlooked types of headaches commonly seen in a clinical setting 3. specifically, headaches related to sexual activity 4. how to treat chronic daily headaches
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée MC = Mainpro-C
SS = Satellite symposium / Symposium satellite
scientific program • programme scientifique
D = Demonstation theatre / Théâtre de démonstration
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
saturday• samedi
3008 Case Study: Does it matter? (Respiratory Medicine) 09:35–10:05 Andrew Cave, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Edmonton, AB; John Li, MD, CCFP, Moncton, NB;
saturday • samedi
INFORMATION • INFORMATION SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM — SATURDAY 5 SAMEDI — PROGRAMME SCIENTIFIQUE 3012 An Approach to the Management of Suspected Rabies Exposures 11:05–12:05 Une approche à un cas de rage suspecté Allan Grill, MD, CCFP, MPH, North York, ON
General Session / Séance générale
ROOM / SALLE : 517b - Palais des congrès During this session, participants will 1. review the current guidelines concerning the administration of rabies post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) vaccination to victims of animal bites 2. review the role of family physicians and their allied health professionals (e.g. nurse practitioners) in collaboration with local public health in the management of animal-to-human exposures 3. highlight emerging international aspects of rabies pertaining to travelers whose exposures occur outside of Canada Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) passer en revue les lignes directrices actuelles concernant l’administration du vaccin prophylactique post-exposition à la rage aux victimes de morsures d’animaux 2) examiner le rôle des médecins de famille et des autres professionnels de la santé (p. ex. infirmières praticiennes) en collaboration avec les autorités locales de la santé publique dans la prise en charge des expositions entre animaux et humains 3) mettre en évidence les aspects internationaux de la rage en ce qui a trait aux voyageurs dont de telles expositions se produisent à l’étranger.
3029 11:05–12:05
Why are you Dyspneic? Beyond the asthma, COPD, CHF and CAD! Vukiet Tran, MD, CCFP(EM), Richmond Hill, ON
ROOM / SALLE : 511a - Palais des congrès n Respiratory Medicine Learning objectives: 1. Recognize other not-as-common etiologies of dyspnea that present to our office 2. Recognize the pitfalls that prevents us from recognizing these obscure etiologies 3. Learn about an efficient and cost-effective approach to the investigation of these more obscure etiologies
3092 11:05–12:05
Grief Counselling
3138 11:05–12:05
Les statines pour tous?: Critique et décision
This session has been moved to Friday Michel Cauchon, MD, CCMF, FCMF, Québec, QC; Michel Labrecque, CCMF, FCMF, Québec, QC
ROOM / SALLE : 524a - Palais des congrès Cet atelier se déroulera en deux parties : 1) présentation d’une analyse critique des lignes directrices canadiennes à la lumière des données scientifiques les plus récentes 2) utilisation d’un outil d’aide à la décision favorisant la prise de décision partagée selon différents contextes cliniques Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) poser un regard critique sur les lignes directrices canadiennes pour le traitement de la dyslipidémie 2) apprécier les données scientifiques concernant l’utilisation des statines en prévention primaire et secondaire 3) communiquer efficacement les bénéfices, les inconvénients et l’incertitude associés à la prescription de statines en prévention primaire dans une perspective de prise de décision partagée
3152 Heart Failure for the Family Physician: A practical review of treatment strategies for improving patient 11:05–12:05 outcomes and quality of life Adam G. Z. Grzeslo, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Burlington, ON; Justin A. Ezekowitz, MBBCh, MSc, FRCPC, Edmonton, AB ROOM / SALLE : 519b - Palais des congrès Learning objectives: 1. update knowledge and decision making for optimal symptom and medication management of patients with heart failure 2. integrate Canadian evidence-based heart failure practice guidelines, recommendations and practical tips, for the diagnosis and management of their elderly patients
3156 11:05–12:05
Guideline MythBusters: Exploring the limitations, pitfalls, and appropriate application of clinical practice guidelines Clayton Hugh Dyck, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Winnipeg, MB; Jamie Falk, PharmD, Winnipeg, MB
ROOM / SALLE : 520c - Palais des congrès Learning objectives: 1. identify the limitations and barriers to good practice that exist with clinical practice guidelines 2. enhance the abilities of participants to efficiently assess the quality of guideline recommendations 3. enhance the abilities of participants to determine when and how to translate and apply guideline recommendations to the individual patient
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
3235 Teaching in the Nursing Home 11:05–12:05 Sidney Feldman, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON; Paul Katz, MD, CMD; Patrick Quail, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Calgary, AB ROOM / SALLE : 513e - Palais des congrès At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. identify and overcome barriers to teaching in the nursing home setting 2. develop practical techniques and strategies for nursing home teaching
T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers. 3247 Developing Knowledge Translation Strategies in Primary Care: Reflections from the 11:05–12:05 CIHR’s Summer Institute on Primary Healthcare Research Kathleen Clouston, PhD, Winnipeg, MB; Matthew Menear, PhD (cand.), Montréal, QC; Kelly Grindrod, BScPharm, PharmD, MSc, Kitchener, ON; Peter G. Norton, CCFP, FCFP, Creemore, ON; France Légaré, CCFP, FCFP, Québec, QC ROOM / SALLE : 512a - Palais des congrès During this session, participants will: 1. learn about the content and emerging themes of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Summer Institute entitled “Revisiting the Foundations of Primary Healthcare Research” which was hosted in June, 2010 (Alliston, ON) for primary healthcare research trainees 2. learn about and discuss the distinct strategies to improve the effectiveness of knowledge translation in primary healthcare settings b This session would be of interest to family medicine researchers.
3249 11:05–12:05
How to be an Effective Leader in a Primary Care Setting Michael Malus, MDCM, CCFP, FCFP, M. Management, Montréal, QC
ROOM / SALLE : 513a - Palais des congrès During this session, participants will learn how to: 1. be reflective rather than reactive in the context of daily leadership and managerial challenges 2. create a culture of continuous improvement in your workplace 3. incorporate patient perspectives into management decisions
3130 Désordre elliptique 11:05–12:05 André Gougoux, MD, FRCP, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 516e - Palais des congrès Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) comprendre la physiopathologie de l’hypernatrémie, de l’hyponatrémie, de l’hyperkaliémie et de l’hypokaliémie 2) connaître les principales causes de ces 4 désordres électrolytiques 3) traiter adéquatement ces patients au bureau et à l’hôpital.
3269 Primary Care Transformation: Using process improvement and lean thinking to optimize multidisciplinary 11:05–12:05 roles and quality of care Paul A. Woods, MD, CCFP, Cochrane, AB; Michael Thompson, BSc Pharm, Calgary, AB ROOM / SALLE : 513f - Palais des congrès Learning objectives: 1. to demonstrate simple process improvement in optimizing workflows in an everyday primary care process, INR management 2. to demonstrate how a lean approach can improve efficient utilization of multidisciplinary health providers and improve job satisfaction of team members 3. to discuss the use of an algorithm to allow safe performance of clinical work previously done by physicians by other team members and allow physicians to do work only they can do
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée MC = Mainpro-C
SS = Satellite symposium / Symposium satellite
scientific program • programme scientifique
D = Demonstation theatre / Théâtre de démonstration
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
saturday • samedi
You Again? The resurgence of syphilis in Canada Sudha Koppula, BSc, MD, MClSc, CCFP, Edmonton, AB; Sonya Lee, BSc MD, CCFP, MHSc, FCFP, Calgary, AB
ROOM / SALLE : 512c,d,g,h - Palais des congrès During this session, participants will: 1. learn about the increasing rates of syphilis diagnosis across Canada 2. understand how syphilis is acquired, its disease process and options for testing in the primary care setting 3. review the recommendations for treatment and prevention
3016 11:05–11:35
Des causes fréquentes de douleur à la région de la hanche et de l’aine chez les sportifs André Roy, MD, FRCPC, MSc, Dipl. méd. sport (ACMSE), Montréal, QC
ROOM / SALLE : 524b - Palais des congrès n Médecine du sport et de l’exercice Suite à cette session les participants : 1) connaîtront des causes fréquentes de douleur à la région de la hanche et de l’aine chez les sportifs 2) sauront rechercher les signes et symptômes typiques des diagnostiques les plus fréquemment associés à ce type de plainte 3) sauront développer un plan d’action pertinent aux lésions les plus fréquentes.
3335 11:05–11:35
Breaking Free From Your Addictions Carol D. Connick, MD, CCFP, Edmonton, AB; Tiffany Oddo, LADC, Edmonton, AB
ROOM / SALLE : 524c - Palais des congrès n Addiction Medicine During this session, participants will learn: 1. what is at the core of all addictions and how all addictions are created 2. the 5 myths of addictions that keep addicts stuck and what you can do to support them 3. how to eliminate and break free of bad habits
3015 PubMed/Medline Search Clinic (Course 2 – Repeat) 11:05–12:05 Lynn Dunikowski, MLS, London, ON
Computer Learning Centre Session
ROOM / SALLE : 523a,b - Palais des congrès During this session, participants will: 1. review the basics of good search techniques 2. learn about and practice several newer PubMed/Medline features 3. learn some timesaving tips and tricks from a search expert 4. get answers to your questions about literature searching
3358 11:05–12:05
Teen Moms: How to support mother and baby using an innovative model of care Megan Harrison, MD, FRCPC, Ottawa, ON; Nathalie Fleming, MD, FRCPC, Ottawa, ON
ROOM / SALLE : 513b - Palais des congrès During this session, participants will: 1. discuss obstetrical risk factors specific to adolescent mothers and to review obstetrical outcomes in this population 2. review the impact that service delivery and specific programming aimed at pregnant adolescents and young mothers have on outcomes for both parent and child
3153D 11:05–12:05
3150D 11:05–12:05
3347 11:35–12:05
Introduction to Wound Care - (Course 2 – Repeat) Demonstration Theatre Pre-registered delegates only.
Ultrasound in Family Medicine (Course 2 – Repeat) Demonstration Theatre Pre-registered delegates only.
Talking about Addiction with our Patients: When and how? Ginetta Salvalaggio, MD, CCFP, Edmonton, AB; Difat Jakubovicz, MSc, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON
ROOM / SALLE : 524c - Palais des congrès n Addiction Medicine During this session, participants will: 1. develop an approach to preventative care and health screening in the context of addiction 2. discuss common complications and comorbidities associated with addiction 3. develop an awareness of unique cultural, social, and interpersonal issues involved in the care of people suffering from addiction
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
ROOM / SALLE : 524b - Palais des congrès n Médecine du sport et de l’exercice Suite à cette session, le participant sera en mesure di: 1) évaluer un patient sur la base des causes les plus fréquentes de douleur antérieure non-traumatique au genou 2) utiliser de façon appropriée les modalités d’investigation pour les patients présentant une couleur antérieure non-traumatique au genou 3) proposer un plan de traitement pour des causes communes de douleur antérieure non-traumatique au genou Note: This session will be given in French but with a bilingual speaker and bilingual visual materials. Following this session, participants will be able to: 1. assess a patient based on a differential diagnosis of the most common causes of non-traumatic anterior knee pain 2. make adequate use of investigation modalities for non-traumatic anterior knee pain investigation 3. propose a treatment plan for common causes of non-traumatic anterior knee pain
Québec College of Family Physicians (QCFP) Annual General Meeting Assemblée générale annuelle du Collège Québecois des médecins de famille (CQMF)
ROOM / SALLE : 510 - Palais des congrès
3055 12:15–13:15
Fiction writing for the medical professional: Bringing your stories to life
ROOM / SALLE : Humanities Theatre - Exhibit Hall
Ruth Elwood Martin, MD, CCFP, FCFP, MPH, Vancouver, BC; Peter Duffy (nom de plume Peter Clement) MD, CCFP (EM), Kingston, ON; Marshall Godwin, MD, CCFP, FCFP, St. John’s, NL
Participants will learn: 1. techniques for generating story ideas and weaving them into compelling stories 2. how to inject life-anticipation, tension, resolution-into your story-telling 3. how authors manage their lives to indulge in their passion for writing fiction
Medical Student and Family Medicine Resident Luncheon
ROOM / SALLE : 511b,c,e,f - Palais des congrès TICKETS REQUIRED / BILLETS REQUIS
3386SS 12:15–13:15
3399SS 12:15–13:15
Individualizing Care for Patients with Depression: Diagnosing and treating patients with MDD ROOM / SALLE : 710b - Palais des congrès Pre-registration required.
Dermatology Update: Non-melanoma skin cancer and the emerging role of the family physician ROOM / SALLE : 710a - Palais des congrès Pre-registration required
3052 The Joy of Intersects: Embedding psychologists into primary care 13:25–14:25 Julie Beaulac, PhD, Winnipeg, MB; Tunji Fatoye, MD, CCFP, Winnipeg, MB; Jason Ediger, PhD, Winnipeg, MB; Andrea Piotrowski, PhD, Winnipeg, MB ROOM / SALLE : 516e - Palais des congrès Learning objectives: 1. review the literature on how psychologists can make a positive impact in the practice of primary care 2. outline a variety of possible models for integrating psychology into primary care 3. discuss obstacles to integration and possible solutions to those obstacles
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée MC = Mainpro-C
SS = Satellite symposium / Symposium satellite
scientific program • programme scientifique
D = Demonstation theatre / Théâtre de démonstration
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
saturday• samedi
3017 La douleur antérieure non-traumatique au genou au bureau 11:35–12:05 Pierre Frémont, MD, PhD, CMFC, Dip Sport Med (ACMSE), Québec, QC
saturday • samedi
INFORMATION • INFORMATION SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM — SATURDAY 5 SAMEDI — PROGRAMME SCIENTIFIQUE 3075 Patient-Centred Solutions for Chronic Pain Challenges 13:25–15:30 Lori Montgomery, MD, CCFP, Calgary, AB; Todd Hill, PhD RPsych, Calgary, AB; Chris Spanswick, MB, ChB, FRCA, FFPMRCA, Calgary, AB ROOM / SALLE : 519b - Palais des congrès During this session, participants will: 1. acquire a vocabulary for discovering the patient’s pain experience and telling a patient what they need to know about chronic pain 2. identify how challenging patient encounters could be made less stressful by applying behavioural medicine concepts 3. develop a personalized plan for approaching chronic pain consultations differently when you return to your office
3018 AIT à haut risque 13:25–13:00 Robert Côté, MD, FRPC, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 516b - Palais des congrès n Médecine d’urgence Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) utiliser des critères de stratification du risque d’un AIT à l’urgence 2) utiliser judicieusement les évaluations auxiliaires dans les cas d’AIT 3) assurer une prise en charge appropriée de l’AIT.
3122 The Pediatric Immunization Update: The most recent NACI recommendations 13:25–14:25 John Yaremko, MDCM, FRCPC, Montréal, QC ROOM / SALLE : 512c,d,g,h - Palais des congrès Learning objectives: 1. review some of the new vaccines and their indications in the pediatric immunization schedule 2. discuss new indications for some of our older vaccines 3. present the most recent NACI recommendations and their application in your daily practice
3076 13:25–15:30
TLC for LTC: A guide to providing best care for your geriatric patients in long-term care facilities Eric Cadesky, MD, CM, CCFP, Vancouver, BC
ROOM / SALLE : 520c - Palais des congrès Learning objectives: 1. increase awareness of the importance of continuous primary care of the elderly 2. assess constipation treatments and their effectiveness 3. review use of urine dipstick testing and how to handle positive results 4. evaluate the evidence on commonly-prescribed medications and their effects in the elderly 5. discuss billing and remuneration of LTC
3133 13:25–15:30
Building an Interprofessional Approach to Health Literacy in Clinical Practice Brent Kvern, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Winnipeg, MB; Andrea Szwajcer, MLIS, Winnipeg, MB Computer Learning Centre Session ROOM / SALLE : 523a,b - Palais des congrès
Learning objectives: 1. to heighten awareness of the impact that health literacy levels have on all of our patients’ health outcomes 2. to critically reflect on communication styles and to incorporate strategies which enhance shared decision making and patients’ participation in their own health care within the context of patients’ health literacy levels 3. to utilize social and mobile technologies in order to create a ‘virtual’ team designed to support the practitioner with information management of patient education resources
3173 13:25–14:25
La patiente enceinte qui consomme: Une approche clinique centrée sur la femme Samuel Harper, MD, CCMF, Montréal, QC; Anne-Marie Mecteau, Montréal, QC
ROOM / SALLE : 524a - Palais des congrès Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) connaître les moyens de dépistage de l’usage problématique de substances en grossesse et décrire l’approche centrée sur la femme 2) décrire les soins prénataux, à l’accouchement et en post-partum pour les femmes toxicomanes 3) décrire les effets des substances les plus communes sur la grossesse et le nouveau-né 4) connaître des mesures innovatrices de lien avec les services de protection de l’enfance et de gestion du syndrome d’abstinence néonatale.
3202 13:25–15:30
Management of Hepatitis C in Primary Care: Practice pearls, tools and guidelines Susan Woolhouse, MD, MClSc, CCFP, Toronto, ON; Sharon Gazeley, MD, CCFP, Toronto, ON
ROOM / SALLE : 520f - Palais des congrès During this session, participants will: 1. be given a basic approach and tools to monitor patients with chronic Hepatitis C, including before, during and after treatment 2. learn how to monitor patients with cirrhosis 3. learn about a collaborative model where chronic Hepatitis C is treated in the primary care setting
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
3020 Identification and Management of Prescription Opioid Misuse and Addiction 13:25–13:55 Karine Meador, MD, CCFP, (D)ABAM, Edmonton, AB ROOM / SALLE : 524c - Palais des congrès n Addiction Medicine During this session, participants will: 1. describe the clinical features of prescription opioid misuse and addiction, and list screening strategies 2. discuss the indications for opioid tapering, and outline a clinical protocol 3. discuss the indications for structured opioid therapy, and outline its key components 4. discuss the treatment options for opioid addiction including detoxification and opioid agonist treatment
3103 Hypertension artérielle réfractaire 13:25–13:55 Refractory arterial hypertension Pierre Larochelle, MD, PhD, FRCPC, FACP, FAHA, Montréal, QC
Séance générale / General session
ROOM / SALLE : 517b - Palais des congrès
Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) investiguer une hypertension artérielle réfractaire 2) prendre en charge une hypertension artérielle réfractaire 3) pourra ajuster le traitement d’une hypertension artérielle réfractaire. Objectives: 1. to investigate refractory arterial hypertension 2. to treat refractory arterial hypertension 3. to be able to adjust the treatment of refractory arterial hypertension
3244 Enhancing Clinical Practice Through Family Physician-Primary Care Research Partnerships 13:25–15:30 Kathleen Clouston, PhD, Winnipeg, MB; Duane M. Hartley, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Winnipeg, MB; Janet Ritchie, MD, Winnipeg, MB; Katherine Kearns, MD, CCFP, Winnipeg, MB; Yatish Kotecha, MD, MCFP, Winnipeg, MB; Claire P. Jaeger, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Winnipeg, MB; Andrew G. Jowett, MD, MCFP, Winnipeg, MB; Candace Bradshaw, MD, CCFP, Winnipeg, MB; Richard J. McCammon, MD, CCFP, Winnipeg, MB; Karen L. Klym, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Winnipeg, MB; Christina Raimondi, MD, CCFP, Winnipeg, MB; Karen Braun, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Winnipeg, MB; Melanie Shell, MD, CCFP, Winnipeg, MB; Nadine S. Lecuyer, MD, CCFP, Winnipeg, MB; Alan Katz, MBChB, MSc, CCFP, FCFP, Winnipeg, MB ROOM / SALLE : 512a - Palais des congrès During this session, participants will: 1. learn about practice-based research as well as the benefits and challenges involved 2. discuss the benefits of forming multi-disciplinary networks between family physicians and primary care researchers for clinical practice, patient health, and health care policy development b This session would be of interest to family medicine researchers.
3273 13:25–14:25
Preventive Health Care: NOT the annual physical James A. Dickinson, MD, CCFP, PhD, Calgary, AB
ROOM / SALLE : 519a - Palais des congrès During this session, participants will: 1. learn current evidence-based recommendations for clinical preventive activities, and a priority order for their value to patients 2. reflect on how to apply clinical prevention in practice 3. learn about resources to update and maintain their preventive care approach
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée MC = Mainpro-C
SS = Satellite symposium / Symposium satellite
scientific program • programme scientifique
D = Demonstation theatre / Théâtre de démonstration
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
saturday • samedi
INFORMATION • INFORMATION SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM — SATURDAY 5 SAMEDI — PROGRAMME SCIENTIFIQUE 3333 From First Date to Long-Term Commitment: Steps to developing mutually rewarding educational 13:25–14:25 partnerships Katherine Rouleau, MDCM, CCFP, MHSc, Toronto, ON; Kevin Bezanson, MD, CCFP, Toronto, ON; Jane Philpott, MD, CCFP, Toronto, ON; Andrew David Pinto, MD, CCFP, Toronto, ON ROOM / SALLE : 513e - Palais des congrès At the end of the session participants will: 1. have reviewed a roadmap for the development of effective educational partnerships 2. have identified the common challenges and pitfalls of educational partnerships 3. have tested the roadmap against a number of real and fictitious partnerships to assess its usefulness in various contexts
T This session would be of interest to family medicine teachers. 3334 Giving Birth to a Successful Maternity Care Practice: A primer for new graduates, 13:25–15:30 residents and medical students Kaitlin Dupuis, MD, Nanaimo, BC; Heather Baxter, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Calgary, AB; Anne Biringer, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON; William Ehman, MD, MCFP, Nanaimo, BC; Shanna Fenton, MD, CCFP, Saskatoon, SK; Andrée Gagnon, MD, CCFP, Blainville, QC; Lisa Graves, MD, CCFP, Sudbury, ON ROOM / SALLE : 516a - Palais des congrès Participants will: 1. learn about the practical implications of different models of maternity care 2. network with colleagues at similar stages of their careers regarding maternity care 3. understand current recommended updates for normal birth such as skin to skin contact, delayed cord clamping, upright positions for pushing, position changes with epidural, etc.
3034MC 13:30–17:00
3007MC 13:30–17:00
Breastfeeding Basics for the Practicing Physician ROOM / SALLE : Ville-Marie A/B - Le Westin Hotel Pre-registered delegates only.
Diagnosis and Management of Patients with MCI and Dementia: Tips for the family physician ROOM / SALLE : McGill - Le Westin Hotel Pre-registered delegates only.
3019 Lipid Emulsion Therapy 13:55–14:25 Nancy Murphy, MD, CCFP(EM), Halifax, NS
ROOM / SALLE : 516b - Palais des congrès
n Emergency Medicine At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. use the principles and evidence for lipid emulsion therapy 2. use lipid emulsion therapy when medically indicated
3121 Common Ocular Emergencies 13:55–14:25 Urgences oculaires courantes
Marino Discepola, MD, FRCSC, DABO, Montréal, QC General session / Séance générale
ROOM / SALLE : 517b - Palais des congrès Learning objectives: 1. review the most common forms of ocular emergencies 2. learn to treat common ocular emergencies 3. know when to refer patients to ophthalmology Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) passer en revue les formes les plus courantes des urgences oculaires 2) apprendre comment traiter les urgences oculaires les plus communes 3) savoir quand demander une consultation en ophtalmologie.
3021 Marijuana: Myths and misconceptions 13:55–14:25 Kingsley Watts, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON ROOM / SALLE : 524c - Palais des congrès n Addiction Medicine Learning objectives: 1. describe common ways that marijuana problems may present in your practice 2. list questions that may help to identify at-risk marijuana use, marijuana abuse, and marijuana dependence in the primary care setting 3. outline an approach to assisting patients with marijuana problems 4. identify resources for patients with marijuana problems
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
saturday• samedi
3155 14:30–15:30
W. Alexander Macdonald, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Iqaluit, NU
ROOM / SALLE : 513a - Palais des congrès During this session, participants will: 1. review management of severe respiratory distress in a young child in a remote health centre 2. gain an understanding of logistical challenges relevant to providing appropriate clinical care in remote communities
3098 14:30–15:00
Le syndrome des ovaires polykystiques: Êtes-vous polyvalent ? Polycystic ovary syndrome: How versatile are you? Jocelyn Bérubé, MD, MSc, Montréal, QC Séance générale / General session
ROOM / SALLE : 517b - Palais des congrès Objectifs d’apprentissage : 1) définir les critères diagnostiques du SOPK 2) reconnaître les diverses présentations cliniques du SOPK 3) proposer le traitement de base de l’infertilité associée au SOPK. Learning objectives: 1. define the diagnostic criteria for PCOS 2. recognize the different clinical presentations of PCOS 3. suggest basic treatment for infertility associated with PCOS
3022 Acetaminophen Ingestions 14:30–15:00 Constance Leblanc, MD, CCFP(EM), FCFP, Halifax, NS ROOM / SALLE : 516b - Palais des congrès n Emergency Medicine At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. recognize the different formulations of acetaminophen available to patients 2. have an organized approach to acute, staggered and late presentations of acetaminophen ingestions
3237 14:30–15:30
Active Transportation = Cycling and Walking = Better Health Jennifer M. Zelin, MD, CCFP, Charlottetown, PE
ROOM / SALLE : 524a - Palais des congrès Learning objectives: 1. define Active Transportation (AT) 2. evidence for personal and public health benefits of AT 3 - how to motivate self, patients and communities to embrace AT 3. incentives to promote ActiveTransportation (that is, any human-powered form of transportation, such as cycling or walking) can improve the health of Canadians
3245 14:30–15:30
Preventing Chronic Diseases: A new initiative! Andy Wielgosz, MD, PhD, FACC, Ottawa, ON
ROOM / SALLE : 513b - Palais des congrès Objectives of Workshop: • Review the environmental scan “Role of Primary Care Providers in Preventing Chronic Diseases” • Review survey conducted by the College on preventive practices initiated by family physicians • Present the status of the development of the Kit • Discuss how family physicians connect patients with information for behaviour change • Discuss dissemination ideas/social media options • Discuss further developments for the Kit During this session, family physicians will: 1. learn about the Chronic Disease Prevention Kit: an innovative, electronic, evidence based and multi-disciplinary approach including motivational interviewing 2. share their knowledge regarding methods of behaviour change in their patients through interactive small group discussion 3. look into the future and brainstorm regarding electronic medical records: reminders, use of lab graphs, updates, interactive portals, apps, etc.
LEGEND/LÉGENDE Simultaneous Interpretation / Interprétation simultanée MC = Mainpro-C
SS = Satellite symposium / Symposium satellite
scientific program • programme scientifique
D = Demonstation theatre / Théâtre de démonstration
— Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
saturday • samedi
INFORMATION • INFORMATION SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM — SATURDAY 5 SAMEDI — PROGRAMME SCIENTIFIQUE 3023 Buprenorphine Prescribing: A primer for family physicians 14:30–15:00 Mel Kahan, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON ROOM / SALLE : 524c - Palais des congrès n Addiction Medicine Buprenorphine is an effective treatment for opioid dependence. It is considerably safer than methadone, and does not require a special licence to prescribe. The session will consist of a brief presentation with questions, handouts and on-line resources.
3265 Screening Newly Arrived Immigrants and Refugees: The evidence is in! 14:30–15:30 Meb Rashid, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON; Kevin Pottie, MD, CCFP, FCFP, MClSc, Ottawa, ON; Chris Greenaway, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Montréal, QC; Laurence Kirmayer, MD, FRCPC, Montréal, QC; Lavanya Narasiah, MSc, MD, Montréal , QC ROOM / SALLE : 524b - Palais des congrès Learning objectives: 1. familiarize participants with the Canadian Collaboration on Immigrant and Refugee Health (CCIRH) guidelines for the screening and management of critical issues in newly arrived Canadians 2. understand the evidence relating to screening newly arrived immigrants and refugees for infectious diseases, chronic diseases and mental health issues 3. provide a framework for primary care clinicians to appropriately identify and manage key issues in newly arrived immigrant and refugees
3291 14:30–15:30
Doctors, Patients and Stress: Twelve key solutions David Rainham, MD, CCFP, Waterloo, ON
ROOM / SALLE : 512c,d,g,h - Palais des congrès Learning objectives: 1. to review the influence of ‘stress’ on patient presentation and illness and be able to readily access and teach tools for patients to take more control 2. to encourage physicians to remember the 12 Keys and apply them in their own professional and personal lives 3. to review the use of multi-media teaching aids in this area
3024 Office Management of At-Risk Drinking and Alcohol 15:00–15:30 Mel Kahan, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Toronto, ON ROOM / SALLE : 524c - Palais des congrès n Addiction Medicine / Médecine de la toxicomanie At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. describe simple screening strategies for alcohol problems in your practice 2. safely prescribe medications to reduce alcohol consumption (baclofen, gabapentin and other anticonvulsants, disulfiram, naltrexone, acamprosate) 3. provide practical advice to the at-risk drinker and alcohol-dependent patient 4. describe an office-based protocol for treating alcohol withdrawal
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale — scientific
program • programme scientifique
EXHIBITORS • EXPOSANTS Abbott Laboratories
Biaxin XL is a once-a-day marcrolide to treat AECB & Sinusitis. Pediatric Biaxin is for acute otitis media, pharyngitis & pneumonia. Biaxin XL est un macrolide à prise uniquotidienne indiqué dans le traitement de la SBBC et de la sinusite. Biaxin pour enfants est indiqué dans le traitement de l’otite moyenne aiguë, de la pharyngite et de la pneumonie.
Alcoholics Anonymous: A worldwide fellowship of sober alcoholics, whose recovery is based on Twelve Steps; no dues or fees, self-supporting through voluntary, small contributions of members, accepts no outside funds; not affiliated with any other organization; our primary purpose: to carry the A.A. message to alcoholics who still suffer. Alcooliques anonymes est une organisation mondiale d’entraide qui regroupe des alcooliques devenus sobres. Le retour à la sobriété s’appuie sur douze principes, dont l’absence de frais ou d’honoraires, l’autosuffisance grâce à de petites contributions volontaires des membres. Elle n’accepte aucune subvention de l’extérieur, n’est affiliée à aucune autre organisation. Son but principal, c’est de transmettre le message des AA aux alcooliques qui souffrent encore.
Alzheimer Society of Canada BOOTH: 1213 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1 The Alzheimer Society works nationwide to improve the quality of life for Canadians affected by Alzheimer’s disease, and to advance the search for treatment, prevention and a cure. It develops and provides support and educational programs for people with the disease, their families, caregivers, and members of the health-care team. The Society is a leading funder of Alzheimer research and training in Canada. La Société Alzheimer est un organisme national dont la mission est d’améliorer la qualité de vie des Canadiennes et Canadiens touchés par la maladie d’Alzheimer et d’appuyer la recherche pour trouver un traitement curatif et déterminer les moyens de prévention. Il développe et offre le soutien et les programmes éducatifs nécessaires aux personnes qui vivent avec cette maladie, aux membres de leur famille et à leurs aidants, ainsi qu’aux professionnels de la santé. La Société est la principale source de financement pour la formation et la recherche sur la maladie d’Alzheimer au Canada.
Alzheimer’s Association
Contest Contribution: AAIC Conference registration & a membership to ISTAART
T h e A l z h e i m e r ’s Association is the w o r l d ’s l e a d i n g voluntary health organization in Alzheimer’s care, support and research. The Association hosts the annual Alzheimer’s Association International Conference(AAIC), bringing the world’s leading dementia scientists together to share the latest research. Visit the Alzheimer’s Association booth to learn more about how to submit an abstract for AAIC 2012. L’Association Alzheimer est le principal organisme de santé bénévole au monde en ce qui a trait aux soins, au soutien et à la recherche sur la maladie d’Alzheimer. L’Association organise la Conférence internationale annuelle de l’Association Alzheimer qui regroupe des scientifiques internationaux de premier rang spécialisés en démence pour faire connaître les plus récents résultats de la recherche. Visitez le kiosque de l’Association Alzheimer pour en savoir plus sur la façon de présenter un résumé à la Conférence de 2012.
SBS is dedicated exclusively to the success of small business owners and their companies. Business owners can leverage an enhanced set of products, tools, services and savings, including charge/credit cards, robust online account management capabilities and savings on business services from an expanded lineup of partners. Les Services aux petites entreprises se consacrent exclusivement à la réussite des propriétaires de petites entreprises et de leurs compagnies. Les propriétaires d’entreprises peuvent miser sur un ensemble complet de produits, d’outils, de services et de possibilités d’épargnes, notamment des cartes de débit/crédit, de solides capacités de gestion en ligne des comptes et des rabais sur les services commerciaux d’une vaste gamme de partenaires.
Amgen Canada – Bone Health BOOTH: 508 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 5 Contest Contribution: Cash
Amgen discovers, develops and delivers innovative human therapeutics. A biotechnology pioneer since 1980, Amgen was one of the first companies to realize the new science’s promise by bringing novel medicines from lab, to manufacturing plant, to patient. Amgen therapeutics have changed the practice of medicine, helping millions of people in the fight against cancer, kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis, bone disease and other serious illnesses. With a broad and deep pipeline of potential new medicines, Amgen is committed to advancing science to dramatically improve people’s lives. Amgen découvre, élabore, fabrique et distribue des produits thérapeutiques novateurs utilisés chez l’être humain. Pionnière dans le domaine de la biotechnologie depuis 1980, Amgen a été l’une des premières entreprises à saisir le potentiel de cette nouvelle discipline scientifique en découvrant, en fabriquant et en mettant à la disposition des patients des médicaments novateurs. Les traitements mis au point par Amgen ont révolutionné l’exercice de la médecine en aidant des millions de personnes à lutter contre le cancer, les maladies rénales, la polyarthrite rhumatoïde, les maladies osseuses et d’autres maladies graves. Forte d’une riche et vaste pépinière de produits, Amgen est résolue à faire progresser la science afin d’améliorer notablement la vie des gens.
Appletree Medical Group
BOOTH: 621 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 2 Contest Contribution: Digital camera
For the last 20 years, Appletree doctors have benefited from higher incomes, greater work-life balance and an excellent practice environment in our multidisciplinary medical group. Visit our booth to see what we offer new grads, mid-career GPs and retiring physicians, and see why our doctors are our #1 source of referrals! Depuis les 20 dernières années, les médecins du groupe Appletree bénéficient de revenus plus élevés, d’un meilleur équilibre entre le travail et la vie privée et d’un excellent milieu de pratique dans notre équipe médicale multidisciplinaire. Visitez notre stand pour voir ce que nous offrons aux nouveaux diplômés, aux omnipraticiens qui en sont à mi-carrière et aux médecins proches de la retraite et voyez pourquoi nos médecins sont notre principale source de références!
Art et Compagnie
Do you want something handmade, unique and different? Come see us at the Market Place and you will have the pleasure to be amazed by Québec artists! Vous voulez quelque chose fait à la main, unique et différent? C’est sur la Place du Marché que vous aurez le plaisir d’être étonné par les artisans québécois!
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
exhibitORs • exposANTs
Alcoholics Anonymous
American Express Small Business Services
exhibitORs • exposANTs
EXHIBITORS • EXPOSANTS Astellas Pharma Canada Inc. BOOTH: 1201/1203 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 2
Bionix Medical Technologies BOOTH: 1218 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1
Astellas Pharma Canada, Inc. is located in Markham, Ontario. We are involved in clinical research and development as well as the sales and marketing of products in our key therapeutic areas of immunology, infectious disease, cardiology, dermatology and urology. The drugs that we develop to help patients include Protopic® for Eczema, Amevive® for Psoriasis, and Vesicare® for Overactive Bladder.
Bionix® is your answer to ear care needs with the original Safe Ear Curette, and continues the tradition of innovative products with the New Lighted Ear Curette™ with Magnification and the Portable Waterpik® featuring OtoClear® Ear Irrigation Tips. Visit or booth 1218!
Astellas Pharma Canada, Inc. est située à Markham (Ontario). Nous nous spécialisons en recherche et développement cliniques et dans la vente et la mise en marché de produits dans nos principaux domaines thérapeutiques, incluant l’immunologie, les maladies infectieuses, la cardiologie, la dermatologie et l’urologie. Parmi les médicaments que nous développons pour aider les patients, on peut mentionner Protopic® pour l’eczéma, Amevive® pour le psoriasis et Vesicare® pour l’hyperactivité de la vessie.
AstraZeneca Canada Inc.
AstraZeneca is committed to the research, development and manufacturing of valuable prescription medicines. We have an extensive product portfolio spanning six therapeutic areas: gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, infection, neuroscience, oncology and respiratory. AstraZeneca’s Canadian headquarters are located in Mississauga, Ontario, and a state-of-the-art drug discovery centre is based in Montreal, Quebec. For more information, please visit the company’s website at AstraZeneca est engagée envers la recherche, le développement et la fabrication de médicaments d’ordonnance de grande valeur. Elle possède une imposante gamme de produits dans les six domaines thérapeutiques suivants : gastro-entérologie, cardiologie, infectiologie, neurosciences, oncologie et pneumologie. Le siège social canadien d’AstraZeneca est situé à Mississauga, en Ontario, et l’entreprise exploite un centre ultramoderne de découverte de médicaments à Montréal, au Québec. Pour de plus amples renseignements, visitez le site Web de la compagnie au
Bayer Inc.
BOOTH: 113/115, 222 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 2
As an inventor company, Bayer creates innovative products, breakthrough treatments and healthier alternatives to improve the quality of life for people, animals and communities. We put science to work in the vital areas of health, nutrition and high-tech materials, both across Canada and around the world. Entreprise innovatrice, Bayer crée des produits novateurs, des traitements révolutionnaires et des solutions saines qui améliorent la vie des gens, des animaux et des communautés. Nous mettons la science à profit dans les domaines de la santé, de la nutrition et des matériaux de haute technologie, au Canada et ailleurs dans le monde.
Becel Centre for Heart Health BOOTH: 707 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1 The Becel Centre for Heart Health was established to provide heart health educators and the public with the lastest scientific information and useful educational tools about nutrition and heart disease. For more information, visit Le Centre Bécel pour la santé du cœur a été créé pour procurer aux éducateurs en santé cardiaque et à la population les plus récents renseignements scientifiques et d’utiles outils d’information sur l’alimentation et les maladies cardiaques. Pour en savoir plus visitez www.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
Bionix® répond à vos besoins en matière de soins des oreilles, notamment avec la curette originale Safe Ear. Elle continue sa tradition de produits novateurs en offrant la nouvelle curette avec lampe et loupe Lighted Ear Curette™ et le Portable Waterpik® avec embouts comportant la caractéristique OtoClear® pour l’irrigation de l’oreille. Visitez www. ou le stand 1218!
Blind River District Health Centre BOOTH: 1207 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 2 Contest Contribution: Cash
Welcome to the beautiful North Shore of Lake Huron! We can offer you family practices or locum opportunities at Matthews Memorial Hospital, St. Joseph’s Island, Bruce Mines Medical Clinic & Thessalon Medical Clinic servicing Thessalon Hospital or the Blind River Family Health Team servicing the Blind River District Health Centre. Bienvenue à la magnifique rive nord du lac Huron! Nous offrons des pratiques de médecine familiale ou des possibilités de remplacement au Matthews Memorial Hospital, à St. Joseph Island, à la clinique médicale Bruce Mines et à la clinique médicale Thessalon qui desservent le Thessalon Hospital ou dans l’équipe de santé familiale de Blind River qui dessert le centre de santé du district de Blind River.
Could it be time for a change in the landscape in how we think about diabetes? Drop by the Bristol Myers Squibb, AstraZeneca booth to learn more. Le moment est-il venu de changer notre perspective du diabète? Passez voir le stand de Bristol Myers Squibb, AstraZeneca pour de plus amples renseignements.
Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada) BOOTH: 1200 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 4 Boehringer Ingelheim has earned a reputation as a leader in the treatment of respiratory diseases, in particular Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), and has broadened the scope of its work to include diseases such as hypertension, stroke, atrial fibrillation, arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C and Type II Diabetes.For more information please visit our website: Boehringer Ingelheim a acquis la réputation de chef de file dans le traitement des maladies respiratoires, plus particulièrement de la maladie pulmonaire obstructive chronique (MPOC), et a élargi son champ d’activités pour y inclure des maladies telles que l’hypertension, l’accident vasculaire cérébral, la fibrillation auriculaire, l’arthrite, la maladie de Parkinson, le VIH/SIDA, l’hépatite C et le diabète de type II. Pour plus d’information, veuillez visiter notre site
EXHIBITORS • EXPOSANTS Brantford-Brant, Halton and Hamilton BOOTH: 918 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 5 Contest Contribution: Cash
Discover the opportunities for family physicians in Brantford-Brant, Halton and Hamilton; centres for innovation, teaching and research, and home to the renowned McMaster University. Enjoy the natural beauty of our vineyards and orchards, waterfalls and trails, the vibrant arts and entertainment, the perfect blend of rural and urban.
CAN-ADAPTT is developing a Practice Informed Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) for smoking cessation in Canada. As a Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN), CAN-ADAPTT is committed to facilitating research and knowledge exchange among providers, decision makers and researchers to help more Canadians successfully quit smoking. CAN-ADAPTT élabore un guide de pratique fondé sur l’expérience clinique éclairée concernant la cessation du tabagisme au Canada. En tant que réseau de recherche fondée sur la pratique, CAN-ADAPTT se voue à faciliter la recherche, ainsi que la transmission des connaissances entre professionnels, décideurs et chercheurs pour aider plus de Canadiens à réussir à arrêter de fumer.
Canada Beef Inc.
BOOTH: 405 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 3 Contest Contribution: Textbook
The purpose of our booth is to promote Canadian Beef as a healthy and nutritious choice for Canadians. The booth highlights recent research regarding beef/red meat and heart health. Our goal is to engage physicians in one-on-one conversations about the role of beef in health for their patients. Notre stand a pour but de faire la promotion du bœuf canadien comme choix santé nutritif pour les Canadiens. Le stand met en évidence de récentes recherches sur le bœuf, la viande rouge et la santé du cœur. Notre objectif est d’entamer des conversations individuelles avec les médecins au sujet du rôle du bœuf dans la santé de leurs patients.
Canada Health Infoway / Inforoute BOOTH: 821 Santé du Canada PASSPORT POINTS: Level 5 Canada Health Infoway (Infoway) is an independent, not-for-profit organization funded by the federal government. Infoway jointly invests with every province and territory to accelerate the development and adoption of information and communications technology projects for health. Fully respecting patient confidentiality, these secure systems will support safe care decisions and help patients manage their own health. For more, visit
Canada Revenue Agency provides information on the Disability Tax Credit to persons with disabilities, those who care for them, and the qualified practioners who certify the Disability Tax Credit Certificate. L’Agence du revenu du Canada fournit des renseignements au sujet du crédit d’impôt pour personnes handicapées aux personnes visées par ce crédit, à ceux qui s’en occupent et aux praticiens qualifiés qui attestent le certificat pour ce crédit.
Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance (CADDRA) BOOTH: 805 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 2 Contest Contribution: Reference Books
The Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance (CADDRA) is a national, not-for-profit association established by doctors to support health professionals delivering care to patients w i t h A D H D. CA D D R A p r o d u c e s t h e internationally-recognized Canadian ADHD Practice Guidelines (third edition: 2011), organizes an annual conference on ADHD, and offers CME sessions on adult ADHD across Canada. La Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance (CADDRA) est une association nationale sans but lucratif, créée par des médecins pour appuyer les professionnels de la santé qui s’occupent de patients souffrant du TDAH. CADDRA produit les lignes directrices canadiennes pour le TDAH, de renommée internationale (troisième édition, 2011), organise une conférence annuelle sur le TDHA et offre des séances de FMC sur le TDHA dans toutes les régions du Canada.
Canadian and Quebec BOOTH: 515 Association of Optometrists PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1 The mission of the Canadian Association of Optometrists is to represent the profession of Optometry; to enhance the quality, availability, and accessibility of eye, vision, and related health care; to enhance and promote the independent, and ethical decision-making of its members; and to assist Doctors of Optometry in practicing successfully. L’Association canadien des optométristes a pour mission de représenter la profession de l’optométrie, de favoriser la qualité, la disponibilité et l’accessibilité des soins oculo-visuels et des soins de santé connexes, d’accroître et de promouvoir chez ses membres la prise de décision autonome et éthique, et d’aider les docteurs en optométrie à pratiquer avec succès.
Canadian Association for Medical Education (CAME) BOOTH: 223 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1 CAME is a grassroots organization dedicated to the success and improvement of medical education in Canada. Drop by our booth to learn about this national organization, hear about upcoming professional development programs being offered and sign up as a new member! L’ACEM est une organisation de la base qui se consacre à la réussite et à l’amélioration de l’éducation médicale au Canada. Venez visiter notre kiosque pour en savoir davantage à propos de cette organisation médicale, connaître les prochains programmes de développement professionnel et en devenir membre!
Inforoute Santé du Canada (Inforoute) est une organisation indépendante à but non lucratif, financée par le gouvernement fédéral. Inforoute investit conjointement avec chaque province et chaque territoire pour accélérer le développement des technologies de l’information et des communications pour la santé. Respectant entièrement la confidentialité des renseignements personnels, ces systèmes fourniront l’information nécessaire aux cliniciens pour qu’ils soient en mesure de prendre des décisions éclairées, et aux patients pour qu’ils puissent gérer leur propre santé. Pour de plus amples renseignements, visitez
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
exhibitORs • exposANTs
Découvrez les possibilités offertes aux médecins de famille à Brantford-Brant, Halton et Hamilton; les centres d’innovation, d’enseignement et de recherche, et le site de la réputée Université McMaster. Profitez de la beauté naturelle de nos vignobles, vergers, chutes et sentiers, de la richesse des arts et spectacles, le mélange parfait du mode de vie urbain et rural.
Canada Revenue Agency
EXHIBITORS • EXPOSANTS Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians
exhibitORs • exposANTs
Contest Contribution: Gift Cert for CAEP CME in the sun 2012
A s t h e n a t i o n a l vo i c e o f Emergency Medicine, CAEP provides continuing medical education and advocates on behalf of emergency physicians and their patients. CAEP plays a vital role in the development of national standards and clinical guidelines, while collaborating with other specialties and committees. Nous sommes la voix nationale en médecine d’urgence. Nous offrons des activités de formation médicale continue et représentons les intérêts des médecins d’urgence et de leurs patients. Nous jouons un rôle central dans le développement de normes nationales et de guides de pratique clinique et collaborons avec d’autres spécialités et comités.
Canadian Association of BOOTH: 424 Internes & Residents (CAIR) PASSPORT POINTS: Level 2 Contest Contribution: Cash
CAIR is the national representative body of over 8,000 Resident Physicians in Canada. CAIR works on issues that directly affect residents across the country, including personal well-being, the quality of medical education in Canada, and professionalism. Please visit our booth to learn more about our work and getting involved. L’Association canadienne des médecins résidents représente à l’échelle nationale plus de 8 000 médecins résidents. L’ACMR s’intéresse aux questions qui touchent directement les résidents, notamment le bienêtre personnel, la qualité de l’éducation médicale au Canada et le professionnalisme. Venez visiter notre stand pour en savoir plus sur nos travaux et pour vous impliquer.
Canadian Association of Physician Assistants BOOTH: 507 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1 The Canadian Association of Physician Assistants (CAPA) mission is to foster the development of the physician – physician assistant model in order to ensure and improve access to quality medical care for Canadians. Canada’s physician assistants are academically prepared and highly skilled healthcare professionals who can work in any setting, providing medical care that extends physician services.
Canadian Athletic Therapists Association BOOTH: 921 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 2 Contest Contribution: Textbooks
The CATA is a progressive not-for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion and delivery of highest quality care to active individuals through injury prevention, emergency services and rehabilitative techniques, E-mail: L’Association canadienne des thérapeutes du sport (ACTS) est un organisme à but non lucratif d’avant-garde qui, par des programmes de prévention des blessures, des services d’urgence et des techniques de réadaptation, s’engage à promouvoir et à offrir des services de première qualité aux individus actifs., Courriel :
Canadian Cardiovascular Research Network
Canadian Cardiovascular Research Network (CCRN) is a not for profit organization with the goal of promoting research and education in cardiovascular medicine. We offer multiple high caliber CME opportunities throughout the year covering a broad range of cardiovascular patient management issues. Additionally CCRN has a turnkey research trial management division. Le Canadian Cardiovascular Research Network (CCRN) est un organisme sans but lucratif dont le but est de promouvoir la recherche et l’éducation en médecine cardiovasculaire. Nous offrons de nombreuses possibilités de formation médicale continue de grand calibre durant toute l’année, couvrant un large éventail de sujets concernant la prise en charge des patients atteints de maladies cardiovasculaires. De plus, le CCRN s’est doté d’une division de gestion clés en main des études de recherche.
Canadian Celiac Association BOOTH: 822 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 3 Contest Contribution: Five test kits
The Canadian Celiac Association is a volunteerdriven charitable organization providing programs of awareness, advocacy, education and research. Founded in 1972, we were the first support group for those with celiac disease in North America and today, with 29 chapters, are the largest and only national celiac support group in Canada.
L’Association canadienne des adjoints au médecin (ACAM) a pour mission de favoriser le développement du modèle de l’adjoint au médecin afin d’assurer aux Canadiens et Canadiennes des soins de qualité et d’améliorer l’accès à de tels soins médicaux. Au Canada, les adjoints au médecin ont une formation postsecondaire et sont des professionnels de la santé hautement compétents qui peuvent travailler dans tous les milieux et prodiguer des soins médicaux qui prolongent les services du médecin.
L’Association canadienne de la maladie cœliaque est un organisme de bienfaisance dirigé par des bénévoles qui a pour mission la sensibilisation du public, la représentation des intérêts, l’éducation et la recherche. Fondée en 1972, l’organisme a été le premier groupe d’entraide pour ceux atteints de la maladie cœliaque en Amérique du Nord et, aujourd’hui, avec nos 29 filiales, nous formons le plus grand et le seul groupe national de soutien au Canada pour cette maladie.
Canadian Association of Physicians BOOTH: P5 for the Environment (CAPE) PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1
Canadian Consortium for the Investigation of Cannabinoids BOOTH: 824 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1
Doctors and concerned citizens work to protect human health and the environment. CAPE is a leader in the campaign to ban lawn and garden pesticides, and has recently launched a new campaign to promote renewable energy options. Les médecins et les citoyens engagés travaillent à protéger la santé des êtres humains et l’environnement. L’Association canadienne des médecins pour l’environnement est un chef de file dans la campagne contre l’épandage de pesticides sur les pelouses et les jardins et a récemment lancé une nouvelle campagne pour promouvoir des options d’énergie renouvelable.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
The CCIC is a nonprofit organization of basic and clinical researchers and healthcare professionals established to promote evidencebased research and education concerning the endocannabinoid system and therapeutic applications of endocannabinoids and cannabinoids. This is done by networking, supporting and informing healthcare professionals of current research and therapeutic options. Le Consortium canadien pour l’investigation des canabinoïdes est un organisme sans but lucratif composé de chercheurs fondamentaux et cliniques ainsi que de professionnels de la santé, qui a été établi pour promouvoir la recherche factuelle et l’éducation sur le système endocannabinoïde et les applications thérapeutiques des endocannabinoïdes et des cannabinoïdes. Pour ce faire, le consortium travaille en réseau, appuie et renseigne les professionnels de la santé sur les recherches et les options thérapeutiques actuelles.
EXHIBITORS • EXPOSANTS Canadian Institute for Health Information BOOTH: 1206 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1
Canadian Family Practice Nurses Association, CFPNA, was established in June 2008 in response to the need to connect the growing number of nurses working in family practice/primary care in Canada. The nonprofit association provides an important opportunity to network, share resources and advance the roles of nurses in family practice/primary care.
CIHI is an independent, not-for-profit corporation that provides essential information on Canada’s health system and the health of Canadians. Our vision is to help improve Canada’s health system and the wellbeing of Canadians by being a leading source of unbiased, credible and comparable information that will enable health leaders to make betterinformed decisions.
L’Association canadienne des infirmières en médecine familiale a été fondée en juin 2008 afin de rassembler le nombre grandissant d’infirmières travaillant dans les pratiques de médecine familiale et de soins primaires au Canada. Cette association sans but lucratif offre d’importantes possibilités de réseautage, de partage de ressources et de faire valoir le rôle des infirmières dans la pratique de la médecine familiale et des soins primaires.
L’ICIS est un organisme autonome sans but lucratif qui fournit de l’information essentielle sur le système de santé du Canada et sur la santé des Canadiens Notre vision : Contribuer à améliorer le système de santé canadien et le bien-être des Canadiens en étant un chef de file de la production d’information impartiale, fiable et comparable qui permet aux dirigeants du domaine de la santé de prendre des décisions mieux éclairées.
Canadian Forces Health Services BOOTH: 1219 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1
Canadian Obesity Network BOOTH: 401 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1
Medical Officers are commissioned members of the Canadian Forces. In many ways, Canadian Forces Medical Officers do work that is very similar to that of civilian family physicians that provide medical care and advice to patients. Military medicine does, however, place a significant emphasis on some particular areas of primary health care, such as health maintenance and education, health promotion and disease prevention, occupational health and safety and sports medicine.
The mission of CON-RCO is to act as a catalyst for addressing obesity in Canada and to foster knowledge translation and partnerships among stakeholders to develop effective solutions for the treatment and prevention of obesity. The CON-RCO booth will have information about obesity management tools and resources for primary care.
Les médecins militaires sont des membres commissionnés des Forces canadiennes. Le travail des médecins militaires est, à bien des égards, similaire à celui des médecins de familles civils qui prodiguent soins et conseils à leurs patients. Toutefois, la médecine militaire est principalement axée sur les soins de santé primaires tel que le maintien de la santé, l’éducation, la promotion de la santé, la prévention des maladies, la santé et la sécurité au travail, ainsi que la médecine sportive.
Canadian Forces Quality of Life–Military Family Health Care / Qualité de vie des Forces canadiennes–Soins de santé pour les familles des militaires BOOTH: 1217 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1 The national shortage of family physicians, compounded by the frequent relocation of Canadian Forces (CF) personnel, has adversely affected CF families’ access to healthcare. 25-27% of CF families do not have a family physician, compared to 14% of the general Canadian population. Learn how you can help! La pénurie nationale de médecins de famille, en plus des déménagements fréquents des militaires, a créé un delta dans les soins de santé, qui nuit aux familles des militaires. 25 à 27 % des répondants indiquent qu’ils n’ont pas de médecin, comparativement à 14 % de la population générale canadienne. Renseignez-vous comment vous pouvez aider!
Canadian Hemophilia Society BOOTH: 1214 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 2 Contest Contribution: Cash
The Canadian Hemophilia Society is committed to improve the health and quality of life of all people with inherited bleeding disorder and ultimately to find a cure. For more information please contact: The Canadian Hemophilia Society, 1.800.668.2686, chs@ La Société canadienne de l’hémophilie travaille à améliorer l’état de santé et la qualité de vie de toutes les personnes atteintes de troubles héréditaires de la coagulation et, en définitive, à trouver une cure pour ces maladies. Pour en savoir plus, veuillez communiquer avec la Société canadienne de l’hémophilie au 1.800.668.2686,,
Le Réseau Canadien en Obésité a pour mission d’agir comme un catalyseur pour régler le problème de l’obésité au Canada, de faciliter l’application du savoir, ainsi que les partenariats entre intervenants afin d’élaborer des solutions efficaces pour le traitement et la prévention de l’obésité. Vous trouverez au kiosque du Réseau des outils et des ressources pour la prise en charge de l’obésité en soins primaires.
Canadian Pharmacists Association BOOTH: 722 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 5 Contest Contribution: Two single user access to e-therapeutics
The Canadian Pharmacists Association (CPhA) is a leader i n d r u g a n d t h e ra p e u t i c information publishing, both digital and print. L’Association des pharmaciens du Canada (APhC) est un chef de file en matière d’édition d’ouvrages de référence imprimés ou électroniques sur les médicaments et leur emploi en thérapeutique.
Canadian Physiotherapy Association BOOTH: 920 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1 The Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA) is the national voluntary association representing the physiotherapy profession. Connect with a registered physiotherapist at the CPA booth to discuss the range of care physiotherapists can offer your patients and their families. L’Association canadienne de physiothérapie (ACP) est une association nationale à adhésion volontaire représentant la profession. Rencontrez l’un de nos membres au stand de l’ACP afin de discuter de l’éventail de soins que peuvent offrir les physiothérapeutes à vos patients et à leur famille.
Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS) BOOTH: 425 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1 The Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS) is a not-for-profit organization that provides an electronic application service and computer match for entry into postgraduate medical training throughout Canada. CaRMS matches:R-1 Main Residency Match, R-3 Family Medicine/ Emergency Medicine Match, Medicine Subspecialty Match, Pediatric Subspecialty Match. CaRMS staff will be on hand to answer questions about the organization. Le Service canadien de jumelage des résidents (CaRMS) est un organisme sans but lucratif qui offre un service électronique de demande et de jumelage informatisé pour l’admission dans des programmes de formation médicale postdoctorale au Canada.Les jumelages du CaRMS:Jumelage principal (R-1), Jumelage MF/Médecine d’urgence (R-3), Jumelage des spécialités médicales (JSM) (R-4), Jumelage des spécialités pédiatriques. Le personnel du CaRMS sera sur place pour répondre aux questions à propos de l’organisation.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
exhibitORs • exposANTs
Canadian Family Practice Nurses Association BOOTH: P1 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1
exhibitORs • exposANTs
Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care
The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care booth will create awareness among primary care health professionals and researchers and provide an overview of its purpose, operating structure, evidence review and synthesis centre, priority setting and guideline development processes, along with key stakeholders to support coordination, dissemination, implementation and evaluation. Le stand du Groupe d’étude canadien sur les soins de santé préventifs a pour but de sensibiliser les professionnels et les chercheurs en soins de santé primaires et de donner un aperçu de son mandat, de sa structure de fonctionnement, ainsi que du centre d’examen et de synthèse des données factuelles. On y présentera aussi les processus d’établissement des priorités et d’élaboration des lignes directrices, ainsi que les principaux partenariats formés à l’appui de la coordination, de la diffusion, de la mise en œuvre et de l’évaluation.
Canadian Virtual Hospice
The Canadian Virtual Hospice is an award-winning website providing information and support on life-limiting illness, loss and grief for patients, families and health professionals. The website is staffed by experts in palliative care and is ranked as one of Canada’s best health websites by the Canadian Health Libraries Association. Le Portail canadien en soins palliatifs est un site web primé, qui fournit des renseignements et du soutien sur les maladies mortelles, la perte et le deuil destiné aux patients, aux familles et aux professionnels de la santé. Ce site est alimenté par une équipe d’experts en soins palliatifs et se classe parmi les meilleurs sites web en matière de santé au Canada selon l’Association des bibliothèques de la santé du Canada.
Canadian Board of Occupational Medicine’s mandate is to encourage the study, improve the practice and elevate the standards of occupational medicine throughout Canada. The exams are held every year. Le mandate de la Commission canadienne de la médicine du travail est d’encourager l’étude , d’améliorer la pratique et de hausser les norms de la medicine du travail à travers le Canada. Les examens sont tenu à chaque année
Central Community Health Centre BOOTH: 1215 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 3 Contest Contribution: Cash
Minutes away from the beaches of Port Stanley and the cities of London, Hamilton and Windsor, Central Community Health Centre is seeking physicians and nurse practitioners who are interested in client-centred healthcare and working with a dedicated and energetic interprofesional team. We offer full practice or locum opportunities with salary, vacation and pension/benefits. À quelques minutes seulement des plages de Port Stanley et des villes de London, Hamilton et Windsor, le Central Community Health Centre est à la recherche de médecins et d’infirmières praticiennes intéressés à dispenser des soins de santé centrés sur le client et à travailler avec une équipe interprofessionnelle engagée et dynamique. Nous offrons des pratiques complètes ainsi que des possibilités de remplacement avec salaire, vacances, régime de retraite et d’avantages sociaux.
City of Thunder Bay
Thunder Bay offers the benefits of a major centre set in the unspoiled beauty of the north.Teaching, research and continuing professional development opportunities for physicians are offered through the Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, St Joseph’s Care Group and various other options.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
Thunder Bay vous offre les avantages d’un grand centre et la nature intacte du Nord. Des possibilités d’enseignement, de recherche et de développement professionnel continu sont offertes aux médecins par le biais de la Faculté de médecine du Nord de l’Ontario, du Centre régional des sciences de la santé de Thunder Bay, du St Joseph’s Care Group, ainsi que différentes autres options.
College of Family Physicians of Canada
BOOTH: College Square PASSPORT POINTS: Level 18
Please drop by College Square in the Exhibit Hall and meet with CFPC staff who will be p l e a s e d t o a n s w e r yo u r questions and update you on our latest initiatives including the Patient’s Medical Home, Triple C, CPD online reporting, and the new Section of Family Physicians with Special Interests or Focused Practices! There are also other College departments represented, and of course the REF and Silent Auction! Passez au Square du Collège dans le Hall d’exposition et rencontrez les employés du CMFC qui seront heureux de répondre à vos questions et vous renseigner sur toutes les nouvelles initiatives du Collège, dont le Centre de médecine de famille, le cursus Triple C, la soumission de crédits de DPC en ligne ainsi que sur la toute nouvelle Section des médecins de famille avec intérêts particuliers ou pratiques ciblées. D’autres départements du Collège y seront également, dont la FRÉ et son fameux Encan silencieux.
Research and Education Foundation
BOOTH: College Square
Be sure to check out the Research and Education Foundation’s exhibit at College Square. Sign up for the Walk for the Docs, or support a participant. Browse the Silent Auction – twice the size of last year with items closing each day of FMF. Learn about the awards program supporting family medicine learners and practitioners. See you there! Ne manquez pas de visiter la Fondation pour la recherche en éducation au Square du Collège. Inscrivez-vous à la Marche pour les médecins de demain ou appuyez un participant. Voyez les articles offerts à l’encan silencieux (clôtures des enchères sur certains articles tous les soirs) - deux fois plus d’articles qu’en 2010! Renseignez-vous sur notre programme de prix et bourses et appuyez nos étudiants et praticiens. Au plaisir de vous y voir!
Collège Québécois des médecins de famille / BOOTH: College Square
Quebec College of Family Physicians Take advantage of this great opportunity and visit the QCFP booth to find out our latest in continuing medical education (scientific and pedagogical assemblies), networking (new Web site), CPD programs (PBSG, Self-learning, and others), and more. Become a member if you aren’t already! Share your needs and concerns. Our staff will be happy to answer your questions. See you there! Profitez de cette vitrine qui vous est offerte et visitez le kiosque du CQMF pour connaître nos nouveautés en formation (assemblées scientifique et pédagogique), réseautage (nouveau site Web), programmes de DPC (PGBP, Autoapprentissage et autres), et plus encore. Devenez membre si vous ne l’êtes pas déjà! Faites-nous part de vos besoins et commentaires. Ce sera avec plaisir que notre personnel répondra à vos questions. On vous y attend!
CUSO-VSO is an international development organization that works through volunteers. We work in over 40 countries and six goal areas, including: Health, Disability, HIV and AIDS, Education, Secure Livelihoods, Participation and Governance. CUSO-VSO recruits skilled professionals from a variety of professional backgrounds to work in partnership with local or national organizations around the world. CUSO-VSO est un organisme de développement international qui fonctionne grâce à des bénévoles. Nous travaillons dans plus de 40 pays et nous ciblons six domaines : la santé, l’incapacité, le VIH/sida, l’éducation, la vie en sécurité, la participation et la gouvernance. CUSOVSO recrute des professionnels compétents dans diverses spécialités pour travailler en partenariat avec des organisations locales ou nationales dans le monde entier.
EXHIBITORS • EXPOSANTS Dalhousie University
Please stop by to learn more about Dalhousie Family Medicine. Our six sites are located in New Brunswick - Fredericton, Moncton and Saint John, Nova Scotia - Halifax and Cape Breton and Prince Edward Island. Starting in July 2011 we have a three year integrated Family Medicine Emergency Medicine program as well we offer many third year programs. Dalhousie Family Medicine is inspiring minds and impacting communities!
Ddrops Company
Ddrops™ is passionate about Vitamin D! The Ddrops™ Company is 100% Canadian and founded in response to a need for a simple way to provide the vitamin that is most often deficient in Canadians - Vitamin D. Research and development is geared toward safe, effective, convenient and economical forms of vitamin D. Chez Ddrops MC, nous sommes des passionnés de vitamine D! La compagnie DdropsMC est entièrement canadienne et a été créée pour répondre au besoin de trouver une façon simple de fournir aux Canadiens et Canadiennes la vitamine qui leur fait si souvent défaut - la vitamine D. Notre département de recherche et développement est orienté vers des formes de vitamine D sécuritaires, efficaces, pratiques et économiques.
Department of Family Medicine – Calgary – AHS BOOTH: 801 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 2 Contest Contribution: Cash
Calgary is a city that supports the practice of family medicine and midwifery through the Department of Family Medicine. If you are considering a practice in Calgary, visit our booth to make connection with our Physician Recruitment Coordinator. She will assist you to connect with opportunities, supports and services in Calgary. Calgary est une ville qui appuie la pratique de la médecine familiale et de la profession de sage-femme par l’intermédiaire du Département de médecine familiale. Si vous envisagez d’exercer à Calgary, visitez notre stand pour établir un contact avec la coordonnatrice du recrutement des médecins. Elle vous aidera à cerner les possibilités, les services et le soutien à Calgary.
Dryden Regional Health Centre BOOTH: P6 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1 In three years our friendly city of 8500 has grown by 8 new physicians; could Dryden, Ontario also be for you? We’re five minutes from sailing/ windsurfing venues, community theatre, tennis, golf, world class biking/ hiking trails, beaches, City parks, rock climbing and world class fishing. Come visit at En trois ans, le nombre de médecins dans notre ville accueillante de 8 500 habitants s’est accru de huit.Dryden, en Ontario, serait-il aussi l’endroit idéal pour vous? Nous sommes à cinq minutes des toutes sortes de possibilités : voilier et planche à voile, théâtre communautaire, tennis, golf, vélo, randonnées pédestres, plages, parcs, escalade et pêche de calibre mondial. Visitez-nous à
We are a national registered charity dedicated to providing patient support, education, awareness, and research. Visit our booth to obtain free patient resources, including treatment guides, bathing and moisturizing information and eczema assessments. We are here to help you help your eczema patients! Nous sommes un organisme national de bienfaisance enregistré, consacré au soutien des patients, à l’éducation, à la sensibilisation et à la recherche. Visitez notre stand pour obtenir des ressources gratuites. L’information offerte inclue des guides de traitement approuvés par des dermatologues, ainsi que de l’information concernant la toilette, l’hydratation ainsi que l’évaluation de l’eczéma. Nous sommes ici pour vous aider à aider vos patients affectés par l’eczéma!
Egg Farmers of Canada
BOOTH: 207 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 5 Contest Contribution: Cash
Visit us at the Egg Farmers of Canada booth to break the myth about eggs and cholesterol! Venez nous visiter au kiosque des Producteurs d’œufs du Canada pour faire toute la lumière sur le mythe entourant les œufs et le cholestérol!
Eli Lilly Canada
Cymbalta (duloxetine), manufactured by Lilly, a leader in neuroscience, has two separate indication categories. It is approved for use in Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. It is also an analgesic for use in Chronic Low Back Pain, Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathic Pain and Fibromyalgia. Website: Cymbalta (duloxétine), fabriqué par Lilly, un chef de file en neurosciences, a deux catégories d’indications distinctes. Il est approuvé pour le trouble dépressif majeur et le trouble d’anxiété généralisée. Il est également un analgésique utilisé pour la lombalgie chronique, la neuropathie diabétique périphérique et la fibromyalgie.
Enhanced 18-Month Well-Baby Visit BOOTH: P10 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1 Ontario has introduced an enhanced 18-month visit, switching the focus from a well-baby check to a pivotal assessment of developmental health. Standardized tools are recommended to facilitate physicians to have a broader discussion with families on development, parenting, literacy, and connection to local community services. To support physicians, an educational webportal has been developed. L’Ontario a instauré une consultation à l’âge de 18 mois comportant de nouveaux éléments qui ne se limitent plus au bilan de santé du bébé, mais portent aussi sur une évaluation centrale de la santé développementale. Des outils standardisés sont recommandés pour faciliter le travail des médecins dans leurs discussions plus larges avec la famille sur le développement, le rôle parental, la littératie et la connexion avec les services communautaires locaux. Un portail web éducatif a été élaboré à l’intention des médecins.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
exhibitORs • exposANTs
Venez nous visiter pour en savoir plus à propos de la médecine familiale à l’Université Dalhousie. Nos six établissements sont situés à Fredericton, Moncton et Saint John, au Nouveau-Brunswick, à Halifax et au Cap Breton en Nouvelle-Écosse et à l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard. À compter de juillet 2011, nous offrons un programme intégré de médecine d’urgence en médecine familiale, et plusieurs autres programmes de troisième année. La médecine familiale à Dalhousie stimule l’esprit et touche les communautés!
Eczema Society of Canada
EXHIBITORS • EXPOSANTS Ferring Pharmaceuticals
exhibitORs • exposANTs
Ferring Pharmaceuticals is a speciality, research-driven pharmaceutical company that provides safe and effective products. Products include: DDAVP® Melt to stop bedwetting; BioGaia® drops and tabs for the relief of paediatric gut upset; Tuzen® is a clinically proven treatment of IBS. Ferring Produits Pharmaceutiques est une société biopharmaceutique axée sur la recherche qui fournit des produits sûrs et efficaces. Ses produits novateurs : DDAVP® Melt pour mettre un terme à l’énurésie nocturne, les gouttes et les comprimés BioGaia® pour le soulagement des troubles digestifs chez les enfants et TuZen®, un traitement éprouvé en clinique du syndrome du côlon irritable.
Foundation for Medical Practice Education / La Fondation pour l’éducation médicale continue BOOTH: 924 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1 The Foundation for Medical Practice Education publishes 14 educational modules per year (6000 members with 80+ topics in our library) to introduce family physicians to practice-based learning in order to maintain and enhance their professional knowledge and competence in addition to providing MainPro-C accreditation with the CFPC. La Fondation de l’éducation pour la pratique médicale publie 14 modules éducatifs par année (plus de 6 000 membres et plus de 80 sujets dans notre bibliothèque) pour offrir une méthodologie d’apprentissage fondé sur la pratique afin que les médecins maintiennent et perfectionnent leurs connaissances et compétences professionnelles. Les programmes bénéficient de l’agrément Mainpro-C du CMFC.
GE Healthcare
Goderich Alexandra Marine & General Hospital and Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance BOOTH: 925 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1 Come join us on “Ontario’s West Coast” along the shores of Lake Huron. Visit the HPHA & AMGH booth to see what opportunities our five communities (Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth, Stratford & St. Marys) have to offer. Gwen Devereaux, Physician Recruitment Leader will be glad to meet you and answer any questions you have. Venez nous rejoindre sur la « côte ouest de l’Ontario » sur les rives du lac Huron. Visitez le stand de HPHA et d’AMGH pour connaître les possibilités qu’ont à offrir nos cinq collectivités (Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth, Stratford et St. Marys). Gwen Devereaux, gestionnaire du recrutement des médecins, se fera un plaisir de vous rencontrer et de répondre à vos questions.
Health Canada - MedEffect™ Canada/Sante Canada - MedEffetMC Canada BOOTH: 603 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1 MedEffect™ Canada provides centralized access to new health product safety information; makes it simple and efficient for health professionals to report adverse reactions; and raises awareness about the importance of reporting adverse reactions to Health Canada. MedEffetMC Canada permet l’accès centralisé à des informations sur la sécurité des produits de santé; fournit aux professionnels de la santé des moyens simples et efficaces pour déclarer les effets indésirables; et sensibilise la population à l’importance de signaler à Santé Canada les effets indésirables.
Health Canada – BOOTH: 609 Medical Marihuana Reform PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1
GE Healthcare provides transformational medical technologies and services that are shaping a new age of patient care. Visit GE Healthcare’s booth to see Vscan – a new pocket-sized visualization tool that houses ultrasound technology, transforms the physical exam and can deepen your connection with your patients. This unique, easy-to-use device provides a non-invasive look inside the body, for immediate visual validation of what you feel and hear.
In response to concerns heard from Canadians, the Government of Canada is considering improvements to Health Canada’s Marihuana Medical Access Program. Physicians have always played an integral role in the Program; Health Canada is seeking their views on the proposed improvements, as they are instrumental to building a redesigned program that meets the needs of patients.
GE Healthcare fournit des technologies médicales et des services transformationnels qui révolutionnent les soins de santé. Visitez le stand de GE Healthcare pour voir le Vscan – un nouvel outil de visualisation format de poche qui comporte une technologie échographique, transforme l’examen physique et peut approfondir la connexion avec vos patients. Ce dispositif unique et convivial, vous permet sans effraction de voir à l’intérieur du corps, pour une validation visuelle immédiate de ce que vous ressentez et entendez.
Afin de répondre aux préoccupations reçues des Canadiens, le gouvernement du Canada envisage d’améliorer le Programme d’accès à la marihuana à des fins médicales de Santé Canada. Puisque les médecins ont toujours eu un rôle fondamental dans le Programme, Santé Canada aimerait recueillir leurs commentaires sur les améliorations proposées. La contribution des médecins est essentielle à l’élaboration d’un nouveau programme qui répondra aux besoins des patients.
BOOTH: 904/906/908 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 3
GlaxoSmithKline Inc. – one of the world’s leading research-based pharmaceutical, vaccine and healthcare companies – is committed to improving the quality of human life by enabling people to do more, feel better and live longer. In Canada, GlaxoSmithKline is a top 15 investor in research and development, contributing more than $156 million in 2008 alone. GSK is designated a Caring Company by Imagine Canada, and is consistently recognized as one of the 50 best companies to work for in Canada. For company information please visit, À titre de géant mondial voué à la recherche dans le domaine des médicaments, des vaccins et des soins de santé, GlaxoSmithKline est résolue à améliorer la qualité de la vie en aidant les gens à être plus actifs, à se sentir mieux et à vivre plus longtemps. Elle compte parmi les 15 principaux investisseurs en recherche-développement au Canada, ayant consacré plus de 156 millions de dollars dans ce secteur en 2008 seulement. GSK a été désignée Société généreuse par le programme Imagine Canada et figure année après année parmi les 50 employeurs de choix au Canada. Pour obtenir plus d’information sur la société, visitez
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
Health Match BC
Health Match BC is a free health professional recruitment service funded by the Government of British Columbia, Canada. Our physician services team matches qualified family practitioners to opportunities that suit their career and lifestyle interests. If you are a family practitioner seeking employment in BC, contact Health Match BC today. Health Match BC est un service gratuit de recrutement des professionnels de la santé financé par le gouvernement de la Colombie-Britannique. Notre équipe responsable des services médicaux fait le jumelage entre les médecins de famille compétents et les possibilités qui concordent avec leurs aspirations professionnelles et leur mode de vie. Si vous êtes un médecin de famille intéressé à pratiquer en Colombie-Britannique, communiquez dès aujourd’hui avec Health Match BC.
EXHIBITORS • EXPOSANTS High Definition Golf™
High Definition Golf™ simulators set a new standard in accuracy and realism for indoor golf. The simulator utilizes advanced computer vision technology to provide the most comprehensive and precise shot analysis in the simulator industry. This has made High Definition Golf™ the new favorite in luxury homes, indoor golf centers, golf course clubhouses, recreation centers, luxury hotels and resorts. And, the system of choice for PGA Tour Pros, Top Golf Instructors & Golf Equipment Manufacturers.
Hypertension Canada
BOOTH: 1216 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 3 Contest Contribution: Cash
Hypertension Canada is a volunteerbased, not-for-profit, charitable organization advancing health by the prevention and control of high blood pressure through research, advocacy, education and knowledge development and translation. Our values include; evidence-informed decision making, innovation, multi-disciplinary & multi-sectoral collaboration, transparency and volunteer leadership. We represent over 50 years of expertise in the field of hypertension. Hypertension Canada est un organisme de bienfaisance sans but lucratif, formé de bénévoles, qui fait la promotion de la santé par la prévention et le contrôle de l’hypertension, au moyen de la recherche, de la représentation, de l’éducation, du développement et de l’application du savoir. Nous avons pour valeurs la prise de décisions factuelles, l’innovation, la collaboration multidisciplinaire et multisectorielle, la transparence et le leadership bénévole. Nous nous appuyons sur plus de 50 ans d’expérience dans le domaine de l’hypertension.
Ideal Protein
Providing over 50 gourmet foods, our medically-designed weight loss program yields rapid fat-loss while sparing muscle. Comprehensive and on-going in-house training and support is included. Comptant plus de 50 aliments pour fins gourmets, notre programme d’amaigrissement conçu médicalement permet une perte rapide de graisse tout en épargnant les muscles. Il comprend aussi une formation continue et du soutien sur place.
Interior Health Authority
iRxep: Innovative physician education programs for prescription and OTC products created through a perfect marriage of “clean”, unbiased product information in three minute presentations from Pharmacists and Canada’s leading television and movie industry experts. Improves Rx and OTC drug knowledge, increases practice revenues and reduces prescription errors. Hundreds of drugs covered. iRxep : Ces programmes novateurs pour les médecins les renseignent sur les médicaments d’ordonnance et en vente libre en combinant des présentations des renseignements « propres » et impartiaux sur les médicaments par des pharmaciens, en segments de trois minutes, et l’expertise de l’industrie de la télévision et du cinéma au Canada. Ils rehaussent les connaissances sur les médicaments d’ordonnance et en vente libre, augmentent les revenus de la pratique et réduisent les erreurs de prescription. Des centaines de médicaments couverts.
IUD Insertion Training
Dr Ellen Wiebe and Dr Konia Trouton are family doctors who run IUD clinics and will be available to teach IUD insertions in the exhibit hall Thursday 9-5, Friday 9-4 and Saturday 9-1. They will have the various IUDs that are available in Canada and will use models and slides for teaching in English and French. Les Dres Ellen Wiebe et Konia Trouton dirigeront l’atelier de pose de stérilet dans le hall d’exposition le jeudi de 9h00 à 17h00, le vendredi de 9h00 à 16h00 et le samedi de 9h00 à 13h00. Elles auront à la disposition des participants tous les types de stérilets disponibles au Canada et utiliseront des modèles ainsi que des diapositives lors de l’enseignement en anglais et français.
J.A. Hildes Northern Medical Unit BOOTH: 524 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1 Contest Contribution:
The J.A. Hildes Northern Medical Unit (NMU) was established in 1979 to provide health care to rural and remote areas of Manitoba, particularly First Nations communities. The NMU physicians provide services to the hospital based communities of Churchill, Hodgson and Norway House. The nursing station communities of Poplar River, Berens River, Bloodvein, Little Grand Rapids, Pukatawagan, Pauingassi, Chemawawin, Grand Rapids, and the four communities of Island Lake: Garden Hill, Red Sucker Lake, St. Theresa Point, and Wasagamack receive consistent NMU physician support. La J.A. Hildes Northern Medical Unit (NMU) a été créée en 1979 dans le but d’offrir des soins de santé aux régions rurales et éloignées du Manitoba, en particulier aux collectivités des Premières Nations. Les médecins de la NMU desservent en milieu hospitalier les communautés de Churchill, Hodgson et Norway House, et offrent un soutien continu aux communautés dotées d’un poste d’infirmières de Poplar River, Berens River, Bloodvein, Little Grand Rapids, Pukatawagan, Pauingassi, Chemawawin, Grand Rapids et aux quatre collectivités d’Island Lake : Garden hill, Red Sucker Lake, St. Theresa Point et Wasagamack, reçoivent également le soutien des médecins de la NMU, et ce sur une base régulière.
FPs in Interior Health provide services to 749,600 residents in BC’s sunny Southern Interior. Opportunities are available for FP’s interested in office and clinic practice as well as those with emergency, anaesthesia, obstetrics and surgery training. Urban and rural locations offer exceptional lifestyle and recreation. Interested? Find out more Les médecins de famille de la régie de la santé du Centre de la C.-B. offrent des services à 749 600 résidants de cette région intérieure du sud de la province. Des possibilités sont offertes aux MF intéressés à une pratique en cabinet et en clinique ainsi qu’à ceux qui ont une formation en anesthésie, en médecine d’urgence, en obstétrique et en chirurgie. Des emplacements urbains et ruraux offrent des choix exceptionnels de modes de vie et de loisirs. Intéressés? Pour en savoir plus, allez à
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
exhibitORs • exposANTs
Les simulateurs High Definition Golf™ établissent un nouveau standard en matière de précision et de réalisme pour le golf intérieur. Le simulateur utilise une technologie informatique avancée de visionnement pour offrir l’analyse du mouvement la plus complète et la plus exacte de l’industrie de la simulation. Cette expertise a fait de High Definition Golf™ le nouveau produit de prédilection dans les maisons de luxe, les clubs de golf intérieur, les centres de loisirs, les hôtels et les endroits de villégiature de classe supérieure. C’est aussi le système privilégié par les professionnels des tournois de la PGA, les instructeurs de golf de renom et les fabricants de matériel de golf
exhibitORs • exposANTs
As a member of the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies, Janssen Inc. is dedicated to addressing and solving the most important unmet medical needs in pain management, psychiatry, oncology, psoriasis, virology, anemia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, dementia, gastroenterology and women’s health. Driven by our commitment to the passionate pursuit of science for the benefit of patients, we work together to bring innovative ideas, products and services to patients around the world. À titre de membre du groupe des entreprises pharmaceutiques Janssen, Janssen Inc. s’emploie à répondre aux besoins non satisfaits les plus importants dans le domaine de la douleur, la psychiatrie, l’oncologie, le psoriasis, la virologie, l’anémie, le trouble déficitaire de l’attention avec hyperactivité, la démence, la gastroentérologie et la santé de la femme. Poussés par notre passion de mettre la science au service des patients, nous collaborons à de nouvelles solutions, produits et services pour le bien des patients dans le monde entier.
Johnson & Johnson Inc.
Our purpose at Johnson & Johnson Inc. – Bringing Science to the Art of Healthy Living – is brought to life by combining innovative research and technology with a deep understanding of the needs of patients and consumers. We are proud that our medical and consumer health products are trusted to enrich the health and wellness of Canadians. Our portfolio includes NEUTROGENA®, AVEENO® , TYLENOL®, AXERT® as well as NICORETTE® and NICODERM® products.
Chez Johnson & Johnson Inc., notre objectif est : La science au service changed to PMS 200 - March 2011
d’une vie saine, n’est possible que grâce à la combinaison entre l’innovation en recherche et en technologie et la compréhension approfondie des besoins des consommateurs. Nous sommes fiers du fait qu’il y ait au moins un ou plusieurs de nos produits de santé et de soins personnels dans presque chaque foyer canadien. Notre portefeuille comprend les produits NEUTROGENA®, AVEENO®, TYLENOL®, AXERT®, ainsi que NICORETTE® et NICODERM®.
Kellogg Canada Inc.
BOOTH: 813 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 5 Contest Contribution: Cash
Why wheat bran? Health Canada has concluded that wheat bran fibre is the gold standard for regularity. All-Bran® cereals and bars have wheat bran as their #1 source of fibre, to help your patients live every day feeling great inside and out. Visit booth #813 to learn more and to sign up to receive a FREE All-Bran® regularity patient * © 2009, Trademark of Kellogg Company used under licence by Kellogg Canada Inc. kit. Web address: * © 2009, marque de commerce de Kellogg Company utilisée sous licence par Kellogg Canada Inc.
Pourquoi le son de blé ? Santé Canada a conclu que les fibres de son de blé étaient la norme absolue en ce qui concerne la régularité. La principale source de fibres des céréales et des barres All-Bran® est le son de blé, qui aide vos patients à se sentir bien tous les jours, à l’intérieur comme à l’extérieur. Visitez le stand 813 pour en savoir plus et vous inscrire pour recevoir GRATUITEMENT une trousse All-Bran® d’information relative à la régularité pour les patients. Web address:
Trademark of/marque de commerce de Kellogg Company used under licence by/utilisée sous licence par Kellogg Canada Inc.
Kirkland and District Hospital BOOTH: P4 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1 Tired of the rat race? Come and experience a terrific medical practice setting and live on the lake 10 minutes from the hospital ! Attractive incentives, very low overhead, hospitalist program, family health team, friendly bilingual community! Take a walk on the LIFE side…check out what Kirkland Lake has to offer! Vous en avez assez de vivre à un rythme effréné? Venez faire l’expérience d’un formidable contexte de pratique médicale et de vie près du lac, à 10 minutes de l’hôpital! Des incitations attrayantes, des frais généraux minimes, un programme pour hospitalistes, une équipe de santé familiale et une communauté bilingue accueillante! Venez faire l’expérience de la vie…voyez ce que Kirkland Lake a à offrir!
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
L’actualité médicale and The Medical Post BOOTH: 407 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1 Rogers Healthcare Group, Canada’s largest independent medical publisher, publishes L’actualite Medicale and The Medical Post, as well as and With the highest frequency in print, and the leading medical publication websites for daily visitors, physicians find the mix of medico-political news, clinical updates, practice management tips and lifestyle content enhances their professional and personal lives. Rogers Healthcare Group, le plus grand éditeur de revues médicales au Canada, publie L’actualité médicale et The Medical Post, ainsi que et Il publie les revues avec la plus grande fréquence sous forme imprimée et compte le plus grand nombre de visites quotidiennes dans ses sites web de publications médicales. Il présente aux médecins des actualités médico-politiques, des mises à jour cliniques, des conseils en gestion de la pratique et du contenu sur les modes de vie pour
Leo Pharma Inc.
BOOTH: 619, 625, 820 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 3
Founded in 1908, LEO Pharma is a global independent, research-based pharmaceutical company. LEO Pharma is committed to the discovery and development of novel drugs for patients within the areas of dermatology and critical care medicine. LEO Pharma has its own sales forces in 58 countries and employs more than 3,900 employees worldwide. For more information about LEO Pharma, visit Visit the LEO Pharma booth to learn more about our products and our commitment to dermatology care in Canada. Fondée en 1908, LEO Pharma est une entreprise indépendante internationale de produits pharmaceutiques axée sur la recherche. LEO Pharma s’investie dans la découverte et le développement de nouveaux médicaments pour les patients dans le domaine de la dermatologie et de la médecine des soins intensifs. LEO Pharma a ses propres effectifs de ventes dans 58 pays et emploie plus de 3 900 personnes à l’échelle mondiale. Pour plus de renseignements sur LEO Pharma, visitez www. Venez au stand de LEO Pharma pour en apprendre davantage sur nos produits et notre engagement à l’endroit des soins dermatologiques au Canada.
Les Délices de l’Érable
Les Délices de l’Érable (Canadian Maple Delights) is a unique concept in North America. Come and taste the unique experience of the Délices de l’Érable. You will enjoy the free sampling of our maple products and discover our high quality gourmet products. All our syrup is 100% pure and organic. Les Délices de l’Érable est un concept unique en Amérique du Nord. Venez goûter l’expérience unique de l’Délices de l’Érable. Vous apprécierez la dégustation gratuite de nos produits de l’érable et découvrez nos produits gastronomiques de haute qualité. Tous nos sirops sont 100% purs et biologiques.
Les programmes francophones de résidence de médecine familiale BOOTH: 221 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1 Quebec’s three French-only universities invite you to visit their booth. Their training programs and curricula, their vast network of family practice units in both urban and rural locations, and their programs teaching advanced skills will all be exhibited at this booth. Come and share our excitement about training highly skilled and competent family physicians. Les 3 universités exclusivement francophones de la Province de Québec vous invitent à visiter leur kiosque conjoint. Seront présentés les programmes de formation avec leur cursus, le vaste réseau des UMF à la fois urbaines et en régions, ainsi que leurs programmes de compétences avancées. Venez partager notre enthousiasme pour la formation de médecins de famille compétents.
BOOTH: 1224/1226 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 2 Contest Contribution: Book gift certificates
Login Canada is the main source for the latest medical publications from the largest medical book publishers in Canada. Please drop by to see the newest material available in your field.
Lundbeck Canada
BOOTH: 1117/1119 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 2
At Lundbeck, our vision is unique. We focus exclusively on developing new therapies for diseases of the central nervous system (CNS).Psychiatric and neurological disorders are complex. Our goal is simple – to improve the quality of life for patients and their caregivers,and the treatment options for their dedicated healthcare professionals. Notre vision est unique. Nous nous concentrons exclusivement sur la mise au point de traitements novateurs pour les maladies du système nerveux central (SNC) . Les troubles psychiatriques et neurologiques sont complexes. Notre objectif, lui, est simple : améliorer la qualité de vie des patients et de leurs aidants ainsi que les options de traitement pour faciliter le travail dévoué des professionnels de la santé.
McGill University
The McGill Family Medicine Residency is a fully accredited Program. We will feature information on the reasons why our training Program is highly rated by residents year after year. Our booth features helpful hand-outs and information pamphlets. Le Programme de résidence en médecine familiale de McGill a reçu un agrément complet. Nous vous informerons des raisons qui poussent les résidents, année après année, à donner une cote élevée à notre programme de résidence. Nous vous présenterons également une description détaillée de notre programme de résidence.
MCI The Doctors Office™
BOOTH: 815 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 2 Contest Contribution: Cash
MCI, a Canadian family medicine management company, has roots in Ontario for 25 years and Alberta for 31 years. MCI specializes in helping physicians to chose practice options and focus 100% on patient care by MCI assuming full responsibility for all administration and clinic operations in their 31 locations. MCI, une entreprise canadienne de gestion en médecine familiale, a ses racines en Ontario depuis 25 ans et en Alberta, depuis 31 ans. MCI aide les médecins dans leurs choix de pratique pour qu’ils puissent se donner entièrement aux soins à leurs patients. MCI assume la pleine responsabilité des activités administratives et cliniques dans ses 31 emplacements.
McMaster University, Department of Family Medicine BOOTH: 324 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1
MD Analytics provides marketing research services to healthcare and pharmaceutical organizations. Our single industry focus and our industry leading HealthViews Market Research Panel are essential elements and defining characteristics for our company that fuel our ability to develop innovative marketing research solutions addressing the unique challenges within the health industry. MD Analytics offre des services de recherche en marketing aux organisations de soins de santé et pharmaceutiques. Notre spécialisation axée sur une industrie unique et notre pannel de recherche sur les marchés HealthViews sont des éléments essentiels et des caractéristiques distinctives de notre entreprise qui alimentent notre capacité d’élaborer des solutions de recherche en marketing qui répondent aux défis particuliers dans l’industrie de la santé.
MD Physician Services
BOOTH: 119 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 2 Contest Contribution: i-pod
MD Physician Services, a CMA company, is dedicated to serving the financial and practice needs of Canadian physicians through objective financial advice and wealth management, as well as software, consulting and practice management services. More information can be found at and Services aux médecins MD, une entreprise de l’AMC, consacre ses efforts à répondre aux besoins des médecins canadiens en matière de gestion financière et médicale en leur offrant des conseils financiers objectifs et des services de gestion de patrimoine ainsi que des solutions informatiques, des conseils et des services de gestion médicale. Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez consulter les sites et amc. ca/solutionscliniques.
Medical Futures Inc.
Medical Futures Inc. is a niche pharmaceutical company based in Richmond Hill, Ontario, brining innovative products to Canada and the USA. Our therapeutic areas include Gastroenterology and Gynecology. Key products include Florastor®, Iberogast®, Pegalax®, Mutaflor®, Ella Probiotic® and Proferrin®. Medical Futures Inc. est une société de produits pharmaceutiques à créneaux particuliers, établie à Richmond Hill en Ontario, qui offre des produits novateurs au Canada et aux États-Unis. Nos intérêts thérapeutiques se situent principalement en gastro-entérologie et en gynécologie. Parmi nos principaux produits figurent Florastor®, Iberogast®, Pegalax®, Mutaflor®, Ella Probiotic® et Proferrin®.
Memorial University – Family Medicine Primary Healthcare Research Unit BOOTH: 219 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1 The Primary Healthcare Research Unit (PHRU) and the Centre for Rural Health Studies (CRHS) conduct clinical and healthcare services research in the area of primary healthcare. Researchers and research professionals are available to share knowledge, consult, converse, and work in partnership with those who are interested in primary healthcare research. L’unité de recherche sur les soins de première ligne (PHRU) et le centre d’études sur la santé dans les régions rurales (CRHS) s’intéressent aux domaines cliniques et aux services de santé. Les chercheurs et professionnels échangent, consultent et travaillent en partenariat avec tous ceux qui s’intéressent aux soins de première ligne.
McMaster Family Medicine offers many diverse sites where residents enjoy the uniqueness of their site while maintaining the same family medicine core curriculum. Our sites include Hamilton (McMaster Family Practice, Stonechurch, community-based sites), Kitchener-Waterloo, Brampton, Niagara, rural sites and a new campus opening in Burlington. Drop by and visit us! Le programme de médecine familiale à l’Université McMaster offre de nombreux établissements de formation où les résidents peuvent apprécier le caractère unique de leur centre tout en suivant le même programme d’enseignement de base en médecine familiale. Parmi les emplacements, on compte Hamilton (McMaster Family Practice, Stonechurch Family Health Centre, établissements en milieu communautaire), KitchenerWaterloo, Brampton, Niagara, des emplacements ruraux et un nouveau campus à Burlington. Au plaisir de vous rencontrer à notre stand.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
exhibitORs • exposANTs
Login Canada est la principale source des plus récentes publications des plus importants éditeurs du domaine médical au Canada. Nous vous invitons à nous visiter pour consulter le matériel le plus récent.
MD Analytics
exhibitORs • exposANTs
Memorial University of Newfoundland BOOTH: 318 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1 Drop by the Program booth for Memorial University of Newfoundland and find out all about training in Family Medicine in Newfoundland and Labrador… and beyond! Our program uses the unique medical and geographic characteristics of the province and the country to train physicians for rural/remote and urban practice. If you are interested in an adventure, as well as exciting learning experiences, then the Family Medicine Residency Program at Memorial University of Newfoundland is the one for you. Venez visiter le stand du programme de Memorial University of Newfoundland et vous saurez tout sur la formation en médecine familiale à Terre-Neuve et au Labrador … et au-delà! Notre programme mise sur les caractéristiques médicales et géographiques uniques de la province pour former des médecins en vue de la pratique urbaine et rurale. Si vous êtes intéressé à vivre une aventure ainsi qu’à des expériences d’apprentissage enrichissantes, le programme de résidence en médecine familiale de Memorial University of Newfoundland est celui qui vous convient.
Merck Canada
Today’s Merck is a global healthcare leader working to help the world be well. Through our medicines, vaccines, biologic therapies, and consumer and animal products, we work with customers and operate in more than 140 countries to deliver innovative health solutions. Merck. Be Well. Visit La société Merck d’aujourd’hui est un chef de file mondial dans le domaine des soins de santé afin d’aider le monde à vivre mieux. Grâce à nos médicaments, vaccins, traitements biologiques, produits de santé grand public et de santé animale, nous collaborons avec nos clients et oeuvre dans plus de 140 pays à procurer des solutions de santé novatrices. Merck. Vivre mieux. Visitez le site
Middlesex Hospital Alliance BOOTH: 306 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1 The MHA is an alliance between Four Counties Health Services, (Newbury, ON) and Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital, (Strathroy, ON). Together, we provide comprehensive patient care to a largely rural population of over 80,000 residents in South-Western Ontario. See what exciting opportunities await you. La MHA est une alliance entre quatre services de santé de comté (Newbury, ON) et le Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital, (Strathroy, ON). Ensemble, nous offrons des soins complets et globaux aux patients dans une population largement rurale de plus de 80 000 résidants dans le Sud-Ouest de l’Ontario. Venez voir quelles possibilités intéressantes vous sont offertes.
NeilMed Pharmaceuticals
NeilMed Pharmaceuticals, manufacturers of allergy & sinus relief products. Sinus Rinse™ Kit, NetiPot, soothing saline nasal irrigation system includes 50 packets of preservative free, isotonic, pH balanced mixture. NasoGel™, Saline gel for dry nasal passages. NasaMist™, buffered, preservative free nasal spray. NeilMed Pharmaceuticals est un fabricant de produits pour le soulagement des allergies et des sinus : Trousse Sinus Rinse™; NetiPot, un système d’irrigation nasale saline qui inclut 50 paquets de solution au pH équilibré, isotonique et sans agents de conservation; NasoGel™, gel salin pour les conduits nasaux secs; NasaMist™, vaporisateur nasal tamponné sans agents de conservation.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
Nestlé Canada Inc.
BOOTH: 806 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 2 Contest Contribution: Cash
Nestlé Nutrition’s commitment to nutrition began in 1867 when Henri Nestlé introduced a special mixture of nutritious, natural ingredients for mothers who could not breastfeed their babies. From the beginning, he maintained that a mother’s breast milk is best. This foundation remains a core Nestlé belief today. L’engagement de Nestlé Nutrition à l’endroit d’une saine alimentation remonte à 1867 lorsque Henri Nestlé a produit un agencement spécial d’ingrédients naturels nutritifs pour les femmes qui ne pouvaient pas allaiter leur nourrisson. Dès le départ, il a toujours maintenu que le lait maternel était ce qu’il y avait de mieux. Ce principe demeure une conviction fondamentale de Nestlé encore aujourd’hui.
Norlien Foundation
Based on a framework of epigenetics and developmental and behavioural neurosciences, the Norlien Foundation’s Alberta Family Wellness Initiative’s mission is to connect Albertans with emerging research about experiencebased brain and biological development and its lifelong impact on addiction and other negative health outcomes for the benefit of children and families Fondée sur un cadre d’épigénétique et de neurosciences développementales et comportementales, la mission de l’initiative pour le bien-être de la famille de l’Alberta de la Norlien Foundation est de connecter les Albertains avec la recherche émergente à propos du développement biologique et cérébral axé sur l’expérience et ses répercussions permanentes sur la dépendance et d’autres résultats défavorables sur le plan de la santé dans l’intérêt des enfants et de famille.
Northern Medical Services
Northern Medical Services, a division of the Department of Academic Family Medicine, University of Saskatchewan recruits for full-time, itinerant contract, and locum family physician positions in northern Saskatchewan. NMS physicians are active participants in health care delivery to predominantly Aboriginal communities. Visit our booth to learn more about our “Opportunities with a Difference” or visit our website at Northern Medical Services, une division du Département de la médecine familiale universitaire de l’Université de la Saskatchewan, recrute pour combler à contrat des postes de médecins de famille itinérants à plein temps ou de remplaçants dans le Nord de la Saskatchewan. Les médecins des NMS sont des participants actifs dans la prestation de soins de santé dans des collectivités à prédominance autochtone. Visitez notre stand pour vous renseigner sur notre programme « Opportunities with a Difference » ou visitez notre site Web au
Northern Ontario School of Medicine BOOTH: 421 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 2 Contest Contribution: Cash
Come and experience Canada’s truly resident-centred residency programs. NOSM offers Family Medicine training that puts the learner at the forefront, in every aspect of their residency. Offering exceptional hands-on opportunities, our unique distributed program features five main training sites, as well as a rural Northern Ontario option outside of the major centres designed to showcase the distinctive opportunities of the North including exposure to small rural, remote, Aboriginal and Francophone communities.
EXHIBITORS • EXPOSANTS Venez faire l’expérience de programmes de résidence véritablement axés sur les résidents au Canada. L’École de médecine du Nord de l’Ontario donne une formation en médecine familiale qui place l’apprenant à l’avantplan, dans toutes les facettes de leur résidence. Elle offre des possibilités exceptionnelles d’expérience pratique. Notre programme régionalisé unique comporte cinq principaux centres de formation, ainsi que des choix de stages dans les régions rurales du Nord ontarien, en dehors des grands centres, conçus pour mettre en évidence les possibilités distinctives du Nord, y compris une expérience dans des collectivités rurales, éloignées, autochtones et francophones.
Novartis is the world’s fifth largest manufacturer of vaccines and the second largest producer of influenza vaccine. Visit us at booth 819 to find out about our recently launched vaccines for meningococcal disease and influenza.At Novartis, caring begins with prevention. Novartis est le 5e plus grand manufacturier de vaccins au monde et le 2e plus grand producteur de vaccin contre la grippe. Venez nous rencontrer au stand 819 pour en savoir plus sur notre nouveau vaccin contre la méningite et la grippe. Pour Novartis, notre souci commence par la prévention.
Novo Nordisk Canada Inc.
Novo Nordisk is a global healthcare company with 88 years of innovation and leadership in diabetes care. The company also has leading positions with haemophilia, growth hormone therapy and hormone replacement therapy. Headquartered in Denmark, Novo Nordisk employs approximately 31,400 employees in 74 countries, and markets its products in 179 countries. For more information, visit www.
Novo Nordisk est une société mondiale de soins de santé reconnue depuis 88 ans pour ses innovations et son leadership en soins du diabète. C’est également un chef de file en hémophilie, en traitement par hormone de croissance et en traitement hormonal substitutif. Basée au Danemark, la société emploie environ 31 400 personnes dans 74 pays, et commercialise ses produits dans 179 pays. Pour en savoir plus, visiter
Nunavut, Dept of Health & Social Services BOOTH: 902 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 4 Contest Contribution: Cash
Welcome to Nunavut. This is a truly unique opportunity to experience rich Inuit culture, breathtaking scenery and a change of pace. Family physicians, locums or full-time, with obstetrical skills, emergency experience, a sense of adventure, and a desire to make a real difference in our 25 communities are needed. Bienvenue au Nunavut, où vous trouverez une possibilité unique de faire l’expérience de la riche culture inuite, de paysages époustouflants et d’un changement de rythme de vie. Nous avons besoin de médecins de famille, à titre de remplaçants ou de médecins à temps plein, compétents en obstétrique et en médecine d’urgence, qui ont le goût de l’aventure et le désir de faire une réelle différence dans nos 25 collectivités.
BOOTH: 1020/1022/1024 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 3
Nycomed Canada Inc. is based in Oakville, Ontario, with more than 135 employees across the country. Through its innovative products and dedicated people, Nycomed is committed to improving the health of Canadians by providing brand name, science-based medicines that matter.Visit for more information. Nycomed Canada Inc. est basée à Oakville, en Ontario. Son effectif compte plus de 135 employés répartis dans tout le pays. Grâce à ses produits novateurs et son personnel dévoué, Nycomed a pris l’engagement d’améliorer la santé de la population canadienne en lui fournissant des médicaments de marque, prouvés scientifiquement, qui font toute une différence. Pour de plus amples renseignements, visitez
BOOTH: 123 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 3 Contest Contribution: Cash
NZLocums and NZMedics are a division of the New Zealand R u ra l G e n e ra l P ra c t i c e Network, a not-for-profit organisation that provides short-term, long-term and permanent recruitment solutions to General Practice and Hospitals in New Zealand. Come see us today to start your New Zealand adventure! www.nzlocums. com and NZLocums et NZMedics sont des divisions du réseau de pratique générale rurale de la Nouvelle-Zélande, un organisme sans but lucratif qui offre des solutions de recrutement à court terme, à long terme et permanent en pratique générale et hospitalière en Nouvelle-Zélande. Venez nous visiter aujourd’hui pour commencer votre aventure néozélandaise!
Ochre Recruitment
BOOTH: 708 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 3 Contest Contribution: Cash
Ochre Recruitment - One of Australia’s fastest growing and most trusted medical recruitment agencies. Holding a strong reputation across Australia and New Zealand for matching the right doctors to the right jobs. Ochre Recruitment places doctors in both locum and permanent positions including GP only, ED, GP/VMO, Junior Hospital, Career Medical and Specialist positions Ochre Recruitment – L’une des agences de recrutement médical à croissance la plus rapide et des plus fiables en Australie. Elle s’appuie sur sa renommée en Australie et en Nouvelle-Zélande pour jumeler le bon médecin avec le bon poste. Ochre Recruitment affecte des médecins dans des postes de remplacement et permanents, y compris en médecine générale seulement, en médecine d’urgence, en médecine générale et comme médecins visiteurs, en postes juniors à l’hôpital, en carrière médicale et en postes de spécialistes.
OSCAR is an open source, Clinical Management System designed to help improve health care from individual to population health levels while reducing costs. The OSCAR CMS, which includes an Electronic Medical Record and a Personal Health Record, is an extremely versatile, browser-based suite of applications, offering high clinical functionality and advanced research capabilities. OSCAR est un système de gestion clinique de source générale, conçu pour aider à améliorer les soins de santé tant sur le plan individuel que populationnel, tout en réduisant les coûts. Le système OSCAR GMS, qui comporte des dossiers médicaux électroniques et des dossiers de renseignements personnels sur la santé, est un ensemble extrêmement polyvalent d’applications actionnées par navigateur, qui offre une grande fonctionnalité clinique et des capacités de recherche perfectionnées.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
exhibitORs • exposANTs
Nycomed Canada Inc.
exhibitORs • exposANTs
Osteoporosis Canada
Osteoporosis Canada, a registered charity, is the only national organization serving people who have, or are at risk for, osteoporosis. The organization works to educate, empower and support individuals and communities in the risk-reduction and treatment of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis Canada provides medically accurate information to patients, health care professionals and the public. Drop by our booth for educational materials and have your questions answered. www. Ostéoporose Canada, un organisme de bienfaisance enregistré, est la seule organisation nationale desservant les personnes atteintes ou à risque d’ostéoporose. L’organisme s’emploie à éduquer, responsabiliser et aider les personnes et les communautés en ce qui a trait à la réduction du risque et au traitement de l’ostéoporose. Ostéoporose Canada fournit des renseignements médicalement exacts aux patients, aux professionnels de la santé et au public. Visitez notre stand de matériel éducatif et obtenez réponses à vos questions.
Paladin Labs Inc
Paladin Labs is a Canadian specialty pharmaceutical company. Key products include Tridural (extended-release tramadol for moderate persistent pain), Twinject (epinephrine auto-injector with a back-up dose) and Testim (testosterone replacement gel for deficiency or absence of endogenous testosterone in males). Paladin est une compagnie pharmaceutique canadienne dont ses produits principaux sont Tridural (tramadol à libération prolongée pour la douleur modérée), Twinject (auto-injecteur d’adrénaline avec une dose de réserve) et Testim (gel de testostérone pour la thérapie de remplacement de la testostérone).
PendoPharm is the Consumer Division of Pharmascience Inc. The focus at PendoPharm is to identify and introduce products that provide consumers with ‘best-in-class’ efficacy and value. Our success has been built on bringing important over-the-counter (OTC) consumer brands to market in the analgesic, gastro-intestinal (stomach remedy), cough, cold and allergy categories, as well as trusted, effective pediatric and family planning products. With our Head Office located in Quebec, PendoPharm is proudly Canadian. PendoPharm est la division Consommateurs de Pharmascience Inc. Chez PendoPharm, nous nous concentrons sur l’identification et l’introduction de produits offrant aux consommateurs la meilleure valeur et la plus grande efficacité possible. Notre succès repose sur la mise en marché d’importantes marques de produits en vente libre dans les catégories des analgésiques, du système gastro-intestinal (traitement des maux d’estomac), de la toux, du rhume et des allergies, ainsi qu’un éventail de produits efficaces fiables pour les enfants et la planification familiale. Elle est une compagnie canadienne dont le siège social est établi au Québec.
Pfizer Canada
BOOTH: 1006 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 4 Pfizer Canada Inc. is the Canadian operation o f P f i z e r I n c , t h e wo r l d ’s l e a d i n g pharmaceutical company. Pfizer discovers, develops, manufactures and markets prescription medicines for humans and animals. At Pfizer, we’re working together for a healthier world. For more information, visit our booth at #1006.
Pfizer Canada Inc. est la filiale canadienne de Pfizer Inc, première entreprise pharmaceutique à l’échelle mondiale. Pfizer découvre, met au point, fabrique et commercialise des médicaments d’ordonnance pour les humains et les animaux. Chez Pfizer, nous travaillons ensemble à l’avènement d’un monde en meilleure santé. Pour obtenir de l’information, visitez notre stand #1006.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
Pfizer Canada Established Products Business Unit
Pfizer Canada Inc. Established Products Business Unit. Pfizer Canada is the Canadian operation of Pfizer Inc, the world’s leading pharmaceutical company. Pfizer discovers, develops, manufactures and markets prescription medicines for humans and animals. At Pfizer, we’re working together for a healthier world. For more information, visit our booth at #212. Pfizer Canada Inc. unité des produits établis. Pfizer Canada est la filiale canadienne de Pfizer Inc, première entreprise pharmaceutique à l’échelle mondiale. Pfizer découvre, met au point, fabrique et commercialise des médicaments d’ordonnance pour les humains et les animaux. Chez Pfizer, nous travaillons ensemble à l’avènement d’un monde en meilleure santé. Pour obtenir de l’information, visitez notre kiosque #212.
Pfizer Epi-pen®
Epinephrine is the first line choice in patients at risk for anaphylaxis. EpiPen® Auto-injectors provide patients with simplicity in the case of an anaphylactic crisis. To ensure that at-risk patients are well prepared, health care professionals need to educate these patients about how-to and when-to use EpiPen®, and create awareness about it’s reliability to safely treat anaphylaxis. Visit for more information and to order your EpiPen® Patient Starter Kit. L’épinéphrine est le choix de première ligne pour les patients à risque d’anaphylaxie. Les auto-injecteurs EpiPen® offrent la simplicité aux patients lors d’une crise d’anaphylaxie. Pour s’assurer que les patients à risque sont bien préparés, les professionnels de la santé doivent renseigner ces patients afin qu’ils sachent quand et comment utiliser EpiPen® et qu’ils puissent s’y fier pour traiter l’anaphylaxie en toute sécurité. Pour plus d’informations ou pour commander la trousse de départ du patient EpiPen®, visitez
Pfizer Soins de Sante
Pfizer Consumer Healthcare, a division of Pfizer Canada Inc., is Canada’s premiere Over The Counter pharmaceutical company and is pleased to bring greetings to all delegates. We encourage all delegates to visit our booth to see our newest offerings for our Advil, Advil Cold and Sinus, Caltrate, Centrum and Robax brands. Pfizer Soins de santé, une division de Pfizer Canada inc., est la plus grande société pharmaceutique de médicaments en vente libre au Canada. La société désire saluer tous les délégués. Nous les encourageons à visiter notre stand pour découvrir les nouveaux produits des marques Advil, Advil Rhume et Sinus, Caltrate, Centrum et Robax.
Physician Quest (Bruce Power) BOOTH: 403 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1 The beautiful Lake Huron coastal municipalities of Saugeen Shores and Kincardine, have partnered together with Bruce Power, Ontario’s largest independent electricity producer, to attract new doctors to our region. Both residents and the local business believe that access to health care is an essential element to a vibrant local community. Les magnifiques municipalités de Saugeen Shores et de Kincardine sur les rives du lac Huron se sont associées avec l’entreprise Bruce Power, le plus important producteur d’électricité indépendant en Ontario, pour attirer de nouveaux médecins dans notre région. Les résidants et l’entreprise locale croient que l’accès aux soins de santé est un élément essentiel à la prospérité de la communauté.
EXHIBITORS • EXPOSANTS Physician Recruitment Agency of Saskatchewan
BOOTH: 1123/1125/1127 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 3
Saskdocs (Physician Recruitment Agency of Saskatchewan) is a one-stop shop for family physicians wanting to work in Saskatchewan. We work with physicians, students, communities, hospitals and others to help find the right physician for the right community. Stop by our booth at FMF. We would love to talk to you.
Physicians for Global Survival BOOTH: 500 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1 Committed to the abolition of nuclear weapons, the prevention of war, the promotion of non-violent means of conflict resolution and social justice in a sustainable world. Un organisme voué à l’abolition des armes nucléaires, à la prévention de la guerre, à la promotion des mesures non violentes de règlement de conflits et à la justice sociale dans un monde viable.
Pinnacle Integrated Health Centres BOOTH: 300 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1 Physician-created, fully integrated IT medical facilities, lowering a medical practice’s overhead costs, increasing revenues,improving patient compliance and treatment outcomes while providing a relaxing work environment and supporting a Physician’s work-life balance. Flex time and complete physician and patient support services. By Physicians - for Physicians. Ces centres, créés par des médecins, offrent des installations médicales avec TI entièrement intégrées, ce qui réduit les frais généraux de la pratique médicale, augmente les revenus, améliore l’observance par les patients et les résultats des traitements, tout en offrant un milieu de travail relaxant et en facilitant un bon équilibre entre le travail et la vie personnelle. Horaires flexibles et services complets de soutien aux médecins et aux patients. Par des médecins pour des médecins.
BOOTH: 723 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 3 Contest Contribution: Cash
Promensil (standardized red clover isoflavones) is a licensed natural health product for menopause symptom relief for women who should not or will not take HRT. Recognized by the SOGC as an alternative and complementary menopause treatment, Promensil helps: reduce hot flashes by up to 75%, maintain bone health and improve arterial compliance. Le Promensil (isoflavones standardisées du trèfle rouge) est un produit de santé naturel homologué pour le soulagement des symptômes de la ménopause des femmes qui ne devraient pas ou ne veulent pas suivre une hormonothérapie de remplacement. Reconnu par la SOGC comme une solution de rechange et un traitement complémentaire de la ménopause, le Promensil aide à réduire les bouffées de chaleur jusqu’à 75 %, à maintenir la santé des os et à améliorer la compliance artérielle.
Public Health Agency of Canada, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Initiative BOOTH: 605 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1 The Public Health Agency of Canada exhibit booth will feature information on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and issues related to maternal and child health Le stand de l’Agence de la santé publique du Canada présentera des renseignements sur l’ensemble des troubles causés par l’alcoolisation fœtale (ETCAF) et sur des questions liées à la santé maternelle et infantile
Now launching its next generation Dossier EMR™ suite, Purkinje is a leader in Canada’s eHealth transition delivering comprehensive, bilingual solutions to clinics and hospitals across the continuum of care. Headquartered in Montreal, with offices in Toronto and Hong Kong, Purkinje serves over 21,000 healthcare professionals caring for 2.2 million patients in Canada and at Canadian Army Bases around the world. Actuellement en lancement de la prochaine génération sa suite DME Dossier™, Purkinje est un chef de file dans l’informatisation de la santé au Canada. Elle livre des solutions complètes et bilingues à l’ensemble du marché, incluant les cliniques et les hôpitaux. Basée à Montréal, avec des bureaux à Toronto et à Hong Kong, Purkinje dessert plus de 21 000 professionnels de la santé qui ont en charge 2,2 millions de patients au Canada et dans les bases mondiales de la Défense nationale canadienne.
Queen’s Department of Family Medicine BOOTH: 325 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 2 Contest Contribution: Cash
Queen’s two year postgraduate education program features the CFPC “Triple C” curriculum delivered within interprofessional Family Medicine environments. We offer four sites, an advanced electronic portfolio evaluation system, a focus on research, and flexible programming (e.g., integrated horizontal curriculum, rural and remote medicine, global health, enhanced skills). Train at Queen’s, Work Anywhere. For more information on our cutting-edge program and Sites visit www. Le programme de formation postdoctorale de deux ans à l’Université Queen’s s’articule autours du cursus « Triple C » du CMFC et est offert dans un contexte interprofessionnel. Nous comptons quatre centres de formation dotés d’un système électronique d’évaluation par portfolio perfectionné et de programmes flexibles (p. ex. cursus horizontal intégré, médecine rurale et éloignée, santé mondiale, compétences avancées), sans compter notre insistance sur la recherche. Suivez votre formation à Queen’s, travaillez n’importe où. Pour en savoir plus sur notre programme avant-gardiste et nos centres, visitez
Reckitt Benckiser Pharmaceuticals Inc. BOOTH: 504 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1 SUBOXONE (Buprenorphine and Naloxone) is indicated for substitution treatment of opioid drug dependence in adults. The intention of the naloxone component is to deter intravenous misuse. Patients prescribed SUBOXONE should be carefully monitored within a framework of medical, social and psychological support as part of a comprehensive opioid dependence treatment program. SUBOXONE (buprénorphine et naloxone) est indiqué pour le traitement substitutif de la dépendance aux opioïdes chez les adultes. Le but de l’intégration de la naloxone au médicament est de décourager l’usage inapproprié du médicament par voie intraveineuse. Les patients traités par SUBOXONE doivent être suivis de près dans le cadre d’un programme global de désintoxication reposant sur une prise en charge médicale, sociale et psychologique de leur dépendance aux opioïdes.
Red Lake Medical Centre
Exciting opportunities exist for Family Physicians in our community! Located in beautiful Northwestern Ontario with fresh water lakes at your doorstep, you can have a stimulating career with a relaxed lifestyle. Guaranteed generous salary, supportive colleagues, numerous practice and community incentives with ample vacation and CME time round out the perfect practice. Nous offrons aux médecins de famille de stimulantes possibilités dans nos communautés! Nous nous trouvons dans la magnifique région au nord-ouest de l’Ontario, parsemée de superbes lacs d’eau douce, où vous pouvez vivre une carrière épanouissante tout en adoptant un mode de vie relaxant. Pour couronner le tout, les salaires sont généreux, les collègues disposés à aider, les incitatifs communautaires et pour la pratique nombreux, et vous aurez amplement de temps à consacrer à la FMC et aux vacances.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
exhibitORs • exposANTs
Saskdocs (l’agence de recrutement de médecins de la Saskatchewan) est un guichet unique pour les médecins de famille qui souhaitent travailler en Saskatchewan. Nous travaillons avec les médecins, les étudiants, les communautés, les hôpitaux et d’autres intervenants pour aider à trouver le bon médecin pour la bonne communauté. Venez nous voir à notre stand au FMF. Nous aimerions beaucoup nous entretenir avec vous.
exhibitORs • exposANTs
Contest Contribution: Cash
Roche is the manufacturer of TAMIFLU®, a prescription oral antiviral agent for the treatment and prevention of influenza. Roche is a leader in the research and development of pharmaceutical and diagnostic solutions that look beyond today’s horizons and make a profound difference in people’s lives. Roche est le fabriquant du TAMIFLU®, un agent antiviral d’ordonnance par voie orale pour le traitement et la prévention de la grippe. Roche est un chef de file en recherche et développement de solutions pharmaceutiques et diagnostiques, dont la vision va au-delà des horizons contemporains et qui fait une profonde différence dans la vie des gens.
RxFiles Academic Detailing BOOTH: 700 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 3 Contest Contribution: 3 Books
If you are looking for objective, comparative drug information, this is the booth for you. The RxFiles Academic Detailing Program is a non-profit drug information and education service. Come by and see our recent drug therapy reviews, our RxFiles Drug Comparison Charts book, and find out about our online and iPad options. Si vous recherchez des renseignements comparatifs impartiaux sur les médicaments, c’est le stand pour vous. Le RxFiles Academic Detailing Program est un service d’éducation et d’information sans but lucratif sur les médicaments. Venez nous visiter pour prendre connaissance de nos récentes études sur les pharmacothérapies, notre livre présentant des tableaux comparatifs de médicaments et vous renseigner sur nos options en ligne et iPad.
BOOTH: 1000 /1002 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 2
S a n o f i - av e n t i s , a l e a d i n g g l o b a l pharmaceutical company, discovers, develops and distributes therapeutic solutions to improve the lives of everyone. Backed by a world-class R&D organization, the company is developing leading positions in several therapeutic areas : cardiology, thrombosis, oncology, metabolic disorders, the central nervous system, internal medicine and vaccines.Come visit us at booth 1000/1002 for more information on diabetes and dermatology products.
Sanofi-aventis, un chef de file international en produits pharmaceutiques, découvre, développe et distribue des solutions thérapeutiques pour améliorer la vie de tous. Appuyée par une organisation de R&D de calibre mondial, l’entreprise se taille une place aux premiers rangs dans divers domaines thérapeutiques : cardiologie, thrombose, oncologie, troubles du métabolisme, système nerveux central, médecine interne et vaccins. Visitez notre stand 1000/1002 pour obtenir plus de renseignements sur nos produits pour le diabète et en dermatologie.
Santé Canada/Health Canada BOOTH: 601 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 3 Contest Contribution: Cash
Did you know that people with respiratory or heart problems are more vulnerable to air pollution? Thanks to the Air Quality Health Index, a tool that highlights health risks according to the level of air pollution, people can now protect themselves from the harmful effects of air pollution. Saviez-vous que les personnes souffrant de problèmes respiratoires ou cardiaques sont plus vulnérables à la pollution de l’air? Grâce à la Cote air santé, outil qui présente les risques pour la santé selon le niveau de pollution de l’air, ces personnes peuvent maintenant se protéger des effets néfastes de la pollution de l’air.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
Scotiabank is proud to work with the CFPC in support of Family Medicine in Canada. Drop by our booth today for that “second opinion” and find out how Scotia Professional Plan can help you save. Our customized financial package includes everything you need to start and grow a successful practice. La Banque Scotia est fière de collaborer avec le CMFC pour appuyer la médecine familiale au Canada. Visitez notre stand dès aujourd’hui pour avoir une « deuxième opinion » et découvrez comment le Plan professionnel de Scotia peut vous aider à épargner. Notre forfait financier personnalisé comprend tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour démarrer et faire fructifier votre pratique.
Screen Colons Canada
Screen Colons Canada is dedicated to ensuring that every Canadian knows they should be screened for colorectal cancer. Stop by our booth and learn about colorectal cancer screening, take a peek at our “cheeky” brochure, and perhaps have some sent to your office. Our Smart*Ass t-shirts are also very popular. Screen Colons Canada s’assure d’informer tous les Canadiens et Canadiennes de l’importance du test de dépistage du cancer colorectal. Arrêtez à notre stand pour vous renseigner sur le dépistage du cancer colorectal, jeter un coup d’œil à notre brochure « joufflue » et peut-être en commander pour votre cabinet. Nos teeshirts au logo Smart*Ass sont aussi très populaires.
Sioux Lookout Regional Physician Services BOOTH: 225 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1 Sioux Lookout is a full-service community located in Northwestern Ontario. Physician services are provided to the community of Sioux Lookout and to 31 remote First Nation communities. Physicians can work in a clinical setting, emergency, or provide services in the First Nation communities. The work is diverse and physicians can expect a rewarding experience. Sioux Lookout est une communauté pourvue de tous les services, située dans le Nord-Ouest de l’Ontario. Les services médicaux sont fournis à la communauté de Sioux Lookout et à 31 collectivités des Premières Nations éloignées. Les médecins peuvent travailler en milieu clinique, à l’urgence ou fournir des services aux collectivités des Premières nations. Le travail est diversifié et les médecins peuvent s’attendre à une expérience des plus enrichissantes.
Society of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC) BOOTH: 1107/1109 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 5 Contest Contribution: Cash
The SOGC is one of Canada’s oldest national specialty organizations. Established in 1944, the Society’s mission is to promote excellence in the practice of obstetrics and gynaecology and to advance the health of women through leadership, advocacy, collaboration, outreach and education. The SOGC represents obstetricians/gynaecologists, family physicians, nurses, midwives and allied health professionals working in the field of sexual reproductive health. For more information, visit La Société des obstétriciens et gynécologues du Canada (SOGC) est l’un des plus anciens organismes nationaux de médecine spécialisée du pays. Fondée en 1944, la SOGC a pour mission de promouvoir l’excellence dans la pratique de l’obstétrique-gynécologie et la santé des femmes par le leadership, la défense des droits, la collaboration, la prise de contact et l’éducation. La SOGC représente les obstétriciens, les gynécologues, les médecins de famille, les infirmières, les sages-femmes et les professionnels paramédicaux qui travaillent dans le domaine de la sexualité et de la santé génésique. Pour obtenir davantage d’information, consultez le site Web de la SOGC à l’adresse suivante :
STI is a Halifax, N.S. based company that provides innovative healthcare marketing solutions across the lifecycle of pharmaceutical and device brands, using its SmartTechnology platform as the source of real-time transactional intelligence to allow all stakeholders – manufacturer, pharmacy, prescriber, and payer - to optimize their patient relationships.
Sunnybrook Hospital Hospitalist Training Program BOOTH: P9 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1 Family Medicine Residents interested in pursuing a career in Hospital Medicine should explore a great opportunity offered by Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto. A one year Fellowship Training Program in Hospital Medicine via the Hospitalist Training Program is being offered to help Family Medicine Residents enhance their skills and knowledge of inpatient care. For more information visit the Sunnybrook Hospital Hospitalist Training Program booth. Les résidents en médecine familiale intéressés à poursuivre une carrière en médecine hospitalière devraient explorer les grandes possibilités offertes par le Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre à Toronto. Un programme de formation spécialisé d’un an en médecine hospitalière, dans le cadre du programme de formation des médecins hospitaliers, est offert pour aider les résidents en médecine familiale à perfectionner leurs connaissances et leurs compétences dans le domaine des soins aux patients hospitalisés. Pour plus de renseignements, visitez le kiosque du Programme de formation en médecine hospitalière du Sunnybrook Hospital .
Surgical Weight Loss Centre BOOTH: 518 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 2 Contest Contribution: Cash
Since 2005, the Surgical Weight Loss Centre in Mississauga has been a distinguished provider of the Lap-Band and Gastric Balloon programs in Canada with additional clinics in Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto. With over 3,000 procedures performed and a proven track record of success, SWLC continues to serve the highest quality of service and care through comprehensive treatment options and accessible patient resources. Depuis 2005, le Surgical Weight Loss Centre à Mississauga est un fournisseur reconnu de programmes de bande abdominale et de ballon gastrique au Canada, qui compte des cliniques additionnelles à Vancouver, Calgary et Toronto. Ayant effectué plus de 3 000 interventions et fort d’une réussite éprouvée, SWLC continue d’offrir la plus grande qualité de services et de soins grâce à une gamme complète d’options de traitement et à des ressources accessibles aux patients.
Surgo Surgical Supply
Surgo Surgical Supply is a leading provider of Medical Supplies and Equipment for Canadian Primary Care Physicians.We look forward to meeting you in our booth to discuss your unique requirements.Brands: BPTRU Blood Pressure Device, Littman Stethoscopes, Exam Tables, ECG Machines, Spirometers, Heine & Welch Allyn Diagnostic Equipment. Surgo Surgical Supply est un important fournisseur de fournitures et d’équipements médicaux auprès des médecins canadiens de soins primaires. Nous avons hâte de vous rencontrer à notre stand pour discuter de vos besoins. Marques disponibles : sphygmomanomètres BPTRU, stéthoscopes Littman, tables d’examen, appareils à ECG, spiromètres, équipements de diagnostic Heine & Welch Allyn.
Takeda is committed to striving towards better health for patients worldwide through leading innovation in medicine. As the largest pharmaceutical company in Japan and a top 15 pharmaceutical company worldwide, Takeda will bring a number of therapeutic options to Canadians in metabolic disease, cardiovascular disease, oncology and the central nervous system. Takeda s’est engagée à améliorer la vie des patients du monde entier par le biais d’innovations de marque en médecine. Takeda, la plus importante société pharmaceutique du Japon et l’une des 15 sociétés pharmaceutiques les plus importantes dans le monde, offrira aux Canadiens et aux Canadiennes de nouveaux traitements contre des maladies métaboliques, des maladies cardiovasculaires, le cancer et des maladies du système nerveux central.
TD Insurance Meloche Monnex BOOTH: 1221 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 4 Contest Contribution: Kobo E-reader
With close to one million clients and a portfolio nearing 1.8 million policies, TD Insurance Meloche Monnex Group is the largest direct-response home and auto insurer in Canada, with TD Insurance Meloche Monnex as one of its two brands. TD Insurance Meloche Monnex provides home and auto insurance to members of professional and alumni organizations, including associations, orders and councils. Avec près d’un million de particuliers et un portefeuille qui avoisine 1,8 million de polices, le Groupe TD Assurance Meloche Monnex est le chef de file canadien de l’assurance habitation et automobile par marketing direct. TD Assurance Meloche Monnex, étant une des deux marques du Groupe, propose de l’assurance habitation et auto aux professionnels et aux diplômés en partenariat avec leurs associations, ordres et conseils.
TENS Canada
TENS Canada specializes in Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) devices for drug-free pain management. FreeMOM TENS for Obstetrics has been hospital trialled for efficacy . FreeMOM also assists with the discomforts of after-birth, back, neck, and shoulder pain. Proven and effective, “Comfort in the palm of your hand”. TENS Canada se spécialise dans les dispositifs de stimulation électrique nerveuse transcutanée pour une prise en charge de la douleur sans médicament. L’efficacité de FreeMOM TENS pour l’obstétrique a été mise à l’essai en milieu hospitalier. FreeMOM aide aussi à soulager l’inconfort après l’accouchement et les douleurs au dos, au cou et aux épaules. Éprouvé et efficace, « le confort dans la paume de votre main ».
The Canadian Medical Hall of Fame BOOTH: 121 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1 The Canadian Medical Hall of Fame celebrates Canada’s medical heroes and encourages youth to pursue careers in the health sciences. Visit our booth to learn about the Laureates of Family Medicine – will you be surprised? Feel the pride in knowing how many lives have been, and will continue to be, touched by extraordinary family physicians. Le Temple de la renommée médicale canadienne rend hommage aux héros de la médecine au Canada et encourage les jeunes à poursuivre des carrières en sciences de la santé. Visitez notre stand pour connaître les lauréats en médecine familiale. Serez-vous surpris? Venez ressentir la fierté de savoir combien de vies ont été touchées et continueront de l’être par des médecins de famille extraordinaires.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
exhibitORs • exposANTs
STI est une entreprise située à Halifax, en Nouvelle-Écosse, qui offre des solutions novatrices en marketing des soins de santé dans tout le continuum du cycle de vie des marques de produits pharmaceutiques et de dispositifs, en se servant de la plateforme SmartTechnology comme source d’information en temps réel pour permettre à tous les intervenants – fabricant, pharmacie, auteur d’ordonnance et payeur – d’optimiser les relations avec leurs patients.
Takeda Canada, Inc.
exhibitORs • exposANTs
The Community Network
BOOTH: 1113 /1115 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 2
Trudell Medical International BOOTH: 614 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1
The Community Network is an international organization working with hospitals and medical centres to highlight health care issues that really matter to the local communities in which our screens are located. This is an ideal way to promote your facilities and educate your patients on health initiatives and community events. Come and see us today for more information on how we can enhance your waiting room experience.
Trudell Medical International, a Canadian company, manufactures AeroChamber* Brand of Valved Holding Chamber and TruZone* Peak Flow Meter that assist patients with inhaler use and management of asthma. Our NEW AeroChamber Plus* Flow-Vu* Anti-Static Chamber is smaller with an easier to see Flow-Vu* Indicator and is free of Bisphenol-A (BPA), Phthalates, Latex, Lead and PVC.
Le Community Network est une organisation internationale qui travaille avec les hôpitaux et les centres médicaux pour mettre en évidence les problèmes de santé qui importent vraiment aux communautés locales où sont situés nos écrans. C’est un moyen idéal pour promouvoir vos installations et éduquer vos patients sur les initiatives de santé et d’événements communautaires. Venez nous visiter aujourd’hui pour plus d’informations sur la façon d’améliorer votre expérience de la salle d’attente.
Trudell Medical International, une entreprise Canadienne, qui fabrique l’AeroChamber* marque de chambre à retenue valvée et de TruZone* Débitmètre pour Débit de Pointe, qui aide les patients dans l’utilisation des inhalateurs et dans la gestion de l’asthme. Notre NOUVELLE AeroChamber Plus* Flow-Vu* Chambre Antistatique est plus petite et offre une meilleure vision de l’indicateur Flow-Vu* et ne contient aucun bisphénol A (BPA), Phtalates, latex, plomb et CPV.
The Lung Association/ L’Association Pulmonaire
The Lung Association is dedicated to promoting and improving lung health for all Canadians. The Canadian Thoracic Society, The Lung Association’s medical society promotes lung health by supporting the respiratory community through leadership, collaboration, research, learning and advocacy, and promoting the best respiratory practices in Canada. L’Association pulmonaire se voue à la promotion et à l’amélioration de la santé pulmonaire de tous les Canadiens. La Société canadienne de thoracologie, la société médicale de l’Association pulmonaire, fait la promotion de la santé des poumons en appuyant la communauté des intervenants en santé respiratoire par son leadership, la collaboration, la recherche, l’apprentissage, la représentation et la promotion des pratiques exemplaires en matière de santé pulmonaire au Canada.
Toshiba of Canada
Toshiba of Canada Limited a subsidiary of Toshiba Corporation is a leading manufacturer of a wide range of consumer and business solutions. Toshiba manufactures and distributes laptops catered to the business environment, tablets, high-definition televisions, office products, including black and white digital copiers, full colour capable devices, fax/MFP’s, business telecommunication solutions and medical diagnostic imaging equipment. Toshiba du Canada Limitée, une filiale de la Toshiba Corporation, est un important fabricant d’une large gamme de solutions pour les consommateurs et les entreprises. Toshiba fabrique et distribue des ordinateurs portables conçus pour le milieu des affaires, des tablettes, des téléviseurs en haute définition, des produits de bureaux, notamment des photocopieurs numériques en noir et blanc, des appareils en polychromie, des télécopieurs/imprimantes multifonctions, des solutions de télécommunications et de l’équipement d’imagerie diagnostique médicale.
Trimedic has been meeting the complex health needs of women across Canada for over 20 years. We have been marketing women’s health products through OB/GYN and General Practice Clinics. Trimedic has continued to maintain the largest share of the market within this specialized area of health care. Trimedic répond aux besoins de santé complexes des femmes de toutes les régions du Canada depuis plus de 20 ans. Nous mettons en marché des produits de santé pour les femmes par l’intermédiaire des cliniques d’obstétriciens-gynécologues et d’omnipraticiens. Trimedic continue à maintenir la plus grande part du marché dans ce domaine spécialisé de soins de santé.
UBC Family Medicine
UBC Department of Family Medicine employs a distributed model of education, involving, under one program, 13 educational sites, each providing its own distinctive strength, and particular learning opportunities. Le Département de médicine familiale de l’Université de la ColombieBritannique utilise un modèle d’éducation décentralisé impliquant, sous un même programme, 13 sites de formation offrant chacun des forces distinctives et des possibilités d’apprentissage particulières.
University of Alberta Family Medicine Residency Program BOOTH: 322 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 2 Contest Contribution: Cash
The Department of Family Medicine, at the University of Alberta, offers a Residency Program and Additional Skills Programs accredited by the College of Family Physicians of Canada. Our mandate is to graduate well-rounded, skilful physicians with a comprehensive knowledge base and interest in continuing medical education. The program and its residents have at their disposal a vast resource base in hospitals, clinics and community service centers in Edmonton and throughout Western Canada. Residents choose from a variety of programming choices and learning sites. Le Département de médecine familiale de l’Université de l’Alberta offre un programme de résidence et des programmes de compétences avancées qui sont approuvés par le Collège des médecins de famille du Canada. Notre mandat est de former des médecins possédant une base complète de connaissances et un intérêt pour la formation médicale continue. Le programme et ses résidents ont à leur disposition une vaste base de ressources dans les hôpitaux, les cliniques et les centres de services communautaires d’Edmonton et dans l’ensemble de l’Ouest du Canada. Les résidents ont un choix varié de programmes et de sites d’apprentissage.
University of Calgary
BOOTH: 418 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 3 Contest Contribution: Cash
Join us to learn about the University of Calgary Family Medicine Programs. We are an energetic, expanding and innovative Department whose goal is to train outstanding Family Physicians. To help this, we offer a Program that includes 4 months of electives and a Province that offers an amazing lifestyle. Nous vous invitons à venir vous renseigner au sujet des programmes de médecine familiale de l’Université de Calgary. Nous sommes un département dynamique et novateur, en pleine expansion, dont le but est de former des médecins de famille exceptionnels. Pour ce faire, nous offrons un programme qui comporte quatre mois de stages optionnels et une province qui favorise un mode de vie agréable.
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
EXHIBITORS • EXPOSANTS University of Manitoba
The Family Medicine Residency Program at the University of Manitoba offers many experiences for residency training in the urban and rural setting, as well as opportunities in our bilingual and northern/remote. Please drop by our booth to obtain further information on any of these programs.
University of Ottawa
The Department of Family Medicine at the University of Ottawa offers training to residents in five teaching sites in the Ottawa region as well as two rural teaching sites in Pembroke and in Winchester. One of our sites is set in a francophone community hospital in Ottawa where both postgraduate and undergraduate learners have an opportunity to learn in a French environment. Some third year opportunities in a wide range of disciplines of interest to Family Medicine are also available. Le Département de médecine familiale de l’Université d’Ottawa offre un programme de formation dans cinq sites de la région de l’Outaouais, en plus de deux sites ruraux situé à Pembroke et Winchester. Un de nos sites est établit dans un hôpital communautaire dans la ville d’Ottawa ou les résidents et étudiants en médecine ont une opportunité d’apprendre dans un milieu francophone. Nous offrons la possibilité d’une troisième année dans divers domaines cliniques (nombre limité).
University of Saskatchewan BOOTH: 423 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1 The University of Saskatchewan’s Department of Family Medicine provides collaborative primary care sites for training family practice residents and other health professionals. It offers an academic and community based program allowing residents to become family physicians with the skills to practice in rural, remote and urban communities. Le Département de médecine familiale de l’Université de la Saskatchewan compte des établissements de soins primaires en collaboration pour la formation des résidents en médecine familiale et des autres professionnels de la santé. C’est un programme universitaire et basé dans la communauté qui permet aux résidents de devenir des médecins de famille compétents pour la pratique rurale, en région éloignée et dans les communautés urbaines.
University of Toronto
The Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Toronto offers tremendous diversity and opportunities in all aspects of medical education including: undergraduate and postgraduate education, clinical and academic fellowships as well as international and research programs. Educational resources and professional development activities are highly developed at each of our 14 teaching divisions and within a network of more than 34 community practices. Le Département de médecine familiale et communautaire de l’Université de Toronto offre une immense diversité et de multiples possibilités dans tous les aspects de l’éducation médicale : formation prédoctorale et postdoctorale, bourses d’études cliniques et universitaires, ainsi que des programmes internationaux et de recherche. Les ressources pédagogiques et les activités de développement professionnel sont très perfectionnées dans nos 14 divisions d’enseignement et au sein d’un réseau de plus de 34 pratiques communautaires.
Contest Contribution: Books
The residency training program of the Department o f Fa m i l y M e d i c i n e a t We s t e r n t r a i n s comprehensive family physicians and leaders in family medicine through a curriculum that is supportive, flexible and dedicated to the needs of residents. Our department was the first in Canada to offer a MClSc and PhD Program. Stop by our booth to meet us and for more information! Le programme de résidence du Département de médecine familiale à l’Université de Western Ontario forme des médecins de famille en soins complet et globaux et des leaders de la médecine familiale selon un cursus qui se veut encourageant, flexible et axé sur les besoins des résidents. Notre département a été le premier au Canada à offrir un programme de maîtrise et de doctorat en sciences cliniques. Visitez notre stand pour en savoir plus!
BOOTH: 520 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 5 Contest Contribution: iPod Touch & subscription
UpToDate is an evidence-based clinical decision support system offering fast, accurate answers at the point of care. Our authors and editors, all leading physicians, review the latest research and provide diagnosis and treatment recommendations based on the best available evidence. UpToDate can be accessed online via computer or mobile device. UpToDate est un système de soutien à la décision clinique fondée sur des données probantes qui offre rapidement des réponses exactes sur le lieu des soins. Nos auteurs et nos réviseurs, tous des médecins chevronnés, examinent les plus récentes recherches et proposent un diagnostic et des recommandations de traitement en s’appuyant sur les meilleures données scientifiques existantes. Vous pouvez accéder à UpToDate en ligne par ordinateur ou dispositif mobile.
Valco Products
BOOTH: 719 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 3 Contest Contribution: Cash
We look forward to presenting to all healthcare professionals, several necessary products in the treatment of venous and lymphatic diseases (MEDI medical compression garments and Circaid non elastic compressive garments, dopplers and sequential pumps Huntleigh). We shall also present a complete line of sport compression garments for the prevention of the sports injuries (EC3D), and our unusually comfortable orthopedic products MediOrtho. We look forward to meeting you at the booth! Les professionnels de la santé auront accès à plusieurs produits indispensables pour le traitement des maladies veineuses et lymphatiques (vêtements compressifs médicaux Medi et Circaid, dopplers et pompes séquentielles Huntleigh). Nous vous ferons aussi découvrir une gamme de vêtements de compression pour la prévention des blessures sportives (EC3D), et nos produits orthopédiques exceptionnellement confortables MediOrtho. Au plaisir de vous voir bientôt!
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
exhibitORs • exposANTs
Le Programme de résidence en médecine familiale de l’Université du Manitoba offre de nombreux stages de formation en milieux ruraux et urbains, ainsi que des possibilités de formation à l’intérieur de nos volets bilingue et le nord. Arrêtez-vous à notre stand pour obtenir plus d’information sur l’un de nos programmes.
University of Western Ontario BOOTH: 420 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 2
exhibitORs • exposANTs
Valeant Canada
Valeant Canada is a specialty pharmaceutical company and a subsidiary of Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc. Valeant Canada manufactures, markets, and/or distributes pharmaceutical products to both primary care and specialist physicians in Canada. The Company focuses its efforts primarily in the areas of Pain Management, Cardiovascular Disease, Neurology and Dermatology. www. Filiale de Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc., Valeant Canada est une compagnie de produits pharmaceutiques spécialisés qui fabrique, commercialise et distribue des produits pharmaceutiques aux médecins de soins primaires et aux autres spécialistes au Canada. La compagnie concentre ses efforts surtout dans les domaines de la prise en charge de la douleur, des maladies cardiovasculaire, de la neurologie et de la dermatologie.
Vancouver Island Health Authority BOOTH: 623 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 4 Contest Contribution: Cash
The Vancouver Island Health Authority provides the entire spectrum of healthcare services to the 752,000 residents of Vancouver Island. We have a variety of Family Physician opportunities and practice models available to consider.We invite you to discover Vancouver island … with unlimited possibilities for your career, family and future! Visit: La régie de santé de l’île de Vancouver offre l’éventail complet des services de santé aux 752 000 résidants de l’île de Vancouver. Nous offrons diverses possibilités d’emplois et de modèles de pratique aux médecins de famille. Nous vous invitons à découvrir l’île de Vancouver… et ses possibilités illimitées pour votre carrière, votre famille et votre avenir! Visitez
Warner Chilcott Canada
Warner Chilcott is a leading specialty pharmaceutical company currently focused on the gastroenterology, women’s healthcare, dermatology and urology segments of the North American and Western European pharmaceuticals markets. The Company is a fullyintegrated company with internal resources dedicated to the development, manufacturingand promotion of its products. WCRX-G. Warner Chilcott est une entreprise chef de file dans le domaine pharmaceutique axée sur les segments de la gastroentérologie, de la santé des femmes, de la dermatologie et de l’urologie des marchés pharmaceutiques de l’Amérique du Nord et de l’Europe occidentale. L’entreprise est totalement intégrée et dispose de ressources internes qui se consacrent au développement, à la fabrication et à la promotion de ses produits. WCRX-G.
White Rock – South Surrey Division BOOTH: 823 of Family Practice PASSPORT POINTS: Level 1 White Rock-South Surrey, BC, a beautiful seaside community, is 45 minutes from downtown Vancouver, 10 minutes from the US border, and is close to rural areas. We are recruiting Family Physicians and Locums. Our practices use Electronic Medical Records. Incentives include: Recruitment bonus! Relocation allowance! Guaranteed income! Learn more at booth 823! White Rock-South Surrey, en Colombie-Britannique, est une magnifique communauté au bord de l’océan, à 45 minutes du centre-ville de Vancouver, à 10 minutes de la frontière américaine et à proximité de régions rurales. Nous recrutons des médecins de famille et des remplaçants. Nos pratiques utilisent des dossiers médicaux électroniques. Voici quelques mesures d’incitation : bonus au recrutement, allocation de déménagement et revenus garantis! Apprenez-en plus en visitant le stand 823!
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
BOOTH: 1212 PASSPORT POINTS: Level 2 Contest Contribution: Computer Bags
Learn about the AAFP Scientific Assembly to be held October 17-20, 2012 in Philadelphia, PA. Hear about AAFP international membership, the American Family Physician journal and information on other resources valued by family doctors around the world. Learn about the World Organization of Family Doctors (Wonca), its working groups, membership options, conferences, publications and internet resources. Renseignez-vous sur l’Assemblée scientifique de l’AAFP qui aura lieu du 17 au 20 octobre 2012 à Philadelphie, PA. Informez-vous au sujet de l’adhésion à l’AAFP, de l’abonnement à la revue des médecins de famille américains et des autres ressources valorisées par les médecins de famille dans le monde entier. Vous trouverez aussi des renseignements sur Wonca (World Organization of Family Doctors), ses groupes de travail, les options d’adhésion, ses conférences, ses publications et ses ressources sur Internet.
Your Health Explained
Innovative patient education programs created through a perfect marriage of “clean”,Canadian medical school content and Canada’s leading television and movie industry experts. One hundred timely topics in mini-movie format, layman’s language, real physicians, nurses and pharmacists and medical school trained actor/patients. Improves patient compliance and treatment outcomes. Des programmes éducatifs novateurs pour des patients créés en combinant un contenu « propre » provenant de facultés de médecine canadiennes à l’expertise de l’industrie de la télévision et du cinéma. Cent sujets « chauds » sont présentés sous forme de mini-films, en langage simple et mettant en vedette de vrais médecins, infirmières et pharmaciens et des acteurs/patients formés par des facultés de médecine. Ces programmes améliorent l’observance par les patients et les résultats thérapeutiques.
EXHIBITORS • EXPOSANTS The CFPC collects, uses and discloses personal information in accordance with current privacy legislation and the CFPC privacy policy. This policy is published in its entirety on its website at Information provided by registrants to exhibitors, is covered by the privacy policy of the individual exhibit company. Le CMFC recueille, utilise et communique des renseignements personnels conformément à la législation actuelle relative à la protection de la vie privée et la politique de confidentialité du CMFC. Le text intégral de cette politique est publié sur le site web du CMFC à Lorsque les visiteurs interagissent avec les exposants, ils sont assujettis à la politique de confidentialité de l’entreprise exposant concernée.
ASSOCIATIONS / ASSOCIATIONS Alcoholics Anonymous..........................................................1208 Alzheimer Society of Canada.................................................1213 Alzheimer’s Association...........................................................720 Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance (CADDRA).......................805 Canadian and Quebec Association of Optometrists..................515 Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians (CAEP).............201 Canadian Association of Internes & Residents (CAIR)...............424 Canadian Association of Physician Assistants (CAPA)................507 Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE).....P5 Canadian Athletic Therapists Association (CATA)......................921 Canadian Board of Occupational Medicine (CBOM/OEMAC)...502 Canadian Cardiovascular Research Network (CCRN)..................P3 Canadian Celiac Association....................................................822 Canadian Consortium for the Investigation of Cannabinoids (CCIC)..... 824 Canadian Family Practice Nurses Association (CFPNA)..............P1 Canadian Hemophilia Society................................................1214 Canadian Obesity Network (CON-RCO)..................................401 Canadian Pharmacists Association (CPhA)................................722 Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA)...............................920 CUSO-VSO................................................................................P2 Eczema Society of Canada.......................................................704 Hypertension Canada............................................................1216 Osteoporosis Canada...............................................................522 Physicians for Global Survival (PGS)........................................500 Screen Colons Canada.............................................................205 Society of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC).......1107 The Lung Association/ L’Association Pulmonaire......................922 Wonca/AAFP.........................................................................1212 EDUCATIONAL SERVICES & PUBLISHERS / SERVICES ÉDUCATIFS & ÉDITEURS CAN-ADAPTT..........................................................................725 Canadian Association for Medical Education (CAME)...............223 Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) ...................1206 Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS).........................425 Canadian Virtual Hospice........................................................807 Enhanced 18-month Well-Baby Visit........................................P10
Foundation for Medical Practice Education / La Fondation pour l’éducation médicale continue....................924 iRxep.......................................................................................304 IUD Insertion Training............................................................1222 L’Actualité médicale and The Medical Post...............................407 Login Canada........................................................................1224 RxFiles Academic Detailing.....................................................700 The Canadian Medical Hall of Fame........................................121 UpToDate................................................................................520 FEATURE / ELEMENTS EN VEDETTE High Definition Golf™............................................................100 Les Délices de l’Érable / Canadian Maple Delights..... Marketplace Art et Compagnie....................................................... Marketplace FINANCIAL INVESTMENT & INSURANCE SERVICES / INVESTISSEMENTS ET ASSURANCE American Express Small Business Services...............................808 Scotiabank.............................................................................1018 TD Insurance Meloche Monnex.............................................1221 FOUNDATIONS / FONDATIONS Research & Education Foundation (REF)................. College Square Norlien Foundation................................................................1205 GOVERNMENT / GOUVERNEMENT Canada Revenue Agency..........................................................607 Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care.......................606 Health Canada - MedEffect™ Canada......................................603 Health Canada – Medical Marihuana Reform...........................609 Public Health Agency of Canada, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Initiative...............................605 Santé Canada/Health Canada...................................................601 LIFESTYLE & NUTRITION / STYLE DE VIE E NUTRITION Becel Centre for Heart Health..................................................707 Canada Beef Inc......................................................................405 Egg Farmers of Canada.............................................................207 Ideal Protein............................................................................203 Kellogg Canada Inc..................................................................813 Nestlé Canada Inc...................................................................806 Surgical Weight Loss Centre.....................................................518
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
exhibitORs • exposANTs
The College of Family Physicians of Canada.......... College Square Collège Québécois des médecins de famille / Quebec College of Family Physicians..................... College Square Research & Education Foundation (REF)................. College Square
exhibitORs • exposANTs
EXHIBITORS • EXPOSANTS MEDICAL DEVICES / DISPOSITIFS MÉDICAUX Bionex Medical Technologies.................................................1218 GE Healthcare.........................................................................308 Surgo Surgical Supply..............................................................506 TENS Canada.............................................................................P7 Trimedic .................................................................................706 Trudell Medical International...................................................614 Valco Products.........................................................................719 PHARMACEUTICAL / PHARMACEUTIQUE Abbott Laboratories..................................................................612 Amgen Canada – Bone Health.................................................508 Astellas Pharma Canada Inc...................................................1201 AstraZeneca Canada Inc..........................................................812 Bayer Inc.........................................................................113, 222 BMS/AZ...................................................................................409 Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada)..............................................1200 Ddrops Company.....................................................................709 Eli Lilly Canada ......................................................................912 Ferring Pharmaceuticals...........................................................900 GlaxoSmithKline......................................................................904 Janssen....................................................................................919 Johnson & Johnson Inc.............................................................412 Leo Pharma Inc........................................................619, 625, 820 Lundbeck Canada..................................................................1117 Medical Futures Inc.................................................................721 Merck Canada.........................................................................618 NeilMed Pharmaceuticals........................................................803 Novartis...................................................................................819 Novo Nordisk Canada Inc........................................................818 Nycomed Canada Inc............................................................1020 Paladin Labs Inc.......................................................................825 PendoPharm..........................................................................1209 Pfizer Canada........................................................................1006 Pfizer Canada Established Products Business Unit....................212 Pfizer Epi-pen..........................................................................608 Pfizer Soins de Sante...............................................................923 Promensil................................................................................723 Reckitt Benckiser Pharmaceuticals Inc.....................................504 Roche Canada.........................................................................724 sanofi-aventis.........................................................................1000 Takeda Canada, Inc.................................................................901 Valeant Canada.......................................................................809 Warner Chilcott Canada..........................................................718 PRACTICE MANAGEMENT PRODUCTS AND SERVICES / PRODUITS ET SERVICES DE GESTION DE LA PRATIQUE Appletree Medical Group........................................................621 Canada Health Infoway / Inforoute Santé du Canada ..............821 MD Physician Services.............................................................119 OSCAR..................................................................................1211 Pinnacle Integrated Health Centres..........................................300 Purkinje...................................................................................209 STI...........................................................................................218 The Community Network.......................................................1113 Your Health Explained.............................................................302
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
RECRUITERS / RECRUTEMENT Blind River District Health Centre..........................................1207 Brantford-Brant, Halton and Hamilton.....................................918 Canadian Forces Health Services...........................................1219 Canadian Forces Quality of Life—Military Family Health Care / Qualité de vie des Forces canadiennes—Soins de santé pour les familles des militaires . ..1217 Central Community Health Centre.........................................1215 City of Thunder Bay.................................................................513 Department of Family Medicine – Calgary – AHS.....................801 Dryden Regional Health Centre.................................................P6 Goderich Alexandra Marine & General Hospital and Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance.......................................925 Health Match BC.....................................................................509 Interior health Authority...........................................................220 J.A. Hildes Northern Medical Unit...........................................524 Kirkland and District Hospital....................................................P4 MCI The Doctors Office™........................................................815 Middlesex Hospital Alliance....................................................306 Northern Medical Services.......................................................702 Nunavut, Dept of Health & Social Services..............................902 NZLocums/NZMedics..............................................................123 Ochre Recruitment..................................................................708 Physician Quest (Bruce Power).................................................403 Physician Recruitment Agency of Saskatchewan.....................1123 Red Lake Medical Centre...........................................................P8 Sioux Lookout Regional Physician Services..............................225 Sunnybrook Hospital Hospitalist Training Program.....................P9 Vancouver Island Health Authority...........................................623 White Rock – South Surrey Division of Family Practice ...........823 RESEARCH / RECHERCHE MD Analytics...........................................................................125 Memorial University – Family Medicine Primary Healthcare Research Unit........................................................219 TECHNOLOGY / TECHNOLOGIES Toshiba of Canada ..................................................................313 UNIVERSITIES, DEPARTMENTS OF FAMILY MEDICINE / UNIVERSITÉS, DÉPARTEMENTS DE MÉDECINE FAMILIALE Dalhousie University...............................................................320 Les programmes francophones de résidence de médecine familiale.................................................................. 221 McGill University....................................................................321 McMaster University................................................................324 Memorial University of Newfoundland....................................318 Northern Ontario School of Medicine......................................421 Queen’s University...................................................................325 University of Alberta................................................................322 University of British Columbia.................................................319 University of Calgary...............................................................418 University of Manitoba............................................................422 University of Ottawa................................................................323 University of Saskatchewan......................................................423 University of Toronto................................................................419 University of Western Ontario..................................................420
Palais des congrès de Montréal
220 c d e
Registration Inscription
AISLE / ALLÉE 1200 Boehringer Ingelheim
Login Physician Recruiters of Saskatchewan
The Community Network
Silent Auction
AISLE / ALLÉE 1000 Pfizer
AISLE / ALLÉE 900 Eli Lilly
P10 P9 P8 P7
P5 P4
P2 P1
Johnson & Johnson Toshiba
Family Medicine Residency Programs
Les programmes de résidence en médecine familiale
AISLE / ALLÉE 200 Centre Internet Centre
Pfizer Bayer
High Definition Golf Simulator
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
LEVEL 2 / Niveau 2
Humanities Theatre Théatre des sciences humaines
Exhibit Hall Hall d’exposition
Information Information
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
Registration Inscription
Demonstration Theatres Les théâtres de démonstration
Media Centre Centre des médias 518 b c
Speakers’ Room Salle des conférenciers 518 a Opening Ceremonies Cérémonies d’ouverture 517 b c d Keynote address Conférence d’ouverture 517 b c d General Sessions Séances générales 517 b President’s Installation L’installation du président 517 b c d Convocation Collation des grades 517 c d
Scientific Posters Affiches scientifiques Foyer
Satellite Symposia Symposiums satellites 520 a b d e
Convocation Marshalling Collation des grades (défilé) 517 a
Gowning, Photography Room Salle d’habillage, photographie 516 c
Assemblée générale annuelle du CQMF QCFP Annual General Meeting 510
CFPC All Members Forum Forum l’intention de tous les membres du CMFC 510
CFPC Annual General Meeting Assemblées générale annuelle du CMFC 510
Research Day / Journée de recherche 511 b c e f
Show and Tell Séance d’expression libre FOYER
LEVEL 5 / Niveau 5
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
Computer Learning Centre Centre d’apprentissage informatique
Section of Teachers Annual General Meeting Assemblées générale annuelle de la Section des enseignants 510
Family Medicine Education Forum (FMEF) Forum sur l’education en médicine familiale (FEMF) 510
Zone 3
LEVEL 7 / Niveau 7
Satellite Symposia Symposium satellites Thursday Friday, Saturday Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi
FMF Celebration Soirée gala du FMF Saturday / Samedi
Marquee 725
Zone 1
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
730 VIP
710 Prefunction
Zone 4
rue saint-Alexandre
avenue Viger Ouest
Hôtel Intercontinental Hotel 360 St-Antoine
Entrance 1001, place Jean-Paul Riopelle
Hôtel Le Westin Hotel 270 St-Antoine
Entrance 301, rue Saint-Antoine
Entrance 201, avenue Viger Ouest
rue de La Gauchetière Ouest rue Chéneville
rue Jeanne-Mance
Palais des congrès de Montréal
MÉTRO Place-d’Armes Subway
avenue Viger Ouest
rue Saint-Antoine ouest
rue Côté
rue de La Gauchetière Ouest
rue Saint-Antoine Ouest
rue saint-Alexandre
rue De Bleury
place Jean-Paul-Riopelle
rue Saint-Urbain
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
Family Medicine Forum 2011 / Forum 2011 en médecine familiale
We gratefully acknowledge the following partners for their ongoing support of Family Medicine Forum. En remerciement de leur soutien continu au Forum en médecine familiale, nous tenons à exprimer notre reconnaissance à nos fidèles partenaires suivants.
ANNUAL PARTNERS / PARTENAIRES ANNUELS We gratefully acknowledge the following partners for their annual support of Family Medicine Forum 2011 En remerciement de leur soutien au Forum en médecine familiale 2011, nous tenons à exprimer notre reconnaissance à nos partenaires annuels suivants. DIAMOND • DIAMANT
Mark your calendar! Marquez votre calendrier !
November 15 – 17 novembre
Metro Toronto Convention Centre 800.387.6197 ׀
Canada’s premier family medicine conference Le plus important événement au pays consacré à la médecine familiale