Portfolio Claudia Flores

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claudia flores

info claudia flores timoteo arch i te ct/ u rban plan n e r 25 rue LĂŠon 75018 Paris / France

+33 0781270550

cft.ti moteo@gmai l .com 2014

projec t s thesis : Un regard durable sur les camps de réfugiés workshop: Economic development of Sfax, Tunisia competition : Park Flor de Amancaes thesis : Cultural spaces in Villa el Salvador workshop : Habiter le désert project: urban triptych, Pachacutec travesía project : Valparaíso, Chili architecture / project supervision volunteering /publications


THESIS PROJECT The document analyses urban planning of refugee camps from a sustainable persperctive. First we review the concepts for wich the camp is defined as a espace of exception, subject to discrimitaion and political control. Secondly, the analysis of the internal dynamics of the space that could allow us to imagine the creation of a city and the permanence of this space. The camp and all the parasitary structures on it (transit centers, reception centers, etc) are seen as complex ecological systems that when interacting with the territory and other sub/upper sytems can not be dissociate from the consequences over the environment and other global dynamics. From the analysis of its behavier, we stablish its capacity to be resilient, in relation to the ecosystem that host it. Finally, we analyse some behaviers that increase the capacity of each space to become autonomous, techniques and building materials are also studied in order to modify how the humanitarian system conducts its operations and to put them into a more responsable path. Year 2014 University tutor Anne-Laure Amilhat Internship tutor Alessio Batistella

Camps form Four different type of camps are promoted by international organization, they are evidence of a systematic and closed approach that leaves out of question real needs and social entrepreneurship.





1: WAY STATIONS / TRANSIT & RECEPTION CENTRE Solar energy collection


Rain water collection

HUB -ahealth / market / administration / recycling

Greywater treatment / water storage

HUB -bhealth / commerce / jobs 2: CAMPS HUBS

The project promotes a different approach for each part of the camp system. If the context demands it, the camp could be autonomous (energy production, waste reuse, food production), but it can also establish a connection to local communities through the creation of commerce paths and infrastructure sharing. Different construction technics are proposed that combine local knowledge and the reuse and transformation of humanitarian items.

Storage area use as isolation Water collection from fog / eolic energy


Production of shoe components in la Poudrière


The de-industrialization process After analyzing diferent aspects of Sfax functionning, we focused on the economic dynamics and development of this industrial city. Its history shows why it has an important position on the economic scenario of Tunisia. The existing activities, based on a local cottage industry, are now in crisis. Moreover, the binding location of industries is polluting the city center and the coast line. Two main sites were observed and they seem indicative of broader trends (La Poudriere area, The Technopole hub). On the one hand, the national policy is to focus on the creation of a technologicalhub , which encounters difficulties in its implementation, particularly at a local level. On the other hand, the relocation of enterprises from the city centre reduces the income contribution, leaves vacant land, and affects the organization of the city, especially in terms of transport and housing. Economic mutations cause cascading effects, both on the reorganization of relations between different actors, companies working in network, as on project areas. One may question the search of balance between the inner city and activities located in the periphery. Within the context of a metropolization process, Sfax’s economy should generate a significant analysis on whether spatialized projects are pertinent. Year 2014 University tutor Emmanuel Matteudi Team Nina.Carré/Claudia.Flores/Akim.Uyar

workshops workers Supply to the workshops inside the Medina

Import of raw materials Entrance through the port of Sfax and the port of Tunis

Zone 1: La Poudriere An area in transformation but that keeps a close relation between the city centre and the port, thanks to the production and comercialization of shoes.

regional production

million pairs/year national production Product assembled in small workshops

Economic dynamics at a metropolitan level Poudriere 1 Conversion to services and commerce

Sfax presents different projects, industry is been relocated to the periphery, local production leaves the city, but no renovation plan is proposed

Technopole NTIC sector development from the city centre

Decontamination of the nord coastline

Nord coastline Urban renewal projects

Relocation of the SIAPE

Zone 2: La Technopole A technology hub, specialized in information technology, communication and multimedia. Offers 60 ha of land and different services for foreign and local entreprises.It will require an important infrastructure project as well as marketing.

Relocation of industries to the periphery

South coastline Projects still on analysis


PUBLIC COMPETITION The project was conceived as a public space serving a grand periferic area of Lima. With a program that included a cultural building, a sports center and an extensive green program: a pot, a greenhouse, compost and growing area. In order to make the process familiar to the citizen, we proposed differents axis to be completed throw the time. First, changing from an existing closed greenhouse to an open one, with stations all along the perimeter of the park serving not only their propose but like an exchange place. Second, an educational axis that connects two existing squares with a cultural building. Finally, the sports axis with a longer path that includes a skate park and tracks. The landscape design uses two scales, a central space -green/empty- for multiple uses and massive encounters. Subspaces defined by the paths in the rest of the park are for more casual encounter. The surface of the park is adapted to the annual weather cycle, mineral pavements, gravel, pirca, crushed brick. Elements that are present in local memory. Year 2012 Team Elizabeth.Añaños/Julio.Castro/ Claudia.Flores/Mayra.Peña/Karel.Van

Green stations 1 rain water/container 2 mist 3 mesh 4 plantpot 5 Water recycling system

Open nursery / greenhouse

Scale of occupation Two types of experience. The empty center defines a space of masive reunion, while the others have an intimate scale.

Open vs. close nursery The existing nursery will be divided into small parts and positioned along the border, offering an exchange area to the park.

Cultural axis It joins the two pre-existing squares through a cultural center. Rest and reading stops serve as transition.

Sport axis It joins the sports center with the skate park. Open gyms and play stations are located to the sides of the path.

Atomization vs concentration The central space opposes to the green-huaca atomizing dynamics.

public place 1/5 cultural building 2 educational axis 3 existing school 4 sports center entrance 6 sports center 7 open sports center 8 sports axis 9 central space 10 running track 11 skate park 12 green stations 13-19 green ‘huaca’ 20


Local species used in park design

Vegetal Density goes from the border to the center. Local species were selected: trees, bushes and floor creapers.

Floor plan


THESIS PROJECT 20 km south of Lima: absence, disintegration, violence, but also game, color, identity and hope. Villa el Salvador is a part of the city, as many others, selfconstructed, with the particularity that was a designed informal occupation and that since its creation has shown a large participation from the community. Lima concentrates almost all cultural services in the centre, drawing a map of absence on the periphery. But in those -empty- places we found new forms of cultural expressions. After mapping these events we discover a great number of activities like street cinema and theatre, cultural forums, mural interventions, internet congregation spaces and a freedom in form and conteiner that contrast with the rigid urban tissue. Looking at this organisation of blocks, residential groups and sectors, we find a common element, the square, intended to be a park in the middle of the desert but had never achieved his purpose. Instead we propose to build the park with the activities that are characteristic of each area. The project addresses one of these parks, and fills it with a specific program, emphasizing the importance of preparation and exposition spaces, as well as public areas. Year 2007 Professors Jean.Crousse/Alfredo.Sanchez

A rigid urban tissue, with no empty spaces for public facilities

How to emerge and contain the program, while allowing the public to go through the park

The action of going through the park replicates inside the building, crossing the interior with the most flexible part of the program

1st Group - dance+music+sports

5th Group - theatre+circus+poetry+sports

3th Group - theatre+circus+dance+reading club+cinema+gallery

7th Group - theatre+circus+poetry+sports

Different zones use different textures and materials according to the surface purpose

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1st level - plan

2nd level (public) - plan

Circus practice area Classrooms Classrooms Theatre studio Dance studio Music room Proyection room Cafeteria Library

Roof covering in Superboard sheet Structural beam Fe 10’’ x 10’’ (perimeter), 6’’ x 10’’ (tie-beam) High ilumination -High Bay- hanging from composite slab through a hook Stainless steel tensioned mesh GKD ‘’Ellipse 14’’ Technical footbridge: Tube Fe 2’’ x 4’’, perforated sheet and electrify rail added to the tube Structural column Fe 6’’ x 10’’ Connection: stainless steal canal 4’’x3’’x3/16’’ welded to the tubular connector 2’’x2’’x1/8’’ Continuous anchorage tube 2’’ added to column through a support beam 4’’ x 4’’ x 1/4’’ Lateral lighting, steal lamp with polystyrene shade Concrete wall t=30 cm, exposed marks from formwork Lateral anchorage Fe sheet 1/4''

MONDO floor, Super X model


Detailed section - Circus, practice area

Proposals for public space in Villa el Salvador


Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú - Lima École Spéciale d’Architecture - Paris

In the context of a modern city, where everything responds to an economic and practical reasoning, fragmentation is a common mechanism for survival, sometimes leading to social and spatial autonomie. This growth without planning generates neighborhoods with no equipment or services. How to create them in a context where there is little available land? Villa el Salvador, a citadel build on a desert 26 km south of Lima, in the 70’s. Was born after the invation of land for real state purpose. But soon presented a particualr organisation based on rural communities dynamics, with a great participation of the population. This awarded them a coherent urban planning where each group has their own park. From an informal settlement to be honored by the ONU, Villa el Salvador has proved to have a strong organisation. The workshop proposes the central parks of the residential groups, as location for this equipment, in different ways that take into account the nature of the program and the public space, without loosing green areas. The relevance of the program is given by the existence of several cultural associations which are already located in the urban tissue ans that need an adequate space for their activities.

Year 2007 Organizers Jean.Pierre.Crousse/ Guillermo.Guevara/Claudia.Flores

WALKING The action of walking and stopping, brings the concept of porosity and mass. This combined with the program and the existing elements, gives a distinctive topography to the project. Militza Carrillo/ Felix Millory / Marlit Martins

ZANCOS In VES the difference between groups is given by the program and organizations. Stilts as symbols, emerging like landmarks to reinforce its presence and link them point by point, sector by sector. Karim Jamali/Benjamin B/Paulo Miñan/ Miguel Flores

CONTAINERS To work with the slope in order to create a green space in one side of the park, and a open area for sport practice in the other front, using containers to accommodate the program, that connects both sides. Morgane Chaplain/Chloe Baychelier/Stefanie Romero/Juan Zapata/Martin Monta単ez

The REVES game A game where the community plays a decisive role in the formulation of their priorities and the negotiation of resources, where advices from experts and community activities own a fixed value . This will build a specific configuration to each park. Oscar Malaspina/Daphne Polyzos/Luis Tomassini


URBAN TRIPTYCH Pachacutec Citadel, located 35 km from downtown Lima, is a developping tissue. It is one of many shantytowns unattended by local governments. Created in the middle of the desert from formal and informal occupations in the late 90’s has had a low and interrupted development. Today, with a population of about 200’000 still depends economically upon Lima. Furthermore, its inhabitants commute to work in Lima every day, spending 4 hours in public transportation. In that sense, the way its citadel operates is similar to a bedroom city. Here, public areas are almost inexistent, poverty and basic requirements are still unsatisfied with no concern for the common good. However, history shows that collective initiatives exist, as far as they show tangible and evident individual benefits. In order to broaden their understanding through concrete facts and objects that demostrate that every collective good brings about individual benefits, we positioned ourselves at the ‘Hatun Inka’ market. Year 2005 Team Elizabeth.Añaños/Claudia. Flores/Oscar.Malaspina

The market has enough room for 148 vendors. However there were only 73 rented stands, with only 61 of them operating. The market also had a local radio: a DJ and a loudspeeker at one of the corners. Reintegrating the concern for public areas management through the implementation of collectively-constructed material devices was our goal.

But, in such context, any project of this type could only be accomplished NEGOTIATING between the collective and individual benefits, a balance point in which both sides would be satisfied, provoking in this way a ‘‘win-win situation’’. The Intervention Our goal was to generate a space that would gain importance for its utilitarian use.

provisional office loud speaker / megafone

We wanted to build an information exchange spot/bulletin-board structure to function like ‘‘yellow pages’’ on wich to place offer and demand news. In order to stimulate the vendor’s participation, we negotiated with them the idea of having an outside space to advertise their products. A temporary office was instaled at the juice stand of the market.

Step 1: INFO We took pictures of all the vendors and printed out the background for a ‘‘publicity poster’’ that they would finish by themselves. Containing the location of their stand and the products they offered. 65% of vendors participated.

Step 2: CONSTRUCTION Once a good raport was established, and since the vendors started having spectations about where their -publicity posters- would be placed, inviting them in the construction of the OBJECT was not difficult. Recycled items, which they themselves donated, were used.

Step 3: INSTALLATION During the installation spontaneous and interesting processes arose. One of the vendors proposed to delimit the ground to define the intervention space in a better way.

Step 4: SIGNAGE Due to the high level of participation, we did a complementary activity, again we NEGOTIATED the idea of constructing objects that would give a special character to the streets, naming and using them as publicity for the market. The installation became a reference in the area, suddenly turning into a bus stop.

IMPACT The constructed object started operating. Three weeks later, in spite of its vulnerability it was still upright and in good condition. A year after the TRYPTYCH, it was still being used permanently by the human/urban tissue proving that social sustainability is possible. signage

provisional office loud speaker / megafone

provisional office loud speaker / megafone


provisional office loud speaker / megafone


MUSEUM - RIO DE JANEIRO A -Travesía- is an experience in wich one is exposed to everything is out there...the city. Observation plays a critical role, and words are the way this observations becomes real. How to read America from their habits, spaces, colors, animals, ways of walking, confidence.


The foundation

The Act: Itinerant walk throw a permeable long. The museum as a space of multiple relations. There is not only one inner emptiness but many, representing a whole. The container as the first element, the roof and the corridor path given by the stop in cubicles. How to combine the walk of trade with the the walk inside the museum, while being intervened by art at the same time. This walk is also a space to exhibit and be exposed (as art as well as visitor). The exhibition spaces are objects added to the gallery, objects as they can be placed and intervened insight. We can continue transforming the museum, changing the use of space, manipulating it. Year 2006 Teachers J.Ferrada / C.Villavicencio School Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

The project To emerge and to dive into the noise and mouvement of trade, where we feel inside a system, protected. But once the street finishes and we are vulnerable again, the decision of taking a path appears. This emerge and dive talks about expectation and wander, a different way of experience the museum.

Only through the conclusive form the unfinished of dimmension appears, wich is the size.

The diffuse and the marked edge...nature reaches the edge, city should reach as deep as possible into the museum

Benavides & Watmough studio 2008/2009


Private practice developping residential, institutional and commercial projects. Position_Design assistant

Appartment building PEZET 515

San Isidro - Lima 2010/2011

Project by the architect Hans Hollein, an appartment building facing a golf field in the city centre. As part of the supervision team, coordinations were done with contractors, designers and clients. Company_Buckley & Konno S.A.C. Charge_Supervisor

‘Alfonso Ugarte’ School Remodeling

San Isidro - Lima 2009/2010

A two stages remodeling, contemplating the enhancement of a 50 years-old school building, structural reinforcements, and new classroom and sports buildings. Company_Cosapi S.A. Charge_ Supervisor

ONG Un Techo para mi PaĂ­s

AFEV - Kolocation Solidaire

Latin american organisation who provides emergency shelter and housing to people living in informal occupations. Working with volunteers to fight poverty in our contries.

Volunteer project organized by AFEV, working on social diversity and citizenship. I worked as a volunteer with the public scribe in assisting residents to write and complete different documents.

Position_Member of the Construction team





Faculty of Architecture / Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú - Lima Año 1. N° 1 /2007 Direct Architecture / Prof. Manuel de Rivero

How to obtein the biggest impact from the smallest intervention. A presentation of various cases performed during the Urbanism course leaded by arch. Manuel de Rivero. The proyect URBAN TRIPTYCHPACHACUTEC was included in the article, showing how the introduction of new information improves communication and collective services. From a bedroom city to a one that creates their own dynamics, and that could also produce more permanent infraestructure.


Issue 10 - Urban Matters october 2008

As part of the issue Urban Matters, Praxis magazine included the article Direct Architecture, with the PACHACUTEC project. An example of a small change that had a great impact in this part of society, encouraging collective initiatives among population. Specially where formal architecture have little oportunities to intervene, as fast as needed, and improve the city.



Architects committed to the peruvian reality, this was the start point to build the final year workshop around a program that had the benefit of being adaptable to the different context of the country. This program was the ‘Center of Technological Innovation’ driven by the Ministry of Production, with the aim of promoting a susteinable and inclusive development in the regions. After a collaboration between the school and the government, several projects, and products, found their location enriching the program and variety of responses.

After the 2007 earthquake in Peru, many reconstruction projects have been followed, several organisations have participated in the process of improving the quality of life, adapting ideas to different geographic conditions. The book gathers the most successful cases, emphasizing the architectural and constructive side. Alternative improved materials, selfconstruction and technical support are the main changes proposed to the population to build their new home. As the reconstruction still continues, this became a source for rural construction programs in the future.



Faculty of Architecture / Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú / Ministry of Production 2010

GIZ / Cooperación Alemana - Lima 2011



PORTFOLIO 2014 claudia flores timoteo

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